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open [RP] The Blackwater Quarry


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On 10/28/2018 at 1:44 AM, Illiad Easle said:

"So, you are Taps then? I've heard good things about you, glad to see there's someone here I may trust."

Taps gave a bit of a surprised look, then smiled shyly and nodded.

On 10/28/2018 at 1:44 AM, Illiad Easle said:

"I'm Mystic Glow, the lady Vylia Blackwater of the Blackwater Protectorate" She sighed at her own use of the honorific, "requested my presence here, and I don't think to keep her waiting any longer than I must."

She nodded eagerly, apparently fully agreeing that upsetting Vylia would be a bad thing.

On 10/28/2018 at 1:44 AM, Illiad Easle said:

She gestured towards what she believed was the manor house, "If you would be so kind? I lack the slightest idea how she may be reached."

Taps nodded, motioned towards the manor house, and began to lead the way.  Despite her small stature, Oracle got the outward impression that the mailmare was carefree and happy-go-lucky, and wasn't intimidated by anything.  

As she made her way toward the path leading upward, she clicked her hooves together, and began to drift across the ground, without wingplay... like she was floating.  Taps skated a lazy circle around Oracle, then began to make her way toward the Blackwater Manor, motioning for the zebra to follow.



On 10/29/2018 at 1:47 PM, Blitz Boom said:

Hiya, muscle pony! I'm Blitz Boom, I came to say hi to my friend Dax. Are you his dad? You sorta look like him, just Huuuge and with a really good stone face. Oh, and the icy eyes. Dax doesn't have those. Same with the neck lines. Never seen that on a pony before, I think? Dunno."

Luther said nothing, but his glare redoubled.  Silver let out a low moan of despair, then put a hoof on Blitz's back.

"Nononononononononono, Blitz!"  She then turned and put on a huge expression of apologetic worry, backed by a nervous smile.

"Eh heh heh... s-s-she's just... she d-didn't... Mr. Blackwater, I-I-I..."

On 10/29/2018 at 1:47 PM, Blitz Boom said:

"Uhm, but you wanted explanations, right? I can do that! So I came here to visit Dax, and then I got tired and fell over after the long trip and looking around this fun place, but then Silver thought I was too sleepy, and wanted to wake me up, so she took some of the fireworks I made and made it go BOOM! Hehe. Oh! And then a glitter bomb went off too a little after, but it's okay. Wind and rain gets the glitter off with no problem, promise.

 As she spoke, Silver cringed while she watched the elder Blackwater's expression get more and more enraged... until Blitz said one particular thing...

On 10/29/2018 at 1:47 PM, Blitz Boom said:

I still have one fireworks display left for Dax. You wanna see it with us? I made it just for him, to make him super happy, but I'm sure he'd like if you were there too."

Luther's angry expression froze, then slowly slid into one resembling... interest?  Scorn?  Disgust?  It was difficult to tell, as Luther seemed to only have facial expressions in the key of 'mad'.  He gave a thoughtful glance to one side for a second or three, brow furrowed with consideration, then faced the two of them again.

"You made these... for Daxter?"

There seemed to be a quick battle going on in his mind as to what he was about to say... then the fight ended, and Luther took in a deeeeeeeeeep breath, letting it out in a short huff.  Then, he turned to glance at Silver, who gave a nervous giggle and matching grin.  He closed his eyes, sighed, then reopened them.  In them, Blitz could catch a glimpse of weariness and stress, of endless work to do, of fear that it's never enough, sorrow for some past loss... the Blackwater patriarch usually hid these well, but the current situation apparently called for a cooler head, and Luther hadn't had the best of days.

The last time Blitz saw that look, it had been on the muzzle of Dax Blackwater - the similarities were downright uncanny.  But unlike Dax, Luther's look vanished in a split second, and was replaced with the stone-faced look they'd seen before.

"... and you made them... yourself?"

He blinked once, then leveled a look right into Blitz's eyes.

"How do you know him?"

Silver gave a slight start, because the voice that came out of Luther wasn't his usual, gruff bark... but one that had a smooth, more congenial feel to it.  Silver wasn't sure what it meant; such a change was commonplace in Vylia, but that usually meant she was about to let somepony have a piece of her mind.  With Luther?

Who could tell?



@Hazard Time

"In that case, I should probably help her clean the place up and make it ready for customers.  It isn't exactly in the best of shape since we...yeah, fell down the mountain.  Catch you later, Chuck!"

Whadda gal...

Chuck nodded, and began to make his way towards the quarry grounds, ready to drum up as much business as he could for the cute mares.  Who knew; maybe if he helped them make plenty of bits, they might see him for the catch he surely hoped he was.

However, their first customer wasn't Chuck...

"Heeeeeeey... what's the hubub... bub?"

Knee Slapper stopped and read the sign, putting a thoughtful hoof against his chin.

"Wowza - fortune tellers, eh?  All the way out here at the Blackwater Quarry?"  He chuckled.  "I'm surprised that the Boss is allowing this... but hey, when in Troy, do as the Trojans do, right?"

He gave a playful whistle, and jingled a few bits for emphasis. 

"Anyfilly hooooooooome?"


 "I leave that decision up to you, my dear Vylia.  Low has always been one for gaudy outfits, he might enjoy it."

Vylia lifted an eyebrow.  "Might he?  Then perhaps I should break out the TRUE fashion pieces, and have him parade them around for all to see.  Beck and Call do fantastic work, and I daresay I have wardrobes just chock FULL of finery that could use a good wearing!"

Pleased with herself, the mare smiled smugly and politely sipped at her tea.

"In the end, it will be your resources spent.  In the mean time, Low, do stop gawking and join us.  You must be famished."

Vylia, with no sign of her earlier venom, patted the seat next to her on the sofa.

"Yes, do come and join us."

She looked at his expression for a moment, then rolled her eyes and sighed.

"And stop pouting.  If you want to associate with nobles, dearie, you need to develop a thicker skin - or what I just did will seem like mere peanuts compared to what those in power would do to such a bleeding heart as you are.  You made a mistake - but the measure of an individual can be made by how they deal with their mistakes..."  She looked over at Carnelian.

"... besides, you're doing your matron a disservice by being petulant - I know she's taught you better than that."

Another sip, and she turned her gaze to her guest once more.  "Now, I would absolutely LOVE to start planning this event with you, dearie - and oh, how I look forward to the actual opportunity to truly shine among the elite!  They may have shunned me until now, but one look and they'll be eating their words..."

She laughed.  "... complimented by the finest sweets and pastries Equestria has to offer, of course - far be it for me to simply let my guests deal with the taste of jealousy without giving them the means to wash that bitter pill down, eh?"

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(You switched up the names Oracle vs Mystic.)

Mystic Raised an eyebrow in surprise at the pegasus' movements, but a cheerful smile quickly made itself apparent on her face as she moved to follow her. Clearly this place did have room for levity amidst the rather stoic nature of its architecture, and, reportedly, of its owner.

Still, she was prepared to be as absolutely cordial and professional when she met Lady Blackwater, it simply wouldn't do for her to mess up her one true chance to be out on her own, and more importantly, close to Daxter where her mother couldn't stop her.

She took a deep breath as they moved, looking around to analyze what could become her home. She frankly liked the ambiance, outside of a few noteworthy individuals everyone seemed to get along well, a very deep sense of camaraderie(Should be the word) was apparent to her. Her smile settled to a faint form as they approached the house, though her eyes still betrayed a boundless positivity and enthusiasm for what was about to take place.

  • Brohoof 1

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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Almost immediately, the door swung open to reveal Ophelia, beaming eagerly.  "Welcome!  Please, come inside!  Do watch your step, it can be a little cramped."

The inside of the wagon was, indeed, a cramped affair.  Nearly half of the wagon was taken up by a large mattress with a wardrobe and trunk crammed against the side.  A pocketed shelf stood in a window containing many flowers and herbs, including lavender, tulips, and rosemary.  The other half of the wagon contained a single round wooden table which had seen plenty of use.  Two chairs sat at either ends, and opposite the customer sat Dahlia, her red hood up as she idly shuffled her tarot deck.

"Please, have a seat," she invited, her voice soft and soothing.  Her sister left the customer and rummaged through the trunk before pulling out several metal sticks with her mouth.  After establishing herself, she briefly brushed her bangs from her eyes, catching sight of the door, and carefully making her way outside.  After a few short minutes, it was clear that she was beginning to assemble a fire pit with a spit.  The tea kettle nearby hinted at her intentions.

"Before I ask for payment, I must inquire of several things.  Is there a name your prefer to be called by?  What inspired you to seek me out?  Do you have questions, concerns, or fears on your mind?"  The slender mare continued shuffling her deck, her movements quick and practiced.  "I should also give some disclosure.  I am not a fortune teller.  I am not a seer, nor an oracle.  In some respects, you may think of me as a medium between this world and the next, a beacon on the ethereal plane of existence to which omniscient spirits are drawn.  I cannot command them nor bind them.  Should they wish to speak, this deck shall be their voice.  However, the answers they give will be cryptic.  I can translate, but only you can find meaning in their words."


Low nearly stumbled over himself as he went over to the buffet.  His magic stuttered as he tried to grab several food items, then hurriedly took his seat by Vylia.  His eyes remained on his plate.  He wasn't hungry, but he forced himself to eat.  The sooner they forgot he was there, the better.

"Oh, yes, of course, let us talk business," Carnelian welcomed.  Her plate had been pushed off to the side, having eaten most of it as she relished the entertainment before her.  "I am glad you are establishing a menu, but before I can go further, I would like to inquire as to your guest list.  I have a number of individuals and influencers I can invite.  Several hundred, as a matter of fact.  You must give me a number for your maximum capacity."

Edited by Hazard Time

Roleplaying for Eight Years and Counting!


List of All My Active OCs



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On 11/4/2018 at 12:42 PM, Randimaxis said:

Luther said nothing, but his glare redoubled.  Silver let out a low moan of despair, then put a hoof on Blitz's back.

"Nononononononononono, Blitz!"  She then turned and put on a huge expression of apologetic worry, backed by a nervous smile.

"Eh heh heh... s-s-she's just... she d-didn't... Mr. Blackwater, I-I-I..."

Blitz had looked up briefly as Silver had put her hoof on it, though she didn't get why the mare had such a funny look on her face. Was it because the muscle pony tried to look even grumpier and it made her nervous? Well that would get them anywhere, she knew that from school at least. You had to meet frowns with kindness, so when Blitz faced Luther again to give explanations to the sorta things he asked, she doubled down on her own smile, which were now starting to look somewhat maniacally, which might be a small warning sign for those who might care to look. You know, in case the filly playing with high explosives that had broken into a highly guarded quarry wasn't enough of a clue that perhaps Blitz wasn't your standard butterfly chaser.

On 11/4/2018 at 12:42 PM, Randimaxis said:

"You made these... for Daxter?"

"Uhuh. He was all moody and sad about stuff when I met him, and fireworks cheers everypony up, so I asked him what he'd like and I made it! It was fun too, though he had gone away long, long before I was done, so I tracked him down to here and broke in to show him."

Hehe, now the muscle pony were making funny faces too. Or was he thinking about something really deep? He had a really grumpy face, so she wasn't sure. Perhaps he was happy now? Oooh, that might be it. Especially after the deep sigh - the stallion really needed a breath mint, pheeewey - when he looked to be a lot less angry-like. Yep, this was it. He heard a friend of his son had come by, made Dax some fun things they could share, and now he were beginning to warm up and be super happy.

She wondered why Dax had wanted to get away from this pony so much. When he wasn't a frowny grump, he was pretty okay. Didn't talk a lot though. Must be a mountain area thing or something.

Though, looking at the stallion again and thinking about those few, weird glimpses... He looked tired and worn down too for a moment. Perhaps he was just really stressed out and thought she were some sort of attacker, and not a family friend, so he went in thinking he'd have to deal with a big problem? Huh, kinda made more sense in a way. The friendly thoughts didn't really match the kind of sad feelings that went over him for that tiny bit of time before he composed himself. Reminded her a bit of Dax, but she wasn't entirely sure if it were spot on, since it had been a long time since she last saw him before earlier today, and then they didn't have much time before they sorta drifted around and spoke to other ponies. She'd totally have to compare them later though. It'd be fun!

As for his dad... Perhaps he should take a vacation and do something fun soon to make him feel better? Blitz would suggest dynamite fishing, but she had been told that apparently that was a bad thing to do, even if it were to help somepony get something to eat. She should try and ask Dax what his dad liked when she ran into him later. He'd know for sure.

On 11/4/2018 at 12:42 PM, Randimaxis said:

"... and you made them... yourself?"

He blinked once, then leveled a look right into Blitz's eyes.

"How do you know him?"

Blitz looked directly at Luther when he asked if she had made these things with disbelief in his voice. She'd have a brief pouting on her lips and a semi-hurt look as it was questioned whatever or not she had actually done all of this herself. It was kind of a touchy subject since a lot of ponies asked that, because they didn't think a filly could make all these sorts of great things, and as an inventor, Blitz of course wanted recognition for her work. Not questions about who she might've stolen it from while they weren't looking.

"Heeeey, I make All of my own fireworks and giant kabooms. I work really hard to make sure that things explode the right way, I Pinkie Promise."

