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The Shadow Stallion

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Deep within Stalliongrad Castle


"Sir, we have checked our records on any unicorns with criminal records sir. Any found with a record has been reported missing or cannot be found." Those crafty unicorns. I give them all kinds of freedoms to lead in my great nation, and yet they choose to rebel. I think we need to make an example out of them.


"Seeing that these rebel unicorns decided to run away and rebel against me, they need to be shown what happens when they try to kill me. I want to send in the Elite to take care of our problem. See that every rebel is either dead or taken prisoner at any cost."




The next day, soldiers lined up at the forest edge, readying their muskets for the attack. The soldiers that were marched here were the top soldiers of the army and pegasi Air Force. These troops were highly trained and have served the Supreme Leader for many winters. They were loyal to their souls. As the orders went up and down the lines, the soldiers advanced in perfect formation into the unforgiving forest. Any animal that saw the mass of ponies backed away in fear of the numbers.


The pegasi notice evidence of settlement and soon the army pressed on in its direction. A few hours later, screams and gunpowder can be heard at the edges of the forest as the army reached the rebel settlement. The rebels were unable to stem the onslaught of the soldiers pressing on and were forced to flee. The numbers of those able to flee in terror was very low. 




The rebels ran North into the unknown nation's lands. No pony has ventured this far in ages, but now they had no choice. The few hundred rebels soon reached the border as they heard the methodical hooves marching behind them....


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Equestrian Empire Cast Characters:

Daring Do, Twilight Sparkle
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@@The Shadow Stallion,


 "Very well... suit yourself" he said as he started eating a few of the delicious chocolates, "but theyre really good, best chocolates we have."


"Ale... sure why not?" he says as he picks up the mug,he had a reputation as a big drinker home.


He pours it down his throut in a couple of gulps.


"Its actually pretty good" he said turning to his seargent, "You want some seargeant? Oh, wait, better not"


He turns to the jarl, "this lad here would drop drunk at a single sip." He says, laughing.


The Lietenants eyes fix on the jarls fur coat.


"Mind you," he asks "The quality of that fur is really good, could you perhaps tell us what species you got it from?"




"Times could be better... but were a strong peple."


As the princess turned towards the window the officer saw her wings "An Alicorn...magic" he whispered (Ponssia has no pegasi/no magic). To cover his whispers he continues,


"A revolution..." he added, "We have a very war-rich histor... and a glorious army that has won us victory after victory."


"Also i thin i can speak on behalf of his majesty that we would be honored to have you as a friend in the east. Maybe we could establish an embassy in your captial for faster communication between our people?"


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Sunny's Fan Club I love Sunset Shimmer <3

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The Jarl laughed at the Lieutenants attitude. The lieutenant had passed the Jarl's test and instantly the jarl warmed up to Sharp. Then the lieutenant asked about the Jarl's cloak.


The jarl grew a bit more serious on this note. "This..." He said, holding up the cloak. "Is the hide of a great Dire Wolf. Large wolves that can grow anywhere from 7 feet tall to 14 feet on all fours." The jarl explained. "Teeth as sharp as swords, claws that could flay the skin from your bones, and a temperment that fire would have a hard time matching."


The jarl didn't exaggerate. Dire Wolves were some of the deadliest and meanest creatures in Volund. A single grown Dire Wolf could kill five seasoned warriors, but due to the Volunder's tactics and shield walls, the Dire Wolves size and temperment weren't as effective.

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@@The Shadow Stallion,


"And where can we find these "Dire Wolves'?" he asked curiously.


"Well im sure it's nothing that a canister shot of a 12-pounder can't handle." He giggled, then he realized the jarl had no idea what that was. "Maye you would like a little demonstration?"


So far  the lietenant knew nothing of any superiors over the jarl, thinking the jarl was the highest degree of authority in the area.


He turned to the seargent,


"I want some targets up."


Signature by me

Sunny's Fan Club I love Sunset Shimmer <3

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@@The Shadow Stallion

​A number of audible clicks could be heard as the soldiers cocked their rifles as the hunters approached.


"At ease, lads. They are no threat" Said the aging colonel, his feathers whitening, stepped out of his wagon. They were intimating but he had seen it before. He'd been int he National Army for thirty long years and his nerve wouldn't crack now.


"Greetings, natives" He said bowing in front of the pegasus who he assumed was their leader. "We did not mean to intrude on your hunting grounds if we have. Also excuse my men's caution. We were just attacked by wolves and we sustained some causalities. Ahem, but to the point. Recently one of our naval ships went missing after a storm and we have been sent to find them.


