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open Bangcolt Arena! (Fighting/Sol) (RP)


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Tyra watched warily as the same brownish-gold light emerged from Lorec's sword, and seemed to almost slither out of the blade and into the minotaur's hand. It manifested into an orb of pure light in his palm.


"Viruden," she repeated to herself. She had heard that name before; the legendary Ursa King. She had heard of his legend before from her father.

His soul, his bloodthirsty spirit, was right there in Lorec's hands.


She took another deep breath, and dragged a hoof along the dirt. "The Bloody Bear...aye, I will face him."





Lorec stretched his arm outward away from him, and looked at the soul.


" Such power... The one ally who has stuck with me through thick and thin. I am his champion... And he is much more than a bloody bear, Tyra. Much, much more..."


He then looked at her, still keeping the malicious grin upon his gait.


" No more talk. I'm beginning to bore even myself... TYRA SHATTERHOOF!!!! COME AND MAKE WAR WITH ME! SOUL INFUSION!"


It was then that Lorec thrust the soul of the Ursa King into his chest. At that same moment, a golden light engulfed him... A powerful aura, raging violently, as if it were a beast thrashing about its cage, ready to burst out of bars that had been weakened over the course of time. It was the signature golden-brown color of the Ursa King's soul.


Due to the power of the violent energy escaping from inside of Lorec, his bandages were ripped to shreds, revealing his horrendously scarred upper body. His veins bulged greatly, as if his body was struggling to contain the power within. His grin became a viscous snarl, and he roared with the ferocity of an Ursa.


" My body is a canvas upon which war has left it's brand! Come, and with your weapon, leave your own mark upon the canvas, if you're great enough!"


His grin was solidified, and the aura only grew more violent. The entirety of the area... It was shaking, as though there was an earthquake. It was as though the entire earth was bowing beneath the weight.


As the aura burned brightly around him, took up his sword in hand, and extended it outwards, walking slowly toward Tyra, grinning. His face was becoming almost... Beastial in appearence, as his eyes had started glowing as well.


" lets go..."

  • Brohoof 1

In this world, is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the hand of God, hovering above? At least it is true, that man has no control... Even over his own will.



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Lorec stretched his arm outward away from him, and looked at the soul.


" Such power... The one ally who has stuck with me through thick and thin. I am his champion... And he is much more than a bloody bear, Tyra. Much, much more..."


He then looked at her, still keeping the malicious grin upon his gait.


" No more talk. I'm beginning to bore even myself... TYRA SHATTERHOOF!!!! COME AND MAKE WAR WITH ME! SOUL INFUSION!"


It was then that Lorec thrust the soul of the Ursa King into his chest. At that same moment, a golden light engulfed him... A powerful aura, raging violently, as if it were a beast thrashing about its cage, ready to burst out of bars that had been weakened over the course of time. It was the signature golden-brown color of the Ursa King's soul.


Due to the power of the violent energy escaping from inside of Lorec, his bandages were ripped to shreds, revealing his horrendously scarred upper body. His veins bulged greatly, as if his body was struggling to contain the power within. His grin became a viscous snarl, and he roared with the ferocity of an Ursa.


" My body is a canvas upon which war has left it's brand! Come, and with your weapon, leave your own mark upon the canvas, if you're great enough!"


His grin was solidified, and the aura only grew more violent. The entirety of the area... It was shaking, as though there was an earthquake. It was as though the entire earth was bowing beneath the weight.


As the aura burned brightly around him, took up his sword in hand, and extended it outwards, walking slowly toward Tyra, grinning. His face was becoming almost... Beastial in appearence, as his eyes had started glowing as well.


" lets go..."


Tyra watched on, growing anxious as Lorec and the Ursa King became one. His size gravely increased with his power, becoming an absolute tower of terrible strength. The very earth shook beneath their hooves, and she shielded herself from the air-pulsing roar.


This was indeed a terrible beast, but she would never back down. To do so would disgrace her clan, and his own.

She stood her ground, and dragged her hoof along the dirt. "Aye, let us go."


