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searching Bangcolt Arena! (Fighting/Sol) -OOC- (Never closed)


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Alright, cool :)


So, exactly when can I start posting?


EDIT: Actually, I just read what P-Jay said, so I guess I can start now? If that's ok.

Edited by The Sad Manikin Mask
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Sorry I haven't posted here in the last two weeks. Got hit with a massive load of coursework, and sadly, the pursuit of the elusive 4.0 GPA takes precedent over the romances of adorable pastel equines.


Take that as you will, and I'll try and get another post out as soon as I finish.

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Hey, uh, I really don't want to sound like I'm rude, but it's been a while since I left my intro post. I know you guys are probably busy, but do you think someone could try and advance the rp a bit? Once again, sorry if I'm sounding rude or selfish.


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Hey, uh, I really don't want to sound like I'm rude, but it's been a while since I left my intro post. I know you guys are probably busy, but do you think someone could try and advance the rp a bit? Once again, sorry if I'm sounding rude or selfish.


woah, didnt know i still held power in here. but whatever. interacting with ponies doesnt strictly mean only me or J.R., or the other co-DM's, ya know. i personally think it'd be neato if you and Copper started interacting. ^_^

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I kinda just assumed that you were in power since you told Unstoppable Luck how to start.


Sorry about that. I also assumed I had to get through the guards at the gate first, or something like that.

Edited by The Sad Manikin Mask
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And this is where I ask you to edit your post.


In Copper's current condition, the magical sand plus the bullets fired from Raze's gun would have killed Copper, and the rules say no killing... right?

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I'm having a hard time figuring this out myself.


Well, it never really said it killed him. I could edit to say most of the bullets missed and one hit in the right spot, or just stop it at sand grenade.


You know what, I'll do that. Stop at sand grenade it is.

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Well Hello everypony,

Euhm... l am kinda shy myself, but l will be here too. My name's Silver Winterheart Snow, just call me Silver Snow. l've had my rough edges in the past, so don't ask, please. my goal is to make everypony feel loved and, yes.. l totally know l am saying this to join a battle-RP, but hey... l am also joining this dysfunctional family, right? <3 (Yeah, l read all 101, by the way).

There's a few l would like to introduce to this arena, if that is okay with y'all. They are kinda like my family and l hope they will fit in well. l know they will try their best to do so, so please try to treat them well, even if they are odd or abbrassive in your eyes. If you get to know them they really have the biggest hearts wide open for ya.

So give it up for...
Starbuckle: https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/starbuckle-r6537
Butterwing: https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/butterwing-r7177
Starflash Twinkler: https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/starflash-twinkler-r7098
Demiro Desertstorm: https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/demiro-desertstorm-r6993
Diamond Rustscythe: https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/diamond-rustscythe-r6527
Myself (Silver Snow): https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/silver-snow-r6512

Some have big stories to read, if that seems interesting to you, by all means do. l could also roughly tell you about the history of each and everyone. Just ask....

Hope to have a good time with y'all and... ofcourse... hope to be allowed with my family <3

Edited by Silver Snow
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Well Hello everypony,


Euhm... l am kinda shy myself, but l will be here too. My name's Silver Winterheart Snow, just call me Silver Snow. l've had my rough edges in the past, so don't ask, please. my goal is to make everypony feel loved and, yes.. l totally know l am saying this to join a battle-RP, but hey... l am also joining this dysfunctional family, right? <3 (Yeah, l read all 101, by the way).


There's a few l would like to introduce to this arena, if that is okay with y'all. They are kinda like my family and l hope they will fit in well. l know they will try their best to do so, so please try to treat them well, even if they are odd or abbrassive in your eyes. If you get to know them they really have the biggest hearts wide open for ya.


So give it up for...

