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open Mechquestria: My Life As An Equine Robot


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@@Aurora Lights



"please Sen, help me stop myself I must follow my orders, even if I don't know why? Help ME!"



"Well, that doesn't sound too comforting." She finally got sound from that other connection point, and luckily it had an audio jack. The software was easily compatible, so it may have been her last containment, and they probably have it with them in their control room. "Best to play it cool for now. Comply with the one that is talking. Seems her and the male don't know about me. The third one could be out for me specifically. Then why wasn't I destroyed from the onset? Then again, she could be under orders to hunt all Pony-mechs. Might've scared the crown into halting all research on synthetic life. Let's find out."


"Luster. EU-002 Mk.7."


"Well, It's a pleasure to meet you Luster. My name is Flash Drive. I'm a Professor here at UEQ-Manehatten. Here with me is Professor Drone. He'll be wanting to speak with you shortly."


"Flashdrive and Drone? Who'd name their Foals that? and she said University of Manehatten? So I still am in Equestria." "How did I get here, Miss Flashdrive?" 


"Well, before we get to that, can you tell me the last thing you remember?" 


Last thing I remember? 


Recalling last recorded entry:


"You were supposed to be the bridge between our two worlds!"


Nope. "I"m not comfortable with sharing that." 


"That's alright. That's quite alright. One step at a time. Uh, do you know who made you?" 


"Ugh, definitely don't want to share all of that." "University Of Geneva, in collaboration w/ Universities of Hellsinki, Stolkholm, Stuttgart, Vienna & Paris." 


"Wow. So you a really important project then?" "I guess you can say that. My programming and initial models started there but I was upgraded in Equestria."


"Where were you upgraded?" 


Nope. "Canterlot"


"Do you have a rough date for us to work with?" 


"Whats with all the questions?" "2022." "A.D.?"  "Yes." "Huh. Well, are you feeling alight? Any malfunctions, internal damage, viruses, issues with code? We just want to make sure you're well. Professor Drone, and perhaps Miss Emerald, do you have any questions for Miss Luster?"


Flash Drive stepped away from the mic. Both Emerald and Drone received electronic messages. 


"Don't tell her how long she's been offline or what today's date is. We don't' know if she's an AI or a transferred pony, and such information might traumatize her and cause her to go unstable. And be vague about how she was found." 

Edited by Denim&Venom
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Slowly, Twitch's eyes lit up with a dim glow; barely enough to see any lights on him at all.


BOTH cameras still work!?  Okay, diagnostics... wait - HE'S STILL IN ONE PIECE!?  Oh, Twitch, my little cyber-buddy!  Praise Celestia!!!


Adrenaline and hope began to wash through Grant rapidly.  Like lightning, his hands and fingers began to fidget in the air rapidly as he began a diagnostic sweep of Twitch's system, looking for signs of tampering... and hoping not to run into a booby trap in the meantime.


Okay... nothing there... nothing there... dammit, his core's been accessed; nothing missing, though... switch off that emergency beacon... nothing there... nothing- wait.


Grant watched the lines of information scroll across the bottom of his vision.


They tampered with his vocal interface?  Hmmmmm... scanners show nothing explosive - but I don't think I should use it for now; not 'til I get a chance to go into full repair mode.  That comes later... for now, I need to figure out what's going on.


Grant smiled, and a tear slid down his cheek from behind the cracked visor.


Twitch, little buddy... you have NO idea how happy I am to see you again.  Now... where AM I?


With everything else on the ponybot motionless, Twitch's eyes began to track around the small room.  It seemed to be an empty classroom at the college; mostly barren, except for a few scant chairs stacked in the corner... and one right in front of Twitch.


Seems like SOMEone was sitting here - maybe trying to figure Twitch out?  Maybe it was Professor Drone?  I mean, he did say he was interested in humans... but then, why was he so angry when he figured me out?


Grant kept rolling through lines of code, re-tracing every circuit that the Professor examined.


And Captain Bolt - apparently, she doesn't like me; but if I were the Captain Of The Guard, and found a rogue ponybot in my presence, I guess I'd get a bit angry, too... still, best to avoid her, if I can - she looked ready to scrap poor Twitch.


Quietly, a sensor packet inside Twitch gave a full, slow scan across the room and the immediate outside of it.  When the results came back, Grant began to ponder his - and Twitch's - situation.


Only one guard... should I try to get Twitch outta here, or should I wait for somepony to come checking on me?


