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open Bangcolt Arena! (Fighting/Sol) (RP)


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He laughed "Was I that transparent about my intentions? Well thank you both for your advice. But as foolish as it may be, I can see nothing else that requires my attention more. Perhaps if you are to watch, you'll understand. I'll be frank though, don't bet any bits on me that's for sure." he laughed again, slightly melancholy and finished the moonshine  "This is good stuff Miss Jack, reminds me of home, my compliments" he made it look like challenging  the princesses was just a walk a park, it wasn't he was cocky about it, he'd be the first to say he was going to lose, it was just it was like he didn't care about the fact. 






The answer to that was a complicated one. But he had an answer that in his instance just as part of the truth as the real answer, which for the purposes of tonight would do nicely "From mares such as your self, and they are few and far between, mi lady." He meant that, all of his years trodding the moral coil, there was a few times he encountered a truly special mare. If only love was something he could hold on to 


With the almost cryptic statement, he helped her up, as their dance was over, and with his enjoyment for the night. But he still had one thing left to do. "Tonight has been an enchanting night, but I must depart." he bowed to her and kissed her hoof 'Until we meet again mi lady." And with that he nearly danced out of the ballroom. It wasn't a retreat, it was a promise. Whether it was romantic or not was up to her, he enjoyed himself either way, and like the gentlemen he was he would keep his word 


Outside, he took a deep sigh "now to clean this town of its scum..."

Edited by The Down Trotten


EQE Approved: Bow Diddle: & Ben Keys:  Traveling Musicans and part time thieves 

Rhetoric Rash  .. The disgruntled Earth Pony 

Bowie, the knife throwing Diamond Dog https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/bowie-r9066

Ask the rebellious Rhetoric anything here

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Like Lorec, Tyra let out a fierce roar of her own as she approached her opponent. She felt ready to collapse into unconsciousness at any moment, but she would see this fight to the end first.


Seeing the blade slowly but heavily swinging toward her, she used all her might to swing her axe over to clash with it again. Hopefully it would strike in time, and not knock her out...

His sword, clashing with Tyra's axe, was stopped dead in its swing upward, with an unprecedented effect being taken upon Lorec's right arm.


The muscles within the arm rippled with the collision of the swing. Having overused Viruden's power in order to keep himself from collapsing, Lorec's right arm, and indeed his very body, was starting to give out. At a stand still with Tyra, he coughed up blood downward toward her face, before attempting to force her backwards once again.

In this world, is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the hand of God, hovering above? At least it is true, that man has no control... Even over his own will.



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Axton seemed to be in a deadlock with Jade. Both of their slashes started to connect and negate each other constantly. It seemed as though if this kept up, they'd be stuck in this battle until someone was overpowered or distracted.


Felling as though that the time for crap was over, Axton activated his second stage of his curse. This stage alloted Axton extra power to his scythe, but would restrict his agility. After activating it, he stopped his slashing for a moment, and retaliated with a slow, but massive slash that may end up overpowering the mare.


Jade kept up her blocks, watching as the stallion seemed to power up somehow. He backed off with his slashes, then came at her with a single, much slower one that she was sent hurdling through the air from thanks to its sheer force.


She caught herself and shook her head. Time to get serious.

She sped back toward him, planning to use her speed to counteract the stallion's new slow but strong technique. She rolled while speeding ahead, and planned to quickly jerk to the side and kick him in the ribs.


His sword, clashing with Tyra's axe, was stopped dead in its swing upward, with an unprecedented effect being taken upon Lorec's right arm.


The muscles within the arm rippled with the collision of the swing. Having overused Viruden's power in order to keep himself from collapsing, Lorec's right arm, and indeed his very body, was starting to give out. At a stand still with Tyra, he coughed up blood downward toward her face, before attempting to force her backwards once again.


Tyra and Lorec were once again locked in a stalemate. She saw his sword arm ripple unnaturally, like it was about to fall apart any second.

She shut her eyes and mouth as much as she could, feeling the warm blood splash onto her face. She couldn't let it get into her eyes.


She felt Lorec starting to force her back, and responded by trying to push him as well. A test of might. But who would come out on top...?