She'd follow the signs and say the words associated with the weird, unbreakable promise that her idol used in Ponyville, though whilst there it made sense to everypony, it would probably just look weird to the others. Not that Blitz cared. If Pinkie could say this, it was perfect.

Her mood after that had gone back to giddy, almost annoyingly perky joy, as she took a deep breath to answer the rest of what the big pony had asked her.

"Daxter came to Ponyville three months ago, and I ran into him when I was chasing a tricky spring that was trying to get away from me. He looked all sad, so I made him my friend and started talking to him, and he said something about needing a break from his family. So I showed him my workshop, and made him smile with small fireworks and fun talk.

It's in the forest. Ponies in town say I'm weird and are all sorta of worried that the wood puppies will come munch on me since I'm on my own, but they're not so bad once you play *Fetch the grenade* with them a couple of times. I kinda miss them coming around too. Now they just take off barks and runs away when they see me, which is kinda boring.

Anyway, Dax and me, right. So were in the workshop, talking fun things like glitter rockets and exploding mountains, when this filly came around that needed help with.. Something. I don't remember. I know we helped her in some sorta way, and then Dax wandered off not too long after that for some reason. I sorta figured he'd be back to see the fireworks he asked if I could do, but when he didn't, I just followed him. Lots of ponies knew about this place and could point me to it, though they had all sorts of weird faces when they did. Dunno why. This places is fun! Hehe.

So I got here and found Dax, right? But he was all sad because his other friend had just gone away without saying goodbye, so he cried for a bit, then we wandered around and looked at things with the butler ponies, Grumpy and Not-So-Grumpy. Fun tour, even if one of them were a meanie pants, though i dunno who. They look reeeeeally similar. Did you clone somepony? I bet Silver could. She's really smart."

  • Brohoof 2


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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  • 2 weeks later...
On 11/4/2018 at 11:22 AM, Illiad Easle said:

Her smile settled to a faint form as they approached the house, though her eyes still betrayed a boundless positivity and enthusiasm for what was about to take place.

Taps brought her directly to the front doors, skipped up the steps, and gave a whimsical knock at the massive doors.

Within a moment, the door opened a slight bit, and a pink mare in a maid outfit stuck her head out.

"Taps?  A message?"  She then saw Mystic, and gave a small gasp.  "Oh!  We were expecting a zebra - I assume that would be you?"

Taps gave a smart salute, then motioned for Mystic to step inside.  The maid moved to the side and smiled.  "This way, please - Madam Blackwater is entertaining a guest, but I shall announce your presence.  I shall show you to the Sun Room-"

Taps waved a hoof, then pointed to herself.

"YOU will show her the way?  Thank you, Taps - I shall pass word to the Madam.  Please follow the mailmare, Miss Mystic."

She then turned and made her way toward the stairs, while Taps skated right inside and led the zebra down a passage to a room with large, ornate glass doors, leading out to what appeared to be a fully furnished patio.  Taking a seat in one of the comfortable chairs, she put her hooves behind her head and motioned for Mystic to take a seat.



On 11/5/2018 at 2:08 AM, Hazard Time said:

"Before I ask for payment, I must inquire of several things.  Is there a name your prefer to be called by?  What inspired you to seek me out?  Do you have questions, concerns, or fears on your mind?

Knee smiled, "Folks call me 'Knee Slapper'... but you can call me 'yours', if you like."  He gave a knowing grin and wiggled his eyebrows before letting loose a sly chuckle.

"Hey, I came to check it out 'cause it's not everyday something like this sets up shop in the Blackwater Quarry - so, natch, if it's interesting, chances are I'll be there!  And hey, no particular goals or questions here; I really wanna see what you're doing in here, all by yourselves, with no strong and witty stallion to keep you company!"

On 11/5/2018 at 2:08 AM, Hazard Time said:

"I should also give some disclosure.  I am not a fortune teller.  I am not a seer, nor an oracle.  In some respects, you may think of me as a medium between this world and the next, a beacon on the ethereal plane of existence to which omniscient spirits are drawn.  I cannot command them nor bind them.  Should they wish to speak, this deck shall be their voice.  However, the answers they give will be cryptic.  I can translate, but only you can find meaning in their words."

"A medium, eh?  That means you chat with those that have gone... beyond..."

For a moment, his accent seemed to slip into something different, but he recovered quickly and flawlessly.

"Well, I can't say it's not interesting, at least!  Perhaps you could get in touch with my long-departed cousin Bug Zapper - he still owes me twenty bits, and no one's ever found his hidden stash; we could be only slightly somewhat well-off, if you help me find it."

Another chuckle... but now, his mood seemed to be a bit... wary.

"Well... what do I have to do, here?"



On 11/5/2018 at 2:08 AM, Hazard Time said:

"I am glad you are establishing a menu, but before I can go further, I would like to inquire as to your guest list.  I have a number of individuals and influencers I can invite.  Several hundred, as a matter of fact.  You must give me a number for your maximum capacity."

Vylia reacted as if it were mere passing fancy, but the light in her eyes almost began to glow.

"Oh, we have quite a Grand Ballroom here, of course.  At full capacity, I believe a full five-hundred beings would fit... but I think it might be less crowded if we stick to about, say, three to four hundred, at most.  Small, I know," she coolly replied, "but the exclusivity of it all will bring MANY more for the next one, I'm certain!"

The melodious laugh again, the sip of tea, the kind smile.  "I'm certain you already have prospects in mind, so perhaps I should be asking YOU what your invitations plans might include... or rather, WHOM?"

At this point, there was a long, drawn out sigh from the corner.  "Mother... do I-"

"Oh, LOVELY!  Dearie, come out and let us SEE you, for Luna's sake!"

Slowly, an with great disdain, Oglevy Blackwater crept into view. 

He was bedecked in the ridiculous outfit his mother has insisted he wear; it was a crushed blue velvet sailor suit, a waistcoat with little gold buttons, and matching pantaloons.  His legs were all covered by the blue-striped kneesocks and capped with smart little buckleshoes that shined with polish... and they most certainly DID make his legs appear to be stacks of cookies.  The straw hat was the perfect crowning touch, and the huge red bow in back bobbed with each step the colt took.

The look on his face appeared as though he'd been chewing on lemons for the past hour or so.

"Is this to your liking, Mother?"  He spoke low and embarrassed, sounding forlorn and defeated.

Vylia clapped her hooves and gave a sweet giggle.  "Oh my stars and garters, he is SOOOOOOO cute, isn't he!?"

Oglevy looked as if he begged to differ.



On 11/6/2018 at 4:24 PM, Blitz Boom said:

"Daxter came to Ponyville three months ago, and I ran into him when I was chasing a tricky spring that was trying to get away from me. He looked all sad, so I made him my friend and started talking to him, and he said something about needing a break from his family. So I showed him my workshop, and made him smile with small fireworks and fun talk...

As she spoke, Luther seemed to look her over in his own fashion - standing stock still while his eyes darted over her frame, her wings, and her mane.  He stood in silent judgement as Blitz rambled on, but there was nothing from his manner that said he was upset.

On 11/6/2018 at 4:24 PM, Blitz Boom said:

Did you clone somepony? I bet Silver could. She's really smart."

Luther looked at Silver, who was sweating profusely, then blinked once.

"Is she under YOUR care, Miss Studs?"

Silver slowly nodded, and Luther seemed to make a decision.  He then turned to Blitz.

"Can you create dynamite?"




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Mystic was quite impressed with the manor itself, the architecture was exquisite and quite well crafted. Clearly the Blackwaters had wealth. While it was very different from the architecture back home, and her mother's own utilitarian style of design, she found that she preferred the more spacious design the manor provided.

As she was about to take a seat she remembered her encumbered state, she had after all come straight to this room from the train station, and while her personal effects weren't many, being laden with bags would certainly not make a great first impression on her host.

They were at least simple enough to take off, unlatching the barrel strap and one of the leg straps she could easily escape the baggage without unpacking it, and leaving it in such a way that she could easily put it back on when she needed to leave.

Taps may not have noticed due to her relaxed position, but despite the fact that she had clearly walked some distance with the bags, not a single hair of her coat was out of place, her stripes very clear and her whole coat shining like it had been freshly brushed.

Mystic took a seat that wasn't right next to, nor too far away from, Taps, holding a small notebook and feather pen that she had retrieved from her bags. She seemed to be checking off things as she made careful adjustments to the pair of chains and earrings she had put on before she entered the quarry, seeming to handle very carefully the worn steel chain.

  • Brohoof 1

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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On 11/19/2018 at 7:52 AM, Randimaxis said:

Knee smiled, "Folks call me 'Knee Slapper'... but you can call me 'yours', if you like."  He gave a knowing grin and wiggled his eyebrows before letting loose a sly chuckle.

"Hey, I came to check it out 'cause it's not everyday something like this sets up shop in the Blackwater Quarry - so, natch, if it's interesting, chances are I'll be there!  And hey, no particular goals or questions here; I really wanna see what you're doing in here, all by yourselves, with no strong and witty stallion to keep you company!"

That certainly got a reaction out of the mare.  Dahlia's face blushed hotly as her eyes shifted nervously.  She tripped over her next few words before stopping to gulp and collect herself.  

"O-O-Of course, Mr. Slapper.  Y-Your company is appreciated."  That didn't make her sound needy at all, did it?  Confound it, she could never take any sort of flirting.  That was her sister's forte.

On 11/19/2018 at 7:52 AM, Randimaxis said:

"A medium, eh?  That means you chat with those that have gone... beyond..."

For a moment, his accent seemed to slip into something different, but he recovered quickly and flawlessly.

"Well, I can't say it's not interesting, at least!  Perhaps you could get in touch with my long-departed cousin Bug Zapper - he still owes me twenty bits, and no one's ever found his hidden stash; we could be only slightly somewhat well-off, if you help me find it."

Another chuckle... but now, his mood seemed to be a bit... wary.

"Well... what do I have to do, here?"

"That is not entirely correct," she answered.  "I do not speak to them, per se.  Neither do I have any control over the spirits I summon."  She chuckled nervously as she shifted her eyes back to her cards.  "It can be a mixed bag at times.  Though they always answer every question presented to them, some answer in more mischievous or malicious ways than others.

"In any case, what sort of question would you like to ask of the spirits?  Something about your career?  Your l-love life?  Your spirituality?  Perhaps the outcome of today?"

On 11/19/2018 at 7:52 AM, Randimaxis said:

Vylia reacted as if it were mere passing fancy, but the light in her eyes almost began to glow.

"Oh, we have quite a Grand Ballroom here, of course.  At full capacity, I believe a full five-hundred beings would fit... but I think it might be less crowded if we stick to about, say, three to four hundred, at most.  Small, I know," she coolly replied, "but the exclusivity of it all will bring MANY more for the next one, I'm certain!"

The melodious laugh again, the sip of tea, the kind smile.  "I'm certain you already have prospects in mind, so perhaps I should be asking YOU what your invitations plans might include... or rather, WHOM?"

At this point, there was a long, drawn out sigh from the corner.  "Mother... do I-"

"Oh, LOVELY!  Dearie, come out and let us SEE you, for Luna's sake!"

Slowly, an with great disdain, Oglevy Blackwater crept into view. 

He was bedecked in the ridiculous outfit his mother has insisted he wear; it was a crushed blue velvet sailor suit, a waistcoat with little gold buttons, and matching pantaloons.  His legs were all covered by the blue-striped kneesocks and capped with smart little buckleshoes that shined with polish... and they most certainly DID make his legs appear to be stacks of cookies.  The straw hat was the perfect crowning touch, and the huge red bow in back bobbed with each step the colt took.

The look on his face appeared as though he'd been chewing on lemons for the past hour or so.

"Is this to your liking, Mother?"  He spoke low and embarrassed, sounding forlorn and defeated.

Vylia clapped her hooves and gave a sweet giggle.  "Oh my stars and garters, he is SOOOOOOO cute, isn't he!?"

Oglevy looked as if he begged to differ.

Carnelian brought a hoof to her chin.  "There are a number of ponies I could invite.  I have multiple vassals in the Crystal Empire, on top of other obligations.  My contacts in Equestria, though relatively smaller, are still nothing to scoff at.  Several dukes, multiple counts, and plenty of barons, with some CEOs, fashion industry pundits, and other socialites sprinkled in for good taste.  If I were to put together an estimate, I could easily put out invites for over six-hundred ponies, though I'm sure that I can prune a few of the more minor members from that list."

With Oglevy entering the room and reluctantly showing off his attire, Carnelian cut her answer short to coo at the adorable sight before her.  "Vylia, dear, you make me envious!  If only I had more than one daughter...and cameras existed back in my day.  He looks absolutely adorable!"

For his part, Low was keeping his dead down and his eyes on his food.  Whether or not Oglevy was doing it, he could feel the death glare burning into his flesh.

  • Brohoof 2

Roleplaying for Eight Years and Counting!


List of All My Active OCs



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On 11/19/2018 at 4:52 PM, Randimaxis said:

"Is she under YOUR care, Miss Studs?"

"I am? Awesome! Ehehehe."

