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private Fallout Equestria: Blood Moon

Child Of Darkness

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Rave walked over to Poindexter. "Well? Any new stuff you've made?". "Sorry but no. The AA guns were all I managed to create from one of the vertibirds you gave me. If you could give me more of your vertibirds I could make more stuff". "No, we need them". "You only have one pony that can fly them". "Well... he is training others. It might take a few years, but it will be worth it in the long run. You sure you have nothing for me?". Poindexter sighed. "No sorry, I've been helping Lasher though with some stuff". "What kind of stuff?". "He said it would be a surprise". Rave walked away, wishing he had some zebras to kill. He was in a zebra killing mood. 

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He woke up in pain, yet he wasn't bothered by it. Pain was something he lived through his whole life, even more so when he was forced to eat other ponies just to survive. His face bleeding from minor cuts and bruises, he looked up at his assailant in mirth. "You have not lived here long have you? So you raid a few caravans and commit yourself to a few good deeds, does that mean you suddenly have the right to determine fate like some comic book superhero? I used to be a medical doctor up in Ponyville, a good doctor if you wish for clarification. That wasn't enough here, everyone either wants to kill you for your scraps of food or even eat you as you are. You think "Good" people live here long? No, I spent YEARS here honing my trade and skills to what I am today. Some may call me evil, or unjust but when your surrounded by raiders and rad scorpions 24/7 for as long as I have. You yourself would be hard pressed to find someone like you who has lived here for as long as I have. You only see the pony who survived, so kill me now, do it, but know that my death will not end the tyranny and neither will your crusade." Spitting some blood on the ground, he awaited his death from a person he would say is utterly blind to the harsh reality of life in the new equestria. 

Edited by Twilightpie17
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Elegron thought on this for a moment.[speech check 100/100] "I never called myself the bringer of light. It was a nickname that was given to me, and I only do what I can to live up to it. Life in this world is not as bad as you make it out to be. In this desolate wasteland I have found friends, and love. I traded everything I had in the stable, and in exchange for everything that I've actually wanted. I am hunted every day, but death doesn't concern me in the way that it does other ponies. In the stable I was safe, but I knew that I would die having my entire life been pointless. I had only one friend. Ever since I left I have been shot at, stabbed, blown up, and yet strangely, I'm happier than I have ever been. My life finally has a purpose. You think I haven't seen the horrors of the wasteland? I have, and it scares me sometimes. But I keep fighting. Because i know there is good in this world. Friendship is not dead. You still have a purpose. I don't know what it is, and maybe it will never be fulfilled. But I know that if you truly wanted to, you could make a difference in another ponies life. That is why people call me the light bringer I guess. I just never get tired of seeing other ponies happy. No matter how painful it is, it has and will always be worth it in the end to do the right thing."

Edited by Elegron



Act before you have the presence of mind to second-guess yourself. Then you rarely miss an opportunity.


Fallout Equestria OC: Elegron

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"May you free me then?" he said with a hint of lunacy




I really hate this minimum word stuff. I get it but really? It's just a major waste of time right now I almost laugh as I make this up. Ah well, so my favorite pony is Sunset Shimmer, can you tell me your since you so graciously spared me?

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"Damnit!" I yelled madly upon finding another empty bottle. I threw the bottle down causing it to shatter into many pieces. I looked back up towards the pathway leading up the cliffs and noticed something moving towards me. I squinted trying to make out what it was. I smiled upon seeing what it was. A few ponies were walking down the pathway. I readied my shotgun and approached them. When I was within earshot of them I tried to get their attention. "Hey! Yall over there! You got anything to drink?!" I yelled to them, waving one of my hooves to get their attention.

"Yes. We do." Wade reached into Blooddrop's saddle bags, pulled out a full canteen of purified water and threw it to the new pony. "Since we are being so nice, how about you answer the question on why are you in the badlands? You do realise that this is gang territory, and they don't like trespassers in their land."

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"Yes. We do." Wade reached into Blooddrop's saddle bags, pulled out a full canteen of purified water and threw it to the new pony. "Since we are being so nice, how about you answer the question on why are you in the badlands? You do realise that this is gang territory, and they don't like trespassers in their land."

