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planning [OOC] The Blackwater Quarry OOC


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Okay, this is the OOC for The Blackwater Quarry




https://mlpforums.com/topic/136815-rp-the-blackwater-quarry/ ]


  The Blackwater Quarry is where ponies work in the emerald mines for their pay each day, kick-mining rocks for fair wages.  I'm looking to make it a day-by-day RP of a typical work life in Equestria.  There will be plenty of dramatic RP, but I'm certain I can add in some adventure, comedy & romance, if the situation calls for such.  I'm rather flexible when it comes to story ideas, so feel free to offer an idea or three - I'm always listening.


  Anyway, more about the story in general.  First, let's read up on the family's history:  


     The Blackwater family has been known for two things throughout the years: Emeralds & BAD attitudes. The Blackwaters have maintained a mine/quarry near the base of the Crystal Mountains for generations; the majority of emeralds in Equestria come from their efforts. The mine sits near a lazy river, which has been blackened with silt from the digging - hence the name Blackwater. Though the work pays well, the family has been known to be greedy, spiteful & self-important, and those ponies who work at the mines have seen this behavior. The family isn't VICIOUS... but lying, cheating, stealing & bullying have been standards of the Blackwater name for as long as ponies have known of emeralds.


  The Blackwaters will be NPCs, and will be available for interaction from time to time.  Shall we meet them?



[Art by Vampira Heart]



The patriarch & head of the Blackwater family, as well as the head honcho of the Blackwater Mines.  Rough, cold & seemingly without a heart, this Earth Pony keeps his employees in line by making certain that everypony gets fair pay - but one mistake in his presence & you're fired.

His cuite mark is a pickaxe crossed with a quill pen.



Vainglorious & gossipy, Vylia seems too preoccupied with being rich to worry about much else.  She's a Pegasus with a passion for profit.  Her high-class sensibilities are second only to her capacity for business savvy, and most ponies learn quickly about her slippery ways.

Her cutie mark is two necklaces, silver and pearl, looped through each other.



The spoiled brat of a foal who is a constant troublemaker.  His mother seems to believe he can do no wrong, but he's a nightmare of a youngster, and he KNOWS he can get away with most anything he wants to.  The perks of being a rich genius, hmm?

He doesn't have his cutie mark yet.



The 'black sheep' of the family, which means he's the nice guy.  He wants so badly to impress his folks, but he doesn't want to be friendless.  He has a good head on his shoulders, but lacks confidence & self-worth.  He seems desperate for a friend.

His cutie mark is a lump of grey rock, with an emerald sticking out of it.



[The Blackwater's portraits by SoulSpeaking]


  The rest of the crew at Blackwater Mines are as follows:



(Picture by Venomous)

CHUCK LIST: Gray stallion with black mane and tail - Earth Pony - CM: A scroll with a large check-mark on it

Head forepony for Blackwater Mines; the rough and tumble workaholic who takes no guff.



(Again, picture by Venomous)

KNEE SLAPPER: Purple stallion with blue mane and tail - Unicorn - CM: A purple & blue jester's cap

Forepony for Blackwater Mines; a nice fellow, yet an incurable practical joker.



(Yet another gem by Venomous)

REDD HANDID: Maroon stallion with LONG yellow mane and tail - Unicorn - CM: Twin drama masks, one frown & one smile (the frown is in the foreground)

Forepony for Blackwater Mines; the snarky, self-important snob.



(Yup - Venomous again.)

SILVER STUDS: Light gray mare with orange mane & tail - Unicorn - CM: three silver nails & a silver-headed hammer

Head engineer for Blackwater Mines; if anypony can build it, she can.



(Venomous did a lot of these for me, y'know?  I'm really grateful!  Thanks, Ven!)

"TAPS": A small dark blue mare with a stark white mane & tail - Pegasus - CM: A steel wagon wheel

Pony Express Deliverer / Hauler; the sweet-smiling quarry mailmare.


  Other than these characters, there will be random workers & staff... and the occasional 'guest' or two.


  The locations that will be available (to begin with) are: The Quarry (Outside, in the mine, deep mine, barracks, Doc's office & the lunch trailer) - Blackwater Manor (Front porch, kitchen, main hall, pool, study, library & Luther's workshop) - and The Grounds (Inner yard, outer yard, woods, path to town & trolley stop).  