Blitz bounced in place, giggling like an idiot at being told that apparently, Silver would take care of her whilst she were here. Silver even nodded to it, which seemed to make it 100% official. Hehe, this was going to be such a cool visit. Perhaps she should stick around for longer than she had expected? Wasn't like anypony were waiting for her at home, and she had made sure to set up her traps, so in case something came along to snoop, they wouldn't get anything more than a face full of itching powder and glitter. Kinda sad for the animals, but they didn't show up around her house anymore, so it was mostly just ponies that got too curious or wanted to take something like meanies, so for them, glitter ans itching powder. She guessed it worked like a charm, because nopony had tried breaking into her home for at least a month and a half. Somepony did accidentally walk into one of the traps, but that didn't count.

The filly were contemplating whatever or not to show Silver that sorta thing later to make her hut all safe too, when Dax's dad looked at her once more, and began asking her a question of just the right kind to get all of her attention.

On 11/19/2018 at 4:52 PM, Randimaxis said:

"Can you create dynamite?"

"I can make lots of things that explode. Dynamite, grenades, landmines, and this fun one I use to make caves in mountains. I would've taken that with me, but Mayor Mare said she needed them for something, so I gave them all to her. Dunno what she's using them for, but I bet it's fun."

Unbeknownst to Blitz, the mayor had just lied to her to make Blitz peacefully give up those things, as it were seen as too dangerous to keep for her. They had tried (and failed) to keep her from making anything more explosive than a rocket, so at some point, they had just given up, and made some deals with Blitz as to who she could give the real explosives to, and where she could test it. Special things like her cave bombs though, the mayor had thought best to confiscate in as nice a way as possible. She didn't think that upsetting the filly by just taking her things away were going to do much good, and it wasn't like locking her up was an option. Blitz was still just a filly, and them trying to limit her by keeping her in orphanages and in school, with a close view on what she worked with, had clearly not helped. She always found a way to cause something to explode, and it made parents and caretakers concerned when a filly like that were around their foals.

"But I do have dynamite and grenades with me! Wanna see? Huh? Huh? Huh?"

Blitz didn't even wait for an answer before going over to the open box where now, most of the fireworks were gone, and pulled up one of the three dynamite sticks with her muzzle, and wandered over towards Luther with it, looking about as happy as if she were gnawing on a licorice cane. With her horn, she also hovered a grenade a little above her head, but she wasn't sure if he'd find that one as fun. Best to take it with her and be sure though.

Both things were clearly home made, with the metal casing on the grenade, split and such clearly being made by somepony more focused on it working as intended, rather than looking polished and clean afterwards, so it were somewhat bumpy. As for the dynamite, the clearest indicator there would be that the powder inside were wrapped in timberwolf bark, instead of a regular casing. Blitz would love to do it right, but she didn't have access to that sort of material in the Everfree Forest, so she made due with the next best thing, which had turned out to be that bark. It worked like a charm, long as the casing didn't get set on fire.

Getting over to Luther, she placed both of them on the ground in front of him, and looked up towards him with excited eyes.

"Here you go Dax's dad. Wanna try them out?"

She focused and her horn glowed with a faint, orange tint, before a small ember lit up on the tip, like if it were some kind of candle. This was essentially the limit to her ability to use pyrokinesis currently, as she wasn't focused much on her magic most of the time over tinkering, where just regular lifting and floating stuff were good enough, but who knew what time would do? And if Luther wished to test one of the dynamite sticks and see if Blitz knew what she were doing, he'd have the option now. Just as long as he didn't stand too close once it actually blew. It packed quite a punch.

  • Brohoof 2


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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On 11/22/2018 at 11:18 AM, Blitz Boom said:

"Here you go Dax's dad. Wanna try them out?"

Luther eyeballed the 'stick' she offered him, but didn't take it.  He did, however, speak.

"I want to see what you create with better materials.  Silver," he turned to her, "let her use your workshop.  Your materials."

His steely gaze shifted back to the diminutive filly.  "I want to see your bestShow me what you can do."

Luther was offering to watch her make a stick of dynamite, using the expert materials from Silver's shed... and he meant it.

The stalwart stallion had seen the effects from the earlier fireworks, not to mention the ill-fated rocket that had blasted him with glitter, and KNEW that talent with explosives didn't come along very often in the history of Equestria.  Now, in front of him, was an exceedingly young craftspony whose specialty just happened to coincide with his own business.  The fortune of this hadn't been lost on Luther; she handled the sticks like a professional - undaunted and unafraid - and though others might think it foolish... the Blackwater patriarch thought it was an indicator of exactly how confident she was in her ability.

And confidence comes from success, as Luther well knew.  She may have had soot & blast marks on her, but clearly Blitz Boom was an expert with explosives - or at least as knowledgeable as one could be without formal training.  He even wondered if her lack of a teacher had helped her formulate her OWN expertise, which would potentially make her a prodigy in her own right.

If she agreed, Luther would watch and see what she made - and if it truly WAS better than the grade of explosives he'd been buying, then perhaps this strange yet talented filly might have a job in her future.  The quarry ALWAYS used dynamite - every single day, there were at least three blasts going off, usually more; if Luther was convinced that Blitz would be a good source of explosives, he had half a mind to allow Silver to have an assistant... of sorts.

Silver, meanwhile, looked utterly taken by surprise... but smiled at Blitz and asked her, "Umm... well, I guess the question is, are YOU up for the challenge?"



On 11/20/2018 at 10:05 PM, Hazard Time said:

"There are a number of ponies I could invite.  I have multiple vassals in the Crystal Empire, on top of other obligations.  My contacts in Equestria, though relatively smaller, are still nothing to scoff at.  Several dukes, multiple counts, and plenty of barons, with some CEOs, fashion industry pundits, and other socialites sprinkled in for good taste.  If I were to put together an estimate, I could easily put out invites for over six-hundred ponies, though I'm sure that I can prune a few of the more minor members from that list."


Vylia nodded and smiled... but if only she had any idea of how much the Blackwater Matriarch was practically singing about it in her own mind, how badly she NEEDED this to go off without a hitch, how desperately she hoped that the party would be a big hit.  

Though she'd had quite a rich family and a bit of a spoiled upbringing, Vylia had still spent much of her time as a filly in homeschooling; she'd grown and become somewhat social, but time spent at hr father's accounting firm had also robbed her of many social gatherings.  Once she'd married, there was the mar on the Blackwater family name, so she hadn't had much in the way of visitors since then either...

This could potentially be the biggest social moment in Vylia's entire life... but, of course, she was still outwardly calm and collected, showing interest but not to the full extent she was truly feeling it inside.

"Whomever you find to be worthy of such a list, I shall be intrigued to discover!" 

And research though my information network, she distantly thought.

Oglevy was thoroughly embarrassed, and more than a touch angry for being put in this predicament.  There was only a single glance up at Low Key... and if that quick glance was any indicator, there was going to be Tartarus to pay, no doubt.

On 11/20/2018 at 7:05 PM, Illiad Easle said:

(Mystic took a seat that wasn't right next to, nor too far away from, Taps, holding a small notebook and feather pen that she had retrieved from her bags.)

It was then that a maid pony came to the doorway, bowed politely and waited to be acknowledged.  Vylia took a moment, then pointed at her with a hoof, making a gesture for the maid to approach them.  Once near, the servant spoke to her mistress - and with reverence in her voice.

"Madam Blackwater, you have a zebra visitor, awaiting you on the eastern terrace."

Vylia smiled - her new assistant was here.  She gave the maid a nod.  "Excellent - I believe this is someone I've been waiting for.  Dearie," she turned to face Carnelian, "would you enjoy meeting a zebra?  She's come highly recommended, and I look forward to seeing exactly what sort of mettle she has.  If you're interested, I would be pleased for yourself and Low to accompany me to meet with her... or, if you like, you may retire to elsewhere while I see to this business.  Absolutely your choice."

She awaited a reply, eyebrow raised questioningly.



Taps sat where she was and seemed to look Mystic over.

She was short for a pegasus, and though her scrutiny seemed shrewd, her features lended her an almost whimsical appearance.  The small mare leaned forward and pointed at Mystic, then drew a question mark in the air.  She didn't speak, but was apparently indicating that she had a question about the zebra - one that was made more evident when Taps removed a small pad of paper & a pencil from her satchel & began to write.

The note, once finished, was presented to Mystic: 

[Welcome to the Blackwater Quarry!  May I ask more about you?]




On 11/20/2018 at 10:05 PM, Hazard Time said:

"O-O-Of course, Mr. Slapper.  Y-Your company is appreciated.

Knee's eyes took on an even more mischievous tilt.  

"Hey, you have no idea how glad I am to hear you say such delicious things, beautiful - quite a meal to go with the beverage, so to speak, as my eyes have been drinking you in since they first saw you."

His grin was quite kindly, and his charm was ineffable - he was being as flirty as he could get away with, and was quite tickled to see her reactions to his words.

I should be ashamed, making her uncomfy like that... but then again, I'm pretty sure that somewhere inside, she's glad to have somepony notice her looks and comment on such.  Pretty gal like her should be complimented daily!

On 11/20/2018 at 10:05 PM, Hazard Time said:

"In any case, what sort of question would you like to ask of the spirits?  Something about your career?  Your l-love life?  Your spirituality?  Perhaps the outcome of today?"

Oh-ho-ho-HO!  He wasn't about to let THAT comment go without a challenge!  Just the way she reacted told Slapper he was about to get some entertainment from making her blush and squirm - not because he wanted to be mean to her, but more because he wanted to explore that slight stutter she'd had just a moment ago... was it possible that he could find love here?

Knee Slapper, practical joker and forepone #2 at the Blackwater Quarry... not to mention a seriously talented Empathic, a fierce magical fighter, a Runesmith and Glyph-Ward creator.  Not many of the other folks here were truly aware of what made Knee such a unique individual, but he hid it well... but when presented to the scrutiny of otherworldly things, one never knows what one may get...

"Sure thing, you lovely creature, you - I think what you said about a 'love life' miiiiiiiiight be a good place to start - especially with my interest piqued, and present lovely company to consider!  So yeah: ask the spirits about my Love Life, and the potential for it to get... better..."  

His grin widened.

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Mystic looked thoughtfully at the note, idly wondering if she should respond verbally, or written as Taps had done. She remembered that Mr. Light had suggested treating her like a normal pony, which implied a sort of disability preventing her from speaking. Thus was unsure whether writing her response down would aggravate or appease her. She sighed, after all Taps hadn't seemed annoyed when she spoke to her earlier, so there was likely no harm in speaking to her now.

"You may, though I have no idea what you'd like to know about me..."

She shrugged as she continued, "Well, my name is Mystic Glow, daughter of Goldenrod the manager of Goldenrod Investment Bank which is based in Deltrot, Troy. She wanted me to learn all about management, especially in money, so she and I arranged with Lady Blackwater for me to work here for a time to learn all there is to know about this sort of thing."

She looked around to ensure they were alone before turning back towards Taps as she set down what she had been writing with and on. "Don't spread this around or anything, but how's Daxter? I haven't seen him or heard much from him since he left Troy..." There was a sense of longing there that Taps would have to be a brick wall to miss, in fact even the walls of the room would have a hard time not noticing.

  • Brohoof 1

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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19 hours ago, Randimaxis said:

"I want to see what you create with better materials.  Silver," he turned to her, "let her use your workshop.  Your materials."

His steely gaze shifted back to the diminutive filly.  "I want to see your bestShow me what you can do."

Blitz's jaw dropped as Luther told Silver to let the filly use her tools and materials, then turning back to Blitz and telling her that he openly wanted her to show off what she could do? Nopony ever did that. Even Stormy, who she considered her best friend, kept some restraints on what he wanted her to do, since - as he put it - *He didn't want to see the forest melt*. But now this stallion that she had only heard about very briefly through Dax, were telling her to go all out and really show what she could craft, whilst providing her with real materials, rather than what she found could work as such in the forest?


Jumping forward, Blitz would attempt to do as she always did when she were really happy with somepony, and aim to hug one of Luther's front legs. Even if he ensured that she missed though, it wouldn't remove the glee and pure joy that were going over her, but just cause her to jump in place with a massive smile on her face.

"Thankyouthankyouthankyou! Nopony ever trusts me enough to let me have real materials. You're the bestest pony ever, Dax-Dad!"

There were few times when Blitz got hold of actual ingredients to make proper gunpowder, or other concoctions that could provide the same effect, but not only were Ponyville a place that dealt in nearly nothing of the matter normally, but after more ponies in the town had figured out about the filly and what she were doing in the forest - as well as the realization that she wasn't that easy to reign in - things had abruptly become even harder. She only found something twice in the last two months, and both times the stuff vanished while she were sleeping, making her suspect that somepony that knew about her security traps were taking it away, but not sure who it were.

Regardless, it left her with the stuff she were able to make herself. Granted, some of that were highly effective, like the mixture of seemingly mundane things she had put together to blow holes in mountains, but it were still second rate, and not as effective as the real thing. Even the casings were a little sub-par, as the bark were flexible, yet a little too much, which dampened the explosion.

But now? She had been told that she could get to work with the best materials she could imagine anypony had around here, as Silver were a real smart pony. Blitz had seen some of it, and she had no doubt that not only the tools she had seen were in perfect order, but that everything the mare used also were.

Granted, it could be to Luther's advantage in the long run to potentially draw some costs away by taking advantage of Blitz resourcefulness in using what were essentially garbage and scraps for something useful, but the filly didn't think about that in the slightest. She were just hyped to the moon, and ready to get to work.

20 hours ago, Randimaxis said:

 Silver, meanwhile, looked utterly taken by surprise... but smiled at Blitz and asked her, "Umm... well, I guess the question is, are YOU up for the challenge?"


