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open Bangcolt Arena! (Fighting/Sol) (RP)


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Red blinked at Ruby's sudden silence. She'd expected a more aggressive fighting style from such a chipper pony.


She examined Ruby's stance. Totally relaxed. Not giving anything away.


Red envied that type of relaxed fighting. Some ponies had mastered it, and she knew it helped tremendously. But no matter how calm she was when she fought, she always ended up tensing at some point, which made it a lot harder, she knew, as it wore on her muscles and could hurt them.


She decided to test the waters. She started with a quick charge, at Ruby in several seconds, sword in her mouth, slashing out.

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@@Little Red


ruby saw the slash coming, and she dropped like a sack of potatoes.


the blade missed her hair by a centimeter.


and it looked ridiculous, since ruby didnt just duck, she had dropped fully to the ground.


then she started her counter-attack. she gripped her sword hilt, pushed herself up into a handstand, and did a sweep using her sword, trailing it in a wide circle around her. she simultaneously threw a kick, still doing a handstand.


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Lorec looked at Tyra, and gave a grin. His daughter still sleeping on his back.


" treated me well. Yourself? Oh and by the way, that drinking match was bullshit. Bar served up the bad blod av aptgangr."


Sifana, seemingly semi-concious but still snoring, seemed to speak softly.


" papa...zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.... No swearing....zzzzzzzz"


His ears flickered a tinge. Smiling warmly due to his daughter's adorableness, he spoke.


" of course, Sifana... I'll be sure to add some bits to the swear jar later."


"Excuses, excuses," Tyra snickered, smirking cockily up at the minotaur, "I will say though, I enjoyed that drink. It was refreshingly strong! I have not been that drunk since I left home!"


She grinned up at the smaller Sifana, sleep-scolding her father for cursing.

"It is good that you have someone to look out for you, yes?" She teased lightheartedly.


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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@Orion Caelum

Nightingale saw the canister coming, but she also felt it; every action performed produced trailing wind currents that she could interpret like the pages of a book. She simply dropped down lightly to the ground a sizable distance from the two strange ponies, and the canister missed her completely.


"Well..." she began, waiting for the action above her. She didn't move, and adopted an almost lazed posture as she talked to Wilhelm "That's certainly an inventive way to use a sword..."




"Sorry, i've already got a sidekick myself." she said dismissively "Her name is Anette, and she may not look like much, but she's one heck of a fighter. Even thrashed me a couple of times, though naturally, I was holding back." she said with a laugh. Her face grew momentarily serious as stopped to think.


"I wonder where she is right now...?"




"I enjoyed your company, as well, Night Tracer." Celestia couldn't suppress the faint smile that she had adopted at the sight of Night Tracer tucking Luna in.


"I trust Luna will be safe with you. I'm afraid I can't stay, however; I have an appointment with a certain media outlet that I just can't miss." she couldn't suppress a light chuckle at that thought; she didn't regret messing with the gossip columnists one bit.


"As usual, this place is as open to you as it is to us. Do you need anything before I go?" she inquired.




Rarity opened the door and stepped out. Completely missing the cape that had been wrapped around the doorknob, she began to walk towards the spa, though even now, she wasn't completely.


"I shouldn't be doing this. La clochette doux is almost done, which means I should be out looking for her..."


She only gave the thought little entertainment before dismissing it with the shake of the head and a sigh. Even if she could find the mysterious mare, there was nothing that revenge would satisfy. She just needed to make sure this never happened again, and her face tightened with resignation as she continued on towards the spa, moving at a slightly quicker pace than before.

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"I enjoyed your company, as well, Night Tracer." Celestia couldn't suppress the faint smile that she had adopted at the sight of Night Tracer tucking Luna in.


"I trust Luna will be safe with you. I'm afraid I can't stay, however; I have an appointment with a certain media outlet that I just can't miss." she couldn't suppress a light chuckle at that thought; she didn't regret messing with the gossip columnists one bit.


"As usual, this place is as open to you as it is to us. Do you need anything before I go?" she inquired.





Night Tracer tucked Luna under her covers and smiled at her. He leaned in and kissed her forehead.


He then walked to the other side of the bed and put his two hooves atop the bed and straighten out the covers before hopping in the bed himself, "No, I'm fine." He stated., "I hope you don't mind, but I'm going to catch some shut eye as well, come to think of it I haven't slept in two days." He looked down at Luna and then back at Celestia, "And I think I'm going to stay in here." He nervously grinned, hoping that she'd get the memo that he had no intent of doing anything.


