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ooc [CLOSED] Whisper: The City of Darkness (Exploration, Horror, Action/Adventure)

Once In A Blue Moon

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However, do PM Once In A Blue Moon if you are interested - spaces may come up, and positions as significant NPCs may be available as well. Someone to bounce ideas off would be handy too (similar the role of editor when writing a novel.)

Open to new players! Please PM Once In A Blue Moon or post expressing your interest in the OOC thread.

Please note that the RP is already in progress, so I would recommend reading through the story thus far before you apply. Once In A Blue Moon will also need to have a short chat with you about how your character fits in to the larger story.

This roleplay is now DM'd by Once In A Blue Moon.

Roleplay located here!

The demon answered, 'Choose what kind of death thou wilt die, and in what manner thou shalt be killed.'

'What is my offence, said the fisherman, that this should be my recompense from thee?'

The demon replied, 'Hear my story, O fisherman.'

'Tell it then,' said the fisherman, 'and be short in thy words; for my soul hath sunk down to my feet.'

The Arabian Nights, Nights 3-9: The Story of the Fisherman

Equestria was not what it was ten years ago. Metropolises soar over the countryside, the lands around dark and dreary. The Elements have mysteriously disappeared, and monsters have slowly eaten away at the borders of Equestria. Worse, the princesses have been killed in a mysterious fashion, leaving a dull twilight that blankets the entire land. With Celestia and Luna dead, a tyrant has taken over- a mysterious pony known only as 'the King,' who rules the land with an iron fist.

Yet, despite all of this, life goes on relatively normally. The Canterlot School of Higher Learning is now the center of the most activity in Canterlot, where it also serves as an impromptu 'guild' of sorts in addition to the university. As students of the academy, you have all been chosen to lead an expedition into the ruins of the once-proud Crystal Empire, to unearth its secrets and return with knowledge, experiences, legends and lore. However, on your journey north, your transportation is damaged beyond use by an unknown force, and you find yourself trapped on the outskirts of a city that has been cordoned off magically- the same magic that is now preventing you from leaving the city.

Having barely escaped Ponyville with their lives, what will the handful of ponies who know what happened there do to stop the coming apocalypse? Can they find allies, resources, and a plan to save Equestria, or will all be engulfed by the oncoming storm?

Will the GM develop less clichéd prose? Probably not, but we live in hope. Welcome to the roleplay. I hope you enjoy yourself and you are interested. As of most things in life, here are some rules.

1. Please listen to me. I've never had to throw anyone out of my roleplays for misbehaving, and I don't want to start.
2. No godmodding, no powerplaying, no Mary Sues, no metagaming.
3. No Alicorns. Nothing against alicorns, but there aren't anymore living ones in Equestria in this roleplay... (well, apart from one)
4. No monstrous races- changelings, Diamond Dogs, or Draconequuses, for instance- are allowed.
5. This is a darker roleplay, but still well within the realm of allowance for Poniverse. Please make sure that your characters are also acting within this realm of allowance.
6. Please keep swearing to a minimum. I don't want this to become too vulgar.
7. Romance is allowed- encouraged, even! But keep rule 5 in mind.
8. To ensure you've read the rules, please post a Nigel Thornberry GIF in your submission state the inverse square law.
9. Please ensure your roleplaying is still up to scratch
10. One character per player only, please.
11. Please have proper grammar and spelling where possible. It's one of my pet peeves, and it just gives me a headache.
12. Lastly, and most importantly, have fun!

For purposes later described in the roleplay, each character will need to choose a Tarot Card of the Greater Arcana (full list in spoiler below). I recommend researching these a little bit, as they will help determine some of your unique powers later in the roleplay. Please keep in mind that only one person can have a single Tarot- we can't have two World cards, four Empress cards, or three Moon cards. Your card selection is very much first come, first served.

0. The Fool
1. The Magician
2. The High Priestess
3. The Empress
4. The Emperor
5. The Hierophant
6. The Lovers
7. The Chariot
8. Justice
9. The Hermit
10. Wheel of Fortune
11. Strength
12. The Hanged Man
13. Death
14. Temperance
15. The Devil
16. The Tower
17. The Stars
18. The Moon
19. The Sun
20. Judgement
21. The World

Please submit the following information in your application for this roleplay-

Character Link:
Tarot Card:
Roleplay-specific notes:

@,@@Unicorncob,@@Orion Caelum,@@Pucksterv,

Magos Amphrose has stated that they are unable to continue GMing this RP. They suggested that I take over, which I am happy to do - I'll get the cheat-sheet for the plot and whatnot, and it will run in much the same manner. Edited by Once In A Blue Moon

Whisper, The City of Darkness;    Carto Sketch  - The Dark Millennium


Participating in this RP can be agonizing sometimes.


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@@Pucksterv, I like this character, and the backstory fits well enough. Perhaps from her homelessness, she might have turned to the academy, seeing how that it was currently one of the better ways to make money in Canterlot at the moment? And, from there, Trivy worked her way into the university part of the university and is now learning about... something when she was shipped off.