Blitz didn't even stay to answer the question. The second that Silver had stopped speaking, she would stop what she were doing, and run off towards the workshop straight away, whilst giving of an elongated, joyful tone. It was something that were hard to miss, which Ziggy sure didn't as she were passed by the filly, mere seconds before going within sight of the graveyard.

She had been meant to be there earlier, but she had found that her bag had a small hole in the bottom of it, which had caused a few things to slip out that she needed to collect again before it were snatched up by somepony. Thankfully she had gotten it all, but it had taken a minute or two off her time, and she had hauled flank to try and get there in time, just to hear Luther speaking calmly - for him anyway - Silver sounding somewhat nervous, and then all of a sudden, the most excited filly she had ever seen suddenly run past her. Why? The zegasus had no idea, as she hadn't been able to make out what were being said, but she sure seemed in a rush, and since Luther sounded okay, she decided to turn and follow this one, to make sure that there'd be somepony keeping an eye on her.

That turned out to be for the better, as when the filly would get near the workshop, she seemed to have some trouble stopping her own momentum, and though she tried to stop, she missed by a half meter, and were well on the way of getting at least one more ahead and end up straight into a bucket that the cleaning crew must have left there for a moment, before the zegasus snatched the filly up into the air, and held the wriggling little thing as well as she could, though Blitz wasn't making it easy.

"You sure got lively again all of a sudden. Are you okay?"

"Fine fine fine, but gotta work!"

Ziggy wasn't sure what to think of this, so she'd keep hold of the increasingly wriggling and giggling filly, flapping a few inches off the ground, until Luther and/or Silver would come around and sort this out. Something told her it was for the best to wait for either of them. As for the medical bag, it was secure between her teeth, though if this kept on much longer, then the band aid that she had plastered on the bottom of her medical bag as a quick fix, might split up and cause something to poke out. Blitz certainly wasn't making it easier to keep everything settled with her attempts at getting loose.

  • Brohoof 1


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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On 11/25/2018 at 7:04 AM, Randimaxis said:

"Hey, you have no idea how glad I am to hear you say such delicious things, beautiful - quite a meal to go with the beverage, so to speak, as my eyes have been drinking you in since they first saw you."

On 11/25/2018 at 7:04 AM, Randimaxis said:

"Sure thing, you lovely creature, you - I think what you said about a 'love life' miiiiiiiiight be a good place to start - especially with my interest piqued, and present lovely company to consider!  So yeah: ask the spirits about my Love Life, and the potential for it to get... better..."

That was the straw that broke Dahlia.  Her face was now quite flush and her hooves slipped, sending several tarot cards skittering across the table or onto the floor.  Words failed to form in her mind or come out her mouth, so she simply let her jaw hang there.  Her heart was set to beat out of her chest, and her body locked up.

Suddenly, a loud banging came from outside the wagon, where Ophelia's mirthful voice resounded.  "You want melted chocolate, mister?  Because that's how you get melted chocolate!"

That seemed to snap Dahlia out of her daze.  "Sh-shut up, Oaf!" she shrieked, her voice cracking.  Tears formed at the edges of her eyes as she gathered up her cards and shuffled them once more.  "N-now...I can d-do that.  However, we should both have clear minds coming into this, or our perceptions will be biased."


Carnelian meanwhile offered Vylia a warm smile as she finished her coffee.  "I will prepare a complete list after I have had time to recuperate, my dear."  With that, she wiped her muzzle with a napkin and stood up.  "To do so, I must excuse myself.  Mister Key may excuse himself with dignity once he finishes his breakfast."  As she made her way out, she stopped next to Oglevy, glancing down at him with a smile.  "It only remains mortifying so long as you consider it so," she whispered, leaving him to consider that as she left.

Roleplaying for Eight Years and Counting!


List of All My Active OCs



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On 11/25/2018 at 12:27 PM, Illiad Easle said:

"Well, my name is Mystic Glow, daughter of Goldenrod the manager of Goldenrod Investment Bank which is based in Deltrot, Troy. She wanted me to learn all about management, especially in money, so she and I arranged with Lady Blackwater for me to work here for a time to learn all there is to know about this sort of thing."

Taps nodded in emphatic understanding, then pointed to her own head - probably indicating that the Blackwater matron was indeed intelligent enough for such.

On 11/25/2018 at 12:27 PM, Illiad Easle said:

"Don't spread this around or anything, but how's Daxter? I haven't seen him or heard much from him since he left Troy..."

At mention of Dax, Taps' smile broadened.  Writing on the pad again, she showed it to Mystic once more.

[Daxter is doing well in his studies, and he has come a long way since his trip to Troy; I take it you have more than a passing interest in his welfare?]

She gave a wink, and zipped her hoof across her lips with a grin - apparently, she was swearing to secrecy.  As she appeared not to speak anyway, so it was probably more of a joke.



On 11/26/2018 at 6:57 AM, Blitz Boom said:

"Thankyouthankyouthankyou! Nopony ever trusts me enough to let me have real materials. You're the bestest pony ever, Dax-Dad!"

Luther looked at her, his scowl in place, but interest dancing behind the lenses of his spectacles.

Talent with no encouragement becomes wasted potential - and I shall not abide by waste.

"I am what I am.  As are you.  Let us see what you can-"

On 11/26/2018 at 6:57 AM, Blitz Boom said:


"... achieve."

And right there, as Blitz took off, his frown slowly crawled up his cheeks... and became a small, kind grin.

Silver's jaw dropped open, and she stammered to try to speak.  "Mis... ter... B-Blackwater?????"

The look stayed in place, but his voice was as serious as he usually sounded.

"She is in a bucket, Miss Studs."


The handymare took off almost as fast as Blitz Boom herself had, on her muzzle was an equal display of worry.. and elation at seeing the young filly so happy.  Questions of "are you okay?" and "she's with me, Doc!" were yelled between whinny-giggles as she ran to Ziggy, ready to see the Dynamo of Destruction as she got the chance to really get down to business.

Luther, meanwhile, seemed to carefully set the rare smile aside, as if it were an old friend who he wasn't ready to allow to go home yet.  He then gave a great gust of a sigh, his muzzle then set its' typical frown into place, and he made his way towards the manor house.  His brow furrowed as he got closer to it, however... and the stormclouds troubling him had a name.

Carnelian Clout.  I can tell that YOU have intentions of your own; your eyes tell me a story of pain, given and received... and it worries me.

If your intentions are against my quarry, you will find me impossible to dissuade.
If your interest is in my politics, you will find me adamant without peer.
If your intentions are on my money, I will enjoy mocking you endlessly for your greed.

His eyes narrowed as his steps got a bit harder, almost stomping hoofprints into the rock beneath him.

If you harm one hair on my wife's head... 



12 hours ago, Hazard Time said:

"To do so, I must excuse myself.  Mister Key may excuse himself with dignity once he finishes his breakfast." 

Vylia gave a gracious bow of her head.  "Of course, I do hope you forgive the timing of this interruption - and you are more than welcome to tour the manor as you please; there should be a bell on the night table of your suite that you may ring for any servant of mine to answer, whatever your needs.  Ta, dearie!"

She then turned to face her butlers, who were quietly nearby.  "Beck, stay here with Mister Key until he's done - then, escort him to his matron, tout suite."

One of the twins stepped forward and bowed.  "As you wish, Madam."  With that, he moved to stand next to the couch, slightly behind Low and waiting patiently.

Vylia gave a happy sigh, and with Call in tow, she made her way out and headed for her sunroom; she'd been expecting someone, and now they were here. 

Punctual - just the way I like it.


Oglevy's eyes slid sideways toward Mother's snooty guest as she whispered her words to him in passing.  With that, a look of careful consideration took the place of his shame-filled one, and he now began to ponder the ramifications of such an interesting change of events.

Oglevy was smart - smarter than most could ever give him true credit for.  He liked being assumed as harmless, because it let him get away with doing so much more in the long run.  The 'advice' the mare had given him, he already knew - he did the 'mortified' act regularly, so it was thought to be a bigger punishment than, oh say, no dessert.  He enjoyed dessert, and always found ways to get it, even when banned from such treats... but if his Mother thought wearing some dumb outfit was punishment-worthy, he'd end up getting his just desserts.

The youngest Blackwater was astute enough to also realize that THIS 'houseguest' had tried to help him - which meant she might be fun to play with for a while.  Oh, no punishments, not yet - as long as her aim was to show him something NEW (a thing in woefully short supply for a colt stuck in a quarry practically all his life), then he'd play along, playing the part of the 'bratty prodigy' for as long as he was entertained.

Of course, if she proved to truly be useful... then perhaps he really could learn a thing or two.  After all, new is new, and new is SO much better than same old, same old.

Especially new ideas... like the idea that was formulating right now about how to get back at both his annoying brother Dax, and the stuffy Dax-clone the new mare - Carnelian, like the gem? - had brought with her.  The revenge wasn't because of Dax's rather heavy-hooved 'casual mention' of the dumb outfit he was now wearing, but more due to the fact he now felt that he had a reputation to uphold.

Inwardly, he smiled - THIS was going to be more fun than he'd had in a looooooong time.



15 hours ago, Hazard Time said:

"Sh-shut up, Oaf!"

Slapper gave a bright, happy laugh.

"Hey, hey - it's okay, there... look beautiful, I'm not trying to make you nervous or anything like that..."

His words were calm & concerned, and he was doing his best to try to calm her down carefully; he found her quite adorable, yet he wasn't happy about her tears.  However, he also had enough decorum not to bring attention to it.

"Relax - tranquil waters, tranquil waters... okay, so we can take a breath, shake it off, and take this one step at a time.  No need to rush me out, 'cause I kinda like where I am right now."

He smiled amicably, and his manner was soothing and gentle; Dahlia could almost feel the waves of calm he was sending her way, with his reassurances and charm.

"We can start whenever you want - clear minds, happy times, am I right?"




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24 minutes ago, Randimaxis said:

Slapper gave a bright, happy laugh.

"Hey, hey - it's okay, there... look beautiful, I'm not trying to make you nervous or anything like that..."

His words were calm & concerned, and he was doing his best to try to calm her down carefully; he found her quite adorable, yet he wasn't happy about her tears.  However, he also had enough decorum not to bring attention to it.

"Relax - tranquil waters, tranquil waters... okay, so we can take a breath, shake it off, and take this one step at a time.  No need to rush me out, 'cause I kinda like where I am right now."

He smiled amicably, and his manner was soothing and gentle; Dahlia could almost feel the waves of calm he was sending her way, with his reassurances and charm.

"We can start whenever you want - clear minds, happy times, am I right?"

Slowly, the tan crystal mare began to recouperate.  Her breathing resumed its calm pace, and she even closed her eyes.  Dahlia wiped away the tears and gave it another few seconds before speaking in the calm, slow, monotone whisper she had before the flirtation had begun.

"Please join me, Mister Slapper.  Close your eyes and contemplate your question.  Expand on it.  Are you ready for a new partner?  What characteristics do you look for in a partner?  Where do you expect to meet your new partner?  What do you expect of each other?  What is your end goal in seeking a relationship?"  She allowed those questions to gather and absorb into her client for a minute, relishing in the quiet that came over the inside of the wagon.  After another minute, she allowed her eyes to slowly open, a gentle smile on her face.

"You may open your eyes, Mister Slapper.  Let us begin."  Dahlia placed her hoof over the deck and gracefully flicked five cards out onto the table.  With just a little bit of fiddling, the cards were ordered into a neat cross.  Her hoof hovered over the center card, looking back up to Knee Slapper.

"This card will answer the first question, evaluating your readiness for a relationship," she explained, flipping it over.  On the other side was the upside down drawing of a stallion, one of a few still standing upon the remains of a battlefield, several swords cradled under a foreleg or in his mouth.

"The Five of Swords, and it is upside down.  This card is a reminder that we're just ponies, and we make mistakes.  There are two possible interpretations to this card.  What is your experience in love, if I may ask?  This card could be suggesting an inability to evaluate your past mistakes, or it could suggest the opposite, that what few mistakes you've made in your past have not escaped your introspection."  She gave him a minute to think and comment before hovering her hoof over the next card.

"This card describes what you are looking for in a special somepony."  Dahlia flipped it over, revealing a terrifying sight.  A knight in black armor, striding amongst a crowd of ponies who cowered or fell at his hooves.  Most terrifying of all, beneath his open-faced helmet, was nothing but a skull.

"Death, upside down," she stated without any trepidation.  "Death is a terrifying figure to many, but few stop to consider the necessity of it.  Things come and go, some good, but also some bad.  The old is pruned, and the new takes its place.  However, from its position, it would indicate that you take comfort in the familiar.  You may not necessarily fear those different from you, but you find attraction in those like yourself.  Another interpretation could be that you do seek change, but only that which would provoke change from within.  You accept the world as it is, you just have to find the right mare or stallion to help you adapt."

Her hoof flipped over the third card, revealing one that was right side up this time.  The drawing depicted that of an alicorn with iridescent mane, tail, and wings soaring high above the clouds, surrounded by a wreath.  In each of the four corners, an intelligent race was represented: ponies, griffons, cows, and hippogriffs.

