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What kind of Girlfriend Would Each of the Mane Six Be?

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There are some of us who would want to date someone in the mane six, or if not a girl like their best pony. So the question today is what kind of girlfriend would each of the mane six be.


Twilight would be girl who tries to keep a date in order. She would also be a nerdy kind of girlfriend who would be suited with a guy who is just like her. 


Pinkie Pie would be the excited girlfriend who wants to do everything on a date. She would also be the girl who would make sure her boyfriend is always happy.


Rainbow Dash would be the competitive type of girlfriend. One who would play a video game with you and competitively flirt with you.


Fluttershy would be the girl who would let the guy take charge. She might take charge at some point but would be rare. Even then, she would still always be there for the guy.


Rarity would be the romantic kind of girl. The girl whois like the excited girlfriend but a bit more reserved and romantic. She would flirt and she would take kindly to flirting. 


Applejack would be the girl who never keeps secrets from you. She would also try to bond with you so you two are closer than ever.


So, discuss away!

  • Brohoof 6



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Twilight would definitely have trouble with social behaviors (like with Flash Sentry), but I think she'd be a cool, not-too-girly, not-too-dependent type of girl.  :P


Rainbow would be pretty laid back and cool, and of course competitive. I think she'd sorta fit the "gamer girl" stereotype in some ways, and of course she'd be loyal. Really playful, too.  B)


Pinkie would be interesting. I can't really say because I'm not sure I know her real personality well enough at this point. She'd at least be energetic.  :okiedokielokie:


Rarity would be lovely but needy. REALLY needy. And very expecting, too. I think she could get a bit dependent and manipulative (ala Spike) :proud:


Fluttershy I think would be a sweetheart but maybe too...... I think innocent is the word I want, but that makes it sound weird. I think she'd be kinda submissive.  :blush:


Applejack would probably be my pick because while she can be a hot-head, she just seems to be the most level headed and sane thinker behind (sometimes) Twilight. Maybe I'm wrong on that. But she'd also have a nice muscular body.  :huh: 

  • Brohoof 1

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This is really interesting actually. I think I agree with you chikorita. But then again I've never had a girlfriend nor do I understand girls in the slightest. Strange thing as well. Currently at my school I have no friends that are girls :P.

  • Brohoof 3

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Rarity would be lovely but needy. REALLY needy.


Actually we have a canon view to how she would act in a relationship which contradicts this. Look at how accommodating she was at times with Prince Blueblood who is legitimately high maintenance.  It wasn't until multiple selfish acts that she finally put her hoof down. If Rares was as high maintenance as some have suggested, she would have likely been fighting with him from go. 


Rarity has actually show a nature that is typical of highly independent minded individuals. Romantically she seems to be rather flexible in approach as her interactions with Blueblood and Trenderhoof were completely different. 


She would definitely be a lady who likes to flirt. Nothing wrong with that in my opinion.  :grin2: 



I know what Twilight would be like to date. I married a woman like her.  :twi: 

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Actually we have a canon view to how she would act in a relationship which contradicts this. Look at how accommodating she was at times with Prince Blueblood who is legitimately high maintenance.  It wasn't until multiple selfish acts that she finally put her hoof down. If Rares was as high maintenance as some have suggested, she would have likely been fighting with him from go. 


Rarity has actually show a nature that is typical of highly independent minded individuals.

I can see where that's from. Maybe I'm thinking a bit one-dimensionally (plus, I decided to go back to season one and watch some of my favorite episodes... that definitely would reinforce my mind against the more recent things that have happened).


But also I think I am the type of guy who is easily manipulated. 

  • Brohoof 1

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Twilight: Maybe not, with her personality i am semi opposite Twi, and she is already in it with Brad (Flash Sentry) anyway also there would be alot of comitment as well


Rainbow: Rainbow is to upbeat and a little bit to comeptive for me, as for her personality she is to laid back and although loyal she is to competive for me and i am nt into sports so yeah.


Pinkie: Maybe. So she is enegentic and a party master, as for her personality she would be to hyped up sometimes and a little 'loud' if anyone knows what i mean.


