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ooc Bangcolt Arena! (Fighting/Sol) (OOC)


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i wanted to be the one to properly greet him.  :okiedokielokie: but whatever.


and him joining is still not official, as all he's given is his oc's name. i still need a character page, and a small list of abilities/weaknesses.  :P

  • Brohoof 1


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Dear everyone, I have a concussion, so I won't be able to participate until either late Saturday or Sunday. Most of you already know this, but I'm just making absolutely sure.


Sorry Corona.



For all you wondering how it happened, let me put it this way: I like boats. Boats don't like me.

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I know your very full, and aren't accepting any other OC's but I figured I'd throw my hat into the ring anyway if a spot were to open up. Now the character I would like to enter isn't a fighter by nature, or rather not a physical fighter. But rather one of mind games and simply trying to survive. I could make a strong argument as to why he'd enter himself even if he's outmatched on all fronts. I know it says all contestants must be combat oriented but I think it would be interesting to see how a more um "normal" pony tried to handle something like this. I also know your very full and the likely hood of me getting in is slim to none but I figured I ask and hope a spot opens up at some point, thank you for your time. Oh here's the OC I had in mind https://mlpforums.com/page/eqw-characters/_/unapproved/pending-second-approval/rhetoric-rash-r334


Look at him as one of those Christians in the ancient Roman gladiator arenas. While not the best fighters made for some of the most interesting and entertaining scenes 

Edited by The Down Trotten
  • Brohoof 1


EQE Approved: Bow Diddle: & Ben Keys:  Traveling Musicans and part time thieves 

Rhetoric Rash  .. The disgruntled Earth Pony 

Bowie, the knife throwing Diamond Dog https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/bowie-r9066

Ask the rebellious Rhetoric anything here

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I'm the Co-DM, and I'll put in a word with the big DM to allow you


Oh Golly gee wizz thanks! Like  I said not much of fighter in the normal since but  he should make things interesting. But if there's way to much going on then there's no need to add to the throng of voices already. But thank you so much for doing that for me 

  • Brohoof 2


EQE Approved: Bow Diddle: & Ben Keys:  Traveling Musicans and part time thieves 

Rhetoric Rash  .. The disgruntled Earth Pony 

Bowie, the knife throwing Diamond Dog https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/bowie-r9066

Ask the rebellious Rhetoric anything here

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@@The Down Trotten,

There's a crapton of SoL going on, so interacting with characters, and eating popcorn while watching fights is something he could definitely do. :love:


(I also notice he has the same mane and tailstyle of my OC. XD)

  • Brohoof 1


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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(I also notice he has the same mane and tailstyle of my OC. XD)


Its really hard to come up with a unique coloration for a pony,  and I wanted him to be more simple looking. But for eating popcorn... He's definitely a more peanut galary sort of guy if you catch h my drift. Anyway thank you for vouching for me, this looks like quite the roleplay to be a part of  

  • Brohoof 2


EQE Approved: Bow Diddle: & Ben Keys:  Traveling Musicans and part time thieves 

Rhetoric Rash  .. The disgruntled Earth Pony 

Bowie, the knife throwing Diamond Dog https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/bowie-r9066

Ask the rebellious Rhetoric anything here

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There's a crapton of SoL going on, so interacting with characters, and eating popcorn while watching fights is something he could definitely do.   (I also notice he has the same mane and tailstyle of my OC. XD)


Now... I'm no DM but I'll bring up some points I think I should go over with you...Since Peyton isn't here and all. Issue I've had personally or just so blaring and in my words the most important... so consider these tips.


1. Be nice in the OOC... just do it, debates and difference in opinion are allowed but for the love of God just be respectful and kind. I recall foolishly going off on someone because of the fact they were just acting unbearble...


2. Post... we have people who the DM has asked to participate or leave... said they would participate... have yet to participate. So, make sure to be active and remain active. 


3. No OP oc's or ability stacking or like not wanting to lose. It's so annoying. We will all learn to hate your OC but by looking at your profile, you're in no risk. Excellently done profile.


4. Fun, I mean just have fun. Done, that easy.


But this only matters if you get accepted in. Then... I'll give you the 100 rules of Bangcolt Fight Club. 

  • Brohoof 1


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@@The Down Trotten,


okay, once again, i wanted to be the one to set down some ground rules, but whatever!

ill let you in, but first a few questions. 


you say in combat he would just try to survive and play mind games. now, would that mean something along the lines of sitting a opponent down and having a psychological talk with them?  ^_^


and like ice said, this can be a Sol, as well. and your character seems to fit that bill to a T.


but i wanna know how would he actually do in combat. say a knife as thrown at him. how would he react?

  • Brohoof 1


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but i wanna know how would he actually do in combat. say a knife as thrown at him. how would he react?