"The World.  In Crystal Pony myth, we are all the children of Iridia.  Until Sombra usurped the throne, the royal family claimed direct lineage back to her.  Though she is mainly a crystalline deity, she invites all intelligent beings to awaken the love hidden in our souls, to come together as one in friendship and harmony.  Of her teachings, none is more dear than that of being honest to yourself.  When you meet your love, it will be spontaneous, spur of the moment, but it will be your true self which interests them the most."

Then the fourth card was flipped, revealing the upside down image of a mourning pony in black, staring out across a landscape as five chalices lay on their sides.  "The Five of Chalices, upside down.  There will exist emotional upheaval on one or both sides that will complicate the relationship.  It is possible it will easily be conquered, but it is possible that the loss will purely be one-sided, affecting only yourself, and it will be your prerogative to overcome it."

The final card was flipped, revealing a regal-looking mare upon a throne.  She was surrounded by nature, no castle walls about her, a large pentacle cradled in her hooves.  "The Queen of Pentacles, upside down.  Traditionally, this card takes the form of a wise oracle or patron, a mare who eagerly offers her time, energy, skills, and money to better those around her.  However, the position suggests a more internal approach.  The focus will be more on offering everything to each other, allowing the outside world to solve its own problems."


1 hour ago, Randimaxis said:

She then turned to face her butlers, who were quietly nearby.  "Beck, stay here with Mister Key until he's done - then, escort him to his matron, tout suite."

Low's cheeks still burned from his failure, and he was only just now starting to feel as if things were returning back to normal.  Except they weren't, were they?  Oglevy was mad at him.  Very mad.  Just how bad would the next prank be?  If it was anything like the one that got him into this mess, then he might be able to survive it.  The anticipation was the worst part, though.  Not only did he not know what he had planned, he had no idea when it would be.

The unicorn finished his breakfast soon after, turning towards Beck.  His horn lit up and ran through his mane, smoothing it out as he tried to put on the air of dignity Carnelian had taught him so many times.  "I am ready to leave," he announced.

  • Brohoof 1

Roleplaying for Eight Years and Counting!


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Mystic rolled her eyes, but the blush was clearly apparent. "Again, don't spread it around, but he saved my life. This chain," she held up the steel chain with the gold flecks, "is a reminder of that day."

The day he bought me from that slaver

She sighed, "I've been waiting so long for the chance to pay that back to him. And hopefully now I can finally do just that."

She sat idly wondering if her host would leave her waiting much longer, and had the thought that she might be waiting just outside to see how she handled being forced to wait.

The thought struck her that she could just Look and see just that, a blindfold appeared from the small pouch tucked between her forelegs, which she quickly tied around her head, blocking her eyesight to strengthen her foresight. She began to hum a low, even tone. One eye glowing through a slit in the blindfold as she began to draw someone she had never met. It was crude, but unmistakably Vylia that she was drawing.

The humming stopped as she removed the blindfold to examine the drawing. Well, she looks pleasant enough, not like she's waiting outside on purpose at least.

In another quick motion, both the drawing and the blindfold returned to her pouch, her entirely unaware if someone had entered in the mean time.

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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On 11/30/2018 at 10:40 PM, Randimaxis said:

The handymare took off almost as fast as Blitz Boom herself had, on her muzzle was an equal display of worry.. and elation at seeing the young filly so happy.  Questions of "are you okay?" and "she's with me, Doc!" were yelled between whinny-giggles as she ran to Ziggy, ready to see the Dynamo of Destruction as she got the chance to really get down to business.

"Well... Okay, if you say so Silver. Just watch out if she starts getting dizzy again."

With all that had happened today so far, Ziggy hadn't had the chance to make a concoction for Blitz, so if she passed out again, it'd have to last until later, or even tomorrow. What she had been cooking up had been scorched as she had totally forgotten about it amidst all the things suddenly happening today, but at least it would be easy enough to clean. Only a few minutes really, as it was mostly just a sort of paste she could scrape off and burn later on. And yes, she had to burn it, and preferably not near anypony. It would smell rather foul.

Regardless, Silver had taken it upon herself to take care of the filly from yesterday, and since she said that Blitz should get down and be unleashed now, Ziggy would let her go, though slightly reluctant. Whilst the filly were fun and it seemed that Luther hadn't thought harshly of her presence or explosives, the zegasus were still concerned about more dizzy spells, as the filly had not slept all that long in the grand scheme of things. Hopefully Silver would keep an eye out, and then make sure the filly had a nap when she were ready for it, before calamity struck.

Might be that Ziggy had to dig up one of her dad's old recipes for unruly foals actually... Blitz could likely do well with a relaxant in a cup of cocoa later, and as both Ziggy and her siblings could attest, it wasn't dangerous. Just a good way for the parents to get a calm night every now and again, though hopefully she wouldn't have to go this far, and Silver could control Blitz well enough. They'd see now, as she finally let go off the wriggling little thing, who would immediately start going over to Silver's door and try to open it. Perhaps if she had been less hyper she could've used her horn to get access, but it seemed to not be a focus of the filly. It was kinda cute really.

When Blitz would eventually be let inside, she'd get to work immediately, starting with mixing up some explosive powder. Since this area had other materials, she had to run a few tests first though. Not to see if she could make it explode though, oh no, she certainly could, as she could almost taste the composition required for a good explosion when she were meddling with the materials, but it was more as to what volume it'd be. A few small samples, a light from her horn, and a scorch mark or two later, she'd have the data she needed, and start working on a casing with a huge giggle on her face.

It would be around 20 minutes before she had her first, small dynamite stick completed, then another thirty before she had two more of varying sizes, as she didn't know how strong Luther wanted things to be. They weren't looking all that professional, with clearly being cobbled together by what she were able to get her hooves on - which meant that it depended on what Silver had laying around or could quickly get hold off - but it'd be secure, and carry as much powder in them as she could realistically make them hold while still being functional. They had longer tha normal fuses for Blitz's work, which brought them more in line with regular sized ones, and as a finishing touch, she'd draw a smiley face on each of them with a soot-covered hoof.

She'd look a right mess, with there still being a good deal of glitter on her, combined with a slightly singed look from one of her tests, and soot/explosive powder up until around halfway on her legs, but she had just been so excited that she couldn't think on keeping things clean or not waste things. With a bit of training, Silver could likely make her waste less materials like this, and make herself less flammable in the process. Honestly, a bucket of water might be a good idea before her legs suddenly caught on fire from a spark.

Once the last stick had been placed, Blitz jumped a little in place and looked around herself, seeing if she could spot Silver. The world had kinda gone away while she were working, which would also mean that unless Silver had been smart and gotten some thing hidden, part of the dynamite construction might have been made from scavenged parts from other things Silver had in her shed. A small side issue of having to handle somepony who usually did everything with things she found or took from garbage cans, but Silver would likely learn and make certain that her things were protected.

"Silver! Silver Silver Silver! I made fun stuff for Dax-Dad!"

Blitz were spinning around herself like a dog, not sure where to look or where Silver even where, but just blurting this out regardless, until she yawned, and fell over her own hooves. She wouldn't pass out, but the high were starting to wear off a little, and the lack of energy would start to show itself the longer time went on.

  • Brohoof 1


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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4 hours ago, Blitz Boom said:

"Well... Okay, if you say so Silver. Just watch out if she starts getting dizzy again."

She gave a smile as she approached.

"She's okay - at least, she seems to be to me.  Thank you for seeing to her, Ziggy; I appreciate it so much.  And I PROMISE, I'll watch out for her, no worries..."

Outside of Ziggy's medical shed, her button was pressed.  Many of the workers here had no clue as to how she knew the button on the signboard outside of her shed had been pushed, but she always came.  It had been an invention of Silver's, and the responding part was due to the small badge in Ziggy's medical bag; when the button got pressed, the badge would vibrate repeatedly until the good doctor got close enough to the medical shed.  

And Ziggy's bag was vibrating.


Meanwhile, after opening the door to her workshed, Silver followed inside and stood by, out of walking areas, to allow the most access to her materials that she could.  She watched with fascination as the little powderkeg scraped, shuffled, tinkered, tested and constructed her specialties.  Though Blitz did indeed pull parts from some of Silver's other projects, the handymare herself said not a word, nor batted an eyelash - she was so happy to see Blitz absorbed in her work that she honestly didn't mind. 

There'll always be projects to finish; an experience this doesn't come along every day.

When she could, she tried to anticipate Blitz's needs and set the necessary tools within reach, acting as an assistant to the filly as she worked up a storm.  Once she was done, Silver took her time to examine the finished product - not for flaws, but for the sheer novelty of it all.  She'd always thought that she was the only one who got wrapped up in their work like this... and Blitz had proven her wrong.  And she'd never been so happy to be so wrong.

4 hours ago, Blitz Boom said:

"Silver! Silver Silver Silver! I made fun stuff for Dax-Dad!"

She laughed aloud.  "His name is Luther Blackwater... but yes, I can see your accomplishments.  And I'm sure he'll like them, too.  Now, are you wanting to take these directly to him, or..."

Her muzzle took on a kind smile.  "Perhaps we could sit and rest a moment; I'd be happy to make us some juice, if you like?  After all, with all you've been doing, you need to remember to take care of yourself, too... otherwise, how are you going to be able to help me with my other projects if you fall asleep?"



On 11/30/2018 at 10:08 PM, Illiad Easle said:

"I've been waiting so long for the chance to pay that back to him. And hopefully now I can finally do just that."

Taps' eyes widened at the talk of Dax saving Mystic's life.  She seemed to ponder it for a moment, then wrote on her pad again:

[Dax saved you?  That's quite a tall order - but he IS the sort of pony who would do that.  I've known him for a while, and he always seems to have everyone else in mind; his kindness is boundless, and he's a good stallion.  I'm sure he'll be pleased to see YOU, if that's truly the case.]

Her smile was broad and wide, and she tipped the zebra a wink from her mismatched eyes.  However, before she could write anything further, the doors to the inner sun room opened, and Taps gave Mystic a smart salute before she simply flipped up from her seat and winged her way back to the simple Pony Express office in the corner of the quarry.

As soon as the mailmare was out of sight, the doors to the balcony opened wide, and out came a beautiful mare.  She had a small, carefully constructed smile on her muzzle, and an almost electric look in her eyes. As she came over to the table, a single butler appeared right behind her, as if he'd popped out of a shadow.

The mare looked Mystic over carefully, then gave a charming, tinkling laugh as she broadened her grin into a wide smile.

"Ah, I take it as read that you happen to be the intern I spoke with Madam Goldenrod about, yes?"

She spoke regally, but the look on her muzzle said that she was gauging the zebra - and whatever Mystic said next might be vitally important; at least, that's the vibe she was getting from the pegasus in front of her.



On 11/30/2018 at 6:37 PM, Hazard Time said:

"I am ready to leave,"

Beck nodded, gave a polite little bow, and then turned to lead the way.

However, as they began to walk along the long, decorated halls... the butler spared a few glances at the young noble.

"If I may be so bold, Young Sir... I have noticed you've seemed to form a bit of a friendship with Master Daxter.  This is fortuitous, as he doesn't manage to travel very often - I am certain that, if your aim is to befriend the Master, then you will no doubt gain a friend for life.  For that alone, I am grateful... and, though it may be improper, I would like to thank you for taking such an interest."

He then gave a bit of a more mischievous grin.  "And, I would like to mention, anypony that causes Master Oglevy such discomfort is always welcome in my book."

Still grinning, he continued to walk a bit... then, he casually spoke over his flank.

"Of course, if Young Sir so desires, I am certain that the path we take to return you to your own matron could stand to be a bit more... ahem, 'convoluted', in case there were other places you'd wish to see?  At your discretion, of course - far be it for me to make any decisions for you, Young Sir."



Slapper sat quietly, listening to Dahlia's words as she read the card in front of him.  He'd always been a bit enamored by mysticism, especially fortune tellers... especially especially cute ones.

On 11/30/2018 at 6:37 PM, Hazard Time said:

"The Five of Swords, and it is upside down.  This card is a reminder that we're just ponies, and we make mistakes.  There are two possible interpretations to this card.  What is your experience in love, if I may ask?  This card could be suggesting an inability to evaluate your past mistakes, or it could suggest the opposite, that what few mistakes you've made in your past have not escaped your introspection."

How can I tell you that I've not left this quarry in years?

"I... well, I give a smile and a chuckle, here and there... but as for a Love Life, per se?  I think it would be most accurate to say I've yet to truly experience a relationship that was, for lack of a better description, ideal."

It's not a lie, at least - no relationships at all means I've never found an ideal one, right?

On 11/30/2018 at 6:37 PM, Hazard Time said:

"Death is a terrifying figure to many, but few stop to consider the necessity of it.  Things come and go, some good, but also some bad.  The old is pruned, and the new takes its place.  However, from its position, it would indicate that you take comfort in the familiar.  You may not necessarily fear those different from you, but you find attraction in those like yourself.  Another interpretation could be that you do seek change, but only that which would provoke change from within.  You accept the world as it is, you just have to find the right mare or stallion to help you adapt."

Illiad was... IS... a fine friend, but there was truly only the one week I knew him; he was far more like me than anypony else I'd ever met.  However, as stallion-on-stallion love isn't my kind of thing, I'd MUCH rather prefer a lovely and intelligent mare... like the one seated in front of me, I hope.

