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gaming Minecraft: Diamonds or Emeralds?

Sugar Pea


9 users have voted

  1. 1. Diamonds? Emeralds?

    • Diamonds
    • Emeralds
    • Other (explain please)

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I'll be honest, I'm not sure which one is the most valuable, but they are both shiny pretty stones that obviously get people excited for some reason. :lol:

So which one do you prefer? Diamonds? Or Emeralds?


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When did they add emeralds? Jeez, has it been *that* long since I've last played Minecraft?

Emeralds have been around since a very very long time now. xD

  • Brohoof 1
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Emeralds, you can farm them and get tons of awesome stuff from villagers plus they look fancy. Emeralds make going to the end possible in flatland survival which is awesome as well.

  • Brohoof 1
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When I used to play Minecraft a lot, i preferred Diamond, because they can be used in various great crafting recipes such as durable tools, armor and the key item known as the enchantment Table, the emeralds are great but they are just useful when it comes to trade with villagers so yeah.

  • Brohoof 1
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Emeralds, you can farm them and get tons of awesome stuff from villagers plus they look fancy. Emeralds make going to the end possible in flatland survival which is awesome as well.

You can farm Emeralds?! Tell me, oh wise one!
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You can farm Emeralds?! Tell me, oh wise one!

Create a villager farm, a wheat farm, a pig farm, a sugar cane farm, and a cow farm. Warning: if on hardcore mode make a storage pipe way leading baby villagers away from the farm as too many villagers cause golems to spawn and they have ruined me so many times.

Redstone helps out a lot. If there's an mlpf server or if you wanna try hardcore I can show you.

  • Brohoof 1
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Emeralds seem to be more valuable to me, plainly because they are used as currency.

Before they came out, it was gold for me.

And you know, you actually have to work for them via trading, so it's like you have an actual economy going on with the villagers. Sure there's the same explanation for diamonds being that you have to work hard to find them, but let's not forget they come in up to 8 in 1 lot, and emerald only appears in 1's.

Given the correct mining technique, they are more easily farmed than emeralds are. 

  • Brohoof 1
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