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The Narwhal Muffin

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"Okay. I'll go and have a talk with him. See if I can find out what's up."


@Drago Ryder


Walking away from Apollo, she set about looking die Blitz. Finding him in one of the cabins was not very hard. She opened the door to the room slowly so she would not wake him in case he was asleep. He shouldn't be asleep yet though. "Hello? Are you awake? Wanna talk? A little bird told me you've been acting strange lately. If somethings bothering you, you can talk to me about it. I won't laugh. Unless it's funny."

Edited by Child Of Darkness

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@@Child Of Darkness@@Acnologia

What is up with her? I don't deign her comments with a response and she left quickly anyway. "I find children to be the easiest to accept this kind of magic, as they lack much of the prejudice that adults hold so close to themselves. It is no more dangerous than any other form of magic. With the amount of hate within Shana it is no wonder she doesn't use dark magic." I turn towards Kyubi, "I feared as much, we'll just see what we can come up with when we get there. Also, I only knew the children were on board since a few moments before they entered my room. I suspect others knew they were here before I."



@@Drago Ryder

Midnight was surprised as he had never heard of such magics. "Interesting, I didn't know that sort of species changing magic was possible. Clearly she had powerful magic to sustain herself for so long. Very impressive."



@@Child Of Darkness

Slend was beginning to dislike Shana, hypocrisy was a particularly big peeve of his. She gets on my king's case for not talking about the kids, yet she makes to effort to talk about me? I could kill everyone down here with enough surprise. Or I could get them all to kill each other. The darkness gives me enough strength. He continued to follow her, taking to the ceiling for an overhead view. He decided not to say anything just yet, he didn't know if Blitz knew about the Black Knight yet. He hid himself in the cracks of the ceiling, taking care to avoid any trace of sunlight.



@@Jellal Fernandes

The scepter took Alendune's words as acceptance, and placed the link directly on his forehead, absorbing what knowledge he could find about it's location and such basic things such as social interaction and morals. The scepter grew in size as well, absorbing the excess heat from the teapot. The process lasted only a few moments, and when it was finished the scepter changed its shape to be more humanoid, a silhouette of Allendune. A tendril snaked out to reach the nearest scepter, conveying the new knowledge to it. the second scepter passed it on to another and so on. The first scepter turned to the man, he spoke similarly to him. "Thank you, because of you my swarm will thrive again. We owe our very survival to you, we will do whatever we can to repay you." He bowed for good measure.

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@@Illiad Easle,

"there was a dragon that smelled us out and that specter lead us to you...also does that cat always act like that? I know I mistook her for a dog person but still" "I hardly think that was going throw her head" she thought about what the Dark Elf said "so were going to the Dark Elf home?"


@@Drago Ryder,

Banner saw how Ratchel went quite "sorry, didn't mean to make you quite...so Chain you have anything you want to bring up?" "Ok what about...comparing are worlds dragons. Are world has dragons that steal gems for a horde that they will have in the future, some can be changed from that way as a princess at are home has a baby dragon that's really nice. They migrate like birds and most speak English"


"well I hope you keep that way, every world needs some nicer people in it" she looked at the sea again

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@@Drago Ryder,


"That all depends, stranger... What dragon do you speak of? There are many dragons. Do you speak of the dragon god? I doubt it. I assume you speak of this demon that has arisen..." Agravain replied.




@@Illiad Easle,


"Well, I believe that I will be having company soon, so perhaps you could help me clean up around here?" Ser Allendune said, gesturing to the broken wall.


The size limits on signatures is ridiculous...


Main OC: https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/guy-manueldj-br0n-3-r4076

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@Illiad Easle


Gale nodded slightly and smiled. "Yeah. She was amazing." She said, becoming sad as she remembered what had happened all those years ago. The dragoness then sighed and closed her eyes. "She died thirteen years ago at the hands of another dragon."


