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Emerald Heart

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She was surprised by his remark. "Silly, hanging out is the perfect way to get to know eachother. I don't care what others think of you, and you shouldn't either! Ponies have been calling me a Redneck for years! Look Sinu, we're friends remember? I bothered because I wanted to hang out with you!"




Big thanks to @The Wife of Hawks, @Trix or Treatand @Splasheefor these images!

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"I can show up! I mean...I can show up, no problem. I usually just do homework or read after school. I would like to see what others do when they are in a group and not in school." Lorcan replies to Chrissie. He looked at the other ponies and began to wonder about them.
Theres that one pony who told me fightings not the answer...i wonder if he hates me....probably...I hate me too. 

R.I.P. Lord Bababa and Harmonic Revelations

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Midnight looked toward Chrissie still stunned by her bonding moment with Lorcan. Although, she did let out a small, quiet giggle when Lorcan said she and Chrissie were cute. After Chrissie had offered a get together at her house, Midnight nodded in agreement. "Sounds like fun." She said. She would be lying if she said she wasn't surprised. She was so used to bring ignored and whispered about, and now she was being invited over to a get together.

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@, @@Pripyat Pony, @

Rave smiled. "That sounds like a great idea, count me in. What do you say Diego? Sinu? You guys in. Come on, it will be super duper fun" he said as the others had agreed. He gave them a friendly smile. A little smoke came from the leftover bin where he had thrown away his poisoned soup, he gave a nervous laugh. 

Edited by JonasDarkmane
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Sinu couldn't help thinking at Rave's comment; "Super dooper fun? That's quite an immature phrase. And no, it won't be fun for me; I'll expect that, and just end up standing several meters away from everypony for the whole time." However, Sinu was relatively good at not letting his thoughts become words, and doesn't say anything. Looking around awkwardly, he manages to notice some smoke coming out of the leftover bin, and he walks over to see what it is. After taking a look at the red liquid, he quickly trots out of the room without telling anypony, thinking that they won't care. He comes back in thirty seconds, carrying a small box with his magic, and pours some of the contents onto the liquid. With some bubbling and fizzing, the liquid seems to become less volatile, but it still looks dangerous. He could be heard angrily muttering "What kind of liquid IS this?"

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"Oh, that ehrm... nothing, it is nothing, definitely not a soup that was poisoned with dark magic, hehehe" he laughed nervously. "But don't you drink that" he said with a worried expression. "It doesn't look.... natural". He gave a weak smile, trying to show that he was not worried, but in reality he was worried of being exposed.

Edited by JonasDarkmane
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"Drink it?" Sinu says to Rave "First of all, that liquid is so acidic that I wouldn't even let it touch my skin; I couldn't neutralize it completely with baking soda. Second, I would never drink anything out of the leftover bin." He thinks about how oddly specific Rave's denial was, and figures that he might have something to do with it. Regardless, Sinu picks up the bin with his magic, to take it to the acid sink in the science room, and to put away the baking soda; he walks out of the cafeteria again.

I wrote this thing.

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@, "Sure, we could hang out after school," Diego said. "I don't normally go to other ponies' houses, but sure, whatever you say. We can go to my house one day too, cuz Midnight said that she'd like to meet Mum's friend Night Star. It'll be weird, hanging out with friends. I never really had friends before now. Most ponies think I'm too crazy." He laughed.



Signature and avatar by Pucksterv.






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@@JonasDarkmane,@@@Pripyat Pony@@Rainbow Dash,

"Cool, I'm so excited!" Chrissie sighed and turned in the direction of Sinu, she gazed at him sympatheticly. "I can't say the same for him though. Oh well, I'll talk to him tomorrow." The bell rang signaling the end of lunch. Chrissie packed up her stuff and threw away her trash. She waved at her friends as she walked back to her classroom. "See you guys after school!" 




Big thanks to @The Wife of Hawks, @Trix or Treatand @Splasheefor these images!

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Lorcan cracks a smile and waves at the group.
"See you later, guys. It..was fun!" Lorcan cringed abit, not used to what he was feeling. He looks over at Midnight and winks at her and scurries off.
What is this ghastly feeling? Its like I wanna...be with those ponies....but....do they want to be with me? 

  • Brohoof 1

R.I.P. Lord Bababa and Harmonic Revelations

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Midnight caught Lorcan's wink and trotted off to her study hall class after the little lunch meeting. She didn't know what to think of Lorcan's gesture. She had never really talked to him and was only interested in making friends, but she shoved those thoughts aside as she entered the classroom. She sat down at the back of the class and opened up her notebook. She intended on studying, just drew instead. Her mind was focused on looking forward to the after school get together.

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Sinu canters through the hall, to assure being on time to his next class. As he enters the lunchroom, he quickly sets down the now empty leftover bin and grabs his stuff, noticing that everypony was already leaving. He then gets to his next class even faster than before, due to his obsession with not getting a single tardy. He has a red mark on his front right hoof from where a drop of the red liquid splashed onto him, but being on time to class meant even more than personal safety, and he disregards the sensation. He practically runs into the same classroom as Midnight, sitting down with incredible force for somepony so lightweight. As usual, he is several minutes early, but OCD influences him, again. He takes out his notebook and begins writing a plan for the next edition of his project; "Plan: Inco͒po͒at ̷ 'sc' as 's̄', as þe macron is þe only remâniŋ dĭctitical mark for þe S-Syŝem..."

I wrote this thing.

