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mega thread Post a Picture of Yourself!

Mint Petal

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Dat posted image, use tinypic or imgur to post pix, the gallery doesn't work here.


Is it working now?

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Should Raronoopa post a picture of him in a suit? :P


Only if it's a monkey suit :3


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That's me on the far left.


You look like a mob boss! Holy crap, that's so boss sauce!
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Here's another one. And I brought a friend this time! I put my hair like that because I'm mental. Haven't you heard?


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Also, this is THE ONLY image you will ever see of me without this immaculate hat:


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Edited by HylianMadness
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After my class's senior hike up Mt. Fucking Impossible. .3. Soooo tired and hot afterwards, but the view was incredible.




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I'd try and find a picture but I can't even begin to guess which classmates took pictures of the view.

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More pics! Unfortunately, I don't have any really good ones as of now so I'll substitue for the ones I consider mediocre.


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Here's me, lookin' at paradise :)(Not Equestria, saddly :()


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This is one of the more "ehhh....." pictured I've taken of myself, but I decided to post it anyways. simply because this is me when I'm in mah bed. I usually wear those headphones almost everytime I'm on mah laptop. You can also see mah elegant green eyes and Applejack-like dots on the right cheeck, below the right eye (They almost exactly match the pattern made by Applejack's freckles,only these are brown :))


I noticed mah right eyelid is lower than the other. This pic also makes me look very sleep, but fun fact; I look sleepy all the time. I'm lookin' like Applejack in "Applebuck Season" a lot of the time simply because I don't get enough sleep, and on top of it I'm staring at electronics a lot. That's also why I squint a lot in sunlight :P

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Damn you look like a guy I know :o


I get told this a lot actually. I saw on your profile that you were from Canada, and someone told me that I looked like some Canadian actor. I dont remember the name though. Do I fit the bill of some Canadian actor you know? haha

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I enjoy staring at our members' lovely portraits!



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Here is I as of right now:


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Note the Brony bracelet, ignore the elmo blanket, and my brother playing video games on an old school TV.

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