"Just happened to stumble upon this here beautiful scenery you got." I said smiling. I opened up the canteen and took a drink of the water. The water felt so cool going down my throat. I wished I could have had more but I knew this pony was going to need it more. I stopped drinking and screwed the top back on and gave it back to the pony. "So what are yall doin out here?"
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"No. I can hear it in your voice. You will not change. Not on your own. Although now I'm not sure what to do. I have a mission, so I can't sidetrack, but part of me wants to take you to tenpony for help. But I can't. You aren't the only one versed in speech craft. I don't know why I'm the one who decides who live or who dies, but I can't let you live. Who knows how many innocent ponies you will kill? .....all I can do is promise to make it quick. Rest In peace jack..."

He floated out his revolver, and pressed it against jacks head.

Edited by Elegron



Act before you have the presence of mind to second-guess yourself. Then you rarely miss an opportunity.


Fallout Equestria OC: Elegron

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"No. I can hear it in your voice. You will not change. Not on your own. Although now I'm not sure what to do. I have a mission, so I can't sidetrack, but part of me wants to take you to tenpony for help. But I can't. You aren't the only one versed in speech craft. I don't know why I'm the one who decides who live or who dies, but I can't let you live. Who knows how many innocent ponies you will kill? .....all I can do is promise to make it quick. Rest In peace jack..."

He floated out his revolver, and pressed it against jacks head. And pulled the trigger.



Elegron reminded himself that jack was still evil, just as much as the raiders and slavers, but his weapon of choice was his words and deception. And that hurt far more than any bullet. Elegron gathered his stuff (and jacks), and went back to dash. When he got back she noticed he was crying.

Right before Elegron shot him, Dash litterally dashes in and moves the gun enough to make him miss.


"No! If you do that, you will become nothing more then the same as those you fight!"


Dash glares at Elegron. She looks sad about something and angry at Elegron for trying to take a life. She knows he is not like this.


"What are you thinking?! Don't do it!"

Edited by Midnight_Aurora
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Elegron froze. She was right. "Then what do we do? If we let him go he will just kill more ponies...." He turned to jack "if we let you go, just know that next time I see you, if you don't change..." Elegron didn't finish his sentence. He didn't want to. He didn't want to ever kill another pony. "Dash.... I don't want to fight a war. Every pony I kill is a pony I kill whether good or evil. Everything I do it turns out the same. I am certanly no light bringer, not even close. I've probably killed more ponies than jack in one day"

Elegron started crying "DANMNIT I HATE THIS FUCKING WASTELAND!" He telekinetically threw the revolver to the ground.



Act before you have the presence of mind to second-guess yourself. Then you rarely miss an opportunity.


Fallout Equestria OC: Elegron

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Elegron froze. She was right. "Then what do we do? If we let him go he will just kill more ponies...." He turned to jack "if we let you go, just know that next time I see you, if you don't change..." Elegron didn't finish his sentence. He didn't want to. He didn't want to ever kill another pony. "Dash.... I don't want to fight a war. Every pony I kill is a pony I kill whether good or evil. Everything I do it turns out the same. I am certanly no light bringer, not even close. I've probably killed more ponies than jack in one day"

Elegron started crying "DANMNIT I HATE THIS FUCKING WASTELAND!" He telekinetically threw the revolver to the ground.

Dash holds him in a comforting mannor.


"Its ok. We all have to make choices we will regret. You were doing what felt right. I was raised to survive in a world that is harsh and I know that if you had been as well, you wouldn't be who you are. Just let it all out. I am here for you. To be honest with you, I should have never left home. I just found out that I may never earn my family's honor back."


Dash continues to comfort him.

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Looking up at the couple with boredom, "All this love is really sweet, really it just melts my heart but let me go please? I am sure we all can get nice and close later", I said with a smirk. "So lover boy, what IS your verdict?" Turning his head toward the Dashite, "You know I had a patient once by the name of Rainbow Dash, you remind me of her in a way." My stomach let out a huge Feed Me and turned back to Elegron, "Hey you know a guy needs to eat right, fish some food out my bag for me will ya? Or can get your girl friend to do it for me? At least I would have killed you already, now I just feel like are trying to kill me, not trying to kill me, starving me, make up your mind!" While Elegron contemplated this he sang softly to himself...