@Jellal Fernandes


The man stood silent for a moment before laughing. "Oh that is rich. I would call that thing an abomination, but I guess I'm no better than it in the eyes of those who are unaware of the true nature of this world." He said, his voice changing to that of an adult as his mood darkened. It also seemed to echo inside of his mask, distorting his voice slightly. "I serve no god or demon. I, along with those who share similar abilities to my own, serve the true dragon King. As for who we are, we are something this world hasn't seen in a very long time. Care to take a guess?"




Clayton smiled slightly and couldn't explain the feelings forming in him. He then went back to maintaining the ship's course. "Thanks. It means a lot to hear you say that."


Ratchel nodded. "It sounds like she and Blitz would get along." She said, giving a slight smile. "The dragons of the two worlds also seem similar in many ways."


@Child Of Darkness


Blitz listened to what Shana said and smiled. "Well, the only two I told would either be Kyubi or Apollo, so it's not that hard to guess. As for me, it's just a bit of motion sickness. It happens anytime I get on any form of transportation." He said, before pulling her into s hug. While the Neko did leave out a few important bits, he decided it would be best not to talk about it. "I'm sorry for scaring you earlier." He then noticed slend's scent, but didn't know how to react.

Edited by Drago Ryder
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@Yoshikupo @Illiad Easle


Kyubi nodded slightly and thpught for a moment before responding. "The safest thing for them to do would be to stay on the ship." She said, before turning to the children. "As for your question, you are correct. I needed to take care of something before we continued on our journey."

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@Illiad Easle


Gale nodded slightly and smiled. "Yeah. She was amazing." She said, becoming sad as she remembered what had happened all those years ago. The dragoness then sighed and closed her eyes. "She died thirteen years ago at the hands of another dragon."


@Jellal Fernandes


The man stood silent for a moment before laughing. "Oh that is rich. I would call that thing an abomination, but I guess I'm no better than it in the eyes of those who are unaware of the true nature of this world." He said, his voice changing to that of an adult as his mood darkened. "I serve no god or demon. I, along with those who share similar abilities to my own, serve the true dragon King. As for who we are, we are something this world hasn't seen in a very long time. Care to take a guess?"




Clayton smiled slightly and couldn't explain the feelings forming in him. He then went back to maintaining the ship's course. "Thanks. It means a lot to hear you say that."


Ratchel nodded. "It sounds like she and Blitz would get along." She said, giving a slight smile. "The dragons of the two worlds also seem similar in many ways."


@Child Of Darkness


Blitz listened to what Shana said and smiled. "Well, the only two I told would either be Kyubi or Apollo, so it's not that hard to guess. As for me, it's just a bit of motion sickness. It happens anytime I get on any form of transportation." He said, before pulling her into s hug. While the Neko did leave out a few important bits, he decided it would be best not to talk about it. "I'm sorry for scaring you earlier." He then noticed slend's scent, but didn't know how to react.

(Sorry I'm late. I've been very busy. On break for a week now. Will be more active.)


"You don't have to apologise for anything. I really shouldn't have been scared in the first place. We're in dangerous territory, of course things like this are going to happen. It's stupid of me to think that things could be peaceful. I'm sorry for making you think you had to apologise to me." She sat next to Blitz, leaned into him and gave him a short kiss. After which she just remained hugging him quietly.


Even though she was content with the answer she was given, she couldn't help but feel like something was being held back from her. It was just a small feeling in her gut, but it was enough to distract her a little.

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@Child Of Darkness


(It's ok. I understand.)


Blitz nodded slightly and didn't really know what else to say to Shana. He still blamed himself for scaring Shana and knew he would make it up to her at some point. A thought then crossed her mind and a smile spread across his face. "Could you go back into my mind again? I want to try something." He asked.

Edited by Drago Ryder
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"Alright then," I turned to the kids, "I suppose there was a bit correct about what Shana said, the others really should know that you're here, why don't you head outside and tell the captain what you did, he may need to give you all a ride back if there is no safe place to keep you in Dark Elf territory."