We found a lifeboat east of here on the shore and we believe it may have been theirs. Have you seen any griffons recently or have any idea where they might be?"


Behind him rifles were still raised many on a hairpin trigger. But a trained hairpin trigger. The rookies knew when to fire and when to not even if they couldn't hit the broad side of a barn.

Aloha from sunny and/or rainy Hawaii!

Atlas: The fez-wearing adventurer

Hunter: The resident werewolf

Patches: The only doctor for the next ten miles


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"Dire wolves are scattered throughout Volund's lands. Thankfully due to Oberjarl Gunnar's efforts their numbers have been brought lower over the past two years. They travel in packs, largest we've seen has had over 50 strong, enough to take down the population of an entire city." The jarl said. "I've already lost one of my sons to those accursed beasts." The jarl then smirked. "I'm wearing the one that took my son." The jarl then listened as they spoke of some other weapon.


"Demonstration of what exactly?" The jarl asked, his curiousity piqued. "I've seen a Dire wolf filled full o spears and he kept charging on as if they were pine needles."

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@@The Shadow Stallion, (You missed firehearteds post) 


" A demonstartion of why spears are no longer used for abour 100 years. I mean i know that the weapns we're carrying look like some giant sticks, but maybe you will be surprised of their efficency."


He shows towards the door,


"If you would be so kind and follow me."


Outside, the seargent prepared a large mountain of sandbags and some "wooden pony targets".


"So aren't you a bit curious?"


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Sunny's Fan Club I love Sunset Shimmer <3

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(Crap my bad. I went to go get my tea and forgot >.< Sorry Firehearted)


The jarl followed the Lieutenant."Truth be told I am." The jarl said. If he could present the oberjarl a new weapon that could stop these dire wolf incursions, his village might prosper from some rewards.




"We did not encounter any griffons here, but they could have went in the direction of the wolven empire. If so then they may be lost already." The female pegasus said. "But we were tracking down those wolves that had attacked you and it seems we are drawing near. Perhaps you'd be interested in avenging your warrior's losses and join us on our hunt for those beasts?" The female warrior offered.

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@@The Shadow Stallion,


Two soldiers pushed a heavy cannon out of the rowboats. Some of the warrior ;laughed as it just looked as a battering ram to them.


the seargent was by the soldier line.


"Company, advance!"


The drummer started playiung and the line moved by the cannon until it was faacing the targets.


"Company, Halt!"


The line and cannon stoppd in postion and the drumming stops as well.


"Present arms!"


The row of soldiers kneel while the second lower theyre bayonets.


"Take aim!"


All the line aims for the wodden targets.




The soldiers fire instantly, all targets get hit at least once. Some of the warriors jump at the exploding sound of the muskets.


"Cannon, fire!"


The cannon bursts out a canister shot (That is not a single cannonball, but thousands of tiny metal pieces that would rip soldiers apart) in a explosion that frightens every animal around.


After the smoke has cleared, the sandbags and wooden targets are nothing but a pile of trash, being riped apart by the fire.


"Company at ease."


"Thank you seargent." the lietenant says looking at the surprised warriors, he turns to the jarl,




Signature by me

Sunny's Fan Club I love Sunset Shimmer <3

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(Oiy, no controlling my warriors reactions! Thats gmodding comrade.)


The jarl was impressed, but not by far. His warriors were muttering more impressed than their jarl. However, they still preferred their own weapons to that of the newcomers. "Well, this weapon seems to be very effective.... if your enemies are trees." The jarl chuckled goodnaturedly. "I'd be more impressed if I see you use this.... firespitter on a REAL dire wolf." The jarl began to grin. "What do you say Lieutenant? Are ye up to the challenge of facing a Volund Dire Wolf with that there firespitter?" The jarl challenged.

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@@The Shadow Stallion, (Well... okay... ur possesive... Thing is that even soldiers firing the weapons usually had a bit of a shock from it... Even those trained for hours as it is the organisms conservation instinct... But fine=p)

"No problem" he turns to the seargent, "Call in the Death Heads!"

The Flag-Bearer Signals the ship. Shortly, more rowboats arrive, 140 ponies land. These were some of the elite Ponssias units. They were tall, dressed in black and wearing skull emblems on their hats.


These were the cruelest, most disciplined and loyal regiments. Another 60 of those men disembarked pulling some tall creatures.

"We dont need a cannon to solve, these men are trained to take down anything."

"I would also like to introduce you to our stronger, less evolved cousin," The lieutenant said as he mounted a giant pony-looking like beast. "we call them mounts, can run 3 times as fast as one of us. A vital addition to any army."


