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open [RP] The Blackwater Quarry


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@Blitz Boom @Hazard Time


As the twins stood there awaiting Low Key's directions, the one on the right sniffed at the air for a moment.


"Say... do you smell... smoke?"


As the wind was angling from the quarry to the house, the scent of burning fuse had reached them... but not in enough time to stop the rocket from igniting, then flying right in their direction.


"I believe I d- SWEET CELESTIA'S PLOT!!!!!"


As the rocket came streaking towards them, the butler on the right jumped right in front of Key - but it was a pointless gesture, as the other one swiftly turned and sent his hooves flying at the thing, connecting and sending it zipping at an angle toward the manor itself! It caromed off some eaves, ricocheted off a window ledge, zipped into the quarry yard, bounced off of the medical shed, then flew right back at the manor... and through Luther's open balcony doors.


From inside there was a muffled >WHOOMP!<, then an exceedingly loud and enraged yell of surprise, followed by a puff of pink and yellow glitter that clouded out of the room.


The twins had watched the entire scene unfold, and when they saw what had happened to the rocket (and where it ended up), both of them slapped their hooves to their cheeks in perfect unison.


"... oh manure..." said the one on the left.






One of the miners looked back over his flank toward the manor.


"Uhhhhh... maybe?"


Another glanced over his shoulder. "Eh, ol' Pink-Slip's whining again, big hairy deal. Let 'im cry - good riddance, y'ask me."


The first worker swiveled to look at the second one. "Hey! He's the son of our employer; that's no way to be!"


The second gave a laugh dripping with sarcasm. "Oh yeah? I got a cousin who used to work here; made friends with the little mutt, too. Know what happened? Boss made that little so-and-so FIRE him! Him and about 50 others - JUST for bein' FRIENDS with the little jerk! So yeah... Pink-Slip's nothin' but trouble."


The second pony went back to his task. The first one, nonplussed, simply shrugged at Crescent and went back to what he'd been doing as well.



@Mentis Soliloquy



Taps listened to Scarlet as she spoke, reacting as she went.


When she spoke of relationships, Taps simply sighed... but when she mentioned Luna's possible intervention, the blue mare scoffed and took on a sour look.


When she reached the ending question, Taps grew thoughtful. She seemed as though she was earnestly trying to consider if anything had been happening to her to make things go as such. In fact, she even took the pencil in her mouth again, and was about to start writing... when the rocket shot across the quarry yard, coming within inches of the condiment cart.


Taps' eyes were glued to the thing as it flew where it flew, then watched it go RIGHT into Luther's office and explode.


Seeing this, Taps dropped the pencil as her mouth hung open. Before it hit the table, the mailmare was off like a shot, maiking a beeline for the elder Blackwater's open study doors. She was through them in seconds, vanishing from view.

(going off my cell) Crescent looked back where the green streak blured too feeling confused and a bit sorry for whatever or whoever that was as he could have sworn to Luna he herd sobbing.Wait if who ever was seen crying at the mine pending on how the minors knew them it could go bad for them unless they were laughing at something. He looked at the pasta dish "maybe he needs pasta". He shook his head placing that on the later to do list for today. His main mission was having that lunch date with his crush and maybe working out what ever red was hinting at. No that was not it or was to have a fun, casual date...lunch...lunch date?...picknick? He still Havnt thought up a line to say when he would see her. Come now cresent, can't leave a mare waiting too long. He spred his wings again and took off towards the shack hoaping he wasn't late and red would be distracted long enough. He trusted his first shift minors but somtimes red did surprise him. He shook his head again trying to come up with a good line to start the conversation with as he glidded towards the shack.
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Outside the Mines - Mine kitchen


As her eyes went and she watched this... onlooker. She was unsure of what to do about it, if she'd been inducted really by anyone at all she'd know if the mine had maybe guards or private security to tell them about this bat pony... a bat pony? She'd never seen a female one and only a single one before in Crescent and he was going to be part of the family one day when his cousin could rope him in to the Orange clan. 


She had half a mind to go see this pony... nope she was gonna see who this pony was. She grabbed a frying pan and slowly snuck towards the wall. She knew bat ponies had good hearing, bat ponies? She never liked the tittle, Night pegasi sounded way cooler in her head anyway. (am I right? :pout: ) She got really quiet or she thought she did as she approached the section of wall the pony had looked from. She stood still next to the wall her ears flicking at the most minute sound that her ears could hear anyway, which compared to the pony on the other side of the wall she may as well of been deaf.


She took the risk anyway getting on the elevator and riding it up the wall then almost leaped over the wall when she heard something, anything! "Got ya!" As she blindly leaped. 



Edited by Mentis Soliloquy
  • Brohoof 2

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Slapper chuckled, and gave Copper a pat on the back.   "I like your gumption, kid... but I don't know how that might work.  See, the quarry's only GOT two shifts: early and late.  Not only that, but resectioning the barracks area to include a place to have fun?  I... dunno about that, buddy.  Luther's pretty strict when it comes to changing ANYTHING here... like he always says," Knee puffed himself up, and spoke in a haughty voice, "MY quarry - MY rules - NO EXCEPTIONS!"   He let out the ai in a blast of a laugh, then turned back to look at the blue pony.   "Still... the idea DOES have merit; maybe I could convince Luther to set up a park-type-area somewhere nearby - maybe even in the back area, behind the manor house?  I dunno... but you're right, it's only fair to expect hard workers to want a place to PLAY hard, right?"   He looked thoughtful, then smiled at the ex-mailpony.   "I'll run it by Chuck - if he likes it, it's more likely that Luther will like it, too.  Not bad, kid."   He grinned and tipped a wink to Copper.


Copper shrugged at Slapper.  He wasn't sure if his idea would work, but at least it was an effort nonetheless.  "Hey, it wouldn't hurt to try.  At least I could try to let the workers play hard.  If they don't play hard, then they-"  he stopped, his pupils dilating in a fierce rage and fear.


Somepony was caught in a dilemma, and they didn't like one little bit of it.


He looked at Slapper, which gave him the insight of his power to sense danger.  "Slapper, somepony is going to be in trouble.  I can sense it."  He scanned the area, looking to where the source of the trouble was.  He looked directly at the Blackwater manor, and he looked FURIOUS.  "Mr. Blackwater.  I sense that he's the victim of some prank.  It'll be only a matter of time before he bursts.  We have to help him."  He looked mad, and his resolve was to help at all costs, no matter who was the one that needed help.


He took off without another warning to the manor.  Once there, he searched frantically for his boss.  And when he did, his eyes became that of surprise, shock, and rage, all at the same time, but mostly rage.


"Who did this to you?!"  he said furiously.

  • Brohoof 3

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@@Hazard Time,


This wasn't how she had expected this to go, that was for sure. She had expected Dax to be all flustered and shocked since it had been so long since the last time they met, plus he never told her how to find the mine.

Instead he had looked a little surprised, then sad, and then A Lot sadder as he started to cry over somepony leaving. Perhaps the funny-dressed one from earlier that went *poof* and vanished? Could be, but it was kinda hard to focus on with Dax nearly crushing her noticeably smaller self into the ground while covering her in tears.

"That's not nice of him. Why would anypony not say goodbye to you? You're fun... And kinda heavy..."

The last part where said lower and sounded a bit strained as Blitz tried to stand her ground with the robust earth pony leaning on her shoulder. Thankfully he hadn't put all his weight into it or she'd have fallen down instantly, but still. He wasn't a light weight.








There had been many things that Ziggy had felt in her time here at the quarry. Sadness when somepony got hurt, relief when they turned out fine, sorta down a few times, happy, curious and so on.

She had even felt afraid now and again, when others had been severely injured or what sounded like a horrible accident had occurred in the mine, that made her think that perhaps that might lead to injuries too severe for her to either mend or staunch long enough to get them to a hospital.

Yet, at the end of the day, she had always still been able to find a smile on her muzzle or hold her chin high, thinking that everything was going to be okay.

Now though, faced with the glittery Luther Blackwater, she felt for the first time in years that she couldn't find any hope. Every time she tried, it all seemed to drown in the orbs of hatred that sat in his sockets, whilst the vein on his head pulsated like it was trying to break free.

"I-I don't know sir, I swear. I just saw something had gone off from the kitchen, not who, or what, did this.

Now please, M-Mr. Blackwater, the vein... The way it's throbbing like that... It's not good. You need to try and calm or you could end up getting a brain aneurysm, or a heart attack."

Her fear tried to give way to worry and panic over her first encounter with the aggressive, pulsating vein on her boss' head, but there was just so much anger - so much Wrath - that it was hard to let go of her fears, even if she started to worry for his wellbeing as much as her own right now.

She was so fixated on this that she didn't even notice when somepony else showed up, including when he started to talk.

Edited by Blitz Boom
  • Brohoof 3


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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The first thing Crescent noticed as he landed at Silver's shed was the one across from it was collapsed; one wall had been bent almost completely in half, while the rest of it lie in a heap on top of the few crates that had been stored inside it.  The only sign that anything other than a simplre collapsing had happened were the twin hoofmarks that stood out from the bent metal wall - looked as if someone POWERFUL had kicked it down in a single hit - not exactly easy to do, since the sheds were usually rather sturdy.


The second thing he saw was Silver herself.


She was standing at the doorway to her own shed, a dreamy-like expression on her muzzle as she simply stared off into the distance.  It took a moment, but she eventually did notice him, and she instantly shook her head to clear her mind of whatever had been on it.


"OH!  Oh, Crescent!  It's... i-i-it's YOU!"  She flustered.  "I didn't... uh, d-d-didn't expect you!  Are you on break?"