He began to balance the pros and cons, all the while so very happy that Twitch was still functioning.  His eyes glowing softly, one green and one blue, Twitch simply sat there without any other sign of his functionality being online.


For now.

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Drone looked into Emerald's eyes as his guns slowly returned to their motionless state,then disappearing into the metal exoskeleton. His sighed and looked down," I have one question for the robot on the other end of this mic...Why are you not telling us all the information...Your holding back."he said,his deep electronic voice sounding harsh. He then looked up at Emerald again and sighed," Em...I know your orders are meant to always be followed. But,look at where we are...I-I...I used to be like you,a guard,a high ranker...But,when I was given orders to kill 50 of my friends...innocent ponies that had nothing to do with any terrorist attack...I-I was ordered to kill them,and you know what?...I did...I killed them,because I was told to. Because I was forced to...And look at me now...I followed orders and here I am,washed up,untrusted by those damn higher ups...Regretting following my orders..."he sighed as his armor retracted into his metal spine again and he slowly walked up to Emerald,taking the ax out of her hoof slowly and dropping it on the floor,"Now...imagine if you had to follow orders like I did...because they will make you do it...I know they will..."he said in a low,sad tone,almost like he had forgotten all will to fight or protest,like he had just given up.

Edited by Aurora Lights
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@Emerald Bolt,@Aurora Lights,

"Last I checked, our Princess was all for reformation of threats to Equestria. Luna, Discord, Trixie Lulamoon, Sunset Shimmer, Starlight Glimmer, and many others weren't imprisoned or killed when they returned. They were shown a better way. They were shown the magic of friendship. Even after all the changes that Equestria has gone through, that one tenant will always remain. And you, Miss Emerald, as a guard of Equestria, have an obligation, an oath, to protect and serve, long before you seek and destroy. All of us work towards harmony. Let's not forget that." 

She wasn't going to ask about the orders Drone was forced to follow. They wouldn't have been ones from any of the princesses, that's for sure. 
Edited by Denim&Venom
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@@Denim&Venom,@@Aurora Lights,


Emerald picked up her halberd and replaced it into her tail, just as one of her guards stormed into the room. "what is wrong captain?" "Nothing Alex return to your post." "Yes captain". The guard left the room, Emerald gave Flash and Drone an odd look, "I'm not here and I have not seen the little one in that room and we shall not speak of this again unless in it important." She turned to leave just before exiting she looked back at Drone, "reward my faith in you Sen, and your college, I'll be waiting for Twitch to turn back on if I am required." Then she left the room and closed the door behind her, I hope i'm doing the right thing 




Emerald open the door and sat back down in front of Twitch, she started to hum

having missed that his eyes were on.

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@@VinylWubs, @@redshell,

"I signed up to be a guard because fighting is what I'm good at, I was trained to be a fighter" Banner answered now not wanting to punch herself but others. She waits for Hidden to catch up to her "Look how your talking to, you can run, but I can find you with the vast other guards and I could get off scot-free with a confession. Now shut up and walk, you want to get fixed right? I'll give you that chance but don't EVER cross me" she dropped the calm, nice tone in her voice to be more assertive and fear inducing.

"that tough mare stuff isn't going to phase me, but I can see where your coming from, don't worry I don't want any trouble" hidden said. Hearing a loud snap hidden fell on her face. "Oww!" She said Looking at her hind leg and seeing it not responding to her brain. "Celestia f*** my old mechanic to the moon! Could one of you please help me a piston broke again and I refuse to fly"
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Sasori of the Akatsuki

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Captain Bolt!  If she finds out Twitch is active, she'll toast him!


Grant hovered a hand in the air, casting a digital shadow over the BUG-OUT button in his view... but he paused.


... but, if she wanted Twitch in pieces, she could have done so earlier.  Maybe... I don't know, maybe she's not all that bad.  Hmmmmm... I don't wanna risk using the voicebox, but I still have access to the speakers.  Perhaps I could...


Grant gave a rapid search through his files, zipping past his collection of music he'd stored on Twitch; it had been his playlists during the time he built Twitch which had kept him happy and sane... now, it just might keep Twitch alive.


Well, I can give this a shot; I hope she gets the idea of what I'm trying to convey... AH!  This might do it!


He called up the file, routed it to the transmitter and sent it along.


On Emerald's side, Twitch suddenly said, "BEEP."