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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Blizzard hadn't thought of that. Living in riches? Royaly? Fame? Fortune? Sounded like something out of a storybook. Nevertheless, Blizzard didn't like the sounds of that for multiple reasons, "I guess I could, but you gotta understand I like my life the way it is. I mean, sure being rich is awesome, but it's just not my lifestyle. I'd imagine it fits somepony like you, and don't take that offensively, because I mean it as a compliment. Only those who have damn good financial management skills can live a life like that. Me? Naw, I'd end up either wasting my money from being flimsy with managing it, or it'd end up piling up on me and I'd have more than I know what to do with."


He was speaking the truth. If he had all that money it'd go to waste. Blizzard was in no position to be living such a rich life. He was still a young stallion who hated having to focus on anything outside of his fighting, "Yeah, and I also wouldn't want all that attention put on me. I mean, I'm sure you like it, but I get so..ugh...around a ton of ponies at once. If I'm fighting, that's a different story. I can fight perfectly fine in front of others."


Another thought popped into his head, "Not to mention, the whole operation was kinda secretive, and it still is. So much so, that I only tell my closest friends about the experience. But anyway, I like living in my house in Ponyville, although, I came here in Bangcolt for the fighting!" he put on a playful grin.


"I'm a fighting pony, not a fame pony. Just my way. I will be the guy who looks evil in the eye..." he made an evil "I" out of ice, "And TAKE it down!" he said as he punched the "I" into many small snowflakes, "Hahaha! So, yup. That's me. Hehehe...so what do you think about it overall? Like the story?"



Jade kept up her blocks, watching as the stallion seemed to power up somehow. He backed off with his slashes, then came at her with a single, much slower one that she was sent hurdling through the air from thanks to its sheer force.   She caught herself and shook her head. Time to get serious. She sped back toward him, planning to use her speed to counteract the stallion's new slow but strong technique. She rolled while speeding ahead, and planned to quickly jerk to the side and kick him in the ribs

Axton noticed the mare speeding towards him. He knew that he had no choice but to stay offensive until he could transition to his next stage, so unfortunately, he had to roll with it.


He stood and waited for the right time. When the mare got close enough, he'd swing his scythe down unto her.


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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zenru bowed his head, watching her leave. it saddened him, knowing that she's given up about her situation. to cut herself from the world, and live a life of solitude.


but maybe the worst part of this entire encounter is the mere fact that she is no longer happy. and it gave him chills to think about how long its even been since she's smiled.


...he let her walk off. but he did indeed have plans.


"...very well." he turned, and left for the town.


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Axton noticed the mare speeding towards him. He knew that he had no choice but to stay offensive until he could transition to his next stage, so unfortunately, he had to roll with it.


He stood and waited for the right time. When the mare got close enough, he'd swing his scythe down unto her.


Jade saw the scythe swinging down toward her, and she needed to act quickly before she was struck as she sped toward the stallion.


She tilted herself, her blade pointing more downward, and the collision made her roll, her blade scraping against the ground as she rolled upside down and attempted her kick to the side.


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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Jade saw the scythe swinging down toward her, and she needed to act quickly before she was struck as she sped toward the stallion.


She tilted herself, her blade pointing more downward, and the collision made her roll, her blade scraping against the ground as she rolled upside down and attempted her kick to the side.

Axton took the hit, and went back a bit. He was dazed for a moment before regaining control. "Alright....time to activate the next tier...." he thought to himself. In an instant, his scythe turned yellow, and he could feel the weight of the ground crumble a bit underneath him. The Defender was active.


He couldn't move as fast as he could before, but that wasn't a problem for him. All he did from there, was slowly, "run", up to the mare, and block at the last possible moment. With Defender active, he would be able to block and withstand almost any non-major attack without flinching. Perfect for ideal counterattacks.


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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@The Down Trotten

Well, he was plumb crazy, or maybe already drunk off of the moonshine; Applejack couldn't tell either way. But she did have something to ask; there was giant horse in the room that hadn't gotten up and walked out yet, so she decided to ask it.


"Why do y'all want to challenge the princesses anyway? If y'all don't mind me askin', Is it personal?"




@The Down Trotten

Nightingale zipped out behind the stallion, not desperate, but interested to see where her "prey" had gone. But when she got outside, he was already gone.


"Curiouser..." she began, floating up high in order to get a better look. Upon still seeing nothing, she was ready to turn back inside, when something else caught her attention. A fight was breaking out, right on the streets.


