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zombie apocalypse.


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From the many games and movies about zombies, I've come up with a few ideal places to stay


1: The Ikea would (weird enough) be a very good place to be at. Ikea's almost always stand in a secluded enviroment, they have a lot of wood to cover the windows and to make simple weapons with and on top of that, also have a lot of food there. The downside is that the building would be way to big to defend or look over with a small group of people


2: A big shelter might also be a solution, but personally, I'm not very found of that, because of the narrow hallways, and when zombies DO manage to get in, escaping would be impossible, thanks to their speed


3: A boat would be even better then all the last options. You just drift of, and the only time you would be in danger is when you go off the boat to get resources. Downside to that, is that there isn't always a shop in the area of where you go on the land. Add to that the fact that you don't have a car to get to a place for food (because you travel by boat) that makes supply runs way more difficult. 


4: Never, EVER, go that one safe place everybody goes to. It will always be attacked and everyone will die

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As player of DayZ, you must get as many cans of beans and bottles of water as you can in your backpack. Also pact toothbrush and tooth paste.


Get a big axe and chop zombies heads off. Get guns, and body armor so you can have fun time killing zombies, without the worry of becoming one.


Find a defensive place to hold off zombies, a place you can hide and cry in until the zombie apocalypse blows over.

Edited by Rush
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If I somehow survived, I'd go find myself an oasis (Preferably far from the mainland, somewhere in the ocean) with plenty of water, food, guns, bullet-proof vests and entertainment. Then I wouldn't let anyone in unless they've got good connections

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well first thing i would try to do to survive is sneak passed them using stealth, if there in the way i would distractions like throw a brick or stone at a good distant that would make noise to distract them, and if it comes to disposing them in the way *by then i would've found something* i would use something that would'nt make noise like a bow or crossbow but to use it sparingly

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I would watch them to try to understand their pattern, but I really wouldn't hide for long. It's no use. You can't survive a zombie apocalypse forever, food runs out eventually, most of your family or friends will die eventually and you can't feed everyone.

I would grab something sharp enough and rush in. With all the despair and the death around, if you're not a zombie yet, you're still dead inside. You'd better fight until the very last moment while you are not insane yet.


Damn, was deep :o . No really, I wouldn't even try to hide, parkour zombie or not :lol: .

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A zombie can't chase you without legs. Using my upper body strength and tall stature, i'd use a spear-like weapon to put distance between me and a zombie before skewering them through the legs. I'd set up traps that would snare a zombie's foot and render their mobility negligible. Could even run them down with a car!

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I think I'd try moving to either the north pole or the south pole or generally somewhere really cold so the zombies would freeze. Alternatively... well, as already mentioned stay away from cities, if dealing with zombies, one at a time, find some sort of Katana/Sword and slay all these fools.


My chances of survival? Slim

My chances of survival if there are Animal zombies? 0

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Well, even though I live in the city there's an army barracks near me so I could go there with my family and get rescued or I could hold out in my house which has a pretty big gate and I would make sure I had enough supplies. 

  • Brohoof 1
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pony please, i am the swordsman :ph34r:  i think my Cheness O'Katana would kill many zombies.  just look at it!!


constructed of our through hardened 9260 Silicon Spring Steel. We wanted our longer sword to use only the more rugged material that can resist bending because of the additional weight/force exerted over the longer length. This is particularly important as the sword will only be available with bo-hi to keep the weight manageable. This blade is 5" longer and the handle is 1" longer than standard 28" katana making this one VERY BIG sword.


you could cut a cow in half with this or 3-5 people standing side by side. mine has the blue warpping on the handle.



I would become a ronin like Michonne from the walking dead.


  • Brohoof 1
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I'll also head for the coldest and most barren parts of the earth and hibernate in isolation somewhere.  Stock myself up with weaponry, explosives, and plenty of food and water. 

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Well, I probably wouldn't survive, but I guess if I were to try...


I would try to get out to the country, drive somewhere out in the middle of nowhere. I would try to set up a little community out there to survive.

Honestly though, I wouldn't make it long if the zombies could run and do parkour, haha I'd be done for.

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I always hate these what would you do in a zombie apocalypse questions cuase there only one real anwser and everyone does not say it but we all know it. animals know it and we human forget it.

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