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open Bangcolt Arena! (Fighting/Sol) -RP-


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Diamond Rustscythe walked into the arena-building and came to stand in front of a desk, aparently they had a system going for this building. Curious to know if anypony was present, especially since the building was open, Rustscythe decided to press his hoof down on the mission bell. "TING!". The bell sent it's sound and the captain of the Royal guard sat down on one of the chairs nearby to wait and see if anypony would answer his summon.

Edited by Silver Snow
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Anette smiled at the touch. She opened her mouth to speak, when suddenly, her stomach growled. She gave an audible blush, and then a small a laugh. "I guess you're not the only one." She tightened her grip on Wilhelm's forearm, smiling. "A cafe sounds like a wonderful idea. Lead the way."


Wilhelm was content to stay in companionable silence, Anette next to him, until they reached the cafe, a pleasantly pastoral townhouse modeled after the style still used in places like Ponyville. He politely disengaged himself to speak with the waiter. As the waiter saw Wilhelm, they looked temporarily confused before smiling in recognition. "Oh, Mr. de Winter! You're a little late for your reservation, but..." 


The waiter trailed off as Wilhelm waved his hooves frantically. Nix that! Nix it! Anette can't know I planned this... which she likely already does. He sighed, long and low. "Thank you for accommodating us." 


The waiter raised an eyebrow, but fetched two menus anyway. "Follow me, please." With that, the waiter trotted off towards a perfectly situated window seat, looking down over the tiers of the Arena. Wilhelm, on the other hoof, hung back for a moment. "So, yes. I planned this. Technically. I mean, I planned the reservation, but not any of this other stuff, I'm not Princess Celestia or anything, oh Luna why am I still talking..."

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Diamond Rustscythe walked into the arena-building and came to stand in front of a desk, aparently they had a system going for this building. Curious to know if anypony was present, especially since the building was open, Rustscythe decided to press his hoof down on the mission bell. "TING!". The bell sent it's sound and the captain of the Royal guard sat down on one of the chairs nearby to wait and see if anypony would answer his summon.

Zenru had been heading towards the front desk, to document the number of fights that had been fought, today. He was writing down the results of the last two fights, as well as noting the challenges that have been issued, today. 


He raised an eyebrow. Three new combatants, in one day...One of which was Copper, the fellow he met today. Placing the papers in his bag, he heard the mission bell ring. Odd. Recalling a few rules about that bell in particular, he decided to go pay whoever rung it a visit...But not before telling Yrel to wait at the arena's office. 


Making his way over to the room (which I'm assuming is like, maybe one or two floors higher then ground level in the arena-building's structure, idk), he blinked at Diamond. 


"...Excuse me, sir, but the bell is meant for decoration, not for show..." He said quietly, "and I don't think I've seen you around before; new combatant...?"

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"Oh, i'm sure it'll quite fine." Rarity continued to eat her salad, distantly noting the traffic moving through the small shop. "Bangcolt's been around for years; it's just never been quite this busy. Now that it is, though, I certainly don't expect it to stop on a dime." She took another small bite of her salad, then set the small fork down. She smiled up at Ice Blizzard. "And thanks for the compliment."




"Attention ponies..." The intercom blared out, calling out over the city of Bangcolt. But most ponies who were going to be there had long since booked their seats. Some of them had even fought for them, in more ways then one. This was a fight with a royal sister, after all.


"The match between pony newcomer Copper Strike... and our beloved alicorn ruler, Princess Luna... is now about to begin!"



Inside the arena already, Luna looked around, as the magical energy generators buzzed and fizzed, warping the reality of the room itself. In seconds, the scene had changed, to something much more poignant. The Moonlight Palace. Twelve stories of solid blue crystal, redesigned into as beautiful a tower as any had seen. Or, in the case of the ponies of Equestria, never had seen. This had been her home for one thousand long years. So many memories... she breathed a sigh. The area in this instance was darkened, as the beings


"In a way, this place is sacred. Both my home, and my prison." She spoke out loud, letting it echo off of the walls, into a cavalcade of sounds that rang out like music...




@Orion Caelum

Anette put a single hoof on Wilhelm's shoulder, and smiled at him. "Wilhelm... I love it." She leaned over, planting a single kiss on his cheek. "And i'm really grateful that you did this for me." She looked around, soaking up the atmosphere, smiling at a few ponies as they passed her. "I just wish I were more dressed up. But, while we're here..." She broke into a goofy grin. "Let's have some fun."

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((OOC: Just so you know... an IV is a bag of liquid they inject into your veins for a various amount of medical reasons.))


Raze turned his attention away from the battle to look at Copper. "I'll be fine," he said to him with a slight smile. "My wounds aren't that bad... Speaking of which, I'm sorry. I went overboard with how I fought, didn't really think about it before. I shouldn't have used real bullets, or blew up a sand grenade in your face. I might've had a murder on my hands, you know?" He sighed, and looked back at the monitor.

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Copper reassured Raze after his words by saying, "I forgive you, Raze."


