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The Narwhal Muffin

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Apollo rolled his eyes and used his muzzle to pull the dryad onto his back. "I told you to get on earlier, but no one ever listens to the dragon." He thought to himself.



Kyubi sighed slightly and knew that the dark knight had asked a good question. "It makes sense. We do have a big group." She said.

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(Actually, as far as everyone else knows, Gale first met Blitz a few months ago in rp time.)


@@Child Of Darkness


Blitz sighed and looked at Shana, before gently squeezing her hand. "Is everything ok? You haven't said anything in a while." He asked, genuinely concerned for his girlfriend.


Lance smiled slightly and nodded. "There shouldn't be any problems. A few of you may have to share the same room, but that shouldn't be to much of a problem." He said, as he turned the corner and began to approach what looked like a shop. From the outside it didn't look like much, but there were a few surprises on the inside. "Well, here we are."

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(Actually, as far as everyone else knows, Gale first met Blitz a few months ago in rp time.)


@@Child Of Darkness


Blitz sighed and looked at Shana, before gently squeezing her hand. "Is everything ok? You haven't said anything in a while." He asked, genuinely concerned for his girlfriend.


Lance smiled slightly and nodded. "There shouldn't be any problems. A few of you may have to share the same room, but that shouldn't be to much of a problem." He said, as he turned the corner and began to approach what looked like a shop. From the outside it didn't look like much, but there were a few surprises on the inside. "Well, here we are."

Shana snapped out of the trance like state she was in when Blitz spoke to her. Her mind had completely gone blank during almost the entire trip. "Uh? What? Oh. Sorry Master. I kind of went blank for a while then. Um, where exactly are we now? I wasn't paying attention?" Shana looked around. Her face mixed with an expression of both nervousness and embarrassment as she looked for a landmark or sign.

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@@Yoshikupo @Jellal Fernandes @Child Of Darkness @Illiad Easle


Blitz smiled slightly and scratched Shana behind the war. "It's ok. We just got to the port town my brother told us about and we're going to meet his friend." He said, casting a suspicious glance at the store. "Speaking of which, are you sure this is the right place."


Lance smiled slightly and nodded. "I already made sure everything was in proper order, though the dragons and larger members of the group should stay outside. There's not much room on the top floor and it would be best if we didn't knock anything over." He said. As the man entered the shop, the first thing one would notice would be the ornate statues of various creatures, the majority of which were dragons. Along the walls were pictures of various scenes that looked like something out of a fantasy novel. "Hey, Clayton. I'm back."


Gale rolled her eyes and went to lay on the grass next to the side of the shop. This wasn't the first time she had been here and she had some idea of what was going to happen.


Blitz sighed and decided to go in the store. He then began to silently browse through the shown art.


A loud crash could be heard along with the noise of boots hitting wooden steps. "Dang it Lance. How many times have I told you to not scream at the top of your lungs when I'm working." A man said as he came up a set of stairs that led down to a basement. He had spiked red hair, wore a white apron over a grey shirt and pants, and had green eyes.

Edited by Drago Ryder
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As Kyubi walked in, she was amazed by the amount of art in the store. To be honest, it seemed bigger on the inside of anything. As she noticed a man come up, she figured it would be best to start off with a good impression. "So, you made all of these by yourself. They're impressive." She said.


Apollo sighed and knew that there was some truth behind Lance's words. The dragon then went to rest by Gale. By no means was he close, but he couldn't help but remember the years of his youth and his family. A few tears then trickled down his snout as he slept, but he didn't really notice.

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(Mobile post)

"As a fellow crafter myself, these things are amazing!" Chain said marveling at all the statues "I've mostly worked with armor and weapons but I know a good piece of art when I see one" Chain continued to geek out "why couldn't your friend be a cook instead" Banner added looking at the art "personally I like that one" she gessuered to a statue of a war horse "reminds me of my natural form"

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Agravain slid off of The Dark Knight's shoulder and hit the ground with a thud. He just so happened to wake up at that moment. He got to his feet and looked around. "How long have I been out? Where are we? Who are these people?" He asked the final question looking at the red-haired man and the kids.


The size limits on signatures is ridiculous...


Main OC: https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/guy-manueldj-br0n-3-r4076

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I stood Agravain up,

"We're in a port town looking to travel to dark elf territory, we are staying with Lance's Friend, Clayton apparently. Oh, and the town we were in is a true shadow town now, these kids may be the only survivors."