"Heh, I guess I can kinda be a creature of habit, yeah - but that doesn't mean I won't leave my comfort zone for, oh I dunno, say the opportunity to perhaps woo a mare who'd prefer to live as a queen in the royal throne of my life?"  He chuckled, turning on a little charm... but the smile he wore was free and easy - no pressure, merely a vague promise.

On 11/30/2018 at 6:37 PM, Hazard Time said:

"The World.  In Crystal Pony myth, we are all the children of Iridia.  Until Sombra usurped the throne, the royal family claimed direct lineage back to her.  Though she is mainly a crystalline deity, she invites all intelligent beings to awaken the love hidden in our souls, to come together as one in friendship and harmony.  Of her teachings, none is more dear than that of being honest to yourself.  When you meet your love, it will be spontaneous, spur of the moment, but it will be your true self which interests them the most."

For the first time in the whole conversation, the look on Slapper's muzzle faltered a bit.

"Uh... o-okay, I guess that... makes sense, in its' own way.  Sure," he brightened, "it's not like I'm some vile, evil thing on the inside... of course, it might be up to the mare in question to find whatever they're looking for in me - I've never been a mind reader."

How can I ever say anything without exposing others to the risk of the Hounds?  How could I ever even show my true self?

"How about the next card?"

On 11/30/2018 at 6:37 PM, Hazard Time said:

"The Five of Chalices, upside down.  There will exist emotional upheaval on one or both sides that will complicate the relationship.  It is possible it will easily be conquered, but it is possible that the loss will purely be one-sided, affecting only yourself, and it will be your prerogative to overcome it."

He gave a sigh.  "That doesn't surprise me much, actually - sometimes, when it comes to love, I kinda feel doomed... of course, if it'll be up to ME to get though it, then I'll have little issue with that.  After all, I'm not one to curl into a corner and cry, y'know."

No, no... you're more likely to convince a prominent businesspony to take you on as staff, rather than face the threats that chased you for years.  But you won't tell her THAT, will you?

He grinned.  "Sounds more like a challenge to me; I'd be glad for the change."

On 11/30/2018 at 6:37 PM, Hazard Time said:

"The Queen of Pentacles, upside down.  Traditionally, this card takes the form of a wise oracle or patron, a mare who eagerly offers her time, energy, skills, and money to better those around her.  However, the position suggests a more internal approach.  The focus will be more on offering everything to each other, allowing the outside world to solve its own problems."

Easier said than done, when you have a group of rabid anti-empathics hunting you across three continents...

Outwardly, his smile was soft and somewhat sad.

"Heh, well... as much as I'd be willing to offer my everything to any mare who'd do the same... I'm fairly sure there's not a large market for quarry rock-kickers to share their meager 'everything' with another mare.  I don't really have much, to be perfectly honest - but still, what I have I'd gladly give for the chance to have a special somepony who cares about me."

His eyes caught Dahlia's again.  "Heh, this actually was pretty good - you're a natural at this."  His grin redoubled.  "And it doesn't hurt that your disarming beauty makes for a visually-pleasing visionary, if you don't mind me saying?"

He wiggled his eyebrows; he was back to flirting... however, it now seemed that his mind was turning over what she'd told him - and considering what it could possibly mean for his future.  Slapper hadn't left the quarry in quite some time; was it time?  Should he actually take that vacation time he'd built up, and set out to find a mate?  Should he forget about the danger, and simply press forward to be whatever he would be?

Better yet, with the lovely mare right in front of him, would he even have to leave?

  • Brohoof 1

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Mystic gave a polite nod as she gracefully rose from the chair, putting all of the past years of her mother's etiquette training to use, and gave a proper Trojan bow to her host; right foreleg crossed at the left mid joint, top of the head towards the recipient, muzzle almost to the floor. Pause just one second, then return to the proper standing position.  Her mother's voice rang out in her head as she performed the movement she had practiced for so many hours.

"Indeed I am. Lady Vylia Blackwater of the Blackwater Protectorate I presume? A True pleasure to finally make your acquaintance. I must say the reports of your beauty were gross understatements. This oasis blossom pales to stand in your presence."

Mr. Light had mentioned that she liked flattery, especially towards her beauty, so she thought it couldn't hurt to try.

She gave another, much smaller bow, before looking towards her, eager and inquisitive.

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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"Juice? Yes please!"

Blitz grinned from her sitting position on the floor, and looked up at Silver going about. The promise of juice kept her in check for a bit, but it wouldn't last for long, and as Silver found herself in the kitchen, the filly had gotten up and wandered over to swarm around her hooves like a cat wanting attention. You could see on her movements though, that the gas were running low, as even though she were excited and looked forward to what were to come once Luther saw her dynamite, there were a good deal less pep in her step, and she wasn't swarming for long as much as just standing to Silver's side and looking gleefully towards the genius mare.

"Do you think Luther is gonna be happy? I wanna see Dax-dad be thrilled so he won't get mad about me coming to play with Dax. Sorta thought he would be, since Dax said his family was all tough to be around and ponies all the way from Ponyville to here kept saying he was a big grumpy meaniepants and that I shouldn't go here.

Hehe, guess they were wrong. Except for the grumpy. Luther have a reeeeally good grumpy face."

Blitz tried to imitate it, but she couldn't get anywhere near to how Luther looked, and more appeared as a scowling clown face for a few seconds before she got a smile back on her muzzle.

"Is the rest of his family fun too? I think Dax said something about his little brother being a pain, but then the stripy pony said that I should go play with him and Dax seemed to like the idea, so I dunno.  Is tiny-Dax a bad colt? Is that why the weird clone ponies got all shocked about it? Or do they think I'll blow him up? Which I won't, I swear! I only threaten mean foals with explosives, I'd never use it on anypony. That's the sorta thing crazy ponies do."

The threat of it could be severe enough in most ponies mind though, as she had found out in her short, yet memorable stint in the Ponyville school. She had a good deal of fun at the time (even if it were hard to sit still during class) but things had gone quickly downhill when she had first encountered Silver Spoon and Diamond Tiara.

The two of them had been after Apple Bloom, and seeing as Blitz didn't like meanies, she went over and told them to stop. And they did. Sort of. She should've specified that they were supposed to then go away, and not refocus on her and mock her for her looks, her (at the time) broken horn, saying she smelled and things like that. They didn't even listen when she sent her own retorts back, so to get them off her case, she had pulled a small bomb out of her hiding space below her lunch box, put the long fuse in her muzzle, and with a big grin on her face, started to chase the horrified fillies whilst making explosive sounds.

It had just been a dud that she kept around for fun, but they sure got their lesson learned, and didn't go anywhere near her again. Whenever they were in the area and saw her, they scurried away and whispering whatever things they had in mind so that Blitz wouldn't overhear it. Sure she had gotten kicked out of school for it, but the CMC had thought it was kinda cool, and it was always fun to teach bullies a lesson. 

Edited by Blitz Boom
  • Brohoof 1


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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On 12/2/2018 at 4:52 PM, Randimaxis said:

"If I may be so bold, Young Sir... I have noticed you've seemed to form a bit of a friendship with Master Daxter.  This is fortuitous, as he doesn't manage to travel very often - I am certain that, if your aim is to befriend the Master, then you will no doubt gain a friend for life.  For that alone, I am grateful... and, though it may be improper, I would like to thank you for taking such an interest."

Low blushed at the compliment before clearing his throat.  "I was not aware of the circumstances, but I have most certainly enjoyed his friendship thus far, even if it has cost me something."

On 12/2/2018 at 4:52 PM, Randimaxis said:

"And, I would like to mention, anypony that causes Master Oglevy such discomfort is always welcome in my book."

"If only I did not get the feeling that I have made a powerful enemy."  Low shivered, dreading the vengeance that was about to come.  He could only hope that it was as private as the bucket of tomato juice above his door.  If it was something more public...was it possible to die of embarrassment on the spot?  He hoped that was a thing.

On 12/2/2018 at 4:52 PM, Randimaxis said:

"Of course, if Young Sir so desires, I am certain that the path we take to return you to your own matron could stand to be a bit more... ahem, 'convoluted', in case there were other places you'd wish to see?  At your discretion, of course - far be it for me to make any decisions for you, Young Sir."

"I-I-I would greatly appreciate that, please.  Let us take the scenic route."  With any luck, that would make it harder for any angry young colts to trail him.


On 12/2/2018 at 4:52 PM, Randimaxis said:

"Heh, this actually was pretty good - you're a natural at this.  And it doesn't hurt that your disarming beauty makes for a visually-pleasing visionary, if you don't mind me saying?"

"You assume that this reading applied entirely to us?"  Though her voice contained the remnants of her nervousness, that was beginning to fade away as she allowed a small smile to part her lips.  He might still be coming on strong, but he wasn't pressing her.  If anything, she was almost starting to feel...warm?  Was that the adjective to use?  Perhaps it was her blood pressure, but there was no denying that she was starting to enjoy this.  Did he have anything more for her?  Could she get a few more of those complements?  Perhaps a touch?

Dahlia leaned forward, her hooves reaching towards the middle of the table.  "Knee Slapper, you've barely known me for a few minutes.  Just what makes you think I am beautiful and intelligent?"  Please take the bait, please take the bait...

  • Brohoof 1

Roleplaying for Eight Years and Counting!


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On 12/3/2018 at 12:24 AM, Illiad Easle said:

"Indeed I am. Lady Vylia Blackwater of the Blackwater Protectorate I presume? A True pleasure to finally make your acquaintance. I must say the reports of your beauty were gross understatements. This oasis blossom pales to stand in your presence."


She gave a tinkling laugh, then returned a warm smile to the zebra.  

"I am most certainly the Vylia Blackwater you seek!  And might I say, you most certainly have quite a manner to you - I haven't seen that particular bow in some time now, but I DO recognize it; we may have to chat about your homeland, at some point!"

She gave her large, lovely wings a good flexing, then properly stood to her full height and gave a small, perfunctory bow in return.

"And your flattery... oh, you DO go on!  No truly, DO go on! She laughed at her own little joke, then cleared her throat and leveled a more serious look at Oracle.

"Now dearie, I assume you've already gotten a bit of instruction as to how to properly balance accounts and how to track the flow of income... elsewise, this may be a FAR shorter meeting than you'd wish."  Her smile grew slightly feral, and her eyes locked on the zebra.  "I do NOT have time for those who aren't prepared for the type of instruction I present."

The way the Blackwater matron slid from congenial to professional was... slighty scary... but her emotional signature read no malice; she was simply ensuring Oracle was ready to work, and work hard.

"And please, your sponsor sent along some paperwork credentials with you - I will receive them now, please."  She held out a hoof, waiting for exactly what she asked for.



On 12/3/2018 at 5:55 PM, Blitz Boom said:

"Juice? Yes please!"

Silver smiled and made her way over to the small table set up in the corner - her own tiny kitchen-space.  As she opened boxes and started putting together a small meal of peanut butter, celery, two small rice balls and a tall cup of grape juice for the filly, she grinned happily at the sight of her winding around her as she worked.

On 12/3/2018 at 5:55 PM, Blitz Boom said:

"Do you think Luther is gonna be happy? I wanna see Dax-dad be thrilled so he won't get mad about me coming to play with Dax. Sorta thought he would be, since Dax said his family was all tough to be around and ponies all the way from Ponyville to here kept saying he was a big grumpy meaniepants and that I shouldn't go here.

Hehe, guess they were wrong. Except for the grumpy. Luther have a reeeeally good grumpy face."

"Actually, it surprised me a bit, too... but Mr. Blackwater didn't seem as upset as I thought he would be.  But to have him actually ask to see your work on a more professional level?  THAT shocked me... well, maybe not so much as an electrical-type shock, but more like it took me completely by surprise!  He does tend to be a bit... sour, at times... but, all in all, he really IS a kind stallion at heart.  In fact, the reason I'm even here is because of how he saved my parents' charity from going under a number of Hearthswarmings ago... but that's another story for another time."

As she presented the meal to Blitz, she offered her a seat on one of the stools she kept at her workbenches, carefully clearing a place for the filly to sit and eat.  She gave one of her whinny-giggles at Blitz's attempt to mimic Luther's scowl, and gathered a small meal for herself from the leftovers that remained.

On 12/3/2018 at 5:55 PM, Blitz Boom said:

"Is the rest of his family fun too? I think Dax said something about his little brother being a pain, but then the stripy pony said that I should go play with him and Dax seemed to like the idea, so I dunno.  Is tiny-Dax a bad colt? Is that why the weird clone ponies got all shocked about it? Or do they think I'll blow him up? Which I won't, I swear! I only threaten mean foals with explosives, I'd never use it on anypony. That's the sorta thing crazy ponies do."

At the mention of Dax's little brother, Silver rolled her eyes.

"THAT would be Oglevy; he's sort of... well, he's a bit... umm... let's say, 'obnoxious', shall we?  He's maybe around your age, but nowhere near as well-behaved as you've been so far.  I don't really think he's BAD... as much as he's just somewhat spoiled, egotistical and kind of rude.  Not the best thing to hear, I know... but no, I don't think he's a bad colt."

She grinned at the mention of the 'clone' ponies.  "Those aren't clones; they're identical twins, Beck and Call - they're Mrs. Blackwater's personal butlers... and if you ask me, they put up with WAAAAAY too much from her.  They're actually pretty nice, though... once they get to know you, they'll do nice things like make your favorite meal, or clean your clothes without being asked, or even show you around the manor house, if you're a guest.  They're long-suffering, but nice enough."