She craned her neck, cricking her joints, and with a thunderous battle cry of her own, she began charging the beast, head turned to go for a swing.


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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Tyra watched on, growing anxious as Lorec and the Ursa King became one. His size gravely increased with his power, becoming an absolute tower of terrible strength. The very earth shook beneath their hooves, and she shielded herself from the air-pulsing roar.


This was indeed a terrible beast, but she would never back down. To do so would disgrace her clan, and his own.

She stood her ground, and dragged her hoof along the dirt. "Aye, let us go."


She craned her neck, cricking her joints, and with a thunderous battle cry of her own, she began charging the beast, head turned to go for a swing.

As Lorec walked slowly toward Tyra in anticipation, a peculiar sight could seen from Lorec, among all of the other happenings. Blood was slowly trickling from his mouth. Just barely noticeable, but still there. His slow walk turned into a run. This time, it was more animalistic, than of a refined warrior. Smiling devilishly as he ran towards Tyra, he decided that it was his turn for a jumping attack.


Leaping into the air, Lorec brought his blade over his head and back, going for an overhead swing. This swing... Was very different from his others. This overhead smash contained an extreme, raw amount of power. Would it really be intelligent for Tyra to try and take this attack head on?

In this world, is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the hand of God, hovering above? At least it is true, that man has no control... Even over his own will.



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While Ice was in the bathroom, changing, he and his mom were discussing...superheroes?


"All I'm saying is, logistically, Supermare would break Batmare in half!" He said wittingly.


Yuki replied, "Ha! You callin' the batarang a sissy toy?"


"Oh suuure. With a name like batarang, who would think Batmare's a sissy." He said sarcastically.


Yuki scoffed, "Uh! Supermare doesn't even have a cool identity, she just puts on glasses and acts like a jackass."


"Ouch. No wonder you don't like her, mom."


"I happen to like superheroes that have a brain."


Ice dramatically responded, "But mom, she can melt things with her eyes. Her EYES."


Yuki scoffed, "Alright, knock it off. Heh. There's enough bullsh*t to fill a swimming pool around here."


Ice questioned, "Wait, why would you fill--?"


"Don't. Just don't, Ice. Now get changed."


IB laughed, "Yes ma'am..."


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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@Orion Caelum

"I remember!" Anette said, smiling brightly at the swordspony. "I'm actually surprised he managed to survive that one." 


"That's because I was feeling generous," Sleight Mist broke in. "Also, there were witnesses..." she said, grinning.


"Uh-huh," Anette replied, giving her friend a knowing smile. She turned to Wilhelm, a confused look crossing her face.


"Well, yes. In fact I sent you two tickets earlier, and I even had a note attached to them. All of my dolls were busy though, so I sent..."


She slowly turned, until she was face to face with Nightmare, shooting him a look that could break glass. Or shatter mountains. The doll seemed to visibly shiver under the glare while she turned back to Wilhelm.


"I'm so sorry..." she began.




Rarity left the relative comfort of the spa, moving with a purpose and making the short trip back home in record time. She began to tear through her closet, searching for the proper attire to properly match such an event. She settled on a particular dress, and hoped it looked daring enough before putting it on. This was going to be an exciting night, no matter how it ended...




Luna had finally finished raising the moon, letting the connection slip from active back to passive with a rush of power. She walked toward the window of her quarter's, preparing to take a quick fly around the city... when something caught her eye.


​There, sitting on the bedside, was a book, and one she hasn't seen before. She walked closer, drawn in by curiosity, a feeling that increased exponentially once she discovered who owned it. She stared at Night Tracer's journal for what seemed an eternity... before she put it back on the table. Turning back to the window, she leaped out, letting her newly healed wings spread out as she glided off into the night.




Inside the obnoxiously large building that housed the Chatty Cathy, Sunny Daze had just been handed the days newest article. As the newspapers editor, she was in charge of making sure that any inaccuracies were overlooked. As Princess Celestia, however, she was responsible for making sure none of her ponies names were damaged while she was around, even if that meant altering a few things creatively...