Before he laid down he diverted the topic, "Hey, I was actually planning on doing something tonight with her, but, given her current state. She won't even be awake by then," he explained. "Perhaps you'd like to go out and have a bite to eat, my treat." He offered. "What'd ya say Celly?" He smiled, awaiting a response.


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@, @@Orion Caelum,

EWS evaded the canister as it came back at him, and it flew out of sight. Meanwhile, he pondered whether or not fighting Will was a good idea considering Anette was with him, and he had been beaten. "What to do...."


As Ice and his mom were walking, the electro-canister landed near them, albeit at a safe distance so they wouldn't be hurt, but it was still a shock to see, "So, where to next Icy? Should I scope out cute mares for you?"


Ice facehooved again, "That's not necessary, mom. I already have a--woah! What the-- electricity in a can?" "Dammit EWS. Where are you?"


Yuki looked confused for a moment before asking, "Icesius, what's going on? What was that?"


Ice didn't want his mom to potentially embarrass him in front of a threat, so he did something to get her away. He pulled out the other spa ticket he had, and gave it to her, "Here, mom. Take this. It's a ticket for the spa in town I bought for you. Go there, and relax yourself, and I'll meet up with you later."


Yuki raised an eyebrow. She knew that if her son had to do something this drastic, it must've been serious. However, she decided to play along, and just go to the spa, because why not, "O..k.. if you're sure...I'll be on the lookout for some nice mares for ya. See you later son." she added with a big kiss to Ice's forehead, "Go get 'em son."


Ice was somewhat disgusted by the kiss, but remembered it was his mom, so he accepted it, "Well, I'm off." he said as he ice skated away to wherever that canister came from.



Yuki walked off to the direction of the spa she had seen on her way in there, "Icesius is part of the Ice Clan. I know he won't let me, nor his friends down."


As she rounded the corner, she accidentally bumped into a white and purple mare, "Ow. Oops. Sorry about that I--" she looked up to see who it was. It was Rarity, the Element of Generosity, and creator of over 1000s of designs, "Ms. Rarity? Oh. My. Gosh. I'm such a fan of your fashion work....sorry, are you ok?"


@, @@Orion Caelum,

As Ice ice skated away, he saw AJ's bar was in ruins, "Well....that's a situation. Where is EWS goddammit?!" he skated until he made contact with EWS. He was apparently attacking Will and Anette.


His friendly side told him to rush out, and defend, and that's exactly what he did, "Alright Tron! You're outta here!"


EWS noticed Blizzard and was shocked, "Nightningale, you handle these fools uh....you know what? Buck this sh*t I'm out. Uh-uh, buck this sh*t I'm out." he said as he flew away.


Ice jumped up, happily, "Yeah that's right you piece of crap! Fly away like the insect you are!" He turned to Anette and Will, "You guys ok? Oh, by the way, I'm...back..hehe..." he said with the shyest smile ever before turning to Nightingale, "Well, guys, I'm pretty sure this town is for ponies to come around and fight right? So tell me....who invited these jackasses?!" he said as he shot an ice beam at Nightingale.

Edited by Ice Blizzard


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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The other members of the D.R.O. Looked at Vera and Kazas with a confused look. It was Vorrin that broke the silence in a nearly sarcastical tone. Walking toward where their leader was to take up positions, they chatted each other up.


" well then. She's so infatuated with Kazas that she doesn't bother to stay long for introductions. He calls, and she answers... Hmmm. Didn't know Kazas was that smooth."


Syuren answered.


" yeah, but he IS the big boss! Hell, that title alone shoulda got him a friggin' harem at this point."


Alrahm then interjected, hopefully still out of earshot.


" Do not forget who Kazas is. His sense of duty and loyalty, along with that clear cut sense of righteousness would never allow him to partake in such permiscuious activities."


Taking their place slightly behind Kazas, they were at the end of the line, ready to meet the two warriors. Kazas drew his blade, and the griffon extended it skyward, smiling confidently.


Yelling orders with authority and pride exuding from his voice, he could be heard all the way at the beginning of the line. Behind him and the others, the arena stood tall, a foreboding figure that would house the battle to come.




just then, each member of Lorec's unit tilted their blades forward slightly as their own armaments were extended to the heavens.





