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private Fallout Equestria: Blood Moon

Child Of Darkness

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Lasher kept on taking down 'Steelers'. He had been focusing mostly on the enemy snipers. Not that he was worried, since he was at a pretty safe distance with his anit-machine rifle. However, he was not about to take any risks. He saw another Brotherhood sniper scramble. He took aim and shot him in the head, the Ranger dropping down dead. Rave stood right next to him, admiring his handiwork. "We can't stay here much longer. If whoever is in there wreaking havoc, doesn't come out soon, we will have to leave them to fend for themselves. We can't hold out the Rangers forever. Sooner or later they will realize where the shots are coming from and they will storm us". "I am getting sick and tired of this. We still haven't seen the 'Steeler' and his friends" Rave stopped in his thoughts as he realized something. "If whoever is in there gets out, I bet all the Steel Rangers will come rushing out and the 'Steeler's' friends will be with him. Brilliant". 


At the same time at the Slaver camp: "I say we move in to kill these 'Steelers' as soon as possible" Ravager bellowed. "Not until Rave gives us the signal though" Plasmetic, the leader of the 'Fangs' replied. "Some say that Rave is the actual leader here" the leader of the "Skinners' said, giving Ravager a sharp look "Some might say that he is just using us". Plasmetic looked nervous. He had made a deal with Rave, he knew what was going on. "You are forgetting, there was a vote and he voted for Ravager. Ravager got most of the votes. He is the leader. Rave is only trying to help and trying to give our leader advise about how to defeat our enemies. You don't have to be so paranoid. But I guess that is how you 'Skinners' are when you can't control your slaves effectively". The other leaders laughed while the leader of the 'Skinners' face went red. He walked outside the tent. "Success. I got them back on our side. However, the 'Skinners' might be a problem. You owe me big time Rave" Plasmetic thought. 

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After walking for an hour or so I had finally arrived at the Brotherhood's base. I was on a cliff that overlooked it, preparing to climb down. "Now would've been a good time to use that wingsuit. Fuckin raiders." I grunted out to myself, looking down below. I went down the ledge and started to climb down the cliff.

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@Child of Darkness,


Ebony cocked her rifle back as she fired another shot into the back of the unsuspecting soldier's head, hearing the crunching of bone and steel. She spotted the exit, and a daydreaming initiate near it and smiled in a truly sinister way. She slipped right behind him, armed a grenade and stuck it into his pocket, he felt his pocket being messed with, he spun round to face her and looked back as she leaped out of sight. He looked over to where she was, thinking he'd been robbed. Then he looked down into his pocket only to see a live grenade, he fumbled around feebly trying to prolong his death in vain. Then it exploded. Ebony grinned as bits of the initiate fluttered about the room. "Too easy.


She galloped up to the opposite wall to the eye-bot and its owner and called out,"We're nearing the exit now! Get ready to teleport us away, this isn't going to be easy. They'll be expecting heavy force, luckily for them, we wont disappoint." She drops her rifle and puts on the laser gatling from guard who she'd shot in the head a few moments ago had been holding, "Only two clips, but that should give us enough time to make an opening and get clear. I'm no deadeye with guns with clips like these." She looked towards the exit. "This is going to be the really dangerous part of the escape. and could go wrong at any time."


She sat behind her cover as she heard shooting and shouting, even a few sniper shots. She waited for a moment  and stopped, looked outside, then back at her assistant puzzled on why there were shots, but no troops. "Why haven't they started coming in yet? Could someone else be causing them problems?" She looked back at pony aiding her with a judging look, "Friends of yours?"

Edited by Tempest Shift


http://mlpforums.com/topic/121534-the-evil-withinoutlast-style-survival-rp/ Take a look at my RP please.

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I was almost to the bottom of the cliff when I heard an loud boom sound. The noise caused me to slip and fall. I landed hard on the ground with a thud. "Argh. Shit...that hurt." I slowly got back up to my hooves and looked at where the noise came from. "Sounded like an explosion." I thought. I walked to the building nearest to me and put my ear to the door. I could hear voices coming from inside but couldn't make out what they were saying. I took out my rifle and threw the door open. I was met by 2 ponies. One had a sprite bot with him. Normally that'd mean they were part of the Brotherhood. But these ponies didn't look like paladins. They looked like raiders.


(Tempest shift, Child. That's you.)

