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open Bangcolt Arena! (Fighting/Sol) (RP)


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"Well met, Alrahm Velle," Tyra greeted the elder unicorn, then raised an eyebrow to the pegasus, "Aye, he is forgiven...I think."


She watched intently at the two ponies' back-and-forth, looking between them as each stallion spoke.

The sudden uproar at the pegasus's outrages answer caused her to lean away slightly. She was used to rousing yells of war.


"'Deez nuts'?" She repeated, cocking her head to the side, "That is the strangest battle cry I have ever heard." At Alrahm's retort, she innocently added, "Do you possess nuts? I do not see any." She honestly thought he was referring to a pack of nuts like they sold at city arenas.


It was then that Syuren and Alrahm looked at each other in a confused gaze. Taking advantage of the mare's innocence, Syuren decided to take a shot at Alrahm again.


" oh, he does, but they are old, salty and useless."


Alrahm simply smirked, and retorted with a smug look on his face.


" at least mine have been put to good use. Yours, however, aren't even fully developed yet. And this probably explains your failure to maintain a long term relationship."


And there it was. Syuren, burned again.

  • Brohoof 1

In this world, is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the hand of God, hovering above? At least it is true, that man has no control... Even over his own will.



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It was then that Syuren and Alrahm looked at each other in a confused gaze. Taking advantage of the mare's innocence, Syuren decided to take a shot at Alrahm again.


" oh, he does, but they are old, salty and useless."


Alrahm simply smirked, and retorted with a smug look on his face.


" at least mine have been put to good use. Yours, however, aren't even fully developed yet. And this probably explains your failure to maintain a long term relationship."


And there it was. Syuren, burned again.


Tyra cocked her head to the other side at Syuren's remark. "Then he should get fresh ones...?"


It dawned on her after hearing Alrahm's reply; 'nuts' is Equestrian slang for-- "Ooohh...!"


Upon her realisation, she began snickering at Syuren's expense. Everything made much more sense.

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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Electron Wave Storm was sitting atop clouds that were above the embassy. He heard the loud, and very crappy joke about nuts, "Boo." he said softly to himself. He was still pondering what exactly he was going to do the next time he saw Icesius Blizzard, or his friends.


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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Red got up quickly, dusting herself off.


"I... I'm not... entirely sure." Red said honestly. "I'm new here as well. I've had one fight... but... ah..." she swallowed awkwardly, then decided to try and act suave about it. "Well, I lost terribly. My fight was just organized randomly, though. Oftentimes, I think ponies just ask another pony that interests them to a fight."

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@@Little Red


"i can tell by your sword sheath that your a swordsmare, too."


she grinned, "would you be my first opponent, here?" she asked, "iv been looking for a good match." she grinned wider. "and i can tell we're gonna be friends!"


she waited for an answer, not fully anticipating a 'no'


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Ash had only just breached the edge of the forest and his destination lay in view in the distance; the bustling city of Bangcolt. The dragon could faintly hear the sounds of a busy city ahead; but one noise suddenly echoed out from the city and drowned out the other sounds.





Ash froze in his tracks; a dumbfounded look on his face. What in Tartarus did he just hear? Why did it come from the city? Why did he have the feeling that it was related to something incredibly stupid? Though in honesty only one thought really passed through his mind.

“What the fu**?”

  • Brohoof 3
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Red was a little put off by the sudden friendliness of the mare. Red wasn't friendly! She was... intimidating!


Well, no she wasn't. She was too smaBIG for that. She was too big to be intimidating. Wait, had this pony just met her and called her small?


Red shook the thought out. She was being paranoid. Probably.


"I would be honored," she said, giving a slight smile. "I haven't fought with another swordspony in true competition for... a long time."

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@@Little Red


ruby grinned even wider. "awesome!" she said, positively beaming, and even doing a weird little happy-dance.


granted, she was a little put-off by the fact red seemed almost annoyed for a moment, but hey. she'll get what she can get.


"oh, where are my manners? my name is ruby, the wanderer!" she said proudly, "heir to calib-- er, calcifer."