Rarity: Rarus is a maybe. She is the defintion of 'hot' and as said perviously she is the romantic kind of girl and well if you were to date her. She also might be 'high maintenance' but i can be easily manipulated by her amazing eyes. so this is a strong Maybe.


Fluttershy: Nearly. My personality is the complete reverse of Flutters. But what is diffrent is that i can relate to her as she is 'Shy' and well she is sort a awesome in my opinion. but in a long term perspective, for me that would be a rocky slope also like said previously she could be 'submissive'


Applejack: No. Applejack is the sort of person you wont be able to keep up with, although she is well she sometimes is the 'hot head' of the bunch but she is very awesome sometimes but ultimately no.


(If) Sunset Shimmer: Yes! I may love Rarity but Sunset and i are like a perfect match, and yes even though the 'she demon' incident happened i would totally date her.


But i know nothing of girls so yeah...



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Rarity = A beautiful individual who is confident, artistic,  passionate, generous, loving and caring. Supportive when she sees her friends facing hard times and she is there to comfort. Doesn't give up!

Keeping things clean, tidy and pretty around the house.  :pout:



  • Brohoof 2
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Applejack: very straightforward, wouldn't like games and would be straight with you. Hard work and family are important to her but that dosen't mean she dosen't know how to have a good time though she would probably be the easiest of the mane 6 to please.


Twilight Sparkle: A bit shy and awkward at first and perhaps might want to have things a bit more structured but with time might get a bit more comfortable around a potential lover.


Rainbow Dash: Would probably be a lot like Coach Witenburgs wife in Hey Arnold, competitive yet also fairly loving.


Pinkie Pie: Enthusiastic and eager to please though may get a bit clingly and possessive.


Fluttershy: Would take the longest to open up to you but would actually be fairly loving and giving.


Rarity: A romantic who enjoys what some would call "sappy" but would return said love back.



Actually we have a canon view to how she would act in a relationship which contradicts this. Look at how accommodating she was at times with Prince Blueblood who is legitimately high maintenance.  

That and we also have multiple examples where she has been fairly accomodating to Sweetie Belle, and while a relationship between sisters is different than a romantic relationship both do involve compromise and sometimes doing things you may not want to do to please your loved one. That is not to say that Rarity might not occasionally get a bit high maintenance as we have seen examples of that as well. When she was at her most needy was with Trenderhoof, going so far as to try to be somepony else to get his attention but seems to have learned that that wasn't the best idea.

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Twilight -  Doesn't fully understand all the finer details of flirting and dating, and is super nervous, but would be always there for you, in thick and thin.

Rarity - Total princess, always wanting to be waited on, but would make sure the favor is returned.

Pinkie Pie - Total party animal and always wants to be doing something.

Apple Jack - Simple girl who would want to do the whole ultimate partner thing. Hard work brings great reward. 


Fluttershy - Shy and would make you the leader, but would love you to a fault.

Rainbow Dash - She would treat you more as a friend than a boyfriend, but she would love you, as long as you can keep up. You have to earn her love.


  • Brohoof 1
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Oh. Em. Gee.


This is sort of out of hand.


You really can't put a label on them as girlfriends, because GF's react differently to each individual male. 

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Oh. Em. Gee.


This is sort of out of hand.


You really can't put a label on them as girlfriends, because GF's react differently to each individual male.

Well, considering we are talking about a work of fiction with a simplicity that invites imagination to fuel the collaborative nature of narrative, the topic is a valid point of discussion.


Of course you also have the fact that girls and boys address new contacts (and this includes relationships) utilizing existing frames of reference ... I disagree witg your point as it is an oversimplified view of human interaction.



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I was referring to the thought process of "dating" the mane six. I understand it is a hypothetical, but I disagree with your closure. Yes, humans use the frame of reference, however, everybody has their own innate strengths and flaws, biases and beliefs, and that ultimately is what makes a relationship work, or not work, not whether she is a studious girl who loves everyone, a shy girl who will trust anyone, a headstrong girl who is steadfastly honest, a courageous and outgoing girl who is loyal, or a generous and magnanimous woman who adores fashion and high society.