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"I know who they are. They're Slavers, Lasher and his Gang by the sound of that Rifle. There's something Unique about Lashers Rifle that gives it a very distinctive noise. That or I've finally lost my mind."




Once the door burst down, Wade had one thought in his head, was he shot? The answer, no. This gave him all the information about the pony he needed for the time. Just in time too as the Fission Battery attached to his back exploded with a small amount of ferocity, again leaving him without sight for a while.


"EDNA, find me a Fission Battery and some Spark Plugs. And see if this place has spare parts that can be salvaged."


"You should not be here Wastelander. But this makes you interesting. No normal Wastelander would ever Walk into a Brotherhood Base while its under attack. They will shoot you on sight if you aren't in any power armour. So what brings you here, Guns, ammo, armour, food, tech, protection?"

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"I know who they are. They're Slavers, Lasher and his Gang by the sound of that Rifle. There's something Unique about Lashers Rifle that gives it a very distinctive noise. That or I've finally lost my mind."




Once the door burst down, Wade had one thought in his head, was he shot? The answer, no. This gave him all the information about the pony he needed for the time. Just in time too as the Fission Battery attached to his back exploded with a small amount of ferocity, again leaving him without sight for a while.


"EDNA, find me a Fission Battery and some Spark Plugs. And see if this place has spare parts that can be salvaged."


"You should not be here Wastelander. But this makes you interesting. No normal Wastelander would ever Walk into a Brotherhood Base while its under attack. They will shoot you on sight if you aren't in any power armour. So what brings you here, Guns, ammo, armour, food, tech, protection?"

"Came here to try and help the Brotherhood." I said still aiming my rifle at the 2. "Not looking for anything else. Just trying to do the right thing." After I finished speaking it occurred to me that this particular pony looked familiar, but I couldn't figure out where I'd seen him. "You look familiar. Have I seen you any-" Suddenly it occurred to me that this pony was the one that fed pony meat to that mare. "Oh shit! You're that one cannibal raider fucker."
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Guess he didn't hear me Ripley thought as the power armored pony wandered off away from her, she sighed with relief and went around scavenging through her fallen squad members acquiring their medical supplies from within their suits via direct suit interfacing from hers. Looking at her visor she could see that she had ample medical supplies stashed inside her suit ready to be used at a moments notice, she feared getting attacked just because she was enclave and went about getting cloths to cover her enclave insignia which was painted on the armor.


A few moments later her suit was covered with cloth to cover the insignia and removed her helmet, carefully retrieving the visor from inside and attached it to a makeshift hood she made with the excess cloth and put it on.


I wonder where that pony went... Ripley groaned as she ripped out the power core of her enclave squad mates armor and fashioned a makeshift plasma rifle with the other parts she had found while gathering cloth, of course the power output would be random so each shot would vary in strength. She flew high into the air and scouted a brotherhood base, upon closer examination it was quite barren and ripe for the looting, but more importantly she could use the Comms there to contact her own base.


Carefully landing at the base of the cliff side she could see a pony standing at the doorway of a building and quietly crept up on him, undecided whether to kill him or knock him out.

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Rave looked on with his telescope, then he spotted Night Star at the door way. "LASHER. GIVE ME YOUR RIFLE". "No way. You won't be taking Fear. You are my leader and I will obey you, however, this order I cannot obey". Rave looked mad at him. then he turned to an Earth pony mare with a Varmint rifle. "Clover give me your rifle NOW". She did as she was told. The Varmint had been upgraded slightly and had a scope. He aimed at the zebra. "You will most likely not hit him at this distance. Even if you do, any damage will be minor". Rave did not listen and started firing. All the shots missed. They whooshed beside the zebra and in front of the zebra, even from behind. "Great, now you have alerted him to us. Perhaps not to our position but now he knows that there are enemy snipers". Lasher picked up his anti-machine rifle and his gear and started moving to Rave's position. "Let the professionals do the work here" Lasher said as he started setting up his rifle to finish what Rave started, making sure that enemy snipers could not fire at his position by setting up some makeshift sandbags that had been camouflaged.

Edited by JonasDarkmane
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"'One' Cannibal Raider Fucker. That's cute. Let's just say I was being nice to her, a thing you don't see all too often in the Waste."


EDNA returned with a large number of Fission Batteries and Wade inserted one into a section of his back, restoring his electronics with a bright flash of light.