'ponies might looks at me funny.' she thought, 'if i claim to be the heir to a pony that doesn't even know me right now...'

  • Brohoof 1


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Had she been about to say Caliber? That sounded familiar, Red reflected. Caliber-- wasn't he one of the more strong ponies around here? She'd heard of him, and had wanted to watch his next match.


"Calcifer, huh?" Red said, thoughtfully. "There's a very powerful pony here at the arena named Caliber. Funny." She showed no hint in her voice, and moved on. "I'm Lit-- Red. I'm Red." Wow, she'd almost made a slipup there. "I look forward to fighting you. I... can't say I'm entirely sure where to sign up for a fight, though." she said, more honestly and a little sheepish.

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@@Little Red


"well, of course he's powerful, he's used to be the fourth greate--"

crap. she needed to stop with caliber. but on the other hand...


she would get to see him again!


"im pretty sure we just go arrange the match in the front desk...?"


she grinned again. "lets go, red!" she said, as she turned to start heading the direction. 


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Ayup. She was definitely talking about the Caliber she'd heard of.


...Unless she'd gotten the names mixed up? Was it Calcifer she'd heard of, not Caliber?


She proceeded to get very jumbled as she walked. So, was it Calcifer or Caliber that was the fourth greatest swordspony? Heck, did they even both exist? She'd probably just mixed up their names and Calcifer was the only one that existed, she reflected sulkily. Well, if Ruby was Calcifer's heir, Red would get a good fight, it seemed.

  • Brohoof 1
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Kazas rushed up the stairs, and to end of a long hallway. There were 5 doors on either side, with last names printed on each. Kazas opened the one with the word INARO printed on it, and sprinted in. Inside was what one could consider a lavish office. There was a piano in the corner, a queen sized bed in the adjacent, and a mannequin with well maintained, ashen colored heavy armor. There was a desk situated towards the back of the room, and a bookshelf containing many volumes upon different subjects behind the desk. The plush red carpet was also eye-grabbing. Near the bookshelf was a wooden, custom alter, with a statue of a bipedal, 8 winged, griffon-like creature made of marble stone. It had its claws clasped together, as if praying. Kazas ran to the mannequin, and began to gently take the armor from it, donning it. First, came the cuirass, protecting his torso from collarbone to the beginning of his hind quarters. Vera would probably burst in laughing at how he was trying to hurry.

Vera followed Kazas all the way up, and had a confused look on her face when she got there. She asked Kazas, "uh...Kazas? Are you ok? You seem like you're in a rush or something. Mind telling me why?" she remembered the joke that the crowd had made earlier, "Also, what was with the crappy joke?" she said flatly.


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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Ayup. She was definitely talking about the Caliber she'd heard of.


...Unless she'd gotten the names mixed up? Was it Calcifer she'd heard of, not Caliber?


She proceeded to get very jumbled as she walked. So, was it Calcifer or Caliber that was the fourth greatest swordspony? Heck, did they even both exist? She'd probably just mixed up their names and Calcifer was the only one that existed, she reflected sulkily. Well, if Ruby was Calcifer's heir, Red would get a good fight, it seemed.

ruby looked at her. "you alright? you seem a little confused...." she said, looking amused and concerned at the same time.


they were walking, and they arrived at the sign-ups. ruby put down the match, and she was told that they could fight in an arena at any time they want.


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"Talk?" Sleight Mist said, her voice edged with suspicion at the tone of Caliber's voice as she as she watched him walk away. Eventually, she dismissed it, deciding that if Caliber was hinting at something, she'd pay along. She might even enjoy this.


"I'm all ears..." she said with a grin, following right behind him.




Rarity woke up rolled up in the sheets of her bed. She groaned slightly, trying to recall what happened to her earlier, and giving up after a few seconds of failing miserably. She leaned up in bed... only to come face to face with an oddly shaped omelette. Looking up further, her eyes raised in confusion as she finally caught sight of its maker. It seemed like Ice Blizzard had gone through the trouble of making her a breakfast built for royalty, and she had no idea why.


