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open Bangcolt Arena! (Fighting/Sol) -RP-


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Ice blinked. The eye color? The tongue thing? There was no way....how? What the heck? ​"....." ​The cryokinetic pony trotted over until her was a few feet away. He was practically boiling with...excitement? "...It's you. I know it's you...but...how...where why? Did you change your appearance to be able to fit in or something? Ho-lee-shit. Where have you been?!"

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@@crispy fries,


... however, it seemed that our galactic wanderer never, in fact, made it to the bar that easily.


"What? You think that just standing in the way of the entire train just to take in some atmosphere is doing anything else but causing a holdup?" Agririon turned his neck, his glowing green face (he had decided to ditch the skull mask some time ago when not in combat- symbol of office or not, people laughing at him for being edgy for an accessory that wasn't very intimidating or demanding of respect anymore didn't really entertain him) glaring in annoyance at this pony. "And I'm certain that Mister Cold Storage and his little puppet behind me think the exact same way."


"Foolish specter! Dost thou not know who I am?!" growled Tsor'Ekoh, a lich who, while also rather held up by the mare in front of her, had some semblance of patience. However, he was not going to stand here and take it from this smartass. The amalgamation behind the Lich- the terrifying undead creature lovingly dubbed "Mockingbird"- was viewing this all with confusing and entertainment, much how a child would view adults fighting over petty things such as turn order.


"Yes, I know who you are, Ice Head. And your friend too, Ms. Chunky Salsa. If it wasn't for the rules of this place, I'd have your shiny skull back home now. But this isn't the time, and you seem perfectly willing to wait behind this shotgun lady's rump, so stay out of it. You'll have your turn in the spotlight soon enough."


With a harrumph, the Lich turned around. "Come, my dear, I am certain that other doors are available for us to exit this infernal contraption. We shall find our residence."


"Yes, father," the monstrosity chimed in the voice of a young Canterlot filly before following the lich back through the train.


"Well, with that out of the way, I'm certain I can find it in my heart to forgive you for blocking up the train. Or not. I don't know. If it really ticks you off that much, fill out a request at the Arena and put your shotgun to the purpose that you brought it here for." He shrugged off her hoof on his shoulder before stalking away. "The name's Agririon, just so you know for the paperwork. I'd wait about thirty minutes, though, I need to get myself all checked in and all of that in case you're one of those snowflakes who registered beforehand." And with that, he began to walk away and, if left undisturbed, would make his way down to the bar to look for his old friend.

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Jade blinked as she saw the warriors around her had begun glowing with some kind of energy. She looked at her back, feeling a warm sensation, and saw her own sword was glowing with heat.

Tricis was right; their energies were being amplified!


She noticed that Patch's was burning the brightest. She began to wonder if that meant anything...


As Feather was called to fight first, she turned to her new friend and nodded at him with a smile. Silently wishing him good luck.


(On a phone, so I can't change text colors)

"Yes, excellent!" Jade heard Patch say. He was glowing slightly, radiating blue. She could see his energy! "I can already feel the energy flowing through me! My wound hurts much less now!"

Upon further observation, the other prospects were glowing as well, though they weren't as bright as Patch. Feathers aura was a darker blue while cumulus' was green.

Jade felt something hot touching her side. Her sword was radiating heat through its sheath!

Tricis nodded in a sort of approval. She had found the best four students. "The first match of the semifinals shall be Feather Weave versus Patch." She announced. "Do you need instructions or can you figure this out on your own?"

Feather immediately turned his eyes to Patch who was already stepping forward. Even if he really was a child, Feather would have to defeat him.

(I think this is where we left off o3o)


"If you really are a child..." Feather Weave began as he drew his wooden sword, the tip still broken. "Don't make me hurt you."


"And what do you mean by that?" Patch tried to ask, but he never got an answer before Tricis shouted for the fight to begin.


Patch leapt forward as soon as he was told to begin, forcing Feather on the defensive. Every time Feather made a swing with his sword, Patch would block with his front legs, showing no sign of pain, before countering with a kick from his hind legs, striking feather several times in the lower chest.


Feather backed off and created some distance where he readied his sword for another attack. The blade began to glow the same color as his aura, showing their synergy. Now familiar with Patch's fighting style, he was able to counter and dodge properly, swinging his wooden blade so fast that those observing the fight could only see brown and blue streaks where the blade was swinging.