"Sorry about the light. Listen, Zebra. The Brotherhood is dying, this base is most destroyed by one Skilled Mare and a Raider who should have died a long time ago. There is no point in trying to help them. Best to speed up their slow death. So excuse me, I'm leaving. Oh, one more thing, duck."


Wade said as bullets started to ping off of metal near the Zebras location.




He held out one of his hoofs to Ebony and grabbed onto EDNA "Shall we leave now?" Wade got his spell ready to cast, wait for any reaction from Ebony.

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Ravager could not wait. He had ordered the Slavers to move. He approached Rave Darkmane from behind as he set the rifle away. "Rave, I can wait no longer. I have brought our forces. I want to spill 'Steeler' blood. I want to do it NOW". Rave was surprised and panicked for a moment, but then calmed himself. "But of course. They have to be stopped. Their base has been infiltrated and I am sure that there defenses are at an all time low rate. Lasher here has also killed all of the Steel Rangers stationed outside the base to defend it. Well, most of them. Some managed to flee into the Wasteland. However, I'm sure they will be punished for fleeing. Lead your forces to the base and fight them outside. That way there will be fewer casualties on our side. We fight better in the open. Allow me, my gang and the 'Fang' gang to stay up here on the ridge to deal with them from afar. Lasher can pick them off". "Hmmm, deal. You stay up here, we fight them outside. But how will we make them come outside to fight?". "We won't, they are so stupid that they think they can defeat us". Ravager seemed to accept that and walked away, ordering the little slave army to move out towards the base. Plasmetic approached Rave. "You really are a good liar, aren't you. It would have been better for them to storm the base. That way there would be fewer casualties since we can use our numbers in small space. But out here in the open the Steel Rangers can use their high tech explosives and rocket launchers. They would not be able to use that inside the base. Too small space. They would kill themselves. This will be a massacre" Plasmetic smiled. Rave looked intensely at the moving force. "Yes, it will be" Rave smiled as he imagined all the blood that would be spilled this day. 

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@@Child Of Darkness@,

Ebony looked dazed for a moment, then grabbed Wade's hoof, "Lets go. This place is boring now there's nothing to kill." As she finished her sentence a shot was fired that just missed her. "So , just to clarify our situation here, they are not you allies?" She joked, waiting for him to teleport them away.


"Have fun with the trigger-happy morons on that cliff" She said to the new arrival before handing him a StealthBuck, "Just wanted to make sure this fight was fair after all" She smiled at the new pony, then back to Wade, "You all set? Can we get going now I don't like the idea of having my head popped off by one of those morons." She tapped her hoof impatiently.


http://mlpforums.com/topic/121534-the-evil-withinoutlast-style-survival-rp/ Take a look at my RP please.

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"No, they are not my friends. I recommend you stay away from them, they are Slavers and they would try and have their way with you. Let's leave."


Wade Cast his spell, teleporting him, EDNA and Ebony out side of the bunker to the base of some hills. The other two Landed safely but his right hind leg landed inside of a rock, essentially phasing it out of existence. "I just got this leg a month ago. Now I gotta go find a replacement."


Wade detached the little amount of leg that was left attached to him and climbed up a few rocks.


"Well, we are out but not safe. You need to get away from this area, and keep distance from any Rangers for some time. I'm going West, far west. You're free to join me of course, but you most likely have things that you want to do. Also, before we part, may I get your name?"

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Bullets flew by Ripley's head as she was sneaking up on what she could identify as a Zebra, she had nothing against that them, the Great War was over and done with and ponies just did a fine job killing each other.


"You like the idea of being killed from behind?" Ripley asked as she pointed her makeshift plasma rifle at his head, the power of this shot would not matter, point-blank range was always a certain kill for any type of firearms, or plasma-arms in this case.


"Nah I'm just screwing with ya, If I wanted to kill you I would have done it a long time ago." she added while taking the rifle off his head and peering over him, rangers and raiders fighting in the distance with bullets and lasers sounding off closer than before.

Edited by Defender of Tomorrow
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Rave looked through his telescope. The rangers that were left outside were getting slaughtered by the Slavers. Lasher had immediately returned to his previous position as he saw the zebra to be unimportant. He was focusing on the battle. Taking out the Heavy Rangers. Rave spotted the Enclaver talking to the zebra. "Well well well, guess who is going to get branded as a dashite. Talking to an enemy of the state. I know for a fact that the Enclave are still enemies with the zebra since they have not forgotten Cloudsdale" Rave chuckled. "Well, you getting branded as a dashite is your problem". 