"Ice Blizzard, this is wonderful..." she said, looking down at the omelette. "But what is this?"  Did something happen?"




"It seems you already know the pains of an alicorn, then, with no power to show for it." Celestia replied sadly. "Our problems are deep, but we must continue on. Not only for ourselves, but for the others around us. We must be their strength," she said, taking a glance back at Luna before looking back at Night Tracer.


"I do not know what you have been through, Night Tracer, but I will respect your wishes; I will not pry further into your past. I do, however, wish to know something about the stallion that is so entranced in my sister. Answer me one question, Night Tracer: why her?"




A small, incredibly dark blue shape cut a silent path through the sky, landing next to Electron Wave Storm on his cloud without even shifting the mist. She fluttered her wings a little before looking down at him.


"So you're the competition here, are you? That's good to know," she said in a slightly trottish accent as she stared down at the tavern. She could smell it from here, and she turned her head slightly to avoid gagging.


"I came here to force you to clear out, but you know what? This... this is rich, like the stuff I used to do when I was 13. I think i'll let you stay. You're a laugh, Electron," she said, looking down at him once again.


"And I haven't had a good one in so long..."

Edited by Corona de Adamas
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"It seems you already know the pains of an alicorn, then, with no power to show for it." Celestia replied sadly. "Our problems are deep, but we must continue on. Not only for ourselves, but for the others around us. We must be their strength," she said, taking a glance back at Luna before looking back at Night Tracer.   "I do not know what you have been through, Night Tracer, but I will respect your wishes; I will not pry further into your past. I do, however, wish to know something about the stallion that is so entranced in my sister. Answer me one question, Night Tracer: why her?"


Night Tracer agreed with Celestia about the former part of what she said. He was actually kind of surprised how she understood and at the same time, very relieved. He thought Celestia was nothing short of amazing for being so understanding.


Then she said, "But one Question." He sighed, as he peaked around Luna's head to look at Celestia.


Celestia asked a question, one that was rather surprising to him, "Excuse me?" he asked confusedly, hinting for her to elaborate on the question


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Syuren turned red in the face, and began to stutter as he retorted.


" th-that is not true! I'm just not good at the relationship crap, o-okay?!? Geez, Al. You can be such a prick..."


Alrahm responded, laughing heartedly.


" hahaha! That is PROFESSOR prick to you. Besides, vinegar talk is nothing short of an intellectual challenge, and my boy, you are quite a ways from having a swollen noggin."


Syuren sighed, and spoke in an annoyed tone.


" yeah, yeah. Failing grades and all that. Who cares? I'm the speed demon of the D.R.O. And that's all I need."


Alrahm, shaking his head at that last statement, turned to Tyra, and began to speak again.


" like I said, the boy means well, and he's come a long way from what he used to be. He's more than earned the spear on his backside, I can assure you. Now, you did confirm that you are Tyra Shatterhoof. Of course, your appearence seems to contradict data acquired. Many thought you were a pegasi who apparently had the ability to manipulate lightning, but it appears as though that is false. What interests me... Is why my contemporary, Lorec, chose you for this fight... Prehaps you are an interesting specimen to tempt him into a match. Tell me, was it truly he who challenged you, or is it you who challenged he?"







Kazas then took the bracers from the mannequin, and started to equip them to his foreclaws. They were clawless, and protected him all the way up from his knuckles to his upper foreclaws. He spoke as he did so to Vera.


" You remember my friend I told you about... Lorec? He has a very important fight today. A battle that he has been waiting for, for a long time now. I made a promise that I would be there for him. In fact, many other of my friends will be there as well, and I'd... Really like you to meet them. And If it's who I think it is, then there is quite an easy explanation for that crude humor, but we won't have proof until we arrive there..."