Once I was sure Agravain could stand on his own, I walked in to the house, stooping under the doorframe. 

This is quite the art collection, it reminds me of my own, before Him.

I felt a stirring within me. He has awoken, I will need to speak with him soon. I prepped my mental room for the meeting. This should be interesting, I'll need to sit down. We'll all be resting soon enough.




Midnight, now free from the burden of carrying Agravain, trotted about in a few quick circles. He turned towards Agravain. "You need to stay conscious more. You likely have brain damage at this point."

In order to maximize the space within the house, Midnight decided that he wouldn't mind sleeping outside. Besides, it was unlikely that the owner wouldn't mind a full size horse sleeping in his house. So he sat himself down next to Gale on the other side of Apollo. "I hope you two don't mind if I stay out here with you."




Slend. That is my name... I feel ... alive ... healthy ... free? yes. Slend found himself in a decently sized room, in it were two chairs, one was a chair much preferred by ... humans? yes, humans. And the other looked similar to a tall champagne glass and was better suited to a scepter. Slend was so named for having a small body but long slender tendrils, allowing him greater speed and mobility especially in the dark. He uncoiled himself and moved to sit in the scepter chair, idly wrapping his tendrils around the chair's stem.

As he did so he could feel an influx of knowledge, he had been connected to the swarm mind and was entitled to its contents. He began to learn.

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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Clayton raised an eyebrow and remembered what Lance had told him. The artist then relaxed slightly and looked at Chain and Banner, before giving a slight smile. "It's always a pleasure to meet a fellow artist. As for food, I consider most forms of creation an art, be it metal or culinary." He said, before heading back down to the basement. A few minutes later, he came up with a bowl of salad with all of the normal ingredients, along with nectarines, strawberries, and goat cheese. "If anyone else is hungry, I can always get more." He then handed the bowl to Banner. "I've already taken the liberty of having my assistant prepare the boat ahead of time."


Gale smiled slightly and gave a low purr. "I don't mind, and Apollo is sleeping anyway." She said. The dragoness didn't know what was going through the dragon's mind, but she decided they would have to be alone to have a conversation about their past.


Lance smiled slightly. "Glad to see everyone is getting along." He said.


Blitz rolled his eyes as he saw a picture of a dragon flying through the sky that had shining grey scales, piercing blue eyes, and was about fifteen to twenty feet in lenth. From its body structure, it was definetly a quadraped. The Neko couldn't really explain it, but something seemed familiar about the dragon.


Clayton nodded. "Yes indeed. I am aware of the current predicament and am happy to help in anyway I can. However, I am a business man at heart and I know when an opportunity presents itself. I was wondering if any of you would like to volunteer to be a subject of my work. It would be something similar to what you see here, so you already have an idea of what I'll do." He then glanced at Blitz. "I see you have an interest in dragons. I based that one off a dream I had about twenty years ago. In fact, most of my work has some story behind how it ce to be."

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"same for me, most of the names I give to things I make have something based on it, I sold a sword almost on the name alone one time because I named it an awakener, it had no special powers but Banner here hit me on the head with it sideways" "well you needed to wake up and I saw a perfectly good sword that had been made down stairs" she said munching on the goat cheese "anyway as you mentioned earlyier I would gladly help you if you wanted but we better not forget about the, other things" he was trying to make refference to the kids, the quest, the whole state of the party, and the Dryad how was being soothed by Nature with a magic flow. "yes please don't forget about us" a kid said as the elf child finally couldn't hold back Tenebris and it started jumping up on Clayton "Tenebris is playful, don't mind him being a zombie, he's still nice"

Edited by Yoshikupo
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Shana walked into the store and began to look around. She was never that interested in art, but it couldn't hurt to look around. Admittedly a few of the smaller statues did catch her eyes at one point or another, but overall they were all just the same thing really. She pulled her pouch of bite size treats out of her bag and started eating as she stepped back outside and sat down near the children.