She seemed rather nervous, for some reason...



@Mentis Soliloquy





The bat-pony shrieked as Scarlet suddenly popped up right in front of her, and stopped flapping for a moment - which was when mean ol' GRAVITY took over, and she fell - but only about ten feet before she resumed flight, and her eyes had grown huge in their sockets, shock coming from every ounce of her expression.




Her words spilled out of her mouth like marbles from an overturned bucket.  She flew closer to the wall, but backed off appreciatively when she saw the frying pan.  She had a red hairband, and her clothes looked plain and somewhat dull.  Her blond mane swept back from her temples, and her mouth trembled as she spoke again, this time with spaces between the words.


"I'm so sorry... but... I couldn't help myself; I smelled something so wonderful, and I..."


She grew a guilty face.


"I... was being... nosy... I'm SO sorry!"


Her guilt appeared genuine, and she looked ready to start crying any moment now.



@DwhitetheGamer@Blitz Boom



Luther Blackwater's seething gaze slid from Ziggy to Copper; he looked as though he was ready to pound somepony flat.


"... I do NOT know... but if I find out..."


Copper could hear his teeth grinding; it was the kind of sound that sent cringing shivers up a pony's spine.


Luther turned to Taps.  "Search the quarry for a pony with explosives!"  Taps, not one to invoke the wrath of the elder Blackwater, saluted smartly and took off like a shot out of the balcony doors, spiraling her way down to the quarry yard below.


He then turned to Copper.  "And YOU... WHY ARE YOU IN MY-..."  Luther stopped, shook his head, then returned to addressing the blue stallion.  "Never mind that now - are there any other injuries?"


He then finally turned his navy blues onto Ziggy again, where they closed.  He took in a sharp breath, then let out a slow and controlled sigh.  His eyes opened again, and he looked somewhat calmer - but still quite perturbed.


"Zinger."  He looked down at himself, then back at the pegazebra.  "Help me clean this off."


With that, he began to attempt to brush the glitter off; he looked like a crazy disco statue... except for his angry dark blue eyes.




Dax looked down at Blitz, then realized the size difference.  With a start, he almost practically jumped away from her.


"OH!  Sorry sorry sorry!  I just... I didn't know that..."


He gave a pitiful sniffle, then simply looked down.


"My best friend... h-he came all the way here... from T-T-Troy... I even hurt myself, trying to get to him... and he... h-he..."  More tears rolled their way down poor Dax's muzzle.  "... he just... left... j-just LEFT, without even so much as a-"


The little lightbulb in Dax's mind went off, and he whipped his view up until it connected with the little mare.


"... wait... what are YOU doing here?  I mean, wait - it's good to see you, Blitz, but... but I never told you where I... I mean, we didn't talk about my..."


Though his cheeks were still tear-stained, his face was all curiosity.


"How did you FIND me?"

  • Brohoof 2

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Blitz didn't do anything but look up at Dax as he said that his best friend - no fair, she wanted to be his bestest friend! - had left a few more times. It looked like he were really sad about it, but she guessed she'd be too if she had waited for somepony that never showed up, and especially if they were far, far away. Or at least she thought it was far away? She never heard of something called Troy before, but eh, plenty things she didn't know/couldn't remember, so some random town wasn't so bad. Perhaps later when he felt better she could ask him? Yeah, that sounded fine.


When the time came around when Dax began to wonder how she had found him, or this place in general though, she let out a small giggle and jumped a little in place.


"Well, you said your last name was Blackwater, so I just asked around to hear if somepony heard of that name before, and then I just walked the way they pointed, and the nearer I got, the more fun things I got to hear about this place. Or well, not fun things, sort of mean things, but they don't know you, so boo to them.


Then i got here and there was this big wall and guards and stuff, so I broke in!"


The amount of glee that went over Blitz voice when she said she had broken into this place were disturbingly noticeable.


"I mean, I didn't want to ruin the surprise, you know? Haven't seen you in... Uhm... 3 months I think? Time sorta goes fast when there's fun things to build.


Anyway, I wanted to make it a surprise, so I didn't want anypony to see me, so I went around all sneaky-like until I found you, but then the weird pony left and you got all sad, so I didn't have a chance to get to you, so I had to run after you, then I found you and yey!"


She hugged his leg again, still not really being able to get much higher than this without rising on her backlegs, and this was easier than doing that. Kinda strange, but easier.


"I had to find you after all, remember? You wanted the fireworks display to make everypony like you more, and I finally got it done so it looked good, but you still weren't there, so I figured I'd take a box of fun things with me and find you. First time I remember being away from Ponyvile or Canterlot, but nothing bad happened. Or well... Okay, the fires were sorta bad, but its fine. I think."


She hadn't been able to sneak the box of fun things in, since that had been kinda large in it, so she had just taken her travel bag with a few essentials like smokebombs, a glitter-rocket, a hand-grenade and some Skittles. Nothing serious or harmful she'd say. or okay, the handgrenade sorta were, but that were just in case something, or somepony, were bad in here. She usually scared bad things and timberwolves away with explosives, so it made sense to her to have something ready if there was something akin to that here, or if there was a big rock in her way. Not a Big one though, she had the things for that in the box. Seemed a bit overkill to take with her.


There really wasn't a thought spent by her on perhaps explaining why said bag - that were on the ground a little behind her - looked a little deflated, but it shouldn't be hard for Dax to figure out that it wasn't likely like that when she got in here, and with her saying that she had broken in...








"Of course Mr. Blackwater! Hold still."


Ziggy had gotten less scared as Luther had went on and had cooled down a little. Both for his health and for her own, though right now she felt more thankful about his. He already had a bad day and it didn't need to be topped off with him having to go to the hospital from a rage-induced seizure.


She were not relaxed enough in it to start laughing at her rather fabulous-looking boss right now though. She might be an airhead, and kinda stupid sometimes, but not That stupid. She'd have never made it through medical school without setting herself on fire somehow if that were.


Looking over Luther, she took notice in how the glitter seemed to drizzle off a little by little when he moved, then took a wild stab in the dark and brushed at him with her left wing to see how much would go off. Which turned out to be quite a lot, than then went towards the floor.


There wasn't any scorch marks on, or anywhere near him from what she could find at a quick glance, and since it didn't seem like the glitter had any glue or otherwise on it, it could be it just stuck because of the force it were applied with, which meant... She could potentially get the worse off by blowing it away. Not with her breath of course, because heh, who had that kind of lungs, but her wings were another deal, and this office had plenty of room for her to spread them without tossing something down, so... Well, here went nothing.


She stood in front of Luther and spread her wings, then did her darnest to stay still as she blew on him with them, which should get rid of the worst of the glitter. She could perhaps have done a bit better, but she might have knocked something over by accident if it were, either around her or behind Luther, so that wasn't really an option. Not in her book at least.


"Seems like I missed a little. Just a little longer Mr. Blackwater and you'll look as good as new. Promise."


With that, she returned to brushing him off with her wings as she had done before, which should clean him qwuite a bit better a little by little. She couldn't go fast in this case since she needed precise movement with the oversized feather-dusters, but hey, long as it worked, right? And sure, she would get her feathers full of glitter too, but who would honestly be surprised by her flying around like that anymore?


Whilst doing this though, she also looked over at the other pony that had entered and gave him a smile.


"Hey there, uhm... You."


She hadn't much else she could think about to say to him right now for some reason. She guessed he were new perhaps, cause she couldn't remember talking to him before, but if he were new, how come he had been able to get in here with no bother? Sure, Mr. Blackwater had looked kinda mad about his presence, but he hadn't been fired, and thus far, he hadn't even been ordered to keep shut about this whole situation, so... Personal assistant of some kind that she just hadn't taken notice of? It was possible, especially if he worked mostly at the mansion, though he looked more like a miner than one of the workers here.


Okay, scratch it, she did have a lot to talk to him about, but none of them really seemed like a good time to bring up right now. Not with the smouldering Luther at least, as he had just gotten the top of his anger calmed/hidden for the time being and bad things could likely happen if she started to poke to it with stuff like the control of who knew about this, who this pony were, etc.

Edited by Blitz Boom
  • Brohoof 2


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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The unicorn stallion gulped.  "The...g-graveyard?"  That wasn't usually a normal place one would go to recuperate, and talking to the statues?  Was it a good idea to talk to this other stallion?  The butlers didn't seem to have any serious warnings to give about him...and he wasn't that unattractive either.  On top of all that, he could hear Carnelian's voice in his head:


You need to be more gregarious, dear!  Forget about your shame and just start talking.  A noble who can't socialize is a fish who can't swim.  Do or die, Low Key.


Low took another deep breath and nodded.  "Let's go."




"You have all the time in the world, my dear.  Although, do keep in mind that an offer such as this does not come very often, and there are many who would kill to receive the same offer."  Carnelian flashed a knowing smile and stood up from her sofa, trotting over to the window next to Vylia.


"As for my goals...well, I'm not one to lay all my cards on the table, but I don't mind showing you a bit of my hoof.


"My goal, Vylia, is power.  Not surprised?  I wouldn't be.  Everypony has their vices, and I'm no different.  I assure you, however, the world is not what I want; just a small part of it, the part of it that is mine to claim."


The baroness paused to bring her hoof up to her eyes and inspect it.  "My house is strong, stronger than all the others in the Empire, and so it has been for centuries of imperial history.  Would you not agree that it is for the strong to rule the weak?  That is how it has always been, the very foundation of our feudal system.  I will not be led by sheep, not when I am the wolf.  The motto of my house is By Degrees, but I have grown impatient.  My predecessors were content with biding their time and advancing one step at a time, and how has that served us?  No, I refuse to be another statistic.  The Koroundio Dynasty is nigh, and I shall be the one to usher it into existence!"


