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open Forgotten legend

Fallen Valkyrie

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Act I       Flame and Frost                                                                                                                                                                                       

                    Prelude                                                                                                                                                                                                  page   1

                    Gathering Strom                                                                                                                                                                                   page   9

                    The Razing                                                                                                                                                                                           page 19

                    The Retribuition                                                                                                                                                                                    page 30
                    Back to civilization                                                                                                                                                                                page 48     

Act II     Sky pirates of Equestria

                    Dragon Bash                                                                                                                                                                                        page 55

                    Blades from Above                                                                                                                                                                              page 62

                    Aetherblade Retreat                                                                                                                                                                            page 74

                    Mountain of lies                                                                                                                                                                                    page 83

Act III  Princes Jubilee

                    Opening Ceremony                                                                                                                                                                             page 94

                    Day of Fredom                                                                                                                                                                                     page 107

                    Clockwork chaos                                                                                                                                                                                 page 115

                    Scarlet playhouse                                                                                                                                                                                page 129

Act IV Tower of Nightmares

                    Calm before the Storm                                                                                                                                                                        page 156

                    Siege of Nightmares                                                                                                                                                                            page 171

                    The Nightmare Within                                                                                                                                                                          page 196

Act V  Eturnal Nigh

                    Dusk                                                                                                                                                                                                    page  215

                    Origin of madness                                                                                                                                                                               page  225

                    Escapte to Canterlot                                                                                                                                                                            page 231

                    Battle for Canterlot                                                                                                                                                                              page 240

                    Witch Hunt                                                                                                                                                                                          page 248

                   End                                                                                                                                                                                                      page 255



The inn of Dead End.Here is the place that legend of adventurers live,and this is the place where legends are born.The inn was full of all kaind of creature,from snake like creature acrose the changelings to the pony kaind on this cold but suny day.Like evry other day the storys could be heard about all kaind of bright legends from Ryrlock the slayer,all the way to darker onces like Death of bearer of harmony.

"I heared they fighted fifty demons!" one stalion started "No no no! You got it all wrong.They fighted five thousend changeling!" the other stalion voice started."Idiots,not a single of you is right.They fighted Demon of Planths and his full army!"mare from acros of inn started.And as this three started arguing at one darker table one Unicorn with cape acros her back drikend cider and smiled at thes "No...hehehe....you all got it wrong,what they fighted was something that name of was lost in time,on purpose.His name was onli know by Celestia....and not by her own will." Mare started walking to table in midle of inn.She got to the table and got in light,and with it all could see her orange mane."But if you whant to hear full story,il need to start from begining,it was beautiful dawn over 86 years ago,as this legend began.........


                                                                                    Act I

                                                                        Flame and Frost

                                                                                                               Chapter I

The sky falls and the ground shakes in the lands of the north.Earth ponies and unicorns crawl from the wreckage of their homes in the Crystal mountains struggling to find shelter in the south. The call goes out for volunteers to assist the victims in this time of need, when earth and sky seem to have become the enemy…

Down rose on that beautiful day,sun started to take over dark and lifeless horisontal of Equestria.King Sombra  defeated, Discord  trapped in stone,and no chaos or evil on sight.Perfect day.
Earth ponies started harvesting big and beautiful crops from this very successful year.Pegasus cleared blu sky from clouds so this day can be brighter and more beautiful than ever before.Slow bris blowed and bright green gras danced in waves.Birds flyed slow and sing loud.
And ur heros enjoy this day like it was there last.


Edited by Fallen Valkyrie

                                                  My oc:

                                                  Awilix             Blair             Jacqueline


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Blizz was taking a calm stroll through Ponyville, "Ah, what a beautiful day! The birds chirping flowers blooming, and with the defeat of Sombra and Discord, everything's fine!" But then he stopped to think, "(Why do I have a sneaking feeling that something even more sinister is bound to happen?)." "Nah must just be my imagination going places again." 