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@@Child Of Darkness,

a girl with blond hair looked at the neko that sat next to her "Tenebris eats stuff like that" she said as a black kid looked at the two "well she is obviously part dog then" "no she's part cat, I know cats and that's part cat" she said to the kid "well it doesn't matter I guess, we won't see her again after a while" he said sitting back down in his spot as he watched the other kids explore a little of the town waiting for the adults to be ready

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@@Child Of Darkness,

a girl with blond hair looked at the neko that sat next to her "Tenebris eats stuff like that" she said as a black kid looked at the two "well she is obviously part dog then" "no she's part cat, I know cats and that's part cat" she said to the kid "well it doesn't matter I guess, we won't see her again after a while" he said sitting back down in his spot as he watched the other kids explore a little of the town waiting for the adults to be ready

Shana sits with an expression which just screams, 'Are you serious'. Sometimes, kids can be a bit dull. "I'll have you know that I'm a Neko. A race of anthromporphic, humanoid Cats. I'm rather certain that if you confuse other members of my race with a filthy mutt, they would not be too happy about that. Not that the chances of meeting another Neko are very high, but it's something to take into consideration. Manners are very important, and you should know how to appropriately interact with other races. It will save you getting into a lot of trouble."


Shana put her food away and started to manipulate wind on a small scale with her magic. She was trying to find new ways in which she could use its properties and alter them to suit her needs. She made a large ball of heavily compact air in her hands and started to bend it into shapes.

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@@Child Of Darkness,

"sorry I got that wrong...dogs are cool though" he leaned away from Shana not paying attention to her magic while the rest of the kids, especially the blond girl, payed attention to it "how does magic work? we only messed with magic objects in are club" "she isn't supposed to know about the club!" a girl interrupted the all red wearing kid "calm down, magic is a special thing that is all around us that can be controlled into different elements like wind or fire" the kids all looked at her then to Shana "right?"

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@@Drago Ryder,

His offer intrigues me.

I look over at Clayton, "I suppose I could offer you some assistance if you could use me."

I hope he makes a statue of me. I haven't seen a statue of me since He broke all of them when He burned down my Stone castle.

"Tell me what you need."




"That's good to hear."

Midnight removed his chain-mail and cloth cover, bundling them nicely in his bag, before fully lying next to Gale, almost touching but not quite, about 6" between them.

He grasped his other bag with his forehooves and pulled it to his face, looking in it for something to eat.

"I would offer you something but I doubt you like cereals or oats."




Slend continued to learn, slowly as he was still young, he learned of his king's past, of other worlds. He learned of his king's values. Justice, Freedom, Equality.

Slend felt that he had a greater degree of autonomy then he had even in the swarm before it was overthrown by the dark one. He felt lonely though. Before there were hundreds, thousands around him. now? There was not even one. My king will come soon. I know it. 

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@@Child Of Darkness,

"sorry I got that wrong...dogs are cool though" he leaned away from Shana not paying attention to her magic while the rest of the kids, especially the blond girl, payed attention to it "how does magic work? we only messed with magic objects in are club" "she isn't supposed to know about the club!" a girl interrupted the all red wearing kid "calm down, magic is a special thing that is all around us that can be controlled into different elements like wind or fire" the kids all looked at her then to Shana "right?"

"Magic is a bit hard to explain. You're somewhat right in your assumptions, but it's a bit more complicated than that. Magic is different from person to person. It's very rare that two makes will have the exact same typing and strength. Making magic unique to every person who wields it. It's sort of like a persona, a mask that shows who you are. An example is my own magic. Garu, or wind. It's always around you, and is usually peaceful, but can break into a violent and destructive force. Mirrors my personality. Then we have healing magic. Warm, caring, understanding. Not my place to say if I have those traits, but my magic shows that I do. And magic is not found around us as such, it does exist in the air, but that all originated from someone. Magic is born in a person. Everyone has magic to some extent. Though most people lack a certain something to call upon it. What that something is, I don't know. So as you see, magic is more complicated than you know."

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Clayton nodded slightly and smiled. "Very well. There is an orphanage down the road from here, so the kids will have a place to stay." He said. "After they are taken care of, my boat should be ready."


Blitz didn't know why, but the thought of traveling on a boat sent shivers down his spine. He shook the feeling off and sighed. "Spmeone should make sure the kids get to where they need to be." He said.


Gale shook her head slightly. "Sorry, but those don't sit well with me." She said. The dragoness then noticed how close they were to each other and blished

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Kyubi thought for a moment and decided it would be best not to have Clayton do a piece off her yet. She did agree with Blitz, though. Someone needed to make sure the kids were safe.


Apollo barely opened one eye and watched Gale and Midnight. "Those two deserve each other." He thought.