Copper overheard the blaring sound of him facing off against Princess Luna.  He was confused, then he thought, 'Did somepony read my mind?'  He didn't know, and he didn't care.  All he knew was that he was about to put his Super form to the test.  He told Raze, "Guess you get to see my Super form.  See you later!"  He then galloped off to the arena.


Inside, Copper saw where he was supposed to go.  He went inside and bowed to Luna.  "Your highness."  he said.  Then when he got up from his bowed stance, he looked dead serious as he said, "I want you to give me everything you have, and I'll do the same to you, Princess Luna."

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Raze heard Copper's name being called on the intercom to fight... Princess Luna? He saw him rush out of the room in excitement, and he laid back in his bed and sighed.


"Guess he didn't learn anything after all..." he said to himself, looking back at the monitor. On a small table near him, a radio began to play an old song.



He leaned back in his bed, listening to the music. "Catchy..." he said.

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"Everything..." Luna hadn't turned to face him, instead staring up, towards the chandelier that hung suspended above the hall they were in. Remembering how it used to shine like polished glass, though now, the room had taken on a darker setting. Perfect for fighting, but poor for viewing. Such a shame.


"Copper Strike... that is your name, correct?" Her gaze finally left the ceiling as she finally turned to the pony at her back, giving him a glance. "Tell me... do you know where you are?"

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Copper looked at Princess Luna with fierce determination, and after her words, he said, "My last name is actually Strikes, not Strike, but it's pretty close.  And yes, your highness, I know where I am.  First, I'm in a replica of the Dream Castle, that's on the moon, your home, and prison.  Second, I'm in Bangcolt, the place where fighters all around come and do battle for bragging rights.  Am I correct?"

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"Correct. But do you know why they call it that?" She didn't wait for him to answer, instead, pointing a wing upwards. "On the moon proper, their exists a race of beings known as the Dreamweavers. Every night, they go hard to work, weaving dreams for all of the ponies of Equestria. From the sweetest foal, to the most battle hardy soldier. It is where I learned some of my own skills with dreams from."

She turned, to walk away from him, stopping a short distance away. "It just goes to show, that there is always something greater than what you thought you knew. Someplace you haven't been before, and something that you have yet to learn. Two stallions have taught me that quite recently..." She paused, thinking quietly to herself, before she looked up, and back at him. "Do you understand?"

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Copper listened to Luna's words, looking up as she pointed with her wing the moon proper.  He sighed, for he had learned something new today.  He looked at the Moon Princess and nodded, giving her a warm smile.  "I understand, your highness.  I understand."


He knew the fight would start soon, but he could wait a while.  His body was tired after all, except that he could still turn super whenever he needed, which would be soon enough.

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"Hmmm... I wonder if you do." From the floor, a glossy black blade rose up, still sheathed in its hilt. The light in the room visibly seemed to shiver as it materialized, the castle floor staining itself a dark inky black in its presence. Even the air in the room dropped several degrees, turning cold and bitter. Until Luna grabbed hold of it, ceasing the effects. She looked at it for a moment, before de-materializing it. She cast a side glance to Copper Strike.


"You may take the first move."

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So she let him make the first move, then?  That was fine.


Copper knew aggression wasn't the answer, but he had to make it so that she'd believe that was it.  He closed his eyes, saying just five words to Luna, "Fight at your full potential."



He then gave her the same glare that he gave Raze, and began to strain himself, causing electricity to form around him.  Outside of Bangcolt, clouds gathered above the city, and lightning started to strike on the clouds every half a second.  The strikes were only for effect, but the whole city knew a fight was about to go down.


Copper growled, his whole fur flashing gold multiple times before settling back to blue.  A few seconds later, he unleashed a war cry, turning full gold, with wings and a horn present, but they were not real.


The pseudo-alicorn Super Strikes had returned, and the fight had begun.


Super Strikes grinned at Luna, then charged at her, delivering a punch to the muzzle.


(Transformation time remaining: 14:55)

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Luna had calmly waited while Copper had transformed, taking little more action than to cast a single spell over herself. Her wings flashed with a hard sheen.


As the transformation ended, and Copper led for a charge, Luna blocked, holding the force with those same wings. She slid back an inch, before holding her ground. From underneath Copper, two solid black and black tinged spikes surfaced directly beneath him as she casted them, moving for him with impeccable speed.

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As his life literally flashed before his eyes Rhetoric heaved a heavy sigh, watching the hills and vallies of his days, successes and failures. As much as he thought he wanted to go back... he didn't know where to go back to. As much as he regretted a lot of what he had done, it was the uncertain  future that made him regret. He knew he still had time to change, but should he? 


And so many other questions that he had that were never answered, and he doubted would ever be. he looked over to Trixie who also looked forlorn about the past, maybe the future. He wasn't a mind reader so his guess was just smoke. "Trixie... I'm sure we'll be centuries back before we know it, but, but maybe some day we could visit our pasts eh? See some of the mistakes we made?"  


