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advanced Strange Tales of the Equestrian Idiot OOC (Now 20% cooler!)


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Name: Rainbow "Professionalism Danger" Dash

Species (Unicorn/ Pegasus/ Earth Pony/ Crystal Pony/Griffin): Pegasus

Approximate Age (Foal/Young Adult/Adult): Young Adult

Mare or Stallion: Mare

Height (Feet and inches): 3' 9"

Weight (in pounds): 80 lbs

Eye color: Moderate Cerise

Mane color: Light brilliant red, light brilliant vermillion, light gold, moderate sap green, brilliant cornflower blue, and moderate violet.

Physical Description: Rainbow Dash is a pegasus pony with a very light cerulean coat. She is of average height, and has a strong, yet sleek build.

Occupation (Optional): Ponyville weather patrol, and Wonderbolts trainee/reserve member

Other distinctive features (if any): Rainbow mane, the fastest flyer in Equestria, and the only pony capable of preforming a sonic rainboom.

Backstory (A little more about your character): Rainbow Dash is hard to miss, and she prefers to keep it that way! Her rainbow mane and blazing speed are definite attention grabbers, but her personality is what makes her better than the rest! She is a strong, athletic, confident, and highly competitive mare that will leave anypony who dares to challenge her with their head in the clouds. She is fiercely loyal to her friends, and will never leave her friends hanging when they need her help! She is also a mischievous pony, who enjoys playing pranks on her friends.


Rainbow can sometimes let her confidence get the best of her, and may seem brash and cocky at times in her (somewhat misguided) efforts to prove she's the best.


While she mainly exhibits a rambunctious demeanor, not all aspects of her life are so chaotic. She can often be found taking a nap, and also delights in laying down with a good book.


Rainbow Dash occasionally can give in to peer pressure; some situations in which she seeks to gain approval from ponies she looks up to or to impress an audience may cause her to act out of character.

Cutie Mark: White cloud with a slightly curved, tri-coloured lightning bolt shooting from the base. The three colours are the same red, gold, and blue in her mane.

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Signature artwork by Magfen. Profile picture by @Princess Silky

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I hate sounding too picky, but Twinkfeather still doesn't pass muster. Give me a solid reason as to why he's happy despite being separated from his parents. That would be a huge deal in anyone's life, and would be impossible to simply shrug off...

Edited by Hypn0ticD
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I don't think you understand


Twinkfeathers story is my story. 


I'd tell you why i'm happy, but i'm not a psychology major and don't know why i'm happy myself.


I could feed you a few cliched lines about inner peace and being happy with yourself, but I'd be lying. If I absolutely HAD to speculate why I'm happy, I'd say because I've seen how dark life can get and learned to be grateful for what little light I DO have.


You want my full story, add me on Skype or something, but for now this is the best I can do.


And yeah, losing my parents was a huge deal, but after 17 years you learn to cope, deal with it. It goes from being a tragedy to a hard fact of life.

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Name: Princess Cadenza Mi Amore (colloquially known as Cadance)

Species (Unicorn/ Pegasus/ Earth Pony/ Crystal Pony/Griffin): Alicorn

Approxiate Age (Foal/Young Adult/Adult): Adult

Mare or Stallion: Mare

Height (Feet and inches): Taller than most ponies, at around 4'10"

Weight (in pounds): None of your business, nosy.

Eye color: Light purple

Mane color: Yellow, purple and pink

Physical Description: Cadance has a light rose color, close to that of Pinkie Pie, except for a gradient on her wingtips to light purple. She has a long, lithe body with lengthy legs. Cadance's mane and tail are both worn long and flowing, with three streaks of color through them: purple, magenta and yellow. Overall, her hair has a lot of body and curl to it. The magenta of her hair closely matches her eye color. Her eyes are brightly colored, and usually completely open, giving her an innocent look. Cadance's nose is more squared than most ponies except for the elder princesses, who share the same facial shape. She has an elongated horn, proportionally longer than most unicorns that glows a pretty light blue color when she is casting magic. 

Occupation (Optional): Ruler of the Crystal Empire

Other distinctive features (if any): She is often seen with her princess regalia: a simple golden crown with a purple gem atop it, golden ornamental horseshoes and necklace add to her beauty, rather than detracting from her simple elegance. 