He then grabbed hold of the hind leg shin guards, and equipped them as well. He then grabbed a red sash hanging by the mannequin, and wrapped it around his waist. Afterwards, he grabbed a small ball and chain and wrapped it up, tucking it into the sash. The final piece of the attire was the most intricate and eye-grabbing; a crimson mantle with a silver Phoenix masterfully woven unto the back of it. Kazas turned around, and looked at Vera. He appeared as though he was a battle-ready commander, about to lead an army into a glorious charge. The ashen armor complimented his own feather coloration, and even though heavy, looked comfortable enough for the griffon to move around in easily. He fanned his wings out, allowing the hues of red, orange, and gold feathers to show in their full glory. In a confident smile, he spoke.


" Vera, what you will see later will beg many questions later on tonight. However... Putting those questions in the back of our minds, let me ask you this one: how do I look?"

In this world, is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the hand of God, hovering above? At least it is true, that man has no control... Even over his own will.



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"Why Luna?" Celestia said, cocking her head as she repeated the question. Not wanting to be misleading, she gave him a soft smile.


"Please, don't assume any ill intentions behind the question. I simply wish to know what first attracted you to my sister. Not too many ponies tend take more than a cursory interest in us, which is why it's always a story when somepony takes a special interest in us. In my experience, anyway."

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Blizzard rubbed the back of his head shyly before answering, "Well...sorta...? I mean you kinda looked like you haven't eaten in a while. So, I felt the need to make you something. It's one of my grandfather's old recipes. Heh, he always knew what was best. And I mean, not to mention, you've always done a lot for others, with your dresses and fashion assistance. I think it was about time that somepony gave back, and did something for you, you know?" 


He was kinda shy in hoping that his creation was good enough for Rarity, "So...yeah...I mean, I don't usually cook that often, but I did my best and I hope you like this....." he then fell silent as he waited for Rarity to tell him whether or not it tasted good while walking over to the window and looking out to avoid the awkwardness of watching her eat.


"*sigh* What a beautiful day. Sucks that Rarity's gonna be stuck resting for awhile before she should get up and go. I feel so bad that because of what I did, she felt she needed to starve herself, and disregard her hygiene. Well, when she's finished, she's gonna have a surprise waiting for her to hopefully make up for the heartache I caused her......"


EWS looked at the mare that flew up to him, and scoffed, "Pssh, yeah. But wait, who are you?"



Kazas then took the bracers from the mannequin, and started to equip them to his foreclaws. They were clawless, and protected him all the way up from his knuckles to his upper foreclaws. He spoke as he did so to Vera. " You remember my friend I told you about... Lorec? He has a very important fight today. A battle that he has been waiting for, for a long time now. I made a promise that I would be there for him. In fact, many other of my friends will be there as well, and I'd... Really like you to meet them. And If it's who I think it is, then there is quite an easy explanation for that crude humor, but we won't have proof until we arrive there..." He then grabbed hold of the hind leg shin guards, and equipped them as well. He then grabbed a red sash hanging by the mannequin, and wrapped it around his waist. Afterwards, he grabbed a small ball and chain and wrapped it up, tucking it into the sash. The final piece of the attire was the most intricate and eye-grabbing; a crimson mantle with a silver Phoenix masterfully woven unto the back of it. Kazas turned around, and looked at Vera. He appeared as though he was a battle-ready commander, about to lead an army into a glorious charge. The ashen armor complimented his own feather coloration, and even though heavy, looked comfortable enough for the griffon to move around in easily. He fanned his wings out, allowing the hues of red, orange, and gold feathers to show in their full glory. In a confident smile, he spoke. " Vera, what you will see later will beg many questions later on tonight. However... Putting those questions in the back of our minds, let me ask you this one: how do I look?"


Vera gave a shrill wolf whistle when Kazas asked her how he looked. She then began to closely inspect his body with all that armor on, "Just when I thought you couldn't get more handsome. You look so great Kazy, I'm at a loss for words right now. When's the fight? Should we get going soon?"

Edited by Ice Blizzard


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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Syuren turned red in the face, and began to stutter as he retorted.


" th-that is not true! I'm just not good at the relationship crap, o-okay?!? Geez, Al. You can be such a prick..."


Alrahm responded, laughing heartedly.