Sunny Daze drew back a little as she read the title of the article, frowning darkly. The title read:



Ice Blizzard, Back from the Dead? Or Equestria's Biggest Coward? Candid Photos Reveal the Ice Ponies' Deception!




Sunny Daze looked at the article... then began to chuckle to herself. As she did so, her horn began to glow softly, magic starting to wash over the page...

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Ice changed in and out of several suits and ties, until he managed to find a combination that worked. "Alright mom, I think I got it!"


Yuki was excited, "Well come on out! Show me!"


Blizzard exited the bathroom. He was wearing a nice brown suit with a green hanker chief in its pocket, and a white dress shirt underneath. The tie he was wearing....wasn't tied at all. It was a dark red one, hanging around his neck, undone. "Whaddya think?"


Yuki walked up to him, and noticed his tie wasn't done, "Your tie's not tied."


Ice looked down, and saw. He was in a bit of a rush, and hadn't done it, "Whoops..lemme go--"


Yuki stopped him, and begun to tie it for him, "I just wanna make sure I know how you're gonna look." When she was done, she stepped back. She began to cry tears of joy, "Aw. My little boy is all grown up.....*sniff* I'm sorry...I'm getting emotional. I mean it's your first date. With an Element of Harmony no less! Your grandpa would be so happy...."


Ice rolled his eyes at his mom's drama show, even though he knew she was right. He decided to try and make a laugh, "Yeah, he'd be all like, 'That's my grandson. Getting his first date with his mad mare-earning skillz!'"


Yuki laughed and sniffed. She tried to suppress her tears as she hugged her son, "I'm just so proud. I mean, one minute your conducting science experiments at home. The next minute, you're living on your own, and dating an Element of Harmony."


"Hehe..thanks mom. For everything you've done to get me here."


"You're welcome, son. Oh, and one more thing," she took out a solid gold pendant with a 3D heart that opened to reveal a message, "When the time is right, give this to Rarity to show your feelings. Your grandpa gave this to your grandma, and she gave it to me. And on the inside it says, 'You are the only pony perfect enough for me. Don't ever change, because I love you the way you are.'"


Blizzard backed up, "Woah woah mom, I'm not sure."


Yuki looked him straight in the eye, "Icesius Blizzard. You will give this to Rarity when the time is right. No ifs, ands, or buts, about it. Understand?"


"Yes ma'am."


"Good. Now, make sure you iron that suit before you leave, and tie your tie properly ok? I'll see you soon."


Ice was confused, "Wait. You're not staying? But you just got here mom."


"I know you miss me, Icesius, but I am a traveling jeweler. I'll probably be back tomorrow. Just assure me, you'll do your best tonight ok?"


Ice nodded confidently, "Yes ma'am. I will always hold doors open, hold chairs out, and keep my silliness to a minimum."


Yuki was happy, "That's my big boy. Ok, I better get going if I wanna catch the night train. Like I said, I might be back tomorrow, and make sure you look through the package I brought here."


Ice hugged his mom, "Don't worry mom, I'll be fine. You get going to your train. And travel safely ok? Love you!"


Yuki began to exit, "I will, good luck. Love you too! Bye!" She said before closing the door behind her. She then walked all the way to the train station, got on the night train, and left Bangcolt.


Now that Ice was on his own, he could focus, and make preparations, "Thanks, mom...and Grandpa Chill. You guys are the best." He said as he looked into the box full of his grandpa's stuff before putting it under his bed.


"Now....to prepare!" He got out an ironing board, and began to iron his suit, and white dress shirt.


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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@@Star Saber


The Doctor stepped back from Ash who was ever so rude, "Well..." he started in a disgruntled tone, tainted with annoyance. "You'll have to have the cast on for at least 6 weeks and provided it isn't damaged anymore you should have it off after the six week period in tip top shape. Any questions?" 


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"yeah, suuuuuuuuuuuuure." caliber smirked, remarking on how sleight held back on ice. "just like how i held back on you. granted, i almost never do that anymore..."