The baroness stamped her hoof on the ground, her steely gaze peering out across the grounds.  "The extent of my power is something few ponies but those I trust know.  Even then, most assume that my power is simply money and charisma.  They see my lack of a horn and assume I pose no physical threat."


Carnelian's eyes locked onto a blue jay sitting in a tree, squawking away at nothing in particular.  Oh how she hated jays, so obnoxious and messy.


"But is a horn really necessary?"  Her lips cracked into a grin, and her deep blue irises began rhythmically pulsing blood red.  A tiny heartbeat pulsed in her ears, and with a twitch of her brow, her irises stopped pulsing, becoming completely scarlet.  The jay opened its beak to squawk and suddenly froze, its breath caught in its throat as it began to sway.


"No, no it is not."  The jay fell from its branch and onto a nearby bush, twitching and gasping for breath.  Carnelian's eyes slowly returned back to their natural color, and the jay's chest began to heave once more.  After hurriedly regaining its footing, it immediately flew off, panicked squawks filling the air.




"Not when you have a friend on the other side."

  • Brohoof 3

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"OH! Oh, Crescent! It's... i-i-it's YOU!" She flustered. "I didn't... uh, d-d-didn't expect you! Are you on break?"
Seeing the down shack cresent at first thought it was another victim of the freak flood as there were some shake damaged.....that was until he saw the hoof prints.


Two of them, his curiosity had him glued there for he didn't know how long trying to imagine such a pony doing such a thing...not knowing anypony who could made him tense. Tense enough for his wings to extend in a not so hidden fight or flight stance most ponys would get seeing a threat. If anypony knew cresent he doesn't often extend his wings unless flying a minor out of something, flying over the mine in general, or the previous days events. He became more tense none the less trying to find any traces of who or what ever did that to the cottage as he knew from experience the buildings here were made to withstand a lot from how his boss treats his manor.


  No bit invested in this mine couldn't be wasted on anything so for something to break at this mine would mean there was something more problematic. Then seeing how his crush was cresents optimism did go down a bit, "yes I got off in time for lunch, if your still game?"  


The batponys ear twitched not of annoyance more confusion "everything all goo beautiful?" seeing the look on his crush he cocked his head to the side "better question, safe to ask what that's all about?"" he said nodding over to the mysteriously broken shed.   

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@@Blitz Boom,


Outside the Mines - Mine kitchen


"Ok calm down there lass, I don't think I have to hit you with the pan. I just though you were a spy or a thief or something I suppose." She puts the pan down and tries to appear as not a threat to this bat pony. "Look if your hungry I'll feed ya this once, it will be my food your smelling, but it's for employees of the mine most of the time and your not, so just one freebie." She was not too keen to approach her in this state, lest not to scare her off or even make her think Scarlet a threat and attack her.


She was really trying to put together why this pony was here. She seemed to not be homeless or anything of that nature as she was clean and not smelling like some of the homeless she had met before smelt like, though they were rare thankfully. But this brought up more questions, there were not many if any places ponies lived near the mine apart from anyone who worked in said mine or supported it one way or another. One thing was for sure she'd like to hear this mare's tale about how she was here.  



  • Brohoof 2

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Avatar Credits: Yakovlev-vad

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@Blitz Boom



"You... broke in?"


Worry crossed the stallion's features, and he stepped back a pace to look her right in the eye.


"Blitz... there are armed guards on the top of that wall!  You could've gotten seriously hurt doing that!  Not to mention what Father would say or do - he'd go nuts if he found out you just flew right in here!  And what's this about FIRES?  Blitz, you can't just... just..."


He suddenly reached out and wrapped his forelegs around her, giving her another tight hug.


"... oh, Blitz.  It's SO good to see you!"


He then released her (no need to crush her again) and stood back, looking her over appraisingly.


"I'm... actually glad you're here, really."  He sniffled once, and wiped his muzzle.  "I could really use a friend right now."


He cast a slight glance over at the daunting statue he'd been seated in front of.  "Sorry, Grandpa Serious... but Blitz answers out loud, so I'll have to catch up to you later."


He smiled at her then, and it was a kind smile.  


"Okay, well... I suppose you're here now, so... well, I dunno.  And you said you brought..."


He began to eyeball the bag she'd brought - and it did look a tad deflated.


"Blitz... uhm, you didn't happen to actually USE any of your fireworks on the quarry grounds, did you?"




Luther finished brushing off the majority of the glitter from his powerful frame, then turned to Ziggy.


"Thank you.  I am not injured, so I ask you to tend to any others who may have been injured."




This done, he then swiveled to meet Copper's gaze.  His stare was dour, but it ALWAYS was.


"And YOU.  Your concern is noted.  And as a former mailpony, I'm sure you wanted to help, and that was all."


That's when the stare turned cold and hard.


"But this is MY home.  And unless you come from a town where it is acceptable to barge into other ponies homes, dash through them at a breakneck pace and force your way into their private study rooms, I would NOT suggest you do that again.  If you do, be aware that you will be seen as an intruder..."


He leaned in until Copper's breath was fogging the elder Blackwater's glasses.


"... and I will deal with you myself."


Luther then backed off, and took on his usual scowl.


"As you were doing so from concern, I will not fire you for this.  Do not let it happen again."


His talking done, he then went to his desk and gave a frustrated sigh, looking at the scattered paperwork and rivers of glitter all over the place.  There was the slight sound of his teeth grinding again, then he sat about trying to brush the offending sparkles off his desk.



@Hazard Time



The twin butlers took the lead on either side of Low Key, and guided him towards the place in the bushes where Dax had vanished... which, as Key drew close, actually ended up being a well-hidden (overgrown?) path that wound down along the side of the mountain and rose again around a corner.


The butlers took up front and rear positions, and they traversed the ivy-covered pathway.  There were precarious points, but nothing extremely dangerous... other than the miles-high drop off on the easternmost side, that was.


The path wound along the side of the mountain until it turned back inward, revealing a rusty half-wall of iron spires that appeared still sharp enough to hurt anypony who tried to climb them.  The fence had been there for a long time from the look of it, and hadn't been cared for properly.  But the grounds inside had - they were clear of debris or flora.


"This way, Master Key..."


Blackwater Ridge would have been rather scary at night; during the day, it simply looked somber and a bit washed-out, as if Nature's paintbrush had run a tad dry when she reached this place.  There were black and slate gray headstones in neat, orderly rows from one end to the other, and a few grave markers were actually statues of exquisite quality.


In front of one of the more centrally positioned works of tombstone art was the black and green stallion from earlier... and someone else, as well...




Vylia listened intently as the Baroness spoke, and even kept her composure during the incident with the shrill Bluejay... though it was obvious that such a display didn't miss her one bit.


She stood up and made her way over to her guest, standing far enough to give her personal space, yet close enough to speak low and soft while maintaining comprehensiveness.


"Power, is it?  Well, I shall certainly say your ambition is commendable... and you don't seem to be one to wait for greatness to come to you.  Proactive ponies usually get what they work for - and it seems as though you have your work cut out for you."


She grinned.  "Not that you can't handle it, dearie... in fact, I'm fairly certain you'll succeed - though how much so would be relative to the effort put in, no doubt.  And a small part of the world isn't so much to ask, honestly.  In fact, it seems quite appropriate for one such as yourself to want only what they truly deserve.  I'm somewhat similar - though all I'd want in this life is to be included into the upper class... which is where I belong, of course."


She leveled a look at Carnelian then.


"And as for your... how should I put it... 'friend on the other side'?  I may not know much about magic or... whatever you did there... but I am WELL aware of the necessity for keeping aces up one's fetlocks, so to speak.  And from what I gather, you seem to have an entire DECK up your own... but that is none of my business, as your power is your own to wield, and I shan't be one to tell you otherwise."


A small, wicked smile began to creep onto her muzzle.


"But there are MANY kids of power, you know... and I may not have... THAT... but I do have some of my own pull to speak of - in the form of information.  I have a well-connected network of listening ears that become wagging tongues upon my demand.  After all, dearie - knowledge is power, as well.  For example..."


She turned and began to stride along the row of windows in the parlour.


"... I actually happen to know a bit more than I've let on, you know - such as the fact that you were not originally the first heir to your family's fortune.  That would be your long lost sibling, if my sources are correct... Nepheline, if my little birds are twittering correctly, hmm?"


She wasn't sure how the Baroness would take hearing these things - but she wasn't about to seem ineffective in front of Crystal Royalty, and certainly not in her own home.


"The plagues might have actually been kinder by far, as your parents were both cruel and calculating, behind closed doors.  They fashioned you into what some of my contacts would say as a 'hardcase' to meet their own ends, and then they mysteriously disappeared... to what end, I have not a clue... but with such harsh treatment, it would hardly surprise me to discover that YOU had a direct hoof in it - and, from all I've heard, I wouldn't blame you one iota, dearie."


She stopped at the farthest window, and gazed out of it as if there were something catching her attention outside; in truth, she was watching Carnelian's reflection in the glass, just to see how she took the Blackwater matron's words.


"Then, of course, there was a need for heirs, and you made quite a Bold choice," she smiled, "yet it seems as if Fate wouldn't allow for you to remain married, and so your husband ALSO vanished mysteriously... coincidence?  Perhaps - but one that speaks FAR more of your ambition than your display with the bird outside.  But then came Sombra, eh dearie?"


She let her gaze dance among the flowers outside her window, then turned to make her way to her couch once more.