@@Drago Ryder,

Midnight wanted to point out that a dragon hardly had hands, but felt it would be inappropriate to do so at this time. "That's unfortunate. I don't really know what happened to my parents, it's likely they died in the war that ended with Sir and I in Equestria. I didn't really know them, and I suppose there wasn't much to know about them as they weren't sentient like me." He turned towards Gale, "I wish I had a parent to know as you did, Sir did raise me and I know he cares for me like any parent would, but it's just not the same."



@@Drago Ryder, @@Child Of Darkness,

Slend contemplated joining them in their minds before deciding that that was a bit too far for petty revenge. Blitz hadn't done anything to wrong him yet and thus did not deserve to share the punishment. He decided to continue to wait until the opourtunity presented itself.



@@Jellal Fernandes,  

The scepter rose from his bow and turned towards the hole in the wall. "I suppose we can assist with that." He gestured towards the wall and a number of smaller scepters began to move pieces of debris back into place, sealing the cracks as best they could. the scepter turned back towards Allendune, "It will hold for now, but you would likely want a professional to patch it up in the future. We lack the understanding of construction needed to fully restore the wall." 

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@@Drago Ryder,


"I have yet to meet someone of your ilk... I have no honest idea. But tell me, who is this Dragon King?" Agravain asked the man.


@@Illiad Easle,


"Thank you very much for your assistance, friend. So tell me, were you here when the village was attacked?" Ser Allendune asked the scepter.


The size limits on signatures is ridiculous...


Main OC: https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/guy-manueldj-br0n-3-r4076

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@Illiad Easle


Gale frowned slightly and gave what could be described as a low purr. "I'm sorry about that." She said gently pressing her snout into his side, basically the dragon version of a hug.


@Jellal Fernandes


A red eye flashed from the single eyehole of the man's mask as he adjusted his cloak. "The dragon king, is what you could consider our leader, though you probably didn't need me to explain that." He deadpanned. "He is the strongest out of all of us and while he does have a bit of trouble containing his power, he has always had a good heart to those who follow him. To put it in perspective, the first king, ended the dragon civil war. I don't expect you to know what that is, so I'll just show you the effects the magic taught to end it had on those who used it." The man then removed his mask. Black scales covered portions of his face while both eyes had a vertical slit. Wings extended from his back with the same coloration, sending dust into the air. "My name is Tobi, the iron dragon slayer. I don't normally show this side of myself, but you intrigue me, so I will allow it."

Edited by Drago Ryder
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@@Illiad Easle,

"My fathers there...don't know if he can take care of kids though" the Elf spoke up "well for as long as we can, I want to train in dark magic" "we need to meet all the others first" Tony walks to the door "might as well go"


@@Drago Ryder,

"well thank my mother for that, she is nice to all beings, even cruel ones...I get a more up close look though and what I can tell right now is that I like you" she meant as a friend but didn't think about saying that.


@@Child Of Darkness,

"Well...I cant think of anything else to say" "just make something up" Chain thought for a second "you know I need to learn some lightning or light magic, I'm going to find Shana" he walks away to go and find her "I can't believe he just ditched me" she looked at Ratchel "well I'm open if you need me for anything"

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@Child Of Darkness


(It's ok. I understand.)


Blitz nodded slightly and didn't really know what else to say to Shana. He still blamed himself for scaring Shana and knew he would make it up to her at some point. A thought then crossed her mind and a smile spread across his face. "Could you go back into my mind again? I want to try something." He asked.

"Um... sure I can go back into your mind again. What will I be doing while I'm inside?" Shana started to channel magic into her hands, preparing the correct spell she needed to go into someone else's mind. To her, it seemed strange to want someone to infiltrate your mind, but she guessed that Blitz had his reasons.

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@Child Of Darkness


"I just want to see if we can get anymore of my memories unlocked." He said. "It's worth a shot at least." The neko hadn't forgotten about what had gotten him started on his journey and also wanted to see if he could regain something to make him stronger.




