SolyWack 482 July 23, 2015 Share July 23, 2015 So i was on FimFiction as i do. I was typing this very comphrehensive proof of this guys story. It was a little more than 3000 words of either story advice, grammer errors, or other stuff. Since i was typing this on a private message via the site, it didnt have an autosave. I figured id do it all in one session, so what was the point? (first mistake) After about 3 1/2 hours of that, i was literally about to hit send, i kid you not, my cursor was coming for that send button, then my internet went out, lost everything. I had a panic attack. I, not exaggerating, almost gave myself a concussion. Thank God I had enough self control not to break anything (those mason jars were about to get it). What calmed me down was the realization that other people have had it FAR worse than 3 some hours. So i came onto here to tell my story. Has anyone else had a situation where they lost hours of work? (Maybe you were a little less dramatic about it then me) 4 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Discordian 6,015 July 23, 2015 Share July 23, 2015 Rule number one when making big posts: Always copy to the clipboard, or even a text file to be sure, so even if that happens you can just reload and paste it. It happened to me all of twice before I started taking that precaution. lol 3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SolyWack 482 July 23, 2015 Author Share July 23, 2015 Rule number one when making big posts: Always copy to the clipboard, or even a text file to be sure, so even if that happens you can just reload and paste it. It happened to me all of twice before I started taking that precaution. lol Funny you mention that, if i didnt save it constantly, i would have been able to send it. As i actually went to word to save it as a document, but the paste didnt work (probably some user error in there somewhere), and it was on my way back that the internet went out. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Discordian 6,015 July 23, 2015 Share July 23, 2015 Funny you mention that, if i didnt save it constantly, i would have been able to send it. As i actually went to word to save it as a document, but the paste didnt work (probably some user error in there somewhere), and it was on my way back that the internet went out. As long as you didn't hit the send button it shouldn't have lost all the work but I don't know how fimfiction works. If you ever wanna make sure try copying two or three times to be sure it actually happened. Hell, copy it several different ways even. Copy with the right click or the Ctrl+C method. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Justin_Case001 4,907 July 23, 2015 Share July 23, 2015 Yup. No matter what precautions you take, it's an inevitability of the digital medium. How about DRM games where you play for a long time and make a bunch of progress, maybe get some super rare item, and then you get the ol' "Failed to update account" trick. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Walce Dony 50 July 23, 2015 Share July 23, 2015 (Sorry for not being a help here but I can't stand an unfinished story) Did you end getting the message sent or did you just give up? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Nth Doctor 663 July 23, 2015 Share July 23, 2015 I make Australium (gold) skins for Team Fortress 2 I was in the process of creating a massive pack (About 12 weapons) that I had been working on for going on three months Along came the Gun Mettle update, which changed the textures for ten of my weapons I was not a happy Medic 2 "I love deadlines. I love the whooshing sound they make as they fly by." YouTube | FiMFic Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lisa 5,553 July 23, 2015 Share July 23, 2015 Last year for an art project, I had to sculpt one of those old glass Coke bottles out of clay. I'd spent 8 weeks on it (most of those weeks applying extremely small details and smoothing it out), and some dipshit in the classroom bumped it off a table. It splattered into a pancake on the ground. 3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sunwalker 981 July 23, 2015 Share July 23, 2015 There is a browser extension called Lazarus Form Recovery. It works for Chrome and Firefox, and it keeps constantly saving your web forms. If any problem arise, you can use it to restore the contents of the form. 2 "Fairy tales are more than true, not because they tell us that dragons exist; but because they tell us that dragons can be beaten." ~ G. K. Chesterton Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Magic Rasin 180 July 23, 2015 Share July 23, 2015 I always select all the text and copy it so if it doesn't go through or the internet dies then I'll still have what I wrote. All I'd have to do to get it back is paste it. I have a Tumblr for art. Clicky below if you're curious. