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I gotta wonder how Celestia's ratings are looking with her subjects


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Particularly amongst her modern-day subjects. She dun effed up pretty hard in the span of what- a year and a half, in the canon timeline? I mean, just looking at the latest episode of “Make new friends, but keep Discord”, she invites Twilight, a pony who she knows is meticulous in planning, deadlines, and organization, to co-organize the Gala, only to invite the spirit of chaos, without telling said co-organizer, to eff everything up.


Let's not forget, she sat idly by as Discord, in front of all the Gala guests, threatened one of her subjects, (which she's supposed to be protecting) with a one way trip to a different dimension. Did no one wonder why Celestia, grand, esteemed, hailed leader of Equestria, didn't lift a hoof to prevent that? Or ensure that shouldn't have happened in the first place? No one thinks that talk of this will spread (especially amongst Canterlot gossipers, no less), and ponies who didn't attend the Gala will have their faith and trust shaken in Celestia, and question if she's really looking out for their well-being, if she can so readily toss being their guardian aside for shits and giggles?


What about her defeat by Chrysalis, in “A Canterlot Wedding”? There was a rather significant attendance of ponies there, too, Surely word had started to spread about Celestia not being the almighty alicorn leader they believed her to be.


Making fun of the student she groomed, when she becomes the butt of a joke? Is that really acceptable for someone in Celestia's position, and in public, no less? Or leaving the protection of en entire empire under threat of attack to one pony? I don't care how much she believed in Twilight at the time, that's just massive levels of stupidity. And that time, she put Cadance's subjects, not just her own, at risk. Giving all her- and 3 other alicorn's magic to Twilight to face off against Tirek, without some kind of backup plan? Another instance of stupidity and putting her kingdom and citizens at risk.


It boggles the mind to believe that any pony in Equestria or the Crystal Empire is still willing to place their faith and trust in Celestia, given her track record in the more modern era. (though even in the past, as far as comic canon goes, she was also putting her subjects- neigh, the entire world at risk, with her little trysts with AU Sombra, and the different worlds were on the verge of merging together)


I, for one, think Celestia's far past her reigning expiration date, and just doesn't seem to value her (or others) subjects well-being, anymore- if ever she did, to begin with. I don't think she should be any kind of ruler or so-called "guardian" (see the Journal of the Two Sisters) if she's willing to put fun above the well-being of the world or her own kingdom and subjects.

Edited by Nightmare Muffin
  • Brohoof 3

Under the Jellicle Moon- a site with cuteness, cat boys, and comic strips / Star Dreams Fanclub

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Celestia seems to get a lot of trash talk by fans because of her actions dealing with danger.

and you think it's unjustified? Really? Shouldn't a political figure be able to protect their own country? Why be in that position of power if they CAN'T? Shouldn't they be stripped of their title and position, and it given to someone more reliable, who CAN ensure the safety of others, if the original is unable to protecting their people?

Under the Jellicle Moon- a site with cuteness, cat boys, and comic strips / Star Dreams Fanclub

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Been saying this for a while now. Celestia needs to go. Equestria would certainly be much safer and better off if Twilight was on the throne. 

I agree, and I'm sure her subjects/ aka. puppets would feel the same. Nopony is safe with Celestia around. Though, for the record- I'd feel uneasy with Twilight ruling, single-hoofedly, given her own track record. (unless she can learn to not use magic as a knee-jerk reaction to solving every problem, and only making matters worse, when she does) Maybe tree Hugger, in all her calm, level-headedness in times of peace as well as chaos, should rule with her.

  • Brohoof 1

Under the Jellicle Moon- a site with cuteness, cat boys, and comic strips / Star Dreams Fanclub

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Do we have to again turn a show about pastel colored ponies, into a political debate?


If she was such a bad ruler, why has never anyone do somekind of revolution against her, in the last 1000 years?



  • Brohoof 2

My OC Mesme Rize: >https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/mesme-rize-r8777



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Do we have to again turn a show about pastel colored ponies, into a political debate?


If she was such a bad ruler, why has never anyone do somekind of revolution against her, in the last 1000 years?



because guess who's the POLITICAL RULER over those pastel colored ponies? If no one wanted a political debate, then there never should've been politics in the show, to begin with. =_=

And frankly, who the buck knows who revolted against Celestia? I mean, we saw LUNA did. So you can't say NO ONE's revolted. I'm sure the commoners did too, at some point, seeing as how their glorious leader can't (or won't) put their safety first, above her own amusement. SURELY someone had to. We just haven't heard about it, yet.


