Confucius 194 March 26, 2015 Share March 26, 2015 Equestria fits the place John Lennon is describing in "Imagine" it's so much better than the horrible world we live in. "no hell below us, above us only sky" "imagine all the ponies, living life in peace" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bendy 1,821 March 27, 2015 Share March 27, 2015 (edited) A world that might be nigh on impossible to exist. It's most likely a wish fulfillment fantasy world for misantropic heretics. Sapience is chaotic. I dare say most sapient species behave rather similar to us humans. Some could be even worse. Edited March 27, 2015 by Bendy 3 Check out my "My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic" fan fiction on under the same username here: Rush. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Photon Jet 5,491 March 27, 2015 Share March 27, 2015 (edited) If only all of us could travel to Equestria. There is a way but we have to find out the answer. Edited March 27, 2015 by Photon Jet 1 Dark thoughts are banished! Dark thoughts do not exist! 3DS Friend Code: 4167-4477-3810 (The picture of my OC in the profile icon was created by MrBrandonMac. OC description is in the Character Database.) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Vemillia Nightshade 2,247 March 27, 2015 Share March 27, 2015 re·al 1 (rē′əl, rēl) adj. 1. a. Being or occurring in fact or actuality; having verifiable existence: real objects; a real illness. b. True and actual; not imaginary, alleged, or ideal: real people, not ghosts; a film based on real life. c. Of or founded on practical matters and concerns: a recent graduate experiencing the real world for the firsttime. 2. Genuine and authentic; not artificial or spurious: real mink; real humility. 3. Being no less than what is stated; worthy of the name: a real friend. 4. Free of pretense, falsehood, or affectation: tourists hoping for a real experience on the guided tour. 5. Not to be taken lightly; serious: in real trouble. 6. Philosophy Existing objectively in the world regardless of subjectivity or conventions of thought or language. 7. Relating to, being, or having value reckoned by actual purchasing power: real income; real growth. 8. Physics Of, relating to, or being an image formed by light rays that converge in space. 9. Mathematics Of, relating to, or being a real number. 10. Law Of or relating to stationary or fixed property, such as buildings or land. adv. InformalVery: I'm real sorry about that. n. 1. A thing or whole having actual existence. Often used with the: theories beyond the realm of the real. 2. Mathematics A real number. Yeah, Equestria isn't real. I'll agree with this on the bases of the current reality we live in. It is possible that Equestria is real in a alternate reality, but it depends on one's perception of real and not real. That would be a huge scientific debate I'd rather not engage in. I just wanted to point this out was all. "Love and Hate are two different sides of the same coin. Both are feelings that are indescribable. One is felt often while the other is typically felt by those who cannot comprehend right from wrong." - Me "In my time as a reaper of souls, I've learned to never take anything seriously unless it means my life. Chaos and Control are forms of the life flow, nothing more. Pain and heartbreak are no different, just a flow of events." - Sadist "I know there is no use to prey, I am a demon today. We all are demons today" - Combichrist Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Soaring Symphony 372 March 27, 2015 Share March 27, 2015 Earth is better then Equestria because earth is real. That's where you're wrong. There's a scientific theory (one which I believe) called the many worlds interpretation. It basically states that outside of our own universe, there are an infinite number of other universes each with it's own unique set of natural laws. If that's true, in all probability, it would mean that anything that can exist does exist. Therefore, Equestria is just as real as Earth is. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Gildarts 54 March 27, 2015 Share March 27, 2015 That's where you're wrong. There's a scientific theory (one which I believe) called the many worlds interpretation. It basically states that outside of our own universe, there are an infinite number of other universes each with it's own unique set of natural laws. If that's true, in all probability, it would mean that anything that can exist does exist. Therefore, Equestria is just as real as Earth is. Can you prove that this theory is true? Also there can exist a universe in which other universes doesn't exist. How can you be sure that this universe isn't that one? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bendy 1,821 March 27, 2015 Share March 27, 2015 (edited) That's where you're wrong. There's a scientific theory (one which I believe) called the many worlds interpretation. It basically states that outside of our own universe, there are an infinite number of other universes each with it's own unique set of natural laws. If that's true, in all probability, it would mean that anything that can exist does exist. Therefore, Equestria is just as real as Earth is. Yeah, but that also means if true, there are Earths out theres too where the humans are all mary sues and gary sues. Edited March 27, 2015 by Bendy 1 Check out my "My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic" fan fiction on under the same username here: Rush. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mand'alor Dash 2,224 March 27, 2015 Share March 27, 2015 A few advantages that Equestria has. 1) No global voes, like hunger, poverty, lack of clean water, wars and homelessness. Ponies seems to have basic stuff, like food, water and a shelter. Well, except those who've chosen a traveler's life, but it's volunterely. I'm pretty sure we've seen homeless ponies around the show. I can't think of any specific examples right off the top of my head, though. 2)No discrimination whatsoever. As in racism, sexism, and many other -isms' we invented. Yeah, some snobbish ponies could laugh a little at country ones, but it's not something that could be called a real discrimination. WHAT?! WHAT?! Ponies are incredibly racist. In Bridle Gossip, for example, the entire town was scared off the streets when just one zebra showed up. Pinkie Pie even composed a racist song about how zebras like to eat ponies in "a big tasty stew." And Zecora's still the only zebra we've seen in the show! There are also many cases where Unicorns, Pegasi, and Earth Ponies discriminate against each other. Like in Winter Wrap-up, where using any kind of unicorn magic violated "the earth pony way." 3)Lack of religion. As in: no killing over the arguning, which imaginary friend is better, no stupid cases, like dead kids, who died because their parents trust religion over medicine, no religios wars and other stuff like this. I find it ironic that someone who's anti-religion would prefer to live in a world where religion is true. Oh, and the "arguing over which god is better" led to one of the gods trying to get rid of the sun. That would have ended all life in the world. 4)No natural diseases. Ponies contorl the weather just fine. I'm going to assume you meant "natural disasters." Pegasi really only have control over the weather in the air. Tectonic activity actually produces far worse conditions (volcanoes, earthquakes, tsunamis...) than what we traditionally know as weather does. I found one minor reference to control over earthquakes in the comics, but the comics aren't really canon. 5)Wise and fair rulers. Celestia and Luna -- nuff said. The latter of which, again, tried to send the world into eternal darkness which would end all life as we know it. The political situation is, additionally, shown to not be the most stable. The monarchy is frequently deposed in the series, if only momentarily. How frequently? S4E1 is said to take place exactly one year after S1E1. During that time, Celestia was deposed by Luna in S1E1, both Princesses were defeated by discord in S2E1, and by Changelings in S2E26. That's three times in only one year, not counting when black magic almost ate the kingdom in S4E1, or Sombra in S3E1. The trend then continues in S4E26, when Tirek briefly took over Equestria. 6)Everypony is happy, doing the job they love. Cutiemarks tell ponies what they will be happy to do their whole lives, and, therefore, there's no cases like hating jobs or whatever. (Except Trixie, but it's mostly her own fault and it was temporary anyway). 7)From little to no crime. Flim Flam brothers, that rivalty over a golden ring in Daring Don't and RD, who's stolen a book. No armed robberies, no rapes, no murders, no assaults. Lumping these together because they share the same problem: You have no evidence. Of course Hasbro won't let DHX put rape in the show. What we see on screen is not an accurate representation of all that occurs in the world. Not by a longshot. 3 Amoral cynic with a bitchin' vocabulary. Check out A Century of Song if you like music from before this millennium. Sig by ~Cider Barrel~ (design), Skaren (left vector), and ~Rhodarein (right vector). Avatar by ~Scootaloo (design) and Skaren (vector). Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Steel Accord 6,660 March 27, 2015 Share March 27, 2015 (edited) Anyone wants to add something here what I missed, or maybe point on to any mistakes I've made? May I ask for your point? This doesn't offer anything constructive as to how we can make our world better. It's like the Na'vi from Misanthropy: the Movie or Jame's Cameron's: Avatar as most know it. Yes, the Na'vi are (debatably) superior to humanity AND?! If something or someone is so much better than the entire Earth, how can we change to emulate this better thing and thereby become better ourselves? You give many reasons as to why Equestria is better and you're not wrong in a lot of ways, but you offer nothing in the way of how Earth and humanity could be similar. Just "doing as they do" as implied, is infeasible because most of what you said is less a part of their constructed social order and just how their world functions. There needs to be a plan, a how as to what we can do to be more like Equestria. Of which I think we should be, but with happiness rather than anger. 2)No discrimination whatsoever. As in racism, sexism, and many other -isms' we invented. Yeah, some snobbish ponies could laugh a little at country ones, but it's not something that could be called a real discrimination. Minor example but Zecora was met with fear and revulsion when she first came because she was different. They got over it quickly, but it did happen. 