Well, he would try to dodge of course, but if he were to get hit, his one major combat skill would be that's he's hardy, not only from being an earth pony, but being a farmer and a traveler. So I'd like to think he could take a few hits before being beaten. A good way to think about him in combat is kind of like the Joker. While the joker is not a deadly combatant, he's still a deadly opponent, not only for his plots and schemes but his ability to use some odd and bizarre things against his enemy's. He'll use all of his wits and even fight a bit dirty to survive as long as he can to make those he is fighting doubt themselves and what they believe in 

Edited by The Down Trotten
  • Brohoof 1


EQE Approved: Bow Diddle: & Ben Keys:  Traveling Musicans and part time thieves 

Rhetoric Rash  .. The disgruntled Earth Pony 

Bowie, the knife throwing Diamond Dog https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/bowie-r9066

Ask the rebellious Rhetoric anything here

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@@The Down Trotten,


Welcome, to Bangcolt Arena/SoL, fight, social... what's it? RP, since you are new. I'll give a run down of events as early as I can give it to you. Before like page 25, don't know. But I'll try my best. So this is... 101 tips and tricks of  surviving Bangcolt... What the hell is with me and like horrible titles. Jesus Christ... 




1.) Gonna steal a page from Orion's book, Welcome to Bangcolt Fight Club, we don't talk about Bangcolt Fight Club. Got it? Great!

2.) Speaking of Orion, his OC is Wilhelm... he's a socio/pshycopath. Don't know the difference :lol:

3.) Quote, Orion: "Stay away from Annette." Yes, Annette x Wilhelm is OTP and if you think you can take Annette from Wilhelm... 




Youz iz as good as deadz :P #rekftforreal


4.) We have canon characters, all of which, with the exception of Derpy, are played by yours truly and Corona de Adamas

5.) You can fight canon characters, sure, you already read that. I know. But I'm telling you again.

6.) So Diamond Tiara may or may not be an Alicorn

7.) By the way someone in this RP actuallly likes Diamond Tiara; It's about as shocking as seeing that one emo get get rejected by all the other emo kids (Thanks Sweet Austin; *is shot*) 

8.) Tyra Shatterhoof is Short
9.) Don't call her short
10.) Actually Call her short; wanna see how this turns out for you

11.) Twist is dead, she was stuffed in a teddy bear

12.) Spike will NEVER be a character in this RP

13.) Flash Sentry will... for like... 10 seconds

14.) Bulk biceps died of a heartattack... bummer

15.) Naga is stupid but actually really smart

16.) There's this Unbound King... #S*itgetsreal

17.) Tree hugger is in this RP

18.) Tree hugger may or may not be high all the time in this RP

19.) Night Tracer was that kid no one knew and sat in the back of the class but all of a sudden he got popular... he's sleeping with a princess. Literally.

20.) Speaking of Princesses; Cadence has no powers. She was robbed of them :D

21.) Shining Armor and Cadence were typical newly weds

22.) Comics aren't canon in this RP

23.) Ice x Hoof is OTP

24.) So, Night Tracer keeps a diary


25.) Did I mention Wilhelm will kill you if you touch Annette? I did. Good I'm mentioning it again. 

26.) Carmine is dumb, just hate him. Just hate him and you'll have friends.

27.) Caliber is badass, and is passed out and is potentially about to be assainated. Or has that not happened yet?

28.) So, Mars Orbit is kool... if he'd post more

29.) Lightning Strike types as if she were texting. Get use to that. :)

30.) So, Royal Guard is still absolute s*it

31.) Ice Blizzard, Caliber, and Wilhelm survived the nine stages of Tartarus. And Got a gift card or something afterwards. I don't know. Ask them.

32.) Oh, Speaking of Ice Blizzard. Rarity is totally available.

33.) Hokuto's Heir has like so much crap planned out with his OC's, it's not even funny. He will literally wreck this RP, so watch out

34.) So, Star Saber doesn't own a chaiir to sit on #scrub

35.) Recall #25; don't even look up. You better recall #25

36.) Night Tracer's Mom was murdered by his dad right in front of him

37.) #36 will never pertain to you as NT does not talk about his past openly

38.) So Fluttershy head canon is a creepy pasta

39.) #25

40.) Annette plays with dolls and those dolls are F*cking scary as hell

41.) Rebiliac was stuck in the mirror pool. #scrub

42.) We have a map... I wont show you the map though.

43.) Sunset Shimmer is in this RP and it's the EQG 2 Sunset Shimmer

44.) Tempest Shfit is blonde

45.) I'm trying to include everyone in some way, shape, or form

46.) Ruby has a crush on Caliber... or is it Violet. Anyways their both irrelavent as Calimist is canon, but they won't admit it. No one will admit it... Just F*cking admit it already, quit playin' with each other and get on with it

47.) There was once a DEEZ NUTS joke made in the RP; feel free to turn back now. Just remember Carmine will be waiting for you

48.) #47 should be taken as a joke because a jokenawaits you at the the end of it

49.) Applejack is not a background pony

50.) Soooooooooooooooooooooooooooo, you're halfway there. What's half of half way. #25

51.) I'm making Wilhelm appear to be a monster... this is only partially true

52.) Calibur and Caliber are not the same thing. Although if you choose to make them the same thing one may not treat you so kindly.