" hahaha! That is PROFESSOR prick to you. Besides, vinegar talk is nothing short of an intellectual challenge, and my boy, you are quite a ways from having a swollen noggin."


Syuren sighed, and spoke in an annoyed tone.


" yeah, yeah. Failing grades and all that. Who cares? I'm the speed demon of the D.R.O. And that's all I need."


Alrahm, shaking his head at that last statement, turned to Tyra, and began to speak again.


" like I said, the boy means well, and he's come a long way from what he used to be. He's more than earned the spear on his backside, I can assure you. Now, you did confirm that you are Tyra Shatterhoof. Of course, your appearence seems to contradict data acquired. Many thought you were a pegasi who apparently had the ability to manipulate lightning, but it appears as though that is false. What interests me... Is why my contemporary, Lorec, chose you for this fight... Prehaps you are an interesting specimen to tempt him into a match. Tell me, was it truly he who challenged you, or is it you who challenged he?"


Tyra listened to the two ponies' back-and-forth, and once again she was lost. Where in the world was this 'D.R.O.'?


Alrahm turned his attention back to her, and it seemed she had been confused for a pegasus...somehow. Last time she checked, she had no wings.


She smirked at his question and puffed out her chest. She didn't remember much after starting the drinking match with Lorec, but she certainly remembered what happened before.

"Aye, it was he who challenged me," she confirmed, with a single nod, "and it will be a truly legendary bout, I can assure you!"


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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ruby looked at her. "you alright? you seem a little confused...." she said, looking amused and concerned at the same time.


they were walking, and they arrived at the sign-ups. ruby put down the match, and she was told that they could fight in an arena at any time they want.

"Do you want to fight now?" Red asked, shrugging. "I don't mind. I am a little hungry, so I might like to eat first." Red thought about it. It might be nice to start making more than just acquaintances here in Bangcolt. Every pony seemed to know each other here, but she didn't know any pony. She and Ruby could explore the town together. Perhaps, as Ruby had said, they could end up being friends. She could see it.


"Say, would you like to eat now and get to know each other a little bit before we fight? Not our fighting styles, that would be cheating," Red added.

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"Talk?" Sleight Mist said, her voice edged with suspicion at the tone of Caliber's voice as she as she watched him walk away. Eventually, she dismissed it, deciding that if Caliber was hinting at something, she'd pay along. She might even enjoy this.


"I'm all ears..." she said with a grin, following right behind him.

"well, sleight, i guess ill start. iv been on the roads for about ten years, now. been traveling since i was ten years old. my birthdays coming up, actually. about to be 20."


on the way to the diner, caliber had a small bag that had his ripped up cape in it. which he put at rarity's door with some gems inside the bag, with a note saying 'dont ask questions. just fix it.'


"and its been a while since iv competed in an actual fighting competition. two years, in fact. and since then, iv really found out just how out-classed i am. and thats...almost scary to me."


he grinned, as the diner came into view. he walked inside, and ordered fifty muffins. but after realizing this is to-go, he changed that order to five. "you gonna get anything?" he asked sleight. "dont be shy now."


"Do you want to fight now?" Red asked, shrugging. "I don't mind. I am a little hungry, so I might like to eat first." Red thought about it. It might be nice to start making more than just acquaintances here in Bangcolt. Every pony seemed to know each other here, but she didn't know any pony. She and Ruby could explore the town together. Perhaps, as Ruby had said, they could end up being friends. She could see it.


"Say, would you like to eat now and get to know each other a little bit before we fight? Not our fighting styles, that would be cheating," Red added.

"oh, i could go for some food!" ruby said, walked next to red. "er--this is my first time being here, so could you guide me?" she added.


'this is so great!' she thought, 'iv already made a friend!'


she squealed inwardly. 'and who knows? this is only day one! ill be sure to make more friends!'

Edited by PeytonJay


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"Thank you, that's so wonderful of you to say." Inside, Rarity was still trying to pull together what had happened over the last few days, but was being met with little success. She took a bite of the eggs, however, and pushed it to the back of her mind, realizing that, for some reason, she was incredibly famished. She wolfed it down, keeping it in the back of her mind to feel shame later.