Backstory (A little more about your character): Born as a pegasus, Cadance was found in the wood by a nearby village. She was reared by said village, a group of earth ponies who loved and cared for one another. Driven nearly mad by jealousy and powerful necklace, a enchantress pony who lived outside the village, Prismia tried to steal the love of Cadance's town. Cadance confronted Prismia, and the necklace which had been used to steal the village's love amplified Cadance's compassion. Prisimia saw the damage she had caused, and changed her ways. Cadance was transported to an unknown realm, where Princess Celestia waited for her. Transformed into an Alicorn and presumably getting her Cutie Mark at the same time, Cadance was brought to Canterlot and raised by Celestia as her royal niece. Soon thereafter, Cadance attended Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns.
As she grew into the equivalent of a teenager, Cadance won the hearts of all of the subjects in Canterlot. She was kind, and beautiful, and often foalsat many of the castle's younger colts and fillies. That's how she met Twilight Sparkle, and her future husband, Shining Armor. Shining Armor, along with many high school stallions aimed for her heart, and after many rather sad but flattering attempts, Cadance became his marefriend, and eventually his wife.
When in preparations for her wedding, Cadance was trapped in the caves below Canterlot by Queen Chrysalis. Chyrsalis wanted to steal all the love in Canterlot, which she would use to feed her changling army. Under the guise of Cadance, Chrysalis cast a spell over Shining Armor to control him. Twilight Sparkle, who has also been cast down to the caves finds and saves the real Cadance. Once back inside the city proper, Shining tries to repel the changelings with his magic. Unable, he turns to his (almost) wife. She tells Shining that her love will give him strength, and together, they are able to force both the changelings and their queen out of Canterlot. Shortly after the two lovebirds are able to join in pony matrimony.
Since then, Cadance and Shining have taken up residence in the Crystal Empire. An evil king by the name of Sombra was trying to take it over. Cadance was attempting to stave off his evil with a protection spell. While clearly draining her, Princess Twilight and her friends arrive, and try to gather some information on the Crystal Ponies. The Mane 6 attempt to help the Crystal Ponies remember who they are by recreating the Crystal Faire, however they realize they are missing the Crystal Heart. After much ado, Spike is able to save the Crystal Heart from Sombra, as Cadance's magic falters and fizzles out. She sees Spike as he is ejected from the tower where Twilight is battling with Sombra. She is thrown by Shining Armor, flies up and rescues Spike with the last of her energy. Sombra is defeated, and Cadance is declared to be the Crystal Princess.
In the lead up to the Canterlot Games, which were held in the Crystal Empire, Cadance prepared herself to take an honorary position of overseeing the development of the area before the games arrived, both her herself and her kingdom. Spike again saved the day during the games, where he was rightly honored.
The most recent events involved Cadance giving her magic, along with the other two princess to the newest princess arrival, to Twilight Sparkle, allowing Twilight to defeat Tirek.

Cutie Mark:




I got an extra hour in the ballpit


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Twinklefeather, your character needs an explanation as to why he's happy. And it may be too close to your own history for most people's comfort.

Otanoshimi wa kore kara da!

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Then why doesn't anyone else need to explain why they are happy? 


"Too close to your own history" oh baloney, I've seen tons of Oc's based off of their creators


SO what i'm hearing is, you guys don't like me because i'm an orphan? Trust me, you're not the first

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Windbreaker hit the nail on the head.


I've also seen people insert themselves into their character, only to eventually and inevitably get hurt when another character slights them in some way, though the other RPer didn't mean it; it's better to separate yourself from your characters. You'll be happier in the long run that way.


Add to that, the whole tragic background just doesn't fit well with Equestria in general. I'm not saying you can't be happy in spite of being orphaned, but it's not something to take lightly either. But since you brought it up, there's just no comfortable way of handling that.

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Behold! I have done it!