Clayton blushed slightly and didn't really say anything at all for a moment. He assumed that she didn't mean it that way, but he wasn't certain. "Thanks. I guess I can safely say that same for you." He said.


Ratchel shrugged. "I still have to get the outfits you and Shana requested, so I'll be busy until we get to our destination. I'm sorry." She said, frowning slightly. "The good thing is that I have most of the materials needed. Do you have any preferences?"

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@@Drago Ryder,

"I...I never said I wanted one, I just like them" she looked up trying to hide her face "even if I did want one I couldn't pull it off and plus, its not like I can fight in that thing" a small blush formed on her as she looked to the sky.


"it's nice that I don't have to worry about that whole, don't make friends or else they will miss you thing" she admitted not knowing it could still happen somehow


Chain saw Blitz and Shana talking and waited to say anything

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@Child Of Darkness


"I just want to see if we can get anymore of my memories unlocked." He said. "It's worth a shot at least." The neko hadn't forgotten about what had gotten him started on his journey and also wanted to see if he could regain something to make him stronger.




Clayton blushed slightly and didn't really say anything at all for a moment. He assumed that she didn't mean it that way, but he wasn't certain. "Thanks. I guess I can safely say that same for you." He said.


Ratchel shrugged. "I still have to get the outfits you and Shana requested, so I'll be busy until we get to our destination. I'm sorry." She said, frowning slightly. "The good thing is that I have most of the materials needed. Do you have any preferences?"

"Alright. I'll get started then. Before I do, I should tell you. This link works both ways. You can look at my memories if you want to see if anything I know helps you. If you do that though, somethings, may surprise you. In more ways than one."


She put her hands on Blitz's head and linked both of their minds together. His mind was still empty, with only fragmented memories of the last month being free in his mind. All of his others were still locked away in the back of his mind. [/i]"I'll try the standard methods first, if that still doesn't work, I may have to try something, unconventional. She began to meditate on the magic sealing his memories, hoping that this way would grant her the knowledge on how to break it. Last time she was in a sort of hurry, she has a lot more time now to do her work.

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Rachel thought for a moment before continuing. "I'm sure you could pull it off." She said, before walking away. She knew that there were things she had to take care of, and didn't know how it would affect the group as a whole.


@Child Of Darkness


Blitz relaxed as his vision faded. He figured that it was worth a shot to look into Shana's mind and see what he could learn.


As said neko traversed through Blitz's mind, a low rumbling echoed through the area.

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Rachel thought for a moment before continuing. "I'm sure you could pull it off." She said, before walking away. She knew that there were things she had to take care of, and didn't know how it would affect the group as a whole.


@Child Of Darkness


Blitz relaxed as his vision faded. He figured that it was worth a shot to look into Shana's mind and see what he could learn.


As said neko traversed through Blitz's mind, a low rumbling echoed through the area.

Her meditation trance was broken by the noise rumbling through the background. It was a strange occurrence to happen in a place that is suppose to be silent, but these things can happen. She got up from her position and started to wonder around the large space of his mind, searching for a source.

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@Illiad Easle @Yoshikupo


Kyubi sighed as she thought about what could be done about the children when they reached her home.The dark elf then turned her attention back to the kids. "Last time I checked, Blitz was in the eating area. As for the others, they're probably on the top deck." She said, before turning to the black knight. "That being said, I need to talk to you about something Blitz and I discussed."

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(Finally I seem needed, we should really get this boat moving faster.)


I turned to face Kyubi, "The children should be cleared out of here soon enough, what would you like to tell me?"



@@Drago Ryder,

Midnight found Gale's gesture odd, it was nothing like the nuzzles she had done before but he could tell that it was a similarly loving gesture. He had no way to return the gesture in this position though so it was a bit awkward for him. "Yea, it's not too bad I guess, I mean, my life is so much better because of it, I've experienced things that would have been impossible to experience without it having happened." He sighed.



@@Jellal Fernandes,

"I and my swarm were all present for the attack, the ones that were not sent likely still remain with the usurper."