"It's rare to see someone as young as him able to infuse his essence with his blade like that." Tricis said in an offhoof comment as she lit another cigarette. "Must not get out much." She added as she extinguished her match.


"Reveal yourself!" Feather screamed as he took advantage of an opening in the colt's defenses, striking him in the back of the head with the blunt end of his blade and sending the colt crashing to the floor.

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She had been here for barely five minutes, but Redwood already had a fight on her hooves. Agririon certainly looked intimidating, but Redwood wasn't deterred by appearances alone.


After grabbing a quick snack from a street vendor, she headed down to the registration desk. "Excuse me, ah'd like register a fight," said Redwood to the pony at the desk.

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Raze, seeing as Libby left to make her way to the snack vendor to get something, decided he would see the fight later, and made his way to the bar first just to relax. There were screens inside anyway, so he would be able to watch the fight from there. He sat down at the counter, standing his katana next to him.

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Agririon quietly stalked into the bar with an expression on his face that spoke of irritation. He had seen the girl march almost straight to the registration building after he had left with a rather daring expression, stopping only to obtain a snack. Less than five minutes in, and she was already rearing for a fight. And then there was that lich that showed up as well... what perfect timing.


Plopping down on a seat in the bar, he put his arm on the table to steady himself as he peered behind him for the zebra-striped head of his quarry. Not seeing them among the sea of patrons, he quietly turned around with a soft sigh before realizing his hand was right next to a razor-sharp katana with a simple wooden handle. Coincidence? Maybe. Quietly, he withdrew his hoof from the bar and, leaning back, looked next to him. Sure enough, sitting next to him was the zebra-like mane and bladed tail of his acquaintance. He chuckled, his black cloak shifting to glance at him as his drink arrived.


"Now ain't this a surprise," Agririon said off-handedly, sipping his drink and awaiting Raze's reaction to this mysterious figure who slid in next to him.

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Raze turned around to see the familiar face of his old comrade from way back when. He smiled slightly.


"Sure is," he responded, looking around. "Somehow, I had a feeling you'd be here. Must be attracted to all the violence. Gives you a little tingly feeling inside, doesn't it?"


He sighed, then looked at him. "Even still... why did you come here? Surely not for me..."

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"Around, really. When there's not really any limit to where you can be, or why, you tend to get around quite a bit. I still hope to see some frost giants, to be honest." She gave a soft shrug. "But now i'm here. Just thought i'd have a little fun, and stop in to say hi. And maybe make a splash here." She shrugged again. "I didn't know you were the champion here, though. That's news to me."




@crispy fries

"Sweet Celestia- oh, it's not her." The green stallion looked up from the desk in shock, then breathed a soft sigh. He had seen many contestants come and go in his life, but never one with a sense of... zaniness? lack of personal space? Overpowering sensation of out of this world-ness. Geez... "Sorry. A match right?" The stallion reached down, to shuffle through his papers. "Okay. First, name. And who would you like to fight?"





"There is no other condition, save that the disagreement's that have stretched out between us over the years come to an end. I choose to believe that a peaceful solution can come between the two of us, Chrysalis. After all, we have no shortage of brains between us. I'm sure we can come up with something." Celestia gave a soft chuckle, again to lighten the mood. Though it wasn't through naivete; she knew that there were no other options. Over thousands of years of dealing with the changelings had only ever seen her come closer to actions that she had no wish to take, but would eventually be forced to. And she would do anything to avoid that.


"Now, if you can agree to this, then I believe we may start."



Edited by Fractured
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​"Uh...yeah. I kinda am. See, only half champion, because I gave it up to Caliber when our fight ended in a draw." ​He shrugged, and smiled at her, ​"So yeah. That's pretty much it as far as that goes. I remember last time you were here you did the whole dimension hopping thing and whatnot. It's cool to see you again to be honest. After this fight, we have to go back to my place. I'll cook something like I did with Rarity once, and we can have a friendly chat."

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"Th' name's Redwood. Ah'm fightin' Agririon."


She couldn't help but wonder what sort of name Agririon was. It certainly wasn't like any Redwood had heard before, but she knew that plenty of odd ponies came to this town.


As Redwood waited for the stallion to fill out the information, she idly sipped from her flask. A drink was always welcome, and it was a handy time waster too.

