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open Bangcolt Arena! (Fighting/Sol) (RP)


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Shining Armor and Cadence looked at each other uncomfortably as Ice Blizzard bowed before them. They exchanged glances between each other saying, "No, you tell him." Finally, Cadence glared at Shining Armor and he gulped. He then spoke to Ice, "Um, we don't really do that sort of stuff," he told Ice Blizzard, while he cringed. They marked up Ice's estranged behavior to a little too much time away from Society.


Cadence walked towards him and offered a hoof to help him up, "It's Cadence, if you don't mind," she politley corrected.  


Then he stood alone for a few moments as Cadence and Shining stood a bit awkward; it wasn't everyday some pony was trapped in a block of ice for Celestia knows how long and suddenly he's out and about just like nothing had happened.


Next, he introduced himself, still, formally. Which indicated he didn't get the previous memo but they let him continue on where he ranted on about a bunch of mess in which they didn't really understand. Yet, again, they ignored it and dismissed it due to the fact he had been out so long.


Finally he concluded, his permissable and unrelatable rant and asked them how they found him out in the midst of nowhere; each of them blushed. "It's sort of a long story," Cadence said as she scratched the back of her head with her hoof. 


"Do you need anything, you seem a little, uh, frazzled." Shining Armor chuckled lightly.

Edited by louisvillepride


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Vera did what Kazas said and held onto him as tight as she could. She felt like she was on cloud nine and the wind flowing through her mane was a wonderful experience as she laughed like a filly with enjoyment, "Wow Kazas, you are amazing! I can't wait to see your city."

Kazas blushed as he kept up the act.


" I'm just like anyone else, Vera. If anything, you're the amazing one, Mea Amica."


Modesty and humility, of course, were staples of his personality. He was not used to being complimented much, especially with as many times as Vera had done so for him. It felt... Exhilarating to be in love. Intoxicating, even.


" And one thing at a time, my love. Remember, I'm an ambassador. My place is here in Equestria, ensuring that diplomacy between Leovia and Equestria stays friendly... My place is here, with my friends... My place is here, with my love. My place is with you, Vera."


Soon they entered town airspace. Kazas had started to slow himself so he could locate and land near the Leovian Embassy.

In this world, is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the hand of God, hovering above? At least it is true, that man has no control... Even over his own will.



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Upon hearing that, Ice went a bit dramatic,"Frazzled? Frazzled?! Ok, listen to me, I have been stuck out here for 3 days, encased inside frozen water. The last thing I remember seeing, was the face of Rarity before blowing myself up, just to save her! Now I think, if you did something like that, you wouldn't be normal either, Shining Armor." he said snarkily.


"I mean whaddya expect?" He then put on a sarcastically happy voice while walking around, " 'Oh hey, I've been frozen for 3 days after I saved Rarity, the love of my life from an assassin who captured her wanted to kill me. No big dealio, right?' Wrong!"


Blizzard realized what he had just said. He knew that he had to get back to Rarity as fast as he could to see if she was ok. He stood still to think as he tried to climb the ravine wall until he got an idea on how to exit the ravine. But before enacting his idea, he spoke to Shining Armor and Cadence again.


"*sigh* I'm sorry about that, I gotta get going. If you manage to get back to Bangcolt before I do, tell everyone that Ice Blizzard is ok. But in the meantime, I gotta find Rarity. In fact, you can ask her yourself about what happened if you want the whole story. But for now, I'm gone. See ya."


He then made a set of ice stairs that led up and out of the ravine and he quickly climbed up all of them and began to skate as fast as he could in a random direction, hoping to get back to the town.


He ice skated all over the forest until he got a bit of a headache, but shrugged it off, he knew he needed to see Rarity as soon as he could. He ended up getting nowhere unfortunately, and stopped for a moment, "Crap, shoulda asked them which way town was before I left. I'm getting nowhere."


Electron was flying around near the edge of town. He started to fly a bit far near the forest to get some air, and spotted Ice. He was shocked to see him alive, "WHAT?! SNOWBALL'S STILL ALIVE?! I should've known that bucker just wouldn't stay down, well this time, I'm putting him down for good!"


EWS flew down to IB, and confronted him, "Goddammit Snowball! Why the buck won't you d--"


Electron's throat was grabbed by an extremely angry Blizzard who held him against a tree and spoke, "Listen to me you low-down, poor excuse for an electrical elemental, traitor! I have been stuck in a goddamn block of ice for 3 whole days. Trust me, I am in no mood for your bullcrap today, and you better stay the buck away from me before I freeze you below zero!"


EWS was astounded by Ice's sudden change, but still acted tough, "Pssh, you always say that, but you never do it."


Blizzard angrily punched EWS in his face 3 times, "How's that?" he then got an idea, "If you don't want me to hit you again, tell me where Rarity is right now!"


EWS's nose was broken and he became frantic, "N-no more please! I don't know where she is!"