She began to work on the tea, and then remembered that Ice Blizzard was in the room. Still in her bed, she turned to him.


"Ice Blizzard, that was delicious! You never told me you could cook like that!" she said, her eyes bright and her mouth locked in a smile.




@Orion Caelum

With a rush of wind, Glory popped up, riding on the crook of Wilhelm's neck. The other dolls followed suit, floating on alternate sides of Wilhelm as he moved. Finally, Anette herself showed up, slowing down to match his stride once she got next to him. She gave him a lighthearted grin before bumping flanks with him.


"Wilhelm, you didn't think you could get rid of us that easily, did you?" she said jokingly. "Let's go meet Rarity."




"Who am I? That's the question, isn't it?" she said, one corner of her mouth tilted up in a smirk.


"I seemed to have left my real name in my other fur, so just call me Nightingale. I plan to rile ponies up, and turn Bangcolt into my own personal playground."


She gave a muffled hum of disappointment, still looking behind him, toward Applejack's destroyed tavern.


"At least, that's the plan, but there's a little snag; I seem to be just so good at this that noponies even been half a challenge for me. Which is why i'm here. Bangcolt's filled with Equis' strongest fighters, the elements of harmony, and the princesses, which is everypony who's important in anypony's book. If they can't catch me... well, I suppose there's always Canterlot."


There was nothing but the sound of the wind trailing a low whistle through the cloud, before she spoke again.


"Oh, and if you're wondering why i'm standing here, monologuing, two reasons. One, it's obvious you're not much of a threat, and I was kinda hoping you'd actually tell somepony about me. Wheneveryou're finished moping, that is. Two..."


There was little sound or noise, but there was a tangible tremor in the air as the two small explosives attached to the tavern went off. The bar seemed to groan as the roof caved in on itself, burying the inside under a pile of rubble of rubble and lumber. Smoke billowed into the sky, and Nightingale took in a rush of breath at the sight, faking an expression of pain.



Edited by Corona de Adamas
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Kazas furled his wings back after stretching them out. He blushed, turning away from Vera. Traveling around to his desk, he opened a lower drawer. Reaching inside, he starting pulling out... White candles? He stacked them on his desk, until finally, there were four of them. Taking the candles in one claw, holding them against his chest, he walked over to the custom alter made for the marble statue, and placed each candle neatly in front of it. He then snapped his talons, and a small, steady flame appeared from his foreclaw. He then used the flame to light all four of the candles. After he was done, he bowed before the candles and the statue, almost as if he was praying. It was then that he spoke.


" yes, it should be soon... But please, allow me to pray for four souls before we depart. I know this may seem strange to you, and I most certainly hope that you don't find the fact that i practice a foreign religion... A turn off..."


Kazas was actually worried that his beliefs would turn Vera away. He had actually lost potential bondmates in the past due to his affiliations with the Vakoric church.





Alrahm Tyra over. He seemed almost confused.


" hmmmmmmm... Well then... I am quite sure it will be an excellent show of pugilism and swordplay as well. It is strange, really. Lorec views foes in two categories. challenge or prey. If he had considered you prey, he would not bother with you. So it must be that he considers you a challenge. Hmmmmmm... Maybe it is that he sees alot of himself in you from his younger days..."

In this world, is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the hand of God, hovering above? At least it is true, that man has no control... Even over his own will.



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Alrahm Tyra over. He seemed almost confused.


" hmmmmmmm... Well then... I am quite sure it will be an excellent show of pugilism and swordplay as well. It is strange, really. Lorec views foes in two categories. challenge or prey. If he had considered you prey, he would not bother with you. So it must be that he considers you a challenge. Hmmmmmm... Maybe it is that he sees alot of himself in you from his younger days..."


Tyra smirked up at Alrahm, almost radiating confidence and anticipation. She began hopping on the spot, getting herself psyched up for the upcoming fight.

"I am no prey, I can assure you," She snickered, cracking her hooves before asking, "So where is Lorec? I am ready to get our fight started!"