3)Lack of religion. As in: no killing over the arguning, which imaginary friend is better, no stupid cases, like dead kids, who died because their parents trust religion over medicine, no religios wars and other stuff like this. You mention only the bad things religion does and only the social aspects, rather than the positive internal ones. Plus I interpret Pinkie and Rarity as both being very faith driven characters in contrast to the more empirical Twilight and the more "humanist" Rainbow Dash. Equestria may have religion that we don't see because it lacks a kind of church. Lack or organized religion though doesn't mean a lack of religious spirituality however. Then again, when your deities are physically present immortals, no need to invent a separate infrastructure to interpret their existence. Edited March 27, 2015 by Steel Accord 2 My ponysona: My AMA thread: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bendy 1,821 March 27, 2015 Share March 27, 2015 (edited) Oh yeah, Equestria is truly the land of paradise. Despite the fact if Nightmare Moon had won in an alternate universe, it would mean the end of all life on the planet because there would be no sun and the planet would be covered in ice. What if King Sombra had won? Everypony would be enslaved! Also Tirek, enough said, Edited March 28, 2015 by Bendy 2 Check out my "My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic" fan fiction on under the same username here: Rush. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Black Sabbath 2,486 March 27, 2015 Share March 27, 2015 Equestria is an imaginary place which doesn't exist, because of this earth is better. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shanks 10,816 March 27, 2015 Share March 27, 2015 1. I could see there being a possibility of there being less of these things in Equestria but none is pretty much impossible. Plus it is implied that not every part of Equestria has been in the show certain other parts like Saddle Arabia, and the Griffon and Zebra homeworlds have been mentioned yet not shown so there are a lot of unanswered questions as to what those parts of Equestria are like. And the Crystal Empire was frozen in time for 1000 years thanks to a curse by King Sombra which was broken thanks to the mane 6, Spike and Cadence. 2.Have you seriously forgotten the episode Bridle Gossip where Zecora was feared and even had all these unfounded urban legends about her simply because she was a Zebra instead of a pony? Gilda may not have handled things well but I often wonder if she would have been painted as the bad guy if she was a pony instead of Griffon, Iron Will was called a "monster" on multiple occasions in the episode Putting Your Hoof Down and the Hearts Warming Eve episodes clearly told us that the different pony races once had highly racist and xenophobic attitudes toward one another. It is very possible that there may be some ponies who may still have certain prejudices against certain pony races. 3. There is no religion confirmed in the show, that much is true but much of that has to do with the fact that it is a "kids show" and they are very squeamish about that sort of thing in the US. That dosen't mean the ponies don't have any religious beliefs it just means that we can't really definitively pin down exactly what they are. There are some small hints in the show though with all these different references to various mythologies, Greek being the one I have noticed the most. 4. The episode Leap of Faith actually confirms that the ponies do in fact have disease, the Miracle Cure Tonic song shows a lot of ponies with some rather disturbing looking diseases and physical ailments. And the entire premise of the episode is about Granny Smiths bad hip which we have had hints of in various previous episodes as well. 5. That is the case with Celestia and Luna but the Crystal ponies weren't so fortunate with Sombra enslaving them and all but are in a much better situation now. 6. I don't know about that, some cutie marks are rather obvious but some other ones require a bit more interpretation so there is the possibility that some ponies may misinterpret the meaning of their own cutie marks though that is more head cannon territory but I think is still valid. 7. That seems to be the case with Ponyville and possibily Canterlot but there is a bit of a question mark with Manehattan and a few other cities. 3 Rarity Get's Cockroaches Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Soaring Symphony 372 March 28, 2015 Share March 28, 2015 I'm going to assume you meant "natural disasters." Pegasi really only have control over the weather in the air. Tectonic activity actually produces far worse conditions (volcanoes, earthquakes, tsunamis...) than what we traditionally know as weather does. I found one minor reference to control over earthquakes in the comics, but the comics aren't really canon. In fact, In the book "Daring Do and the marked thief of Marapore", the whole plot was about how a volcano was going to erupt and, in turn, wipe out the three towns surrounding it. I think it was inspired by the historical story of Pompeii. Btw, according to "Daring Don't" the Daring Do books are, in fact, canon. 3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TheJLeeTeam 914 March 28, 2015 Share March 28, 2015 Equestria is more of a country rather than a planet like Earth but one advantage is powerful magic and seems nicer there. And while there are dangerous villains there more friendship, love and harmony will conquer them all. 1 My blog post on Starting Fresh with MLP:FiM: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