Kazas, from the other side, yelled one more command.




It was then that a few of the soldiers in Lorec's unit had sheathed their weapons, replacing them with various instruments. They began to play a thunderous song. The signal to begin.







Kazas, from the other side again, yelled one more order, even being able to be heard from the other side and over the music now playing.






Lorec looked at Tyra and smiled.


" that it is. I don't know if you plan on having children yourself one day.... But they are a joy to raise. Come on. We shouldn't keep my sworn waiting on us."


He said, as he began to walk the line. Sifana had still not been awoken by the music. How she was sleeping through this was amazing.


" slow, pacing with me. Easy enough. "

  • Brohoof 1

In this world, is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the hand of God, hovering above? At least it is true, that man has no control... Even over his own will.



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Kazas, from the other side, yelled one more command.




It was then that a few of the soldiers in Lorec's unit had sheathed their weapons, replacing them with various instruments. They began to play a thunderous song. The signal to begin.







Kazas, from the other side again, yelled one more order, even being able to be heard from the other side and over the music now playing.






Lorec looked at Tyra and smiled.


" that it is. I don't know if you plan on having children yourself one day.... But they are a joy to raise. Come on. We shouldn't keep my sworn waiting on us."


He said, as he began to walk the line. Sifana had still not been awoken by the music. How she was sleeping through this was amazing.


" slow, pacing with me. Easy enough. "


Tyra glanced around as the soldiers prepared themselves, and then loud, triumphant music began blaring through the air. Such occasion, and it was merely for a tournament match. Was it really so important to Lorec and his fellow warriors?

It looked like it, so she would happily respect that.


She smiled back up at the minotaur. "I will certainly try," She agreed, taking her romance life into account.


She nodded and began walking the line alongside Lorec, keeping his pace. She didn't see why she had to go through such a ceremony just for a fight, but she would not speak up and disrespect the ways of her future opponent.


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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"It's been centuries since anypony has asked me to dinner, or anywhere for that matter." Celestia replied with amusement. "Its been even longer that i've happened to have free time, but I happen to have just enough today. Night Tracer, I would be delighted if I could join you for dinner," she said warmly.




"I'm fine," Rarity replied as she picked herself up off the ground. Her thoughts immediately flew towards her gem, and she lifted it up to check it. After inspecting it, and finding no cracks or damage, she turned back to look at the mysterious mare. Her eyes widened slightly as she looked at her for the first time.


"You look awfully similar to a pony I know," she remarked. "Do you happen to know...Ice Blizzard?"




@Orion Caelum

"Jackass?" Nightingale said incredulously. "Don't lump me in with Electron; I hold myself to a higher standard of work." She blocked the oncoming ice beam with crossed wingtips, catching the beam on her sleeves. She tossed them onto the ground before looking back up at the group of three.


"It took me forever to make those," she said with a sigh.




Anette's grin could have lit up Equestria as she saw Ice Blizzard show up. She saw the mare block Ice Blizzard's attack and decided to add to it; Heartthrob fired three warning arrows, causing the mare to skip back an equal amount of paces in order to avoid them. Satisfied she was a safe distance away, she ran over to hug Ice Blizzard, leaving Heartthrob and the rest of the dolls to carefully watch the dark pony.


"You're back!" she said, holding him tightly. "I knew you would be."

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Night Tracer grinned, knowing he had made Celestia one happy mare, "Well, glad to see you happy. It's a date then." He chuckled. "Well, like I said, I'm going to doze off. See you later. Looking forward to it." He said as he laid his head on a pillow and got under the covers of the bed.

He turned his head behind him to look at the back of Luna, "Sleep well," he said as he turned back around; facing away from Luna. He moved close to her but still faced away from her. Respecting her space. Admittedly, he wanted to touch on all aspects of the relationship but he was willing to wait.

He closed his eyes; fairly quickly he dozed off to sleep, to recooperate, and to dream.

Edited by Flying Far


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Yuki nodded, "Yeah. He's my one and only son." she thought for a moment, "Wait. Rarity--an Element of Harmony-- knows Icesius? Oh My Celestia! My son is famous! I gotta remember to congratulate him when I see him next time."