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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@Child Of Darkness


As Shana moved through Blitz's mind, a forest began to grow around her. The tall trees blocked out most of the sunlight and the rumbling noise grew louder with every step she took.


Blitz soon came upon Shana's memories, but didn't really know if he should actually look. "Is it better for me to know more about her past in an attempt to discover my own?" He thought.


@Illiad Easle


Gale smiled slightly and gently rested her head on his chest. "Yeah, it's funny how something from your past can drastically change your future." She said.


Lance sighed as he stood next to Clayton and cracked his knuckles. "We should probably speed this up a bit." He muttered to himself, before closing his eyes and forming a magic circle in front of him. "Storm burst." He muttered, as a torrent of wind hit the sails, doubling the ships speed.


(Yeah, I've been trying to think of a way to do that.)

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@Illiad Easle


Kyubi thought for a moment about what she would say before continuing. The dark elf didn't know how he would take the new theory, but now was as good a time as any. "We aren't really sure if it's true yet, but Blitz thinks that Heinrich may be plotting to kill our king and was the one who killed my family."

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@Child Of Darkness


As Shana moved through Blitz's mind, a forest began to grow around her. The tall trees blocked out most of the sunlight and the rumbling noise grew louder with every step she took.


Blitz soon came upon Shana's memories, but didn't really know if he should actually look. "Is it better for me to know more about her past in an attempt to discover my own?" He thought.


@Illiad Easle


Gale smiled slightly and gently rested her head on his chest. "Yeah, it's funny how something from your past can drastically change your future." She said.


Lance sighed as he stood next to Clayton and cracked his knuckles. "We should probably speed this up a bit." He muttered to himself, before closing his eyes and forming a magic circle in front of him. "Storm burst." He muttered, as a torrent of wind hit the sails, doubling the ships speed.


(Yeah, I've been trying to think of a way to do that.)

Watching the forest grow around her, Shana thought she may have tripped a memory that was locked or a new memory she didn't know. Either way, this was interesting to her and with the rumbling growing louder with each moment she strode, her curiosity was high as she continued to investigate this unusual occurrence.

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@Child Of Darkness


Blitz eventually decided it would be best not to peer into Shana's memories and soon found himself enveloped in darkness, waiting for Shana to finish.


The rumbling stopped as abruptly as it had started and the only sound that could be heard was a child crying. The forest itself faded into darkness and revealed a younger form of Blitz kneeling in front of a dead dragon. The boy and dragon looked like they had been in a fight and had lost. "I'm sorry. This is all my fault. I wasn't strong enough to protect you, Edolas." He muttered as a few tears slid down his face. The boy then screamed into the air as electricity shot out of him and into the sky. "I swear, I'll kill that thing if it's the last thing I do."

Edited by Drago Ryder
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@Child Of Darkness


Blitz eventually decided it would be best not to peer into Shana's memories and soon found himself enveloped in darkness, waiting for Shana to finish.


The rumbling stopped as abruptly as it had started and the only sound that could be heard was a child crying. The forest itself faded into darkness and revealed a younger form of Blitz kneeling in front of a dead dragon. The boy and dragon looked like they had been in a fight and had lost. "I'm sorry. This is all my fault. I wasn't strong enough to protect you, Edolas." He muttered as a few tears slid down his face. The boy then screamed into the air as electrocity shot out of him and into the sky. "I swear, I'll kill that thing if it's the last thing I do."

"Ah, so this is a memory. I must of knocked it loose. But that power though, that's impressive for someone so young. Traumatic experiences can make things happen to your mind. And looks like this is something personal. Using this fragment, I may be able to create a domino effect and break open a few more connected to it. This is tiring though. That's enough for now." With a flash, Shana broke the mind links safely and returned then to reality.


"Uhh, that made me dissy. Although I think I did manage to set something loose in your mind. Do you remember anything new? And where my memories any help to you?"

Edited by Child Of Darkness

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