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open MLP Nations, Politics RP Thread

The Shadow Stallion

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"Violent and disorderly? These traitors here are wanted for conspiring to assassinate the great Supreme Leader and have been sabotaging our metal mines for the last week. These ponies are far from nonviolent!" the pegasus commander replied to the border captain.


The rebel unicorn scoffed at the pegasus. "We are conspiring against the great leader? You already got the assassins the instant they tried to kill him. The ponies that actually attacked your mines died back at the fighting at our main camp. We are only the families of those that have been slain. My son is one of the many ponies that disappeared during the purges after the assassination attempt. I'm here because if I stayed, I feared I would be next!"


The pegasus looked at the ponies that were caught between him and his soldiers. Most of the them were mares and children with the occasional teen stallion. "I'm sure our great leader will give you all a fair trial-" the pegasus was saying before he was cut off by the unicorn.


"Fair Trial! The leader does not give fair trials! I have not seen any ponies that went to trial come out alive or come out at all! Bringing us back is giving us a death sentence!" the unicorn shouted with fear in his voice. 


"Our orders are to apprehend any rebels we have found. I have no part in what happens to you all afterwards." The pegasus then turned to the border captain. "Leave us to our order captain. You of course understand what orders are."




A unicorn commander with the troops received the orders straight from Defiant Shadow. He decided to tell the pegasus commander the contents of the paper once he returned.

Edited by Derplight Sperkle


Signature by me

Equestrian Empire Cast Characters:

Daring Do, Twilight Sparkle
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@@Derplight Sperkle

At port of sovneigh union


A pegasonian ship pulls into the harbor and a messenger came out and went to one of the guards and hand the a letter for their leader that say that Blackfire has requested a meeting with defiant shadow at her ship with the leaders of konyushnia and mendeils about trade and alliances. And that her ships will provide escorts to and from her ship if he does so accepts.

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"Actually" he said, "A gentlepony never leaves without transportation." he says as the crewmen pull a small silver chariot from under the deck. They also pull out a large pony-looking creature (a non-sentient horse) that was clearly wild and tie it to the chariot. The captain sits down on the cushioned seat and one of the guards takes the creature's lead. The captain turns his head towards the policeman(policepony?).


"Well, good sir. Shall we?"


Signature by me

Sunny's Fan Club I love Sunset Shimmer <3

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@@Derplight Sperkle


"...I underrstand," The captain said. "However..."

He looked over to the rebels, a glint in his eye.

"You poor soldiers, doing a job nopony wants to do, have no power within the borders of Konyushniya...and I'm certain your leader wouldn't want to get us involved, yes?" The captain backed away casually.

"Now, I'm not suggesting anything, of course," he said, backing behind the border, "But our doors, well. They are open."

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@@Derplight Sperkle, (Baaaahh... lemme do 3... im running our of ambasador personalities tho =/)


An eastern SU Beach


A Fourth rate Ship-of-the-Line disembarked its crew after a long voyage. The beach looked desolate and surrounded by emptiness therefore the Ponissians had no idea they were on another nation's soil. They started to set camp, cutting down a few trees to make some basic barricades around the tents. They brought down most of the equipment from the ship including cannons, muskets, horses(non-sentient) and ammunition. The total crew numbered around 197 of which 90 were marines or soldiers, the rest were regular crewmen and cannon handlers.


The ship had been severly damaged during a storm and had separated from the rest of the fleet (that made it to Konyushnia). 


They had guards at every spacing between the barricades but made no effort to conceal their position as they were confident they were alone.


Signature by me

Sunny's Fan Club I love Sunset Shimmer <3

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Deep within the city of Stoneheart there was a murmur of cautious interest as the Council assembled outside the Meeting Palace. A large Earth Pony with an orange coat steps forward, wearing a suit that covers his cutie mark. He is known to many as Shady Storm.

As he begins to speak he allows one of his fellow Unicorn Councilor to amplify his voice to reach the crowds of ponies below them.


Shady Storm: "Welcome Mare's and Stallion's, after meeting with our newly elected Lord Potentate we have agreed that he will lead us through these trying times. I for one will be looking forward to the future with hope. A hope lead by none other than... Raining Hearts!"

 The Earth Pony steps out of the way as a darkly colored pony steps out from behind the Councilor's. He walks with a quick but steady trot to the front, the sun giving the scattered pink on his fur a strange glow.


Silence dawned upon the crowds at the sight of their new ruler, lingering thoughts of the previous one in their minds.

 Heart's clears his throat before speaking. 