Yuki looked Rarity over. She was kinda messy, so it was interesting as to where she could possibly be going at the moment, "Wait. You know him? I wonder...Anyway, I hope he's hasn't caused trouble since he's been here. He also gave me this spa ticket, and I was just on my way over there. Are you going there by any chance?" she asked.




The other members of the D.R.O. Looked at Vera and Kazas with a confused look. It was Vorrin that broke the silence in a nearly sarcastical tone. Walking toward where their leader was to take up positions, they chatted each other up. " well then. She's so infatuated with Kazas that she doesn't bother to stay long for introductions. He calls, and she answers... Hmmm. Didn't know Kazas was that smooth." Syuren answered. " yeah, but he IS the big boss! Hell, that title alone shoulda got him a friggin' harem at this point." Alrahm then interjected, hopefully still out of earshot. " Do not forget who Kazas is. His sense of duty and loyalty, along with that clear cut sense of righteousness would never allow him to partake in such permiscuious activities." Taking their place slightly behind Kazas, they were at the end of the line, ready to meet the two warriors. Kazas drew his blade, and the griffon extended it skyward, smiling confidently. Yelling orders with authority and pride exuding from his voice, he could be heard all the way at the beginning of the line. Behind him and the others, the arena stood tall, a foreboding figure that would house the battle to come. " URSA UNIT, EXTEND ARMS! " just then, each member of Lorec's unit tilted their blades forward slightly as their own armaments were extended to the heavens.

Vera silently looked on as the ceremony continued.

Edited by Ice Blizzard


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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Tyra glanced around as the soldiers prepared themselves, and then loud, triumphant music began blaring through the air. Such occasion, and it was merely for a tournament match. Was it really so important to Lorec and his fellow warriors?

It looked like it, so she would happily respect that.


She smiled back up at the minotaur. "I will certainly try," She agreed, taking her romance life into account.


She nodded and began walking the line alongside Lorec, keeping his pace. She didn't see why she had to go through such a ceremony just for a fight, but she would not speak up and disrespect the ways of her future opponent.


Lorec proceeded slowly toward his comrades who were on the on the other end. Kazas still had his blade raised, and looked at Lorec with a gaze of deep respect and understanding. Lorec returned the gaze in kind. Still walking slowly, Sifana was even able to sleep through the blaring horns, much to the surprise of many. As Lorec walked the line with Tyra, his fellow warriors bowed in respect to them both. It wasn't long until they would meet with Kazas the griffon.


" keep sharp. Your about to meet my leader, Krigare."


It was then that they were nearing the end of the line.

In this world, is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the hand of God, hovering above? At least it is true, that man has no control... Even over his own will.



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Lorec proceeded slowly toward his comrades who were on the on the other end. Kazas still had his blade raised, and looked at Lorec with a gaze of deep respect and understanding. Lorec returned the gaze in kind. Still walking slowly, Sifana was even able to sleep through the blaring horns, much to the surprise of many. As Lorec walked the line with Tyra, his fellow warriors bowed in respect to them both. It wasn't long until they would meet with Kazas the griffon.


" keep sharp. Your about to meet my leader, Krigare."


It was then that they were nearing the end of the line.


Tyra walked alongside Lorec and began to wonder, as she glanced up at Sifana, how such a young thing could sleep through such noise. Then again, she once slept through an avalanche as a filly, so she couldn't say much.


She watched as the warriors at both sides bowed at the fighters' passing, and her reluctant walk turned into more of a proud strut as they neared the end of the line. She kept her head held high, ready to meet this Krigare.


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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Red caught the kick with a forehoof and met Ruby's sword with her own, stopping it's circle midway, her body turning sideways as she did this, balancing on one foreleg and one hind leg. The other hind leg that she was not standing on kicked downward towards Ruby's jaw.

ruby tensed, seeing it come at her. she tried to roll sideways, but it still scraped her face. and it stung.




ruby got up, looking at her, and started trying to analyze her stance...on all fours...sword in her mouth...then...how wold she block against a rising slash?


she dashed at her, and like she thought, gripped her sword, and made a slash going from the ground up. 


"Sorry, i've already got a sidekick myself." she said dismissively "Her name is Anette, and she may not look like much, but she's one heck of a fighter. Even thrashed me a couple of times, though naturally, I was holding back." she said with a laugh. Her face grew momentarily serious as stopped to think.


