TerribilisScriptor 107 September 30, 2015 #51 Share September 30, 2015 -fears dark an chaos magic -is somewhat cowardly (runns away from conflict if this mens avoiding violence without risking zh safety of others) - is really untalented in using earth, fire and plant magic Just send a Message to me or visite my Free Charactersheets post ! link to my thread --> https://mlpforums.com/topic/136316-free-rp-charactersheets/ feel free to check out my first english fanfic aswell --> https://mlpforums.com/topic/138791-the-strange-salespony/ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SkullcandyPegasus 604 September 30, 2015 #52 Share September 30, 2015 Snow Angel completely lacks backstory or personality: she's just meant to make a cute avatar xP Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Falsey 44 October 19, 2015 #53 Share October 19, 2015 (edited) I like this question. I have a LOT of OC's, so I'm just going to focus on the one I use most for rp nowadays. Her name is Requiem, and she's got a large, jumbled mess of weaknesses and strengths, though her ability to circumvent them is rather high. Requiem is a very odd combination of things that come with their own weaknesses and strengths. First of all, she's a lich. Technically immortal, though she could be killed if one can find her phylactery. Killing her otherwise causes her to disintegrate, and reform again after about 24 hours. If she is in a location very far from her phylactery then it can take longer. Anyway, on to the most irritating weaknesses (In her mind at least.)!Spellcasting: Requiem is weakened all around in direct sunlight, but her spellcasting takes the brunt of it. In order to cast even basic telekinesis spells during the day, she has to perform a 2 minute or longer incantation. The time increases for more complex spells, to the point where they become simply impractical. She has found a way to circumvent this to some extent, by casting preemptive spells on herself during the night, that are then triggered when certain conditions are met. Since she's not a bloody fortune teller, she can't predict what spells she might need in the day, so she tends to cast an entire array of them before sunrise just to be safe.Fire: She is incredibly vulnerable to fire and fire based magic. She can be ignited very easily, and has a lot more trouble putting it out than she'd ever like to admit.There are more weaknesses, but to save time I'm moving onto personality flaws.She often seems cold and uncaring, displaying little to no emotion. Underneath that she is empathetic to a fault, often failing to consider her own well being to help others while also going out of her way to seem like she doesn't care.She behaves like a recluse, spending most of her time avoiding others in favor of magical research.She is obsessive. The fact that she's worked so hard to keep herself alive long past a normal lifespan is due to one such obsession.I could go on but this is already too long of a post for my taste. Edited October 19, 2015 by Falsey Would you like to play with me? I'd like to play with you, forever, and ever, and ever! No... no you can't have it! It's mine! Stay back! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
StormLantern the 1st 427 October 19, 2015 #54 Share October 19, 2015 Personality-wise, Storm tends not to trust others, and wants to do everything himself. He'll take on too many tasks, exhaust himself trying to make everything work, and feel bad when he can't do everything. Storm has two forms that he can shapeshift between, fox and pony, but he refuses to switch forms in front of anypony, to the point of having a psychological block against doing so. His fox form is smaller, and if it's contained in a small area (such as a cage or kennel) he can't change back to pony form. Additionally, his magic is much weaker in fox form. If you take away his scarf, Storm will do everything he can to cover his neck, and won't be able to do anything else until he gets his scarf back. Other objects can be used to cover his neck, but Storm will do everything in his power to get his scarf back, up to and including hurts those he otherwise cares about. I've gotta keep on moving.I got troubles on my mind. Each day I'm getting stronger. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
cmarston1 5,959 October 19, 2015 #55 Share October 19, 2015 My OC Meadow Leaf has social anxiety and isn't the best at social situations. He is a bit of a germaphobe and is naive Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Knightgem 158 June 27, 2016 #56 Share June 27, 2016 While Knight Gem is one for the traditional ways of the gentlemen, he is very closed off about his feelings until comfortable with someone(pony), he has a tendency to take misunderstandings, playful taunts, even practical jokes a bit too far, even if they were ment for him or not. And even though he can be a bit of a slob or indeed lazy, he can and will get the job done in his own time. He doesn't expect everyone to fit his way of thinking, but at least to be open minded about it. isn't flashing your riches, it's sharing it with others that don't know how or can't Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Randimaxis 8,654 June 27, 2016 #57 Share June 27, 2016 Oh, a 'tell me something about your OCs' thread; I feel obligated to mention the Blackwaters here, simply because I'm stoked to have an entire family of OCs. Dax Blackwater: A pronounced lack of self-confidence Slight 'Teenage-Know-It-All' syndrome Lonely, but afraid to do anything about it Naive to a fault, overly-trusting Low self-worth Harcourt Blackwater: Overconfidence Blithely stubborn (and proud of that stubbornness) Quite a show-off Has a difficult time keeping his massive ego in check Doesn't care to work with others, normally Oglevy Blackwater: Spoiled colt Has a bigger ego than Harcourt Selfish Enjoys being rude to no end Practical jokester - especially with ponies he doesn't like Luther Blackwater: ALWAYS serious ALWAYS stubborn ALWAYS humorless ALWAYS rigid NEVER smiles Vylia Blackwater: Her ego leads her to believe she's more important than she truly is Tends to have a hoity-toity attitude Has an EXTREMELY NASTY TEMPER Has no qualms with using underhooved tactics to get her way (i.e. blackmail and the like, nothing violent) Honestly believes she could organize other ponies lives better than they can by themselves ===== ( 0 ) ===== Fnord. