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Do you like Rainbow Dash's look as a human?


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On a side note I think Rainbow Dash being a rocker girl and all would really like some metalcore music like this.




I could just imagine if this kind of real rock made it into Rainbow Rocks lol.

Edited by GXPBlast
  • Brohoof 1
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I like it for the most part, but her hair just has too much going on. In any given shot, her hair has three or four streaks of duplicate colors. I know they were trying to hit the Rainbow part, but I think they tried too hard. Also, her outfit doesn't seem sporty enough to me, but I don't really have a problem with the skirt. I've known many sporty girls who wore skirts, even with compression shorts underneath like Dash; I also knew many cowgirls who wore skirts as well, like Applejack. My main problem with Rainbow Dash's outfit, and this extends to the rest of them, is that she and every single one of the mane six including Sunset Shimmer is wearing some kind of knee-high boot. Now, I'm one who loves the look of a tall boot on a gal, but it just doesn't fit for some of them, Dash especially. They don't seem like the kind of footwear that the girl who's "the captain of, like, every team at Canterlot High" would wear. Throw a girl a sneaker or something! >_>

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Not to be a wierdo but I think she looks kinda cute


It doesn't make you weird. Hey, I agree. Lookswise she's a knockout. Not too fond of her ego, though...


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I don't recognize her as Rainbow Dash.  Were she treated simply as a human girl doing some sort of Rainbow Dash cosplay, I wouldn't mind so much.  I might regard it as a somewhat odd interpretation, but a good effort, nonetheless.  Which is how I regard many cosplays anyhow. xD


Rainbow Dash cosplaying as not-Rainbow Dash. xD


  • Brohoof 3

"It uses the faculty of what you call imagination. But that does not mean making things up. It is a form of seeing." - from "The Amber Spyglass"

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The "normal" version and the model in my avatar were my absolute FAVORITES (which was the reason for my spur-of-the-moment avatar change)!

MLP. Home sweet home. I forgot how nice the residents of Equestria could be. Anyone seen The Martian?

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No. A skirt doesn't fit her personality. I mean, Scootaloo gets pants, why not Dash?


How is that so? Just because she is a tomboy she automatically shouldn't like skirts?


Granted I can see where you are coming from so don't get me wrong, but humans are usually a little more complex than that. :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Yes, I liked it. Not as much in the end of "Rainbow Rocks" though....


But her "normal" design looks really good :)




Actually, I liked all their designs :)


  • Brohoof 1


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To me she looks like a fusion of Rainbow Brite(but less girly) and Joan Jett(but less rough) that originated from the world of the Nickelodeon show 'Doug'(but less lame).










So I can't say I have any real issue with it overall.

Edited by Roughshod
  • Brohoof 1

The truth is always rough.
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  • 1 month later...

It's pretty good in my opinion. Not too bad. Not that great though. But it still matches her in my opinion! :D

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I expected her to get pants or shorts and sneakers not a skirt and boots that look like sneakers.


I mean even Celestia and Luna who are more extravagantly and girly dressed as ponies were sporting pants in comparison to Rainbow Dash.




Edited by cider float


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I think both pony and EQG versions should have thicker thighs/haunches and arms/forelegs. Any girl who is team captain of several sports is going to have muscle. But as far as her style goes, I like it. I think I would've exchanged the pink skirt for some red soccer shorts, though.


Also not a big fan of the boots on any of the EQ girls. And for pete's sake, WEAR LONGER SKIRTS!  :angry:  


I'm sorry, I had to get that out.  :kindness: 

Edited by 221BTardisSt

160zaea.png"Yeah, this post needs to be about 20% cooler."

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