PROJECT: Simon 3,955 November 7, 2014 #1 Share November 7, 2014 (edited) What will you do if ponies stands against the princesses because they're using ponies as slaves.? Will you stand against with the ponies? Or will you protect the princesses (Luna, Celestia, Cadence and Twilight) from harm no matter what? Me? I have no idea what to do. Edited November 7, 2014 by BronyAssassin 1 Equestria Girl Artist / Infernus's adorable brother / PROJECT: Echo, My Little Kohai Having a bad day? Come relax in my profile, I'll try my best to make you at least smile a bit.. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Odyssey 5,717 November 7, 2014 #2 Share November 7, 2014 (edited) Hmm, I'm not sure what to say. The problem with this is you haven't given a good reason why ponies are standing against Princess Celestia. I'm not saying you hate her, but isn't it kind of strange to turn against Tia for no reason? Is Tia a tyrant in this scenario? Why are the ponies against her? What about Luna? All of these questions are essential to your question, otherwise I wouldn't take either side. EDIT: I didn't realise you edited your post and given reasons on why the ponies should stand against the Princesses. You should've told me about this... But anyways, I wouldn't take either side. I don't want to protect the Princesses, yet I don't want to turn my back against them. If anything, I would find some kind of solution that can help both sides, like the Elements of Harmony. Edited November 8, 2014 by Mienshao 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
VitalSpark 1,830 November 7, 2014 #3 Share November 7, 2014 I can't imagine Twilight in particular taking sides against Celestia unless Celestia had done something pretty bad. In which case I'd be on Twilight's side. Come to think of it, I'd always be on Twilight's side. ~VitalSpark~ [fimfiction] [deviantart] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ThatOneComrade 1,091 November 7, 2014 #4 Share November 7, 2014 Well, that depends on the reason why they're doing it. I'd protect the primcesses, but if the ponies' reasoning is some really good stuff I might waver on my stance. href="/monthly_02_2014/post-8308-0-69609200-1393191794.png"> Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dewdlz 938 November 7, 2014 #5 Share November 7, 2014 First, I would let Twilight know since she's more knowledgeable than I am. At the same time I would protect Luna and only her, trying to persuade them to stop slavery and come up with a new solution. If they are being forced to work without pay, it's simply not right. If they are working on their own free will as an act of charity, that's an entirely different story. Why Luna you may ask? *points to avatar* that's why. ^Space-djent music for Luna. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
PROJECT: Simon 3,955 November 7, 2014 Author #6 Share November 7, 2014 On 2014-11-07 at 12:20 PM, Dewdlz said: First, I would let Twilight know since she's more knowledgeable than I am. At the same time I would protect Luna and only her, trying to persuade them to stop slavery and come up with a new solution. If they are being forced to work without pay, it's simply not right. If they are working on their own free will as an act of charity, that's an entirely different story. Why Luna you may ask? *points to avatar* that's why. Coffee eh? Someone bring starbucks! Its the only way to strike Luna! Equestria Girl Artist / Infernus's adorable brother / PROJECT: Echo, My Little Kohai Having a bad day? Come relax in my profile, I'll try my best to make you at least smile a bit.. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dewdlz 938 November 7, 2014 #7 Share November 7, 2014 On 2014-11-07 at 12:37 PM, BronyAssassin said: Coffee eh? Someone bring starbucks! Its the only way to strike Luna! My life for the Lunar Princess, you shall not touch her while I still stand. ^Space-djent music for Luna. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Nohbdy 4,108 November 7, 2014 #8 Share November 7, 2014 Moved to Sugarcube Corner, as this is a hypothetical scenario within the My Little Pony universe. If the princesses were using the ponies as slaves, according to the OP? I'd stand with the ponies, of course. I don't imagine I'd like being ruled by a class of super-beings in the first place, doubly so if they're now using their power for evil. Perfect opportunity to stage a coup against the despotic rulers of Equestria, and free the working ponies from the oppression of the ruling class. Of course, that won't be the end of it. Oh, no, far from. This scenario reminds me of the October Revolution, which incidentally happened today in 1917. While it wasn't the original revolution that toppled the Czar's rule, it did establish the Soviet Union. I imagine that the ponies, after being subjected to this kind of oppression, would opt for a more egalitarian society in the hope that such abuse of power can never happen again. But how will this society play out? Well, I suppose that'd depend on your view of human--or, in this case, pony--nature. Best case scenario, we get a peaceful, progressive, and democratic society that embodies the best of pony nature. Perhaps we'd see a return to the near-utopian society that we observe in the actual show--perhaps even