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

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caliber was in sugercube corner, in a heated cupcake eating contest with pinkie, just eating cupcake after cupcake. he was in the middle of his 245th cupcake, when he felt something was off. he looked around, and thought: 'wow. what was that? is it sombra? no, he was defeated...' while was lost in thought, pinkie assumed he was forfeiting. "yay! i win!" she said, "as per our usual agreement, you have to pay for both out cupcakes!!" caliber tensed, and looked in his bit pouch. 'argh, crap. now im broke.' he handed his whole bag (which was quite a lot) to mr. and mrs. cake. "next time, pinkie!" he said, as he left.


(why did i feel like flame and frost referred to caliber and ice blizzard?  o.0  also, im sorry. i forgot i joined this roleplay :blush: )


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Ice Blizzard was walking and bumped into a gray pony, "Ooof, sorry dude I--*He looked up* Hey I think I know you! Are you Caliber?! Dude you're famous! How ya doin'? I'm Ice Blizzard BTW, pleased to meet you!" *reaches to shake hooves*

OOC: What if the subtitle did mean us?! O.o


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

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caliber had his hoof being shaken by some guy who said he's famous. "really? i never knew that...what am i famous for?" he asked, as he broke free from the grasp. "i was just going to go to the local restaurant, you wanna come with?" he asked.


((thats what im saying!!!  o.0  what if...))

Edited by Peytonjay


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Blizzard was excited, "I've heard about you from many other travelers but I didn't think you were real! Dude, you are like, a ledgendary swordspony! Now I realize that that's probably one of the lesser known ledgends, but I don't see how considering you learned how to swordspony from 4 sword masters!! Can I have your autograph?" *Hands Cal a pen and notepad*

"And sure I'd like to join you, you can tell me about your swordspony adventures!"


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

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And as sun reach his thorn in the sky,one shadow appeared on top of Canterlot castle.It was a pony dressed in red.She walked to highest peak of roof and look north,she stared at it for couple minutes and then sad "I hope they are ready". Then  walked close to the edge, removed her hod to reveal her beautiful short and pointy blonde hair,and in midle of it a horn.She looked down  and her horn lighted up,it was a signal to someone below.And at moment as her horn lighted up couple of pigeons flying out from a marketplace with a letter for our heroes.
Letter was shield shut with very unusual symbol.This symbol was long lost,long forgoten.Only few knew what it was and what it represent.But thos few knew good it represent an old and misteri order.Order of Whispers.

And as ur two heroes talked on street,two pigeons flying hear them and drop letter in front of them and than just disappeared in shadows


  Reveal hidden contents

And on back ther was a address to this misterius fruit seller.

Edited by Primordus

                                                  My oc:

                                                  Awilix             Blair             Jacqueline


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Blizzard was intrigued, but wasn't gonna question anything involving apple, "Ooh this sounds delicious! I love apple! Hey Caliber! You wanna go to this fruit stand? I bet they have apples that taste almost as good as one's from Applejack's farm! Come on I'll race ya! I bet a ledgendary swordspony like you loves to race!" He said as he got into his skating stance.


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

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caliber blushed. "aw, sucks...i didnt know people knew that much about me...and sure! ill sign an auto-graph!" he wrote his name and a piece of paper, and then the letter dropped between them. "hm? whats this?" caliber asked, as he picked up the letter, and read it over. "oh, wow. apples." he crumpled the letter, threw it up in the air, and when it came down, he sliced it into ribbons. then he burned the remains with what little fire magic he knew. he heard ice blizzard saying something about racing. caliber tensed at the prospect. "oh. you. are. on!" together, going easily around 40-50 miles per hour, they raced towards the castle.


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Address on the letter lead them to Canterlot marketplace and at this time of day it was filled with every kind of ponies.Ther was everything on sale here,for right price of course.
And at this crowded place ther was one apple seller.He was brown-white unicorn with burn marks on his right front hoof.He didn't make anny strange moves but he yelled something litle out of ordernary "Apples, not pears! Here's, not there's!Apples, Apples for sale, come and get a nice quiet apple!" He looked around and seen ur two heroes move closer to marketplace.And as he looked at them he yelled louder than before "They are so quiet you might say they are whispering!"