Blizzard geared up to punch EWS again, but stopped when EWS shouted, "Wait!!! O-ok, she's at her workshop, I think. That's all I know honest! A-are we cool now?"


IB laughed sarcastically, "Cool?! ahahah! Yeah, suuuure...." he said before throwing EWS to the ground and walking away. But he turned around and said, "Hailstorm Style: Sleet Control!"


EWS looked around to see a bunch of tiny ice shards get stuck within his wings and legs. It wasn't lethal, it just made it painful for him to walk or fly.


"Cool as Ice." he then skated off in the direction EWS came from, until he got near the town.


EWS wasn't in much pain, but he tried to fly, and he couldn't. He was forced to walk from there all the way back to town, with each step feeling a bit like paper cuts all over his leg. "Ow....ow....ow.....ow..."



IB finally managed to get back to the city of Bangcolt. He skated straight to Rarity's shop, and began knocking feverishly and trying to open the door, "Aha! Rarity! Rarity! Are you there? Grr...it's locked." he waited for about 5 minutes, "Ok I don't think EWS would've lied in that situation, so she's gotta be here."


He came to the single conclusion: He had to breach. Ice cover Rarity's door in ice, and backed up several feet, "Breaching Style: Crowd Control!" he ran at the door full speed, crashing it down, and broke into the workshop, "Not too shabby."


He didn't see Rarity, but he could see some light coming from a back room, "What the--?" he then ran to the room, and saw Rarity. She looked like she was beaten and her hair was a mess. Not the Rarity IB knew at all, "Rarity? Rares? What the--?" he went over to her and lightly shook her by her shoulders, "Rarity. It's me. Ice Blizzard. I'm ok. What's going on here?"


Kazas blushed as he kept up the act.

" I'm just like anyone else, Vera. If anything, you're the amazing one, Mea Amica."

Modesty and humility, of course, were staples of his personality. He was not used to being complimented much, especially with as many times as Vera had done so for him. It felt... Exhilarating to be in love. Intoxicating, even.

" And one thing at a time, my love. Remember, I'm an ambassador. My place is here in Equestria, ensuring that diplomacy between Leovia and Equestria stays friendly... My place is here, with my friends... My place is here, with my love. My place is with you, Vera."

Soon they entered town airspace. Kazas had started to slow himself so he could locate and land near the Leovian Embassy.

Vera began to blush as well. She couldn't help but feel...just...so...special as Kazas told her how special he was to her, "And I am very grateful to you for that Kazas." she looked around for the building, "Is it a tall building with blue and brown?" she asked, looking down.

Edited by Ice Blizzard


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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@, @,


Stupid animal; took the bait. Ash cracked a smile. However just as he was about to dive past the Ursa’s attack, the cave’s entrance unexpectedly opened. The sudden and unexpected adjustment to his vision threw Ash off and once again the dragon got caught in the slipstream of the Ursa’s swing. More expletives were yelled out as Ash smacked into the ceiling and bounced off like a ragdoll; he was lucky he wasn’t skewered on any stalactites.


“The hell?” Ash grunted as he fell from the ceiling of the enormous cave, he turned his head towards the source of light, realizing that the boulder trapping him inside the cave had been removed, somehow. To be honest, the reason why didn’t matter; only that there was a way out now.


“Heh, Lucky.” Ash muttered to himself spreading his wings as he began to dive towards the exit. Pain shot through his left wing, it must’ve gotten injured during Ash’s intimate moment with the cave ceiling. Mentally pushing the pain aside, Ash continued his dive towards the exit.

First the cave ceiling, now the forest floor; no time for a graceful landing it seems. Ash hit the ground in a tumble; no doubt messing up his wing even more. His claws thrashed about, trying to catch the earth and stop his uncontrolled rolling.

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Trixie had just finished putting on the last of her ensemble when she heard a knock on the door. She checked the large wall clock that hung above her shop, smiling when she discovered that Aknor was not only on time, but a minute early. Timing was everything, be it performing life-threatening tricks, or just going out for fun.


Mostly though, she just hated being kept waiting. She opened the door.


"You're back. And on time. Now tell me before we go, Aknor, is this too much?"


She motioned to her get-up, of which she had clearly gone the nine yards. She kept her face clean, but her mane was done so that one part rolled delicately off to the right side of her horn, while most of the remainder was kept up and out of the way, leaving a single strand to trail beautifully over her left ear. From the her stomach trailing downward, she wore a simple black tafetta dress adorned with spots that sparkled like starlight whenever she happened to move.


She waited for his response. Secretly, she was hoping the answer was "yes"; nothing like a little shock and awe to make a good first impression. If not, maybe next time she could bring her witches' hat...




In one of the hospital beds, a form shifted, and then Sleight Mist woke up. She rubbed her still aching head before sliding out onto the floor. She collected her stuff, spared the courtesy of telling the nurse she was leaving, and exited the hospital.