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@@Drago Ryder,

"Are you certain your boat can handle the weight of our party? I wouldn't want them to drown if it sank at sea. Pardon my questions, I haven't been at sea for some time now."




(I will assume you meant blush, not blish.)

"I thought not, back home I knew a dragon who could handle oats, but he was raised on them and his growth was unfortunately stunted by lack of meat in his diet."

He looked over at Gale, his muzzle in the bag almost up to his eyes.

"And before you ask, no. I do not have any meat in this bag."




Slade began to grow board by his king's absence, he knew more now than he ever had before, and with the great nourishment provided by his king his tendrils were longer and stronger than before, he felt as if he could extend himself from 7' to 15' in length. As he waited he began to form a body, he wanted to be like his king, so a bipedal form would do. two long slender legs, two arms even longer and thinner than his legs, and his remaining tendrils coiled to form a chest and head. He realized that without protection from the sun he would be killed quickly, so a form of armor, like his king's, would need to be made for him.

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@@Child Of Darkness,

She slowly got out a book from a bag she had "I wonder what type mine is...I want to be mage when I grow up" "yeah shes a nerd" "I am not" she said quickly puts the book away "you know you can be very mean sometimes when you say that right?" "she knows I'm kidding around, you can take out that book, I don't care" the girl went to her bag "fine but only because I want to show her it" she pulls the book out and shows it to neko. the book was titled 'is dark magic evil?' "what do you think? would it be bad to have these powers?"

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Gale nodded slightly and laid her head on the soft grass. "I understand." She said, holding back a gentle laugh at how Midnight looked.


Clayton thought for a moment, before answering the black knoght's question. "It's ok. It would be a waste to get out at sea just to have to swim the rest of the way. Aside from yourself, the dragons are probably the heaviest in your group and I have had to transport much larger loads in terms of weight. Marble and granite aren't exactly light, so we should be fine."

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@@Child Of Darkness,

She slowly got out a book from a bag she had "I wonder what type mine is...I want to be mage when I grow up" "yeah shes a nerd" "I am not" she said quickly puts the book away "you know you can be very mean sometimes when you say that right?" "she knows I'm kidding around, you can take out that book, I don't care" the girl went to her bag "fine but only because I want to show her it" she pulls the book out and shows it to neko. the book was titled 'is dark magic evil?' "what do you think? would it be bad to have these powers?"

"Despite its name and origin, Dark Magic does not always mean evil. Though 9/10 mages who use dark magic become corrupted under its influence. Dark magic is unique in the way that it's the only form of known magic that is capable of sentience. In other words, it's sort of alive. It's not bad for someone to have dark magic, it's just that only the pure of heart have enough light in them to suppress it's inherent destructive nature, and use it for good. You can spot Dark Magic by its unique style. While most magic resembles elements and other forces, dark magic is non of them. It's just pure energy, coloured black, green and purple. So to answer your question, no. It would not be bad to have the powers, but it would be bad to let yourself get corrupt. Corrupt mages are just the kinds of monsters I sometimes get payed to kill."

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@@Child Of Darkness, @@Yoshikupo,


Agravain had been listening to the conversation, and decided to share his knowledge on magic. "Magic is really quite simple to use, it just takes a lot of practice. The ability to use magic requires one to understand the forces at work, be it nature, the gods, or even the stars. Understanding these forces connects one with them, allowing them to channel those forces. It takes a strong mind, and a lot of focus."


The size limits on signatures is ridiculous...


Main OC: https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/guy-manueldj-br0n-3-r4076

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Apollo gave a slight huff as he listened to the conversation between the kids, Shana, and Agravian. "That would also determine the strength of the magic as well, wouldn't it? Stronger spells would require more concentration, would they not" He asked. The dragon didn't know much about magic, but he was curious at the very least. "Also, wouldn't it be possible for someone to absorb the element they control, like eating fire or iron to boost that type of magic?" 

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@@Jellal Fernandes, @@Child Of Darkness,

"I'll try really hard then" she said responding to the new adult that came outside just to say this to her then turned to Shana "also thanks...I suspect me and Toby over there have dark magic and this book is worthless now since all it did is make me feel bad" she gestures to the black kid then throws it into a nearby bin then looks at her hand "Toby and me somehow brought Tenebris back you know? mostly by accident though" 

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