                                                  My oc:

                                                  Awilix             Blair             Jacqueline


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Blizzard skated fast, but saw Caliber was on his tail, "Huh you are fast, but I am faster!" He said as he skated quicker. "In all seriousness, I wonder if anypony else got the letter and are going to show be at this fruit stand, it seems interesting." He said as he read the letter one last time before snap-freezing it in his hoof and disintegrating it.

Then he looked up and saw they were already there. "Oh horse apples! Gotta stop!" He said as he "applied the brakes" to his skating, but couldn't in time and slammed into a dead tree that he froze accidentally. "I guess you win Cal, do you hear something?"

(Apple Stand BGM)

Edited by IceBlizzard


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

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caliber looked around. "i dunno..." he said, as he looked around. he made eye contact with some guy who was sprouting stuff about quiet apples, and whispering apples. "i guess thats the guy." he nudged ice blizzard, "come on. lets go." they made their way over to the stand, and caliber said, "hey. i heard about you from the newpaper." he said, putting extra empathizes on 'newpaper'


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Blizzard recovered and had a little trouble talking to a new guy due to his awkwardness but he managed, "Hello good sir!" He said before he slipped on a stray banana peel. "Ugh how'd that get there? Uh what are we here for---? Oh yeah! You sent us a letter right?" Blizzard said as he tried to keep his pride up.


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

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As Blizzard  finished his sentense,apple seller quick looked around like he was looking for some one "Ack! Ssssh! Apples for sale! Nothing but apples to see here, folks!" .He smailed at two ponys who have walked by,and quality continue "What part about 'quiet apples' you didn't understand? Keep your voice down, Initiate, and pretend you're buying an apple." He looked around and picked up bag with apples,loud he started "Here you go my good gentlemens" than he got closer to our heroes and quality continue "ther is something more in bag read it,but not in here,there are eyes and ears everywhere."

In a bag ther was a map 
of this marketplace and on it a red cross on a wall not far from here,actually our heroes could see it from here.
And on back on map was little shaky writing  "Knock three times and say your name."

Edited by Primordus

                                                  My oc:

                                                  Awilix             Blair             Jacqueline


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Blizzard was confused, but as long as it involved apples it was no questions asked, "Why thank you my good sir! I can't wait to eat these apples!" He then looked at Caliber, "Come on Caliber let's go to my house and investig-- I mean eat. Them." He said as he gave a wink of secrecy and looked around to make sure they weren't being watched followed. "Race ya again!" *Zoom*


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

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caliber smiled. "you can never beat me in a race" he gave chase, ice blizzard won, and he and caliber went into his house. caliber picked up an apple, sniffed it, and threw it away. "i prefer zap-apples." he said, as he pulled one from his pouch. "so, whats it say?" he began to munch on it


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Blizzard looked outside his windows and locked his doors for confirmation of confidentiality, "Ok let's see." Blizzard began to read. "Blah blah blah ancient stuff, ooh and it says here, something about an old Legend? Hmmm....I remember seeing the knock 3 times thing. Maybe we should go to this location and do what it says. Knock 3 times, say our names. But let's go at night when the market is closed and no one is there to avoid being followed ok? Meet me in front of this place as soon as it gets dark. And I think we need to prepare ourselves, we don't know what's going on or why so be on your guard ok? Now I got a photographic memory, so you take the map back home with you and meet me there tonight ok?"


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

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caliber looked at him. "well, obviously." he said. "see ya there." he finished his zap-apple, walked outside, and memorized the map. "well, now what do i do for five hours?" he asked himself. he decided to go to the local magic store. "hey could ya tell me what this is?" caliber asked, as he set a book he found long ago on the table. the shopkeeper looked at it, and said "that's an enchantment book, that is." caliber straightened up. "really?" he asked "what kind of enchantment?" the shopkeeper looked at him. "that's the thing. this particular type of book isnt one that tells you what kind of enchantment is it. and its one-time use. you don't know what kind it is." caliber drew his sword, and layed it on the counter. "id like to enchant my sword, please." the shop keeper looked at him. "ok..." he touched his horn to the book, and then touched the sword with his horn, and 'transferred' the enchantment from the book to the sword. "ok, its ready." he said. "just concentrate you magic into the sword. like, levitate, only don't actually move it." caliber held his sword, and concentrated a little of his magic through his hoof, into the sword. the sword burst into flames. "lucky." the shopkeeper said, thats one of the best enchantments you can get. the more you concentrate, the hotter, and bigger the flames." caliber looked at the flaming sword. "woah..."




caliber went to the place, and saw ice blizzard there. "dude. watch this." he said, as he drew his sword, and willed it to catch fire. the sword, once again, burst into flames. "pretty cool, right?"


