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Anyone have any diseases or health problems?

~Sugar Sprinkles~

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Does anyone currently have a disease that they are fighting or dealing with right now or just health problems you have to deal with?




I used to have really bad Asthma as a kid. I still have it now, but I have not had an attack since I was young. I still, of course, need to be cautious and carry my inhaler around. Sometimes Asthma can be sneaky. My attacks used to be so bad I would have to constantly go to the Hospital all the time. It sucked, because I had to be careful going out in the hot weather, and even the cold weather as well.


I also currently have Anemia, Nothing really serious and I dunno if that's even a "disease", but yeah. I need to take Iron and vitamins all the time. I take them everyday. I get dizzy a lot, I am super pale, I am tired a lot, and I always feel cold, and many other problems. Its not even the worst Anemia can get, but its still no joke. So, I just have to keep taking my meds and no problem. I know a few people who have worse Anemia than me. It doesn't sound fun and i'd like to avoid that road. 

  • Brohoof 3

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I used to have asthma as a kid and now I currently have anemia. My doctor mentioned that my blood cell count was dangerously low and he literally told me to start eating 3,000 calories a day (at the time I was eating less than 300 calories a day) because of it. I'm also vegetarian, so that more than likely has something to do with it.


Also, I can't drink soda anymore as it pains my heart too badly, yet I can drink coffee no problem. 

Edited by WheatleyCore
  • Brohoof 2


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Not as painful, but having Coeliac's disease absolutely sucks. I mean, I can't have any of my previous favorite foods, otherwise I start suffocating or vomiting. And this "Gluten Free" Garbage tastes like cardboard and the taste alone makes me feel ill. I can't even have crisps anymore, the flavorings, yes even salted, uses flour  :angry: 

Still, whats happened has happened, its taking some getting used to but I'm sure I can live with it.

  • Brohoof 1


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Like some of the other ponies who have replied to this topic, I also had asthma as a kid. I grew out of it, and haven't even owned an inhaler for well over a decade.


When I was about ten years old, I developed a cough so bad that it actually tore a hole in one of my lungs causing my chest cavity to fill up with air (subcutaneous emphysema). I was admitted to hospital for about two and a half weeks.


Oh, and I get hayfever.

I can't even have crisps anymore, the flavorings, yes even salted, uses flour  


I believe Doritos lightly salted tortilla chips are fine. (Don't take my word for it; check the packaging.)

  • Brohoof 1

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Like some of the other ponies who have replied to this topic, I also had asthma as a kid. I grew out of it, and haven't even owned an inhaler for well over a decade.


When I was about ten years old, I developed a cough so bad that it actually tore a hole in one of my lungs causing my chest cavity to fill up with air (subcutaneous emphysema). I was admitted to hospital for about two and a half weeks.


Oh, and I get hayfever.


I believe Doritos lightly salted tortilla chips are fine. (Don't take my word for it; check the packaging.)

Thanks :) I'll check the next time I find them.


http://mlpforums.com/topic/121534-the-evil-withinoutlast-style-survival-rp/ Take a look at my RP please.

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The most obvious is trichotillomania. For those of you that have never heard of it, which is pretty much everyone I've ever run into, it basically a condition where you pull out your own hair. It first popped up in middle school, and I've been stuck with it ever since. It just kind of disappears and reappears, probably triggered by stress.

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I use to have ADD and ADHD but I guess those don't count


health problems I have undeveloped lungs (Asthma) it use to be really bad when I was a kid I had to completely give up on soccer and it had gotten bad a few times to the point I needed to be hospitalized as of now it doesn't bother me and I rarely use my inhaler 


as for diseases I'm pretty sure I don't got any


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Severe depression, dizziness, and have to see the doctor every other week.


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I hadn't any asthma attacks in years, but I expect them to return as I grow old. Mentally on the other hand, I think I suffer from mid levels of depression 

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I have polycystic ovarian syndrome and congenital adrenal hyperplasia. Basically throws my hormones all out of whack and I suffer from anovulation, among other things. I need to take medication for it, but I haven't gotten to the doctor so I haven't taken my meds like I should.


I also have scoliosis, which can be brutal. I'm in constant pain, but it's usually manageable. Occassionally, it'll get really bad and I can't really do anything other than just lay there. I used to go to the chiropractor for it, but paying for your own stuff is expensive and I'm broke as eff. So I only go, now, when I have one of those cripplingly bad days.


Health issues suck when you're poor :(

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I had really nasty Asthma in my younger years but though I still have it it is mostly under control with me only needing an inhaler in extreme circumstances like this one time I go so sick I was sent to urgent care and these wildfires near where I live a few years ago. There was so much soot and ash in the air that everyone was wearing masks. I also have knee problems with 6 work related knee injuries.

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