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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EWS looked down quickly at the tavern, and saw the explosion, "Woah what the buck?! That was awesome Night. You're pretty cool by my standards. Although, I may not look like much, I can hold my own pretty well. I just lost my confidence for a moment. But you're a natural."


Ice grew another stupid smile as he blushed, "Hehe....well...I try....um, ahem..right now there's another surprise I have for you. After you finish your strawberries, there's something else you should find under your pillow and hint: It's not from the tooth fairy." he said with a laugh. "I'll take your plate back to the kitchen, and clean up. Be right back milady...~" he said with a sing-song tone as he went back to the kitchen to clean up.


Hidden under Rarity's pillow was a small, flat, present box that contained 2 tickets. One, was for the Bangcolt Spa that was in the main part of town. It was eligible for the 'Marefriend's Delight' Treatment for that day.  The other, was for a dinner party being held at Vinyl and Octavia's Hall, later that evening.

Along with the tickets, there was a note that read:

My dearest Rarity,

I noticed you looked a little stressed when I came back to you, and I felt that I kinda caused some of that stress. So i got you 2 things. The pink ticket in this box is good for a 'Marefriend's Delight' Spa treatment at the Bangcolt Spa. It's the ultimate spa experience with everything they have, and I know how much you love the spa, and you looked kind frazzled, so I hope you decide to go there later today. You deserve to pamper yourself. Go there first, just say my name and they'll hook you up.


The black ticket is for a dinner party being held at Vinyl and Octavia's Hall later on this evening. There'll be great food, and music, and other things. But most importantly, I have my own ticket for that as well, and I wanted to take you there myself on...sort of a date evening of enjoyment. Yeah that's right, hehe.. So...yeah...hope you like this....

Love Sincerely,

Icesius Blizzard

P.S. Darn Pen! I couldn't erase some of the words....

(How IB got the tickets in spoiler)

Flashback: 1 Hour

As IB was running around the town, searching for Rarity, he stopped by the spa. "Hmm....I think purchasing her a spa treatment might be a good idea."


Ice busted into the spa. There were mares having their hooves filed, manes done, blah blah blah. It was kinda suffocating for Ice to see, but he just rolled with it. He went up to the front desk, "Quick! What's the best spa treatment you have available?" he asked frantically.


The pony sitting behind the counter looked Ice over. He was sweating and kinda had a few scratches from the rough forest, "Haha! You serious? Look kid, this is a serious place for mares to relive stress. Not for stallions like you to cause more stress. Besides, you wouldn't have enough money to pay for this anyway." she said snarkily.


A few mares, getting their manes done, poshly laughed as Ice was taunted by the clerk.


Ice was unamused, "Oh really? I'll have you know, that mares cause stress for stallions too, dammit. With all your complaints and whatnot." he then turned to all the mares that laughed at him, "Ok, how many of your coltfriends/husbands let you come here because you just wouldn't stop complaining about it and getting on their nerves hm?" he asked smugly.


All the mares that were laughing had fell silent. The only sounds that could be heard, were blow dryers as almost everypony looked at Ice with shock, with some jaws even dropping. "Exactly. My. Point. Continue." he said before turning back to the clerk, "Now, what's that best treatment again?" he asked smugly.


The clerk's jaw dropped as well. She couldn't believe how right Ice was, "Wow. Pretty smart boy." she said as she took off her glasses with a sensual look in her eyes, "The best one we got is the Marefriend's Delight. It comes with hoof massages, hoof filing, mud masks, getting your mane done, back massages, and everything else we have to offer for 1000 bits."


Blizzard internally cringed at the price. 1000 bits? Damn. But since it was for Rarity, he sparred no expense. However, he had lost half his bits when he flew from the town (from 4800 to 2400), but he could care less, "1000. Boom." he said as he sat a bag of 1000 bits on the counter.


The clerk quickly counted the bits and gave Blizzard a pink ticket, "There ya go, kid. I gotta say, whoever you're buying this for is a lucky mare."


Ice blushed faintly, and began to turn around, "Yeah, thanks gotta go--"


The clerk stopped him, "Wait. What's your name?"