"but yeah, Annette, whats up?" he grinned, eager to change the subject.


and then shrunk away somewhat when Annette glared at nightmare. that stare...it just like like how his mom would stare at him when he'd get into fights back when he was a colt.


it was...scary.


he went to sleight's side. "tickets? i dont get it. tickets to what?" he asked her quietly, not trying to draw any sort of attention to himself from Annette.


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As Lorec walked slowly toward Tyra in anticipation, a peculiar sight could seen from Lorec, among all of the other happenings. Blood was slowly trickling from his mouth. Just barely noticeable, but still there. His slow walk turned into a run. This time, it was more animalistic, than of a refined warrior. Smiling devilishly as he ran towards Tyra, he decided that it was his turn for a jumping attack.


Leaping into the air, Lorec brought his blade over his head and back, going for an overhead swing. This swing... Was very different from his others. This overhead smash contained an extreme, raw amount of power. Would it really be intelligent for Tyra to try and take this attack head on?


Tyra glanced up and saw the huge blade of Lorec about to come down on her. She could almost feel the raw power emanating from the sword.

Something inside her warned her not to take this attack head on; as strong as she was, this attack felt...different.


She skidded to a halt beneath the blade and watched, waiting for the blade to come down, then she would go for a fleet dodge at the last second. What happened next would depend on the blade's impact with the earth.


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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“Rgh… six weeks.” Ash obviously sounded displeased, but there was not much he could do about it, “Are you sure there isn’t something better you could do? You ponies have access to magic don’t you? You’d figure at least of one of you would be able to mend broken bones...”

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@@Star Saber,


The doctor stared blankly at Ash and slowly blinked, "Uh... Yes, I suppose but that would be an upcharge to your bill which is already upcharged since you're a dragon. Not to mention it is generally offered to more cooperative and respectful patients," he emphasized. 


"We could do something but you'd have to pay more and we'd have to get someone in here to mend it which our only mender is out of town for this week. Would you be ok with both the upcharge and waiting for the week?" 


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“A week is better; and I doubt the charge will be an issue. Only that I can’t get to my hoard easily without flight.” Ash explained; maybe it was the recent blood loss or that he felt like he had gone through a grinder but Ash didn’t feel nearly as ready to start throwing a fit and busting up the place. “Also… I am being cooperative pony and uncharacteristically civil...”

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@@Star Saber,


The Doctor wasn't in his place to point out Ash's attitude but he didn't care for it. He decided to move on, "Alright, give me a moment while I'm getting the supplies to cast you up." He walked out of the room, leaving Ash with and unusually quiet Pinkie Pie who was playing with a toy wagon, a bouncey ball, a piece of yarn, and dustbunny.


She stopped when the doctor left the room, "I could help pay for the costs if you'd like." She beamed and offered geenerously.  


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As Blizzard finished ironing his shirt and suit. He looked at the clock. Apparently there was about and hour-and-a-half before the party, but only 1 hour before he had to go pick up his date. While there, he began to think, "I don't know why, but for some reason I feel like mom put in some good words for me at the spa with Rarity. I just hope that Rarity doesn't feel creeped out by how I feel about her. I mean, it's been like a year since I've been in love with her, but I only started talking to her like a few months ago. And even then, I haven't done it that often. But I think if I just up front tell her, I'll finally get this off my chest. But....I'm bucking terrified!"


As EWS was in the hospital, he began to think as well, "Was I....was I wrong? All this time being a jerk....was there no reason......what do I do now.....?"


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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@,  @,


Night Tracer sang the chorus along with Rune but he toned down his voice so Rune could be heard more because he too, also had a lovely voice. That, and Night Tracer, was naturally just louder than Rune; figures, for someone who talks so much and has so much to say.


Once Rune held the final note, Night Tracer ad libed a soft "Ahoooh" at the end of the song and held it until he ran out of breath and it faded out. 


He walked over to Rune, "You know, there is some big dinner thing tonight at Vinyl and Octavia's hall. Well, you should go. Not sure if you'd be able to perfom because I don't think they do open mic things but I'm going just for the show and with a friend. You should go and enjoy it. Hey, who knows. They may not of booked everything and you might have a chance. Never know. Anyhow, I've got to get going actually... Fun playing with ya. Hope we can do it again. Later." 