Also, I like the tarot card you associated her with. Good choice. You're in. :D

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Huh. With my classes ending, I'll actually have time for this! (And heck, does it look awesome.)


Name: Wilhelm de Winter

Character Link: https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/wilhelm-de-winter-r8025

Tarot Card: The Magician

Roleplay-specific notes: The Extended Canon in his backstory is Roleplay-optional, so if you tell me I can't have it, it will have no effect on him as a character. (Well, minus some memories, a few traumatic experiences, and a lot of friendliness due to character development).

Misc.: There should be a Nigel Thornberry GIF here since I read the rules, but I can't find one. Er, do I need one, or can I just say that I would put one here if I did have one?

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@@Orion Caelum, Can't find one? Have this one, free of charge. :P




Other than that, he seems like a good fit as the pessimist of the group, although the two of us will have to concoct a backstory of some sort as to what he's been doing for the past ten years (local to this roleplay only, of course.) The addendum backstory is good, and you're in- I hope you have fun! :P

And now we wait for more people to join. I swear, guys, I won't bite you.

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Name: Bramble


Character link: https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/bramble-r8675


Tarot card: The Chariot


Role play specific notes: Bramble would probably joined the school to get an appropriate education before applying to become a Guard officer (or some such similar reason) having been a lower ranked guard in the past.


Other notes: posting a gif? Not with my tablet (I'll be able to use my PC from tomorrow, but I wanted to post this now) but I can point out the infinite loop in instructions 5 through 7.

Edited by Once In A Blue Moon
  • Brohoof 1

Whisper, The City of Darkness;    Carto Sketch  - The Dark Millennium


Participating in this RP can be agonizing sometimes.


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Name: Bramble


Character link: https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/bramble-r8675


Tarot card: The Chariot


Role play specific notes: Bramble would probably joined the school to get an appropriate education before applying to become a Guard officer (or some such similar reason) having been a lower ranked guard in the past.


Other notes: posting a gif? Not with my tablet (I'll be able to use my PC from tomorrow, but I wanted to post this now) but I can point out the infinite loop in instructions 5 through 7.


First off, welcome to the roleplaying section of the site. :love: :love: :love:


Secondly, although I would prefer a bit more of an expanded backstory, the character has a generally good personality. I can work with you on a better story one on one if you want, but for now, you're in. I hope you have fun!


And, finally, because device limitations, have another one free.



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I can work on more of a back story, and any help you could give would be great.


Alright, I'll send you it as a PM.



does a hybrid count as a monster


Only if the backstory logically explains why it wouldn't be castrated from society. Changelings and monsters are roaming across the all of Equestria, so any such beings are basically cast from what's left of Equestria on sight, if not outright killed. That, and I feel that the changelings shapeshift might be exploitable...


So only if you can't logic it through to me. ;)

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Name: Marble

Character Link: https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/marble-r8653

Tarot Card: The High Priestess

Roleplay-specific notes: *gives a cookie*


Edited by UnicornFilly
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Name: Marble

Character Link: https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/marble-r8653

Tarot Card: The High Priestess

Roleplay-specific notes: *gives a cookie*




I have two issues.


1) You obviously didn't read the rules, as your application is missing something, and

2) I need at least something to work with in your character sheet than one line of text that actually does me any good. What's her body proportions? (thick, thin, tall, skinny...?) Any scars or otherwise important physical, distinguishing features? What does she like, dislike, prefer? Is she rude or polite? And then backstory... I need something more permanent and character specific than 'depends on the RP.


Once you have a bit more detail, I'll look over it again and probably send you a PM so that I can help give you ideas to expand that backstory. But I can't accept the OC in it's current state, I'm sorry. If you are willing to improve your OC, then I shall gladly assist you in doing so.

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I have two issues.


1) You obviously didn't read the rules, as your application is missing something, and

2) I need at least something to work with in your character sheet than one line of text that actually does me any good. What's her body proportions? (thick, thin, tall, skinny...?) Any scars or otherwise important physical, distinguishing features? What does she like, dislike, prefer? Is she rude or polite? And then backstory... I need something more permanent and character specific than 'depends on the RP.


Once you have a bit more detail, I'll look over it again and probably send you a PM so that I can help give you ideas to expand that backstory. But I can't accept the OC in it's current state, I'm sorry. If you are willing to improve your OC, then I shall gladly assist you in doing so.


1. That's simply





2. Making her backstory now, or character Sheet. 

Edited by UnicornFilly
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Being a Batpony means she can happy eat all you're explorers, or maybe be friends if they don't taste soo good. Depends....   ​She will probably either be in the city where the explorers get trapped in, or can be apart of the group.   Not really sure about bat ponies in equestrian society, doubt they would be too pleased to be with a hungry bat pony when its a full moon.     oh wait thats whereponies............................ Never mind.