"Well, I lost. Again." She muttered darkly to herself once she had gotten outside.


"This better not become a theme."


Luna watched as Night Tracer flung himself off into the clouds. She waited for him to come down, but he didn't. She got a quizzical look as the time rolled on into minutes.


"What are you-" she began, then stopped as the world seemed to fade and blur into two. She staggered slightly from side to side, attempting to keep upright, but was quickly losing the battle as blackness played in the corners of her eyes. She tried the second task of using magic, only to find the concentration necessary for her slipping away like like water through sand. Her memories flashed back to the first attack that Night Tracer had made, and the metal blade that was still buried in her chest, and she came to a sudden realization.


"Clever...stallion..." she coughed out, before passing out in the grass.




Celestia didn't flinch, even in the wake of Caliber's anger, but she did shake her head slowly in response.


"Do you really think I would trick you when it came to something so serious, Caliber? I can tell you only what I know, Ice Blizzard is..."


She stopped as her head was suddenly thrown back. Her eyes turned white again, seeming to light up her entire face from within as she faced the ground, straining to hold in the massive amount of power she was receiving. This lasted well over thirty seconds before Celestia was thrown back out of it just as suddenly, panting.


"It must have been residual energy from the spell," she said, mostly to herself. She looked up, this time to speak to Caliber. "It wasn't there before, I promise you, but I could sense him just now, alive and well. I apologize for the needless worry, Caliber."


She happened to glance over to behind her, then, and her eyes caught Luna's form, crumpled over in the grass. She was over by her side in a burst of light, leaning down by her sister worriedly.


"Luna?!" she called out, nudging her sister to no avail, all the while looking around for her attacker. Energy began to surge into the air...




Rarity didn't even react at the sound of her door crashing heavily to the floor. She did react when she was suddenly shaken however, if only to look up slowly and almost mechanically into Ice Blizzard's eyes, staring as if she could see through him.


"Ice..." she began in a drawn out, whisper, talking as if she could see through him. She looked horrible: her mane and tail were everywhere, there were bags under her eyes, sweat marks and grime covered her body in various places, and there were black marks all over her face from where her mascara had clearly ran from her tears. But she talked to him as if she hardly noticed these things, speaking with a pleading expression.


"I'm almost finished, see?"


She tilted down with the same slow mechanical look, this time eyeing one of the many tiny gems inserted into the huge machine she was working at.It had changed; instead of a liquid blue, the gem now shone misty, and light enough to see through. Her horn sparked feebly, and for a second, it cast bright reflections all over the back room with its brilliance, making her look like a sickly ghost in comparison.


"It's almost done. I just need a few more adjustments, and then i'm finished. I never have to be weak again, and I never have to lose somepony I care about. So please, stop haunting me!"


She screamed, hooves over her head, and the light winked out as her magic did, putting the room back into blackness. Rarity relaxed suddenly before frowning. She shifted back in her seat before staring at the gem again, ignoring Ice Blizzard like he was a vision.


"No, that's wrong. Maybe if I polish it more..."




Applejack woke up with a start and a gasp. She looked around to find that the repairman was long gone, probably having gone to find help of some sort. Which left her, looking out at the remains of her destroyed tavern, and the giant signature left scrawled in yellow spray paint on its side. As she stared, anger flared up in her gut, stronger than she had felt in years.


"Electron..." She growled. She was ready to fight.

Edited by Corona de Adamas
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"yeah. right." caliber muttered darkly. "last time i ever trust a princes..."


he turned to leave, and was at the door before he turned and looked at lektra. "sorry to cut our session short. we'll fight later on today, alright?" he asked, before opening the door and walking through.


he wanted to talk to sleight, and has wanted to do so for a while now. he found her outside the infirmary. she looked rather pissed. ah, probably not taking her latest loss not too well...


"oi! sleight!" he said, nearing her. "whats up?"


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He sat above the clouds, waiting and waiting for the sedatives to take full effect, to weaken her. He laid on top of a cloud and closed his eyes, "I'll check in a few minutes," he thought. But, he was more tired than he had expected, he hadn't slept in 2 days. Fatigue hit him like a freight train. In mere seconds, he was asleep. 


Roughly 25 minutes later he was startled awake by someone shouting Luna's name in a concerned tone. He flipped off the cloud and dove straight towards the ground to check on Luna. He throttled, and sped to her aid as fast as he could. In mere seconds, he hit the ground next to her and looked at her beaten body. He raised a brow, "Seems it didn't take as long as expected," he said, thinking he had only been out for a minute or so. 


He rushed over to her, "Move," he instructed in a monotone voice, and placed his hoof on her chest. He waited, but he didn't have to wait for long to feel a heartbeat, then another, and another. He took his hoof off her chest and leaned down to kiss her on the forehead. 


He stepped back from her and looked up at a worried and pissed, Celestia, "She's fine, well... not in battle, she needs a bit of work, "he  chuckled, "but as far as her current state. She's fine. Trust me." he told her confidently. 