And let's face it, if the holier-than though alicorn princess is THAT bored, which is the territory with being a country's leader, then she should just give up the throne, anyway, and try to live the life of a normal pony, and have all the fun she wants, without putting anyone's lives at risk. Let her sit on her plot and watch ponies threaten to get sent to alternate dimensions when she doesn't have the crown on her head.

Under the Jellicle Moon- a site with cuteness, cat boys, and comic strips / Star Dreams Fanclub

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because guess who's the POLITICAL RULER over those pastel colored ponies? If no one wanted a political debate, then there never should've been politics in the show, to begin with. =_=

And frankly, who the buck knows who revolted against Celestia? I mean, we saw LUNA did. So you can't say NO ONE's revolted. I'm sure the commoners did too, at some point, seeing as how their glorious leader can't (or won't) put their safety first, above her own amusement. SURELY someone had to. We just haven't heard about it, yet.


And let's face it, if the holier-than though alicorn princess is THAT bored, which is the territory with being a country's leader, then she should just give up the throne, anyway, and try to live the life of a normal pony, and have all the fun she wants, without putting anyone's lives at risk. Let her sit on her plot and watch ponies threaten to get sent to alternate dimensions when she doesn't have the crown on her head.


Politics are in the show? That's news to me.

My OC Mesme Rize: >https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/mesme-rize-r8777



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I'm on the fence when it comes to Princess Celestia. She's one of my favorite characters, yet her shitty decision-making annoys me. She has made many questionable decisions due to her absolute faith in Twilight Sparkle and the magic of friendship, to the point that I say that Celestia has a gambling problem. More than once, she was willing to gamble the lives of the ponies she rules over in order to give Twilight her magical milestones. Yet in spite of this, I can understand why she has such strong faith.


Let's not forget, she sat idly by as Discord, in front of all the Gala guests, threatened one of her subjects, (which she's supposed to be protecting) with a one way trip to a different dimension. Did no one wonder why Celestia, grand, esteemed, hailed leader of Equestria, didn't lift a hoof to prevent that? Or ensure that shouldn't have happened in the first place? No one thinks that talk of this will spread (especially amongst Canterlot gossipers, no less), and ponies who didn't attend the Gala will have their faith and trust shaken in Celestia, and question if she's really looking out for their well-being, if she can so readily toss being their guardian aside for shits and giggles?


I can understand her faith in friendship, especially at this point in season 5, the magic of friendship has saved Equestria multiple times. During this most recent episode, she had Twilight help organize the Gala yet invited Discord, who can be seen as the antithesis to Twilight's carefully structured and organized lifestyle. Yet, as opposed to this being an error in Celestia's judgement, I see this as Celestia extending a hoof to him to integrate him into more aspects of acceptable Equestrian life and more importantly, to show that she forgives him for his part in Twilight's Kingdom. When he was about to send Treehugger to another dimension, I think she's perceptive enough to tell that he was jealous of Treehugger and the attention Fluttershy was giving her, Discord certainly didn't try very hard to hide it. If Fluttershy hadn't stepped in when she did, I'm willing to bet Celestia would've stepped forward in her place.



What about her defeat by Chrysalis, in “A Canterlot Wedding”? There was a rather significant attendance of ponies there, too, Surely word had started to spread about Celestia not being the almighty alicorn leader they believed her to be.

This was the first time that we as the audience, and I'm sure the ponies in attendance, saw her as truly fallible. She stepped up, was ready to take action and do what needed to be done, yet she failed. She wasn't powerful enough to defeat Chrysalis. While I'm sure there are those in Equestria who would talk down about Celestia because of this, I'm sure that there are a great deal more ponies who saw this and learned that their Princess was fallible and that they shouldn't take her protection for granted. But if there is anypony who should be talked down about during this incursion; it's Princess Luna. Where the hell was she when all this went down? The given answer is that she slept through it. Slept through it! Really?! :eww: Say what you will about Celestia's effectiveness during the invasion; at least she actually tried to do something about it.



Making fun of the student she groomed, when she becomes the butt of a joke? Is that really acceptable for someone in Celestia's position, and in public, no less?

It was a small giggle, not an outburst of laughter. She does have a sense of humor and Twilight was a shitty flyer to begin with. Sorry, Twi, but learn to laugh at yourself.