"Icesius Blizzard. But put it down as just Ice Blizzard."


Her eyes widened, "You mean the same Ice Blizzard who went through all 9 stage of Tartarus, and came out alive?" she asked as all the other mares looked inquisitively at Ice.


Ice stopped, and turned around, "The one and only."


The clerk was astonished to see one of the few to ever get out of that realm and live. She walked up to him, and closely got in his face with a sensual gaze, "Here. Take this. Just 'cuz I like you, take another Marefriend's Delight for free..." she said before winking and sitting back down behind her counter.


Ice began to sweat a little, but didn't question why he got another ticket for a free spa treatment. But the question was, who to give it to? He got a few somewhat angry looks from mares that he passed as he started to walk out. One mare threw up a magical barrier that kept Ice from exiting, "Huh? What the--?...... :wacko: "


"You're not going anywhere...." a few mares said.


A few of the mares wanted the extra ticket that Ice had. And they jumped up at him. He dodged them, and quickly hid under a spa chair, "Damn! I knew some girls were crazy as buck. But this is goddamn ridiculous. Ice clone. take one for the team."


The clone of Blizzard was afraid to go out there, until the real one pushed him from under the chair, and into the open, "He's in the open. Get him!"


The magical barrier from before had disappeared, and Ice was free to escape as the clone distracted them. The mares searched the clone until he turned into harmless ice dust, Huh? What the--?"


"Hasta la vista baby!" Ice shouted, as he quickly ice skated away. "Ho-lee-crap. So glad to be outta there."


From there, Ice kept on until he passed by Vinyl & Octavia's Hall, and saw that they were holding a dinner party later, "Heeey. Rarity would love that..."


Unfortunately, he saw there was a big 'Sold Out' sign. On the doors while V&O were getting ready on the inside. "Aw. And i wanted Rarliove to enjoy the party..." he began to walk sadly away until he was stopped by a familiar face.


"Hey there kid. Need something?"


Ice's ears quivered when he heard the voice of Pete, the armory pony, "What the-- Pete again?"


"I got 2 tickets for ya right here for that party. Only 1000 bits." he said, while holding them out to Ice.


"Dealio! Thanks!" he said as he gave Pete the sack of 1000 bits. leaving him with only 400. And he began to run back to Rarity.


Present Time

As Ice was washing the dishes, he thought to himself, "I hope she likes her surprise..But I'm sure as hell not going back to that spa...hopefully ever....."



Kazas furled his wings back after stretching them out. He blushed, turning away from Vera. Traveling around to his desk, he opened a lower drawer. Reaching inside, he starting pulling out... White candles? He stacked them on his desk, until finally, there were four of them. Taking the candles in one claw, holding them against his chest, he walked over to the custom alter made for the marble statue, and placed each candle neatly in front of it. He then snapped his talons, and a small, steady flame appeared from his foreclaw. He then used the flame to light all four of the candles. After he was done, he bowed before the candles and the statue, almost as if he was praying. It was then that he spoke.

" yes, it should be soon... But please, allow me to pray for four souls before we depart. I know this may seem strange to you, and I most certainly hope that you don't find the fact that i practice a foreign religion... A turn off..."

Kazas was actually worried that his beliefs would turn Vera away. He had actually lost potential bondmates in the past due to his affiliations with the Vakoric church.


Alrahm Tyra over. He seemed almost confused.

" hmmmmmmm... Well then... I am quite sure it will be an excellent show of pugilism and swordplay as well. It is strange, really. Lorec views foes in two categories. challenge or prey. If he had considered you prey, he would not bother with you. So it must be that he considers you a challenge. Hmmmmmm... Maybe it is that he sees alot of himself in you from his younger days..."

Vera looked inquisitively at Kazas as he started to pray. She actually took interest in whatever it was, but she didn't really express it all that much, and make herself look foolish, "No. No problem at all my sweet. I'll be right outside and give you some time alone." she then went right outside Kazas's door and waited.

Edited by Ice Blizzard


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

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