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Things you dislike about your country.


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Because being born there gives you the right to dislike it.

Edited by Noei
  • Brohoof 3


              By MiniKirby123                

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Because being born there give you the right to dislike it.

Edited by Noei


              By MiniKirby123                

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Something I dislike about my country?

French class...  :okiedokielokie:

  • Brohoof 3

"OC's don't deserve the hate they get, nor do they deserve the impossible restrictions that are forced upon them in order for them to be 'relatable'. They don't need to be relatable; they need to be somepony you can look up to and empathize with. If characters were forced to be 'relatable', then they wouldn't exceed past regular expectations. If they DO exceed normal expectations, you should be inspired and encouraged to do so, too. Humanity wouldn't make much progress if people (and ponies) hadn't challenged what others thought was impossible. All characters need to have both virtues to emulate and flaws to learn from. All characters need to have talents and weaknesses. All characters should be treated with equal respect, both OC's and canon characters. If canon characters are allowed to grow and learn from their mistakes, then OC's can too. Never limit your character's depth just because they are original fan characters, and don't limit others. Never reduce a character to the label of 'Mary Sue'. And never feel that you are being restricted by anybody when creating your character."


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Hmm... The government? Depressing people?

It hard to me to find anything bad with my country when I haven't been there in three years. If you want me to complain about Thailand though I've got plenty on things to say.

  • Brohoof 1

Sunset Shimmer is best pony/human!

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Everything. I hate humanity in general. Nothing wrong with the world itself, just the ungrateful 'intelligent' inhabitants spawned from it.

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The fact that everyone in Paris thinks the whole nation live there and that everybody know the city while other cities and village don't even exist.


We have the wine and the cheese in France though, so it's okay.

  • Brohoof 3


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I live in the US so, for me, it's that my country is being run by all the wrong people doing all the wrong things for all the wrong reasons. (English people will understand me when I say "1960s Labor Party" Yeah, it's pretty much that way here in the US, now.)

  • Brohoof 2



"Theological debates are great for intellectual children since they require absolutely no facts!"

- Mary Hawking, older sister of Stepehen Hawking.

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Being in the US Yeah I say the government. It's sad too, cuz in the good ol' days of 'MURICA, everyone trusted and liked the government. Now because of corruption and bad decisions, no one can really trust the government. I wish there would be a trustworthy politician who reformed the government and fixed Congress. And for the record, I have trust in Obama, it's Congress that I have a problem with.  

  • Brohoof 3
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Well, for those of us who are fortunate enough to live in a democracy let's never forget that we are the government and, rightly, all those in power are accountable to us but only if we actively participate and take part in the system.

  • Brohoof 1



"Theological debates are great for intellectual children since they require absolutely no facts!"

- Mary Hawking, older sister of Stepehen Hawking.

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I hate very little about America


but like most American's I hate Obama Care after witnessing how much it is screwing over my teacher


I hate American's who talk shit about America


and I hate the fact that there is no gay marriage

Edited by Snowflake Frostflame
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 as for me? I consider myself a world citizen so there is hardly space for me in that subject.


Something I really dislike about the countries is the blind patriotism dat messes up with everything and forces the tension within world states.

Edited by Monsieur Noel


              By MiniKirby123                

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- The current people running the government

- Bad public transportation/trains and we have too many crowded highways instead (some regions actually have decent public transportation but for the most part, the rail infrastructure as a whole in America is crap)

- Health system

- High fructose corn syrup (Not too many countries put high fructose corn syrup in their drinks)

- How divided the people are/extreme tribalism (they act like they wanna divide themselves with hate and discrimination instead of getting along)

- The corporate news media

The list goes on

Edited by Poppy_The_Vixen
  • Brohoof 2

All my life needed was a sense of someplace to go. I don't believe that one should devote his life to morbid self-attention. I believe that someone should become a person like other people.

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The crappy customs system. I have over $1200 worth of stuff stuck at some random UPS warehouse.

  • Brohoof 1

Zeusking19 - Poniverse Developer and SysAdmin


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Here is what I hate about England.