"And curiouser." she finished. She floated almost lazily over to the fight, and laid forward on a nearby building in full view, watching passively as if she were a cat studying two mice.




Well...yes. Diamond actually did like the story, and it was actually one of the better ones, terrible ending aside. But she wasn't going to tell him that.


"Well, I..." she began, only to pause as the storage room door flipped open. Silver Spoon spilled in, halting for a second as her eyes adjusted to the darkness, but immediately tackling Diamond Tiara as soon as she saw her.


"Di, you're alive! I've been looking everywhere for you!" she shouted, somehow managing to pick her up and hug her despite the weight difference. It was a very brief moment however, as Silver Spoon finally became aware of the presence of somepony else in the room. Immediately, her attitude changed, becoming less open and more stiff and defensive as she edged in front of Diamond Tiara.


"Who is this?" she said with a guarded and slightly mocking tone as she stared down the intruder. She'd fight for Diamond Tiara, no matter what happened to her. She had decided that a long time ago.

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@@@The Down Trotten,

Electron laughed hard. Not even he was stupid enough to fight the princesses, you'd had to be crazy to do something like that, "Flippin' what? Ahahaha! That's--that's Ohaahaha! No way in Tatarus would I do that. That's just plain dumb. But...Double-R over here...must have a miracle to win or else he wouldn't step up."


Ice was intrigued by the filly that walked in the door. Was this Silver Spoon? Judging by the cutie mark, Ice was able to put two and two together. She did seem a little bit on the...protective side. He began to think, "So this is Silver Spoon, hm? Weird. She doesn't seem as friendly as DT described. But then again, DT herself was difficult to get on good terms with...so let's see how this goes..."


He cleared his throat, and introduced himself, "Hi. I'm Icesius Blizzard. You must be Silver Spoon I imagine? Your friend Diamond Tiara told me about you. She says that you're a really good--no, her best friend. Really glad to meet you," he approached her offering a basic hoofshake to see how she would react.


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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@Light Up the Night - Redux

A spark became a small fire in the hoof of the hooded stallion before he lit his cigarette and sat patiently on the rooftop of the Bangcolt Casino underneath an umbrella. He took a long drag of his death stick as he looked at his watch. The seconds ticked down towards midnight. He turned his head towards the regal looking monument which stood at the entrance of the city by way of Canterlot. The view was good enough from here, and far enough away. He turned back to his watch, not much longer now until midnight…






With a resounding blast; those once regal monument ignited in a massive ball of green flame, only to be followed by a series of smaller explosions that launched into the air, steaming colors as if they were fireworks. The stallion smiled and clapped softly to his own fireworks show; proud of his work as the princesses’ monument went up in colored flame. A little magnesium infusion would insure that even this storm would have difficulties putting this fire out.






“Ready when you are.” Calibur said as he put his map away back into his case; closing it up and slinging it over his shoulder. He figured after helping Sunset he would then look for a place to stay the night out of the rain. As he left the training grounds with Sunset he saw, what appeared to be fireworks off in the distance which he found odd. He didn’t recall today being any special occasion.

Edited by Star Saber
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Silver Spoon glanced down at the hoof, before suddenly turning back around to Diamond Tiara, promptly ignoring the stranger.


"Di, who is this?" she repeated, growing more curious by the second. "And how come you never made it home? I've been up for hours...


"Would you stop worrying over me, Silvs? It's kinda weird." Diamond Tiara said, rather dis-interested all of the sudden. "He's just somepony I met while I was hiding out in the rain. No big deal."


"Uh-huh..." she said, eyeing Ice Blizzard up and down before her stance changed again, becoming more open again. "So, i'm up for three hours, worried about you, and you're checking out stallions. Is that it... fat flank?" she said teasingly, sticking her tongue out. 


Diamond Tiara stopped, giving Silver Spoon a glare that would've shook Celestia. Silver Spoon was entirely unfazed




"Fat. Flank." Silver Spoon responded, accentuating both words with all the intensity she could muster. She coughed, then began to spell it out. "F-A-T, F-L..."


"Oh, that's it, you are so done!" Diamond Tiara shouted as she playfully tackled her friend. The two began to roll back and forth across the storage room, and Ice Blizzard was temporarily forgotten.