better, now that we have less dependence on the abilities of god-monarchs and more on the abilities of the citizenry. We may even see scientific, cultural, and industrial revolutions as a result. Worst case, we may get an Orwellian dystopia akin to that of the real-life Soviet Union: one group seizes power and replaces the deposed rulers as the new despots. This could happen either quickly, or gradually. Perhaps we may initially see hope of a utopia, but this may slide slowly, but surely toward dystopia. We may see a formally established caste system: unicorns at the top, followed by pegasi, and finally the earth ponies. Perhaps we may even see a return to the magocratic despotism of the alicorn regime. All ponies are equal, but some ponies are more equal than others. Yet, neither of these scenarios will likely occur. These ponies were slaves. For how long, though? What kind of education do they have? Given that the monarchy has been in power for millennia, how well developed is Equestrian political philosophy? They have none of the historical references that we have, as far as we know. If they're anything like humans, they will make the same mistakes as we did in history. On the other hand, if they're as great as we'd like to believe (from seeing them in the show), I imagine that they'd fare much better. And, while the pessimist in me screams that they'll make the same mistakes as we do, the optimist in me would like to believe otherwise. The realist in me, ultimately, sees something in between happening. We know that Equestrian society, even in the show, isn't perfect. We don't see wars or crime, but we do know that malice, fear, and prejudice exist. We've seen the likes of Diamond Tiara, and we've seen how the ponies initially reacted to Zecora. We also know that King Sombra was a pony just like the others, but he was undeniably evil (in fact, he did what the princesses did in this scenario). We know that they're imperfect. Fallible. Prone to mistakes. Capable of evil. Especially in this dark, twisted version of Equestria. Taking all of these together, we can expect troubling times for Equestria. Building the perfect society is no easy task. It could take decades or more before even the semblance of democracy can be established--and even then, injustice will continue to exist. There may be conflicts over opposing ideologies, races, and even talents. But I like to think that the ponies will eventually find a way to construct a happy, prosperous civilization. We know from history that evolution, not revolution, produces progress. In the end, it may all be worth the struggles. That is, of course, if the ponies succeed in destroying the alicorn regime in the first place, and that the Czarists princesses don't simply crush the revolution. x) 6 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mr Underhill 219 November 7, 2014 #9 Share November 7, 2014 Well... for starters, I'd like to find out what caused this major shift in The Princess's alignment to go against harmony and enslave their subjects. Suspect #1 Discord, #2 Sombra. Or perhaps, Discord possessed by the spirit of Sombra? Such a radical shift could only be caused by powerful magic. (Elements of Chaos?) I also doubt that the Mane 6 would be affected... Signature by Jewel of Rarity Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jack Dirt 81 November 7, 2014 #10 Share November 7, 2014 On 2014-11-07 at 10:05 AM, Mienshao said: Hmm, I'm not sure what to say. The problem with this is you haven't given a good reason why ponies are standing against Princess Celestia. I'm not saying you hate her, but isn't it kind of strange to turn against Tia for no reason? Is Tia a tyrant in this scenario? Why are the ponies against her? What about Luna? All of these questions are essential to your question, otherwise I wouldn't take either side. You have a point. Another question is: "Is it a good idea?" I mean, Tia is pretty powerful so it would be hard to fight an Alicorn like that. Even though Twilight is an Alicorn, Celestia is much more powerful. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Spectral12 6 November 7, 2014 #11 Share November 7, 2014 I'd stand with the Princesses they are might be doing acts against harmony but they would have their reasons 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Horsy 193 November 7, 2014 #12 Share November 7, 2014 I'd stand with the princesses because they are the only protection for the ponies and have saved their lives many times. It would be selfish and stupid to wish harm to any princess. I can't imagine how or why the alicorns would use them as slaves anyways. Also, Twilight is best pony so I will not go against her, never. KEEP CALM AND EAT CUPCAKES. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Fractured 2,684 November 7, 2014 #13 Share November 7, 2014 (edited) It'd be so out of character for Celestia and Twilight, and so contradictory for Cadence (not really likely even for Luna), that i'd have to assume the alicorns had a good enough reason to justify doing so. It's also unnecessary in practically any situation; there's no real benefit to owning slaves, since they already have everything a dictator could possibly want, with the benefit of having the people love them. The ponies that continually risk their lives for their own people aren't just going to suddenly pull a Hans and turn out to be evil sociopaths. More than likely: They're affected by dark magic(of course!) The elements of harmony have taken over and are attempting to assert order(Every. Fanfic. Ever.)They're attempting to stave off an appending apocalypse by getting ponies to do something they would never do under normal circumstances.