"He wasn't quite as easy to handle, was he?  In fact, my sources tell me he made quite an example out of you - an example which history may have erased, but secrets are forever, dearie... especially when they're as interesting and potentially embarrassing as that one, no doubt."


She glanced over her shoulder at the Baroness.  "And no need to worry - the ones under my employ know that I can make their lives a living Tartarus, should they tell any other soul of what they learn... and I am NOT in the habit of blabbing woeful secrets to everypony nor anypony; if Equestria learns of this, it will not be from my hoof, I assure you."


She continued to the ornate couch.


"But I suppose the MOST interesting information of all had not to do with you... but your children, Baroness.  I believe the names I was given were Proud and Soft?  I think so.  They certainly seem to have little to no use for you, dearie - which is an absolute shame, of course.  But perhaps a show of usefulness would be in order here - especially as I would much rather count you as a friend than an enemy..."


Sitting carefully on the rich cushions, she turned to face her company once again, a beatific smile on her well-groomed muzzle.


"... which is why my spies are currently looking into locating them for you, Baroness."


While Vylia hoped she hadn't crossed any lines with her powerful guest... she also hoped she'd shown enough intelligence to truly be considered a worthwhile friend - or, at the very least, a useful ally.






"Ahm... er... the shed, I'm not sure, but... well..."  Silver began, then sighed softly and walked over to Crescent, her eyes big and beautiful.


"Do you remember that special somepony I told you about?  Well... he was just here.  And he and I spoke for the brief moment... and, well..."  She rubbed a hoof on the back of her neck.  "... I... I think we're still... er... a thing."


She looked as though this was the most difficult thing for her to say to the bat-pony.


"Crescent, I have no problem with being your friend... especially being your GOOD friend... but I'm afraid Illiad's already made off with my heart - and it would be mean of me to keep leading you on, thinking you might be winning me over.  I'm..."


The unicorn mare's eyes began to tear up.


"... I'm not wanting to hurt you, as you've been so sweet to me... but I refuse to string you along like a cruel game-player.  I'm NOT like that.  I like you, Cress - I really, TRULY do - but Illiad was my first love, and Illiad will be my last love."


She looked down, feeling guilty and ashamed.


"I am really, truly sorry.  But I respect you as a pony, and as such, I don't want to try to lie about it.  You deserve the truth..."


She looked back up at him, tears now running freely.  "... can you ever forgive me?"



@Mentis Soliloquy



The bat-pony's slitted eyes widened and almost shined at Scarlet's words.


"Really?  ReallyreallyreallyohmygoshohmygollythatwouldbeWONderfulyespleasethankyou!"


She looked as though she'd hug Scar, but instead she simply gave a shy giggle, then made her way over to the wall and lit down gently on her hooves, folding her wings into place.  She smiled broadly at the earth pony cook.


"I m-m-mean, uh... th-th-thank you so very much.  You're too kind!"


She gave a slight bow, her red eyes looking on Scar with kindness and gratitude.


"My name is Hollow Echo... and it's a pleasure to meet you."


At least she had manners.

  • Brohoof 2

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@@Randimaxis @@Blitz Boom


Low's gaze focused on the grave markers, perusing the names, obituaries, and statues that lined the path.  There were a lot of ponies here.  Well, dead ponies, but still, how long had this estate existed?  These statues had wonderful artistr-


Right, he was here to speak to somepony.  His eyes searched the graveyard as he found the green stallion from earlier.


"Oh...who's that he's talking to?  I don't want to interrupt them.  I mean, that'd be rude.  Should I just wait for them to finish?"



A small grin crept up Carnelian's cheeks.  She always loved to hear other ponies brown-nosing, especially when she was the subject.  It made her feel loved, adored, pampered, like all those times that she used to have a line of stallions fighting for her attention, despite her being married.  Wait, was she saying it wasn't still that way now that she was a bachelorette?  For shame!


However, the next topic unsettled her.  Where was this going?  Was she honestly trying to contest her dominance?  For shame, no pony was in her league, and a few gossips giving away information was basic tier intrigue that any noble had access to.


And then she mentioned Nepheline.



Tomorrow, I just know it; tomorrow, I'm going to come in and say good morning, and you're going to be all better, and then we'll get to play together again.  I miss playing with you, Nephy.  I miss you.  Please wake up tomorrow.



The memories never stopped coming, and her face remained impassive as the scenes flashed before her eyes.



Do you expect me to care, my little Carnelian?  If you wish to have the privilege of eating dinner again, then you will demonstrate that you deserve it.



I knew better than to trust you, but this?  Pawning off the soul of my beloved daughter, and for what?  So that your crows feet would go away?  The princess will hear of this, heretic!



Did you truly think me to be as feeble minded as your peers?  I would normally execute a pony for such treachery, but if you wish to fashion yourself as a whore, then I shall not keep my slaves wondering!





"You have a lot of nerve digging up my past," she began, the low menace in her voice present as she slowly turned her head to stare at Vylia.  "I am willing to forgive this transgression on the grounds that we never discuss it again.


"Under any other circumstances, however, you would have my attention, Vylia.  Your sources appear competent in their work, and I would enjoy mutual cooperation, especially if you intend to use them to locate my foals.  I have been sending out feelers for the past three years, but they are impeccable at keeping their tracks covered.  Your assistance would be greatly appreciated."

  • Brohoof 4

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Outside the Mines - Mine kitchen


"Um... Hi, I'm Scarlet, Scarlet Orange. But don't go telling anyone I'm an Orange... come to think of it I should not of said any of that... just, just for get my last name I'm just Scarlet and I'm the cook here." She rather hoped this bat pony was more of a strange in search of a meal than anything else. So long as she had nothing to do with the Blackwaters, nor ran her mouth in company.


Scarlet put her pan on her back and gestured for the pony of the night to follow her. "You know your not the first bat pony I've met, we've got one here at the mine actually nice enough guy, got to ask him about how him and my couscous are going...?" She trailed off on a self mental note. 


She eventually led the mare back to the kitchen area, well the outside eating tables part of the kitchen area. "Ok here is my, well my domain I suppose." She turned to face her. "Have a seat and I'll bring out some of what your nose has been smelling, everyone seems to like the damn stuff so much and I really don't know why?... I mean I'm a good cook, but I did not think I'm that good..." As she was saying the last part she'd already started to walk to the kitchen entrance to get some soup for the bat pony.




  • Brohoof 2

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Blitz jumped up and down at the question, excited about the question and happy about seeing Dax being more smiles now, though he was still a big silly silly.


"You should have seen it Dax! There were some ponies that were gonna go after you and then I looked in the bag for something to sneak past them, but I had already used the smoke bombs before, but I had a rocket. So I put it on the ground and lit the fuse towards them. bet they didn't see me at all when it went zoom towards them."


She giggled profoundly for a bit, imagining what their faces must have looked like when that little thing flew towards them. She hadn't stuck around to see, but it had likely been a fun sight.


"Totally harmless though, yes yes yes, just a small blast and then a lot of glitter. Just meant to spread pretty joy all around. Bet they got all covered by it though. oh, and some of the house too. It was right up at the big, Big house. The rain will take it. Always did when I blasted myself with it."


There really wasn't anything in this that sounded bad to her. The smoke bombs just made for a good distraction, and what wrong were there in a small rocket? Especially when there was only boom and no fire in it? Besides, the big house could use some more color. It looked boring.


She did speak loud enough so that not only Dax should be able to hear her, but also the three ponies that had followed her and Dax after all, though she hadn't taken notice that either of them had shown up as her back was to them. Knowing that it was her that had done this, what would the three think? Or rather, what would they do?





"Alright Mr. Blackwater. Take care okay? And watch out for your blood pressure please."


With that, Ziggy smiled and waved at Luther, Taps and the unknown pony a last time before flying off again, though she didn't go back to the food trailer just yet, but instead back to her office where she took forth her medical back and began taking some things she hadn't used on the shelf for a long time now into the bag.


Though Luther had seemed more composed at the end, she were worried that something might happen, and if it did, that there wouldn't be time for her to find the proper blood medication, or the tools needed for a resuscitation in case the unthinkable happened, The thought alone that Mr. Blackwater could be twitching on the floor, starting to flat-line and her not being prepared to help him...


She dusted off a small bottle of sapphire liquid and starred through it determined whilst mumbling to herself: "I will be ready for you Luther."


Putting it, and a few other things into her bag, she took it with her this time as she headed over to the food trailer and landed at the door. Her eyes were drawn towards the manor, worry plastered over her face at the thought of what might happen if Luther didn't calm down, but eventually she averted her eyes and knocked on the door three times before creaking the door a little and putting on a happy tone.



@@Mentis Soliloquy,


"Hello? Is anypony in here? I know I'm kinda late in it, but it got all sorts of hectic with medical stuff at the office all of a sudden, so I couldn't come around until now. Is it okay if I come in? Pretty please?"

  • Brohoof 2


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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She looked back up at him, tears now running freely. "... can you ever forgive me?"
Of all the ways this could have started the batpony had to admit he did not expect this much of a development to happen so quickly...He did feel like he was just sucker punched in the gut tho.


Seeing his crush tear up like this as well didn't help things ether as his emotions went from confused to angry to sad to more confused his face did that steady blinking he dose when he thinks hard on anything. His ears did drop a bit as she explained, then sighed not sure how to react, yet being angry was the worst option...right?


He also hated seeing mares cry, he decided not to show it for now... "Silver I....." he began unsure what to say "Im....confused..he's here one moment and gone the next...but you said you two were....and now your..." he was gesturing with his hoofs then stopped when he realized he wasn't making sense.