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"Dash... We need to call off the attack. I won't send my friends into a one sided battle against 500 slavers. We go back and wait, aiding nearby towns when we can, and we try to build a force that truly help this wasteland." Elegron turned to jack "no matter what happens, you never give up. You keep trying until something works. I won't kill you. But you have to promise me that you will at least think about what happened. Your deeds nearly cost you your life, and next time you may not be so lucky. And your next opponent may not have any care to make it painless. I'm keeping the poison because you don't need it." Elegrons tone softened "I'll tell you what I told another pony who I met in the wastes. I don't know what your full story is, nor what you have been through. All I know is that you have some good in you. You could help many ponies, then they along with their families will remember you as a hero. I actually envy your ability to help without hurting. Every time I aid a town slavers or raiders attack. I suppose I should invest in learning how to heal other ponies. You have opened my mind jack. You may not have intended it, but you have helped me. Maybe I can someday return the favor." Elegron returns all of jacks items except for he poison, and In exchange adds a health potion. He does as Jack asked and got some of the meat. His pipbuck chirped with a name and value. Pony flesh. Elegron threw it to the ground in shock and showed the label to dash. "What the hell? Why would you eat another pony?!? I'm really tempted to kill you right now, but I won't. You can change, I know that." Elegron adds some food that he got from tenpony to the pile. "Just one more thing" Elegron takes two of the many smoke grenades and spins them around, dropping them into his saddlebags. "Now were even. That was for trying to poison me. "

"Hey dash, make sure he doesn't do anything stupid" with that, Elegron cut the bindings on his prisoner with his knife "you are free to go, but next time we meet, I want to see a changed pony. You can do good in this world, I know it."



Act before you have the presence of mind to second-guess yourself. Then you rarely miss an opportunity.


Fallout Equestria OC: Elegron

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Using the stimpack, he was healed enough to fend for his own. "Sure, waste perfectly good food why don't ya", watching the pair depart. Briefly contemplating the dirty flesh on the ground, maybe a vegan diet wouldn't all that bad, then again nah not worth it. I kicked the food he'd given me off to side and made a point to pick up more herbs. A cannibal diet looks horrible to someone not accustomed to it, but the thrill of the hunt drives me to like it. OK, some mercy might be incorporated. Less screaming maybe, and that wonderful idea for paralysis. I am sure I can concoct something. Whistling to himself, dreaming of more ingenious ways of to take advantage of innocent ponies, he was sure a paralysis potion would do wonders for the slavers. That just might give just enough leeway to get accepted among them. He headed off towards the fortress with a genuine smile on his face. His stomach grumbled again, with a shrug, he retrieved some "normal" food again and was on his way.

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Ebony reached the armoury of the Brotherhoods base fairly quickly. The ghouls were putting up a mighty fight. The she found it. The Atom bomb, it still worked too, she mumbled to herself, "This is what you get when you mess with me..." She carefully armed the bomb, attached a timer and left the room.


As she got close to the surface she could hear the gunshots dying down. The ghouls had lost and now the paladins were returning to their tasks. She quickly clambered into a vent and waited... Until she realized she'd set a timer and not a remote detonator, she jumped down into the main corridor, bolted out of the main building and straight onto the training grounds. She carelessly ran through the middle and into the gunfire.


She was lucky enough to not die, but not lucky enough to remain unscathed. Then she heard alarms going off, she galloped out of the base as fast as she could, just in time to slip off the road and into a city river. She had no idea where she was but had to get far away fast. Ten minutes later she'd reached the wastelands, she turned around to the city.



Then the city exploded.


http://mlpforums.com/topic/121534-the-evil-withinoutlast-style-survival-rp/ Take a look at my RP please.

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"Just happened to stumble upon this here beautiful scenery you got." I said smiling. I opened up the canteen and took a drink of the water. The water felt so cool going down my throat. I wished I could have had more but I knew this pony was going to need it more. I stopped drinking and screwed the top back on and gave it back to the pony. "So what are yall doin out here?"

"The business that we are conducting is highly confidential. Things I would not like to discuss out in the open. Or with strangers. Good day." Wade walked away from the group and started to pull ahead.


Blooddrop: "You will have to forgive him. He's stubborn. Hi, my name is Blooddrop. What's your name?"


(Iron Warrior attack in 6 hours)

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Silvermind spoke up, wanting to introduce himself to the handsome pony who had turned up.


"He's Wade. Sort of a temperamental guy, but he kinda saved my life, so I stick around with him. I'm Silvermind, by the way." He reached into his saddlebag and pulled out a flask of whiskey.

"Here, I think you'll enjoy this more than that water. [CONFIRMED BACHELOR] And you look like the sort of pony who can hold more than just their liquor," he added, winking.