  All I need are players interested in playing their OCs in a work-type environment.  I prefer ponies who can write a bit before posting (no "Okay" posts, please).  No overpowered ponies allowed, as this isn't about power-playing.  Please wait until acceptance before posting.  No purchase necessary.  Void where prohibited.  Yadda yadda yadda.  You get the idea. 


I'm now just rolling through some story by myself, but folks wanting to join are welcome to post here first - I'm pretty flexible, so after I give you the thumbs hooves up, you can post as you please.






Crescent, the bat-pony = cwhip9

Doc Zinger, the staff doctor = Blitz Boom

Scarlet Orange, the kitchen assistant = Emerald Bolt

Baroness Carnelian, the socialite = Hazard Time

Low Key, the Baroness' protege = Hazard Time

Clod Hopper, the slow farmpony = Widdershins

Dahlia & Ophelia, the fortune tellers = Hazard Time

Blitz Boom, the destructive dynamo = Blitz Boom

Love Bloom, the house maid = Flow




The Flim Flam Brothers (portrayed by JonasDarkmane)


  • Brohoof 7

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Y'know what?  I can do this myself.  


Anyone showing interest can sign up here... otherwise, I can entertain myself.


Not hating; just making the best of what I've got here.

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*weak chuckle*  Yeah... I'm not too hurt over it, just a lil' disappointed.


But YOU responded!  And for that, I thank you!


I see nothing wrong with Goldseek - you're welcome to bring him in if you like.  Gimme a mo', and I'll add the RP addy to the top.

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I like it. OC's in the sig, I was thinking having an batpony be an guid for some of the workers could work with him in this case with the night vision and all ethier way your show on how it gos down. Because he's my first OC im kinda of firring from the hip with him, that should help you decide

  • Brohoof 1
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I am admittedly intrigued by the idea of a bat pony as a guide... you are accepted, but keep in mind that weapons aren't usually allowed within the grounds, except in special cases.  As long as he's trustworthy, the gauntlet can stay... but one incident, and he'll have to leave it at home.  He's been informed of this.


Otherwise, feel free to interact as you will!

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glad to hear that :D  ill give you any heads up if RL or something stops me from posting so not to leave you in the dark as this gos on looking forward to the story  

Edited by cwhip9
  • Brohoof 1
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Seems like an interesting story with a good base to it Randi. Tempted to sin up for it, but not sure if I have any good fits for this. But I can mention the two in my siggy that might, then you can evaluate it yourself. And no worries, I don't get iffy or anything if you ain't for it :D


Doc Zinger. My first suggestion of the current OC's I have. She's a doctor specialised in common damage that could be sustained at a mine such as dislocated bones, cuts and flesh wounds that needs to be cleansed and patched up in a hurry etc, and the time she have spent since leaving Las Pesgasus have involved her settling down for gigs now and again when she's needed.


Generally speaking, I could imagine the Blackwater's didn't want expensive and time consuming cases on their hooves from workers that's been in accidents in the mines and didn't get treated in time, or anypony laying up for a while from a wound that means them not carving out more fortune for them, so an easy way to take things before they escalate to either part of costing them money would be to have a physician at hoof to handle the things at the mine. They might have signed a contract that would leave the Blackwater family without blame, but workers needing to go to their own doctor for a simple thing still cuts into profit as it is lost time, and if the miners have a union of any kind (not sure about that part) it might be a forced issue.


Blitz Boom. This really depends on if the Casual Stroll one is seen as cannon (your decision there of course), but if it is, Blitz would likely want to see where her friend came from and either followed Dax or convinced him to show her. I can imagine he wouldn't want her to see it voluntarily though if it was, so following might be it.


That's basically what I have to work with if it is. Again, I understand if neither are fitting in, but I figure I'd at least make the offer to ya. :) Have a butcher in any case. ^_^

  • Brohoof 1


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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Hiya, BB!  {:>


Doc Zinger - I am LOVING the idea!  It makes perfect sense AND gives the quarry a resident doctor for the many, MANY issues mining life can bring!  Dude, this is a QUALITY character for this RP, and I would be most honored to let this one in!  