"Thank you Storm, thank everypony who helped me get to this point. I look forward to leading the Dominion to ever greater heights of science and industry. As you may have heard I have formed a temporary truce with some of the Dragons. This does not mean the attacks will stop but they will be far fewer than the constant war we were forced to wage before."

 He pauses a moment before continuing.


"Keep your trust in my actions and I will do the best to my abilities. The Council is here for you ponies who are unable to reach me directly, tell them your troubles and together we will create a better future for all of ponykind. Now if you will excuse us, the Councilor's and I have matters of state to discuss."

 He then turns and enters the building, leaving the Councilor's behind awkwardly before they quickly shuffle inside after him. Shady waves the crowd off as a failed replacement for his inability to project his voice with the Unicorn's.


[A few hours later inside the Council Room]

A slam of a hoof rebounds across the large room, startling one of the guards awake. He looks around in confusion before realizing it's just the Councilor's yelling at each other again and shakes his head.

  "We won't be sending out ponies to die in the wilderness, I won't have it!" A tall purple pony named Starlight Violet from Fillyrivers yells out.

"What you will or won't have does not matter Violet. The Dominion needs to expand it's sphere of influence, the changeling's showed us that!" A gruff earth pony known as Carrot Tool says.

  "ENOUGH! I am enlisting the ponies regardless of your Support. Disregarding the world around us has only let to war and fear among the ponies of Kartrin." A pony with the voice of Raining Heart's says.


A chuckle emits from the only Pegasus Councilor in the room, causing the three ponies to turn in his direction. His bright blue fur standing out against the darker tones of his fellow councilors.

 "If your so interested in the world then why not send out Pegasus scout's? They can fly across the landscape and avoid any major trouble on the ground. I know some of you dislike my people but we have skills and abilities that you do not." 

 "Oh come now Sky Coins, you know that sending out military soldier's to explore will lead to wonderful first impression's with our neighbors. I propose we instead send out trained Diplomats, we know the general direction of the other nations. The Lord is obviously very determined for this course of action and I believe a vote is in order." Another with the voice of Shady Storm speaks up.

"Agreed, now who is willing to lend the support of their province to these expeditions?" Heart's speaks up in an annoyed tone.


A moment of silence before Shady Storm speaks up once again.

 "Boilport will support you."

  "As will Scalemount."

"Fillyrivers will not grant any support."

"Sparkshill will support you Lord Potentate." a voice from a yellow Unicorn named Dirt Spells.

"Singahoof will support you with what it can."


Raining Heart's raises his head in satisfaction as Violet huffs in annoyance. "Then we will go with Storm's plan. But I do want at least one Pegasus guard with each Diplomat, this anger against them is foolish and should not spread beyond our borders. Now if that is all the meeting is done for now. We can collaborate for the expeditions separately but I wan't both of them ready to set out two days from now."



  As agreed by the Council two caravans filled with products and from Kartrin began to travel with their 25 guard's to the east and south-east in hopes of finding other nations. Each caravan bearing a trained diplomat for first interactions with foreign ponies.

Edited by WindyParadise

 "Who says nothing is impossible? I've been doing nothing for years." -Unknown

 "There's always another secret." & "I'm so storming pure I practically belch rainbows." -Brandon Sanderson(Books)

Above are my three favorite quotes.


I support a [United Equestria].

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at Pegasonia's central command Location classified


A pegasus scout burst into the room and ran up to the officers looking at the maps. the scout told the officer" sir we have spotted to what looks like to be a transport caravan to our northern border what would you like me to do." the officer replied" send a small military patrol to find out there intentions i will send one of our fastest fliers to alert Blackfire and we will take further action with her order.

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One of the caravan guards points to the sky as a collection of Pegasus appear, heading in their direction.

 The Captain of the guards steps forward and gestures for the Diplomat to get inside while the guards deal with the possible danger. 


Once the Pegasus are close enough the Captain will ask. "Who goes there and what do you want?"

Edited by WindyParadise

 "Who says nothing is impossible? I've been doing nothing for years." -Unknown

 "There's always another secret." & "I'm so storming pure I practically belch rainbows." -Brandon Sanderson(Books)

Above are my three favorite quotes.


I support a [United Equestria].

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At pegasonias northern border


The patrol flys down in front of the caravan and the officer in the patrol steps forward and say "we should ask you the same question you are on pegasonian land and we ask you to state your reason for coming here. We will do you no harm if you comply"

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A crew of freshly enlisted recruits to the Abendstern Airforce were being giving their first lesson on operating a Small Airship on the western border. Their mission was to fly across the raging river and back again, and to perform air exercises at the halfway point. To the side were 4 hot air balloons with snipers and grappling hooks, just in case the recruits lost control of their vessel. The Captain was barking orders to the recruits when one of the snipers yelled that there was a caravan off in the distance. He finished giving his directions and told them to standby when the ship had been prepped. He trotted to where the caravan was coming from and waited for their arrival, with the snipers behind him ready for anything.