Name: Pinkamena ‘Pinkie’ Diane Pie
Species (Unicorn/ Pegasus/ Earth Pony/ Crystal Pony/Griffin): Earth Pony
Approximate Age (Foal/Young Adult/Adult): Young Adult
Mare or Stallion: Mare
Height (Feet and inches): 3’4, maybe 3’5
Weight (in pounds): Despite being able to devour massive amounts of candy, cake, apples, candy apples, cupcakes, cotton candy, and chocolate milk, she somehow maintains a constant weight. Around 85 pounds, maybe a little more.
Eye color: Blue
Mane color: Pink (Magenta, I think)
Physical Description: How does one describe the hyperactive bundle of energy known as Pinkie Pie? Well, here goes. She’s a 3-foot tall pink ball of joy with an unruly magenta mane that kinda resembles cotton candy, usually seen with a smile on her face and a song in her heart that randomly bursts out for all to hear, sometimes with some type of sweet thing or party favour on hand…err, hoof, and constantly acting like she’s on a permanent sugar rush. No Red Bull for you, Pinkie. 
Occupation (Optional): Baker/caterer/party organizer for Sugarcube Corner
Other distinctive features (if any): Sometimes, when she’s really sad and depressed, her mane goes straight and she pretty much does a 180 on her personality.
Backstory (A little more about your character): Pinkie Pie grew up on a rock farm, which was really, really, really boring. No fun, no joy, no laughter… Until the day a massive rainbow shockwave changed everything and chased those mean old clouds away. And it might’ve messed up Pinkie’s mane a little, but that’s not important. She saw a bright blue sky, a beautiful sun and a rainbow that changed her life forever. Which led her to throw her first party, which she did to make her family smile.
Since then, she started throwing parties for a lot of ponies, eventually ending up in Ponyville where she threw a big party for somepony, which later inspired Cheese Sandwhich to become a party pony too. This went on for a while until Twilight Sparkle arrived in Ponyville and things got really interesting from there, but you know what comes next, doncha?  ;)
Cutie Mark: Two blue balloons with a yellow balloon in between.
  • Brohoof 1

Otanoshimi wa kore kara da!

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I can separate Myself as a character and myself as a person.


As for taking being an orphan lightly, I don't believe you're in a position to tell me how to take my life, and I find it extremely insulting that you think you are qualified to tell me how to deal with something I've lived, while you've never experienced it. As for weather or not my character fits in or not, I see nothing that would cause it not too. In fact it fits better in Equestria than the real world considering that the vast majority of the characters depicted in MLP:FiM Are good kind individuals who WOULD take care of an orphan. The human world by comparison needs a government run organization to take care of unfortunate children since there are not enough caring individuals to care for the children. 


As for tragedy not belonging in the Poniverse, Applejacks parents are dead.

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I'm being treated unfairly, I have a well developed character with an expansive back story, who has notable character flaws and no connections to any of the primary or secondary characters of the series. In fact the ONLY marker they have for being a special snowflake is their tragic past, and it isn't a snowflake past that plays as an accessory to the character, it is a major part of the character and why they are the way they are, I can see denying a character who has a tragic past that only contributes angst to the character, but not when it enhances the character and makes up who they are.

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Sorry about the looooooooong leave without saying anything. I've been on family holiday and I didnt have any wifi since I was up in the mountains. Anyway, here is my application. If it needs to be changed, I'll change it accordingly. :)


Name: Blindspot

Species: Unicorn

Approxiate Age: Young adult (18-22)

Mare or Stallion: Mare

Height 4' 0"

Weight: 99

Eye color: Bubblegum Pink

Mane color: Her side fringe and tail is yellow, but the rest of the mane is lime.

Physical Description: She is a deep seaweed green, and her horn is slightly sharper than most horns due to her constant grooming and cleaning. She always wears her thick, extremely clean, and black glasses, and likes wearing and is often seen wearing scarves in cool weather. (chibi-like picture in avatar, cutie mark is not shown.)


Other distinctive features (if any): She's a perfectionist. She has to do everything perfect, and will often do things more than once, even if it's above average. She has a tendency to correct little mistakes that people make. She has a very fake and posh Canterlot accent, however is very prone to dropping when she's angry, replacing it with a very urban and rugged accent. ("Ah my Gaaahd! Why did'dya do that? Ya idiot!") She has a soft spot for fillies, and loves animals big and small, particularly fluffy ones.