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Sunny's Fan Club I love Sunset Shimmer <3

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@@The Shadow Stallion,

((I'd gladly go north but Arkman hasn't shown))


"I'm sorry but we can't join you. We must find our seamen" As the officer was about to turn a young captain spoke up.


"Sir, me and some of the men want to join the hunters to avenge our friends. Besides we've just invaded another nation, might as well repay them"


"... Fine... We're leaving without you though. If you're really up to this you have to get home on your own" He turned to the hunters. "If you can get them to civilization after this they're all yours. If you can't we're taking them... And if they do go and I don't hear of them again let's just say I'll be leading more than a hundred here" He was really doing this... Why? He didn't know what came over him.


"Alright everyone! Turn around, you're going farther north!"



"Well" Started Captain Steel to the hunters. "Me and five more here want to go with you... What do you say?"





Imperial Palace


"Sir, more border problems with the Crystal Empire" Read the beginning of the letter from the ambassador. IronClaw groaned.


You see, the land the Crystal Empire sat on was once part of the Griffon Kingdom. However when it popped into existence out of the blue the Griffon Kingdom said it was there. Beforehand the land was just a piece of ice but now it was a piece of ice with a city on it. The claim may have gone through but Equestria stepped in and the Griffon Kingdom was forced down.


Nowadays the border is a bit... Blurry. Diplomats fight daily for inches of land that no one else cares about but if it fits on a map they want it.


This time is was over a small griffon town that was built on the border. The Crystal Empire says it's theirs since it's on their lands but the Griffon Kingdom says it's theirs because Griffon nationals are on it. 


"Send some more troops there and push the claim. We should win since Equestria hasn't said anything" A simple act. IronClaw thought his generals would be sensible and send a company or two and his diplomats would gently talk it out and not go around table slamming and making threats... But he trusts them too much and jingoism wasn't helping. IronClaw was tired and he didn't elaborate and he was about to pay the price...



Griffon-Crystal Border, One Day Later


The team pushed their cannon into position along with five others. Down the hill a few hundred troops sat in a camps only knowing they'd been mobilized and sent to the border. It looked like an invasion force. A good half mile away sat the small town which brought this to be now dwarfed by an army sitting next door.

Edited by Firehearted

Aloha from sunny and/or rainy Hawaii!

Atlas: The fez-wearing adventurer

Hunter: The resident werewolf

Patches: The only doctor for the next ten miles


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"That's does sound nice," the princess said, retreating from the window's light.

"Our nations have plenty in common... Perhaps too much," she added thoughtfully. She stared into the old pony's eyes from afar, searching them thoroughly.

"In the past, Konyushniya has stood by our allies, even the wretched ones. But times are changing, and we will not be participating in any further...terrors." She spoke loudly, staring through her guest.

"Is that understood?" She asked, her voice turned down to a harsh whisper. The walls, which normally echoed even the slightest noise, fell silent.


The princess smiled.

"I'd love to speak to your king for further arrangements and details," she said.

"I don't think Konyush has much to offer you in terms of resources, but we'd be happy to start anew with you as our first alliance."

She trotted towards the pony.

"You'll tell your king what I told you, I trust?" She asked pleasantly, "in the meantime, please get yourself fed and washed. We've set up accommodations for you and your crew."



@Derplight Sperkle

Outside the southern borders of Konyushniya, a group was approaching. Within, a group was assembling.

"They look like they'rre frrom the Sovneigh Union," a bearded unicorn said cautiously, looking to his comrades.

"What do they want?" A young Earth pony piped up. He was getting tangled in his bootstraps. A brown unicorn with piercing violet eyes and a dark green jacket approached the two. Golden badges adorned his uniform. With a wisp of magic, the captain fixed the young pony's boots.

"Whateverr they want, they'll have to crross us firrst," he said stoically. "Let's hope they come as friends."

The pony stepped into the next room, where a mare sat with a quill and ink.

"Alerrt the Prrincess," the brown unicorn said. "Let herr know of the forrces apprroaching us. We will not attack lest they do."

The mare scribbled quickly on the sheet, then with a burst of magic, it was gone. The pony captain looked back to his fellow soldiers.

"To the border," he said.

Not long later, a line of soldiers stood before the border, cautiously waiting.

The captain stepped forward without fear, so the rebels could hear him.

"What brings you to our land this day?" He called out. They seemed to have more soldiers than anticipated, but they were looking tired and worn.

"Do you come in peace?" He bellowed.

Edited by AmberDust

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Blackfire is in here generals quarters and says to herself"we cant be the only nation there must be more to Allie with. This lack of lumber is really getting out of hand."