He meant it well meaning enough. He truely wanted to see where he went wrong and see  if he could learn from it for the future, surely trixie wanted the same thing? 

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Raze, having been healed and having nothing better to do, decided to get out of bed and walk around. He grabbed his katana and revolver, made his way out of the infirmary ward, and back to the front desk. Glancing around, he didn't see anyone around... except for a small filly.


"Uh... hello there," he said to her. "Are you the only one here?"

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Copper sensed an attack from below him, and without warning, he dodged the attack at high speed.  He wasn't going to be taken down this early, not now.  He used his magic to teleport behind Luna and delivered a swift, hard kick to her rear hooves, hoping for any damage.


(Transformation Time Remaining: 14:40)

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As Copper backpedaled away, Luna noted the speed. As he disappeared, she blinked, before jumping upward experimentally. Copper's attack just barely grazed her as she rose. Her guess had been correct.


"Teleportation..." Shifting her weight in mid-air, she twisted her body, now angling downward. A wing sharper than most swords proceeded to split the air as she fell towards him, aiming for a decisive strike.

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Copper looked up as he saw Luna aim down on him for a strike with her wing, to which he assumed to be SHARP.  Without hesitation, he charged at her as well, dodging the cut at the last second before using a mid-air Spin Dash as a homing attack, and charged at her before she touched the ground.


(TTR: 14:25)

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Luna reached out with her second wing, blocking the shot, then tossed it backwards, flicking her wing with considerable force. She landed, inverting her body to return to all fours, as dark pillars similar to the first spiked outwards from her in a circular pattern, heading in Copper's direction.

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Copper landed on all fours after being flicked, and looked up to see dark pillars after him.  He charged up his horn and fired a powerful beam of magic, making the pillars disappear.  He then fired a volley of magic blasts at Luna, keeping up with her if she moved.


(TTR: 14:05)

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Raze, having been healed and having nothing better to do, decided to get out of bed and walk around. He grabbed his katana and revolver, made his way out of the infirmary ward, and back to the front desk. Glancing around, he didn't see anyone around... except for a small filly.


"Uh... hello there," he said to her. "Are you the only one here?"

The small, light blue filly blinked, looking up at the stallion. Her eyes noticeably trailed, to his weapons...


"Hi! Um...The nice mare at the desk is on lunch break, so...Yup!" She beamed at him, finally dismissing his weapons, "until Uncle Zenny gets back, anyways."

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"Oh, uh, alright..." said Raze, smiling back at the young filly. The cut on his head began to throb a bit, and Raze winced in pain and put a hoof to his bandaged forehead. He found a seat across from the front desk, and decided to sit in it. He looked at the filly. 


"So..." he said to her. "What's your name?

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Terra managed to break out of her panic, to glance back at Starlight. Her eyes held a questioning gaze; she had no idea what she was doing here,

after all. The portal continued to lift her up, until she was drawn into it. Once inside, flashes of different time periods swirled around her like small stars. Each carried its own different setting, images from the different eras floating by her, paler than ghosts. But too fast; she needed help. "I can't pin it down," she called out to Starlight. "Do you have any way to slow this thing down?"


Starlight narrowed her eyes as time literally flashed by before her eyes. But Terra was right - it was going by too fast. She couldn't pinpoint the correct time period like this.


She had never tried this before, but could she possibly...?


Her horn began glowing again, and a blue flash domed out from her. The stars surrounding the group began to slow down, hopefully to a point Terra could point out the right period.


"I can't keep this up for long!" She warned the mare, "Don't waste time!"




As his life literally flashed before his eyes Rhetoric heaved a heavy sigh, watching the hills and vallies of his days, successes and failures. As much as he thought he wanted to go back... he didn't know where to go back to. As much as he regretted a lot of what he had done, it was the uncertain  future that made him regret. He knew he still had time to change, but should he? 


And so many other questions that he had that were never answered, and he doubted would ever be. he looked over to Trixie who also looked forlorn about the past, maybe the future. He wasn't a mind reader so his guess was just smoke. "Trixie... I'm sure we'll be centuries back before we know it, but, but maybe some day we could visit our pasts eh? See some of the mistakes we made?"  


He meant it well meaning enough. He truely wanted to see where he went wrong and see  if he could learn from it for the future, surely trixie wanted the same thing? 


The grip on her spell nearly broke as she caught a glimpse of something. A small village, with a small pink filly with pigtails.


She recognised it right away. It was her own past.


She stared at it for a moment, and thoughts began to run through her head. About Sunburst, and her reclusion after losing him to his cutie mark.


Could she go back and change things?


She grunted as she already began to feel a strain in her head. The two spells combined was putting a lot of pressure on her magic.

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“I’ve including as much information as I could find in these files although that being said it wasn’t hard. For being some of the most important ponies in Equestria, aside from one being a Princess… these ponies are rather… mundane.” Maverick sighed and leaned back in his seat, “As for now; I guess we talk payment?”

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