Occupation: Elementary to Secondary School Teacher (years 1 through 8)


Backstory (A little more he your character): Blindspot was born in the hood of Detrot with only her sickly mother, where gangs and other underground businesses has been running. She never really questioned it, she just knew that it was the life she was going to have. It was a dark and blurry world. Even so, she still tried her best to keep herself together, and support her mother in any way possible, but due to her lack of sight it was extremely hard for her to find any jobs or ways of obtaining money without doing anything illegal.


In her downtime, she used her time conjuring magic, practising rigorously knowing that magic can get you far in this city. She was determined to find work, and eventually found work as a travelling magician who did multiple magic tricks. Ponies were very impressed at her magic, and the word got around about her abilities. She had made a modest living as a magician, and after the word spread to Canterlot, she was given an invitation to do an entrance exam to the Royal Institute of Canterlot. Despite struggling with the reading and writing, she was brilliant in the fitness and magic test, getting her a spot in the school.


Blindspot was the odd one out in the Royal Institute of Canterlot. Each of the fillies were bright, posh and came from rich families. Her thick mobster accent and her rugged look made her look threatening, which drove people away. She never really had friends at this point. She couldn't relate to anybody. They all knew how to read and write, but Blindspot couldn't read and write until her teacher suggested she get glasses. Blindspot was curious about glasses. She couldn't afford glasses, however the school supplied her a pair by request of her teacher. Hesitantly, she put on the glasses and her blurry world had become clear. She could see words correctly, focus on objects, and even distinguish faces! She was bursting with joy after she put them on, and had gotten her cutie mark, sleek, round glasses that were black in colour. She still struggled with writing, however she tried her best and eventually started to excel in reading. She's not the smartest person around, but she definitely tried her best in everything she has tried. Blindspot still worked as a magician, and sent all of the money she earns to her mother, as she gets supplied food and a home by the school, as she sleeps in the dormitories.


Jump to today, she has now become the newest, and one of the youngest teachers to ever teach at the Royal Institute, where she hopes to teach Magic, History and English to all the hopeful fillies. She was sent a notice about the new person coming from "Earth", and how they needed to be taught about the basics of Equestria. She didn't know if she could help, but she definitely wants to try her best.


Cutie Mark: Thick, round glasses with multiple shines around it.

Edited by xCuddlefish
  • Brohoof 1


I'm Cuddlefish, and I am a new author writing the fanfiction Telling the Future with a Crystal Ball. Have a look, and if you want, send me an OC so you can be in my story too!

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Name: Wilhelm de Winter


Race: Pegasus


Approximate Age: Adult


Gender: Stallion


Height: 4' 2"


Weight: 103


Eye Color: Sky-blue


Mane Color: Very dark grey, closer to black


Cutie Mark: A swirling Galaxy. He acquired it the first time he looked through a telescope at the moonrise and wrote down what he saw. His special talent relates to astronomy and the things beyond even the skies of Equestria.


Physical Description: See picture. (Edited for a more casual sort of outfit; the old one was him wearing part of a military uniform.) post-32658-0-50687400-1427910695_thumb.png


Backstory: Born into a high-class family of socialites in Canterlot, he grew up without many friends, despite his parents' efforts. Young Wilhelm, or Wil, as his parents(Friedrich de Winter and Andromeda Eclipse) and sister(Celeste de Winter), called him, spent most of his time locked inside a library, rarely preferring to socialize. When he did, however, it inevitably ended in several caustic remarks about the colt or filly in question's intelligence and/or breeding, which put a end to further calls very quickly. By the age of fourteen, he had already applied to Canterlot University and was accepted. At the university, however, over the course of a four-year course, Wilhelm was finishing up his studies in magical theory, a subject he had always enjoyed(although, being simply a Pegasus, he could not practice some of the things he was learning of) when his sister, Celeste, died in a tragic flying accident; during a high-speed acrobatics run, she had apparently lost control in a heavy wind and was smashed into the ground, killing her instantly. This trauma would affect him for the remainder of his life, and although the deep unwillingness to fly ended relatively soon, and despite the calming efforts by his friends and family, he simply shut himself back into his repository, his veritable fortress of literature and mathematics, and wasted away. However, when he became eligible for military service in the Equestrian Royal Army, he joined immediately. During boot camp, he showed extreme proficiency with a bow and arrow, as well as a excellent sense of practical tactics, and was assigned as the designated marksman for his squad and commissioned as an officer. He never got a chance to fight, however, and in the intervening years between attacks by the forces of evil, he turned his gaze up to the sky again. After publishing a study titled "On the Phenomena of the Equestrian Night Sky" in the prestigious journal known as the Journal of the Equestrian Scientific Academy, he became a full-time astronomer and scientist, being honorably discharged from the Royal Army into the Royal Army Reserve Corps, where he still works part-time. After a few years of work, he was contracted by the Princesses full-time, and became the Royal Astrologer of the Realm.

