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Drawponies tracing scandal!


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Do you know which conventions? I'm curious.

No, equestria daily just mentions it in there post but they don't name the exact conventions

It's better to die on your feet than to live on your knees!

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Don't know Don't care.

Never even heard of him, or her. Doesn't matter if he traced, even tracing you can still not be very good at drawing it. IF they did trace, so what? You enjoyed all their shit before, doesn't make it any different. It's like loving a music artist for their songs, until you find out songs made before sound a lot the same. And then disliking them.


So think about it before complaining about your favorite artist traced some shit :P 

Edited by Brechard
  • Brohoof 2
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Don't know Don't care.

Never even heard of him, or her. Doesn't matter if he traced, even tracing you can still not be very good at drawing it. IF they did trace, so what? You enjoyed all their shit before, doesn't make it any different. It's like loving a music artist for their songs, until you find out songs made before sound a lot the same. And then disliking them.


So think about it before complaining about your favorite artist traced some shit :P



well if you actually read the article you would see that he was selling his traced art, which is a big no no!

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well if you actually read the article you would see that he was selling his traced art, which is a big no no!

Well are there laws against it? While he did trace it and selling that is kinda a cunt move, he traced it to make something similar, but different XD

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Well are there laws against it? While he did trace it and selling that is kinda a cunt move, he traced it to make something similar, but different XD

yes he's breaking copyright laws and Hasbro would be well within their rights to C&D the guy!

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yes he's breaking copyright laws and Hasbro would be well within their rights to C&D the guy!

They should do that then. And we should just talk about the good things happening instead of the bad stuff XD

Everytime someone gets caught doing something in the fandom it gets crazy here xD


And I ain't defending the cock either, it might seem it though. XD

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Legally, if you're only using 10% of the original work, it's fine. It could also be in safe territory due to parody law.


But what the heck do I know; I'm an engineer, not an artist or lawyer.




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Legally, if you're only using 10% of the original work, it's fine. It could also be in safe territory due to parody law.

But what the heck do I know; I'm an engineer, not an artist or lawyer.

Parody/fair use laws don't apply when you are selling the work in question!

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Smh, my whole thing is: Why did he think streaming himself tracing the artwork was a good idea?

Like... What did he think was going to happen. It's a sort of "you made your bed, now lie in it" kind of thing. He needs to answer, because there are some very angry customers/ex-fans.

  • Brohoof 5


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My opinion?

About damn time that piece of shit got caught. Dude has been making a living and more selling off his traced trash, and acting like he was a top dog of the art community. People bust their ass to try to draw their own stuff, and get next to no recognition, but this clown has been tracing 99% of his crap, gets a massive fanbase who have their heads up his ass to the point they can't see the obvious signs he traced, and sells his plagiarized trash at cons and makes enough to never need to work for squat.


I hope this dude gets taken down so hard, he'll have to sell himself on a corner street in Vegas.

  • Brohoof 3

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Smh, my whole thing is: Why did he think streaming himself tracing the artwork was a good idea?

Like... What did he think was going to happen. It's a sort of "you made your bed, now lie in it" kind of thing. He needs to answer, because there are some very angry customers/ex-fans.

that is what i am curios about, too.

Chances are he was just drunk/tired, but maybe there is more to it(probably not, taking a look at his gallery)

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My opinion?


About damn time that piece of shit got caught. Dude has been making a living and more selling off his traced trash, and acting like he was a top dog of the art community. People bust their ass to try to draw their own stuff, and get next to no recognition, but this clown has been tracing 99% of his crap, gets a massive fanbase who have their heads up his ass to the point they can't see the obvious signs he traced, and sells his plagiarized trash at cons and makes enough to never need to work for squat.


I hope this dude gets taken down so hard, he'll have to sell himself on a corner street in Vegas.


For one it was nowhere near 99%. A LOT of his work is original. And he's definitely a talented artist


And for another are we really this vindictive? >.< 

I get what he did was bad but is it anywhere near "I hope he fails life and has to prostitute himself" bad? 

  • Brohoof 2
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Personally, I never really paid too much attention to drawponies, until this scandal broke out.


But, he and his PR team's reactions have been pretty shady-deleting threads from his Facebook group talking about the issue to silence dissent and acting like he took down his Patreon, only to rename it are all actions that are pretty damning in my eyes as those aren't actions I can see an innocent individual taking when accused of something like this.



Even if it's true that he didn't trace everything, that doesn't magically absolve him of the things he is guilty of.



Unless money is involved.


Actually, he makes a full-time income selling all of these drawings.

Edited by Ianpiersonjdavis
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Personally, I never really paid too much attention to drawponies, until this scandal broke out.


But, he and his PR team's reactions have been pretty shady-deleting threads from his Facebook group talking about the issue to silence dissent and acting like he took down his Patreon, only to rename it are all actions that are pretty damning in my eyes as those aren't actions I can see an innocent individual taking when accused of something like this.



Even if it's true that he didn't trace everything, that doesn't magically absolve him of the things he is guilty of.




Actually, he makes a full-time income selling all of these drawings.

The question is of those drawings how many of them are traced, and to what extent?

I'm not saying he's not guilty of stuff but still.

A lot of people are making it out as if the guy literally puts no effort into his work and steals everything he does >.<

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The question is of those drawings how many of them are traced, and to what extent?

I'm not saying he's not guilty of stuff but still.

A lot of people are making it out as if the guy literally puts no effort into his work and steals everything he does >.<

Yeah, as far as I know, he does have his fair share of legitimate original work(some of which were pretty good)...which kind of makes this whole thing more frustrating


If the guy can draw well, why would he even need to plagiarize?