The Elder of the Steel Ranger base had ordered his forces to engage the Slavers and now the Slavers were getting massacred. 


Rave smiled. "Everything is going as planned". 

Edited by JonasDarkmane
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Bullets flew by Ripley's head as she was sneaking up on what she could identify as a Zebra, she had nothing against that them, the Great War was over and done with and ponies just did a fine job killing each other.


"You like the idea of being killed from behind?" Ripley asked as she pointed her makeshift plasma rifle at his head, the power of this shot would not matter, point-blank range was always a certain kill for any type of firearms, or plasma-arms in this case.


"Nah I'm just screwing with ya, If I wanted to kill you I would have done it a long time ago." she added while taking the rifle off his head and peering over him, rangers and raiders fighting in the distance with bullets and lasers sounding off closer than before.

"You scared the hell outta me." I tried and relaxed my nerves a bit. "Don't ever do that again." I looked down at the pony's armor. "Enclave huh? Why aren't you trying to kill me? Thought those little bitches killed zebras on sight."


(OOC: Gotta go somewhere. Should be back shortly.)

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"How do you know I'm Enclave?" she asked looking at the cloth covering her armor and enclave insignia. "I suppose it doesn't matter now, and I'd watch your tongue if I were you." she glared dangerously at the Zebra.


"I don't know about you, but I'd rather not get killed by Brotherhood." she said as an explosion erupted somewhere in the distance, screams of agony filling the air from Raiders that were being slaughtered. With that last statement she began to hover in the air "If you want to get out I can fly you, try anything and we're both going down dying."

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"How do you know I'm Enclave?" she asked looking at the cloth covering her armor and enclave insignia. "I suppose it doesn't matter now, and I'd watch your tongue if I were you." she glared dangerously at the Zebra.


"I don't know about you, but I'd rather not get killed by Brotherhood." she said as an explosion erupted somewhere in the distance, screams of agony filling the air from Raiders that were being slaughtered. With that last statement she began to hover in the air "If you want to get out I can fly you, try anything and we're both going down dying."

"Call itta hunch." I said looking at the scorpion tail slightly portraying from the mare's clothing. "And I'll take you up on your offer. But I swear if my ass ends up in an Enclave base I'll kill ya. Now lets go."


(And before you say anything. Enclave armor has a scorpion tail shaped knife attachment used for close quarter combat.)

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Vertigo the leader of the 'Hydra' gang fell down dead as a bullets from a minigun went through her body. The Hydra gang was starting to break. Ravager managed to gain some control of the gang but many others fell down dead. The Rangers were pushing the slavers back. Lasher took another shot, killing another Ranger. "How wonderful battles can be. Even though you have superior numbers, technology seems to always matter.... mostly" Rave said to Plasmetic. 

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"I hope you're not fat." she said teasingly and grabbed the zebra's hoofs and lifted him off the ground, the suits strength kicking in and carefully flying higher, so they wouldn't get shot.


"So what brought you to that base, you don't look like you belonged to any faction that was slaughtering each other when I got there."  She asked after a few minutes of silent flying and spotted a house that they would have to make use for shelter, even if that meant killing anyponies inside. She set down the zebra behind the house and landed beside him.



(Sorry, been a bit under the weather lately.)

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"I hope you're not fat." she said teasingly and grabbed the zebra's hoofs and lifted him off the ground, the suits strength kicking in and carefully flying higher, so they wouldn't get shot.


"So what brought you to that base, you don't look like you belonged to any faction that was slaughtering each other when I got there." She asked after a few minutes of silent flying and spotted a house that they would have to make use for shelter, even if that meant killing anyponies inside. She set down the zebra behind the house and landed beside him.



(Sorry, been a bit under the weather lately.)

"Heard a help broadcast over a radio at an abandoned Brotherhood camp. Thought I'd head there. Lend in a hoof in fighting off raiders. But mostly just to kill raiders." I replied. "But the big question is. Why'd an Enclave pegasus like yourself head to a Brotherhood base?"
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Wade's gut instinct told him that he should not leave just yet, he had a feeling that there was something here that he needed to do first. Despite only having 3 legs to do it.


This brotherhood base was gone. Only the dedicated or the foolish would still try and use this base after the damage it took and the loss of a high number of knights and even the Star-Paladin of the area. But this was not the last this place would see the brotherhood of steel.