Then a officer walked in and said" our scouts have spotted claimed landmass with flags of different nations flying I think we have found other nations.

Blackfire then looked up and said send a message to all the encounters nations so we can schedule a meeting with there leaders and we will see who responds.

Maybe pegasonia has a chance.

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"War is only used when there is no other way." the officer assured the princess.


"If one prepares for war, that doesnt mean one wants war. As a wise philosopher once said 'Fortune favours  the prepared'" he said as he placed the featherd hat back on his head.


"I regret to say that his majesty would not be able to leave Perlin, your grace, as he has a lot of plans to make for the outcoming winter, it is said it will be a terrible one." he looked out the window.


"I doubt that would be a problem, the only resource we are missing is food and im sure his majesty is willing to pay more than enough for any."


He smiled and looked as his stomach after hearing that the will be 'accomodated', he was still pretty hungry after the 2 moth voyage.


"Of course i will your grace." he bowed and slowly started moving backwards towards the exit.


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Sunny's Fan Club I love Sunset Shimmer <3

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The rebels slowly began to slow as they approached the unknown ponies. None of them have heard of any other nations, let alone borders to other nations. At first they believed it was a ploy, but the soldiers were in different uniforms compared to the ones behind them. It confused many, but one lone unicorn went to confront the unknown ponies. 


"We mean no harm. We are only running away from the army behind us. Can you please help us? If you don't, we will most surely perish."


As the rebel unicron finished his statement, the army he was speaking of appeared behind them and readied their weapons. Though surprisingly to the rebels, nopony fired a shot. The captains of the ranks were ordering a cease fire to analyze the situation. Their orders had not involved encountering foreign soldiers. One of the company commanders from the pegasi air regiments flew to the border to talk to their commander.


The pegasus saluted in respect and told the captain, "We are here to round up the traitors to our nation. If you leave these traitors to us, there will be no consequence to you. However, we have informed our great Supreme Leader of the situation and we should receive orders soon."




Deep within Stalliongrad Castle


A letter poofed in front of Defiant Shadow as he studied his maps. His horn glowed as he opened the letter to read its contents. "Hmmmm, interesting development. I guess we need to see what those border troops decide to do..." Shadow said as a quill and paper soon floated to in front of him. He wrote that if the troops decide to take the rebels, they have orders to eliminate the opposition, otherwise round up the remaining rebels to be taken care of. Once the orders were finished, the paper burned in flames as the note was sent directly to his troops.

Edited by Derplight Sperkle


Signature by me

Equestrian Empire Cast Characters:

Daring Do, Twilight Sparkle
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At port of Konyushnia


A pegasonian ship pulls into the port and a messenger goes to one of the troops that guards the port.

He asked them to deliver a message to there princess that has a request from Blackfire to meet with her about trade and alliance agreements and that she is sailing out there and will be there if she accepts the request to meet.

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@@Derplight Sperkle

The captain eyed the Pegasus soldier sternly for a few moments, then looked back towards the rebels. His violet eyes glittered as snow began to fall.

"And what makes these ponies enemies of your nation?" He growled, looking the Pegasus dead in the eye. "They don't seem violent...or disorrderrly."


The young Earth pony soldier stood guard nervously.

"Their leader is that...that dark unicorn, yes?" He whispered to his comrade. "Do we really want to get involved with them...?"

The Red unicorn next to him stood strong as the snow began to brush against him.

"The captain is a brave pony," he said simply. "He's following the Princess's wishes, I'm certain. She would want to help the rebels."


At port of Konyushnia


A pegasonian ship pulls into the port and a messenger goes to one of the troops that guards the port.

He asked them to deliver a message to there princess that has a request from Blackfire to meet with her about trade and alliance agreements and that she is sailing out there and will be there if she accepts the request to meet.

As the Ponessian (@Lordav) left the throne room to fill his stomach, a guard rushed in.

"Message for her Highness," he said, lost for breath.

"Come in," the Princess said calmly. The guard trotted nervously into the light of the stained glass windows, holding a letter in a wisp of yellow magic.

"Eet's from Pegasoniya. They are requesting a meeting regarding a trade agreement."

The princess looked over the letter. Lumber shortage, hmm?

"Have it arranged," she said, and she folded the letter under her wing. "This is a good opportunity for our trades ponies, wouldn't you say?" She added, smiling to the nervous guard.

"We will set sail at the next opening...?" The guard suggested.

"Perfect," Horizon said. "Let this be our fresh start."

Edited by AmberDust

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@@skbl17,  Cuz im guessing u got bored of just posting internal politics)


The final expedition accidetly passes by the City State-Island of Port Impala.