(At which point, it would be one alicorn, because Celestia would never allow the others to take the blame for that.) Those are about the only three logical reasons for something like this. Absent the first two cases(which are outside of their control anyway), I would always side with the princesses. Edited November 7, 2014 by Shimmer5000 Produced by the phenomenal J.R. DT Fanclub here: OC Fantasy: OC Alice: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Deathstroke 1,564 November 7, 2014 #14 Share November 7, 2014 I think i'll turn into an Arabic assassin, give me money and i'll work for ya Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Invincible 2,091 November 7, 2014 #15 Share November 7, 2014 Id fight. There is little point defending an immortal tyrant. Good at defending a dictator or not, there is no future in it, sooner or later i will outlive my usefulness and wilt, while the desire for freedom will burn stronger. No matter how many it will take, they will come. My OCs for Roleplay purposes: o Lit Fuse ( o Dust Devil ( Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Pinkamena-Pills 6,839 November 7, 2014 #16 Share November 7, 2014 Im obviously standing on whatever side Pinkie is on. So i guess im against the princesses, tho, this scenario makes no sense anyways, as it's so out of character, that they would have to be being control by some *insert dark powers* for this to occur. Mainly because, honestly, the princesses could probably just ask anypony to do whatever they want, and they'd likely do it anyways, no need for "slaves". Oatmeal, are you crazy?! "Silly, you are already under my control."- Pinkie Pie Signature made by me, because resistance truly is futile, silly. Currently still undergoing maintenance. Yes, i can do that, im a program, silly. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Everleaf 541 November 7, 2014 #17 Share November 7, 2014 Well this depends on how you mean this...if ponies were (used) as guards or others by that line I would protect the Princesses on the other hoof if ponies would be used as SLAVES I would more or less fight for the ponies! though I may still stand partly up to the Princesses as we for one do not know their reasoning and yet they have protecting Equestria for more than 1000 years, and I would learn to respect this but would I TRUST the Princesses if so this was true I would say NO I would lose a lot of trust with Equestrian royalty however I cannot see them doing this without reason, there at least must be one reason that they are doing this, and in that a fair one, come to think of it I would pretty much stand for the Princesses I cannot do harm to the ones who protected Equestria for thousands of years and though I believe they are going though a wrong-doing I cannot consider them bad ponies but any extent when you refer to Celestia do you mean all of Equestrian royalty or just her alone if just her I have no right to turn away from the other Princesses considering they did nothing wrong in that I would not (turn) on any Equestrian royalty so it is quite clear I would likely stand up for the Princesses. The deepest of the Everfree! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ShintX 180 November 8, 2014 #18 Share November 8, 2014 (edited) Its probably some evil enchantment. Celestia is the most caring and kind hearted guardian of Equestria. They would figure out how to help Celestia, just as Celestia helps them Edited November 8, 2014 by ShintX Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
PROJECT: Simon 3,955 November 8, 2014 Author #19 Share November 8, 2014 On 2014-11-07 at 12:45 PM, Carl Sagan said: Moved to Sugarcube Corner, as this is a hypothetical scenario within the My Little Pony universe. If the princesses were using the ponies as slaves, according to the OP? I'd stand with the ponies, of course. I don't imagine I'd like being ruled by a class of super-beings in the first place, doubly so if they're now using their power for evil. Perfect opportunity to stage a coup against the despotic rulers of Equestria, and free the working ponies from the oppression of the ruling class. Of course, that won't be the end of it. Oh, no, far from. This scenario reminds me of the October Revolution, which incidentally happened today in 1917. While it wasn't the original revolution that toppled the Czar's rule, it did establish the Soviet Union. I imagine that the ponies, after being subjected to this kind of oppression, would opt for a more egalitarian society in the hope that such abuse of power can never happen again. But how will this society play out? Well, I suppose that'd depend on your view of human--or, in this case, pony--nature. Best case scenario, we get a peaceful, progressive, and democratic society that embodies the best of pony nature. Perhaps we'd see a return to the near-utopian society that we observe in the actual show--perhaps even better, now