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My name is Ben (AKA RRBrony) and I am the project director and coordinator for FOE Audio. We are looking for voice actors/actresses and people who can help with other elements of the project. Such as getting the lines for minor characters, editing, basic logistics, and much more. Now for a little about this project.


Our purpose and goal here at FOE Audio is to turn the book Fallout: Equestria into an audio book. To do this we need a full cast of voice actors/actresses who will give life to all of the characters in the story. Unlike other projects currently underway we will read the book word for word as if the listener was reading it. We want to stay true to the original written work so that the listener will be able to get the full experience as Kkat intended. We are currently opening auditions to find VAs for the main cast. Once we have all of the main characters casted we will begin to work our way through the list of minor characters.


Here is a video link to our youtube video which gives a little more information.


Below you will find a master list of characters that we will be casting.


Main Characters Currently Being Cast: Video link

Calamity (must be able to hold a tune) (male)

Steel Hooves/Applesnack (male)

Red Eye (Main Evil character) (male)


Main Characters Needing to Be Cast:

Littlepip (female)

Velvet Remedy (needs to be able to sing) (female)

Watcher (male)

Spike (male)

DJPon3 (male) (Homage’s radio persona)

Homage (female)

Xenith/Zecora (female)


Secondary Main Characters Needing to Be Cast:

Applebloom (might sing) (female)

Sweetie Belle (does sing) (female)

Scootaloo (might sing) (female)

Applejack  (female)

Fluttershy (female)

Twilight Sparkle (female)

Rainbow Dash (female)

Pinkie Pie (female)

Rarity (female)

Luna (female)

Celestia (female)

Trixie (female)

Gawdyna (female)


Secondary Characters(may show up once in the entire story) Needing to Be Cast


Chapter 1

            1 LittlePip's Mother(for when Pip reflects on what her mother used to say about

            Velvet's barn door and the stable door) (female)

            2 Four voices for when Velvet runs away(2 guys and two girls)

            3 Overmare (will show up later in the story) (female)

            4 Guard Pony (male)


Chapter 2

            1 Father's radio transmission: Father desperate but resigned (male)

            2 Monterey Jack (will appear much later) (male)

            3 Cracker - salver earth pony 1 (male)

            4 Sawed off - slaver unicorn pony 2 (probably male)

            5 Cagey - slaver earth pony with shovel 3 (male)

            6 Raider unicorn (female)

            7 Raider earth pony (female)


Chapter 3

            1 Raider, A pony that throws a grenade into carousel  boutique (female)

            2 Flashback, A pony from classroom throwing water balloon at Pip (male)

            3 Caged pony in ponyville library (female)

            4 Raider pony Kitchen scene (male)

            5 Screaming Filly(young female)

            6 Raider Pony jumping off of balcony (male)


Chapter 4

            1 Crazy pony bot in Ironshod firearms sounds like a filly (young female)

            2 Voice of authority coming from a bot (strong female)

            3 Colt's voice yelling at Calamity (young male)


Chapter 5

            1 Candi medical pony in New Appleloosa (female)

            2 Grey earth pony possibly a doctor (male)

            3 Railright, The Appleloosa sheriff (male)

            4 Trolley, a young colt (male)

            5 Colt's mother (female)

            6 Crane (male)

            7 Teacher's note/journal  (female)

            8 Maintenance pony journal (male)

            9 Dr. Brieberry head of medicine Stable 24 (male)


Chapter 6

            1 Mare's voice in bar (female voice)

            2 Stallion at card table (male)

            3 Another stallion at card table (male)

            4 Another mare closest to Pip (female voice)

            5 Stallion further down the counter (male voice)

           6 Apple Whiskey (bartender)(male voice)

            7 Puller pony (Male)

            8 Slaver pony near fence/slave pens (probably male)

            10 Flamethrower pony (male)


Once a character has been cast we will update this post to reflect the changes, as well as make an announcement here on the forum. If you see a role that you feel you would be perfect for but we are not currently casting, please feel free to message me or email us at foeaudio@gmail.com and tell us which character you want to try out for. We will send you some lines and then you can submit your voice recording to us.


Follow the links next to each characters name to get the audition lines, if you have any questions or concerns please let us know and we will answer them. You can submit your audition several ways, you can:

● Post a link in the comments with the name of the character(s) you are trying out for.

● Send me a PM

● E-mail foeaudio@gmail.com

● Share with google docs


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I would like to try out for Red Eye and Steel Hooves. Expect my audition in a day or so!


I'd also like to try for Spike and DJ Pon-3 (male persona)!

Edited by nx9100
  • Brohoof 1





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I would like to try out for Red Eye and Steel Hooves. Expect my audition in a day or so!


I'd also like to try for Spike and DJ Pon-3 (male persona)!


