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ooc Fallout Equestria: Restoration of Harmony (Signup/OOC) [Signup open. 2 spots.]


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Lol. Hey dash, next post dash should acknowledge Elegron staring. After all, having known him for that long she would probably expect it. And it would be funny xD



Act before you have the presence of mind to second-guess yourself. Then you rarely miss an opportunity.


Fallout Equestria OC: Elegron

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Also she could have been use to him looking and not minding that his younger self would do the same. BTW Dashia's current state comes from years of practice.


She has also detected Elegron's dragon's blood. So his awakening may be soon.


As a bonus Elegron's magic will increase some more with the fact he can now learn dragon magic as well as unicorn magic. But only after his awakening.


Will post more tomorrow.

Edited by Midnight_Aurora
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Uhm, the Sentenza was a powerful gun from the story "Pink Eyes" wasn't it?.....

Ughhh, do I really have to drill logic into you people? Languages can be spoken by anyone. You can't speak a language that "only a unicorn" can understand. Langauges don't work like that. Anyone can understand a language they learn.


Even if you performing some spell (unicorns don't really perform a ritual when they cast a spell, they just use their horn) that doesn't mean that it cannot be understood unless by someone else. Sure the unicorn can feel the power of the spell, but others can still understand it if they have learned it.


Back to languages. Language can be spoken by anyone. It is not bound to one typical race. There are other ponies that can talk zebra. Even if zebras were the ones to invent their language, it doesn't mean no one else can understand.


Now I'm not saying that anyone in the group has studied the language you are speaking, but to make such big illogical statement as the one you did.... >_>


(Logical Jonas out).

Edited by JonasDarkmane
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*sniffs back tears of joy* I love you bro. I wasn't going to say anything since it's the god mode GM character so he can do whatever he wants but thank you for pointing this out.




Out of curiosity, Broken definitely had the perception for that check earlier for Ditzy. Did she come with us?

Edited by Sekhayet
  • Brohoof 1



Pegasus OC: Broken Physicality

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No. She has her shop to run.


As for the language, Your both right about the knowledge but only those who have studied ritual magic would truly understand what Dashia is saying. But for the record she looks like a Pegasus and is wielding what deems to be alicorn magic.


It is probably either the way to open the secret door or she has alicorn magic. More then likely the latter one. But y'all will find that out shortly.

She did hint about it earlier by saying, "His new form keeps him busy right now."

Edited by Midnight_Aurora
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Ok Waiting on Elegron then will continue rp.


On another note, to those who had voices other then twilight's, congratulations, you're now in the main trial for your Element of Harmony. Elegron is also in his trial for an Element of Harmony. To the others you will have a chance to save either generosity or Kindness from their fate or restore them to their element and free them from their current fates.


Be warned these choices will influence the future of the RP. I chose to skip the first dungeon and get right to the trials. Present Dashia will be meet by all after their trail is complete. She doesn't know about F. Dashia, so please don't tell her. She thinks her grandparent Spike sent her to take the trial.

Edited by Midnight_Aurora
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So.... Elegron can either be a halfbreed, or the element of magic? I'm confused.



Act before you have the presence of mind to second-guess yourself. Then you rarely miss an opportunity.


Fallout Equestria OC: Elegron

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You will be level 5 before the trial is over. Yall can level to 2.


Add one perk and skill points = to (int. / 2) plus 10. You can place these skill points into any skill. Don't worry about the half a point for odd int. scores. You will gain an extra skill point every other level. Do not round that number.


Skills assosiated with your special purpose are maxed at 115 and all others cap at 100.

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I think I'm going to put my first perk in the one that adds special points. Forgot it's name. My perception is horrendous.

Well, I gtg. Goodnight everypony :)



Act before you have the presence of mind to second-guess yourself. Then you rarely miss an opportunity.


Fallout Equestria OC: Elegron

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The training perk.

Nn Elegron.

Yup. To gain one you must give up the other. And the book isn't about an Element. the two doors function for the future of what you will become. With one door you have a surprise. With the other you get your draconic awakening.


You will also get to me a remnant of spike. A fragment of his soul that he left in this place.

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Not sure. The last GM post was directed at Elegron and Dyna. I'm waiting on input for present Dashia's response about what she wants to do. Broken already gave a suggestion.


Edit: If you like, I can specifically have Broken interact with you .

Edited by Sekhayet



Pegasus OC: Broken Physicality

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