1) The weather. Unpredictable and just often rainy.


2) Expensive University Fees. As I am taking My GCSE Exams at the moment, my school is trying to prep us for A-Levels and then Uni. But the prices...  Ugh...


3) Divided Schools. In England we have 3 types of secondary school (Junior High and High School merged, US people ;)  ) There are Schools (Government Manages budget and holidays), Academies (School manages Budget and Holidays) and Free School (School manages everything).


This may sound simple but choosing the incorrect one may confuse a lot of things in your education.


4) GCSEs. I am currently studying these =_=. What bugs me about these are that there are multiple boards. AQA and OCR are the most common. Which makes studying with someone from another school near impossible as you are doing such different things in your coursework.


[EDIT] Thought of another ^^

5) Stigma against Immigrants and religions other than Christianity.

Now my family is as British as tea and scones, but when I see immigrants and people who are Muslim, Jewish or Buddhist getting abuse for no reason other than being born in the UK it sickens me =_= . And whenever I see anything to do with "Britian First".  A Christian group whom are extremely racist and anti-anything-other-than-Christianity (Couldn't think of a word). I honestly want to apologize on behalf of England for their existence. 


That'll do ^^ 

Edited by EddG
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I hate the fact that it's so fucking easy to abuse the welfare benefits we have here, for criminal gain.  :angry:

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I am an American citizen and I hate the government. Well, I hate all governments but I hate the US government more because it's the one that affects me the most I guess.


Well, for those of us who are fortunate enough to live in a democracy let's never forget that we are the government and, rightly, all those in power are accountable to us but only if we actively participate and take part in the system.


Ahh, the great lies that spawn forth from democracy! To make the citizens believe that they themselves are the government, to make them believe that they have some sort of power over it!


No, we are not the government. As an individual, your single vote means nothing; the chances of a vote being exactly tied so that your single vote makes the difference is practically zero. And I'm only going to lightly touch on the fact that anyone below the age of 18 cannot vote and is not "represented" by the democracy at all.


"We" are not the government. "We" did not create laws enforcing slavery. "We" did not force millions of men to go to another country and slaughter other millions of men. "We" did not create laws restricting the rights and freedoms of all sorts of different groups. The list goes on.


Sorry if I came off as mean in this post, but the belief that one is a part of the government is a misleading and harmful belief.

  • Brohoof 1


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Being mexican what i hate the most:

Politicans, they are all corrupt and absorbing the money of even the most poor person

Lazy laws and stupid: politicans make SOPA like laws only for mexico.... i know is stupid cuz they dont have the slightlest idea of how Powerful is internet

Drug cartels, even if they help civilians with money, schools and supplies, the war between them is unaceptable and the drug is running in the town


i think is all i can name, and yes am proud to be mexican and i feel no shame of my country, but those are the things i dislike about Mexico, dont misunderstand me 

  • Brohoof 3
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Well first of all, let me make the disclaimer that these complaints come from frustration. These are critiques because I love my country, not because I despise it. From what I can gather with some of my peers, it seems hating the United States and wishing to see it fail is a (disgustingly) popular notion.


Criticism should always come with the intent to correct a problem and therefore better whatever is being criticized. Criticism as a weapon to destroy, sabotage, or even casually complain means nothing. You can complain about how morally bankrupt, institutionally corrupt, and/or politically evil any nation is all day, but unless you actually have something to contribute beyond "it deserves to be destroyed" your opinion holds as much weight as the vitriolic hatred of chocolate ice cream.


1. Big government: There's nothing that goes on nowadays that is a local matter. The highest authority people reported to was the governor's office, and even then they would rather go to the mayor first. Just as recently as the 80's people were much more independent and they were actually proud of that. If a problem arose, it was their problem to solve. There's a larger voice for individual inclusion than in the past, but not individual capability.


2. Self-bigotry: Connected to my preamble, I despise the amount of vitriolic hatred that Americans seem to reserve for themselves these days. Patriotism has become an ugly word and indistinguishable from jingoism. There's such little sense of pride anymore, in your country and even in one's self! I'm not saying the U.S. is perfect, but the refusal to admit that we've done anything good just to save face is ridiculous.