He dismissed himself but before he left, he shouted over to Naga, "That offer stands for you to. You should come, it's not until a few hours. Would love to see some familiar faces even if I won't be available much to talk. And, it's Night Tracer by the way." He smiled at Naga before darting off.


He cut down the street and all the way to Octavia's and Vinyl's. He watched as the last customer left and someone was closing the door. He rushed to the entrance real quick to stop the the door from closing. Luckily, and in turn; unluckily. He stuck his left forehoof in the door as it shut. He bit his lip and cringed in pain as his hoof was left throbbing. He looked down at the hoof and pulled it back towards himself. He ran it down his other foreleg before looking back up to see a familiar mare staring at him. It was Vinyl, she jumped on top of him and hugged him, "Hey, warn a guy before you do that alright." He joked. But before any further words were spoken, he was pulled inside and the door was locked for the next three hours...


(Sucky post, it's rushed.)


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Tyra glanced up and saw the huge blade of Lorec about to come down on her. She could almost feel the raw power emanating from the sword.

Something inside her warned her not to take this attack head on; as strong as she was, this attack felt...different.


She skidded to a halt beneath the blade and watched, waiting for the blade to come down, then she would go for a fleet dodge at the last second. What happened next would depend on the blade's impact with the earth.

Lorec brought the sword down hard upon his target. However, He would miss his quarry, instead, planting the blade deep into the earth as he slashed downward and landed.




With a thunderous echo that roared thoroughout the arena, the ground itself was rended asunder from the impact. A large shockwave of earthly debris had arisen from the ground, and was traveling in the direction of which the sword had been aimed at. Dust and stone, being thrown violently upward from the shifting of the earth below. The initial landing had left a circular crater at the point of impact, with a radius of ten feet, and at least six feet deep, with Lorec standing in the middle, aura still pulsating violently around him, veins bulging throughout his entire body as his being struggled to cope with a power that mortal bodies were never meant to contain.


His sword was absolutely buried, almost all the way to the pommel, into the ground. Trying with all his might, he attempted to yank it out of the stone in which he had plunged it in, not paying any mind in what happened to Tyra. It was almost as if he had become a dumb beast, focused on only one thing; overpowering mercilessly. Still occupied with trying to yank his sword out of the ground, the Saduarian monster was gritting his teeth, like a snarling bear.







Kazas had leaned in nervously to watch the fight. Lorec had done it. He had pushed it toward the soul infusion stage, something that he rarely ever did. Knowing that Lorec had the strongest body of the divine retribution, Kazas felt a bit relieved knowing that it would take a great deal of constant primordial energy flowing through him to actually kill him. Even still, Lorec's own soul was finite In energy, and considering that it was the keepers' life force energy that fueled the feats they performed... He could only hope that Lorec didn't push it too far for too long. Unconsciously, Kazas's tail tried to wrap up with Vera's again, indicating his nervousness. Vera probably didn't know that Kazas wasn't the only keeper of a primal soul, and would probably question what was happening.



@ @


Naga had stopped his chanting as soon as the celebrations had concluded. To him, that was a celebration for the books! As soon as Night Tracer bid them adieu, the monk had waved him goodbye. " I'll be seein' you there then, new friend! Weeeeeeeelllllll.... Maybe."


Naga then turned to rune, and began to speak to him excitedly.


" now THAT was a show worth Chantin' for!"

In this world, is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the hand of God, hovering above? At least it is true, that man has no control... Even over his own will.



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Lorec brought the sword down hard upon his target. However, He would miss his quarry, instead, planting the blade deep into the earth as he slashed downward and landed.