Awesome!!! Will be expecting your audition. If you send it in by email it would be a good idea to include your forum username just so that we/I know who it is. As far as the other characters you mentioned wanting to try out for, I am so backlogged(I am doing all of the staff/admin stuff) that I haven't gotten to those parts just yet. However I will move that up on my priority list and as soon and I get some audition lines created then I will go ahead and send them to you in a PM.



I'm male, and my voice is really weird, but I wouldn't mind trying out for the Wasteland radio position.


I also have a bunch of other minor roles that you might try out for as well. Once I get the audition lines for the wasteland radio postion (DJPon3) I'll send them your way.

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Awesome!!! Will be expecting your audition. If you send it in by email it would be a good idea to include your forum username just so that we/I know who it is. As far as the other characters you mentioned wanting to try out for, I am so backlogged(I am doing all of the staff/admin stuff) that I haven't gotten to those parts just yet. However I will move that up on my priority list and as soon and I get some audition lines created then I will go ahead and send them to you in a PM.




I also have a bunch of other minor roles that you might try out for as well. Once I get the audition lines for the wasteland radio postion (DJPon3) I'll send them your way.

I just hope I don't get nervous and back down, I haven't even finished reading the FoE Fanfiction yet! 


All My OCS



“The only time a lawyer can cry is when it's all over."


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I will send you a sample of my voice. 

If you like any of them, let me know which character you want to place me in.

I am the kind of guy that likes to play anything, so just put me where you think I'm best suited!


Good luck!

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We're back for more glorious auditions!!! That's right folks we are releasing another round of voices to be cast, we realized that there were a bunch of wonderful ladies who wanted to in on the project but the casting call for Calamity, Steel Hooves and Red Eye were for guys. Well ladies we heard your voice loud and clear and that's why this new audition video is all about you!


Here is the link for the video.


First we have Littlepip who is small and unnoticed in the stable where she's lived her entire life, that is until she leaves the stable and becomes a symbol to the wastelanders. She makes it her personal mission to end evil or die trying. The entire book is written through her perspective and that means that the actress will have to read the narrated parts as well as the lines for Littlepip. It's a huge role but with a lot of prestige as well.  https://drive.google.com/open?id=0BwDqSjTg1s0KdldlMkI4OHBYeGc&authuser=0


Next is Velvet Remedy who also lived in the same stable as Littlepip, she's a gifted singer as her cutie mark indicates however she doesn't want to sing. Instead she just wants to help and treat sick ponies which drives her to leave the stable one fateful day. She is a lot like Fluttershy except she isn't afraid of everything but is kind and wants to help everyone that she can. https://drive.google.com/open?id=0BwDqSjTg1s0KMWpKTTFDcDdHdW8&authuser=0


Last is Xenith who is a Zebra who has been terribly abused, scared and hated by all. She has lived a very hard life, she was ripped away from her daughter and husband, thrown into slavery and eventually forced to fight in cage matches with other to death. She will sound a lot like Zecora except that she won't rhyme like her. As the voice of Xenith you will also be voicing Zecora. https://drive.google.com/open?id=0BwDqSjTg1s0KMFIta3hXejdqdnM&authuser=0


Follow the links next to each characters name to get the audition lines, if you have any questions or concerns please let us know and we will answer them. You can submit your audition several ways, you can:


● Post a link in the comments with the name of the character(s) you are trying out for.

● Send me a PM

● E-mail foeaudio@gmail.com (with your username in the message so that I will know who it is)

● Share with google docs


Thank you and have a great day!

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Wondering who got the male parts. I'm so nervous! 



I would still rather die having glimpsed eternity than never to have stirred from the furrow of mortal life. I embrace death without regret as I have embraced  life without fear.

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LAST DAY!!! That's right folks.....today is the LAST DAY to audition for Calamity, Steel Hooves/Applesnack and Red Eye.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bph35Vz2JbU

Don't forget check back often for results and while you're at it make sure you check out the auditions for Littlepip, Velvet Remedy and Xentih/Zecora which are currently ongoing!!!!

May the best voice win!!

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(in so much suspense, can't wait)



I would still rather die having glimpsed eternity than never to have stirred from the furrow of mortal life. I embrace death without regret as I have embraced  life without fear.

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Drum roll please!! The results for the Calamity, Steel Hooves/Applesnack and Red Eye voice audition is finally here!!


First off we would like to thank everyone for your time and for giving us your all. There were a lot of auditions and it was a close call for several voices.

We would like to thank Andrew C who stole our hearts with his rendition of Calamity.


Let's give a huge round of applause Tim G (Neo Strike) for his smooth talking sinister voice of Red Eye!!