"And no, Blitz... I don't think you'd intentionally harm ANYpony - you're just a little firebug!  Well, maybe not exactly a firebug, but more like you LOVE making sparks fly in your own special fashion!"  She touseled Blitz's mane... then turned her attention to the mechanical wings on the filly's back.

"Now, these wings - didn't you say you were trying to find a suitable power source for them, or something of that sort?  You can tell me more about them, if you like?"



5 hours ago, Hazard Time said:

"I-I-I would greatly appreciate that, please.  Let us take the scenic route." 

Beck grinned.  "As you wish, Master Key."

With that, the butler took a sharp right turn at the hallway juncture, and began to lead the way down one of the grand hallways; portraits lined the walls, all with different ponies - solo or full family - that were magnificent works of art.

"The Blackwater family has lived in this place for over a millennium, and there are many, many stories of the ancestors who have made this manor - and the mines below - what it truly is today.  As we pass through this hall, I would be delighted to share some of that history with you, Young Master - all the better to befriend Dax with, as he is more well-versed in his family's history than any living pony today, and has an avid interest in such."

They passed a painting of a very lovely, yet sad-looking mare; her deep grey coat, long two-toned mane and deep blue eyes were beautifully rendered in paint.  "That is Lotus Black, a legendary botanist who was responsible for the creation of the Crimson Flytrap - a plant that has, except for a single specimen, gone sadly extinct... yet, long ago, they grew in rows outside the manor proper - and they were rumoured to have been carnivorous!"

Another portrait showed what appeared to be a wiry, yet steely-eyed stallion; he was standing next to a lovely female zebra, the two of them holding hooves and looking quite in love with each other.  "This is a portrait of Weapon Black and his wife Stelo; she was an escaped slave, whom he sheltered and eventually fell in love with - changing his name to grant her the freedom she sought.  He was the ancestor who coined the Blackwater family name, and she became Star while he took up the strange yet simple name of WarrenWhy he chose to take on such a strange first name is beyond me, but it a tradition that has continued to this day."

The next painting showed another mare, small and fragile-looking.  "This is the Master Sculptress, Chisel Black - her work is of a level that is exquisite to behold; there are still examples of her work in both Blackwater Ridge and in the overgrown garden area.  Though Equestria as a whole has not seen her works in close to five hundred years, I am certain that there are many collectors of fine art that would pay any price to simply own a single example of her hoofdiwork!"

There was another portrait... however, Beck only cast it a quick glance, then trotted on past it with no explanation; the picture on it was of a bright yellow unicorn with a brown mane and mustache, a mischievous gleam in his eye and an almost oily smile on his muzzle.

Was Key curious enough to inquire... or would he simply keep the question to himself?



5 hours ago, Hazard Time said:

"You assume that this reading applied entirely to us?" 

Knee grinned impishly.  "Are you insinuating that there may, indeed, be an 'us' for me to apply this to?" 

He was having a grand time with this pretty mare; he wasn't about to let it end so quickly.

5 hours ago, Hazard Time said:

"Knee Slapper, you've barely known me for a few minutes.  Just what makes you think I am beautiful and intelligent?"

 Oh, there is no way I'm letting an opening like THAT go unchallenged!

"Madam, I am NOT blind - my eyes, starved for some substantial meal of beauty for so long, have been feasting on your exquisite loveliness since they first discovered that such a mare existed in this world - and I daresay they simply BALK at the idea of ever having to taste any other mare; I do believe you've spoiled their appetites, and they'll find each example from this day forward to be lacking in the sort of sustenance that your form and figure provides them..."

He chuckled low and throaty.  "For shame - I dare say my eyes will never be the same again."

He then sat forward himself, placing his forelegs carefully on the table between them, his hoof mere inches from her own, but not touching... not yet, anyway.

"As to your intellect?  Madam, with the amazing vocabulary and insightful divination you've performed here for me today... why, there's simply not a single question as to the level of brainpower that such a vision as yourself possesses!  In fact, I'd wager that you would capably think circles around most, if not all, of your rivals - should there even BE a mare capable of claiming to match you... you are... simply..."

It was at this point that Slapper finally noticed that he'd accidentally slipped into his native accent - and it shocked him.  After all, he'd been hiding it for so long... yet this mare was so lovely, she'd made him forget himself.  He quickly tried to roll back into his happy-go-lucky voice, instead of the cultured and smooth one he'd melted into.

"... div-  uh, AH-EM, uh... divine, if I do say so myself."

Would she notice?  If she was as smart as he'd believed she was... how could she NOT have?

  • Brohoof 1

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Mystic was caught slightly off guard by the request for paperwork, "Ah! Yes, those papers. I'll collect them from my bags if you'll excuse me." She repeated the formal bow before moving gracefully to her bags yet again, only taking a moment to retrieve a dark brown folder sealed with the Goldenrod Investment Bank's official emblem in gold foil. She them passed the folder as gracefully as her exit to Lady Blackwater.

She allowed the matriarch a moment to receive and review the documents before continuing. "As to my work experience, the documents include that I was personally responsible for the accounts of the wall side of Deltrot's Southpaw Sector over the course of a year with no notable discrepancies nor faults, as well as another year's experience as the personal secretary of Madam Goldenrod herself."

She allowed herself a small moment of pride at the statement, though she did not allow it to show outwardly. While her mother had been generous to allow her to work at the bank, she definitely did not have it easy. The Southpaw sector was notorious for bad accounts and fraud, but she had managed to turn it around in the course of her year there. Further her work as the executive secretary of the company meant she oversaw all the documents that passed between the banks and Goldenrod herself, personally influencing her decision making as she filtered all but the most important of agendas.

In short, she knew how to manage finances, and both of the mares present knew she wasn't really here to learn...

...but for Daxter Blackwater.

How Vylia knew? Mystic wasn't sure, she in fact wasn't entirely sure exactly what Vylia knew. Nonetheless she would keep up the appearance that she was there to learn as long as Vylia intended to teach her.

  • Brohoof 1

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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15 hours ago, Randimaxis said:

As she presented the meal to Blitz, she offered her a seat on one of the stools she kept at her workbenches, carefully clearing a place for the filly to sit and eat.  She gave one of her whinny-giggles at Blitz's attempt to mimic Luther's scowl, and gathered a small meal for herself from the leftovers that remained.

Blitz sat down and started to munch through things, face first into each offered part of the meal, and eating them a little by little. A little feral in it, but it still seemed restrained, like there were some taught manners there, yet either they had gone slowly away over some time, or whoever had taught them to her were less focused on table manners over just getting some chow down without leaving too much of a mess.

She did hers to not make too much noise though, as she listened in to what it were that Silver were talking about, beginning with her response to how Luther seemed to be. Apparently, he acted weird before, and would usually be a grumpy about things, rather than ask somepony he had never seen before to make something for her. That meant that she were special in his eyes, right? Hehe, that was kinda cool. Guess they'd see how much he'd think so when he saw what she had made, though hopefully it'd be enough. She had gone for something that should either blast away a boulder (small stick) blow up a large rock formation (medium stick) or just full on making a big hole wherever it were placed (big stick). Depended on what he liked there how things went she guessed, though she liked the big one the most. It gave the biggest kaboom, even if it were the one that'd be harder to focus on something. A bundle of the small ones would be better if it were somewhere the floor shouldn't go away too, but it kinda depended on how big the area where he''d want to blow up things were. Guess they'd see how he reacted, and then hope nothing in this place got set on fire in the process.

Oh, she'd set fire to something sooner or later, that were just a matter of time, but hopefully it wouldn't be during the demonstration. Then he wouldn't be happy, and she wanted him to be, now that he allowed her to work with real materials and solid tools, rather than the ones she had scrounged up back home.

Hehe, perhaps if this went well, she could try to finish one of her small projects back home in this place? She had been trying to make something that could make a strong, directional charge, but she had needed some good parts to test more options. Maybe she could do that here, and make Luther really happy? That'd be kinda nice.

Blitz also bit notice in what Silver said about Luther saving her parents charity, and were about to ask some questions there, but then she said that it were a story for another time, and kept on talking, so Blitz just let it go. For now. She'd ask more questions one of these days, long as she remembered it. She wanted to hear something interesting about Silver, and it'd be nice with somepony telling her a good story about Luther this time, rather than the ones she had heard on the way here. Lots of ponies were really weird when it came to talking about this place.

16 hours ago, Randimaxis said:

"THAT would be Oglevy; he's sort of... well, he's a bit... umm... let's say, 'obnoxious', shall we?  He's maybe around your age, but nowhere near as well-behaved as you've been so far.  I don't really think he's BAD... as much as he's just somewhat spoiled, egotistical and kind of rude.  Not the best thing to hear, I know... but no, I don't think he's a bad colt."

"He just needs to have fun! I should've brought my special things with Poison Joke power. That always makes Stormy and I laugh."

There were a lot of the stuff in the right parts of the Everfree Forest, and Blitz were curious, so she had started working with the plant and seeing what could be done with it, then when something went wrong, followed Apple Bloom's advice and went to the zebra mystic Zecora to get detoxed. After a time, Zecora had told her of something it could be mixed with to make it less of a permanent effect until the antidote were taken, and more of a short term effect, as the zebra were getting tired of the filly showing up several times a day with something wrong after she tried some of the random stuff on herself to see what it'd do. It were a substantially lesser strain on her time compared to just having something on hoof constantly for the filly, who tended to look around and ask a lot of questions when the zebra were trying to concentrate, or expected visitors.

As for the items in questions, it were mainly just small firecrackers and the like that made something weird happen to anypony that got hit with the dust mixture for about 5-10 minutes. It could really confuse the hay out of somepony, but it were perfectly fine, and a really good prank in her mind. Mayor Mare didn't think so though... Boy howdy had that been (yet another) strict talk to both Blitz and Stormy, to add to the pile of other such talks that had been had to apparently keep some degree of order around Ponyville. Of course Pinkie could do all sorts of crazy things, but to be fair, that was Pinkie, and Pinkie was awesome.

16 hours ago, Randimaxis said:

"Those aren't clones; they're identical twins, Beck and Call - they're Mrs. Blackwater's personal butlers... and if you ask me, they put up with WAAAAAY too much from her.  They're actually pretty nice, though... once they get to know you, they'll do nice things like make your favorite meal, or clean your clothes without being asked, or even show you around the manor house, if you're a guest.  They're long-suffering, but nice enough."

"One of them is still a meanie. He said I was crazy and evil. I would prank him if I knew which one it were, but it kinda seems mean to the other one if I guess the wrong one. He were a lot nicer."

Many a thing Blitz would agree to her being, but crazy or evil were not on the menu. She wasn't a bad filly, and it had been their own fault that the rocket she fired had gotten inside Luther's window. If they hadn't kicked it, nothing would've happened beyond it confusing them and letting her get by all sneaky like.

16 hours ago, Randimaxis said:

"And no, Blitz... I don't think you'd intentionally harm ANYpony - you're just a little firebug!  Well, maybe not exactly a firebug, but more like you LOVE making sparks fly in your own special fashion!"

"We have firebugs in the Everfree Forest! They bite, and when you grind their shells, it makes pretty sparkly powder. I used lots of that in Dax's fireworks."

She almost purred as she got her mane stroked, happy as a clam, and at this point, basically done with what had been set in front of her. It was a habit to eat fast, as she wanted to get back to work normally as quickly as possible, and now weren't really any different. She wanted to get on with things and show Luther what she had made! Unless he were asleep. She didn't know how long she had been at it, so that could be. Weren't like she slept all that often, so days and nights started to get kinda blurry sometimes. Especially when she couldn't see the light outside.

16 hours ago, Randimaxis said:

"Now, these wings - didn't you say you were trying to find a suitable power source for them, or something of that sort?  You can tell me more about them, if you like?"

Getting to that would have to wait though, as Silver touched on something that Blitz wanted even more than to give Luther his explosives: Her wings.

"Yey! Okay, so I want to try and fly, right? So I made wings! But they don't work. Magic makes them move, but nothing else does, so I made my brain hat so that I could think and make them move, sorta like pegasi. I couldn't find any good power though, so it's just been tiny tests, but I did make it move once! Then a tree got set on fire and the nice ponies in Ponyville came out to put it out again."

She scurried over and got her brain hat, which she then put on the table, opening up so that Silver could look in, and see much the same bumps as were present on Blitz's harness. Specifically,t he ones poking down towards her spine.

"I looked at Stormy for a loooong time to figure stuff out, and I didn't really get anywhere. Then he said that the brain worked on electric impulses or something like that, and then it hit me: Brain hat! Make it go in and work on the electric things in your head, then think the wings to work. I took a cable from a dumpster and put it on, and it sorta worked that one time, but I never have any good power sources, so I dunno if it actually works long time. Gonna find out one day, and then how to make wings that work. Then I'll have wings for everypony, and I'll become a famous inventor that everypony hears about! Somepony's gotta come around who knows where I came from before I woke up in that crater then, and tell me all about it. Hehe, that's going to be great."

Blitz put on the brain hat, and grinned up at Silver from beneath the heavy iron shell (yet another part of her wing design that needed to be a lot lighter) whilst not thinking much of what she had basically just said. It didn't really register with her that it were pretty weird to have just the general manners and skills of a filly who had been raised and taught general math, writing and reading, but any details and memories about her past were completely gone.

