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@, Diego grinned. "Yeah, that's right," he said. "I'm glad that somepony appreciates my sense of humour. I like to make lessons more fun if I can; I want to test the teachers' patience. I've seen you around the halls, maybe we could hang out? You can always come round to my place after school if you want; nopony will bother you there. Just don't take up my mum if she challenges you to a game of poker."



Signature and avatar by Pucksterv.






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Rave focused more as he channeled more dark energies. He saw a shadow standing outside the door. He cut his channeling as the door opened and in walked the ground keeper, Willey (cause why not name him that). "What are you doing lad?". "Keeper Willey? I thought you were sick". "Och, nothing can keep me sick, not if I got one of em cider booze" he showed a bottle. "Uhm... seems effective". "Would ya like to try some". "Uhm no thanks, I think I should be going, I will be going to the cafeteria". "Good lad, keep on learning". "Will do". Rave ran towards the school and after having run for some time in the hallways he entered the cafeteria and looked around, not sure what to do next.

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Lorcan began to write in his notebook:
Woe is me who bears the burden of being alone.
Woe is me who seeks comfort from the heartless.
Woe is me who only asks for acceptance or better known,
as it were....damn...

Lorcan scribbles out what he wrote and sighs.
Maybe I need to try it on an iambic scheme... 

R.I.P. Lord Bababa and Harmonic Revelations

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Midnight turned back to Diego as he began talking again. She thought Diego was kind of strange, but in a good way. He's never actually seen her and didn't even know her, but felt comfortable enough to hang out with her and even invite her into his home. She smiled widely until she realized that Diego didn't know that she was a batpony. She sank back down into her chair. "I don't know, maybe." she said. After a second of silence, she spoke back up. "My name is Midnight, what's yours?" she asked.

She then looked back at Sinu and saw him stab himself with his pencil. She quickly looked back trying to forget what she saw. She didn't take to injury very well. She also noticed Lorcan again. She couldn't just leave Diego. She half wished he would join their table.

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@, "Diego, you've probably heard about me," Diego replied. "The ponies here are mostly really narrow minded; they make fun of my name and back in my first school, I was the first pony there to get a cutie mark. When the other ponies saw that my cutie mark was the symbol of chaos, they all went around saying that Discord was my father. That's not true, by the way; it's only cuz my talent is for chaos magic. My mum just says that they're jealous. She ought to know; she gets gossiped about, too. But Mum deals with it by heading out to the bars with her best friend Night Star and relieving them of all their money in poker games."


Diego laughed, then continued. "Of course, the stallions at the bars always hone in on Mum and Night Star," he said. "They know Mum by reputation and Night Star's a batpony so she stands out a mile. Doesn't care, tho. Nopony dares to bother her, cuz her dad pulls Princess Luna's carriage."



Signature and avatar by Pucksterv.






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Lorcan takes a bite of his apple and goes back to writing:
Let my heart beat still
says i who perches on the window sill
Let my eyes sink low
I say whilst I take a blow....where am I going with this...

Lorcan grumbles and scratches out what he wrote. He looks at a table filled with ponies. One seemed to be staring at him.
And so they sit and stare at the weird stallion.
Have they no compassion for one who might as well be dead?
A battalion of thoughtless souls, judging one without compassion in their hearts.
I pray to somepony to accept me...for i would be in their debt....
does this even make sense?

R.I.P. Lord Bababa and Harmonic Revelations

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Sinu could see in his peripheral vision that he was looked at, and whoever was looking turned around quickly. Sinu turns away and stabs himself again, from a sudden socially awkward feeling. With this feeling, he reminds himself that needing new friends was recently always in his mind, or he might as well be alone indefinitely. He turns around hesitantly, possibly planning to say something to the ponies sitting near him, but reminders of bad experiences prevent this. He stabs himself one last time before setting his head on the table sadly.

I wrote this thing.

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When Midnight saw Lorcan look back, she motioned for him to join them. It was worth a shot to try to be friendly. She then perked up when she heard Diego mention that he knew a batpony. "Wait, you know a batpony?" She said keeping her voice low. She then paused wondering what to do next "What do you think of them? Don't you think they're strange and dark?" she asked him.