He looked back down at Luna, a bruised and beaten but still beautiful mare. He gave a gentle smile, although she could not see it. He walked over to her and nestled her to her side. He drove his head under her stomach and lifted her upon his back. He secured her to make sure she wouldn't fall and then turned to leave but he stopped. He looked at Celestia, "How about you walk with me and get her back to her sleeping quarters, she needs rest.” He inquired, “I insist.” He smiled, kindly.




Twilight frowned guiltily and instructed for Tyra to go answer the questions in private; across the room, and write them down on the paper attached to the clipboard.


After Tyra did so, she left the Clipboard back where she was in Private and headed back towards Twilight. Twilight handed her the bottle of truth serum to Tyra, “Drink up.” She grinned.  


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Blizzard was stuck for a moment. He felt like he was the worst pony alive for a split second when Rarity said to stop 'haunting' her. However, he calmed down and rationalized that Rarity still thought he was dead.


“Oh crap. Crap crap crap!”, he thought to himself, “What do I do? What do I say?” He began to sweat all over from being nervous as he paced the floor for 5 minutes.


“Of course! Lucky 7!”, he thought. He turned on a light, went into the other room, and got a hairbrush, and began to gently brush her mane. “I-if you don't mind Rarity...you look so much better with your hair curled.” he did his best, and her hair was looking ok. He had read Rarity's magazines on how to properly style your mane. Not as good as if Rarity had done it herself, but a bit better than it was before.


After putting the brush down, Blizzard walked over to Rarity, and looked into her eyes. They were like pools of gleaming sapphire, beauty of which could only belong to such a beautiful mare. He remained flustered for a moment before finally bringing himself to speak. However, due to his nerves, his voice was a little shaky.


He cleared his throat and began, “R-Rarity...I...there's..” he sighed and continued, “None of what has happened is your fault ok? I mean, I remember you saying that this happened to you before, but you are no way in the wrong. If anyone should be blamed, it's the stupid fools who keep doing this to you. And in my opinion, they deserve banishment to Tartarus.”


He took a deep breath and spoke, “And if you're wondering how I'm alive, I managed to have my cryostasis activate and keep myself preserved for 3 days until Princess Cadence came along and saved me. I thanked her, and after that, I was running like crazy just to get back to you and see if you were ok." he looked Rarity over, her hair was a mess, and she looked like she was beaten badly. However, this didn't stop him from still loving her. Granted, he understood why Rarity felt like she needed to do this, but wanted to make her feel better in the best way possible.


“And, don't blame yourself Rarity. I mean, sure, I may not have known the exact ripple effects of what I did, but I had a good reason for it. And that was....to protect...you. I mean, you're the most generous, inspirational, and caring mare I know. You always sacrifice for others and ask for nothing in return. You willingly stay up all night, and fix something, just to keep others satisfied. You're so successful and prestigious, that you could easily go ahead and live in Canterlot among all the rich ponies. But instead, you chose to live in Ponyville among your friends. In my eyes, that's an admirable quality. And, in addition to all your other qualities, that makes you who you are. And who you are, can never be taken away from you. You don't need to sit here and refine gemstones for power, YOU are an element of harmony. YOU saved all of equestria with your friends, like, more than I can count. And you did all that, not because you NEED power, but because you ARE powerful without even trying. Like I said before the Carmine incident, your inspiration, generosity, and personality are stronger than any weapon you can fathom.”


He then felt a bit of a confidence spark, “Maybe I can pull this off.” he thought.


“Oh yeah, by the way. I'm not a ghost. I'm really real. I mean would a ghost be able to do this?” he said smugly, as he then made a larger-than-life, ice sculpture of Rarity that was as high as the room's ceiling, and turned Rarity's chair around so she could see it, “Look at her, Rarity. That's the Element of Generosity. The most fabulous, and inspirational pony in all of Equestria. You don't have to change yourself, because you have power in who you are.”


He then walked back in front of her, and hugged her, “That's the pony who helps others feel good about themselves. That's the pony who's always willing to go the extra mile for others. Please....don't let that pony go....”


“Also, there's something else..” he said shakily, as he let her go from the hug, “When I moved to Ponyville, and saw you for the first time...I always felt like...I don't know......”


He then thought to himself as his eyes began to dart around and he sweated heavily, “Crap! Crap! Crap! What do I say here?! Oh Celestia help me!”


As he awaited a response, Blizzard was feeling a number of different emotions including, anxiety, pain, but most of all, love. He didn't realize it, but his love for the mare was nearly overpowering his other emotions and he felt like he would spontaneously explode at the drop of a hat. 

Edited by Ice Blizzard


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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Twilight frowned guiltily and instructed for Tyra to go answer the questions in private; across the room, and write them down on the paper attached to the clipboard.


After Tyra did so, she left the Clipboard back where she was in Private and headed back towards Twilight. Twilight handed her the bottle of truth serum to Tyra, “Drink up.” She grinned.  