The panels on his sides began to shift and slide, moving themselves into a formation that, at first, resembled some kind of sonic weapon... but, upon close inspection, they were simply large speakers.  There was a soft click, a hiss... and then, music...



Once finished, the speakers rapidly folded up back into the ponybot, and he regained his original shape.  His eyes were still lit up, but he didn't move otherwise.  He waited to see how Emerald would react.


Well, where do we go from here, I wonder?

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Drone looked at Emerald as she left,"I promise. The world will never be the same,I assure you. The last time I had a place this good to do my studies...I created one of the most revolutionary technologies in existence." He said and looked back to Flash," Ok. Now,time for actual questioning. She seems stable,can't I just be a test subject and talk to her face to face? Besides,I won't be in there long,I have other matters to attend to."he said and looked back at the monitors.

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"what in Luna's tail?! IS THAT!" She looked at the robot, the song was for sure a human one, "are you there Twitch? Talk to me human i'm not gonna scarp you or ought." She put here hoof to her ear, "SEN, SEN he's back online come in Sen." she looked at the robot, "why are you hiding that your a human back there it's not a crime here to be a human you know."

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Twitch didn't move... at first.


Slowly, a panel carefully opened on the front, and a very precise, three fingered claw slid out - it was holding a small white flag.  The little hand waved it feebly for a moment, before it slid back into the open panel.


Do Equestrians even know what a white flag represents?  Let's hope so...


Twitch's left eye (the green one) opened fully, and it looked around for a bit before focusing on the Captain.  Then the other eye followed suit, until Twitch's eyes were both looking directly at Emerald.


He blinked. 


Okay, Captain... you have my attention; I'm listening...

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@@Denim&Venom,@@Randimaxis, @,


Drone looked at the door as Emerald was calling his name,he then looked to Flash,"Uh-sorry I have matters to deal with,ask her about her existence more,see if she knows anything." he said quickly and rushed down the hallway,skidding to a stop at the door,he then opened it up and looked inside,he smiled as he saw Twitch's eyes lit up,he walked in and sat down in his previous desk,his smile soon vanished,his face now looking serious," Twitch,you fool. When things get heated,don't just up and turn off. You could have been scrapped,or impounded."he said and sighed," Before you say anything. We know your human,it's not like we blame you or anything,I mean,we ponies are pretty bad ass."he smiled slightly as he looked at the robotic construction.

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Twitch blinked.


He then opened his mouth, and a line of ticker-tape slowly fed out of it, words printed upon it's surface.  Taking the paper, the writing was plain to read:


What did you do to my vocal transmitter?


Twitch blinked again, apparently waiting for a response.

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Drone read the line and looked back up with a strange look,"...I just...made it work better...try it out and if you don't like it,I can change it back."he said before he looked over at Emerald then back to Twitch,he was so glad she didn't want him destroyed. He was actually  very intrigued in this fellow. 

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Annabella walked down campus, whistling a tune, as she wondered where the best place to go was. Usually for metal alloys of all sorts, she went to the medical department. Their equipment broke down all the time, and used practically the very same metals that she used for her bionic limbs. Zeus' very own little leg was made from... A old magnetic scanning unit- she thinks? It didn't matter, the medical wing gave her a fair price, and they loved her and Zeus! She just hoped showing up without giving notice first wouldn't get her in trouble... Anna actually didn't spend most of her trips in the medical wing, but instead where you find robotic and android engineering. The ponies there liked her... but she didn't know them all that well.


Zeus was being a bit of a nudge. The little toddler whined because he wanted a snack, but Anna wasn't budging because he had eaten a meal only a hour or so before.


"Quiet down Zeus, I'm trying to think!" Anna said to him as she walked. She was trying to process all her orders back at her prosthetic shop.


Zeus grumbled and moaned while he sat in his little carrier. He had a scowl, until Anna popped a pacifier in his mouth. He still grumbled...


I'd do anything for a cookie. I love cookies... This strange place has lot of em' somewhere Zeus thought as he quieted down and suckled on his paci.



Then, out of nowhere, Anna heard the pop of a piston. This wasn't any piston, it was a piston relating directly to her line of work! Her ears perked up, and the sound of it popping, she could probably tell you what kind of piston it was, it's role in a bionic limb, which limb it was from, and maybe even the model piston it was. Oh, she heard dozens a day pop (especially on Zeus' pesky foreleg), but the last skills of hers mentioned was most important. Anna knew she had that very replacement piston in her bag, and that whoever was having trouble, needed help ASAP.