"I'm going need to think on this some more" he finally said then brushed her tears away with his wing tip


"I'm glad your not hiding this and being honest its just....I don't know how to react...I uh..." he paused still feeling awkward...and more. Silver could probably hear his feelings in his tone of voice more then anything. He had to admit he too wasn't the most honest with.....what she wont know wont hurt her.


"um...maybe we can have lunch later...I'm not mad just kind of need some thinking time...and don't be kicking yourself now" he really wanted to hug her and stop her crying. He was also half lying at that to but we could forgive him for that.


Shame waste of pasta tho

  • Brohoof 3
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@Hazard Time






Vylia raised an eyebrow inquisitively.




"Nerve?  Truly, if you feel slighted, I DO apologize... but I would think that you would already be in the habit of looking into anyone who you would directly invite to your home?  It's only prudent, after all; I'm no slouch when it comes to political games - it's simply that no one has invited me; the Blackwater name sours them, due to something one of Luther's relatives did... or was it two of them?"




Though it was obvious she was simply pondering aloud, her look turned to one of weary resignation.




"At any rate, the proceeding stallions and mares since then seemed to have fared no better - however, Luther is... different.  He's always been strong, from what I've heard.  Unfortunately, he doesn't talk much... but he doesn't HAVE to, dearie: his quarry, his rules, NO exceptions."




She held the serious face for roughly three seconds before she started snickering, covering her muzzle with a silver-bangled hoof.




"At least, he controls HIS end, anyway - I keep count of the coffers, personally.  I even have my own account; after all, I should be paid an accountant's wages for an accountant's work, yes?  So, I never have to dip into the company funds, which leaves my books STRAIGHT and LEGAL.  Therefore, no unexpected issues later.  Plus, my darling husband LOVES this place, though for what reason, I don't know."




She leaned a bit closer, a sly smile spreading across her features.  "But it makes money hoof-over-horseshoe, so I suppose I do as well!"




With a grand flourish, she spreads her wings and takes a long, languid stretch; once again, her impressive wingspan being on full display.  With the stretch came a jaw-clenching grin, then she folded them back to lie against her sides once more.




"I am MORE than willing to lend my hoof to your cause, dearie - that's what friends are supposed to do, isn't it?  And what's more, it would be a gesture of... shall we call it 'goodwill'?... to your house from my own.  And I DO mean that - I have nothing but goodwill intended for our relationship."




The small, honest grin that now came onto her face was surprising.




"Besides... everypony already believes the worst of us both - why not work together to prove they're wrong..?"




She stepped off her couch, and came close to Carnelian - stopping short of a two foot distance - and her sweet smile turned to a sharp, wicked and very toothy grin.




"Why not prove we could be SO much worse when we work together, eh?"








"Beck, who IS that?"




"I don't know... but she looks like trouble."  Beck narrowed his eyes, trying to gauge the little... whatever kind of pony she was... as to whether he should attack or relax.  His muscles looked to be leaning towards 'attack'.




The other butler simply rolled his eyes in exasperation.  "Oh yes, by ALL means, let's assume the worst, shall we?"




"Call, stay close to Master Key; I'm going to sneak my way over to the far headstone, then inch myself along the back section, treading ever-so-carefully by their line of sight as I get as close as possible to attempt to hear wha-"








Beck stared back at his twin as if he had lobsters crawling out of his ears, but Call either didn't see or paid no heed.






@Blitz Boom






From the word 'rocket', the further Blitz's story went, the more shock and worry were evident on his muzzle - especially when she reached the part about it possibly having struck the big, BIG house.




However, Ziggy's timely(?) arrival made the Blackwater stallion forget his worries for a moment, as Dax's head snapped up from staring open-mouthed at Blitz, and he jumped a bit.  




"That's... it's Beck and Call; they're Mother's butlers."  He looked relieved, but then he looked again and saw it was a trio.  "And that's..."  Dax lifted a hoof to his eyes, then squinted hard at the third pony.  




"... actually, I don't know who that is.  I don't know if that's a good thing or not; it's a stallion... a well-dressed stallion... but that could mean anything, right?"




Dax waited as Call waved at them; Beck facehoofed himself.








At the table were Scarlet and... well, who was this?




At first Ziggy thought she saw another bat-pony that wasn't Crescent sitting at the table.  Then, on second look, the thought became fact - it WAS another bat-pony that wasn't Crescent sitting at the table.  Imagine that.




She had on a tattered red vest, and wore a matching mareband that kept her long blonde mane at bay.  She was on the thinnish-side, and had a bit of a skittish look about her as she was casting a nervous stare in Ziggy's direction. 




Her large, furry ears twitched, and her bright red eyes widened as she saw the pegazebra.






@Mentis Soliloquy






Until the knocking had come, Echo had thanked Scarlet profusely before sitting to wait for the source of the delicious scent from earlier; her mouth watered enough for a dainty little wipe at the far-upturned corners of her grin.




However, when the knocks came, her face went pale, and she sat there motionless for about three innocent seconds...




"Ummm... eep!"




Echo took off flying for the window - or tried to anyway, as her legs caught on the edge of the table and flipped it, but the bench she was on was still attached and dragged her down, too.  It was a spectacular crash, and Echo ended up on the floor, groaning as her eyes went a bit wonky.




[Indoor picnic table K.O.]










Silver's face fell, and she stared at the ground... but she nodded.


"I understand... well, it's not so m-much as I underst-t-tand... yet... but more l-l-like I'm willing to g-give you some room..."


She turned and loped back into her shed, quietly closing the door behind her.  Silver had looked crushed herself - she hadn't disliked Crescent, from what could be told - to be honest, it may have simply been the wrong place at the wrong time.  Or maybe it simply wasn't in the stars?  Or maybe Fate had other plans for Crescent after all?


It was that moment that Crescent's finely-tuned ears picked up the sounds of what might have been a struggle, coming from inside the lunch trailer.  It was a bunch of little bumps, then a hard thump... sounds that didn't really belong in the lunch trailer in the first place.


Then again, with all the bat-pony had heard in the last ten minutes, he could always opt as he wished; dealing with oneself was a priority to consider, too.


Decisions, decisions...

  • Brohoof 2

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Blitz eyes lit up as she saw the butler ponies and their third wheel, so to speak.


"Hehe, I know them. They were the ones at the big house I played with before."


Many things could be said when referring to the act of firing a rocket towards somepony else, but saying that you played with them were likely in the more disturbing end of the spectrum, as it took the seriousness away from a situation that common sense would dictate were pretty messed up.


She didn't see the problem though, just like she didn't think much on the faces Dax had made when she talked about the rocket before one of the two identical ponies made contact with them. Ponies made those sort of faces at her all the time in Ponyville too, and in Canterlot the few days she had been there. She didn't see it was because they couldn't believe what she were saying - in a bad way - but instead got pretty excited about it as she thought it meant they were amazed at what she were able to do. Which was the sort of thing she wanted everypony to think one day, so seeing this made her happy.


Unless they started to be meanies afterwards. She weren't happy with those sort of ponies at all. Fun-hating bullies most of them, and she didn't like bullies. In fact, she tended to make it a point to mess back with them in return if they went after her, just like she had with Silver Spoon and Diamond Tiara. Those two had learned their lesson the hard way.


But, that was a thought for another time. For now, she looked at the other ponies with a big smile on her face and waved at them like she had met old friends.


"Hello Beck, Call and fancy pony. What're you doing here? Looking for Dax too?"


A thought entered her mind after she had a better look at the fancy pony behind the two of them, and saw his more or less pristine outfit. Then back at the butlers that also seemed to be mostly clean of any dirt or other substance, which made her tilt her head and give them a puzzled look.


"Heeeeeey, wait a minute. Why doesn't any of you have glitter on you?"






@@Mentis Soliloquy,


"Oh my gosh..."


Ziggy had popped her head in to see if she could plead her case a bit better when she had spotted the bat pony under the table, and starred back at her with big eyes when she saw that this were not Crescent. It was pretty easy to see it wasn't him either, as Crescent were a bit more robust in it and, you know, not female, amongst other things, though who this then were she hadn't the faintest idea about.


It didn't matter either. She zoomed in, closed the door behind her, and went directly for the fallen pony under the table, not caring much about who she were or why she were as much as the fact that she were entangled by a bench. That couldn't be good in any sort of way.


"Focus on my voice, okay? I'll help you. Just try to remain calm, and if there's anything that hurts, tell me straight away, alright? We'll get you through this."


The majority of the medicine she had access to were restricted to being only used here in the quarry, and predominantly on the workers that got hurt, but as long as somepony got hurt in the quarry she'd do what she could first, and then take a potential lashing later, as she were still technically doing her job. It just included strangers too, like it had back with Illiad, or the few times when an outsider came in and got hurt by a stray rock or something similar. Had been a while since that happened, but at times they did get visitors etc, so... Yeah.


Beginning to take the table away from the thestral, and making sure not to tangle her into things further at the same time if possible, Ziggy had failed to take notice of one thing though: Scarlet. Seeing the stuck bat pony had made her completely miss her being here in the first place, though hopefully that would be okay. She'd notice eventually after all.



Edited by Blitz Boom
  • Brohoof 2


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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@Hazard Time






Vylia raised an eyebrow inquisitively.




"Nerve? Truly, if you feel slighted, I DO apologize... but I would think that you would already be in the habit of looking into anyone who you would directly invite to your home? It's only prudent, after all; I'm no slouch when it comes to political games - it's simply that no one has invited me; the Blackwater name sours them, due to something one of Luther's relatives did... or was it two of them?"