Tyra trotted across the room and answered the questions as best she could; her writing wasn't the best, since she needed to use her mouth.


She returned to Twilight and took the serum. "Very well!"

She happily downed the potion in a few gulps, throwing away the vial and wiping her mouth with a content sigh.


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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Electron walked back and saw Applejack. "Haha! How you like that huh? Nopony! And I mean No-Po-Nee, messes with the E-W-S and gets away with it!" He laughed evilly before continuing, "Little fillies like you need to learn your place. Because if you were from, where I was from, you'd be bucking dead!"


He then got an idea, and said to her face, "As a matter of fact, lemme show your place by whooping your flank into submission. You. Me. The arena. Your face on the floor!"

Edited by Ice Blizzard


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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Upon hearing that, Ice went a bit dramatic,"Frazzled? Frazzled?! Ok, listen to me, I have been stuck out here for 3 days, encased inside frozen water. The last thing I remember seeing, was the face of Rarity before blowing myself up, just to save her! Now I think, if you did something like that, you wouldn't be normal either, Shining Armor." he said snarkily.


"I mean whaddya expect?" He then put on a sarcastically happy voice while walking around, " 'Oh hey, I've been frozen for 3 days after I saved Rarity, the love of my life from an assassin who captured her wanted to kill me. No big dealio, right?' Wrong!"


Blizzard realized what he had just said. He knew that he had to get back to Rarity as fast as he could to see if she was ok. He stood still to think as he tried to climb the ravine wall until he got an idea on how to exit the ravine. But before enacting his idea, he spoke to Shining Armor and Cadence again.


"*sigh* I'm sorry about that, I gotta get going. If you manage to get back to Bangcolt before I do, tell everyone that Ice Blizzard is ok. But in the meantime, I gotta find Rarity. In fact, you can ask her yourself about what happened if you want the whole story. But for now, I'm gone. See ya."


He then made a set of ice stairs that led up and out of the ravine and he quickly climbed up all of them and began to skate as fast as he could in a random direction, hoping to get back to the town.


He ice skated all over the forest until he got a bit of a headache, but shrugged it off, he knew he needed to see Rarity as soon as he could. He ended up getting nowhere unfortunately, and stopped for a moment, "Crap, shoulda asked them which way town was before I left. I'm getting nowhere."


Electron was flying around near the edge of town. He started to fly a bit far near the forest to get some air, and spotted Ice. He was shocked to see him alive, "WHAT?! SNOWBALL'S STILL ALIVE?! I should've known that bucker just wouldn't stay down, well this time, I'm putting him down for good!"


EWS flew down to IB, and confronted him, "Goddammit Snowball! Why the buck won't you d--"


Electron's throat was grabbed by an extremely angry Blizzard who held him against a tree and spoke, "Listen to me you low-down, poor excuse for an electrical elemental, traitor! I have been stuck in a goddamn block of ice for 3 whole days. Trust me, I am in no mood for your bullcrap today, and you better stay the buck away from me before I freeze you below zero!"


EWS was astounded by Ice's sudden change, but still acted tough, "Pssh, you always say that, but you never do it."


Blizzard angrily punched EWS in his face 3 times, "How's that?" he then got an idea, "If you don't want me to hit you again, tell me where Rarity is right now!"


EWS's nose was broken and he became frantic, "N-no more please! I don't know where she is!"


Blizzard geared up to punch EWS again, but stopped when EWS shouted, "Wait!!! O-ok, she's at her workshop, I think. That's all I know honest! A-are we cool now?"


IB laughed sarcastically, "Cool?! ahahah! Yeah, suuuure...." he said before throwing EWS to the ground and walking away. But he turned around and said, "Hailstorm Style: Sleet Control!"


EWS looked around to see a bunch of tiny ice shards get stuck within his wings and legs. It wasn't lethal, it just made it painful for him to walk or fly.


"Cool as Ice." he then skated off in the direction EWS came from, until he got near the town.


EWS wasn't in much pain, but he tried to fly, and he couldn't. He was forced to walk from there all the way back to town, with each step feeling a bit like paper cuts all over his leg. "Ow....ow....ow.....ow..."



IB finally managed to get back to the city of Bangcolt. He skated straight to Rarity's shop, and began knocking feverishly and trying to open the door, "Aha! Rarity! Rarity! Are you there? Grr...it's locked." he waited for about 5 minutes, "Ok I don't think EWS would've lied in that situation, so she's gotta be here."


He came to the single conclusion: He had to breach. Ice cover Rarity's door in ice, and backed up several feet, "Breaching Style: Crowd Control!" he ran at the door full speed, crashing it down, and broke into the workshop, "Not too shabby."


He didn't see Rarity, but he could see some light coming from a back room, "What the--?" he then ran to the room, and saw Rarity. She looked like she was beaten and her hair was a mess. Not the Rarity IB knew at all, "Rarity? Rares? What the--?" he went over to her and lightly shook her by her shoulders, "Rarity. It's me. Ice Blizzard. I'm ok. What's going on here?"