Anna was over by the red maned pony in a matter of seconds. It was a good thing she had a saddle bag with the tools necessary for the repair, and replacement part(s). This blonde pegasus looked somewhat like she was doing; she looked like a cross between Rosie the Riveter, a professor, and the common Equestrian housewife with Zeus.


"Oh boy... That didn't sound good," Anna said as she picked up the broken piston "Excuse me miss, but if you'd like a repair, you're in luck! I have some tools and a replacement part, and I'll do it free of charge if you'd like"

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Twitch clicked.  Almost like small castanets, rattling in syncopation.  Then...




The sound that came out of the little robot was deafening - but only lasted a single moment; it was stopped as quickly as it started.  After a moment, he blinked and another line of ticker-tape scrolled out of Twitch's mouth.


I think you didn't line it up like I did - back off, and let me work, please.  No interference. 


Again, the precise twin arms came out of his chest and moved up to the voicebox.  It flipped open, and he set to work.  The little arms were not only exceedingly compact, but they had superior surgical precision to anything fashioned on Earth.  Sparks popped and the arms did their thing.

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Annabella walked down campus, whistling a tune, as she wondered where the best place to go was. Usually for metal alloys of all sorts, she went to the medical department. Their equipment broke down all the time, and used practically the very same metals that she used for her bionic limbs. Zeus' very own little leg was made from... A old magnetic scanning unit- she thinks? It didn't matter, the medical wing gave her a fair price, and they loved her and Zeus! She just hoped showing up without giving notice first wouldn't get her in trouble... Anna actually didn't spend most of her trips in the medical wing, but instead where you find robotic and android engineering. The ponies there liked her... but she didn't know them all that well.


Zeus was being a bit of a nudge. The little toddler whined because he wanted a snack, but Anna wasn't budging because he had eaten a meal only a hour or so before.


"Quiet down Zeus, I'm trying to think!" Anna said to him as she walked. She was trying to process all her orders back at her prosthetic shop.


Zeus grumbled and moaned while he sat in his little carrier. He had a scowl, until Anna popped a pacifier in his mouth. He still grumbled...


I'd do anything for a cookie. I love cookies... This strange place has lot of em' somewhere Zeus thought as he quieted down and suckled on his paci.



Then, out of nowhere, Anna heard the pop of a piston. This wasn't any piston, it was a piston relating directly to her line of work! Her ears perked up, and the sound of it popping, she could probably tell you what kind of piston it was, it's role in a bionic limb, which limb it was from, and maybe even the model piston it was. Oh, she heard dozens a day pop (especially on Zeus' pesky foreleg), but the last skills of hers mentioned was most important. Anna knew she had that very replacement piston in her bag, and that whoever was having trouble, needed help ASAP.


Anna was over by the red maned pony in a matter of seconds. It was a good thing she had asaddle bag with the tools necessary for the repair, and replacement part(s). This blonde pegasus looked somewhat like she was doing; she looked like a cross between Rosie the Riveter, a professor, and the common Equestrian housewife with Zeus.


"Oh boy... That didn't sound good," Anna said as she picked up the broken piston "Excuse me miss, but if you'd like a repair, you're in luck! I have some tools and a replacement part, and I'll do it free of charge if you'd like"

"yes I would like a replacement piston so I can walk, but I insist on paying you for your service. It's the least I could do" hidden said with a smile. "Perché il mio meccanico vite sempre più di me?" She asked under her breath "In ogni caso, quanto vuoi?" She asked in Italian
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Nothing is True, everything is permitted

Sasori of the Akatsuki

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Eventually, the little arms finished their work and, folding up as they went, slid back into the small hatch, which promptly closed.  Twitch blinked, and a soft hum reverberated throughout his chassis... then...


"... test... teeeeeeeest... test..."


Seemingly satisfied, Twitch then uncurled his legs and stood up.  There was a moment of doubt as Twitch tilted to the left a bit, then straightened himself.


"Okay, tha-a-a-a-at's better; I think I got it it it."


Those mismatched eyes turned on the Captain and the Professor, regarding them carefully.  Somewhere, behind those robotic lenses, there was a human being - and here he was, right in front of their eyes.


"So... I guess thiiiiiiiiis is where you you tell me what fa-fa-fa-fa-fate you have planned forrrrrrrrr me, huh?"