Or leaving the protection of en entire empire under threat of attack to one pony? I don't care how much she believed in Twilight at the time, that's just massive levels of stupidity.And that time, she put Cadance's subjects, not just her own, at risk.

I definitely agree, but I believe that this was a test of Twilight's conviction. Celestia gave her the specific instructions of her alone finding a way to protect the Crystal Empire, she instructed Twilight to act alone which is the opposite of what Celestia was trying to teach her about friendship. I think that Celestia added that proviso in order to test Twilight's willingness to defy the one pony whom she holds in the highest regard to do what is right. Had Twilight failed in this, I'm willing to bet that she would've delivered the Elements of Harmony.



Giving all her- and 3 other alicorn's magic to Twilight to face off against Tirek, without some kind of backup plan? Another instance of stupidity and putting her kingdom and citizens at risk.

Well, you have to remember that sending Twilight away with all the Alicorn magic in Equestria was her contingency plan. Her original plan was to send Discord to deal with Tirek as he could track him down. Yet, as she said, she underestimated the effect friendship would have on Discord; another example of her fallibility. When she came up with the plan that she, Cadance and Luna give up their magic to Twilight, I think she was backed into a corner with no other visible options as Tirek was a villain unlike the others, he had a singular goal and was willing to do whatever it took to meet that goal; including a very explicit demonstration of his willingness to kill for it. Celestia is not used to dealing with that level of evil. The Elements of Harmony were gone. The Crystal Heart possibly only works in the Crystal Empire, not to mention it is pure, raw magic that she couldn't risk Tirek getting his hands on. The two most powerful forces known in Equestria were rendered ineffective. Celestia knew that at that point, she and the others couldn't take Tirek on and even more importantly, they couldn't risk him getting their magic. She did the only thing that she thought effective at the time; make sure Tirek couldn't find the magic. Through Tirek being out of Tartarus since season 2 and somehow not knowing about the very public coronation of Equestria's fourth Princess... yeah. :fiery:


While I don't agree with most of Celestia's large decisions, especially her blind faith in friendship, I can however understand her reasoning.

  • Brohoof 1
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Celestia has been solving Ponies problems for 1 thousand years. I doubt anyone could do that and not go a little stir-crazy. She has to get her laughs in whenever possible just to stay sane. If that means finding or making humour in every situation, then go for it. Though I think she's always been that way. She would have to be in order to wield the Element of Laughter.


As for endangering Ponies, she's never done that. She already knew her magic couldn't affect Discord, only the Elements of Harmony can do that.


So I think Celestia has been acting perfectly fine for her situation.


Of course, I'm ignoring your actual question. I think you're right about her rating among her subjects, and I would wholeheartedly support Luna taking over.

  • Brohoof 4

My Everfree Empire OC's: Hidden Antler, Earth Pony Ranger

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Do we have to again turn a show about pastel colored ponies, into a political debate?


If she was such a bad ruler, why has never anyone do somekind of revolution against her, in the last 1000 years?



Well, if the power of four alicorns is equal or greater than the power of all the rest of the ponies in Equestria combined plus Discord, then it's doubtful that even a sizeable portion of the pony population could take her.


I do like that Celestia doesn't care for lame high society events like the Grand Galloping Gala, but the fact that she's willing to risk the lives of her subjects is questionable at best. Are they really so disposable to her that livening up a lame event is more important to her than safety at said event?

  • Brohoof 1
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Well, if the power of four alicorns is equal or greater than the power of all the rest of the ponies in Equestria combined plus Discord, then it's doubtful that even a sizeable portion of the pony population could take her.


I do like that Celestia doesn't care for lame high society events like the Grand Galloping Gala, but the fact that she's willing to risk the lives of her subjects is questionable at best. Are they really so disposable to her that livening up a lame event is more important to her than safety at said event?


Who says that Celestia wouldn't have saved Tree Hugger?

My OC Mesme Rize: >https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/mesme-rize-r8777



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Who says that Celestia wouldn't have saved Tree Hugger?

I suppose, but she was cutting it awfully close. She couldn't use her horn, so she'd have to fly over. Even if she truly had things under control, traumatizing Treehugger and her other subjects just for the excitement isn't particularly kind either. Edited by Tross
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I suppose, but she was cutting it awfully close. She couldn't use her horn, so she'd have to fly over. Even if she truly had things under control, traumatizing Treehugger and her other subjects just for the excitement isn't particularly kind either.