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After school Chrissie was preparing snacks for the others, she had finished her shift at the greenhouse a few minutes ago and was in quite a rush. She knew the others were bound to get here soon and was hoping for the best. Chrissie sprinkled a little cinnamon on daisy-and crackers she had prepared.




Big thanks to @The Wife of Hawks, @Trix or Treatand @Splasheefor these images!

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Lorcan sat in detention after school. When the lunch ball rang, Lorcan tried to go back to class but was cornered. A stallion knocked his books down which angered Lorcan. A fight broke out and was interrupted by the principal. Lorcan received a thirty minute detention after class, as well as some scraps and bruises. 

R.I.P. Lord Bababa and Harmonic Revelations

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@, Diego showed up first. He'd headed back to his house first, to tell his mother where he was going to be. Shadow Star just smiled and waved him out. She generally let her son do what he liked; she had been a very young filly when she had had him, and was more like a friend than a parent to her son. Diego knocked on Chrissie's door with a bag full of cans of fizzy drinks; he had a sweet tooth and didn't want to risk there only being water or juice at Chrissie's house.



Signature and avatar by Pucksterv.






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@@Pripyat Pony,

Chrissie opened the door and smiled at Diego. "Hey Diego! I'm making some tea but there are some daisy-and-crackers on the table if your hungry. Do you need help carrying that in?" She pointed to the bag of soda he was carrying. She was feeling a bit panicked, was he going to ask where her parents were? Or why she lived alone?




Big thanks to @The Wife of Hawks, @Trix or Treatand @Splasheefor these images!

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@, "Don't worry, I'm good," Diego said, using his magic to carry the bag and set it down on the table. "Help yourself. No offence, but I've got to have my fizzy fix after school."


He made no comment on Chrissie living alone; after all, Diego lived in a similar situation with his mother Shadow Star, who sometimes wasn't around when he got back from school. He didn't mind, as she always left him a burger and cans of fizzy and he knew she'd be back later, with a bag of bits won from some silly stallion in a bar.



Signature and avatar by Pucksterv.






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~After school, I guess~

Sinu was only given slight hints on where Chrissie lived, but he was obliged to be there, so he would manage to find the relative location and discreetly watch Diego to find the exact house. Even if he was caught, he reasoned, the motive would have been defined without suspicion, and his route was mostly on track. Sinu arrives about sixty seconds after, carrying a rectangular instrument case that was longer than his body. He stands at the door, simply waiting awkwardly.

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Lorcan got out of detention and trotted over to Emerald's house. He was nervous about meeting ponies rom school outside of classes. He takes in a deep breath and knocks on her door.
I wonder what they are all like....away from the ignorant mass. Lorcan wonders as he waits to be answered.

R.I.P. Lord Bababa and Harmonic Revelations

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@@Pripyat Pony,  

"Alright then, I'm going to pour the tea."She walked over to the stove where she was boiling  hot water. and poured enough cups for all the ponies who were coming. When she was done making the tea she set them out on the table. 


Chrissie heard the doorbell ring and ran over to open the door. "Hey Sinu, I'm glad you showed up I didn't know if you would! There's snacks inside and Diego brought soda, I also made some tea if that's what you like. C'mon in!" 

@@Rainbow Dash

"Hi Lorcan, I'm glad your here! Come on in!" 

Edited by Emerald <3




Big thanks to @The Wife of Hawks, @Trix or Treatand @Splasheefor these images!

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Concentrating only on his thoughts while standing in front of the door, Sinu had no idea that Lorcan was coming up behind him. As he hears the suddenly loud knock on the door, Sinu is startled considerably, disrupting the magic that was keeping his instrument case from falling over. He accidentally hits the heavy object into his face, While simultaneously yelling "WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT?!" as his involuntary reaction.

I wrote this thing.

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@, @@Rainbow Dash

"Because he wanted to be let in...? Sinu, why are you still standing out there it's cold! Please,both of you come inside." She held the door open and gestured for them to come in. "There is tea, soda and some snacks on the table if you are hungry or thirsty." She was sympathetic towards Sinu, but she knew it would take time before he truly accepted her friendship. 




Big thanks to @The Wife of Hawks, @Trix or Treatand @Splasheefor these images!

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"I was asking rhetorically..." Sinu says while picking up his glasses, which had been flung over, off of the ground with his magic. "Sorry; I'm really jumpy." He looks down to check if he dropped anything, and sees drops of red on the ground. "Great; my nose is bleeding. Again." He says nonchalantly; "This happens a lot; ponies have slapped in the face like that, more times than I'd care to count. Do you have any paper towels?"

I wrote this thing.

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"THANKS FOR INVITING ME....wait...is that how we talk, Chrissie?" Lorcan asks, still not used to other ponies company. He shyly trots in and hangs his head down a bit. He didnt want to get into anymore fights. His body still had scrapes and bruises on it from the fight before. It hurt him a little if he cantered the wrong way. 

R.I.P. Lord Bababa and Harmonic Revelations

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After school, Midnight went to her tree in the Everfree and pulled down her hood. Her pet bat, Ziggy, flew down to greet her. She happily nuzzled him. "Guess what Ziggy? I'm going over to somepony's house! They actually invited me and other ponies over." Ziggy fluttered down on top of her head. She giggled. "Sorry bud, I would bring you, but I don't know if these ponies are ready to handle a vampire fruit bat." She said. Midnight adjusted her tail extensions before heading off to Chrissie's house. She pulled her hood back up and started on her way. When she got to the door, she paused a second before knocking. She didn't know what to expect.

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