"I wonder where she is right now...?"

"iv never gonna have a sidekick..." caliber pouted. "and Anette?...i think iv heard of her. puppet girl, right? honestly, i would expect you to lose."


he chuckled. "i dont know where she could be...maybe we should try yelling her name!"


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Tyra walked alongside Lorec and began to wonder, as she glanced up at Sifana, how such a young thing could sleep through such noise. Then again, she once slept through an avalanche as a filly, so she couldn't say much.


She watched as the warriors at both sides bowed at the fighters' passing, and her reluctant walk turned into more of a proud strut as they neared the end of the line. She kept her head held high, ready to meet this Krigare.


Lorec had made it to the end of the line, and since Tyra was following close, she too would be right there with him. As Lorec came to a stop, so too, did the music.


Coming to a stop directly in front of Kazas and the others, the Griffon that was Lorec's commander started to lightly flutter between the two warriors, 7ft from them. He began to speak, addressing them both, out loudly.


" Greetings, and highest honor to the two warriors taking part in an honor duel, as per Sadaurian Tauric tradition! May Avae watch over you both and extend his protection to you! All of us have come to bear witness to what is sure to be a battle of a grandiose scale!"


He said, landing on the ground. Getting in closer, he extended his claw to Lorec immediately with a warm smile. Lorec shook his claw with his own hand. The size difference between the two was astonishing. Lorec's hand was easily even bigger than Kazas's head, and the shaking was almost awkward because of it. Suddenly, Lorec dragged Kazas close, and Kazas fluttered into the air again to meet him face to face. The two kept hand and talons clasped, and gave each other a friendly hug. Lorec spoke with a laugh.


" hahaha! Mein brudder! How have you been?, Kazas?"


Kazas, laughing with him him, spoke back to him.


" very well, Lorec! And yourself?"


" trembling with... Excitement."


Kazas let go from Lorec's embrace, and Lorec let him down to the ground. Looking up at him, kazas spoke again. It was clear that these two had a history with each other, a bond of comaradarie and brotherhood unspoken. Kazas spoke again.


" I can see that! How is little Sifana?"


Upon hearing Kazas's voice, Sifana woke up almost immediately, and hopped off of Lorec's back. Immediately running around to Kazas, she gave him a hug as well. As a Minotaur, she already was slightly taller than Kazas at age six. Kazas hugged her back as well. Sifana spoke up.


" Uncle Kaz! It's good to see you again!"


" and that to you, Sifana."


Sifana let him go after almost seemingly squeezing him to death. Kazas spoke, this time, to Tyra.


"'Well then... You're the one..."


He said, walking closer to her.


" I am ambassador Inaro, a friend of Lorec's. but you can call me Kazas, or Kaz if you wish. I heard about the upcoming fight, and I wished to celebrate it by honoring you two."


The griffon said, extending his claws to the small mare.


" I must say. I was thoroughly surprised when I first saw you. But Lorec did challenge you, after all. And if I know him the way I believe I do, you must be a warrior of upstanding strength, virtue, and of course.... Drinking ability."


He said.



Sifana, still a little drowsy from waking up, had a concerned look on her face.


" papa's fighting Tyra.....?"

In this world, is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the hand of God, hovering above? At least it is true, that man has no control... Even over his own will.



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Luna was inside her own mind, but she wasn't; she was walking the world of dreams. It was a spectral world, full of nothing but empty spaces and doors. Behind every door lay a dream, and Luna had learned to navigate these with the greatest of ease. She was viewing one in particular, a simple orange door with an apple shaped cutie mark over it. She frowned as she peered inside; there was nothing but darkness.


She thought of stepping inside to investigate further, but was interrupted by the appearance of a new door, and one with a very familiar cutie mark. She had a pretty good idea who it was; she opened it up and stepped inside.


"Night Tracer," she called out, making sure to close the door behind her. "Are you here?"




"Yes, I happen to be going there right now. In fact, your son went through all this trouble to buy me a ticket," she said, slightly embarrassed. "Uh... Would you like to join me? It would be nice to have somepony to talk to while i'm there," she offered.




"You'd joke, but she'd probably hear me. I love that mare, but she's so strange sometimes. I found her clinging to the back of my caravan one day, bawling and saying something about evil scientists or something, and I took her in. It only got weirder from there, believe or not. There was this one time we had to break into this dragon stronghold..."