Edited by Orion Caelum
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Hello! Is it okay if I add a second character? This one's going to be less of a teacher to the humans, but more of a gateway to fun, and to be honest I actually love her so much. I'll vector her later.


Name: Crystal Ball

Species: Bat Pony

Approxiate Age: Young adult (18-22)

Mare or Stallion: Mare

Height 4' 2"

Weight: 102

Eye color: one eye Bright, almost pale Yellow, the other eye an emerald green.


Mane color: Her wavy locks are a dark shade of navy blue, almost midnight blue. She has it brought mainly to one side covering her yellow eye and is very self conscious about it.


Physical Description: She is a light grey coloured pony, and her slightly larger than average wings gradient into a darker shade of Gray. She is often seen wearing gaudy necklaces and bandanas due to her gypsy upbringing. Her fangs are dull from biting too much with little sharpening.


Other distinctive features (if any): She is very fluid in her movement, and it definitely shows when she's dancing, flying and walking, She has a very lazy way of speaking, usually speaking with yawns and laziness in her voice. She's a biter, and will bite even if your a friend of hers, and bites even harder if you get on her bad side. She's slightly oblivious to people's feelings and emotions, and sees others as objects instead of humans/ponies. She often calls people "you," "wanderer," or something along those lines. However, if you mean a lot to her she will no longer use those terms and call you by your name, or even a nickname. She's a bit absent minded, and has a very sleepy demeanour. Despite being good at fortune telling, she doesn't really like it as a job, but more as a hobby. She doesn't like it as a job because the future is something that can be changed so quickly, that fortune tellings shouldn't be accurate (ironically, she has been right 99.2% of the time.) She has a pet bear named Daisy.


Occupation: Travelling Fortune Teller, Live Performer (Dancer/Singer)


Backstory (A little more he your character): Crystal Ball was born the second youngest in a large family of 7 in the city of Cloudsdale under the name Brighteyes, and she looked much different from what she did before. She was a pale white, with light, cupcake pink hair. She was a very petite, pretty, and cute. However, she was also very stubborn, arrogant and was often complaining about anything that people did wrong. Her biggest fault was that she was constantly seeking attention. Her family didn't really pay much attention to her because of work and they're parents, which irritated her in the fullest, which lead her to running away so her parents could finally notice her. She didn't expect them to never come for her. Days past, and she finally knew that they wouldn't ever come back for her. Being too stubborn and lazy to fly all the way back to Cloudsdale, she simply started walking along the road. She found herself stopping in the middle of it and crying. She soon after stopping found herself moving off of it after a large cart was coming through, and a large and loud crowd of long skirted and ponies with bandanas, singing and smiling along the road next to and behind it. They were gypsies. That is where she met Abra Kadabra, a unicorn gypsy who had brought her in after finding her on the road crying. Hesitantly, Brighteyes followed the crowd and was a natural dancer and preformer and was expecting a cutie mark, however never got it. Brighteyes, however, was having too much fun to notice. Sure, she was a little bummed out when they stopped dancing. These gypsies welcomed her with open arms, however, when she opened her mouth to say her name, instead of the name Brighteyes, the name that came out was Crystal Ball. The gypsies were delighted in her "talent" of fortune telling (which she has never done before) and got her to seek the future in a shiny, clear and new crystal ball they supplied for her. Looked through the crystal ball, and it turned into a dense foggy ball, and inside she could see a bear hurt in the woods, in which a mighty roar came from the trees. Following the roar, she found it was a hurt bear cub, next to it's dead mother. Crystal Ball smiled at the cub and took it with her, nursing it into full health with the help of the gypsies. Crystal was so estatic when her prediction was right, and as proof of that, she has Daisy, her pet bear to show for it. She had gotten her cutie mark, a blue crystal ball on a golden stand. Crystal ball threw away her whole Brighteyes identity from that point, and changed her colour and mane. She had asked Abra Kadabra, a very good magician pony, to change the colour of her eyes, which she hesitantly obliged. Abra Kadabra managed to do it, however she was only able to do one eye, since the yellow colour in her eye was so brilliant, used a lot of magic in doing so. Crystal was shocked at this. She loved her new green eye so much it made her yellow eye look hideous to her (despite it looking much better than she thinks) and covered her newly navy blue hair over it.