Vera began to blush as well. She couldn't help but feel...just...so...special as Kazas told her how special he was to her, "And I am very grateful to you for that Kazas." she looked around for the building, "Is it a tall building with blue and brown?" she asked, looking down.

Kazas spoke out loud, slowing abruptly as he did so.



" close! It's the building with the three flags on flagpoles out front! I'll take us down now!"




Kazas started his descent downward to the embassy, being careful to not throw Vera off. He gently

Took his claws away from his sides, and prepared for landing.

In this world, is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the hand of God, hovering above? At least it is true, that man has no control... Even over his own will.



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Kazas spoke out loud, slowing abruptly as he did so.



" close! It's the building with the three flags on flagpoles out front! I'll take us down now!"




Kazas started his descent downward to the embassy, being careful to not throw Vera off. He gently

Took his claws away from his sides, and prepared for landing.

Vera looked on as they began to go down. She looked around to try and find the building, "Hmmm....I think I have the target sighted." when they landed, she got off and pointed a hoof to the building, "This way, right?" she asked with a sheepish grin as she waited for a response.


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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Aknor stared at her for a moment, taking it in. She looked far better than he did, even though he'd tried to look nice for the evening. He wore a chocolate brown suit and a slightly lighter coloured bow tie on the white shirt underneath. He looked her over again "You look just perfect." He said smiling calmly, "So... Where would you like to go for the evening?" He asked, quickly checking he had everything he needed in his saddlebag, an umbrella, a rolled up map and a bouquet of lilies, which he got out and offered her, "Oh, I almost forgot, for you." He said blushing slightly as he offered them for her.

Edited by Tempest Shift


http://mlpforums.com/topic/121534-the-evil-withinoutlast-style-survival-rp/ Take a look at my RP please.

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LS was still waiting for her turn, so she went back over to the green pegasus (@Mars Orbit)that had bugged her earlier about her tornado, "hey, wanna see something cool?" She asked him. She closed her eyes and started concentrating really hard, soon enough, a small black storm cloud appeared a over her, lightning flashed inside of it, she was grinning

Edited by sonicdashie
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Celestia took a deep sigh to clear her nerves as she watched Night Tracer check her sister, and the air stopped sparking in return. He was right, she realized as she looked at him. She had been on edge around him ever since they first met, and not only had it been unpredicated so far, it nearly led to disaster on several occasions. Enough was enough; she needed to trust him. Not only for herself, but for the whole of Equestria. She began to walk with him


"Night Tracer, I can't say I agree with your attitudes and methods at times. However, it is obvious that you not only mean well, but that you care deeply about my sister, as I do. I apologize for treating you so harshly these past few days; I understand that as difficult as this situation is for us, it must be an incredible load on you, as well."


She placed her head and body under Luna, sifting Luna down her body until she was bracing her sister partially on her back. That left her standing right next to Night Tracer, though her being so much taller to him led to a slightly awkward angle between the two of them, and she had to use magic to properly keep Luna from sliding off. Still, she shouldered it best she could, turning to him and smiling as they walked together.


"Let me share the burden."

Edited by Corona de Adamas
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Twilight watched as Tyra knocked back the drink; she didn't take a single breath. Not surprising, given her drinking habits, but Twilight didn't know that. 


She hucked the vial at the wall and it shattered; Twilight cringed as the glass broke, "How are you feeling," she asked.




Night Tracer looked up at Celestia who stood by his side, smiling at him. He wanted to smile back but Luna began to slip so he had to balance her. Due to the height difference between himself and Celestia, it was difficult to keep her steady. So, Night Tracer lifted his wings to push Luna upward; near to Celestia's height. It was hard for him to lift Luna since, he, for one, wasn't strong by any means. Ironically, Celestia was causing more of a burden then help lifting it but he focused more on the intent of the action more than anything else. "Thank you," he smiled. His wings wobbled as he struggled to keep Luna up, but he wouldn't let her fall by any means.


He walked silently beside her, he pondered what she meant by her harshness as well as lifting the burden.


Firstly, her harshness, yeah... understandable, he thought. He knew he had a different mentality than most. He was odd, but better odd then something he wasn't. 


"You're fine, I'm not necessarily easy to deal with myself. If you haven't noticed, I'm not like many others. Well, good. I don't want to be." He spoke with passion; strong emotion laced his voice. His heart then softened, as did his tone, "I apologize myself, like I said; never been easy to deal with. And yes, I do care about her... what very little that I do care about," his voice trailed off. He spoke sullenly, "I understand how much you care about her, and I know, you are only the way you are for her own good. I'd be skeptical if anyone came up and snogged my sister and treated me like an ass." He lightly smiled, then it turned into a frown as he remembered his sister. He hadn't meant to say anything about his family and he felt as if he'd soon regret doing so.