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Ice watched as the two fillies roughhoused with each other. This was kind of a shocker considering that he didn't think such rich ponies would be so rough with each other like this. "Well, this is new. And adorable. Hahaha..."


He continued watching as they rolled back and forth. He thought to himself, "Hm...wonder if they'll notice me standing here..."


"Uh...girls? Hello?" he asked, trying to regain their attention.


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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Axton took the hit, and went back a bit. He was dazed for a moment before regaining control. "Alright....time to activate the next tier...." he thought to himself. In an instant, his scythe turned yellow, and he could feel the weight of the ground crumble a bit underneath him. The Defender was active.


He couldn't move as fast as he could before, but that wasn't a problem for him. All he did from there, was slowly, "run", up to the mare, and block at the last possible moment. With Defender active, he would be able to block and withstand almost any non-major attack without flinching. Perfect for ideal counterattacks.


Jade watched as the stallion's scythe turned a bright yellow, and heard an audible crumble. As if the ground was cracking beneath his hooves.

A defensive form, perhaps?


She dashed up to him, zigzagging every few paces, and began slashing at him again from any angle she could. Indeed, this defensive mode was countering every strike.

"So, you can take different forms?" She said, mid strike, "Interesting, maybe this land does promise strong opponents."


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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"I don't mind at all, it's a very good question in fact...." he mulled it over for a few seconds "While I wish to say its not personal, I think I would be lying to say it wasn't. And upon a clear look at the idea... Its just plain stupid really... But I can't help it, I think the princesses need a friendly challenge from their subjects. And that's just one of the reasons, among many. I can't quite explain why... but something in side me says I must, whether to bring me closure or to spur me on to greater things, I don't know. So in short Miss Jack, its complicated, and probably just a fool running a fools errand." 


He yawned, the walk here was beginning to wear on him "And Electron, if you haven't been able to tell, I don't plan on winning, or at least in the sense you'd expect. I do have a plan, but it doesn't involve certain victory." He sighed, hoping the two didn't think him crazy, but then again what else were they suppose to think? How could they understand him, when he didn't understand himself at times? It was an odd feeling being alone amongst one peers 

Edited by The Down Trotten


EQE Approved: Bow Diddle: & Ben Keys:  Traveling Musicans and part time thieves 

Rhetoric Rash  .. The disgruntled Earth Pony 

Bowie, the knife throwing Diamond Dog https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/bowie-r9066

Ask the rebellious Rhetoric anything here

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Tree hugger turned and smiled at Naga, "What is a name but a label?" She spoke longingly, before smiling and telling Naga, "It's Treehugger, dude." She put extra emphasis and extended the, "u," sound before offering one last smile and turning away; not walking, but just turning.



Vinyl chuckled before giving him a dumbfounded gaze, "Nothing Special. You have high standards, boy." She slugged him in the shoulder. "You had fun though, right?" She inquired and stepped in front of him. Her eyes sparkled and it was visible as well since her glasses weren't covering them.


Although Vinyl was having a blast she had to give credit where it was due, "Yeah, we're good. But Tracey... I overheard Octi saying he was performing an original so I expect something good." She spoke more montonously than before, perhaps, her hooves were more planted on the ground now than before. She grinned and offer a high hoof to Rune, "Still a hell of a performance though. Right?"  


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rune was chuckling, when she suddenly stepped in front of him. "um, yeah, i had a great time here." he said, almost trying to get around her. "we should do this again sometime, vinyl."


he grinned, clapping her hoof with his own. "and im sure night'll knock it outta the park."


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Jade watched as the stallion's scythe turned a bright yellow, and heard an audible crumble. As if the ground was cracking beneath his hooves.

A defensive form, perhaps?


She dashed up to him, zigzagging every few paces, and began slashing at him again from any angle she could. Indeed, this defensive mode was countering every strike.

"So, you can take different forms?" She said, mid strike, "Interesting, maybe this land does promise strong opponents."

Axton chuckled. This was indeed the Soulhunter's Curse at work. He decided to make a snide comment, "I would show you more of my special techniques...but you're not ready yet...."


From there, he went all out, slashing his scythe at the mare. He was out to prove himself that night.