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Blizzard was amazed and alarmed, "Awesome, but put it away! It's dark, and with flames that huge, it creates enough light that anypony could see us out here!" Blizzard spoke in a low but firm voice, he didn't want anypony to see him or his newfound friend up here. "Ok let's do this." *knock x3* "Ice Blizzard and Caliber."

(Getting to the unknown place BGM)


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

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As their names were spoken,shadows in corner started to dance and one pony came out of them.Pony was dressed in red, he smiled and tok off his hood,it was apple seller from  earlier,he came close our heroes and with smail on his face he sad "I see you made it good,good.We are sorry for all this secrets but you know one old order,have lot of enemis" He started to walk,while he walked he didn't put too much weight on his burned hoof.He got closer to one boulder near them and whispered "I hear shadows whisper,I see shadows dance." As he finished this sentense ground started to shake and that boulder moved to revele long corridor "Go in,at end there will be room with one table.Go to it and wait She will be there shortly." He turned around and started walking to marketplace "By the way i'm Tybalt...and I belewe  you will see my again soon" he laugh for a moment and despired in darkness.

Edited by Primordus

                                                  My oc:

                                                  Awilix             Blair             Jacqueline


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Blizzard was a little worried and confused, "Hmmm this seems a little weird, I mean I've seen a lot of weird things from Nightmare Moon to Discord messing up my home, but this, this is the big time! I'm ready for anything! Come on Cal, *puts hoof around Cal* with the power of ice and fire, we got this, Let's go!"


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

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caliber smiled. "i love me a good adventure." he went into the corridor, along with ice blizzard, and walked along it at a brisk pace. he turned to ice. "who told you about me?" he still couldnt get over the fact ponies know him. and even more than that, he was famous


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Radiant had arrived earlier at sunset and had been waiting patiently for whatever is to happen. He stood at the end of the corridor feeling a little awkward not wearing his royal guard armor. He left his armor at the barracks as to not be to overt. Radiant constantly scanned the area around him, he didn't fully trust the ponies here but he trusted in Celestia's judgement to send him here.


As he was standing in place he heard two ponies down the corridor talking And slowly getting closer. He turned toward their direction and waited.

I've been getting more into writing fanfics, mainly MLP since it has such a deep pool of creativity to pull from.

I'm good with character and story concepts, so if you need help with a fanfic or something feel free to Private message me

But don't be hurt if I have to decline if I'm tapped out for a bit. Otherwise I'm fairly good at it just sometimes I have to let my mind subconsciously think of some ideas.


OCs: Radiant Sentinel, Sulfur Flash Sentinel (FoE descendant of Radiant Sentinel)

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Blizzard replied to Caliber, "When I go to the Everfree Forest to kick some flank, I once heard about you from this old traveler dude who, even though he was old, could fight with his magic as good as any young unicorn, he didn't tell me his name, but he told me to greet you if you ever came to Ponyville. I assumed you were famous because an old dude knew you and he seemed pretty awesome, for an old guy of course. I don't remember what he looked like because he wore a red cloak that concealed him completely, but he was cool I'll say that much." Blizzard then say somepony at the end of the corridor, "Hey Caliber, I see somepony down there, do we avoid him, or question him?"

(New guy spotted BGM)

Edited by IceBlizzard


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

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caliber had stopped. 'red cloak? nah...it cant be.' he continued to walk along the corridor. 'but what if? if it is, that means this guys got some serious magic.' he glanced at ice blizzard. 'oh, well.' he, too, spotted the new guy, and he walked over there. "im caliber. i assume your here to direct us to 'her'" he said


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