Next, he thought about what she said lastly, "Let me share the burden." He sighed, thinking about his family. He looked at the ground then in the opposite direction of Celestia before turning his attention back to her. "This isn't just about her, is it?" he inquired. He thought about his family, he thought about what he had said to her in the hospital no more than a night ago. Thoughts swam through his head and emotions scattered throughout his body. He shut his eyes tight, then reopened them. He waited anxiously for Celestia to respond to him. He was both nervous and fearful, emotions that he didn't feel very often.

Edited by louisvillepride


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Sleight Mist heard a voice, glanced over and spotted Caliber coming her way. She actually smiled.


"Had my last fight due to Rune, of all ponies," she said, walking over to him. "I guess that weasel was stronger than I thought, though; I spent a ridiculous amount of time in the hospital after that fight."


She then changed tracks. Putting on a more relaxed tone, she walked up next to him, making sure to draw the length of her tail down his flank until she was neck to neck with him.


"So, what's the great and powerful Caliber up to right now, huh? Getting ready for the upcoming tournament that everypony's talking about?"




"You don't know where we're going?" Trixie said with confusion. It also came with irritation, but she stifled it for the sake of a pleasant evening. The lilies certainly helped.


"Well..." she said, taking the flowers and holding them as she thought it over. 


"Vinyl and Octavia's music hall is a really nice place, and it's not too far from here. Good food, fancy music, and even entertainment, if you're into that. I've wanted to go for a long time, but i've never found a good enough time or reason to yet. Now seems just as good a time as any, though, if you're up to it..."




Applejack stared at Electron Wave Storm, the stallion who had destroyed her tavern not only once but twice. The stallion who was seemingly determined to make her life miserable at all costs, and even now was standing in front of her, asking her for a fight. No, challenging her. Applejack strode up to him, each step making a large impression on the dirt floor from her barely unrestrained aggression as she moved. She reached out a hoof towards him...


And poked him in the chest. It wasn't a soft poke, though; it was hard enough to shove any normal pony back a few paces. She shook her head at him.


"Y'know, Electron? You're sad. I can tell you're used to fighting, enough to where I figure you've been doing that all of your life. It's gotta be awful lonely, which is why I ain't fighting ya', because I don't think it would make a lick of difference whether I won or not; ya wouldn't change a dang bit. Sorry, I ain't got the time for ya'. Now, if you'll excuse me, I got a tavern to clean. You're welcome to join me, but if not, I don't ever want to see you on my property again, or I we will fight, right then and there."


She turned around and began walking back toward the tavern, never once looking back at him.




Rarity melted into Ice Blizzard's hug, her unfocused eyes bubbling with tears behind him. A spark of recognition flashed briefly in her eyes.


"Ice.... Blizzard...?" she muttered, speaking for the second time in two days. He broke the hug, and she stood still for a moment, as if she was unsure what she should do. Then, she reached out a shaky hoof as if to touch him, only to snatch it back at the last second as if he might devour it. She shook her head, turning away from the scene and moving back to her desk.


"No, you can't be real. This is all I dream. I just need to finish..."

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Sleight Mist heard a voice, glanced over and spotted Caliber coming her way. She actually smiled.


"Had my last fight due to Rune, of all ponies," she said, walking over to him. "I guess that weasel was stronger than I thought, though; I spent a ridiculous amount of time in the hospital after that fight."


She then changed tracks. Putting on a more relaxed tone, she walked up next to him, making sure to draw the length of her tail down his flank until she was neck to neck with him.


"So, what's the great and powerful Caliber up to right now, huh? Getting ready for the upcoming tournament that everypony's talking about?"

"no-one is the designated strongest." he reasoned, "theres always someone stronger."


the faintest blush appeared on his face when she trailed her tail like that. he tried to hide it.


"and iv been doing some pondering about that tournament, yeah. although i, myself, have no chance of winning...and from what i hear, your going in, too." he said, trying to make conversation. "i was gonna go get a bite to eat, wanna come with? i know first hand how bad hospitable food tastes..." he offered. "my treat."

Edited by PeytonJay


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Celestia looked over at Night Tracer, the jovial tone dropping slightly to make way for concern.


"No, it's not. As a ruler of Equestria, it is my job to help my ponies in any way I possibly can, no matter what burden I must shoulder. But i've been so caught up in my own duties and concerns that i've been ignoring those close to me, a mistake I swore I would never make again."


She squeezed her eyes shut for a second, blocking dark memories out. They faded when she opened them, and she was back to normal, giving Night Tracer a faint smile.


"You are right Night Tracer; this about you. I have never once stopped to consider how you must feel in all this, so I wish to make ammends as best I can now. Night Tracer...talk to me." she said sincerely.

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A crowd of ponies who had been standing there, listening to them the whole time, were speechless up until Applejack was finished. After which there was a collective shout from the crowd, "DAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMMNNNNN!"