Edited by Ice Blizzard


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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@The Down Trotten

"Okay, as long as you're thinking clearly. I don't want you to wake up in the middle of a bad mistake." Applejack still thought he was plumb crazy, but as he was a rational adult, she figured it was none of her business in deciding what he thought. She'd just watch, and see the results.


"So, is that what you brought yourself all the way out here for, too? To pick a fight with the princesses?" As she stared at him, she couldn't but wonder exactly what he was thinking. Was he...

A small noise like the sound of an explosion caught her ears, and she turned towards the door.


"Did anypony hear fireworks, or was that just me?"





Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon heard Ice Blizzard at the same time, and they came to a stop, winding up side by side with each other.


"Oh, sorry." Diamond Tiara gave a wide, unapologetic smile, while Silver Spoon took the less kind route. "Did you want something?" she asked with irritation. Moments later, an explosion shook the air, slightly rattling the storage room where the two were at, and Ice Blizzard was once again ignored.

"Did you catch that?"
"It sounded like-"
"An explosion?"

The two completely ignored the fact they just finished each others sentences, and stood around nervously, one cautious but uncertain and a little scared, the other not sure checking it out was worth walking out in the storm and getting dirty again.

Sitting in the Hall, watching Night Tracer from afar and observing all of the comings and goings happening around the room, Celestia absent-mindedly picked up her drink and sipped it. She was contemplating going out and actually meeting one of her subjects, when the sound of an explosion rocked the air around them. Celestia grew immediately tense, and her eyes slitted in confusion. There were no fireworks set for today, which could only mean...


Her eyes grew wide with horror then, and she took off, heading for the door and leaving a heavy breeze in her wake As she got outside, she immediately shot up for higher ground, following the smoke and hoping that her worst fears hadn't come true...

Edited by Corona de Adamas
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@, @@The Down Trotten,

Electron was enjoying himself until the explosion was heard. It sounded exciting, yet questionable at the same time. "Yeah...I heard it too. Could be some dumb foals playing a prank. Or it could be serious. I don't know, nor do I care. What do you guys think?"


Ice heard the explosion as well, and could sense concern within the two fillies in the room. "Hold on." He immediately reacted, and with a dash of blue, Ice was almost instantly outside the storage room, and in the rain. As he looked around, he noticed a bright light in the distance...it looked like fire! "Oh no! That could mean anything from a bomb to a lightning strike. Either way, it's worth investigating."


He ran back in with a tough decision. Either leave them both alone, or take them with him. Neither sounded good, so he told them what happened, "I think that explosion may have caused a fire. It seems small though, and it's raining so I wouldn't worry."


Outside, it seemed as though the storm was slaking up. Perfect opportunity for the fillies to return home, "The rain outside seems to be lightening. If you girls wanna head home, now's the time."


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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Axton chuckled. This was indeed the Soulhunter's Curse at work. He decided to make a snide comment, "I would show you more of my special techniques...but you're not ready yet...."


From there, he went all out, slashing his scythe at the mare. He was out to prove himself that night.


Jade scoffed, curling her upper lip at the comment. "How do you know I'm not ready? We haven't even shared pleasantries yet."


As his slashes intensified, so did hers. His scythe met her sword, sparks and loud clangs of steel ringing out with each strike.


He can match me blow for blow, she thought mid-attack, I need to see what else he can do.


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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"Well actually no, I had only heard rumors and was curious to see if they were true. But there were many other things that drew me to this place, if nothing else the sheer amount of ponies here-" he was interrupted, rather frustratingly by the sound and upon his two companions speculation stood up 


"I wouldn't think its fireworks, with the rain and all, and I don't think there's any fights occurring so it couldn't be from that... The logical conclusion would be an unplanned explosion... Which could mean injured and worse. Well, call me Rash, but I'm going to investigate.


He was about to run back out when he turned around "Feel free to follow, it could be just another fool's errand, but the question is, are you willing to risk it being so?" 






The rain was one thing, but flying at night was another "How am I suppose to see in these conditions!" he gripped, of course there was no answer and of course he knew it was part of his job. He just couldn't help but cringe at the inevitable


"Well I'll be shot down, there she is." his tired eyes spotted the city of Bangcolt, and more importantly it meant that he could rest soon. 


Preparing to land on the main street, taking care to slow down considerably before even attempting the feet he was surprised that he was about to complete a trip without an accident. He thought to soon. 