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GuyNamedEarl 1,332 July 23, 2015 Share July 23, 2015 I've done that plenty of times and lost several papers that way. Creator of MLP Ruined Vines and Recorder Sh*t Equestria's Biggest Hip-Hop Nerd Everyday is Leg Day! Follow me on Twitter: @EarlBrony Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mr. Mustang 647 July 23, 2015 Share July 23, 2015 (edited) Oh, I've had times where I'm typing a fairly long post, leave for a bit, and then come back not realizing that hitting Backspace would also be my Back button on my Web Browser. I took my frustration out in either Dragonball XV or Company of Heroes. Edited July 23, 2015 by Mustang D Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lost 1,410 July 23, 2015 Share July 23, 2015 I got a new SSD, transferred all of my files onto it and ran it as my OS drive, figured it was stable so i continued my work on some software for University, a week later the SSD stopped working completely which lost me an entire weeks worth of work, i was not a happy chappy. 1 Your friendly neighborhood alcoholic motorcyclist Life is too short to worry what others think of you, be creative, be weird, live life. Check out my YouTube here Check out my Fiora Jungle Guide here Check out my Motovlogging Trailer Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Draxon 214 July 23, 2015 Share July 23, 2015 In March, I got a drafting commission from one of my old customers from when I was working for a steel company. He needed me to prepare drawings for a four story steel fire escape to replace the old wooden structure. One night, I finished my work for the evening and went to make a backup on my external hard drive. I was very tired, and in my drowsiness, managed to delete all of my work from my laptop's hard drive before I copied it to my external drive. Then I realized what had happened and started panicking. It had been a while since I backed up my data, and the difference between my laptop's copy and the one on my external drive was 24 hours of work. To my credit, I didn't utter a single swear, just a long series of "no, no, no, no, no, no, no..." I then spent every day working on it for hours just to catch up to where I was (while taking 17 credits worth of college courses, doing work-study, and being active in clubs). From that point on, I backed up my work after every single session. The project is finally done, now, and I spent 172 hours on it altogether (excluding the lost 24 hours). 1 Thrackerzod is best pony. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SolyWack 482 July 23, 2015 Author Share July 23, 2015 (edited) I make Australium (gold) skins for Team Fortress 2 I was in the process of creating a massive pack (About 12 weapons) that I had been working on for going on three months Along came the Gun Mettle update, which changed the textures for ten of my weapons I was not a happy Medic Last year for an art project, I had to sculpt one of those old glass Coke bottles out of clay. I'd spent 8 weeks on it (most of those weeks applying extremely small details and smoothing it out), and some dipshit in the classroom bumped it off a table. It splattered into a pancake on the ground. I got a new SSD, transferred all of my files onto it and ran it as my OS drive, figured it was stable so i continued my work on some software for University, a week later the SSD stopped working completely which lost me an entire weeks worth of work, i was not a happy chappy. In March, I got a drafting commission from one of my old customers from when I was working for a steel company. He needed me to prepare drawings for a four story steel fire escape to replace the old wooden structure. One night, I finished my work for the evening and went to make a backup on my external hard drive. I was very tired, and in my drowsiness, managed to delete all of my work from my laptop's hard drive before I copied it to my external drive. Then I realized what had happened and started panicking. It had been a while since I backed up my data, and the difference between my laptop's copy and the one on my external drive was 24 hours of work. To my credit, I didn't utter a single swear, just a long series of "no, no, no, no, no, no, no..." I then spent every day working on it for hours just to catch up to where I was (while taking 17 credits worth of college courses, doing work-study, and being active in clubs). From that point on, I backed up my work after every single session. The project is finally done, now, and I spent 172 hours on it altogether (excluding the lost 24 hours). Ouch, those make my problem seem like I just spilled a juicebox. There is a browser extension called Lazarus Form Recovery. It works for Chrome and Firefox, and it keeps constantly saving your web forms. If any problem arise, you can use it to restore the contents of the form. Unfortunately, I use Internet explorer (don't start lecturing me on how bad it is, this isn't 2006), so Lazurus will not work for me. (Sorry for not being a help here but I can't stand an unfinished story) Did you end getting the message sent or did you just give up? I was not about to let all that work be for