Maybe you're right. But i don't believe in this whole Tyrantlestia Bullshit. I never saw her as an evil type and all the ponies seem to like her.

  • Brohoof 1

My OC Mesme Rize: >https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/mesme-rize-r8777



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It's obvious that Celestia is past her prime and her powers are waning. All the threats to Equestria were direct power grabs for her throne. Celestia is using Twilight and co. to stop her enemies from stealing her throne under the guise of protecting the kingdom.

Edited by Singe
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Maybe you're right. But i don't believe in this whole Tyrantlestia Bullshit. I never saw her as an evil type and all the ponies seem to like her.

True. You're assuming I'm taking this discussion seriously.:) I personally chalk this whole discussion up to a series of unintended plot holes on the part of the writers. We're free to choose whether to analyze everything logically or just focus on what was intended in various character moments. I actually do like the mischievous side of Celestia. I just have to wonder if she takes things a little too far sometimes. On the other hand, she could rule with an iron fist if she wanted to. She has the ability to. Edited by Tross
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Do we have to again turn a show about pastel colored ponies, into a political debate?


If she was such a bad ruler, why has never anyone do somekind of revolution against her, in the last 1000 years?




Don't worry, we're not getting into ugly politics here.  Just speculating and theorizing social structures and norms. 




Anyways, I think that .....





Oh ..... well those are all the points I think about and agree with too.  I have nothing to endlessly wall text about  ;~;  (lol)


The only other thing I would've said was that her contingency plan for Tirek (giving all power to Twilight to simply hide) was not really fully thought out and seems kind of like a panic plan.  About how long was Twilight supposed to hide out for? Until all of Equestria was to fall anyways? Was Celestia trying to imply her to mobilize a resistance after they were captured?  How did she think that Twilight's existence wouldn't be found out soon (especially when a window mural was kept up - of course Tirek still had Discord who would've let it slip eventually).  Unless the plan was, give Twilight magic, abandon all of Equestria to safer lands ... to return back to Equestria at some point in the future.


Also, how does she not give Twilight at least some benefit of the doubt, when Twilight proposed the idea that Cadence was a faker at the time?  She's been your star pupil, how much do you believe that she would create an awful lie just to spite you? Even if Celestia didn't believe Twilight's claim, she should've at least considered the possibility of it being maybe true and sent a guard to secretly spy on Cadence (which would've proven Twilight right early on).   Also, visual gag Luna is visual gag haha (seriously, why wasn't she there to help, geez)


I honestly don't think Celestia is that powerful of a magic wielding alicorn.  Though it's not necessary for her to rule with omnipotent power either.

Edited by pony.colin
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Indeed.  Celestia takes far too many risks and does far too little herself.  There are so many times where she has withheld information or sent an unqualified agent to deal with a massive problem that, if left unresolved, would have cost many lives.  Just because she says "I knew you could do it" at the end of the episode doesn't change the fact that Celestia is reckless and lazy as all heck.

  • Brohoof 1
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Pinkie Pie? :P J/K, but you do realize you've opened the door to a whole other conversation.

lol that would be awesome but yes i do realize i did i think i should make a topic.  about it ...


if Celestia isn't the best fit to be rule.

Really who is?

They are probably gonna make another alicorn be the ruler.

Twilight wouldn't be soo bad but i wouldn't trust her completely yet...

Would they really let Luna rule alone after what she tried to do? I get she was nightmare moon when that happen but without Celestia who knows what she would  she would do

Cadence i guess could rule but she might not be capable of lowering the sun and moon but that could also be for twilight but who knows . I honestly wouldn't think that Twilight and cadence ruling together wouldn't be soo bad.if they are capable to lower and rise the sun and moon.


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lol that would be awesome but yes i do realize i did i think i should make a topic.  about it ...


if Celestia isn't the best fit to be rule.

Really who is?

They are probably gonna make another alicorn be the ruler.

Twilight wouldn't be soo bad but i wouldn't trust her completely yet...

Would they really let Luna rule alone after what she tried to do? I get she was nightmare moon when that happen but without Celestia who knows what she would  she would do

Cadence i guess could rule but she might not be capable of lowering the sun and moon but that could also be for twilight but who knows . I honestly wouldn't think that Twilight and cadence ruling together wouldn't be soo bad.if they are capable to lower and rise the sun and moon.


I think my Boyfriend can answer this question:


My OC Mesme Rize: >https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/mesme-rize-r8777



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