Edited by ThatPortalGuy

Boop beep blap. Hello.

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Dash watches him, her tail blade at the ready. "To be honest, I think it best we setup a base. Once set we can get help from your Friend and recruit help from those with like minds. However we should use a safe place to meet them and run a full background on them. What do you think, Elegron?"

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"I agree, we should get down thing set up. I can't keep everyone at tenpony tower. Maybe we should use a vault, if we can get one secure, then nothing unwanted will be able to get in. Problem is, the only stable I know the access code to is 42, and I don't think they would appreciate that" Elegron had an idea though.



Act before you have the presence of mind to second-guess yourself. Then you rarely miss an opportunity.


Fallout Equestria OC: Elegron

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"I agree, we should get down thing set up. I can't keep everyone at tenpony tower. Maybe we should use a vault, if we can get one secure, then nothing unwanted will be able to get in. Problem is, the only stable I know the access code to is 42, and I don't think they would appreciate that" Elegron had an idea though. (ugh sorry for doublepost, idk what happened, but i cant delete it.)

Edited by Elegron



Act before you have the presence of mind to second-guess yourself. Then you rarely miss an opportunity.


Fallout Equestria OC: Elegron

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Silvermind spoke up, wanting to introduce himself to the handsome pony who had turned up.


"He's Wade. Sort of a temperamental guy, but he kinda saved my life, so I stick around with him. I'm Silvermind, by the way." He reached into his saddlebag and pulled out a flask of whiskey.

"Here, I think you'll enjoy this more than that water. [CONFIRMED BACHELOR] And you look like the sort of pony who can hold more than just their liquor," he added, winking.

I was filled with the joy of seeing the flask filled with whiskey. I hadn't seen a bottle of it in awhile. So when he offered it to me I was happy to take it. I took the flask from him and took a swig of the whiskey. "Thank ya Silver." I gave the flask back to him. "So whatta you doin out here Silvermind?"
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Slightly disappointed that the pony had ignored his line, Silvermind returned the flask to his saddlebag.

"Well," he replied. "I'm not quite sure. I've been traveling with Wade over there for a few days, and he tends to keep me in the dark about where we're going next. Not that I mind; I'm fine going wherever he wants. But I suppose if you really wanted to know, you could ask his friend, Blooddrop."

He pointed to Blooddrop.

Boop beep blap. Hello.

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As she watched the former base became levelled, bits of... Everything... Flying everywhere. The feeling was unsettling how a bomb the size of 3 ponies could cause such havoc. She picked herself up and wandered back into the wastelands, she looked about for something she recognised. She ended up giving up walking in one direction with no directive and sat on her plot, waiting for a caravan she could hitch-hike.


http://mlpforums.com/topic/121534-the-evil-withinoutlast-style-survival-rp/ Take a look at my RP please.

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"Well, we're just south(?) of the Badlands, but- wait, how do you not know where you are?"

Silvermind began eyeing his unexpected visitor suspiciously.

"Well I ain't from around these parts. I'm from around the city of Marelanta. It's down south, far from here. I just happened to stumble across this place on my travels." As I was finished speaking a thought came into my head. How am I gonna get out of the Badlands? I didn't have an answer to this question so I decided to ask Silver. "Hey you mind if I tag along with y'all? I'd really like to get outta this Badlands of yours."
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"Hey, I'd love some company. Wade's nice and all, but he's a bit... well, Wade-y. You'll see. Speaking of, he doesn't seem to like you too much..." Silvermind raised his voice and called in Wade's direction.

"Hey Wade! You mind slowing down a bit so us lowly organic ponies can have a talk with you?"

Edited by ThatPortalGuy

Boop beep blap. Hello.

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"Hey, I'd love some company. Wade's nice and all, but he's a bit... well, Wade-y. You'll see. Speaking of, he doesn't seem to like you too much..." Silvermind raised his voice and called in Wade's direction.

"Hey Wade! You mind slowing down a bit so us lowly organic ponies can have a talk with you?"

Wade stopped in his tracks and made his way back to the group. "I'm in a hurry, I don't have much time to chat. But since you got me here and want to talk to me, go ahead. What is it you wanted to talk to me about?" Wade said with a rather serious look upon his face.


Blooddrop moved close to Silver and whispered into his ear. "Great, I think he's a bit pissed off about something. Try not make him angry."

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