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ReverieRiver 526 June 27, 2016 #58 Share June 27, 2016 Let's see here... Galatea is stubborn to a fault. If she's set her mind to doing something, she'll follow it through to the end even if that turns out to be not such a good idea. She's reluctant to form close relationships with anyone, because of a crippling underlying fear of losing anyone she cares about. She bottles her emotions up (especially the grief from losing her loved one so many years ago), which can lead to bad moods and eventually full-blown breakdowns. And she's a workaholic on top of all that. Basically, she puts others before her and doesn't take very good care of herself, so while she's an Earth Pony with above-average strength for a mare her age, she can end up making herself exhausted or generally not in good health. Ariel suffers from severe anxiety and is prone to anxiety/panic attacks. She's hesitant and nervous, second-guessing nearly everything she does. She's terrified that her "curse" (that is, her mental illness) will cause her to be shunned or hated, so she tries her hardest to appear "normal." It doesn't usually work very well, and consequently she just tries to minimize contact with other ponies. Not to mention that if she's pushed too far or too stressed, she starts hearing voices and eventually goes into a psychotic break and lashes out at others. Her magic is somewhat stronger than the average unicorn's, but concentration is a requirement to maintain it, and sometimes she finds it difficult to focus. Nano is naive and perhaps a little too trusting. Since learning about friendship, this robot pony wants to try and see the best in everypony; but he doesn't quite know that some can have hidden agendas. He doesn't know that some can manipulate, and lie, and backstab someone in the end. He gets confused easily with conflicting information. And physically, he's a robot that was never made to be waterproof so... water could be an issue for him Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Midnight Seashell 206 June 27, 2016 #59 Share June 27, 2016 (edited) Midnight tends to be impatient,wanting to finish things as soon as possible and can be a jerk at times with a serious expression almost always plastered on his face. Edited September 3, 2016 by Midnight Seashell Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Eternal Nature 321 June 27, 2016 #60 Share June 27, 2016 RootedWisdom: He is exceptional fighter yes, but his weakness is on a personal level... he never likes to make a choice that involves his family and friends against saving all of Equestria. It will drive him to the point of mental breakdown. Luckily he's only had that happen twice. VoidWisdom: losing control of his power. Pandora: The fear of letting out her rage from a loved one. https://mlpforums.com/uploads/monthly_07_2015/post-15132-0-75683200-1436825571.png Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mentis Soliloquy 3,026 June 27, 2016 #61 Share June 27, 2016 (edited) Hmm, list incoming... ...now loading... Mentis; now he suffers from social anxiety, and is a poor fighter. Emerald; she can be quite headstrong, makes her uncompromising, if vampire well blood addiction. Sapphire; Is selfish and a poor leader, breaks under pressure nice at times to a select few. Summer; Very selfless to a fault, also rather shy. If vampire well blood addiction. Scarlet; Racist, cold uncompromising, under that she's quite motherly Aqua/Beta 10987; Suffers from a lack of social graces, selfless and fearful of ponies (is a changeling) Crystal; Old fashioned, can be quite stupid in social situations, misses points aswell. Quill; Rather well rounded has a few issues but tends to keep to herself. if vampire well blood addiction. Star; Too frank for her own good sees no point in lying to ponies gets her in trouble, mild racist. if vampire well blood addiction. Yes I have a thing for vamparic characters. Edited June 27, 2016 by Mentis Soliloquy PonyvilleLive! Check out our awesome range of music, podcasts, video and more!My various Roleplay Characters Avatar Credits: Yakovlev-vad Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
10InTheTardis 509 June 27, 2016 #62 Share June 27, 2016 My main OC, Shamrock Shambles, Is really unlucky, which is why his cutie mark is a four leaf clover with one leaf torn off. He can get a bit to nervous about new things, and is also sort of gullible. Hello! Gabe Newell here! Signature removed, too confusing for new members. Thanks, and have fun. GabeN Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
IsraelYabuki 446 June 28, 2016 #63 Share June 28, 2016 Pinkie Pie freaks my O.C out mostly because of how she's always doing the impossible. My O.C also can't handle sweets. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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