Now we do have some bad news concerning Steel Hooves/Applesnack. Thank you to everyone who tried out for this role, after rereading and listening to the voices we had to go back to the drawing board because it felt like something was missing and come to find out we placed to much focus on the metallic helmet sound which took away from the voice. So we are reopening the audition for Steel Hooves/Applesnack until February 8th. That's just a little over two weeks and its fair game, that means even if you've already tried out once you can try out again! We are looking for a deep voice for Steel Hooves with a little bit of a gravelly edge to it. Applesnack should still be deep but not as deep as Steel Hooves and almost no gravel to his voice.


Thank you all for your support!

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  • 2 weeks later...

If Dj Pon3 is still available next Friday I'll give it a shot. (Mic broke) But I'll definately give minor characters a shot.


Well you are in luck we are still looking for a DJ Pon3. We welcome and look forward to your audition.



To the rest of the wonderful people following this forum; I do apologize for the lack of updates and information flowing your way. We have been so swamped with auditions, decision making and trying to get ahead of schedule. We were not expecting the huge outpouring of support from all of the wonderful people in the community that our time table has been surpassed. That means so much because we weren't expecting such support in the early days of the project.


We are still looking for Littlepip and Velvet Remedy for the female roles and Steel Hooves/Applesnack for the male role. These aver very important main characters that we would like to have filled soon.


Once again, thank you for your support.

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Well you are in luck we are still looking for a DJ Pon3. We welcome and look forward to your audition.



To the rest of the wonderful people following this forum; I do apologize for the lack of updates and information flowing your way. We have been so swamped with auditions, decision making and trying to get ahead of schedule. We were not expecting the huge outpouring of support from all of the wonderful people in the community that our time table has been surpassed. That means so much because we weren't expecting such support in the early days of the project.


We are still looking for Littlepip and Velvet Remedy for the female roles and Steel Hooves/Applesnack for the male role. These aver very important main characters that we would like to have filled soon.


Once again, thank you for your support.

Don't forget about me I'm still waiting for the Wasteland Radio lines


All My OCS



“The only time a lawyer can cry is when it's all over."


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We are still looking for Littlepip and Velvet Remedy for the female roles and Steel Hooves/Applesnack for the male role. These aver very important main characters that we would like to have filled soon.


Once again, thank you for your support.


I sent an Applesnack audition to the email box

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@@DexterousWings, Did you send it today? If so I received your tryout for it and I'll let you know soon what we decide.




@@Shadowking58, Thank you for reminding me. I have had a lot going on. I was looking at releasing a new audition video sometime within the next week. I just have to create the audition scripts as well as the video but once that is complete I will post it up here and you have access to them.

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Well you are in luck we are still looking for a DJ Pon3. We welcome and look forward to your audition.



To the rest of the wonderful people following this forum; I do apologize for the lack of updates and information flowing your way. We have been so swamped with auditions, decision making and trying to get ahead of schedule. We were not expecting the huge outpouring of support from all of the wonderful people in the community that our time table has been surpassed. That means so much because we weren't expecting such support in the early days of the project.


We are still looking for Littlepip and Velvet Remedy for the female roles and Steel Hooves/Applesnack for the male role. These aver very important main characters that we would like to have filled soon.


Once again, thank you for your support.

Got the mic! You want me to send you some canon lines from FoE that the good voice of the wasteland says or what?

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@@Telling Detail, Yes please. I am so sorry that I haven't gotten to the audition lines. I have been super freaking busy with life and then dealing with facebook and it's ever frustrating policies. You can send the sample(s) to FOEAudio@gmail.com and thanks.

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@@Snake, Well we are still looking for a voice for LittlePip and we love for you to try out. You can send your audition clip to FOEAudio@gmail.com and if you want to message/talk to me you can hit me up on Skype at mbmabry@yahoo.com(put the email address into the search and you should find me. I am almost always line and can give you tips and pointers) Anyways best of luck and we will be looking for your tryout.

  • Brohoof 1
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@@Snake, Well we are still looking for a voice for LittlePip and we love for you to try out. You can send your audition clip to FOEAudio@gmail.com and if you want to message/talk to me you can hit me up on Skype at mbmabry@yahoo.com(put the email address into the search and you should find me. I am almost always line and can give you tips and pointers) Anyways best of luck and we will be looking for your tryout.

I'd rather talk with you personally over skype about what you want the DJ Pon3 voice to be, if you're up to it.

  • Brohoof 1
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I'd rather talk with you personally over skype about what you want the DJ Pon3 voice to be, if you're up to it.

Well I'm currently on skype, however I'm only able to text at the moment. But I should be available to take your call in about 2 hours, so if you're able and willing we could do that tonight. Like I said my Skype email is mbmabry@yahoo.com or benjaminmabry is the username for Skype. You can find me now on Skype and we can message until I'm free to make the call.

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