that we have less dependence on the abilities of god-monarchs and more on the abilities of the citizenry. We may even see scientific, cultural, and industrial revolutions as a result. Worst case, we may get an Orwellian dystopia akin to that of the real-life Soviet Union: one group seizes power and replaces the deposed rulers as the new despots. This could happen either quickly, or gradually. Perhaps we may initially see hope of a utopia, but this may slide slowly, but surely toward dystopia. We may see a formally established caste system: unicorns at the top, followed by pegasi, and finally the earth ponies. Perhaps we may even see a return to the magocratic despotism of the alicorn regime. All ponies are equal, but some ponies are more equal than others. Yet, neither of these scenarios will likely occur. These ponies were slaves. For how long, though? What kind of education do they have? Given that the monarchy has been in power for millennia, how well developed is Equestrian political philosophy? They have none of the historical references that we have, as far as we know. If they're anything like humans, they will make the same mistakes as we did in history. On the other hand, if they're as great as we'd like to believe (from seeing them in the show), I imagine that they'd fare much better. And, while the pessimist in me screams that they'll make the same mistakes as we do, the optimist in me would like to believe otherwise. The realist in me, ultimately, sees something in between happening. We know that Equestrian society, even in the show, isn't perfect. We don't see wars or crime, but we do know that malice, fear, and prejudice exist. We've seen the likes of Diamond Tiara, and we've seen how the ponies initially reacted to Zecora. We also know that King Sombra was a pony just like the others, but he was undeniably evil (in fact, he did what the princesses did in this scenario). We know that they're imperfect. Fallible. Prone to mistakes. Capable of evil. Especially in this dark, twisted version of Equestria. Taking all of these together, we can expect troubling times for Equestria. Building the perfect society is no easy task. It could take decades or more before even the semblance of democracy can be established--and even then, injustice will continue to exist. There may be conflicts over opposing ideologies, races, and even talents. But I like to think that the ponies will eventually find a way to construct a happy, prosperous civilization. We know from history that evolution, not revolution, produces progress. In the end, it may all be worth the struggles. That is, of course, if the ponies succeed in destroying the alicorn regime in the first place, and that the Czarists princesses don't simply crush the revolution. x) Edited post eh. Such long paragraph mate Equestria Girl Artist / Infernus's adorable brother / PROJECT: Echo, My Little Kohai Having a bad day? Come relax in my profile, I'll try my best to make you at least smile a bit.. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ShadowPirateX 600 November 8, 2014 #20 Share November 8, 2014 I'd side with the princesses. It's not in their nature to be evil and it wouldn't make sense for them, to willingly turn evil all of a sudden, so they probably have their reasons to punish their people. If they became evil due to an outside force, on the other hand, I'd sit back and watch as the Mane 6 solved everything in a 2-parter episode. 1 "Freedom is the right of all sentient beings" ~ Optimus Prime Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Starshine 16,335 November 8, 2014 #21 Share November 8, 2014 Me? I'll fetch a popcorn and my plush seat, then enjoy the show while rooting for the tyrants Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
IJoinedForPonies 126 November 8, 2014 #22 Share November 8, 2014 On 2014-11-07 at 9:49 AM, BronyAssassin said: What will you do if ponies stands against the princesses because they're using ponies as slaves.? Will you stand against with the ponies? Or will you protect the princesses (Luna, Celestia, Cadence and Twilight) from harm no matter what? Me? I have no idea what to do. The Ponies are not confined to live within the law of Equestria, if they feel used, they can relocate elsewhere. Plus they would have to provide physical evidence to even get my attention on the matter. I made an OC! I'm always looking for feedback on her, please have a look and tell me what you think! ^^ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ManalotoM 4 November 8, 2014 #23 Share November 8, 2014 I'd follow twilight because for some reason, she always knows what to do lol Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Stone Cold Applejack 381 November 9, 2014 #24 Share November 9, 2014 Grab a hunting rifle, a machete gladius, and some grenades and try my best to become vilified by the Legi- I mean stop the princesses. (You get that reference I made) TRULY YOURS, YOUR BIGGEST FAN. THIS IS STAN. My OC Red Sage: My OC Storm Line: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Adorkable 2,737 November 12, 2014 #25 Share November 12, 2014 Ah, I would stand with Twilight. Best pony gets all my love, bring on the horde. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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