What were the big deal? Wasn't like she hadn't been able to survive by herself, so it'd be fine. And if somepony were out looking for her, then that were just another reason to become a famous inventor, so that they could find her. See? Everything went into place, and there were no reason to think about the past. The future were the important part, not the crater, her memory loss, or the fact that she still had no idea what the scattered parts around her at the time had been supposed to do. She just figured it were some sort of rocket.

  • Brohoof 1


Signature made by my friend @Randimaxis who is beyond awesome for making this. <3

Link to character bioses: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1all3iydBKcvKB0NdSVlJBerzpi8wwVyi1svt8R9Zz9I/edit?usp=sharing



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  • 2 weeks later...
On 12/9/2018 at 9:46 PM, Randimaxis said:

Oh, there is no way I'm letting an opening like THAT go unchallenged!

She had expected high praise, but not of this level!  Dahlia's face was beet red by the time Knee Slapper was done, her jaw hanging open.  Her heart felt like it was beating out of her chest, and she felt so warm that it was a miracle she didn't burst into flames.  By the time she had finally composed herself, she found herself suppressing the urge to do something very, very rash.  The mare hadn't realized until now just how touch starved she was, and even the simple act of covering his hooves with her own was enough to elicit an intense, electric reaction.

"Y-You have a-a way with w-w-words, Knee Slapper."  Dahlia's body quaked, and she swallowed the lump in her throat.  "And that a-accent, I-I-I am slain.  Why m-must you hide it?"  She could stand it no longer, and nearly tripped over herself as she shifted her chair over to the other side of the table.  All pretenses were off as she leaned against the stallion who had so effortlessly wooed her.  Was she being brash?  Oh most definitely, Ophelia was bound to tease her for this to no end for all the times she had berated her sister for staying out late because of a stallion.  Still, she could not begin to describe how much she wanted this, the love and affection he literally poured on her.  There was no way she'd ever be able to function properly again.

Meanwhile, Ophelia had her ear pressed to the side of the wagon, suppressing a giggle and only barely holding herself together.


On 12/9/2018 at 9:46 PM, Randimaxis said:

With that, the butler took a sharp right turn at the hallway juncture, and began to lead the way down one of the grand hallways; portraits lined the walls, all with different ponies - solo or full family - that were magnificent works of art.

Low hadn't expected a history lesson, but not only did he welcome it, he embraced it.  His ears stood at attention as he drank up every word that Beck spoke to him.  His fascination included the paintings as well, his eyes obsessing over every feature and small detail.  This was what interested him: stories, how things came to be, tales of paramours brought into the light, artists making a name for themselves, mad science experiments, he ate it up like a box of chocolates.

However, that painting which Beck ignored tripped the young noblestallion up.  Was he not going to explain this story?  How was he meant to find it out for himself?  At most, the brush strokes told him the story of a foul stallion, but if he had been left up, then surely he was mistaken?

"Beck?" Low inquired softly.  "What of this one?"

  • Brohoof 1

Roleplaying for Eight Years and Counting!


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On 12/10/2018 at 3:00 PM, Illiad Easle said:

"Ah! Yes, those papers. I'll collect them from my bags if you'll excuse me."

Vylia watched with bemusement as the zebra fetched her paperwork from her bags.  A small smile perched on her muzzle, giving the impression that she knew mor than she was telling... but had no intention of explaining herself.  And frankly?  The Blackwater matron wanted it that way; she liked keeping others on the tips of their hooves, as it kept them sharp and focused.

On 12/10/2018 at 3:00 PM, Illiad Easle said:

"As to my work experience, the documents include that I was personally responsible for the accounts of the wall side of Deltrot's Southpaw Sector over the course of a year with no notable discrepancies nor faults, as well as another year's experience as the personal secretary of Madam Goldenrod herself."

"Southpaw... yes, I've heard of it.  Such a project must have been quite a feat - I'm glad to see you can keep yourself busy, dearie.  Not only that, but to keep up with Goldenrod?"

She gave a bit of a chuckle.  "I'm glad to see you're used to working hard for what you want."

Vylia looked over the top of the paperwork, her green eyes almost shining with a mischievous glow as her smile took on a slightly sinister aspect.

"Because when it comes to things I care HIGHLY about, I want to be assured that I have little to worry about.  And though I can be told many things, and can read any number of papers to attest to the same... well dearie, I would feel FAR better if I was given direct, visible proof of such dedication, firsthoof.  Therefore, I'm sure you'll understand if I test that dedication personally..?"

She didn't even turn her head.  "Call, fetch me the records book on my end table.  NOW."

The butler behind Vylia hadn't made a move or sound the entire time, yet snapped to attention and swiftly zipped into the manor.  

"Now... Miss Glow, was it?  I would like to hear exactly what you plan to bring to the Blackwater reputation, with your... interest... here, I would be remiss if I didn't inquire as to what you plan to prove for US during your time here.  After all, I haven't taken an apprentice in quite a while... and as it can be somewhat troublesome, as well as require my attention, I'd like to hear directly from YOU what your presence here will mean for... the quarry... as a whole?  Not that you're being judged, dearie..."

Her smile spoke volumes to the contrary... and Mystic got the impression that she wasn't being considered simply for her skills with numbers.

"... but having an idea as to your potential contributiveness would certainly go a long way to convincing me of your... validity."

She sat there, waiting patiently for the zebra to speak - and was intent on hanging on her every word.



On 12/10/2018 at 5:34 PM, Blitz Boom said:

"Yey! Okay, so I want to try and fly, right? So I made wings! But they don't work. Magic makes them move, but nothing else does, so I made my brain hat so that I could think and make them move, sorta like pegasi. I couldn't find any good power though, so it's just been tiny tests, but I did make it move once! Then a tree got set on fire and the nice ponies in Ponyville came out to put it out again."

Silver's eyes lit up.  "Seems to me like you might be having issues finding a proper power source, am I right?"

On 12/10/2018 at 5:34 PM, Blitz Boom said:

"I looked at Stormy for a loooong time to figure stuff out, and I didn't really get anywhere. Then he said that the brain worked on electric impulses or something like that, and then it hit me: Brain hat! Make it go in and work on the electric things in your head, then think the wings to work. I took a cable from a dumpster and put it on, and it sorta worked that one time, but I never have any good power sources, so I dunno if it actually works long time. Gonna find out one day, and then how to make wings that work. Then I'll have wings for everypony, and I'll become a famous inventor that everypony hears about! Somepony's gotta come around who knows where I came from before I woke up in that crater then, and tell me all about it. Hehe, that's going to be great."

Silver examined the wings and the 'Brain Hat' closely, and spoke as she used her magic to levitate a magnifying glass from her workbench, allowing her to see the inner workings a bit better.

"Well... first of all, these wings are quite heavy; if we worked with a lighter alloy, there would be a lot less weight to carry - allowing not only less stress on the system as a whole, but better use of what energy it takes in.  Less drain means potentially longer usage, and that could extend the range of such a device for further travels."

She smiled, still looking at the joints and connections.  "I'll bet we could construct a sturdier harness as well, one that would possibly hold a few hardpoints for - oh, I don't know - platforms for launching fireworks?  That way, you could fire off rockets from the air - helping them reach higher heights for better, farther-reaching displays, bringing your gift to even more onlookers!"

She glanced away from the magnifying glass to look Blitz in the eye.  "Besides, I may have something in my possession that could not only help you out here... but it would be a wonderful way to test it out!  I've been busy with a personal project for... a friend... and this would be an excellent way to give the experiment some definitive data for me to work from!"

Stepping back, she trotted her way to the far corner of her workshop.  With her horn, she magicked a locked strongbox from a high shelf and clicked five tumblers into place on the lock.  With a >click<, the lid lifted and Silver's magic brought out something that looked like a coil of copper wire wrapped neatly around a short metal tube, with what appeared to be two cyan crystals peeking out from the top & bottom of the contraption.  In all, the whole thing was perhaps the size of a toothpaste tube.

"This is... well, it's something I've been trying to work on for almost a year now - it functions as a magical energy magnifier, making a small amount of energy into a MUCH bigger one, meaning that even a tiny bit of magic could potentially power an entire city block by itself for weeks!  But I haven't really had the chance to apply it to anything here, as... well, I'm still iffy on the thresholds it would be capable of.  But, if we could use your wing harness as a test-run, then I could get a better idea of how efficient it can be in actual practice, as well as test its' capacities and capabilities when pushed beyond the parameters I've already discovered on my own."

She carefully set the tube-thing on her worktable, then turned to face Blitz directly.

"What we'd need to do is... well, I'd have to... I mean..."

She gave the filly a sheepish look.  "Uh... is that harness removable?  I mean, not like can I have it, but more like can we try it out on my bench before we try it out with you wearing it?"

Silver had heard some other strange things from Blitz... but her focus was technical at the moment; she'd ask about the crater remark later.



On 12/22/2018 at 5:58 PM, Hazard Time said:

"And that a-accent, I-I-I am slain.  Why m-must you hide it?" 


He gave a soft sigh.  "I was... was taught to blend in with my surroundings," he dropped the act, yet kept his voice low, "and I'm of the opinion that the other workers here wouldn't exactly take as well to a stallion with such a cultured tone - hence, I speak more like they do, not out of arrogance, but out of a want to be accepted by others."

And to hide more efficiently, of course.

Knee gave her a kind smile... 

On 12/22/2018 at 5:58 PM, Hazard Time said:

She could stand it no longer, and nearly tripped over herself as she shifted her chair over to the other side of the table.  All pretenses were off as she leaned against the stallion who had so effortlessly wooed her.

... and lifted an eyebrow in surprise as she sidled up to him.

As alone as he'd been within the confines of the Blackwater Quarry, he found himself just as helpless as Dahlia did.

He gave a rapturous sigh, closed his eyes, and leaned right back against the lovely mare next to him.  Slowly, reverently, he brought up a forehoof and wrapped it gingerly around her shoulders, carefully pulling her closer yet not squeezing too hard nor trapping her.  The smile that cut a path across his muzzle was broad and joyful, and he took a chance - leaning toward her, he nuzzled her mane with great care not to muss it up.

"Madam Dahlia, I am honored to have gained your attentions, and... a-and I find myself as but a moth, drawn to the light of your soul as it shines onto me brighter than Celestia's most radiant sunbeam.  I dare think I cannot possibly be so fortunate as to find myself in the spectrum of your rainbow... and yet, here we are."

HOUNDS They MUSTN'T find you!  NEVER reveal yourself, as Mom taught you!  IDIOT!  MORON!  STOP this at ONCE!

But Knee Slapper - once known as an Empath by the name of Jester Foolscap - wasn't listening to his mind, for once.  Even though he'd been a fugitive from the sinister group of Empath-Collectors for almost twenty years, mostly due to his diligence at keeping to his assumed identity, he found that he was tired of feeling so alone ALL the time.  He was not just sick of loneliness - he was heartsick of it.  

Being a busy forepony had kept him from having to acknowledge his isolation - especially to himself - but he'd also never been directly approached like this before.  And Dahlia, as lovely and receptive as she'd been, had effectively jumped over the wall he'd built around himself - and found the center of who he was.

CAN I tell her?  SHOULD I tell her?  HOW can I tell her?

He looked down at the lovely creature in the embrace of his foreleg and sighed happily.

Worry about it later; enjoy this as long as you can... you foolish, foolish stallion, you.



On 12/22/2018 at 5:58 PM, Hazard Time said:

"Beck?  What of this one?"

The butler stiffened, as if in pain, then gave a soft sigh and turned to face Key with a resigned - but not unkind - look on his distinguished muzzle.

"THAT, Master Key, would be a stallion by the name of Horace Blackwater - one of the first of the more rotten branches of the Blackwater family tree."

"Before his time, there had been a forge on the grounds, used by Warren Blackwater to create weaponry for use in the defense of Equestria... but Horace repurposed the equipment to turn Warren's Black Forge into... an alcohol distillery."

The distaste was evident in Beck's voice as the words almost oozed out his mouth with scorn.

"He then began to manufacture illicit cider that was FAR too potent for most ponies to enjoy responsibly; his particular brand of cider could cause illness, hangovers, and even temporary blindness.  However, when it caused the outright DEATH of three ponies... Celestia herself demanded an apology to the families of those lost."

His eyes narrowed.  "Which he outright REFUSED to give... which led to the Canterlot embargo against the Blackwater family - one that lasted nearly four-hundred years."

He lifted his head and turned his muzzle up at the portrait.  "Of course, the accident that took his life has always been speculated to have been revenge from one of the slighted members of the victim's families... but the manner of how it occurred still lies up for postulation; he was crushed by an enormous falling boulder - a boulder that, today, stands hollowed-out at the end of Shed Row and acts as the Blackwater Vault.  Supposedly, his remains are STILL beneath the massive rock, and have never been retrieved to place in Blackwater Ridge."

He sniffed.  "Not that he would deserve such an honor.  Madam Vylia believes keeping his portrait here reminds us all of what greed and lack of concern can do to a reputation... however, should Master Key be interested in MY opinion, I would much rather see it burned, and the ashes spread to the four winds."

He closed his eyes.  "Along with the portraits of Harland Blackwater, Germaine Blackwater, and... Erasmus Blackwater."

Upon uttering the last name, Beck visibly shivered.

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