Starbuckle: https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/starbuckle-r6537

Butterwing: https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/butterwing-r7177

Starflash Twinkler: https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/starflash-twinkler-r7098

Demiro Desertstorm: https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/demiro-desertstorm-r6993

Diamond Rustscythe: https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/diamond-rustscythe-r6527


Myself (Silver Snow): https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/silver-snow-r6512


Some have big stories to read, if that seems interesting to you, by all means do. l could also roughly tell you about the history of each and everyone. Just ask....


Hope to have a good time with y'all and... ofcourse... hope to be allowed with my family <3

Hello, my name is P-Jay, nice to meet you. And thanks for applying for Bangcolt. ^_^ It's always nice to see new faces, which seems to be increasing, here. Which is good; we needed new players, anyways. 


Now, having read your characters, I cant help but notice that a few of them aren't exactly combat-orientated. Of course, this is by all means 'acceptable', in Bangcolt, however, I would have trouble envisioning some of these ponies fitting in here. Take Starflash Twinkler, for example. I doubt that someone who 'doesn't tolerate fighting, at all,' would go out of her way to visit Bangcolt, which is known everywhere as the 'fighting capital'.  :lie:  You are still welcome, however. After all, slice-of-life interaction would be welcomed. 


Thinking more on it, it would be interesting to see what business a pacifist has. Perhaps she'd be there to maybe try to get a petition signed, to stop fighting? :huh:  Oooh, I can just feel the potential. 


But I suppose what I'm trying to say, is that maybe try to consider your characters' personalities more closely, before entering them into the actual roleplay. Because truth be told, some of them don't seem like they would enjoy it here.  :kindness:


I look forward to seeing what you have, to add to the plot of the story.  ;)



ey--quick thing, uh, no-one's really established a mayor in this RP. XD dunno who your expecting to post, but odds are, they wont. xD

Edited by P-Jay
  • Brohoof 1
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one hit in the right spot

Wait are you guys not letting each other choose what hits when and just saying all or parts automatically hit? Just wondering. Not sure that's a good idea.....

Edited by bronislav84
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Wait are you guys not letting each other choose what hits when and just saying all or parts automatically hit? Just wondering. Not sure that's a good idea.....

We do choose what hits and what doesn't; while the fight was going on we were pretty fair about it, I think.

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We do choose what hits and what doesn't; while the fight was going on we were pretty fair about it, I think.

As long as it's working for you I guess? Generally it's accepted to not force hits and let the other person choose what part of your attack hits when, so you avoid having issues like where Unstoppable felt you killed/overkilled his character. :)


Not trying to tell you how to write, mind. Just people tend to know better what their characters are capable of when it comes to taking a hit. If they're not taking hits for no good reason, then it's time to say something.

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Would like to announce once again that challenges in the arena are free. Any RP'er may challenge another RP'er's character from the roster (though it is up to them whether they accept or not), as well as any canon characters (who, few exceptions aside, cannot decline challenges). Once a challenge is accepted in any format, you can both decide on an arena to battle on, then proceed directly to the arena via post for a match. Have fun battling!  :lol:


Edit: Would also like to mention that even characters who are currently in the RP slice of life may battle, as well. For them, you would simply make a separate post, clearly labeling it for tournament purposes, then proceed until finish (the posts count as a separate event, and thus end when the battle ends).

Edited by Fractured
  • Brohoof 2
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I challenge Davy Jones.  :P  Just kidding.


I'm gonna go for the Gladiator's Rights battle, starting with Princess Luna, to see how Copper's super form stacks up.  ;)

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I challenge Davy Jones.   :P  Just kidding.


I'm gonna go for the Gladiator's Rights battle, starting with Princess Luna, to see how Copper's super form stacks up.   ;)

Well... that's astute. :P  The princesses are no slouches when it comes to combat, so challenging them first off may not be the best of ideas. Though, if you're sure, my only question is, standard or hard? :lol: 

(Difference being, standard is much like the usual battle, whereas hard leaves the stage set in their favor. They become much more "honest" about unveiling the true extent of their powers.)

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