Though it was obvious she was simply pondering aloud, her look turned to one of weary resignation.




"At any rate, the proceeding stallions and mares since then seemed to have fared no better - however, Luther is... different. He's always been strong, from what I've heard. Unfortunately, he doesn't talk much... but he doesn't HAVE to, dearie: his quarry, his rules, NO exceptions."




She held the serious face for roughly three seconds before she started snickering, covering her muzzle with a silver-bangled hoof.




"At least, he controls HIS end, anyway - I keep count of the coffers, personally. I even have my own account; after all, I should be paid an accountant's wages for an accountant's work, yes? So, I never have to dip into the company funds, which leaves my books STRAIGHT and LEGAL. Therefore, no unexpected issues later. Plus, my darling husband LOVES this place, though for what reason, I don't know."




She leaned a bit closer, a sly smile spreading across her features. "But it makes money hoof-over-horseshoe, so I suppose I do as well!"




With a grand flourish, she spreads her wings and takes a long, languid stretch; once again, her impressive wingspan being on full display. With the stretch came a jaw-clenching grin, then she folded them back to lie against her sides once more.




"I am MORE than willing to lend my hoof to your cause, dearie - that's what friends are supposed to do, isn't it? And what's more, it would be a gesture of... shall we call it 'goodwill'?... to your house from my own. And I DO mean that - I have nothing but goodwill intended for our relationship."




The small, honest grin that now came onto her face was surprising.




"Besides... everypony already believes the worst of us both - why not work together to prove they're wrong..?"




She stepped off her couch, and came close to Carnelian - stopping short of a two foot distance - and her sweet smile turned to a sharp, wicked and very toothy grin.




"Why not prove we could be SO much worse when we work together, eh?"








"Beck, who IS that?"




"I don't know... but she looks like trouble." Beck narrowed his eyes, trying to gauge the little... whatever kind of pony she was... as to whether he should attack or relax. His muscles looked to be leaning towards 'attack'.




The other butler simply rolled his eyes in exasperation. "Oh yes, by ALL means, let's assume the worst, shall we?"




"Call, stay close to Master Key; I'm going to sneak my way over to the far headstone, then inch myself along the back section, treading ever-so-carefully by their line of sight as I get as close as possible to attempt to hear wha-"








Beck stared back at his twin as if he had lobsters crawling out of his ears, but Call either didn't see or paid no heed.






@Blitz Boom






From the word 'rocket', the further Blitz's story went, the more shock and worry were evident on his muzzle - especially when she reached the part about it possibly having struck the big, BIG house.




However, Ziggy's timely(?) arrival made the Blackwater stallion forget his worries for a moment, as Dax's head snapped up from staring open-mouthed at Blitz, and he jumped a bit.




"That's... it's Beck and Call; they're Mother's butlers." He looked relieved, but then he looked again and saw it was a trio. "And that's..." Dax lifted a hoof to his eyes, then squinted hard at the third pony.




"... actually, I don't know who that is. I don't know if that's a good thing or not; it's a stallion... a well-dressed stallion... but that could mean anything, right?"




Dax waited as Call waved at them; Beck facehoofed himself.








At the table were Scarlet and... well, who was this?




At first Ziggy thought she saw another bat-pony that wasn't Crescent sitting at the table. Then, on second look, the thought became fact - it WAS another bat-pony that wasn't Crescent sitting at the table. Imagine that.




She had on a tattered red vest, and wore a matching mareband that kept her long blonde mane at bay. She was on the thinnish-side, and had a bit of a skittish look about her as she was casting a nervous stare in Ziggy's direction.




Her large, furry ears twitched, and her bright red eyes widened as she saw the pegazebra.






@Mentis Soliloquy






Until the knocking had come, Echo had thanked Scarlet profusely before sitting to wait for the source of the delicious scent from earlier; her mouth watered enough for a dainty little wipe at the far-upturned corners of her grin.




However, when the knocks came, her face went pale, and she sat there motionless for about three innocent seconds...




"Ummm... eep!"




Echo took off flying for the window - or tried to anyway, as her legs caught on the edge of the table and flipped it, but the bench she was on was still attached and dragged her down, too. It was a spectacular crash, and Echo ended up on the floor, groaning as her eyes went a bit wonky.




[Indoor picnic tableK.O.]








Silver's face fell, and she stared at the ground... but she nodded.


"I understand... well, it's not so m-much as I underst-t-tand... yet... but more l-l-like I'm willing to g-give you some room..."


She turned and loped back into her shed, quietly closing the door behind her. Silver had looked crushed herself - she hadn't disliked Crescent, from what could be told - to be honest, it may have simply been the wrong place at the wrong time. Or maybe it simply wasn't in the stars? Or maybe Fate had other plans for Crescent after all?


It was that moment that Crescent's finely-tuned ears picked up the sounds of what might have been a struggle, coming from inside the lunch trailer. It was a bunch of little bumps, then a hard thump... sounds that didn't really belong in the lunch trailer in the first place.


Then again, with all the bat-pony had heard in the last ten minutes, he could always opt as he wished; dealing with oneself was a priority to consider, too.


Decisions, decisions...

(going off my phone) cresent apon seeing his crush go back in her shed he was about to follow with the hot dish...then that off banging noise caught his atenction. He looked back and forth between the two sheds. On one hoof he could try to comfort is crush more on the other....somthing sounded extremely off about the banging sound. He sighed "I'm way too nice" he said to himself placing the hot dish at the foot of silver's door "the pastas yours silver...I hope it helps..." he said to the door and then holding back his tears more he galloped towards the lunch shed. He hopped it wasn't a scuffle between minors he didn't often step into personal conflicts but he had limits...today was going to be full of them it seemed. Inside he was still torn, the bat pony wasn't one to relie in destiny or go by the stars but could it be wrong place and time? Also for her somepony to up and leave like that?....kinda like he's doing?...No he knew then to make a mare cry before work. Yet this had to be delt with...later it seemed. As he got to the lunch trailer passing by a few minor on lookers he opend up the trailer door.As he was opening it when the bat Pony said "Oi everypony good here?" To see....
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@@Blitz Boom, @@Randimaxis,  


Outside the Mines - Mine kitchen


Scarlet had heard the bang when she was in the middle of bringing out some soup to her, the utter confusion from Scarlet made her drop her bowl she was carrying while muttering some filth in utter confusion in how the bat pony was tail over head under a table... and where the heck did Ziggy come from!? 
She moved over to them and looked down to the stricken bat pony. "What... how, why is she under the table? And is she unconscious?" Looking to Ziggy in any attempt to ascertain why this new pony seemed to of just got up and knocked herself out cold. "Did you see what happened?" She was a mired of questions to the doctor. For once why could she not have a normal, boring day where she made ponies happy by cooking for them, how hard is it to ask for this to occur. (guys?) 
While awaiting the answers to her questions, she as normal put her back into it, lifting the table up with her back and allowing Ziggy to pull her free into the open, she honestly had no clue how winged creatures did anything they seemed as strong as feathers.
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Such arrogance.  Was this pegasus attempting to throw her weight around, with Carnelian in the room?  After the stunt she just pulled, the crystal baroness was even less impressed.  She had underestimated Vylia, and she would not stand to be talked down to by a socialite with one quasi-title!  


At the same time, was it worth storming out?  There would be nothing to gain, and Vylia would see through her.  The only thing she would have accomplished would be wasting everypony's time, especially her own, and possibly making a new enemy.


No, let Vylia say what she wanted.  Let her believe that Carnelian actually needed her; deep down, she knew on which side her bread was buttered, and Carnelian knew it, too.




"An interesting proposition."  The baroness reciprocated the other's previous action and stretched herself out on her sofa.  "Color me intrigued.  Tell me more."




@@Blitz Boom


Low's own eyes went wide and he barely held back a squeak as Call's call dragged him out of yet another daydream.  Some of these gravestones looked very old.  How old, though?


Back to the present, though.  The stallion's deep blue eyes focused on the two ponies who were now staring at them.  The awkwardness of the situation hit him like a ton of bricks, but he remembered what his mistress had always said: Keep a stiff upper lip and have no shame.  Easier said than done, but Low took a deep breath and offered the best grin he could muster.




"Hello!" he called back, waving a hoof.  His eyes bounced between the orange filly and the green stallion.  Carnelian would tell him the more important pony was Dax due to his relation and that the unknown filly could be disregarded, but that all sounded so disrespectful.  Then again, he was a noble, and maybe the filly knew that?


"Would you happen to be Dax Blackwater?" Low Key queried, approaching the other stallion and keeping his eyes locked on him.  When he got close enough, he held out a hoof.  "I'm Lord Low Key iz Melodiya.  It's a pleasure to meet you..."  His voice trailed off as a new question popped into his head.  Were the Blackwaters a noble house?  Should he be addressing Dax as Lord, or even Sir?

Edited by Hazard Time
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@Blitz Boom@Hazard Time



Dax looked at Key, taken a bit off-guard by formalities, then smiled kindly and gave a bit of a bow as well.


"It's... a pleasure to meet you, too.  I am Daxter-" he made a bit of a sour face, "but I prefer Dax.  And Mother and Father aren't here - you don't have to be so formal... I mean, if you don't want to, that is.  Unless you want to, then... uhm..."


He shrugged at Key, a sheepish grin plastered to his features.  "... then I g-guess I'm kinda... uncouth?  Sorry."


The Blackwater had very bright green eyes, like emeralds themselves; they almost seemed to shine in the light of day, even though they still looked as though he'd been crying.  But he was holding up well in front of company.