3. War: Yeah, yeah, easy target. Still though, Bin Laden is dead. We got him. Why the continued operations? Albeit this may be me being ill informed on the military's publicly available statements of strategic goals.


4. Self-bigotry: Wait . . . you know what, yes! It deserves to be said again! It really does bother me how much people of my age group unequivocally hate the United States. They claim the superiority of other cultures and other nations but in ways that show no nuanced understanding of those cultures beyond "it's not us and is therefore beyond reproach" as if they've never been out of their tri-state area. I've been around the world and seen so much of it's beauty. (Greece, Germany, Italy, Mexico, Canada, Brazil, the Bahamas, Turkey.) That's why I love the United States! If any of the people I've met on my excursions wanted to come to the U.S. (and many have) they would be welcomed and could share their culture. Hell they could probably find plenty of people from wherever they just came from. However, I've also seen my fair share of the destitution of the world that reminded me how lucky I was to live here.

Edited by Steel Accord
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1) The weather. Unpredictable and just often rainy.


Yes, in the winter it can really get you down. And most of the autumn and spring for that matter. English summers can be glorious though.


However, many English people choose precisely that fortnight to leave the country and go on holiday!


2) Expensive University Fees. As I am taking My GCSE Exams at the moment, my school is trying to prep us for A-Levels and then Uni. But the prices...  Ugh...


When I started going to University it was the second year after tuition fees had been introduced, and we thought we had it bad at about £1000 per year. In the last few years they've become astronomical. :(


3) Divided Schools. In England we have 3 types of secondary school (Junior High and High School merged, US people   ) There are Schools (Government Manages budget and holidays), Academies (School manages Budget and Holidays) and Free School (School manages everything).   This may sound simple but choosing the incorrect one may confuse a lot of things in your education.


That all came into effect long after I'd left school. We only have two secondary schools in our town though, and one is an expensive private school, so once my kids are old enough to go to secondary school, the choice will be quite easy.


4) GCSEs. I am currently studying these =_=. What bugs me about these are that there are multiple boards. AQA and OCR are the most common.


Yes, that's mostly for hysterical raisins.


Which makes studying with someone from another school near impossible as you are doing such different things in your coursework.


But it's also impossible to study with someone from another school if they're doing, say, French and you're doing, say, Geography. Just consider one exam board's Physics and another exam board's Physics to be different subjects.


5) Stigma against Immigrants and religions other than Christianity. Now my family is as British as tea and scones, but when I see immigrants and people who are Muslim, Jewish or Buddhist getting abuse for no reason other than being born in the UK it sickens me =_= . And whenever I see anything to do with "Britian First".  A Christian group whom are extremely racist and anti-anything-other-than-Christianity (Couldn't think of a word). I honestly want to apologize on behalf of England for their existence.


There are parts of the world which are far worse. Britain has long been regarded as a tolerant country. That said, we should aim for more than mere tolerance. Tolerance is just about the lowest form of regard you can give someone.


One of my daughter's friends has a Polish mother and a Romanian father. She's six years old and speaks three languages fluently. I admire her greatly.

Edited by Vital Spark
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~VitalSpark~ [fimfiction] [deviantart]

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Ireland, despite being a nice place to live, has a lot of issues:


The power of the Catholic church. (finally diminishing)

Homophobia, especially in the older generation and lower class

The obsession with sport and "The Gaa, boi"

The immigration laws

The corrupt, hypocritical government

The police force - massively corrupt, and barely trained enough. Most are rude and igrnorant, no matter how you act.

The laziness - Half-assed jobs, procrastination...

The "Travelling Community" - protected by the government, despite being a group largely consisting of criminals and people of low moral. They're free to do waht they want, but if you stand up to them, you're accused of discrimination.

Lack of common sense and care among the majority of the population.

Edited by IcyHaze
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I hope some people get the joke ^^

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