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At blackfires ship


The Pegasus lookout spotted a small band of ships coming for them and saw the mendiel flag. He then reported to Blackfire and said that the mendiel have arrive. Blackfire then looked out and waved at the mediels ship and told the guard to allow them ti board for the meeting.(FYI there is only Pegasus troops on the ship if you wanted to comment on that)

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At pegasonias northern border


The patrol flys down in front of the caravan and the officer in the patrol steps forward and say "we should ask you the same question you are on pegasonian land and we ask you to state your reason for coming here. We will do you no harm if you comply"

The Captain turns to one of his men and tell them to get the Diplomat before turning back to the Officer.

 "We come from lands west of here and are looking for a place to trade our wares. I was unaware we were crossing into your borders."




A crew of freshly enlisted recruits to the Abendstern Airforce were being giving their first lesson on operating a Small Airship on the western border. Their mission was to fly across the raging river and back again, and to perform air exercises at the halfway point. To the side were 4 hot air balloons with snipers and grappling hooks, just in case the recruits lost control of their vessel. The Captain was barking orders to the recruits when one of the snipers yelled that there was a caravan off in the distance. He finished giving his directions and told them to standby when the ship had been prepped. He trotted to where the caravan was coming from and waited for their arrival, with the snipers behind him ready for anything.

The Caravan continues on toward the Airship in hopes of establishing contact with a new trading partner for the Dominion, unaware of the snipers or the danger ahead of them.




Edited by WindyParadise

 "Who says nothing is impossible? I've been doing nothing for years." -Unknown

 "There's always another secret." & "I'm so storming pure I practically belch rainbows." -Brandon Sanderson(Books)

Above are my three favorite quotes.


I support a [United Equestria].

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The Caravan continues on toward the Airship in hopes of establishing contact with a new trading partner for the Dominion, unaware of the snipers or the danger ahead of them.
Once the caravan is within hearing shouting distance, he has the only Unicorn among them, for the rest are Bat Ponies, cast a spell which all are trained to do, that causes whomever the spell is cast upon's voice carry further. Essentially a microphone spell. With his voice now clearly audible, he says, "As a Captain within the Abendstern Airforce I demand that you halt your advance! If any of you can understand me or speak Equestrian, please step forward and state your business, for you have trespassed upon our sacred soil!"
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At pegasonias north western border(your country is north west of mine it is that part of land that is under yours and abensistein)


" we do not know what wares are as they do not cone from our land but we will take a look at these"wares" and consider trading with you. Oh and a question of curiosity why is there very little Pegasus Ing you group(my military patrol consist of 30 Pegasus and nothing else)

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Upon hearing that the borders were open to them, the unicorn near the border rushed towards it. As he did, the rest looked puzzled for a moment, then also began to flee to the border. It was their last hope of living. The pegasus took a moment to react but when he did, he ordered his air force to him to block their escape. 


Three quarters of the the rebel group made it across the border before the pegasi cut them off. The rebels that were left behind were pushed back at the the points of bayonets as they at first struggled to continue.


The unicorn commander that received the orders from Defiant Shadow moved up to speak to the pegasus. "Commander, we have direct orders to get those rebels at any cost! We should break through these borders and retrieve them!" The unicorn said to the pegasus.


"No, they are no threat to us anymore, let us bring those we have captured to the capital. I don't think we need a war over a small group of rebels that can't even fight."




"Supreme Leader, we have a message from Pegasonia. They request your presence out at sea to negotiate trade and alliances with Konyushnia and Mendiels."


"Konyushnia and Mendiels? I have never heard of this nation called Mendiels, but Konyushnia, I would need to speak to their new leader. I know we had relations with them before their regime change. But that was long ago. Maybe I can influence this new leader of theirs...Message them back that I will be there. Also ready three of our best ships and man them with our best soldiers, I want to them all to see the power of my great nation!"




A patrol wandered through the land, making sure nopony was forming any unauthorized villages. They soon saw in the distance a mast from a ship flying unfamiliar colors. They soon realized that that was not one of their own. The pegasus scout flew towards the ship and saw that there was a group of ponies making camp with a border of soldiers watching. The pegasus knew he was spotted and headed back to report his findings to the patrol.