With a thunderous echo that roared thoroughout the arena, the ground itself was rended asunder from the impact. A large shockwave of earthly debris had arisen from the ground, and was traveling in the direction of which the sword had been aimed at. Dust and stone, being thrown violently upward from the shifting of the earth below. The initial landing had left a circular crater at the point of impact, with a radius of ten feet, and at least six feet deep, with Lorec standing in the middle, aura still pulsating violently around him, veins bulging throughout his entire body as his being struggled to cope with a power that mortal bodies were never meant to contain.


His sword was absolutely buried, almost all the way to the pommel, into the ground. Trying with all his might, he attempted to yank it out of the stone in which he had plunged it in, not paying any mind in what happened to Tyra. It was almost as if he had become a dumb beast, focused on only one thing; overpowering mercilessly. Still occupied with trying to yank his sword out of the ground, the Saduarian monster was gritting his teeth, like a snarling bear.


Tyra leapt out of the way of the sword impact, just narrowly avoiding the aftermath. A shockwave of dust and rocks kicked up, and a crater came imploding beneath the minotaur's hooves. His body pulsed and bulged, obviously not built to withstand such power.


Tyra could see he was trying to remove his blade from deep in the earth. This was her chance.

Gripping her axe tight, she dashed toward the monster of a minotaur, leaping onto his arm and springboarding toward his face, intending to slash at it.


She only hoped it wouldn't do any permanent damage, for Sifana's sake.


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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Princess Luna returned from her flight, slipping silently back in through the same window that she left through. As she pulled in, a light breeze pulled in through the room, moving with her. It scattered several objects before dispersing, including the book she had previously left on the bedside table. As it stirred, it fell to the floor with a clatter, raising a sound that immediately drew her attention.


She walked over to it. This time, the book was left open, and she could see some of the entries that Night Tracer had written. She stopped for a moment as that same curiosity from before began to return, louder than ever before. It went to war with her feelings of common courtesy and royal pedigree, before brushing them both aside like one would a flea off of a dogs fur. Princess Luna picked up the book and wrapped it up in her magic. As she read the first open page, she became thoroughly entranced by it. She then flipped back to the beginning, and began to read another page. And another...

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Tyra leapt out of the way of the sword impact, just narrowly avoiding the aftermath. A shockwave of dust and rocks kicked up, and a crater came imploding beneath the minotaur's hooves. His body pulsed and bulged, obviously not built to withstand such power.


Tyra could see he was trying to remove his blade from deep in the earth. This was her chance.

Gripping her axe tight, she dashed toward the monster of a minotaur, leaping onto his arm and springboarding toward his face, intending to slash at it.


She only hoped it wouldn't do any permanent damage, for Sifana's sake.

Lorec did his best to react and get away from the slash. He let go of his sword, and quickly tried to get his head away from the axe by turning his body. The best he had gotten away with was the axe violently brushing against his upper right jaw. Dodging away as the axe finished grazing his face, he dashed away in a backwards direction slightly to right. He was now weaponless, but the violent power around him still persisted.


Bleeding from his facial wound and Gnashing his teeth, Lorec thought back to the days of the Leovian contention... The events that had happened here, in this very spot. And he used that as fuel, for what he would do next.


Lorec, as Tyra would be landing, thrust both of his arms toward the earth, kneeling down quickly. Both arms went through the earth and made craters that looked as though they were swallowing Lorec's fists. Roaring violently, Lorec began to pull upward, almost as if he were deadlifting something... And it was then, that his muscular tissue began to ripple violently in both his arms as he slowly began to stand upward. Through some ungodly, Herculean show of strength... Lorec pulled a large, asymmetrical chunk of earth bigger than himself out of the ground. He then ducked underneath it as he lifted it above his head, putting the weight of the stone upon his backside along with his arms. Lifting it as though it were a weight bar for squats, he eventually raised the chunk over his head, and looked at Tyra.


With a loud yell, he pulled back the boulder with both arms, and tossed it in The direction that Tyra was landing!

  • Brohoof 1

In this world, is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the hand of God, hovering above? At least it is true, that man has no control... Even over his own will.



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Lorec did his best to react and get away from the slash. He let go of his sword, and quickly tried to get his head away from the axe by turning his body. The best he had gotten away with was the axe violently brushing against his upper right jaw. Dodging away as the axe finished grazing his face, he dashed away in a backwards direction slightly to right. He was now weaponless, but the violent power around him still persisted.