Midnight turned her head back to Sinu to see him lay his head on the table. "You alright?" she asked him.

((Aaaahhh!! So many ponies I'm trying to talk to )))

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Lorcan sees the pony from the table motion at him to join them. He hesitated, not knowing if she meant him or somepony else.
Probably somepony behind me....who wants to sit with me? He wonders. 
To be on the safe side, he points to himself and looks at the mare.

R.I.P. Lord Bababa and Harmonic Revelations

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Rave notices Midnights hood and Diego. He sits down at their table. "Hello guys, good to see you again". Rave was carrying a plate that had an apple, a carrot soup and some bread. He uses his magic to chill the soup a little bit, a spark of black comes from his horn and the soup starts to change to blood red. He quickly tries to cover it up with a counter spell before he manages to corrupt his own soup. It turns back to its normal carroty color. "Nearly poisoned my own meal with dark magic" he thought nervously.

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Realizing that he is being talked to, Sinu looks up quickly and glances around to find whose voice it was; he sees that it was the gloomy-looking pony that was wearing a sweatshirt inside for some reason. Sinu responds in an unexpectedly low voice for somepony so shy, breaking off at almost every word; "What? — well — yes, I'm — fine... Why?"

I wrote this thing.

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Midight nodded at Lorcan before she began to turn her attention back to Sinu. "Well, uh, you seem to be injuring yourself." she hesitated not really knowing what to say. Then she noticed Rave and felt a little more comfortable. She really wanted to know more about him and Chrissie, but didn't know how to bring it up. "I didn't know you had a thing with Chrissie." she said to him.

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Rave's face became red. "Uhmm, I don't know if it is a thing yet".



He noticed Sinu as well and levitated his pencil away from him. "I'm sorry, I noticed that you are hurting yourself and I just want to let you know that nobody deserves to get hurt, even though they have done something bad in the past. Trust me, I know this stuff, I've done it to myself". 

Edited by JonasDarkmane
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"I — uh —" Sinu says quietly while thinking. He then quickly changes his voice to the one that he uses while explaining: confident and unusually fast; "First, it doesn't hurt much any more, and those scratches never last longer than several hours. Second, you don't know why I'm doing this." He looks to Rave; "I assume nothing bad about you, but whatever I've done is probably not as bad as what you've done; not because I think that you're bad, but because almost everything that I've done only harms myself. Also, I 'injure' myself not out of regret, but out of anger and enjoyment." He really didn't mean to say that last word, but he doesn't care much either. If anypony were to get to know him, they might as well know how weird he is first. "Now;" He says sternly; "Give me that pencil."

I wrote this thing.

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Rave sighs. "If only you knew what I had done. It really is no big secret, one of the reasons why I am being picked on here in school. So I'm guessing that you didn't do anything as bad as me as I hurt myself a lot more than just pencil scratches". He slowly levitates the pencil back to Sinu. He wasn't completely buying what Sinu said. "If you were doing it out of enjoyment, you would most likely do it somewhere where nobody sees you. Most ponies don't enjoy doing personal things except in private. This place isn't actually private". 

Edited by JonasDarkmane
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Sinu's voice turns back to normal; "Nopony has ever — really — asked about it before, and they don't care either... I don't need to worry about privacy because — I'm always alone. And — well — there are a lot of other strange things that I do in private. I just — didn't mean to say that before. I do it mostly out of anger." He then uses his magic to hastily snatch the pencil out of the air and return it to one of his vest pockets.

Edited by Sinusoid Mixolydian

I wrote this thing.

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@, "Night Star? Strange and dark?" Diego replied to Midnight. "Nah, she's a right laugh. You ought to meet her sometime; I could get Mum to give her a call if you want to. She's really funny sometimes; she's taken me out to prank other ponies by hiding by the Everfree Forest and jumping out at them. Not to everypony's taste, mind, but she figures that if they're stupid enough to be scared of her, she might as well make something out of it."



Signature and avatar by Pucksterv.