"Land...City at 1 o'clock!" the birdnest spotter yells down.


The 38-gun Frigate steers towards the port but is met by an unbelievable naval traffic of trading and fishing boats. Eventually, the large ship manages to pass through and reaches the port. The captain followed by two guards decends on the deck and looks around to see abustling city. He approaches a pony that he believed to be a authoritarian figure such as a soldier or guard.


"Excuse me, sir," he politely got the ponies attention. "Would you be so kind and direct me to the leader of this city?"

  • Brohoof 1


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Sunny's Fan Club I love Sunset Shimmer <3

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Out at sea


The ship carrying the messenger had arrived at blackfires ship. He approached her and told her " the princess of konyushnia will meet with you out here and that she would set sail at the next opening."

Blackfire looked back at the guard and said" you have done a good job and you will be rewarded if this meeting goes well. So now all we can do is wait for her arrival

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Port of Mustang City, Mustang City, Impalarana


The guard looked over the group. He did not believe that they were present to mean the city any harm, so he was inclined to allow them to pass through. Of course, there were immigration and customs laws that had to be enforced, so he had some of his fellow guards check the ship for contraband and stowaways.


When the group's leader mentioned that they wanted to see the Premier, the head guard decided that he needed to get further information before allowing them to get an audience with Bright Idea. Putting on a smile, he asked the group's leader, "What business do you have to meet the Premier?"


At the same time, he motioned to another guard to send a telegram to 15 River Street.




"Your Excel-" The servant stopped when he was met with Bright Idea's stern glare. "-Miss Premier, we just got a telegram from the port. Apparently, a group of ponies landed at the port, and wish to have an audience with you."


Under the old National Alliance government, there was a lot of bureaucracy and orders that had to be navigated before anypony could even so much as interview the Premier. Bright Idea believed that the top-heavy bureaucracy festered corruption, so on the campaign trail, she promised to trim it. Why not start with something as simple as interviews?


Of course, she still wanted to know why they wanted an audience with her, so she decided to stop short of instant authorization. Turning back to the servant, she gave her order.


"I'll grant the police discretion on this one. If they think they are good and don't wish me or the country any harm, lead them straight here to see me. No need to go through the Customs and Immigration Office or the Port Assurance Commission."


The servant nodded before heading back to the communications room, where he replied to the telegram with a simple message:


Use your judgment. If they pose no threat to anybody, send them straight to 15 River.

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Crystal Tower sat in his throne, awaiting whatever news his advisers had to bring him. One of his chief advisers approached the throne. 


"Sir, I have urgent news. Equestria is no longer providing enough food to ensure our continued survival."


"I thought this day might come. Our relative isolation from the other nations no longer serves our needs" Crystal Tower replied. "Send diplomatic envoys to all the other nations. I sense that great changes are coming soon. We will need as many allies on our side as we can get."

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Jeric, on 25 Sept 2014 - 6:09 PM, said:img-29563-1-img-29563-1-snapback.png

Any problem that you may experience on this site can be solved immediately if you simply throw Fluttershy into a wood chipper.   You can trust me on this, because I'm an administrator. Would I lie?

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As the guards were trying to climb the ship in their search, two large marines got in their way, blocking the bridge.


"Its okay lads, let them through." The captain tells the marines and they step aside. The frigate was a millitary ship armed with 30 cannons filled with ammunition, cannonballs and muskets. The brig smelled as the ship sailed non-stop for over 2 months and most of the crew were sleeping in their hammocks.


"We come from the kingdom of Ponssia and come here on a diplomatic mission and possible trade agreements."


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Sunny's Fan Club I love Sunset Shimmer <3

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At blackfires ship

Another pegasonian ship sail toward blackfires. She they pulled aside it another messenger came aboard and yelled "we have a message from the mendeils",Blackfire then looks it over and says" they need food and allies well I can provide that. Send a message back that I will meet with him after my visit with the princess of Konyushnia unless he can sail out here and we could all three meet. And if he does do that provide him the ship that you carey this on."

Edited by SilentFlight
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The police officers and port security personnel backed off once the travelers stated their reasons for showing up. As that was happening, the telegraphed reply came in from 15 River Street. After reading the short, one-sentence order, the head pony in charge was a bit baffled.


"Huh, she's giving us discretion. Don't we have to go through three different agencies, though? Oh well."


Having already determined that the travelers posed no threat, they were granted permission to see the Premier.


"Well, you have our permission. Now, because this is on such short notice, we don't have any prearranged transportation for you. A small police regiment will escort you to the Premier's residence, but the journey will have to be on hoof. It should take about twenty minutes or so."



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