Bleeding from his facial wound and Gnashing his teeth, Lorec thought back to the days of the Leovian contention... The events that had happened here, in this very spot. And he used that as fuel, for what he would do next.


Lorec, as Tyra would be landing, thrust both of his arms toward the earth, kneeling down quickly. Both arms went through the earth and made craters that looked as though they were swallowing Lorec's fists. Roaring violently, Lorec began to pull upward, almost as if he were deadlifting something... And it was then, that his muscular tissue began to ripple violently in both his arms as he slowly began to stand upward. Through some ungodly, Herculean show of strength... Lorec pulled a large, asymmetrical chunk of earth bigger than himself out of the ground. He then ducked underneath it as he lifted it above his head, putting the weight of the stone upon his backside along with his arms. Lifting it as though it were a weight bar for squats, he eventually raised the chunk over his head, and looked at Tyra.


With a loud yell, he pulled back the boulder with both arms, and tossed it in The direction that Tyra was landing!


Tyra smirked as her attacked landed, sending a small cut across Lorec's jaw. What happened next, however, she never would have expected.


Lorec, somehow, had pulled an enormous chunk of earth out of the ground, and glared at her. With a yell, he tossed it...right where she would be landing!


With no time to react upon landing, she was struck full force by the attack, the dirt and rock crumbling on impact and practically burying her in rubble.

She laid limp for a few moments, potentially appearing to be crushed, before stirring and trying to climb her way out.


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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Blizzard was just about done with his clothing preparations. What to do with his leftover time...? "Alright, that's done, now I just gotta--" His eyes suddenly turned solid white like they did when he fought EWS earlier. He then found himself within his mindscape, but he wasn't alone...


Inside his mind he was greeted by the clan founders of the Clan of Ice. The very ponies who started Blizzard's dynasty.One of the six walked up to him, with an echoing voice, "Icesius Blizzard?"


Blizzard looked around for a moment and pointed to himself, as if saying, "Who, me?", as he stepped forward. From there, a male founder spoke, "You have great potential as a warrior. That crystal you found as a colt, has helped shaped you into who you are. Now I know this may seem....weird, but lemme just be brief here. You are the last living, active blood-born member of the clan."


Ice was stunned for a moment but he continued to listen, "I am one of the 6 founders of the Clan of Ice; Founder Glaciem. You'll get to know the others later. For now, let me explain to you why we're here."


Founder Glaciem, then made a magical 'screen' to display the past of the Clan of Ice, "1000 years ago, 6 Unicorns who were icebenders. They were all brought together by what they knew was their calling to become the greatest clan in Equestria. So, they began the Clan of Ice, just north of where the Crystal Empire is today. We valued love, protecting others, and most of all, peace. We did our best to uphold those values, and became a thriving clan for the next 200-300 years...until....things got bad."


From there, the screen showed War among the clans, "We grew pretty large compared to neighboring clans. Having over 100,000 members by after only 400 years. However, the nearby clans saw us as a potential threat, and ganged up on us after 500 years. It was a terrible conflict that caused the near downfall of our entire race. So, from there, we had to retreat a bit farther north. And for the next 300 years we had to go into hiding."


Ice was astonished at what he saw. He didn't know what to think for a moment, "So, I get it now I'm one of the few of us left in all of Equestria."


Glaciem nodded, "That's correct, young Ice."


"So...why are you here, in my conscience?"


The clan founders turned and whispered to each other for a moment before Glaciem spoke again, "This is of importance to you because of this: Once us 6 passed on, it was tradition for our higher level Unicorns to put our souls within the minds and bodies of our descendants. We did this to make sure that our legacy lived on within all of us, literally. And in order to gain one of our souls, you must be blood-born into the clan, and a baby at the time."


Ice was confused, "So, wait, why was I never told about this? Why didn't grandpa write this in his book?"


