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Um well...as you know this is my first day at school and I was wondering if you could help me out with where to go first and if maybe somepony could show me how to get around. I always feel so lost on the first day at a new school hehe. Pink blushed slightly at how awkward she could be as the new student, it was never a nice experience but she had to go through with it. 

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My OC: http://mlpforums.com...pink-mist-r3726 TELL ME WHAT YOU THINK OF ME HERE!!


Want a sig like this? Check out my thread!

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As Diamondheart finished chatting with Chrysteel, she noticed an almost neon pink mare with a compass which covers the center of her flank. After hearing the mare needed help, Diamondheart smiled and got out of her seat and greeted the pony. "Oh, it's no issue," Diamond said kindly, "I'll be more than happy to assist you! In fact, I'll give you a tour mysel-- wait a second, my bad but uh, what's your name miss? I'm sorry I'm bad with names, hehe.." she asked, genuinely curious and eager to help out her new student.

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Sketchy packed his things, and got up from his seat "I'll see you next period." He said to Dreampuff, he began to walk out of the class. Sketchy started walking through the hallways to look for his class *man this school sure is big compared to my old school* he thought as he looked around.

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The bell rang. Skylar was out of the classroom like a shot. She was scowling. Math seemed like it was going to be a lot harder this year.  How annoying.


@ @sonicdashie Skylar trotted off, hoping to find her newly-made friend, Lightning. Or maybe she should go ask some pony who knew anything about this school about where she could sign up for sports teams.

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Dreampuff watched as a mare quietly exited the history classroom. She looked over at the sleeping stallion in the back and noticed a sandwich at his side. She sat confused for a second. "What is she, the Sandwich Fairy?" she mumbled to herself.


She turned back to Sketchy and noticed he was leaving as well. "Oh... well, okie dokie then. I guess class is over...." She got up and began to leave. She then sighed to herself, "No, don't do that to him..." She turned back and walked over to the stallion sleeping in the back.



She nudged him and whispered, "Hey, class is over." She then turned and left, shouting behind her, "I'd wipe the drool from the desk before you leave. That's gross."

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Blush taped the last of her notices in the quad. Given it was her first day, she didn't expect her club would be hugely popular, but she was hoping the exotic nature of it would attract at least a couple of students. Maybe the first day of school wasn't the best time to hold the first meeting, but she would give it a try anyways.








  • Brohoof 3


I got an extra hour in the ballpit


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Dreampuff meandered down the hall and out into the quad, hoping to run into someone who could point her in the right direction. She noticed a deer posting a sign for an after-school club. "Excuse me..." Dreampuff trotted over to her. "Do you know where the experimental engineering classroom is? Ooh... Fencing Club? That sounds quite interesting. I might stick around for that after school. I am planning on going out for cheerleading though. If I joined this club, would it interfere with that?"

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Elsa Cane sat in her office, nervous as hell. She was only nineteen years old and this was her first time teaching students in such a setting. Her class didn't even start for a bit, but there she sat, waiting as if they would come through the door any minute. She was obviously a bit fidgety. She checked the clock real quick. She still had time! She hurried out of her classroom and down the empty hall to the engineering classroom.


"Jackiiieee!" She didn't see her in the main room and scooted around the corner, finding the pudgy pony asleep. Not unusual.  She stepped over and shook her awake. The mare awoke with a snap and her glasses fell to the floor.

"Ugh... whaddya want, hun? I was taking a nap. Oh." She didn't need to ask what was wrong. "You're nervous, ain'tcha?"

"No, I'm as peachy as can be. Yes! What if... I mean, the students...!"

"Listen." Jackie stood up and gave the heifer a hug. "They won't find out. Even if they do, so what? They won't say anything. You will be a kick ass teacher. You're certainly doing something a lot more important than I am." Elsa opened her mouth to say something, but Jackie shushed her and pushed her out of the office. "You'll be amazing, hun!"