"I guess we owe the ponies who saved us a thank you. EDNA see if you could find them." It only took about one minute for EDNA and Wade to end up behind a group of pony slavers, the ones who helped him escapr by causing a distraction. Spotting the leader was and easy task, and Wade had not spooked a pony in a while now. He activated his and EDNA's stealth gear and crept up behind the leader of the gangs.




"I'm guessing that you are the one in charge of this operation against the Steel Rangers?"

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Rave turned alarmed around. "Who? What? When? Erhmm, yes, I am. Well, I'm the leader of my gang. However, the leader of the full assault is Ravager. He leads the small Slaver army. I only did the distraction for some.... friends, yeah, let's call them that. Any enemy of my enemy is my friend. I was distracting the Steel Ranger to make sure they got out. Not sure if they did". "I hope he bought that. Probably, I've always been convincing to other ponies. No one can know that what I'm planning to do. Let him think Ravager is in charge. He could be working for him or another gang. Perhaps spying on me. If so then I'm afraid I can not share my genius plan". "Sooo. Ever had any dealings with slavers before? Know any particular slaver?". 


As he was speaking to the stranger the slaver army began to break. Most of the leaders were dead, however, Ravager was still kicking. He had slain at least 13 Steel Rangers. He was of course known to be a Ranger hunter but he had just set a record in slaying Rangers in one battle. Rave looked at Plasmetic. "It is time. Call your mutts". Plasmetic lifted up a whistle and blew it. No sound came from it, but the ground seemed to tremble slightly. Suddenly, all around the battlefield Hellhounds sprung up from the ground, tearing into the Rangers, killing many. Others shot Rangers with their Energy Weapons. 


Rave looked back at where the stranger was. "Hehe, there is a reason why Plasmetic's gang is known as the 'Fangs'. Was there anything that you needed stranger?". 

Edited by JonasDarkmane
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"I know a few Slavers, and I know you, Rave. Secrets are a thing that cannot be kept from me." Wade tried using his Very evil Karma to try and gain something from the situated. "Call off your men. The ponies you came to save are out and safe. Further attacks will result in a pointless deaths for your men. And I suppose I owe you a form of thanks for your support in aiding our escape."


EDNA came back with a makeshift crutch for Wade to support himself on for a time.


"Thank you EDNA. EDNA this is Rave, leader of this band of Slavers. Rave this is EDNA, my AI eye-bot."

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"Greetings, technological wonder". Rave turned back to Wade. "I'm afraid I can't do that. You see, Ravager is officially the leader. But only officially. While he still lives, the battle will go on. Oh and I intend for them all to die. Both the Steel Rangers and the other gang leaders. With both gone, I will have secured the slave market for myself. I'm also doing this for some personal revenge. I missed the zebra sadly, however, a certain 'Steeler' recruit has managed to get on my nerves and dared defy the slave market. Even tried to attack Ponyville". As soon as Rave said that, reinforcements for the slavers arrived. Fighters from Ponyville had come to fight the Steel Rangers. "Hmm, I guess the negotiations went well. But yeah, I have a lot to gain from all this carnage. There will also be some considerable loot inside the fortress. We will take it and move it to our base. If there was nothing else, I think I'm going to go into the battle myself and take command. It is time for the ponies to get a strong leader. Someone who can get the job done. I'm going relieve Ravager of his 'duties'". Rave started walking away from Wade. 

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Wade grabbed Raves shoulder with a strong grip from his Gauntlets, stabbing him a little in 4 places.


"You see, here is the thing, Slaver. You have got no chance against the Rangers, you have more dead than them and these ponyville Raiders you have helping you are sone if the weakest out their. You have more chance of winning a fight against a savage pack of Albino RadWolves from everfree forest with nothing but a dart gun. So, consider this a warning. You could take control, but you will loss 2/3 your army in the process. Or you could order the retreat and save the rest if them from death. If you are ment to be a leader, they will listen to you. If not, then you are not fit to lead." Wade let his grip of the pony go. "One last thing. Remember, someone out there will be out for blood, and you may one day find yourself drowning in a flood of Steel born from the events that have happened here today. Be careful what you do in your short future. For your actions may change the wasteland, for bettee or for worse. Good luck. You need it."


With his speech over, Wade once again activated his stealth buck, and began moving north west to his Camp. Just outside of the Ecerfree forest. He sent the location of his camp to Rave and Ebony along with a message 'You know where to find me, should you need me.'

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