nothing, and I still owed that guy a proof. So I slogged through another 3 hours of proofing and finally finished at about 2 a.m. last night. (or this morning if you prefer) Edited July 23, 2015 by AppleJack_Wack 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sunwalker 981 July 23, 2015 Share July 23, 2015 Unfortunately, I use Internet explorer (don't start lecturing me on how bad it is, this isn't 2006), so Lazurus will not work for me. If you need to type a long text, then next time maybe you could do it on your e-mail or in Word, where there is automatic auto-save. Anyways, I have already lost some texts so I know how you feel. "Fairy tales are more than true, not because they tell us that dragons exist; but because they tell us that dragons can be beaten." ~ G. K. Chesterton Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Abstract 832 July 23, 2015 Share July 23, 2015 I've got horrifically bad luck with this kind of thing. I can't tell you how many tens, perhaps hundreds of thousands of words I've lost because of one reason or another. The hours of progress spent in SimCity and games of that ilk, all vanishing in an instant. It's even worse IMO when you've spent a long time perfectly crafting something, and then think that you saved it, but come to find out days/weeks/however much time later that you most certainly did not. "Let the steel of my resolve be not bested by the sum of my fears." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kyabetsuko 79 July 24, 2015 Share July 24, 2015 I unlocked several chars on Tekken 5, the next day my memo card had an error... Lost everything D': Who will be at the end of that red line? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Alban Solstice 44 July 24, 2015 Share July 24, 2015 Back before google drive was a thing, I had to use microsoft word as a way of doing most of my school essays. Not only were there several events in which progress was lost when a computer ran out of charge without saving, there was a bigger problem. The school had the 2010 version, while my home computer had the 2003 version. In addition, I had to use this thing called dropbox to get files from home to school and vise versa. Let's just say that dropbox wasn't the best at handling different versions of MS word. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SquipyCheetah 449 July 24, 2015 Share July 24, 2015 Something similar happened to me when I had spent a few hours typing out an essay on my old laptop. That thing is such a piece of garbage that when I shifted on my couch, the charger lodged out of the usb and it lost power. I really hated that computer. Luckily my new one autosaves everything I do on Word. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
silvadel 1,393 July 24, 2015 Share July 24, 2015 This is one very large reason that I bought a UPS. I don't like to do anything consequential on a computer without one. Silvadel, the Pegasus of Insight. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tinkh_ 240 July 24, 2015 Share July 24, 2015 I used to get on Gaia a lot, and would occasionally make some avi art as surprises. I was working on a really really really cluttered avi and had it perfeccct- I didn't save cos we kept the computer on usually and it ended up being one of the only days my dad decided to turn it off randomly. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Koukatsu 5,899 July 24, 2015 Share July 24, 2015 I've taken to typing anything more than 5 seconds worth of thought in Gmail. Then it drafts, and if something irritating happens, like the internet going out, I can always pick it up later, at another time and place. || Ponysona || Ask Me Anything || Johari Window || Twitch || Gamer Stuff || Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mars 4,862 July 24, 2015 Share July 24, 2015 Once I had procrastinated on an essay and was doing it very last second and I wrote five pages in three hours and went to turn it in online. Something glitched out and the computer at the computer lab shut down. When it got back up, my work was gone. I didn't turn in that essay. Last year for an art project, I had to sculpt one of those old glass Coke bottles out of clay. I'd spent 8 weeks on it (most of those weeks applying extremely small details and smoothing it out), and some dipshit in the classroom bumped it off a table. It splattered into a pancake on the ground. I would have cried, that's awful. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ArielCurlicue 30 September 21, 2015 Share September 21, 2015 The number one rule of creating anything: Save save save save save and save some more. Drew a circle? Save.Drew some guide lines on a new layer? Save. Colored a section on a new layer? Save. Wrote a good line or more? Save. Because chances are always there that autosave will fail. I've lost audio recordings numerous times in the past because the program crashed before I saved anything. 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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