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Lorcan decided to go out on a limb and join the ponies at the table. He knew he couldn't trust them, but at least nopony else would pick on him if he was with a group. He gets up and gathers his things and trots over to the table where all the other ponies where. He gives them all a nod, but does not speak. If he was lucky, they wouldnt want him to anyways. Lorcan sat down near the pony who invited him over and began to write in his notebook once more:
And there she was, a pretty maiden in the place filled with demons; A place that only the wicked came to. Why was she here? Is she tainted as well? Is she a devil behind the pretty face? There is no way to know for sure, but if she is a devil what does that make me?  

R.I.P. Lord Bababa and Harmonic Revelations

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@@Rainbow Dash

Rave noticed Lorcan coming and smiled. He returned to his soup. His soup started to go poison again due to dark magic starting leak from his horn. He decided he wasn't hungry anymore. "So, what are you writing?" he smiled as he was looking at Lorcan's notebook. 

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Lorcan looked at the stallion and recognized him as the stallion from the incident. He wasnt sure if he should ignore him or acknowledge him. He took a moment to think about it, deciding on if he wants to get hurt again or open up his heart. Lorcan decided to try a bit of both.
"Just workin on my poetry skills..."

R.I.P. Lord Bababa and Harmonic Revelations

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Midnight smiled when she heard Diego talk about his batpony friend in a positive way. She didn't know how to react. She wanted to burst with happiness, but knew that would draw a lot of unwanted attention. "She sounds like fun." she finally said calmly. "Normally ponies see them as a savage species who should be on the same level as animals." she added. "I've never met a pony as accepting of them as you."

Her attention was taken away when Lorcan joined them. "What do you write about?" she asked hoping for him to open up.

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Sinu simply continues to sit there silently, listening to the conversation as he had done in almost every conversation at school. Getting bored, his thoughts begin to trail off, getting to how to fix his algorithm. Focusing only on his own thoughts, he stares creepily at a wall for quite some time, hardly breathing and not at all moving.

I wrote this thing.

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@,@@JonasDarkmane,  @@Rainbow Dash,@,

(Sorry, I've been busy. Online now tho)

Chrissie walked into the cafeteria, it was the last five minutes of lunch so she was pretty late. She walked over twordes where Midnight was sitting.  "Hey, y'all!" She said, smiling. Chrissie sat down next to Midnight and opened her lunchbox. She noticed Lorcan was sitting at the table as well. "Hey, you that pony from earlier! I was thanking you but than you ran off! You saved me from those bullies, I really appreciate it!"  Chrissie smiled, and took a huge bite of her salad. "So, who's this 'fella?" She pointed at Sinu. 




Big thanks to @The Wife of Hawks, @Trix or Treatand @Splasheefor these images!

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After about thirty seconds, Sinu eventually comes up with a solution and begins writing again. He generally never liked writing for no reason, but has been doing so recently to test his newest version of better English. After fixing his chart, he begins writing on the meaning of life:

"To answer þe eternal q̈eŝi̊n, ƿy do we al` exist? In my personal opini̊n, þer̴ is no rĕson. Teħnical`y spĕkiŋ, þis is impos`ibl̴ to answer, but on̴ can form a relativ̴ly go`d hypoþesis..."

Sensing that he is being mentioned, Sinu stops writing and looks up; "Wh— what?"

Edited by Sinusoid Mixolydian

I wrote this thing.

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After about thirty seconds, Sinu eventually comes up with a solution  and begins writing again. He generally never liked writing for no  reason, but has been doing so recently to test his newest version of  better English. After fixing his chart, he begins writing on the meaning  of life:

"To answer þe eternal q̈eŝi̊n, ƿy do we al` exist? In my personal  opini̊n, þer̴ is no rĕson. Teħnical`y spĕkiŋ, þis is impos`ibl̴ to answer,  but on̴ can form a relativ̴ly go`d hypoþesis..."

Sensing that he is neing mentioned, Sinu stops writing and looks up;  "Wh— what?"

"I asked fer your name, aren't you going to tell me?" Chrissie raised an eyebrow, and at the same time opened a canteen of tomato soup. "You do have a name, don't you?" She teased Sinu-then smiled. She was awfully hungry, but couldn't resist helping a pony in need.

(Nyte guys. )




Big thanks to @The Wife of Hawks, @Trix or Treatand @Splasheefor these images!

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