I really don't appreciate this style of backstory telling. It makes it sound like it's being told by someone trying to tell a scary story, than by an impartial somepony trying to relay an accurate and historical use for the story. You'll be on the bus crash, there's no doubt about that for reasons that you will find out later. Bat ponies are not monsters. They are merely nocturnal ponies- in fact, in this roleplay at least, Canterlot is alive with them after hours, and they make up most of the evening crowd for the pubs and restaurants. There's nothing wrong with them. Also, he implication that you might harm the others in your group is unacceptable. I don't want anyone dying to another character except if the story continues to the point where something particularly nasty happens to them.


By all means, keep trying, though. :)

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Name: Marble


Age: 20


Gender: Female


Description: Grey bat pony with blue mane (unusual as it sounds). She has orange eyes and large side teeth for her age for eating. Since she is a bat pony she has no cutie mark.


Likes: Drinking blood, which is very creepy and she doesn't do it when anypony can see her otherwise those ponies might start throwing stuff at her or lock her up. generally bat ponies don't drink blood but make there own meals however she likes to eat 'liquid' meals on rare occasions rather then just 'solid' meals.


Talking with other bat ponies, sleeping, exploring dark places etc.


Dislikes: Being Hungry, outside in bright sunlight (adaptive to caves and dark places so being outside is strange for her race, though they are able to travel outside without harming themselves.


Personality: Marble is quite reclusive, she would rather listen to other ponies ideas then come up with her own, though if she had a better idea and is feeling brave she might share. When marble does offer up her opinion or thoughts and another pony disagrees with it, she would generally not offer up any other suggestions until prompted to do so since she's already been shot down once so to say. If her plan is liked however she would continue to offer up advice or criticism even if it isn't needed.


Marble also 'buzzes' her wings when either upset, happy, distressed or bored. the type of buzz determines the mood which is rather hard to pick up on unless you really know her. She also doesn't like being bored otherwise she would generally annoy everypony with a constant 'buzz'.


Backstory: Marble grew up in one of the largest caverns outside Canterlot. She grew up with others of her kind and is currently 'teething' She is acquiring her adult teeth which leads to her secondaries falling out and replaced by a stronger, more durable set. Marble slowly grew apart from her 'herd' becoming more independent and began exploring the caves and tunnels connected to her cavern, eventually she finally left beginning her journey that led her to Canterlot itself. 

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Bat ponies are kind of a wild card. Some might be omnivores instead of carnivores, I'll give you that much. But bat ponies are not pony vampires, that much is for sure. Maybe you can emphasize this fact by eating some poor rabbit or something you catch and eat it if you really want to, but you aren't a vampire, no. Also, remember what I said about not harming other ponies in your group? That's a number one way for them to take a sword to your throat and, honestly, I would be alright with that if they killed you after you attempted to drink their blood without their permission.


Also, allow me to clarify. I want a backstory in the backstory section of your character sheet, more than just 'depends on the rp, tehehe.' Give me some permanency, darn it, and it shouldn't be related to this roleplay at all! I need motivation, experiences, general backstory that isn't RP specific that provides a basis for what the character is more than a blank slate to be redrawn. This is why most people have more than one OC- since not everypony can really go on a casual stroll roleplay with an armed and armored warrior, they make another character with simpler intentions.


I need more than a blank slate character if you wish to participate. I need information to go directly onto the character page for me to read, and not just something for you to write down here to be rewritten someplace else. Also, how the hell did she get marbles for a cutie mark when you've mentioned nothing about marbles at all?

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Excellent. Take the information you have there, edit them in to Marble's character sheet where appropriate, and then you're good to go. That's a good starting backstory that, while more detail might want to be edited in later, will get you far enough to get accepted in more roleplays and give you a base to go off of without having to write up everything all the time and remember the difference between the character in multiple roleplays. When you've done that, let me know and I'll get your name down in the OP to confirm you are playing.


(Likes and dislikes can go in either the Other section or the Personality section.)

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Excellent. Take the information you have there, edit them in to Marble's character sheet where appropriate, and then you're good to go. That's a good starting backstory that, while more detail might want to be edited in later, will get you far enough to get accepted in more roleplays and give you a base to go off of without having to write up everything all the time and remember the difference between the character in multiple roleplays. When you've done that, let me know and I'll get your name down in the OP to confirm you are playing.


(Likes and dislikes can go in either the Other section or the Personality section.)



Name: Marble


Character Link: https://mlpforums.co.../_/marble-r8653


Tarot Card: The High Priestess


Roleplay-specific notes: *gives a cookie*


Misc.: I really hate those tiny boxes in the character sheet

Edited by UnicornFilly
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By Wednesday, around 1-2 PM EST, I will have the RP up and running. I'm giving people until tomorrow to post their character submissions, just in case they are interested by then. And it'll give me time to experiment and put together the opening post. ;)

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By Wednesday, around 1-2 PM EST, I will have the RP up and running. I'm giving people until tomorrow to post their character submissions, just in case they are interested by then. And it'll give me time to experiment and put together the opening post. ;)


thats like 7-8pm my time, should be good.

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