Her ears perked up. From the next block over, she caught the muffled sound of an explosion ringing through the air.


"Sounds like a fight," she said, turning back to Caliber. "Think it's important enough to check out?"

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"You'd joke, but she'd probably hear me. I love that mare, but she's so strange sometimes. I found her clinging to the back of my caravan one day, bawling and saying something about evil scientists or something, and I took her in. It only got weirder from there, believe or not. There was this one time we had to break into this dragon stronghold..."


Her ears perked up. From the next block over, she caught the muffled sound of an explosion ringing through the air.


"Sounds like a fight," she said, turning back to Caliber. "Think it's important enough to check out?"

caliber listened, and he had a new respect for anette. along with sympathy.


"psh! i could storm a dragon hold myself!" he said, after listening, once again demonstrating his prideful personality.


and when the explosion heard, he was already dashing towards it, before sleight had even started talking. "lets go!"


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"Aw. That's so nice of him. He's always looking out for others. But he does like to act silly sometimes." Yuki as she walked to the door and held it open with its doorstop for Rarity to follow, "Follow me, Rarity." she presented the ticket to the clerk behind the counter, and almost instantly, Yuki was put in a seat, and getting her mane washed, hooves filed at the same time. According to the sign within the spa, next would be getting a back massage, with a facial at the same time.


Yuki felt like she had died and gone to heaven all at once as she relaxed, "Ahhhh. Wow. Ice really knows what a girl wants doesn't he? So, tell me Rarity, how has the fashion business been going?"


"Hmm...Icy must be really popular if he managed to give such a great gift to an Element of Harmony. I wonder if he's considered a marefriend yet...."

Edited by Ice Blizzard


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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 Kazas spoke, this time, to Tyra.


"'Well then... You're the one..."


He said, walking closer to her.


" I am ambassador Inaro, a friend of Lorec's. but you can call me Kazas, or Kaz if you wish. I heard about the upcoming fight, and I wished to celebrate it by honoring you two."


The griffon said, extending his claws to the small mare.


" I must say. I was thoroughly surprised when I first saw you. But Lorec did challenge you, after all. And if I know him the way I believe I do, you must be a warrior of upstanding strength, virtue, and of course.... Drinking ability."


He said.



Sifana, still a little drowsy from waking up, had a concerned look on her face.


" papa's fighting Tyra.....?"


Tyra looked up at Kazas as he approached her, and introduced himself. He held out his claw, which she shook with her hoof.

"Well met, Ambassador Kazas Inaro," She greeted, then bowed her head in respect, "I am Tyra Shatterhoof, of the Frozen North's Shatterhoof Clan."


Upon hearing he had heard of her drinking ability, she puffed out her chest with pride. She was still happy with that victory over Lorec.


She glanced up to Sifana with a smile. "Aye, we are going to fight. But it shall be as noble warriors, not enemies, yes?"


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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@, @@Unicorncob


Twilight repositioned herself in her chair right in front of the marble announcer's table inside of the Princesses' Box. There, she practiced speaking into the microphone before she turned it on to announce the next fight. She eventually got it, "Perfect," after attempting several times.


She cleared her throat and sat up straight. "Our Next fight is between, Lorec and Tyra. The Fight will begin when both fighters are ready and in starting position." She spoke loudly and clearly, "C'mon Twilight, Starting position... This isn't a race. " She scolded herself but as quickly as she began to worry, she shrugged it off. 


She pulled away from the microphone and plopped down into her chair. "Let's go Tyra," she muttered.


@@Star Saber


Pinkie Pie was strolling through Bangcolt's streets, heading back to her sweet shop to greet Derpy and check how she had been handling things. 


One her way back, she caught a glimpse of an injured Dragon, but that's not what drew her attention. His face did. It was new. Any new face meant that they had no friends in town, and if they had no friends then they were lonely. Pinkie Pie wouldn't let that happen. 


She bounced up and down, as she jumped over to Ash; "Hi, I'm Pinkie Pie, your new best friend in all of Equestria, Your wing doesn't look that well. It looks bendy and broken, do you need help?" She cheerfully inquired while speaking rather fast. It would be nothing short of a shocker if Ash caught any of that besides the ending.