Blitz Boom - *chuckle* With HER reputation, I don't think she'd be allowed within a few miles of the mines!  Still... there aren't many ponies who know about explosives, and I'm fairly certain her skills would be considered at a premium.  Maybe once you get into the swing of things, we can have her come in at a later date; for example, maybe once you have a feel for the NPCs, you could help me figure out which ones might accept her the most, and we can work from there.  Blitz is officially 'In Waiting', by my call.  Sound good?


Union... yeaaaaaaah, no union; Luther would fire them ALL...


... if he KNEW about one, that is...  };>

  • Brohoof 1

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Doc Zinger. Sounds grand. :)


Blitz Boom. Sounds okay. :) Will mention though, Blitz aren't know by that many as more than "That crazy pony in the woods that makes explosives" by the ones in Ponyville. Dax would likely have to have told about her to get the word out unless she's lurked there before. :) But as you said, we'll see what time brings. ^_^


Want to just write something up with Ziggy to respond to or shall I make something?

  • Brohoof 1


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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Seems like you brought in the Doc with perfect timing; according to the posts, there's an injured miner already on the way up.


I hereby declare that there is now a new location: THE QUARRY - Doc's office


Now listed in the locations.  }:>

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I'll get it done soon then. Just making the last words in another reply and then I'm on it. :)





There, think that's right. Lemme know if I messed something up. :)

Edited by Blitz Boom
  • Brohoof 1


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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The post is primo - I dig it!


cwhip9 will have to reply... so it may be a mo', but I'd say things are off to a good start, considering that a number of hours ago, NOBODY was posting but me!


Thank you both; I very much appreciate your presence!

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I love the idea of the docter showing up, should have some fun ways cresent could play off her, I mostly post late but on days off ill try to post daytime that might get more ponys in the story and glad to help :)

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hey guys can we start tagging each other or something its getting harder to fin the RP for me, that or im still learning the website :wacko:

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At the top of the thread, there's a button that says "Follow This Topic"; click on it, and you'll be able to click an option that allows it to auto-inform you when something happens - it's available for every thread, I think.

  • Brohoof 1

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Minor thing: As I have Ziggy matched up in patching the miner up for 15-20 minutes or so, if the timeline is like I think she's still at that witht he current things going on at the Manor, so not much I can really post with until time moves along a bit.


Not wanting to break any rules either I'd like to ask if I should simply assume that a bit of time have passed in the office, then have her do something idle like fluttering around and see if others could use a hoof when the miner is sent off again so it will all match up quickly, or wait a bit and see?


Can't rule out you might have a plan to send somepony along to her office for the last stretch either Randi, so really, just covering my bases before I mess something up here. :) Better to be sure in advance than covering up your mistakes later after all. ^^

  • Brohoof 1


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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Yeah, I do very much appreciate that.  *chuckle*


Sure, you can pass time if it'll make things quicker for another post; we can assume such things can take place - just make certain to mention it in the post proper, and it'll be fine.


Any opinion on the RP so far?

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It will be a minor pass of time, about 10 minutes in front of the current now, so should not take long to catch up to. :)


And the RP seems fine. Neat ground-work, and have potential, but we shall see how it goes. :)

  • Brohoof 1


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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Yeah, I do very much appreciate that.  *chuckle*


Sure, you can pass time if it'll make things quicker for another post; we can assume such things can take place - just make certain to mention it in the post proper, and it'll be fine.


Any opinion on the RP so far?

I thought time passed everytime we changed sceans with our OC's but thanks for nailing that down

the rp so far is fun. a good layout and a fun experiment with me trying to make cresent more serious the his usual self. It be cool to see other ponys pop on with there OC's to play off each other more i'll try to get more word out of the RP  

  • Brohoof 1
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AM I TOO LATE TO JOIN? If not, I'll join with the OC in my sig.


>my OC starts in the quarry as a new worker

>he has been hired by a neighbouring town to investigate suspicions of slave labour in the mines

>he has an ulterior motive: he is investigating the rumours of an extremely powerful magical artifact buried deep in the location of the mines

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