Glaciem put his hoof up for Ice to stop talking, "Patience, young one. You're just like Founder Frigore, always being silly and bouncy." Frigore gave Glaciem a snarking look, as Glaciem continued, "To answer your first question, you must find out this power on your own. As for your second one, clan members were not permitted to document any form of our rituals/traditions."


Blizzard nodded, and asked again, "Ok, but another thing, why are you all in my body? Based on what you're telling me, it sounds like each clan member had only one of you guys."


"That was the original tradition. However, because of the fact that our clan size has diminished greatly in the past 100 years. The family tradition has broken down to where you are the only one left that can harbor us. Your grandfather, and great-grandfather, had no choice but to put our souls within you."


Frigore shouted enthusiastically, "Yeah! Mainly because everypony else who's alive in the clan right now is too much of a geezer to harbor our souls anymore. So, sadly, you gotta hold ALL of us! Isn't that great?!"


Glaciem facehooved, as Founder Duratus slapped Frigore, "Dammit, Frigore! How many times do I have to tell you to focus?"


Frigore laughed as he got up, "Haha! Come on guys, I'm just fooling around."


Blizzard looked at his founders. He liked them, especially Frigore, "Just like me. Haha." "So I get it, I am the vessel within which I harbor you guys' souls. But what do you want me to do?"


Glaciem walked to Ice, "Your clan is very endangered, as there are only less than 20 of us, all over Equestria. Just do what you're doing right now. Keep your head up, and flank down. Uphold our values of protecting those closet to you. Protect the elderly and young foals! Do your clan proud by putting us on the map. Bring honor and glory to the Clan of Ice! And just know, that we will always--"


Frigore cut him off, "Be there to help if you need it! You may not have full understanding of how to call upon us yet, but just know, that if we feel the need, we'll be there to crash the party!"


Duratus nodded, "Yep. We'll be here for ya."He then whispered to Ice, "Make sure you keep your marefriend safe alright?"


Ice felt comfortable, that his ancestors would be with him at all times, "Thanks guys. Er-- uh, thank you ancestors. I will make sure to do you all very proud."


His 6 ancestors nodded, and shouted their clan cry, and in an instant, Blizzard was back in the real world, in his room, "I'm gonna make you guys proud. Even though I don't do swords, and probably won't need that thing, I'll bring honor to the family!"


He then shouted his clan cry out of his Gladiator Room window, "HELIO CLAN SIEMPRE!!!!!!!"

Edited by Ice Blizzard


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

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rune grinned at night's proposal. "ill think about it!" he said cheerfully, as he watched night dart off.


he then turned to naga, who remarked how it was a show worth chanting for. "i know, right?!" he asked, throwing the guitar over his shoulder. 


it hit the ground, and a few strings broke. there was a collective 'awwwwwwww' from the crowd that had apparently been expecting another show. 


rune was rubbing his hooves. hell, playing 'happy' and 'viva la vida' on the guitar really did a number on him. the strings had started to cut in, and such...


maybe next time he'll just use magic.


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Ash watched the doctor carefully as he left the room he then moved his gaze back to the pink pony who had been uncharacteristically silent the whole time. It shocked and confused him when she offered to pay for his hospital bill.  “Why would you offer to do that? You don’t owe me anything.”

Edited by Star Saber
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@Orion Caelum

"Tickets to Vinyl and Ocatvia's Hall," Sleight Mist replied casually back to Caliber. "It's supposed to be this really great show that's happening later tonight, with music, dancing, and the works. All the high-society ponies are supposed to be going."


She shot a look at Anette and Wilhelm, and cracked a sharp smile.


"And apparently these two. I'd already been asked to go myself, but I turned it down. Not that I can't blend in, but small areas and fancy occasions don't really do it for me." she added. She was already becoming disinterested just thinking about it.

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caliber's eyes got a glint in them. "will there be food?" he asked, "cause ill be honest, i haven't gotten around to going to ponyville, and getting some bits..."


he shrugged. "but whatever you wanna do, im cool either way."


he was kinda wanting to go to that event, but at the same time, he wanted to be with sleight more.


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