Elsa sighed and headed back to her class. Jackie was right. She would be great at this. It was just her first day teaching in a well-known school. Walking through her door, and setting up her papers, Elsa sat behind the desk and sipped her coffee. What could possibly go wrong?

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Sigma was wandering the school, lost as usual when it came to school buildings, when he read a name above one of the classroom doors that read 'Mrs. Cane'.


"Hmm, this is definitely one of my teachers, but I'm not sure if this is the right class block." Sigma thought to himself nervously, fearing that he would end up being late to his first class at the prestigious school.


Sigma peeked his head through the door "Uh, ma'am? Am I in your class for this block?"

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"Ah! Um, hi! Wait, let me check for your name..." Elsa spent a few frenzied moments looking for Sigma's name only to come up empty-hooved. "I don't see your... wait. I never asked for your name." She sank onto the desk, defeated. "Oh man, it's only the first day of school and I can't even ask for a student's name! How am I gonna teach them body parts and diseases?"

She sat up and tried to clear her mind for a moment. "Okay. I got this. Please come in! What is your nim- name! What's your name?"

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"Ugh! you should've given her your name right off the bat stupid! She has names of her students written down in her papers, not photo I.Ds!" Sigma ridiculed to himself, feeling guilty at the fact that he immediately made his new teacher flustered.


"Ah, sorry about that, I can't expect you to recognize my face the first time we meet. My name's Sigma."

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"No, no need to apologize! First day of school and all. Sigma, sigma... yep, you're right here! Welcome to health class!" Elsa looked around, trying to remember if she shad a seating chart, which she actually didn't. "Aw, shit. Whoops! You didn't hear that. Just sit anywhere, I guess!"

(OOC: Sorry in advance for typos etc, it's late at night and I'm on my iPad, I'll try to nit make too many mistakes.)


Lightning jolted up.


"I was awake you can't prove anything" He said in a rush.


He relaxed as he looked around the room and was confused to see a sandwich sitting at the corner of his desk. He ran his hoof through his mane, he normally did this when he had to lie, which he despised, or was thinking.


His mind came up blank, maybe it was that loud mare who had woken him, maybe Tranq? No, why would she do that?


He decided not to think about it to much, he grabbed it and mentally thanked whoever had given it to him.


He stood up remembering he had Health class now.


"Great." He sighed, expressing his "Enthusiasm" towards the subject. He did have one question however, that he intended to ask his teacher. He exited the classroom and rolled slowly on his board down the halls.


He stopped to take out a pull over hoodie, it was torn but Lightning didn't really mind, he was used to it. He saw the beanie he had been wearing earlier and left it. He pulled on the hoodie and continued.


He came to what he thought to be the Health Class, and walked through the door.


"This is Health, right?" He asked his teacher.


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After quite a bit of looking sketchy almost felt like he would never figure out where the damn classroom is, but soon Sketchy finally approached the health classroom "finally found it" he mumbled. Sketchy opened the door and subtly walked in. "Hey wassup! Is this the right class?" He asked.

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More students filed into her classroom and she began to feel... excited! This was going to be great! She was going to get to know a bunch of cool students, may be Jackie would finally get off her ass and show her around the school, and then she could finally call herself a real teacher!


She felt very confident now. "Welcome to health class everyone! I am your teacher, Elsa Cane, and I hope you all have come to learn. Now then, for roll call. Hmm... That strange. Its not that late in the day already, is it?" Elsa Cane looked at the clock and found that her schedule showed her starting an hour and a half early. Oh no.


"Oh, sh- crap! You're not supposed to be in my class yet! I misread the schedule! You're all gonna be late for a different class! Hurry, get up and go!" Elsa hopped up and began to usher them out with the door. She couldnt believe how badly she screwed that up. What if they fire her now?

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Sketchy had just sat down when the teacher said that they were in the wrong class, he looked at his schedule that said he was in the right schedule "are you kidding me?" He quickly came to the conclusion that the schedule was mixed up "for bucks sake..." He got up and fast walked to the class he was supposed to go to.




