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The Banned Game

Twilight Sparkle ✨

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20 minutes ago, Hierok said:

Banned for awaking the spirit of vengeance. 

Banned because between the three of you it looks like the_gobo is having a personality crisis...

Just now, TBD, Scoffer of TBA said:

Banned for asking  the ghost rider to come and cleanse your soul

Banned because Nicolas Cage's head bursting into flame is the best idea I have heard all day...

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6 minutes ago, The_Gobo said:

Banned for not being a slime.... yet :3


Banned for assimilating @Hierok, @Prospekt, @Concerned Bystander, and possibly others!

And I thought @Trotteur Sauvage making everyone change their names to end in "Licious" was bad.

Well, you're not going to do that to me. I DARE you to make a slime version of my 2 OCs. 

(Seriously, do you know an artist that could do so?)

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Banned because being  a slime means you can be anything

Just now, Nightfall Gloam said:

Banned because screw hooves, smoozing is the next logical step!

banned for I agreed but not for being ninja-ed

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Banned for melting your face off o3o

9 minutes ago, WiiGuy2014 said:

Banned for assimilating @Hierok, @Prospekt, @Concerned Bystander, and possibly others!

And I thought @Trotteur Sauvage making everyone change their names to end in "Licious" was bad.

Well, you're not going to do that to me. I DARE you to make a slime version of my 2 OCs. 

(Seriously, do you know an artist that could do so?)

eeehhh, I'm not that good at making faces from scratch ^^;
That's why I don't try to take any credit for them most of the time, it's mostly just bits and pieces of things I find on google.
If you have a pic of your OC that I can work off, then I can give a crack at it,

as for actual artists who'd be able to make you something like that, I know of a few on dA, though I dunno if they're open for commissions at the moment, and it'd likely cost you money ^^;


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Banned for suggesting them to the art dealers. 

Just now, Northern Light Flyer said:

Banned because this malady is not going to work on me.

banned for not trying to make it work for you

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