Signature by me

Equestrian Empire Cast Characters:

Daring Do, Twilight Sparkle
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[@@Derplight Sperkle,

At blackfires ship

in blackfire captains quaters a message delivered by on of her unicorn messangers magically.  she looked it over and smiled and said to herself that everything will work out great now. she then goes to one of her generals and whispers to him" plan A will be in effect at the metting of the leaders ok" the general nodded and told the other officers on board the news.

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Capital City of Perlin, throne room


A servent rushes in the room,


"Your Majesty, word has come from Captain Round Dougnut's expedition. They have encountered some sort of nation called Kon.. Ko... But he regrets to inform that the SMS Explorer has been seperated during a storm."


He turns to a map,


"Their last known position was 67, 34" and they were seen heading 23 degrees south with serious hull damage."


KIng Ludrick Picked up a golden quill from his desk,


"That's Captain... Sea Dusk...right?"


The servant checks the letter and nods,


"Very well... I want five ships armed and ready for a search. A promotion to the captain that finds them first.."


The servant bows, takes the orders written by the king and runs to dispatch them.



@@Derplight Sperkle,


Landing Site


The captain looked at the soil they were on, he turned to his second

"This ground would be excelent for the opening of a new plantation. I heard his majesty was keen on expanding overseas, we might've just found the land he wanted."


"But sir, we don't know if anyone else inhabits this place... we might be trespassing."


The Captain laughed,


"Look around you... this place is as wild as the Alquine Mountains... not a soul in sight. It wont be long before they notice we are missing and send a squadron to look fo us. Seize repairing the ship! I want a proper fort and port built here meant for long-term settlement!"


"Yes captain." the second said, he ran to the trumpeter, "Sound the rally, we need all those still on the boat here now!"


Shortly after the orders were dispatched, the ponies started cutting down more trees and slowly turning the barricades in proper parapeted walls. In the center of the would-be fort the Ponissian flag was raise to flutter in the wind.


The captain was pleased,


"This will surely gain me a promotion."


A guard rushed to the captain...


"Sir, we reported a flying pony around the area. Sir!"


"A pegasus... I thought they were extinct... Where is it?"


"He saw us and left sir."


"Probably some sort of native population curious about our arrival... If it was a pegasus... They are surely primitives... Pegasi should be gone for centuries. Back to your post and keep ur eyes open! Do not engage in hostilities against any of these natives!" The captain orders.


"Yes captain!" The guard says as he retreats to his post."


Signature by me

Sunny's Fan Club I love Sunset Shimmer <3

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  The approaching caravan halts at the voice, cautious but unresponsive. Two of the guards walk back to get a third pony and brings her to the front who waves for someone to come forward. 

Beyond that they simply wait in hopes of a non-violent response.



  The pony named 'Captain' chuckles for a moment before responding. "Sorry, it means product or trade items. Like selling a dress or food, they call it 'wares' in the Dominion. You'll have to discuss any trade with the Diplomat when he gets up here."


At the question about the Pegasi the Captain raises an eyebrow. "I could ask the same to you, seeing as how you have no Earth or Unicorn Ponies within your group. But to answer your question the caravan was only assigned a single Pegasus soldier.


As the captain pony responds the guard comes back with a new pony dressed in a practical dress. She walks forward and nods to the captain before speaking in the Kartrin tongue, not knowing the Captain was speaking a different language.


[OOC: Thank you Sharpwit for indirectly reminding me about that language issue I had written down. lol]

 "Who says nothing is impossible? I've been doing nothing for years." -Unknown

 "There's always another secret." & "I'm so storming pure I practically belch rainbows." -Brandon Sanderson(Books)

Above are my three favorite quotes.


I support a [United Equestria].

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At pegasonian north western border


The officer looked at the captain and said" we believe that pegasi are the superior race and only they should deal with high level confrontation with ponys crossing our boarders and I don't think it is wise of you to only have one pegasi with you when you go out on wandering and I will get one of our diplomats from a camp nearby to talk about trade but don't expect much"

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Upon getting permission to board Blackfire's ship, several unicorn envoys did so, teleporting aboard. They had pooled their magical talent to teleport a somewhat large and bulky crystal slab along with them. The envoys didn't speak at all, and it seemed they were heavily armed with telum. One of the envoys' horns glowed, and the slab of crystal came to life, Crystal Tower's face could be seen on the slab.


"Greetings and salutations! You do not need to wait for me, as I am already here!" Crystal Tower said in a genial, yet commanding tone. "If it's not too much trouble, I'd like to start the negotiations as soon as possible."

My OCs:  Dividend YieldStormgiggle | Ask Me questions! | My Counting Game


Jeric, on 25 Sept 2014 - 6:09 PM, said:img-29563-1-img-29563-1-snapback.png

Any problem that you may experience on this site can be solved immediately if you simply throw Fluttershy into a wood chipper.   You can trust me on this, because I'm an administrator. Would I lie?