Sketchy entered the classroom and took a seat "wassup teacher person!" He said with a grin, which disappeared when he saw nopony "eh..." He sat there awkwardly with a blank expression.

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Sigma sat and observed the commotion as students galloped out the door and hurried to their supposedly correct class as quickly as they could. Amongst the mayhem, he also observed that some students were claiming that they were in the right class block.


"Hmm, how could that be...?" Sigma asked himself. If the schedules really were messed up as some students were claiming, then there's nothing he could do to fix the problem. However, messed up schedules isn't the only possible explanation for what's going on.


Sigma raised his hoof to call attention to the teacher "Excuse me ma'am, is your clock set to the correct time?"

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@Pelate and @Bronislav84


Aurora was sitting at her desk she says, "The teacher us asleep in her office. I am just going to wait for class to start. She might be late due to the fact she isn't awake yet."


Aurora is looking over aa brail version of the Class text book.

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@@Dreampuff,  Blush narrowed her eyebrows at the student who wanted to go out for cheerleading and fencing. "Hmm, I'm not sure, dear," she mused. "I'm not even sure who is teaching cheerleading, or when their practices meet." She didn't want to tell the student that this was her first day, and that she hadn't met any of the teachers yet, or that she hadn't passed the club with the principal. "I'll find out by the end of the day," she promised. She was sure she could figure out who taught what and when by then.


I got an extra hour in the ballpit


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Skylar stalked into the classroom, grouchy as anything. Apparently, her schedule had been wrong. And she couldn't find Lightning, much to her annoyance.


She scowled at the few ponies in the room. The teacher didn't seem to be in yet.



"Hmm, the teacher isn't in there either. Has anyone seen the teacher?"

"I don't know. But if she doesn't come soon, I am out of here." Skylar grumbled. "I don't want to be in a dumb engineering class. I would so rather be... I don't know, doing something useful."

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@@Little Red


Sketchy sat there quietly doodling as he waited for the teacher to show up, then a pony walked into the classroom grumbling about the current issue. sketchy looks up at the pony, and looks back at his notebook *sheesh somepony's got a bad case of the grouchies today* he mumbled to himself chuckling a bit.

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@@Dreampuff,  Blush narrowed her eyebrows at the student who wanted to go out for cheerleading and fencing. "Hmm, I'm not sure, dear," she mused. "I'm not even sure who is teaching cheerleading, or when their practices meet." She didn't want to tell the student that this was her first day, and that she hadn't met any of the teachers yet, or that she hadn't passed the club with the principal. "I'll find out by the end of the day," she promised. She was sure she could figure out who taught what and when by then.


"I don't know much about it either. I saw a poster in passing. Either way, I'll be here after school to learn more about fencing. My father actually did a bit of fencing when I was a little filly. But I guess he's too busy with work now. Can you point me in the direction of Miss Lektra's class...?"

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Sigma peeked his head in to the engineering room. The students, who at first had to deal with botched schedules, were now complaining about a missing teacher.


"By Celestia's mane, how did this school get such high ratings?" Sigma asked himself with a worried expression before looking around and asking. "Is this the right class? Am I late?"


"I get the feeling that my time would be better spent at the school's library..." Sigma noted, thinking to himself that nothing is going to get done today due to the confusion that's encompassing the school. "If this teacher ends up being a no-show, I'll pitch the idea to the principal so I can spend my time reading instead of wandering what to do."

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Aurora is chuckling from her seat in the back row. She knows where the teacher is but isn't going to tell. She already said the teacher was here and now she knows that the magical construct is sitting by said teacher.


She asks, "Who knows about our teacher? I am curious."

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Lightning sped down the hall before coming to a stop outside the Engineering Class.


He walked through, only to find no teacher in sight. He grinned.


He walked and threw his bag down on the desk, sitting down slowly. This lesson was gonna be easy if no teacher showed, he rested his eyes once more, but this time made sure not to fall asleep.


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