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Drone jumped at that last sudden noise he made and looked at the robot,a grim dark face was made by Drone as he slowly uttered out," You...Your machine...It must be destroyed. I wanted to tell you that before I did it. So you will know what happened to it." He said before his exoskeleton suit's arm took the place of his own,a large 50mm cannon then extended from it under his forearm and he aimed it at the bot's chest," I'm Sorry,Twitch..."the gun then made a loud gun cocking sound was heard and Drone looked into the mismatched eyes of Twitch and started smiling,"I'm just playing." he said and the large cannon retracted,along with the metal arm.

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@@Randimaxis,@@Aurora Lights,


"don't look at me he's the curious one, I'm making sure there is not security risk to Sen really, your dishonest actions lead me to believe your a spy." She looked at Drone who's action was somewhat inappropriate shaking her head, that's not really called for Sen. She then looked at Drone, with a more normal expression "you gonna tell him that he not gonna be scrapped or ought, he is not listening to me".

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Anna lets out a deep sigh "I guess that's alright... I just have some sympathy for ponies like yourself, with synthetic limbs and all. I don't like being the kind of pony that makes money off other ponies struggles"


Zeus started to squrim. He didn't know why they stopped. Why... Whhhyyy did we stop. This is taking foreeevvveerrr, quit talking to ponies and let's get home already! he thought to himself while whimpering and whining while kicking Anna.


Anna responded by slipping Zeus out of his carrier and putting him on the ground. He wouldn't wander off, especially if she was doing a repair. Zeus wouldn't miss a repair for the world.


"My little foal here was in a similar situation just the other day!" she pointed to his robotic forehoof "That's Zeus, and I'm Anna... Now let's take a look at that hoof" Anna says as she digs in her bag. Zeus looked at the customer, and turned his head curiously.

Edited by Professor Annabella
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Drone nodded," Yes,Em is right,not only will you not be destroyed and turned into plate steel,but you will become part of our university as well. Humans,by some,are not welcome here,but,for the most part,you have nothing to worry about,Just like on Earth,I'm sure my kind has some...well...less desirable names and slurs,but I'm sure most would accept me,yes?" he said and looked at him," Actually...Now that I think about it, Why did you come to Equestria?" he said,looking inquisitive.

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"I'm sorry about earlier-r-r-r-r-r; it's just that I can't afford to get caught-aught-aught here.  Twitch is my most ambitious projjjjjjjject to date - I don't have time to to to to to make him again.  He's allllllllll I've got."


Twitch gave a bit of a stretch, then scratched at his chest for a moment before continuing.


"I tried to blend in becau-cau-cau-cause I felt scared; you have to admiiiiiiiiit, you ponies aren't exactly warm and fuz-z-z-z-z-z-zy, you know."


He sat down.  It seemed like Twitch had all the mannerisms of a pony - but on the other side of that connection was a human.  It was kind of surreal, to be certain.


"Besides, I'm pretty lost heeeeeeeere - I just want to do some studying, is all all all.  I have a... big project that needs i n f o r m a t i o n I can't get on Earth - so I came here toooooooo learn all I could to get my my my project compleeeeeeted.  I swear, I want nothing to do with any 'spy' busineeeeeeess; I'm just a guy on a a a quest to add to my techni-ni-ni-cal knowledge.  There's nothing on Earth for me to learn anymoremoremoremore-more-re."


A small wisp of smoke puffed from Twitch's chest, and another hatch opened.  Out of it came a tray with two fresh, warm cupcakes on it, topped with green frosting.



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Drone looked at the cupcakes and took one,eating it slowly as he though about something," Twitch...Or,whoever is behind those eyes. Have you ever contemplated..."he swallows his bite and hesitated a moment," Contemplated...transferring your body to this machine?"He asked him seriously,he looked into the robot's eyes intently.

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@@Randimaxis,@@Aurora Lights,


"you guys are going all techy on me again aren't you? Wake me up when your finished I gonna get some zzz's." Emerald burst into laughter by her own comment, then closed her eyes and tried to nod off waiting for them to have there, conversation in what might of well of been in another language.

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Drone smiled at Emerald slightly and sighed softly," No,I'm just...asking him something I may be able to..."he looked down and then back up,his face was intense and serious again,it was truly a rarity to see him so tense or serious about something,it was almost as it it really concerned his own life.

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