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Yah know...I have never dated anyone, so I'm probably the last who should be posting here, but...


Twilight: Would stick to to a certain schedule with activities that were at least somewhat intellectually stimulating.


Rarity: I wouldn't call her high maintenance, but she seems to be somewhat picky; which is a good thing. As such of she finds a male she likes she'll go along with them unless they step over a certain like too many times.


Rainbow Dash: I think someone hit it on the head when they said she would prefer competitive ventures and playful flirting.


Pinkie Pie: Would do whatever she could to make him happy.


Fluttershy:  Likely would lead in the relationship, but would likely be attached to whomever she was romantically linked with.


Applejack: Open and honest; which would hopefully lead to a close relationship.

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Rarity  If you still use the expression "Jewish American Princess", that's her.  If not, then "ultrahigh maintenance".  She only put up with Blueblood for so long because he was a prince & she's a social climber (Sweet & Elite) (Although she might have learned her lesson)

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Since I am a female, I'm going to add what kind of guy I think would be best suited for each of the Mane Six. I also took into consideration their element, since a romantic partner is your best friend, really.


Twilight: As many others have said, we have seen some of her romantic traits already with Flash Sentry. She would be awkward (yet adorable) at times, but I think she would get stressed out over how she acts and would be anxious over the details of dates and such. I think a cool, easy-going guy like Flash is perfect for her because he kind of cancels out her anxiety.


Rarity: Since her element is Generosity, I can see Rarity being very giving in a relationship, not needy as some others are suggesting. She does prefer an "upper-crust" lifestyle, so she would definitely need a matching personality there. I think she needs someone who is a bit flirtatious like she is, but is also very gentlemanly.


Applejack: I don't see her as someone who is keen on relationships (Trenderhoof!), but if she did fall for someone, I think she would be there for him no matter what. Since she works on a farm, I think she would need a man who had a good work ethic. Open honesty would define the relationship.


Fluttershy: Flutters would need a guy who would pursue her, because she would never initiate a relationship herself. Probably someone who is interested in the same things as her, so they would have a common ground. I could see her and a nature-loving stallion having a picnic together.


Pinkie Pie: I have a friend who is the embodiment of Pinkie, so I can use her relationship for a comparison. There wouldn't really be a difference in the way she treated her boyfriend over anyone else; she would still try to make them laugh and be as friendly as ever. The perfect guy for her would be someone who is just like her, Cheese Sandwich.


Rainbow Dash: I think Rainbow would be the best girlfriend out of the Mane Six, especially with the element of loyalty. She would be staunchly loyal to her partner, and would brush off anypony else but him. She would demand a lot in the relationship I think, but I also think she would give a lot, too. I could see her either with a quieter, but skilled stallion. I don't think she would get along too well with another competitive stallion, at least in the romantic way.


Hope you like them  :wub:

Edited by 221BTardisSt
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Twilight: The girlfriend who is always reading books, so she knows how to be "romantic" in a way. She always encourages you to read and relax. She can also be extremely awkward, and wants to do everything by the books.


Pinkie Pie: The adventurous girlfriend who always wants to do EVERYTHING. "Oh my gosh can we go to the fair? Ooh Ooh! Or the park?!" She likes to make you happy in any way that she can.


Fluttershy: The shy girlfriend who shows you that she cares by smiling at you and doing teeny favors like making you coffee, saying sorry all the time and doing small favors that you ask her to do, even if she may not want to do it. 


Rainbow Dash: Also adventurous, and wants to compete with you all the time. She always wants to take you to watch races with her, and go to sporting events. *Breakfast time* "I bet I can eat more donuts than you!" 


Rarity: The girlfriend who complains often, but you still love her. She always wants to buy new clothes, even if you don't have enough money. A little bit needy I suppose, but does have a soft spot. 


Applejack: The hard working girlfriend who is always honest. Sometimes she can be a little too honest, but you still love her anyway. Makes food for you constantly. She's often exhausted from her job, but still wants to go out and do stuff with you. Has lots of advice for you when you need it most.


This is just my guess... xD

Edited by PrincessWubsyButt~


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