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At Blackfire ship


Blackfire smiled at cyrstal tower and said"welcome to my home on the sea and I am glad you accepted my offer to meet. As you can see you are the first to arrive and I was wondering if we could talk in my captains quarters so our conversation is private until the other leaders arrive (this mean PM me)

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@,@@SilentFlight, (So as silent flight has already been told, all meetings must be public.If you have already began a private discussion concerning role play matters, they must be posted here.)


@@WindyParadise, To the snipers the Captain says, "Keep a keen eye on them while I attempt communicating with them. Fire only on my signal." He flies over at a moderate pace low to the ground so as not to startle them. He lands ten feet away but leaves his wings outstretched in a defensive manor as a means to show that he is not to be trifled with. He bows his head in acknowledgement motions his hoof to his mouth signaling to speak and says,"Equestrian?"

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At Blackfire's ship


Blackfire and Crystal tower walked out of the captains quarters and Blackfire said" to bad we couldn't come to an agreement I will talk to the other leaders once they arrive. In the mean time why don't you sit down and have some bread made from some of the wheat grown by our earth and unicorn slaves from our nation

Edited by SilentFlight
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"Oh, um, very well. Just be sure not to run over any of our residents."


With that, the expedition was escorted by police to 15 River Street to meet with the new Premier.




15 River Street, Mustang City, Impalarana


Now that she was settled in, Bright Idea finally had a moment to relax. The time would be short-lived, as the travelers would be there within half an hour. Even with this short window of "relaxation time", the young Premier couldn't help but be a little nervous; she had never negotiated with foreign entities before. In fact, now that she thought about it, she only won the general election because of her stands on domestic issues. The UCP never really established a position on foreign policy, so on that front, she would have to go it alone for the moment. It was definitely going to be discussed at the next party conference, that was for sure.


In the meantime, she decided to occupy her time by drafting her first public order. Public Order #1 would fulfill the personal goal she set when running for office in the first place: order the state prosecutor to reopen the long-abandoned investigation into the arson at her old secondary school that killed some of her friends. In the order, she also added a clause requiring the state prosecutor to report to her every 30 days; Bright Idea was not going to allow the state prosecutor to abandon the case once again. It would reach a conclusion, and she - and the families who lost their loved ones in the fire - would finally have closure.


After twenty minutes, Bright Idea put the fountain pen down. In a way, she wanted to deliver the order to the state prosecutor personally, but she knew that she only had a few minutes before the foreign travelers arrived. In a rush, she called one of the servants into the Gold Room.


"Please deliver this order to the head of the Justice Commission," she asked. "As soon as physically possible."


"Yes, Miss Premier." With that, the servant took the public order and left the room.


Bright Idea sighed, but it wasn't a depressed sigh. She was relieved. Finally, this decades-long saga can come to an end, she thought. Now, on to the issue with the travelers. She waited, but the wait wasn't long. Within two minutes of the servant heading out the door with P.O. #1, another servant peeked in the doorway and made the announcement she was waiting for.


"Miss Premier, the travelers are here."


It was time. "Send them in."

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Konyushnia-Griffon Border

It was cold... I've always hated the cold... I pushed my scarf out my face as it fluttered in the winds and took off my snow goggles. Behind me a small caravan trudged through the snow hauled by Earth Pony serfs with Griffon Soldiers marching along side. I wondered how many of the serfs would die in the cold nights ahead. Celestia save them.


"Come on now!" I shouted through the winds. "If we're going to get some trade it won't be done at that pace!" 


I was acting as the diplomat envoy for this trip with the official foreign minister dealing with the Crystal Empire.


"Mr. Lightfeather!" Shouted the commanding officer. "Yes, Major?" 

"We're about to leave the Kingdom if we've gone as far as I think we have"

"Alright then. You know what to do. Just don't shoot anyone and I'll do the talking"


The wagons slowly passed me the winds along getting worse. 

"Bloody Pegasus" Muttered one of the soldiers as he passed me who I gave no heed. I checked my pocket map which did no good. The storm was too bad...



"Yes, Mr. Lightfeather?"

"Just keep moving north. The storm is too bad to tell where we're going but if we're lucky we'll hit a town or something"

"If you say so, Mr Lightfeather" He pushed through to the front to continue orders.


I hope we find someone soon or we'll have to head back and for me that's not an option.

Edited by Firehearted

Aloha from sunny and/or rainy Hawaii!

Atlas: The fez-wearing adventurer

Hunter: The resident werewolf

Patches: The only doctor for the next ten miles


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