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Where was Scootaloo born?


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It doesn't sound too possible that she was born in Cloudsdale since she was never able to fly and descending to Ponyville by herself would have ended tragicly, unless her parents brought her from Cloudsdale and moved when she was a baby, but she's never been on school in Cloudsdale according to some Wikias.

  • Brohoof 1
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It doesn't sound too possible that she was born in Cloudsdale since she was never able to fly and descending to Ponyville by herself would have ended tragicly, unless her parents brought her from Cloudsdale and moved when she was a baby, but she's never been on school in Cloudsdale according to some Wikias.


Official answer: unknown.


She could have been born in Cloudsdale easily. Nothing canonically states that Pegasi unable to fly can't stand on clouds, that aspect of Pegasi magic may be innate. I've seen headcanon stating that one of Scootaloo's parents is an Earth Pony, which would be a better explanation of why she would be living in Ponyville, since one of the parents would not naturally be able to live in Cloudsdale. 

  • Brohoof 4
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No one knows. 


I don't see why so many people want such a tragic backstory for her. What's so wrong with her simply having loving Earth Pony/Unicorn parents?(the same vein as the Cakes)

Edited by Metal Gear Dashing
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Apple Bloom was born on the farm, of course.  In "Sweet and Elite", Rarity says she was born in Ponyville.  This very strongly implies Sweetie Belle was born there, too.


In Episode 12, Call of the Cutie, the CMCs meet for the 1st time at Diamond Tiara's party.  This strongly implies that this is within a few days of the start of the school year and that this is their 1st year together (in small schools, you know pretty much every one close to your own age).  This means either the CMCs are in 1st grade (which seems a little young to be the last with no cutie mark) or that Scootaloo's parents moved to town over that summer.


(Yes, there was a shot of the CMCs together in Friendship is Magic, but Hasbro says this is a mistake).  This means S was born elsewhere & just moved to Ponyville.  So, unless you work for Hasbro, your guess where is as good as anyone on Earth.


As to Scootaloo living in Cloudsdale when she can't fly, Episode 23 Cutie Mark Chronicles, Fluttershy can't fly but she can walk on clouds.  This implies all Pegasi can walk on clouds even if they can't fly.  IMO, it is possible that S's parents lived in Cloudsdale, & moved to Ponyville lest Scootaloo fall to her death.

  • Brohoof 1
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Suspiciously close to a pegesi mare.


In all likely hood, probably ponyville. Its not uncommon for pegesi to be both born and raised there. In fact ponyville prides itself on being more balanced out than Canterlot and Cloudsdale even though Ponyville itself was founded as an Earth Pony town.


Also Scoots is in the same class as the rest of the CMC and none of the other fillies and colts treat her as if she came out of nowhere,

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In Episode 12, Call of the Cutie, the CMCs meet for the 1st time at Diamond Tiara's party.  This strongly implies that this is within a few days of the start of the school year and that this is their 1st year together (in small schools, you know pretty much every one close to your own age).  This means either the CMCs are in 1st grade (which seems a little young to be the last with no cutie mark) or that Scootaloo's parents moved to town over that summer.


I think the only explanation I can figure out for the fact that Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle seem to know each other somewhat, but Applebloom only just meets them at Diamond Tiara's party, is that Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle have only just moved to Ponyville. (And perhaps met each other when they were shown around the school?)


Applebloom clearly has not only just started at school, as she seems to already know most of the other kids, especially Twist.


However, Rarity was born in Ponyville. So why would Sweetie Belle have only just started at school? Well, their parents seem to have a love of travelling, so perhaps Sweetie Belle has been travelling with them for a while, and has only just been sent to Ponyville to stay with her older sister?

Edited by Vital Sparkle
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Vital Sparkle  Still not having any luck trying to quote.


I still think Scoot's parents moved to town over the summer.   However, you could be right about Sweetie Belle.  Hey, IRL there was a Chichen Itza (spelling?).  Maybe they are archeologists & just came back from Pony Itza?  Her father had that sombrero, after all.


As to "How well do Scootaloo & Sweetie Belle know each other?"  If they both live in Poneyville, it's likely they met over the summer.  In small towns, you pretty quick meet everyone & after a few weeks you are not a stranger.  In small towns, farm kids do not hang out much with town kids.  (I grew up in a small town, although that was 50+ years ago).  Being CMCs brought them together when they ordinarily would not hang out together.


But, I stick to my main point.  Scootaloo was almost certainly NOT born in Poneyville, but elsewhere.  Absent a statement from Hasbro, where "elsewhere" might be is just a guess.  Unless there is something in one of the books or comics?   

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MLP takes a practical approach to its storytelling, never letting on more than it feels it has to. I don't like that Scootaloo has gone without any known relatives for this long, especially when the one opportunity to address the issue was cleverly dodged. It brings up some unfortunate implications about Pegasus culture considering Fluttershy also has no known family and Rainbow Dash went the longest before any relatives were shown.


In the meantime, I'll stick to my headcanon. She was made in a Chinese factory. ^_^

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  • 1 month later...

No one knows. 


I don't see why so many people want such a tragic backstory for her. What's so wrong with her simply having loving Earth Pony/Unicorn parents?(the same vein as the Cakes)

It really does seem like the pick of the draw in terms of genetics :P

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I'm not sure where she was born but i think she was born in cloudsdale and maybe she moved to ponyville to be near her school and her parents are still live in cloudsdale


That's somewhat like twilight,she also moved to ponyville and her parents are still in canterlot :)

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There's a headcannon I subscribe to about this.  It states that scootaloo was born in Fillydelphia to upperclass, stuck up parents.  Whoever those parents were, they didn't allow Scoots to run around and play in the dirt and stuff which is what she most wanted to do.  This drove her to run away from home only to stumble across Ponyville where she was adopted by Rainbow Dash.  

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I would certainly like to know more about Scoots and where she came from. I think Apps wasn't friends with Scoots because they had different classes? They had known of each other during "Friendship is Magic" at the very least. Perhaps before that time as well. So that really isn't enough to suggest that Scoots was born in Cloudsdale.

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If I go with my headcanon, I'd say Ponyville with her parents being Earth Ponies.


Though even in that regard, I'd say Ponyville is the best bet

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