EWS was publicly humiliated. He realized that his intention failed. He hadn't rustled AJ in one bit, and now he felt like crying. All he did from there, was simply walk away with his head hung low, and eventually flew away when the ice shards melted. He went up to the highest bed of clouds to lay upon, looking up into the sky....




Ice Blizzard stood there in shock for a moment, "What?! You're kidding! That didn't get through to her?! Ok, if all else fails what would grandpa Chill do?"


He paced the floor again for 2 minutes until he came to a conclusion, "Crap! I-I don't know if I wanna do that....." he thought while blushing.


He took another look at Rarity. She was in a complete and utter mess. He knew that if he wanted her to become herself again, he had to step up his game, and make the first move in this chess-like game of life.


"This is it. I've moved my pawns, killed the enemy king, protected my queen, and traveled to the opposite end of the chessboard. All I need to do now, is make my way back to her...."


He grew a serious expression before sighing. He knew what he had to do. Something so out-of-the-box and foolish, yet sweet and kind at the same time. It was time to tip the scales. Now or never. Do or die. And Icesius Blizzard never lets anyone die!


He walked over to Rarity, turned her chair so he could face her,...and kissed her. Gently on her lips. He held it for about 5 seconds. Just long enough for Rarity to know it was really him.


"I can't believe it. I can't believe I just did that. After all this time.....Grr..you know what? Buck it! I don't care how foolish it was. I don't care whether it was embarrassing for me or not. I don't even care about 'scoring'! All I care about, is whether or not Rarity's ok. And if that was the only way I could prove to her that I'm alive here and now, so be it goddammit. Well...time to face the music. Let's see what happens then...."


After kissing her, he stood in front of her, smiling with a stupid grin on his face while half his face turned red from blushing, "...hehe....It's me...really...."

Edited by Ice Blizzard
  • Brohoof 1


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

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Night Tracer looked at Celestia with tired, soft, understanding eyes. He didn't think Celestia should feel the way she did but he respected her concerns. She was the leader of Equestria and indeed, he was one of the people she had to lead. He understood the feeling she had towards him, but he felt as if it were more on a personal level than a level of responsibility... or so he hoped it was. If she didn't express concerns out of her own, personal, feelings then it was permissable. 


She appeared to be hard on herself, as she closed her eyes shut. She cringed in pain. Night Tracer would ask about it but he figured she didn't want to be reminded; he figured he already knew anyway. 


Before he could say anything, Celestia spoke again and requested something from Night Tracer that he didn't expect. Now he knew she was truly sincere, he could tell. But... he wasn't one for talking about his emotions like that, he wasn't necessarily an, "open book," so to speak. 


"As far as ammends go, there are probably ammends to be made on both sides. They'll be made in time, but I don't see any better way to do so then time. With each other, that is." he stated rather monotously, "But as far as my personal burdens..." he sighed, "I d-d-don't talk about those." He said with uncertainity; tripping over words, a rarity for him. He looked at the ground and hung his head, completely zoning out from Celestia and his surroundings. 

Edited by louisvillepride


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Twilight watched as Tyra knocked back the drink; she didn't take a single breath. Not surprising, given her drinking habits, but Twilight didn't know that. 


She hucked the vial at the wall and it shattered; Twilight cringed as the glass broke, "How are you feeling," she asked.


Before she could answer, Tyra let out a little shudder, her fur standing on end a bit. She shook it off and thought nothing of it.

"I feel fine," She answered honestly, grinning toothily up at the alicorn, then blinked curiously, "Well, maybe a little hungry."


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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Twilight watched Tyra closely, every little motion. Suddenly, Tyra shook very lightly, much like a shudder.  She jumped up and ran to a table with a bunch of wiring on it; all of the wires connected to a monitor in which she could record all of Tyra's symptoms and vitals. 


She then used her magic to levitate her Clipboard over to herself. She took a few notes then looked up at Tyra, "Let's begin," she said.


"Question one, Who do you love?"


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Twilight watched Tyra closely, every little motion. Suddenly, Tyra shook very lightly, much like a shudder.  She jumped up and ran to a table with a bunch of wiring on it; all of the wires connected to a monitor in which she could record all of Tyra's symptoms and vitals. 


She then used her magic to levitate her Clipboard over to herself. She took a few notes then looked up at Tyra, "Let's begin," she said.


"Question one, Who do you love?"


Tyra blinked at all the wires, unsure of their purpose or what they even were. She wasn't sure if she should ask, for fear of being totally lost in big words, and so she didn't.


She nodded, then listened for the question.

"A unicorn mare named Juniper," she answered, a smile and a slight blush escaping onto her face.


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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Twilight glanced over at the monitor to check the readings why Tyra answered, "Uh, huh." she replied and then wrote somehting down on her clipboard. While she was writing she continued with an extension of the question, "Why do you love that pony?" she asked; She didn't even look up from taking her notes. 


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