kisamawaumagayaru 9 March 30, 2015 Share March 30, 2015 (edited) [Removed] Edited June 8, 2017 by kisamawaumagayaru Can't delete posts Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Commissar Alexer 763 April 8, 2015 Share April 8, 2015 Equestria > Earth?! HERESY! Well, now at least i can use this image here: 2 "There is no such thing as innocence, only degrees of guilt." "Prayer cleanses the soul, Pain cleanses the body." "He who follows Chaos, shall suffer for eternity." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
simba86 1,541 April 8, 2015 Share April 8, 2015 Sure equestria is superior! It is also a fictional world, you can't compare the real world to fiction, 4 It's better to die on your feet than to live on your knees! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Adorkable 2,737 April 10, 2015 Share April 10, 2015 No armed robberies, no rapes, no murders, no assaults. Agreed. It's like some ponies in Equestria know when to draw the line. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Steel Accord 6,660 April 10, 2015 Share April 10, 2015 (edited) Agreed. It's like some ponies in Equestria know when to draw the line. Yet they based an entire episode off of the concept of thievery on a train. Or, you know, there's also Sombra's enslavement, Starlight Glimmer's creation of a mind sapping cult, or Sunset Shimmer's initial desire to conquer Equestria with a group of abducted otherworlders. That's not even from gods or monsters, just regular ponies. Most humans also know where to draw the line. You don't walk down the street expecting the first person to make eye contact with you to assault you for your wallet or just because they can. We only remember the murderers because they are the exception, not the rule. Edited April 10, 2015 by Steel Accord 1 My ponysona: My AMA thread: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Adorkable 2,737 April 10, 2015 Share April 10, 2015 Yet they based an entire episode off of the concept of thievery on a train. Or, you know, there's also Sombra's enslavement, Starlight Glimmer's creation of a mind sapping cult, or Sunset Shimmer's initial desire to conquer Equestria with a group of abducted otherworlders. That's not even from gods or monsters, just regular ponies. I was mostly referring to the part about murder, but I agree with what you were saying. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Commissar Alexer 763 April 10, 2015 Share April 10, 2015 I was mostly referring to the part about murder, but I agree with what you were saying. Chrysalis killed a kitten before the CMC in the comic. 1 "There is no such thing as innocence, only degrees of guilt." "Prayer cleanses the soul, Pain cleanses the body." "He who follows Chaos, shall suffer for eternity." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Adorkable 2,737 April 10, 2015 Share April 10, 2015 Chrysalis killed a kitten before the CMC in the comic. Well alright, that's pretty terrible. I don't pay any attention to the comics though, so my apologies. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Commissar Alexer 763 April 10, 2015 Share April 10, 2015 Well alright, that's pretty terrible. I don't pay any attention to the comics though, so my apologies. Sombra was also killed. He was blown into thousands of pieces. Discord was mindraping an entire nation. And don't forget that they have a hell too (Tartarus). 1 "There is no such thing as innocence, only degrees of guilt." "Prayer cleanses the soul, Pain cleanses the body." "He who follows Chaos, shall suffer for eternity." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ashen Pathfinder 16,162 April 10, 2015 Share April 10, 2015 Sombra was also killed. He was blown into thousands of pieces. Discord was mindraping an entire nation. And don't forget that they have a hell too (Tartarus). Not to mention... Spoiler for FIENDship is Magic #1 Sombra kills Princess Amore of the Crystal EMpire by crystallizing her and shattering throughout the lands, IIRC 2 Pathfinder I Sojourner I Corsair | Zu'hra I Autumn | Scarlet Willow | Gypsy | Silverthorn | Crystal Whisper | Radiant Historia | And many other OCs~ Matching signatures with mah Bestie MOONLIGHT <3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Fractured 2,684 April 10, 2015 Share April 10, 2015 Not to mention... Spoiler for FIENDship is Magic #1 Sombra kills Princess Amore of the Crystal EMpire by crystallizing her and shattering throughout the lands, IIRC I remember this, that was probably the most messed up thing i've seen in this show, outside of: Chrysalis killed a kitten before the CMC in the comic. Yeesh. But it's not like the side of good is any better. Some of Celestia's attempts to avoid killing ponies read read like Class-S torture. -Having your body destroyed(minus the head) and being sealed in the Arctic North. conscious, for eternity -Being sealed in a statue, conscious, for eternity -Being locked on the moon, conscious, for (presumably) eternity -Being thrown into Tartarus (yet another form of isolation). You know the rest. Then there's other stuff, like the fact that, on Earth, you would'nt wake up in the morning, roll over in bed, and find out that your wife of ten years has been dead or missing, and you've been sleeping next to a changeling the entire time. Equestria's not really all that better; there's varying degrees of good and awful going on in both worlds. 3 Produced by the phenomenal J.R. DT Fanclub here: OC Fantasy: OC Alice: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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