53.) So Strix got beat up by Fluttershy

54.) Rune can sing

55.) We make memes insulting each other so get use to it...








56.) Night Tracer once called Nightmare Moon a lesbian

57.) Night Tracer is miraculously still alive but should have been killed at the minimum of four times

58.) Don't talk to brown mares

59.) #58 is not racist; ask Cadence

60.) Flix; Fluttershy x Strix, learn it, live it, love it

61.) Vera and Kazas, don't even get involved

62.) Holy Hell this RP is dark, it's not satanic but I think we jumped the shark somewhere down the line

63.) Celestia's parent's baclstory: (Insert Link here)

64.) Lorec and Tyra are drinking buddies

65.) Tyra is still short

66.) Ice Blizzard's mom (Yuki Frostlace) is a Thot

67.) Nighting Gale is a total B*tch

68.) You should kill one of Annette's dolls

69.) #68 is testing you of #25

70.) We've had are fair share of squabbles in the RP but we all love each other :D... I think :blink:

71.) This RP has a theme song 



(That is not it)

72.) PeytonJay is nocturnal, so... not sure if that matters but he doesn't really post during the day

73.) Bangcolt's bar is currently burnt down, thanks Nighting Gale

73b.) Nighting Gale is Obama, so, thanks Obama

74.) Your OC should get a girl/boyfriend. Why? Eh, Everyone else does... minus Mars. Cuz Mars is a scrub

75.) The most emotionally stable alicorn character in this RP is most likely Twilight... Cuz you know we just straight up screwed Cadence over, blame Corona De Adamas, that's what Im doing. Celestia seems like she's put together but she's not, Luna is... like,  that's an interesting case. But she isn't alright

76.) 76 - 51 = 

77.) Discord sneezed a plane of Ice Blizzard, that was funny

78.) Stealing another one from Orion but I like the way he put it, EWS maybe not, but EWS, Rebiliac, and Strix are punching bags with soundeffects

79.) Almost none of this information will help you in any way possible

80.) Refer to Hokuto's Heir as "Sweet Austin," he loves that.

81.) New rule actually, this is important. Before you fight someone, you have to say all of what your character possesses for the fight. We once had someone when a fight based off the fact they just poofed an object out of no where... that was really unfair... So don't be that guy. 

82.) There are same sex pariings, not sure if that matters but LGB... and uh... T; well, we're killing Snips anyways so just, LGB

83.) There's a blind OC who has yet to post but, if he does. Just make fun of him. Please. 

84.) Some of us do have lives as I'm sure you do as well... so some people won't be able to get back to you as quick as others. I work from home so... I typically take breaks to post, I know Orion is pretty busy, Corona and Hokuto are about to be as they are starting college and I will be as I'm balanicing work and school... no clue about everyone else though

85.) Play your OC in character please, if you make an OC and your OC would make a dumb decision then let him make the dumb decision. You and your OC aren't the same. I know I've seen people go against that

86.) SFW, enough said

87.) Recite me #25

88.) There is no current champion and a tournament you can enter in, you interested?

89.) I play Discord and Rainbow Dash as of in a few days... so, that's not all that important to you but I'm running thin on ideas

90.) Sparren uses a shovel to fight

91.) Vinyl, Octavia, Night Tracer, Night's sister, and Rune are all very musically talented.

92.) Good places to start reading if you want to be caught up entirely on the RP... are 1... 21...43/44...54 and I think 65 last time I checked... So yeah

93.) Post, I haven't said this, actually, yeah, I did. But post, please

94.) EWS is mentally retarted

95.) Applejack owns a bar  instead of Sweet Apple Acres

96.) Over the time of reading this, Tyra has grown exactly 0" and is still short

97.) You know you don't have to read everyone's post

98.) Night Tracer x Luna is my favorite shipping, as it's my OC and OTP, Wilhelm X Annette; obviously, Vera x Kazas, Tyra x some mare, Caliber x Sleight Mist is almost there, so basically a couple, (Sleight Mist is totally a cougar... Oh wait... Luna's 1000+ years old and NT is 23... Damn...) Ice will tell you that Rarity x Ice is a ship. However it's getting there and isn't quite yet a ship. So in the meantime, he's stuck with his hoof

99.) Stormbringer isn't even done and he's badass

100.) Have fun, duh. FFS did I even have to say so

101.) Well, if you have a skype group, we will add you over time if you want to, but in this RP we are kind of like family, but you won't see that in the OOC but outside of it. So, know as a member of this RP, you don't have to become involved with us as people but that'd be kool. We're like family, I know I love everyone here and we all love each other or look at each other at some sort of family. So as an RP member I offer, you the invitation to become a part of our very, very, dysfunctional family but it's all up to you. So yeah. 


Those are my tips, only like the last 20 matter but yeah. That XD

Edited by Not Safe For Woona
  • Brohoof 4


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