Night Tracer was fast asleep, he dreamed a fairly simple dream. Probably due to his fatigue. He imagined himself back home, at his old house in Manehattan. Where his life was good, where he held what was left of family since he couldn't ever experience it again. Or, the family he once had. 


He layed on his bed, sprawled out. He was facing toward the celing while flipped through a book; a scrapbook. The one he had found in Luna's dresser. "These are worth remembering." He sighed,  "Lucky Mare." He was 100% sure that Luna had suffered much like he did but that didn't make him feel any less envious of the fourtunate past she had... After redemption and reconciliation; that is.


In her pictures she would be with Celestia most of the time. A loving sibling, like his brother. Night dearly missed his brother who died when he was only eight. He was fighting against a terminal illness and he lost. Which rattled Night Tracer, chilled him to the bone, a memory he'd never forget. Although he wished he would. He had a sister as well but they never were really close. at least not like him and his brother. 


A voice then called him. At first, he couldn't make it out, then, it sounded like Luna's. He thought he was delirious at first but then it called again. No one was around to think he was crazy so he went ahead and shouted out, "Luna?" He threw down the book and rolled over face down to his bed, not expecting any response. 


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@ @


Wilhelm was about to draw his bow and fire off not only a few arrows at Nightingale (standard anti-air containment spread), followed up with a witty retort (he was planning something along the lines of "So far, you haven't even equaled what I've seen from EWS, which is truly pitiful. So much for quality and standards."), when he saw the ice beam shoot past and be deflected by Nightingale. Already dreading and knowing what he would see, Wilhelm slowly turned around to behold Ice Blizzard, returned from the dead. One eye began to twitch, and offhandedly, he fired a series of three arrows at Nightingale to keep her on the tips of her hooves before he alighted in front of Ice. As he landed, Wilhelm's face suddenly twisted in a expression of red-hot anger before he drew back his hoof, slapping Ice across the face.


He took a few moments to cool down, and then said, quietly and with a modicum of evident emotion, said "I thought you died. You let me think you died. Excuse my Prench, but you let me think you bucking died." He turned away from Ice. "You decided to let me think that you sacrificed yourself for my and Rarity's lives; that if I was only a few seconds faster, remembered a little more of my training, wasn't so damn soft for so long... I could have saved your life." Angrily, Wilhelm slammed the cobble with a hoof- rather disturbingly, cracking the stone slightly. "Enough. We will speak of this later.". Holding his bow the wrong way for a moment, he stared down at it as if he didn't know his prized weapon before dropping it to the ground and drawing his sword, the steel-grey blade gleaming in the sunlight. "Now, though, we have a job to do." Raising his sword high, he took off, charging straight at Nightingale again. However, at the last moment, he planned to pull a half-corkscrew twist and Immelmann turn in order to veer past her, above, and get behind her, in position to strike with his sword where the mare couldn't protect herself.

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@@Orion Caelum, @,

Blizzard took the slap and was knocked smooth over. Off his hooves and onto the ground, "Ow motherbuck! Hey Willy. Nice to see you too I suppose." he got up and he felt a small cut on his cheek, "Goddammit Will. If my face is messed up too much for my date later I swear to Celestia...."


Blizzard rose up and shook it off,  "Anette, remind me when Will saves our lives, and he comes back, to slap him too. And we're so gonna talk about that sh*t later Will. It's not how you might think." he said angrily as he then made an ice pillar beneath himself that rose him at flight-level with Nightingale, "Make the smart decision here, and leave while you can, or have your flank whooped. You're outnumbered and outmatched by, counting the dolls, 5! Versus 1? Get the buck outta here."




Vera didn't say much. She just took out a cigarette from a pack she had stolen purchased awhile back from a shop in the town.  She also, didn't do crowds. Considering her training as a mercenary, she was taught to associate with others as less as possible. Or it could just be the fact that she never really had friends before. Coin toss.


She lit the cigarette with her flame magic and smoked it.

Edited by Ice Blizzard


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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Tyra looked up at Kazas as he approached her, and introduced himself. He held out his claw, which she shook with her hoof.

"Well met, Ambassador Kazas Inaro," She greeted, then bowed her head in respect, "I am Tyra Shatterhoof, of the Frozen North's Shatterhoof Clan."


Upon hearing he had heard of her drinking ability, she puffed out her chest with pride. She was still happy with that victory over Lorec.


