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Does Discord care about others?

Tom Snyder

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We all know that obnoxious character, Discord. The draconus(however you spell it) who has the power over chaos itself, the one who toyed with the Mane 6's personalities like it was game. But after a few events, he's now reformed and even more obnoxious now then he was back then. But observing him, he seems more caring towards Fluttershy than anypony else. While he does help Twilight and Cadence become closer, it still makes me wonder if he has any actually feelings for the other five. I'm not saying i hate his character, but just want to know what you guys actually think he' actually trustworthy to the other five of the group. 


I've noticed in season four that when Discord finds out the elements are gone, he starts to get that look of going back to his old ways. So i wouldn't trust him so easily if it were me. But that's my opinion, what are yours?

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Well, as of the season 4 finale, I would say he does. He seemed to show genuine care for Fluttershy when the mane 6 were stuck in the cage, so I think he may change, finally.


But before that, the answer is an obvious no.

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Well, as of the season 4 finale, I would say he does. He seemed to show genuine care for Fluttershy when the mane 6 were stuck in the cage, so I think he may change, finally.


But before that, the answer is an obvious no.

But he may not be so accepted by the other ponies after what he pulled with Tirek. Might as well get the pitchforks and torches. 

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But observing him, he seems more caring towards Fluttershy than anypony else.

Indeed, hopefully he'll care about the other mane 6 ponies in season 5.



In the Smooze episode, maybe he'll have some interactions with Pinkie Pie....


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If you noticed, Pinkie offers to help, but Discord didn't seem one bit interested. Just thought i'd point that out. Now why would he do that to Pinkie Pie?


Now that looked like he didn't even want to be around her at all.

'Twas a ploy to see if Twily cared about him.


I think he does care, or he wouldn't have been sentimental about accessorizing and Rarity.

Just that he's not used to caring and he doesn't care that much.

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'Twas a ploy to see if Twily cared about him.


I think he does care, or he wouldn't have been sentimental about accessorizing and Rarity.

Just that he's not used to caring and he doesn't care that much.

So he was showing feelings for them? I just thought he was being a prick.

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I think as of the S4 finale, Discord has finally learned his lesson. He was even accepted into the group, when they where having a group hug.


But i think that Discord will still pull some pranks here and there, because as good as he might be now, if he can't have some chaotic fun, he will get bored. But i don't think he will go as far, as to hurt anyone.

Edited by Hypnosparkle
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I think as of the S4 finale, Discord has finally learned his lesson. He was even accepted into the group, when they where having a group hug.


But i think that Discord will still pull some pranks here and there, because as good as he might be now, if he can't have some chaotic fun, he will get bored. But i don't think he will go as far, as to hurt anyone.

That's kinda cheesy for an episode, but yet would be nice for once.

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The simple answer is he is learning to do this but he isn't good at expressing himself. 


The more complicated answer: Remember that kid who was mean to other children but he was really just trying to get attention? That's basically Discord in a nutshell. As old as he is he is very immature when it comes to personal interactions with others. Give that personality type godlike powers and we have pure chaos. Not particularly evil per say, but chaotic non the less. Fluttershy was the first one to bridge that gap and get through to him. Having that connection to her made him more vulnerable than he's ever been, but he loved it at the same time and didn't want to let it go. 


The other thing about Discord is he is very wary of getting hurt emotionally. Its part of why Flutters has such a hold on him, being hurt like that is something he is just not used to since he's had so little personal interactions with others. If he were to blindly become friends with the others of the Mane six and they betrayed him it would kill him inside, and he knows this. So he tests their bonds, you saw it yourself with Twilight and Cadence. He didn't know if he could trust his emotions to her and thought that excursion would be a way to see if she really was his friend. 


However it wasn't until Twilight's kingdom, when he had trusted Tirek only to have him betray him, and betrayed the mane six only to have them stand by him, when he really REALLY got what friendship meant. He's not going to be perfect, he's not going to trust them all right away, but after the season 4 finale he is certainly ripe for becoming closer to the others. 


So does he care about the others? Yes, and in time he'll be able to learn how to make more stable and mature connections with them. As Fluttershy said in the end of that episode, its a work in progress.

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The simple answer is he is learning to do this but he isn't good at expressing himself. 


The more complicated answer: Remember that kid who was mean to other children but he was really just trying to get attention? That's basically Discord in a nutshell. As old as he is he is very immature when it comes to personal interactions with others. Give that personality type godlike powers and we have pure chaos. Not particularly evil per say, but chaotic non the less. Fluttershy was the first one to bridge that gap and get through to him. Having that connection to her made him more vulnerable than he's ever been, but he loved it at the same time and didn't want to let it go. 


The other thing about Discord is he is very wary of getting hurt emotionally. Its part of why Flutters has such a hold on him, being hurt like that is something he is just not used to since he's had so little personal interactions with others. If he were to blindly become friends with the others of the Mane six and they betrayed him it would kill him inside, and he knows this. So he tests their bonds, you saw it yourself with Twilight and Cadence. He didn't know if he could trust his emotions to her and thought that excursion would be a way to see if she really was his friend. 


However it wasn't until Twilight's kingdom, when he had trusted Tirek only to have him betray him, and betrayed the mane six only to have them stand by him, when he really REALLY got what friendship meant. He's not going to be perfect, he's not going to trust them all right away, but after the season 4 finale he is certainly ripe for becoming closer to the others. 


So does he care about the others? Yes, and in time he'll be able to learn how to make more stable and mature connections with them. As Fluttershy said in the end of that episode, its a work in progress.

Very good point.  :) You can never trust anyone too quickly, but it really depends on the person you're trusting that matters. If they can prove they're trustworthy, then by all means. But also there's the problem of not knowing if they intend on being so. So really, i can understand  why the other five don't trust him, pinkie seems to have gotten to like him. So has Twilight, but the other will eventually. But unless i see some real change in Discord, i can't really say i would so soon.

Edited by Candy Star
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Up until the finale I think he cared about the mane 6 to an extent but all of them except fluttershy wasn't very welcoming to him, rightfully so. Now after season 4 he considers all of them close friends after what Twilight did for him. I'm sure we will still see all of his pranks and him not taking anything seriously but in a more friendly way. I'm excited to see how he acts in season 5 and where his character goes.

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I think Discord is starting to care.

And I mean care in a more give and take kind of way.


I've always thought of Discord as someone that couldn't really grasp social interaction very well. If you didn't want what he wanted then there was something wrong with YOU. If you tried to get in his way, he didn't understand that it was because you were protecting the people he was hurting. To him it just seemed like you had some kind of beef with him for no good reason.


Pairing this stunted social and moral literacy with near infinite power is a dangerous combination. Like a child with a magnifying glass and an anthill. But he's making great progress in empathy and compassion.

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He is just really full of himself sometimes and that blinds him of how others around him might feel. Also, up until the Tirek event he felt like he wasn't confident of the relationships he had, most of the Mane 6 didn't treat him with much respect, and that probably hurt him. When Tirek came with the offer he was weighing what he thought was a potential new friend who saw him on a pretty equal status and actually didn't mind his chaos, versus Fluttershy, who despite genuinely caring about him was in a sense forced to befriend him, and Twilight, who dealt with him basically because she had to. So to an extent it's understandable he went in that route.

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If Discord "didn't care for anybody," then Scorpan's Amulet would not have become the symbol of friendship that it did helping Twilight and the others defeat Tirek.

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If Discord "didn't care for anybody," then Scorpan's Amulet would not have become the symbol of friendship that it did helping Twilight and the others defeat Tirek.

Yes he started to care from this episode.......which is the last one of the series right now. :P

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