"But it's still nice to meet somepony new.  Uhm... this is Blitz; she's a friend."


Of course, somepone was already talking to Blitz.


"Glitter?"  One of the butlers said (Key registered that it was Beck).  "YOU!  YOU'RE the one who sent that blasted rocket at us!  What were you THINKING!?  DON'T YOU UNDERSTAND THAT YOU COULD HAVE PUT SOMEPONY'S EYE OUT WITH THAT THING!?"


The other butler winced, but tried to step in.  "Now, now - does she REALLY look as though she'd be the kind of pony to play with explosives like that?"  Call took another look at Blitz, though... then seemed to have second thoughts on his statement.  However, he wasn't about to allow his brother to act a fool, either.


"Now regardless of things," Call said, "she is apparently somepony that Master Daxter knows - which would mean we are to treat her with respect... unless, of course, you believe that Mistress Vylia would appreciate the idea of causing a row?"


Call glared at his sibling.  "Madam Vylia?  Not so much, maybe - but what about Master Luther?"


Dax's eyes nervously lit up.  "Wh-what ABOUT Father?"


"Apparently, the rocket your little friend here fired at us ended up flying into your Father's study before it exploded."


Dax's muzzle went pale.  "Oh, manure..."


"That's what I said!!!"  Beck shouted.


"MASTER DAXTER!"  Came from Call.






The Blackwater Matriarch began to pace a bit.


"Well, dearie - if your aim is the Crystal Kingdom, then that would be the place to start - I could begin digging up as much dirt as my contacts could find on the movers and shakers there, and send it directly to you for your perusal.  As you've already seen, they get results - so I am fairly certain it wouldn't take long to amass a dearth of information that could be use to your own ends and means."


"Of course, all I ask in return is to be invited to the social events you'll no doubt be throwing as you begin making your way to the top - this way, you could enjoy pulling the higher class strings while I make inroads with them.  Mayhaps we might even pretend to play opposite sides of the spectrum - lure them into a false sense of security, thinking the two of us are against each other; play BOTH sides of a game that they would ultimately lose."


She gave a bit of a tittering giggle.  "Oh, I can hardly wait - you'll be able to literally DEVOUR the social status of anypony in the kingdom, and I'll finally be able to get myself involved in SOMEthing!  It can be so very dull, here in this manor... I'm simply yearning to flex my collective information muscle, as it were."


With this said, she perhaps then realized that she was being a bit of a filly.  She put a hoof to her muzzle, then shook her head and laughed ruefully at herself.


"Please forgive my manner... and, if I've offended, my presumptuousness... but I've been waiting and waiting for a chance like this to come out of my situationally-inflicted prison, and I'm afraid it's taken me quite by the reins, so to speak."


It was about that point where a single, loud bellow rattled some of the fine china cups and a window or two.  Vylia's head swiveled to the closed doors.


"... that was Luther!  What in blazes..?"


She stood and turned to face her guest.  "Maybe I should see to this - if you'll excuse me, Baroness; I'll have my staff refresh the refreshments.  Things do get a bit boisterous, from time to time... do pardon me; I'll return in just a smidge, you have my word."


She made her way to the doors, and stepping out of them, she turned to two of her maids making the rounds.


"You... and you.  My guest needs attending to - see to it."  She stepped closer.  "If she even has a SINGLE complaint when I return...  you shall wish you'd never laid eyes on the Blackwater Manor, are we CLEAR?"


The maids nodded nervously, and Vylia made her way down the hall.  With that, the two servants entered the chamber and began checking over the various foodstuffs, making note of what would need refreshing; one left to presumably bring new treats, the other moving in to clear used plates and cups (aside from whatever was still being used, of course).


Neither one made eye contact with the Baroness.






@Blitz Boom - @Mentis Soliloquy - @cwhip9



Crescent opened the door just in time to see the two mares pulling the third one from under an overturned table.


Three mares in front of him now: an earth pony, a pegazebra, and what was apparently another bat-pony.  Well, there was something to be said about the Blackwater Quarry - the view wasn't bad at all.


Echo groaned - it took multiple headshakes to correct her vision, and one more for good measure.  Once she'd gotten herself back in hoof, she looked at the pegazebra and jumped a bit.  Turning to Scarlet, she brgan to shiver a bit.




She set a hoof over her mouth, gave a single, embarrassed giggle, then started over.


"You... y-you told me not stay out of sight, but then YOU came in," looking to Ziggy, "and I didn't want to get you in trouble, Scarlet - so, I... I k-kinda panicked a bit.  I am SO sorry, SO sorry, and I promise, if you'd just let me have a single bowl of whatever smells so wonderful, I'll be happy to leave and never come back, I swear, I'm just SOOOOO hungry!"


For what it was worth, the bat-pony was wearing what looked to be a faded and worn red sweater and a matching hairband; she looked poor, but young and vibrant.  She was pretty, but she didn't look like she was foppish fluff, like Vylia Blackwatr sometimes seemed to be.  The poor bat-mare looked as though she'd seen some rough times.


She then turned and, for the first time, noticed that there was a stallion in the room.


"OH!"  She said, surprised... then, "... you're... like me..." 


The table incident forgotten, she looked over Crescent's form and frame.  And then...


"... do... do you work here?  Down in the mines, right?  That'd be the PERFECT place to work, as it's always dark down there, isn't it?  I'll bet you've seen a TON of neat things in those tunnels, haven't you?"


She was apparently a tad more comfortable from seeing her own kind.


"I'm Hollow Echo - who are you, if that's o-okay to ask?"

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Blitz tried to get a serious look on her face when she were told that she could have poked an eye out with her rocket. Yeah, it might have a bit of flight to it, but there were no way it would have hit somepony straight in the eye. She had made sure to aim just behind them, not directly at them, and rockets wasn't that hard to aim with. It was only a like... 7% or so that anypony would even be hit in the first place, and that was barely anything.


"Hey, I know what I'm doing. I aimed it to hit just behind you and go kaboomie, so you'd be distracted. And it was just glitter. Not like it was one of the big fireworks or some of the actual explosives. That'd just be mean."


It would also be dangerous, reckless, suicidal, disastrous, uhm... What else had Mayor Mare called it... Irresponsible, crazy and evil. That sounded to be about the things she had said when she first learned what Blitz were making in the forest and she came around to make sure that she didn't go lob a bomb at anypony. Or well, at first she had tried to stop it completely, which were also one of the reasons she ended up in the Canterlot orphanage, and later on when she got back from the capitol, to the school in Ponyville to keep her a bit under control, but it never really worked out. She'd always just return.


The line of thought went a bit to the side when the butlers talked to Dax about somepony called Luther, who then turned out to be Dax's dad, that had gotten the rocket at him? How did it even manage that when she had aimed it at the ground? Did one of the three here mess with her explosives, because that sort could be dangerous. Not in this case, but you know, what if they had the same reaction to the greandes?


...Okay, kicking away a grenade thrown at you was actually not that bad of an idea, but that was besides the point.


"How did the rocket even get into the house? I aimed it behind you. Did you kick it or something? And it's okay Dax, it's not one of the bad explosives. It's just a small blast with glitter around it. No burning, no poison joke, just a lot of sparkly spread all over the place. It'll just make him look all pretty and shiny."


To her, this didn't sound bad, as who couldn't use a bit more color in their life? But to Dax, Call and Becks, this might sound quite a bit worse, considering who the pony that had gotten a blast of fun into his coat were. Chances were that Luther wouldn't appreciate it too much.


As for the third pony, she hadn't really done much to him as he got nearer, as he didn't really seem to wanna talk to her, so... No. Perhaps the firecrackers to get his attention wasn't something she should use right now. Later though. oh yes. Later she'd have fun, and then he'd be sure to see she were there.






@@Mentis Soliloquy,



Okay then, so the bat pony were free, and considering how her words weren't slurred and her movements seemed to be flowing well, there didn't appear to be any damages, which were good, but... Why was she here again? It sounded like she were trying to tell, but her words got out so fast - seriously, she would have been an excellent auctioneer - that it was a little hard to interpret. But since it seemed to calm her down some to see Crescent, and considering the look the thestral had given her before, perhaps she should wait a tiny bit before talking with her yet. Just until she seemed more stable in it that were, after that, she could hopefully ask a few things without scaring the poor thing.


With that option out of the way, what was left... Ergh, well, Crescent seemed busy with Hollow Echo, as it turned out her name were, so that left her with the pony that had- Oh hey, it was Scarlet! What was she doing here? Did she miss lunch too? No wait, that wouldn't explain the soup so...


"Ooooohh, so You're the one who took over after Grill Brick, Scarlet? I'm gonna miss the old pony, but hopefully you can fill his shoes and keep everypony well fed too."


She wandered a little closer to the earth mare and looked down on her with a big smile. Some might say she were looming above her, but usually those looming over tended to be scary, and she couldn't see how she could be scary in any way. Silly perhaps, a little weird from wearing glasses that were only the frame, granted, but not scary.


"Oh, and with her. I think I sorta startled her, cause she flipped and went smash under the table. She looks to be healthy though, thankfully, but I'm gonna have a check when she seems calmer. Better safe than sorry, right?"

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Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

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@@Randimaxis @@Blitz Boom


Such bright green eyes.  What were the common symbols, again?  Right, nature, healing, and safety, among others.  Was there sanctuary to found in his eyes?  Low had never seen such vibrant irises before.  There was energy to be found there, but also sadness.  What hurt him?  Was there anything he could do to help?  Was there a way he could make him feel better?


By the time Low had finally managed to snap out of his daydreams, he was still holding Dax's hoof.  He relinquished the grip with a blush, smoothing out the front of his waistcoat.