There was a flash of light and a deafening explosion. The surprise alone would have unsettled the best flyer, but Crash the results were traumatic. It was as if his wings had a wind of there and they just decided to stop working . Plummeting out of the sky, he tried to control his landing but it was a fruitless effort. 


He couldn't see anyway, and this point he just hoped that he didn't break anything to expensive. The sound of glass breaking and feeling his body bounce onto hard wood floor was not a promising sign, and as he finally tumbled to a stop, letters settling around, and what was this he tasted, muffins?...

Edited by The Down Trotten


EQE Approved: Bow Diddle: & Ben Keys:  Traveling Musicans and part time thieves 

Rhetoric Rash  .. The disgruntled Earth Pony 

Bowie, the knife throwing Diamond Dog https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/bowie-r9066

Ask the rebellious Rhetoric anything here

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The rain was one thing, but flying at night was another "How am I suppose to see in these conditions!" he gripped, of course there was no answer and of course he knew it was part of his job. He just couldn't help but cringe at the inevitable


"Well I'll be shot down, there she is." his tired eyes spotted the city of Bangcolt, and more importantly it meant that he could rest soon. 


Preparing to land on the main street, taking care to slow down considerably before even attempting the feet he was surprised that he was about to complete a trip without an accident. He thought to soon. 


There was a flash of light and a deafening explosion. The surprise alone would have unsettled the best flyer, but Crash the results were traumatic. It was as if his wings had a wind of there and they just decided to stop working . Plummeting out of the sky, he tried to control his landing but it was a fruitless effort. 


He couldn't see anyway, and this point he just hoped that he didn't break anything to expensive. The sound of glass breaking and feeling his body bounce onto hard wood floor was not a promising sign, and as he finally tumbled to a stop, letters settling around, and what was this he tasted, muffins?...


The crash landing through the window had stirred somepony upstairs, who had come bounding down to see what the commotion was about.

"Oh my gosh!" A mare's voice exclaimed at the sight of the collapsed pegasus, "Are you okay?! Here, lemme help you up!"


A pegasus mare, grey coated and sporting a yellow mane and tail, helped the stallion up to his hooves. The first thing he'd likely notice was that her eyes were...peculiarly misplaced, in a rather cute or comical fashion. Despite that, the look of concern was still there. 


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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He held his head and looked at her with one eye, the other clenched shut in pain. "...I don't know...I've had some bad one's but none of them have messed up my eye site..." he tried opening up his other eye and focusing on the mare, yet she her eyes wouldn't straighten out, had he damaged himself that bad? 


Trying to take the possibility in he sat down "...Oh gez...look at this mess..." was all he could do to sum up the entire situation 


EQE Approved: Bow Diddle: & Ben Keys:  Traveling Musicans and part time thieves 

Rhetoric Rash  .. The disgruntled Earth Pony 

Bowie, the knife throwing Diamond Dog https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/bowie-r9066

Ask the rebellious Rhetoric anything here

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He held his head and looked at her with one eye, the other clenched shut in pain. "...I don't know...I've had some bad one's but none of them have messed up my eye site..." he tried opening up his other eye and focusing on the mare, yet she her eyes wouldn't straighten out, had he damaged himself that bad? 


Trying to take the possibility in he sat down "...Oh gez...look at this mess..." was all he could do to sum up the entire situation 


The mare, walleyed as she was, kept her concerned look on the stallion. "Oh gosh, is your eye okay? Maybe we should get you to the hospital?"


She looked around at the shattered glass and toppled muffins, and shrugged.

"Don't worry about that, I can get that fixed," She chirped, grinning innocently.


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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Still dazed he slowly got himself up "No this won't do at all." he stumbled about for a bit till he found a broom and began to sweep up the glass. 


"I'm terribly sorry, I'll have this cleaned up and fixed right away... um how much are those muffins?" he still though he was seeing funny, her eyes never wanted to align themselves but considering everything else seemed fine he figured he could get started on fixing what he broke  


EQE Approved: Bow Diddle: & Ben Keys:  Traveling Musicans and part time thieves 

Rhetoric Rash  .. The disgruntled Earth Pony 

Bowie, the knife throwing Diamond Dog https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/bowie-r9066

Ask the rebellious Rhetoric anything here

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