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National Anthems


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The Star Spangled Banner


Francis Scott Key wrote it during the War of 1812.  He was being held prisoner by the British while they were trying to capture some fort.  He could tell they had stopped firing but he didn't know whether that was because they had given up or if they had won.  Thus, he was asking if the flag was there so he would know which it was.  He wrote it to the tune of some British song (ICR which).  Therefore, the lyrics & music don't quite match in some places & it is pretty hard to sing right.  IIRC it was president Herbert Hoover that made it the official anthem.  Personally, I'd go w "My Country 'Tis of The" as being easier to sing.


At least, that is what I remember from my school days.  It has been 40+ years so I might be wrong.

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The danish national anthem sung before the crucial football match with our archenemies, Sweden.





And tbh, I really like our national anthem and I wouldn't change it for anything.  :wub:


.. well, perhaps the REVOLUTIONARY french anthem!


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I like the Irish national anthem "Amhráin na bhFiann" or "Soldier's Poem", however it's extremely outdated. It's a military song about fighting for yournfreedom, but it refers to provinces that no longer exist, and even refers to the English ("Saxons") as the age old foe to fight. It was great at the time due to how opressed and badly treated Ireland was, but it's totally irrelevant now.



I hope some people get the joke ^^

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The Star Spangled Banner isn't the worst, but as stated before, some of it isn't even true anymore. I mean, some people hate against gays(or anyone else who isn't straight) and races have cat fights all day everyday. I think it would be best if we just didn't have a national anthem and biased opinions wouldn't be introduced.

 "Pay attention to these petals, Steven. The petals' dance seems improvised, but it is being calculated in real time based on the physical properties of this planet. With hard work and dedication, you can master the magical properties of your gem and perform your own dance!"

What do you think of me?:


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Brotherhood and unity my friends, that's what is most important.

I think you spelt "oppression and genocide" Incorrectly.

"Deaf? I'm not surprised with that bloody racket!"- Prince Philip, to a class of deaf children sat next to a brass band




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I find my country's national anthem to be beautiful, but it is a bit Christian (a lot of Iceland's population is not Christian and we consider our country to be religious free (this is coming from someone who considers himself a Christian (but doesn't attend church))). 


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Thought i might sing you some national anthems:


Finland: http://vocaroo.com/i/s1bQ3Sm5NfeH


Sweden: http://vocaroo.com/i/s0iitiqVEFVT


Netherlands: http://vocaroo.com/i/s0KxUxks6A06


Japan: http://vocaroo.com/i/s1BKfqCdCsRO


Australia: http://vocaroo.com/i/s14H2hF46mwN


Please don't sue me, if my voice hurt your ears. :P

  • Brohoof 1

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  • 6 months later...

I'm an Australian and I think our national anthem is boring, I'd like to see it replaced by I Am Australian by The Seekers.


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Australian here. Our national anthem is boring as watching paint dry in slow motion. :okiedokielokie: I think this clip by Adam Hills adequately sums up my feelings about how we could fix this:



I had to sing this every week at my primary school, it is so crap it took me about a month after starting school to just mouth the damn words.

Australian here. Our national anthem is boring as watching paint dry in slow motion. :okiedokielokie: I think this clip by Adam Hills adequately sums up my feelings about how we could fix this:



I had to sing this every week at my primary school, it is so crap it took me about a month after starting school to just mouth the damn words.

"Walking with a friend in the dark is better than walking alone in the light."


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I like it, but mebbe I'm just weird like that.



I mean, between the two, American vs Italian, I sing this one at the top of my lungs along with all the other Italians beside me at the time doing the same. Fills me with pride a lot more than Star Spangled Banner...prolly because the title is "Brothers of Italy".

  • Brohoof 1
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It's really hard to judge your country's anthem. It's like when you repeat a word a bunch of times and it stops sounding like a word at all. ;)


Polish anthem has very good music, lively, not too pompous, albeit not an easy one to follow when you're singing. The text is really fitting for a country that has quite struggled to exist at times. It deals only with the fact that we have to defend ourselves, without poining out enemies or calling back to the greater past.


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The US anthem is terrible. Its a poem that is basically "hey Britain is really f$cking us up, burning our entire capital to the ground and all,but hey that one flag its still flying ,everything else is destroyed to a rubble,but hey look at that flag" with the tune of a drinking song why do you think people have a hard time singing it? Its because it was never meant to be sung.   

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Even though I am Australian, I actually like the national anthem of New Zealand better.

This clip actually contains the New Zealand National Anthem and the voices are good. It's from a Television New Zealand sign off from the late 1980s

Edited by superdogz1999
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All i can say about it is...



The US anthem is terrible. Its a poem that is basically "hey Britain is really f$cking us up, burning our entire capital to the ground and all,but hey that one flag its still flying ,everything else is destroyed to a rubble,but hey look at that flag" with the tune of a drinking song why do you think people have a hard time singing it? Its because it was never meant to be sung.   

Didn't America come up with their national anthem when they were hiding from the British as they burned down the white house?


Thank you Cherribomb for the Signature!


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Didn't America come up with their national anthem when they were hiding from the British as they burned down the white house?

Yep that's when they came up with it. Its a terrible regardless you can't just add a tune from a drinking song to a poem and hope it'll be a good song and then complain when people can't sing it.  

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To actually be serious this time, The lyrics to The Star Spangled Banner are outdated and do not represent what America is today, or ever really was. When played without lyrics, I think it sounds good though.
I don't think it comes close to the Deutchlanlied though.

Blühe, deutsches Vaterland!



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America's national anthem...I don't like it much. It seems like it is one that is trying to say that we are the only country with freedom and brave people and considering how this country was founded in the first place, that makes it doubly perplexing. The anthem just seems very...narcissistic. Also, I wish it was more acknowledging of the states themselves, I like to view things on a state-by-state basis. 

  • Brohoof 1


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God Save New Zealand is pretty much a perfect anthem, good tune, singable, poetic, packed with meaning, makes you feel proud of the place without being excessively boostful or militaristic, and it's bilingual! O Canada is in the same boat.

"We’re all stories, in the end. Just make it a good one, eh?" - The Doctor

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