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Yeah, as far as I know, he does have his fair share of legitimate original work(some of which were pretty good)...which kind of makes this whole thing more frustrating


If the guy can draw well, why would he even need to plagiarize?

Not saying what he's doing is right but probably because its quicker and easy to do. Especially if he's just going for show accuracy.

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For one it was nowhere near 99%. A LOT of his work is original. And he's definitely a talented artist


And for another are we really this vindictive? >.< 

I get what he did was bad but is it anywhere near "I hope he fails life and has to prostitute himself" bad? 


That's adorable. I wish I could be as naive as that.


Yes, it is 99%, because most of his crap is traced, and nearly everything he sold is traced. Anyone who didn't have their heads up his ass could see that, easy. He made his entire living off copying the official art, and claimed it as it own art work. He's about as talented, as a congressman giving a public speech.


People put effort and time into drawing, and a VERY small number get no where near the attention he got, and he pretty much stole everything. All he did was change scenery, maybe change the pony from the image he traced, and/or mirrored the image...all shit any first year art student could do in their sleep.


And don't get me started on his shitty facebook group. His group of asskissing mods are banning people left and right, just for asking about his crap.

  • Brohoof 1

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That's adorable. I wish I could be as naive as that.


Yes, it is 99%, because most of his crap is traced, and nearly everything he sold is traced. Anyone who didn't have their heads up his ass could see that, easy. He made his entire living off copying the official art, and claimed it as it own art work. He's about as talented, as a congressman giving a public speech.


People put effort and time into drawing, and a VERY small number get no where near the attention he got, and he pretty much stole everything. All he did was change scenery, maybe change the pony from the image he traced, and/or mirrored the image...all shit any first year art student could do in their sleep.


And don't get me started on his shitty facebook group. His group of asskissing mods are banning people left and right, just for asking about his crap.

Changed scenery, changed dialogue, changed settings and drew the rest of the characters whilst tracing the face for speed purposes. 

And again, I'm pretty sure 99% is a MASSIVE overestimate. Seems like he just traced the characters in the comics to get them through quicker to go for show accuracy. And there are definitely moments where he doesn't trace (Or if he does trace, he's covered it up so well with other factors that its pretty much his own art)

i.e : http://drawponies.deviantart.com/art/Drawponies-Profile-Pic-425217209


Just saying people are going a bit over the top with how bad he is. He traced some parts of his art and sold it with a different setting. Not like the art looks any less good xD  just means there was less effort put into it


(Although clearly my point isn't going to get across considering you think he deserves to go homeless for this kind of stuff >.<  )

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Changed scenery, changed dialogue, changed settings and drew the rest of the characters whilst tracing the face for speed purposes. 

And again, I'm pretty sure 99% is a MASSIVE overestimate. Seems like he just traced the characters in the comics to get them through quicker to go for show accuracy. And there are definitely moments where he doesn't trace (Or if he does trace, he's covered it up so well with other factors that its pretty much his own art)

i.e : http://drawponies.deviantart.com/art/Drawponies-Profile-Pic-425217209


Just saying people are going a bit over the top with how bad he is. He traced some parts of his art and sold it with a different setting. Not like the art looks any less good xD  just means there was less effort put into it


(Although clearly my point isn't going to get across considering you think he deserves to go homeless for this kind of stuff >.<  )


I don't think you understand the concept of plagiarizing, or understand the level of what he's done here is. It's an insult to anyone who tries to do their own art. Don't pretend it's just "lazyness" or "speed", when it's theft. He made bank off copying the official artwork, and never once said it wasn't his. And now he's trying to sweep it under the rug with his team of asskissers, who are just spending time covering it up.

  • Brohoof 5

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I remember one time, relatively early in when I was drawing art and I did free request art for people that I traced something. It came out relatively nice.. because the lines weren't mine and I just recolored it to match the description of the person who requested it. My justification for tracing? It was a free drawing and I wouldn't receive remotely anything directly or indirectly. I wrote dialogue for it and I used my coloring style on it, but the line work was not mine. Even then, I had trouble hitting the send button for giving him the picture. It felt tacky. It felt wrong. It felt cheap. I felt that I could have at least attempted to try and draw an original piece for him, but I sent it anyways and he found the original picture that I traced it from... and I felt pretty terrible about it. He knew it was free art so he shouldn't expect anything great from it... but it still hurt.


To trace anything and passing it off as your own for money is abhorrent and I don't care how much of it was traced. If it was on a product he sold, nothing on it should be traced. It should be completely his work. If its for free, for fun, and in no way linked to a patreon, then sure, trace. Tracing helps you adapt to their art style. And here is what he could have done instead of tracing to save time, just use it as a reference. You keep your original flair to it without it being a copy from the show, it wouldn't be the best option, but it would be better. Just my two cents. I've actually never heard of the guy.

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I don't understand why he would trace since it's evident that he has actual artistic skill. I suppose it doesn't matter much if you trace if people are well aware that you are (which I think many were though was not explicitly mentioned from what I know) and you shouldn't be able to profit from tracing. Not everyone can draw well, but anyone can trace. I think it's fine if you try to imitate something, but don't outright copy it.

Pony Art Thread

Brony since ~25 July of 2011.

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His comics were average anyway. I'm just surprised by how the moron got himself caught.


Tracing during a stream? How about you just smoke crack on television or drive a stolen Ferarri in the Indy 500. Crooks these days have no survival instinct.

  • Brohoof 1

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Sig by ~Cider Barrel~ (design), Skaren (left vector), and ~Rhodarein (right vector). Avatar by ~Scootaloo (design) and Skaren (vector).

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