She glanced up to Sifana with a smile. "Aye, we are going to fight. But it shall be as noble warriors, not enemies, yes?"


Kazas let go of Tyra's hoof, and bowed his head in respect as well. Hearing that the fight was being announced, he decided upon quickening events, until Sifana had spoken.


It was then that the little Minotaur girl ran up to Tyra, and hugged her unexpectedly. Sifana spoke, in a worried voice.


" okay... But don't hurt each other playing too much, please... I love papa very much, and you're my first friend since brother Ren..."



Lorec looked on, his daughter's ribbon still in hand from earlier. He smiled at Sifana and Tyra warmly, but at the same time, he knew that this fight would be increasingly brutal, as he would not hold back, and for good reasons.


Kazas, speaking over back to Lorec, asked him.


" so... Have you two chosen a venue?"


Lorec nodded. He spoke back to Kazas with a serious voice, smile disappearing.


"..... Daxion fortress. The burial grounds..."


Kazas, losing almost all color in his face and a look of concern creeping upon his gait, spoke in an almost sorrowful tone.


" Lorec... Are you... Sure....?"


" this is the one, Kazas. You know it. I know it. It wouldn't be an honor duel otherwise. And I am positive that Tyra is like me, with an ' anywhere, anytime' mentality. One of the reasons I chose her.


"... Very well. Let us proceed into the arena. Lorec, Tyra, please follow."


Kazas said as he started to make his way inside the arena.


Lorec followed, allowing Sifana to have her time with Tyra. All the while, Sifana hugged Tyra tighter. She started to whimper, and spoke softly. It was evident that she was afraid of either of them getting hurt badly.


" so you'll both be okay at the end, right? I'll still have you both... Right?"

In this world, is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the hand of God, hovering above? At least it is true, that man has no control... Even over his own will.



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@Orion Caelum

Nightingale skipped back an additional three steps to avoid the arrows, floating up a little to avoid the last one.


"Okay, okay, point made; not welcome here." she said with exasperation. While the two stallions began arguing, she reached into her saddlebag. Pulling out a pair of thick sunglasses, she slid them onto her face before turning back to look at the group. 


Three ponies; two stallions, one mare. All of them powerful, with seemingly different abilities, ranges, and tactical maneuvers, and she hadn't even seen the other dolls fight yet, if they could. It didn't take much more thinking to convince her fun was going to be spoiled very quickly if she stayed.


As the two stallions stopped talking and made their move, she made hers. With the distance, she was easily able to pull out a flash bomb and drop it quickly to the ground, flooding the area with blinding light. Protected by the sunglasses, she was still able to see; she rolled away from Wilhelm's maneuver and took to the sky. She made sure to leave a present, however, dropping a small explosive ball that rolled until it came to its natural stopping point; the base of the blue stallion's ice pillar. It would explode in a short while, turning a small area around it into a fireball while sending sharp ice shrapnel in every direction. Hopefully.


"Sorry I had to leave so early, Wilhelm!" she shouted over her shoulder. "You're really interesting, though, so i'll be sure to come back and give you a proper hello- whoa!" She shouted suddenly as an arrow passed by her, scoring a long thin mark on her flank. She looked back as she moved, ignoring the pain as one stray thought entering her head; did that doll just smirk at her?




As the flash bomb went off, Anette couldn't see, but her dolls could. Heartthrob, in retaliation for he strange device, fired three separate arrows, one of which scored a clear mark on the mare's flank. Glory, meanwhile, took drastic action where Anette couldn't; she pulled up a shield over the device, sealing it away to prevent it from hurting everypony else.


Luna calmly walked over towards Night Tracer's bed before getting into it, resting four knees on the mattress. She looked down at him softly.


"Look up, Night Tracer. This is not an illusion, and I am not a product of your dream. I have merely chose to walk in them, so that we may spend more time together. One shared dream...where anything is possible." she whispered. Without a further thought, she cast her wings over Night Tracer, plunging the two of them into a restless darkness.




,@Orion Caelum

Sleight Mist had made it around the lip of the block in a relatively short time, and came just in time to see the light die down from the flash bomb. She increased her pace to a run, stopping momentarily at who she came across.


"Anette? Ice Blizzard? What's going on here?" she asked. Out of the corner of her eye, she could see a dark blue mare cutting a path through the sky a short distance away from them, but she ignored it, choosing to focus on the matter at hand.

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