She had gained notoriety in the fortune telling community for being the first, and the only non-unicorn or alicorn fortune teller that has an accuracy rate of over 70%, and the only alive fortune teller to have an accuracy rate of over 98% of doing 7000 predictions. She's a fun loving sweetheart who's slightly lazy at her job, and when she's not seen predicting the future, talking on and on to people, dancing or singing on stage, she's more often then not sleeping.




"...Ho, hum... Oh, right... I'm working at the moment." She says to herself, turning to you. "Welcome, traveller."


"I sleep a lot. I think that's safe to say.... *yawn* I like sleeping because in my dreams I can change the past."


"Thank you for paying for my services. Remember, fortunes don't create the future. You create your future."


"...Come in, come in! Don't worry, my bark is stronger than my bite. Ah... I'm sorry, I lied. My bite is stronger than my bark. Oh well..."


"...Zzzz.... Huh? I'm awake, I promise!"


"Don't worry about Daisy. She has a strict diet of fish and honey. She doesn't bite... Hard. Ehehe~"


"I'm one of Equestria's biggest ironys, hey...? A-aaaaah... Sorry, I yawned... A girl with a fortune telling cutie mark, and yet she doesn't even do it full time. It's like a cupcake without any icing. Actually, thats kind of different. But when I think of a better metaphor I'll come back to you."


"...Let me tell you something. My first ever prediction was wrong. I didn't get my cutie mark when I thought I was going to get it. But my second prediction, my third, my fourth, my seven thousandth prediction? They were right. Don't ever give up on want you want to accomplish, don't be...zzzz...."


"I don't know why my predictions are right. They really shouldn't be right, but they are. Perhaps I'm just lucky? Or maybe I'm part unicorn! Er, without the horn."


Cutie Mark: A blue crystal ball on a golden stand.

Edited by xCuddlefish
  • Brohoof 1


I'm Cuddlefish, and I am a new author writing the fanfiction Telling the Future with a Crystal Ball. Have a look, and if you want, send me an OC so you can be in my story too!

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@@xCuddlefish, @@GeneralDirection, @@Pelate, @@Love, @@Windbreaker,

@@Orion Caelum,



Running short on time right now, but Wilhelm de Winter and Crystal Ball are approved, and will be added to the cast list tonight after I get offa work. Also, I'll try to have Colette's app up by tonight, and AJ's by the weekend!


From there, I'll get a scenario set up and try to start the RP!

Edited by Hypn0ticD
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@@xCuddlefish, @@GeneralDirection, @@Pelate, @@Love, @@Windbreaker,

@@Orion Caelum,



Running short on time right now, but Wilhelm de Winter and Crystal Ball are approved, and will be added to the cast list tonight after I get offa work. Also, I'll try to have Colette's app up by tonight, and AJ's by the weekend!


From there, I'll get a scenario set up and try to start the RP!




HERE is my character you asked for, sorry I took so long!!!