"It's quite alright, Dax," Low giggled, his voice as soft as he could bring himself to make it.  "You can just call me Low if you want."  Achieve familiarity as soon as possible, she had said.  Appear non-threatening at least and friendly at most.  "Oh, no, you're far from uncouth!  I make the same mistakes myself!"


His pleasantries were interrupted by argument with the filly and the butlers.  As Dax added his two cents, Low had to wonder just what Vylia was like when she was angry.  She seemed so nice and friendly when he met her, though the nicest ones were always scary when they were angry, right?


"Um, on a scale of 1 to 10, how important should it be that I go into hiding?"




Carnelian kept her mouth shut and simply observed, nibbling on a morsel as her hostess entertained her.  It was almost adorable, the dreams this one mare had.  She could even feel her own enthusiasm rising.  A partner in crime...she'd never considered that before.  Not that she intended to share with another pony, but the fact that it was a different experience immediately got her attention.  It might just prove to be interesting.


"You offer a fair trade, and I must say, you've certainly convinced me that the two of us shall get along just fine."  Carnelian raised her cider glass.  "To us?"


Suddenly, the mansion rocked, and Carnelian soon found herself alone.  A pity.  She normally trusted butlers or Low to handle this sort of thing.  If Vylia wished to handle it personally, she wouldn't judge.  After all, if you wanted something done properly...

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  • 2 weeks later...



Crescent opened the door just in time to see the two mares pulling the third one from under an overturned table.
Cresent groaned seeing the up turn table "not more damage" he groned softly unsure if others herd then of all thing when the third mare was pulled out to be reveiled as....




"OH!" She said, surprised... then, "... you're... like me..."


Cresent for the first time he could ever remember stoped thinking, seeing another batpony mare or otherwise was rare even for him. More rare was the fact the this mare was awake...so to speak...when the sun is out. Then again most minors  in black water were probaly as confused seeing cresent outside the cave around this time of day and wouldn't remember many days they saw cresent out and about the mine with the sun up unles it was important....


The batpony didn't stop thinking it was more so many ideas rushed him at once it ended in a train wreck a of thought process, which would explain why he stood their blinking at the bat mare. What snaped him out of it was


"I'm Hollow Echo - who are you, if that's o-okay to ask?"


"Im, C..Cresent...its ok to ask honest" he said seeing how the mare looked pretty did also catch him off guard. Then again with a morning like he just had could we blame the bat?


He shook his head trying to compose himself one thing at a time young gun see how poor she looked did make his heart feel for the mare. "the caves treat the eyes pretty good, are you looking for a job perhaps the mine could use more bats" he said ignoring the obvious pick up lines that hit him. You just met her, maybe you should show your hand batty, or hoofs, or is it wings for bats?


This narrator feels hes missing something.....  

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Outside the Mines - Mine kitchen


"Should I be getting more food or...?" She was not sure why this bat pony mare had taken such an interest with, well the other bat pony? Well that makes sense not like bat ponies are very common, well anywhere heck she'd only seen one before this mare which was Crescent so she'd only met two in her whole life and she would consider herself very well traveled. 


She was not really sure what to do about these three honestly she wanted to talk to Crescent in private, did not know the other bat pony so really had no interest in her and avoid the doc, she was quite sure that Ziggy was mad or crazy, or something. She honestly did not want to be around here and yet she was indebted to the mare for saving her life the other day. "Um Doc, you want some food or something?" She looks to the other two. "That goes for you two as well I've plenty of soup to go around." 


She went back into her kitchen (after picking up what she dropped before) to get some more bowls out for the three of them so she could feed them all, maybe she'd get herself something finally.



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@Blitz Boom@Hazard Time



When Blitz told the gathered lot how Luther would be 'pretty and shiny', Dax, Beck and Call, as one, all grimaced.


Beck bristled.  "You sent a ROCKET flying at Master Key - AND us as well - and you're trying to say it isn't a big deal?  What in the wide, wide world of Equestria is WRONG with you!?  That is undoubtedly the most dangerous, reckless, suicidal, disastrous, irresponsible and CRAZY thing I've ever heard, you evil little stick of dynamite!"


"HEY!"  Dax yelled, surprisingly loudly, "That's my FRIEND you're talking to, Beck!  She DOES happen to know what she's doing - I've seen it myself - and if SHE says it was harmless, then that's what it was - HARMLESS."


Dax even took a single step towards the twins, stepping slightly between them and Blitz; he apparently wasn't about to let Beck just berate her for her actions - even if she did possibly deserve it a little bit.


Call said nothing, looking ashamedly away... but Beck's eyes narrowed as he cast his glance toward the minute mare again.  "You had best BELIEVE I'll be watching you like a hawk, madam."  The last word came out of his mouth as if it were distasteful.


The Blackwater stallion gave Beck a bit of a look, then turned to address Low Key once more.


"As for hiding, I think you're okay - I don't believe that this has anything to do with you, so there's no reason for you to hide.  At least, as long as Father doesn't blow a gasket, that is... if he did, well... it might be better to ask if the lot of us could come and hide at YOUR home!"


He gave a chuckle that turned somewhat sheepish at the end, and he rubbed the back of his neck with a nervous hoof.


"But still, it's nice to meet you, uhm... Key."  The sheepish grin returned.  "I... don't feel right calling you 'Low'; it sounds... kinda demeaning, y'know?  Not that there's anything actually WRONG with being named Low, honestly... I just... you seem more like a 'Key' anyhow."


Call cleared his throat.  "Master Key was simply taking a tour of the quarry grounds, Master Dax - he still hasn't seen everything yet, and we would be remiss if we didn't allow him time to do exactly that."


Dax looked thoughtful for a moment, then smiled broadly.  "I can do that, y'know?  Yeah - it'll be fun, even!  I could take you AND Blitz here around the quarry to get a good look at it, maybe even introduce a few folks here.  I wouldn't mind a bit!"


Beck fixed Dax with a stern look.  "Master Daxter," Dax winced at his proper name, "as much as that may SOUND like a fine idea, I am still QUITE against having that... that..." he pointed at Blitz, "... MARE here on the grounds!  If Master Luther were to catch wind of this, he would-"


"Beck."  Call looked at his brother frankly.  "Master Dax is in charge here... NOT you."


That gave the angry butler something to chew on for a moment, and he promptly snapped his mouth shut and stepped back to stand alongside Call once again.


Dax looked at Key and Blitz.  "Well... whaddya say?  You two wanna see the quarry?  I'd be happy to show you!"



@Hazard Time



It was almost ten minutes before Vylia strolled back into the parlour, looking somewhere between annoyed and amused.  As she did, she made certain to make direct eye contact with the maids, who promptly skittered out of the room.  She made her way back to the little couch and settled herself upon it once more.


"TERRIBLY sorry, dearie - it seems as if there's been quite a stir upstairs, but nothing we cannot handle, I assure you.  I simply-"




The word came from a broad, strong and powerful-looking stallion who walked into the room completely unabashedly.  There was a look of pure business writ large across his entire form... as well as the occasional glint of pink or yellow, here and there throughout his mane, tail and coat.  The watch he wore of his hoof was plain-looking, yet sturdy as could be had - which probably meant it was expensive.  His silver cufflinks went a bit further to speak of subdued wealth, as well as the finely-tailored vest.


Vylia turned to look at him, then smiled sweetly.  "Luther, dearie, why don't you come and meet the Baroness?"


Luther blinked, then simply made his way over.  The muscles in his legs were cords of strength, barely contained.  He stopped between the two, turned to face Carnelian, and gave a slight nod.


"I am Luther Blackwater; welcome to our home."


With that simple statement said, he turned back to his wife.  "You took my glasses to wipe them off; you never gave them back."


Vylia gave a bit of a start, and fashioned an innocent look in her eyes.  "OH!  Terribly sorry, dearie - I suppose I was simply eager to return to my esteemed company, is all."  She reached beneath her right wing and brought out a pair of silver-framed glasses, looking both very expensive and very durable.  Luther took them and put them on, while Vylia shot a slight wink at the Baroness, unseen by her husband.


"There you are.  Better?"




"Won't you stay a bit and chat with our rather REGAL visitor?"  She motioned towards Carnelian with a hoof.


Luther seemed to consider it for a bit, then sighed.  He turned to Carnelian and gave another nod, his navy blue eyes focused on hers with a piercing stare that felt as though it could see her very heart.


"Forgive me - I have a lot of work to do.  We will speak later."


Vylia rolled her eyes and groaned, but Luther simply turned and walked out, shutting the parlour door behind him.  The Blackwater mare turned to her guest.


"I am SO very sorry - he isn't exactly the social type, but with the bits he makes, he really doesn't HAVE to be."



@Blitz Boom - @cwhip9 - @Mentis Soliloquy



Though her eyes lit up when Scarlet spoke about food, Echo gave a large, bashful grin at Crescent's suggestion of hiring her on.


"OH!  Well, I... uhm... I'm sure the work would be wonderful, and I've heard that the pay here is pretty fair... but, uh... eh..."


She started fidgeting a bit, scraping a hoof softly and shyly across the floor in front of her.


"I... sort of have a problem with that.  You see... I, uh... ummmmm..."


The blush on her face grew and grew and grew, until it threatened to completely cover her entire body, it seemed.  She stared down at the ground, her eyes cast down, as she answered in a tiny, almost whispery voice.


"... I'm, um... I'm afraid of the d-d-dark."


Her blush redoubled, and her tail drooped - doubtless, she knew that wouldn't exactly be well-received.

  • Brohoof 3

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