Name:Sketchy Tah


Species (Unicorn/ Pegasus/ Earth Pony/ Crystal Pony/Griffin): Pegasus


Approxiate Age: Teenager


Mare or Stallion: stallion


Height (Feet and inches):4' 0''


Weight (in pounds):135 lbs


Eye color:brown


Mane color: super dark brown


Physical Description:

-Medium sized pegasus

-Broad Shoulders





Occupation (Optional): 10th grader/ lifeguard


Backstory (A little more about your character):Sketchy is a pony from Seaddle. He grew up loving art and drawing, Sketchy also never got a cutie mark until High School everything that involved drawing he'd try to show as much effort into it, even if he didn't need to. As a young colt Sketchy was energetic, loud and overwhelming like most children, and he was always enthusiastic about anything that involved drawing, he would show teachers and friends his hard work, he really got into it and started becoming known for being a good drawer. But as a kid he was a hothead, Sketchy lost multiple friends and lost his teacher's respect, he became a loner in elementary school because he was a known asshole, and lacked a sense of self-control. When Sketchy reached middle school he became a punk, he acted different from before, he told no one about his love for drawing anymore it became nothing to him he didn't draw as much as he used to because he was stressed out, by his social status, grades, and ponies. Sketchy was bullied for a while for being weak and being a pushover, he just hated everyone around him except his friends, and he wasn't social he just acted like it, just to look like he was someone he didn't even want to be, he even looked down upon the kind pony he was trying to act like. His grades suffered in jr high, he didn't care at all about his grades because none of it concerned him, Sketchy was butchered with a gpa down at 1.5 for two years, until he decided to be homeschooled for his last year of jr high.

In high school he became more serious, he started getting back into art and started to actually Learn more about it and make it his thing again, he learned different techniques and became better and better he had then found that this is what he loved to do, he didn't need to be who he acted like in jr high because it did nothing but lead him nowhere, he then earned his cutie mark. His anger also was changed, he became a more chill pony and learned to treat others better than before, but he stil got frustrated easily and all of his anger was bottled up and kept restrained which all is turned back on himself, his mind has a large amount of stress because of all the anger he holds in. His work in school improved, but he hated algebra, hated his algebra teachers for not understanding his issues with the subject, and overall didn't get it at all. Skethy passed everything but that class. He now doesn't care at all about it, he gave up he doesn't care if his teacher doesn't know "Buck it, don't need this" he always says in his head when he fails a test, or is told he needs to ask for help. This attitude had backfired on him, because he failed algebra and had to repeat it. Sketchy realized that he should have tried harder, and did the work like he was supposed to. So he decided to change his ways, this resulted in him passing the class with a B-, Sketchy realized that he had to work harder to pass his classes, and stop being lazy, all the things his previous teachers told him were true.

Sketchy's attitude changed over the year, he became more optimistic and learned how to work harder at the things he fails at. He became more happy, and easygoing. Though he may bottle up quite a lot of emotion, he knows how to control his anger more, and deal with problems without giving up.


Cutie mark: four pencils and a star because drawing...


Other stuff



-Usually appears with a smile

-Black and brown crew-cut mane

-Dark brown eyes

-light brown fur

-usually wears a watch and a white scarf (he's not very tolerant of the cold

Cutie Mark: Four Pencils, and a star in the background.

representing his love for drawing

Personality: Pros:

-He is very energetic



-Casually optimistic



-Fairly social

-Can take an insult

-Willing to help a friend

-Smart morally


-Hard worker

-Strong hearted



-Scared of friends leaving him

-Gets really angry at himself

-He's not very smart academically

-His confidence sometimes may be only externally

-He may need to be told to stop if he needs to stop

-When he's angry, he's REALLY angry

-covers up his emotions sometimes

-Needs to get comfortable after a while to be very social

-Gets confused a lot




-Listening to music, typically Rap music

-Martial Arts

-Working out


-Making money

-Talking to friends


-Eating Food






-Hot Weather





-Rude ponies

-Know it alls

-One sided people





-Being tired


-Cold Weather


Typical Actions:

-He has a tenancy to look at himself in the mirror

-Purposely over exaggerates his reactions to be silly


-Talks loudly


*If there is any problems let me know ;) * I think I have a lot of run-ons in the backstory, but just tell me if so. I kind of made the backstory over a long period of time, and it's been updated like a thousand times, so I haven't kept track of the grammar.

Edited by Pelate
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