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"Tingly feeling? Something like that." He smiled slightly and shrugged before narrowing his eyes at his comments. "Certainly not," he lied through his teeth, "although let me say, you picked one hell of a dimensional pocket to show up in if for whatever reason I was attempting to find you. There's no one stationed here; the fabric of this place means no one can die anyways, so it's just a waste of manpower. That, and time's all goofed up around her compared to normal planes anyways. I'm surprised they were able to set up an enterprise this valuable in such a unusual location."


He took a long draught of his drink before responding. "Well, I've got four goals on the checklist. Two of them were added as soon as I hit town. First, a lich decided it was high time to show up here. Brought his... creation with him. I'm making sure that he doesn't do anything screwy. Second, you happened to be in town, and in a place infamous for being a big arena, I figured I might actually make good on all those promises of wrangling you to not-quite-death. Third, there's a mare with a shotgun that she thinks has my name written on it after I pissed her off on the train platform for whatever reason. If her reaction is anything to go on, that fight'll be up soon."


"And... finally, I've decided it's high time I ended my servitude to the princesses via the only way allowed. Getting kinda boring in Equestria, and my other acquaintances have laughed at me for being plane-bound for too long. So, in this extradimensional space, I'm going to be... practicing. And then I'm going to punch the princesses in the face. Granted, I'll probably be walloped at least once in return, but claiming victory over them- even if it's not actual death- will be enough to let me take a break for a while. Magic bindings aren't too good on allowing time off." He shrugged. "At least I don't have to wear that stinkin' skull while I'm walking around anymore."


"But enough about me. What are you doin' here? Last I checked, you were off on one of your 'journey of discovery' kicks, and then you completely disappear from Equestria. I guess that's you coming here, then?"

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"Yep," said Raze. "And I've got the mercenary gig going on for me as well, so..." He sighed. "Not to burst your bubble of optimism, but when it comes to the Princesses... you ain't gonna win. They have too many tricks up their sleeve, and their power is... well, overpowered, of course. Like One Punch Pony overpowered... it's kind of sad, really. You go in there just to get your ass kicked by them, like... why even?" He looked up. "Makes me question what they're even doing here in the first place."

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Anette gave the briefest of glances over at Wilhelm as he coughed, her eyebrows crinkling in thought. She was sure she had caught something just on the fringes of his expression, but... She decided to leave it alone, for now. Instead, she flashed the same picture perfect patient smile, that had become a part of her so long ago, it felt natural to have. "Pesto penne. Sounds fancy..." Her hoof retreated just the slightest bit, as she looked away apprehensively. The question that had been on her mind for a while now, though she hadn't had the chance to. "Wilhelm..." He stare increased, focusing intetly on a specific white patch on the tablecloth, and boring a hole into it. "What happened to you?"

Wilhelm frowned. "...What do you mean?" He racked his mind for some clue as to what Anette could mean. Was she speaking of some social ineptitude committed today? Of some issue before, perhaps when he had neglected the outside world? Or was Anette speaking of some deeper trauma; the pits of Tartarus, the deserts of Araby, the monsters of Dead Mare's cross?


Wilhelm looked more closely at Anette. She seemed to be... annoyed? Something along those lines? Wilhelm was... not very good at knowing what the opposite gender was thinking. Either way, he wasn't sure why the tablecloth hadn't already erupted in a bonfire from the force of her gaze by now. He took a deep breath and repeated his question. "What do you mean?"

Edited by Orion Caelum
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"Perhaps I maaaaaay have understated that thing about the princesses. Yes, I know how powerful they are. I had the... pleasure of getting trashed by them as teenagers hunting for the elements. How the hell do you think that makes me feel?" Agririon drained his glass and shook his head. "Well, if I win, I win, and if I have to call in some of my friends to help me win, then so be it. Eventually, I'll give up for a while and get back to staring over their shoulder in court. But, you know, it's mainly the fact that this is the first opportunity I've had in a while to, you know, be able to exercise this part of the binding without violating the whole 'you can't kill them yourself either, dimwit' part of the spell. A happy medium that allows me to try my luck without being forcibly restrained and being given a 'naughty, naughty!' lecture."


He shrugged. "Besides, I've got a long way to go before I get to the princesses. There's a lot of people in this place, after all, and not all of them have the cleanest records. So here I am, acting as a supernatural hitman with non-lethal results. For example- that loose cannon who I'll probably start fighting any time now was responsible for burning down a whole village on her superior's orders. Neither the innocent victims nor the poor guys working the area at the time particularly care for her, but she's got years and years left before they come to collect on her. So let's do them a favor and punch this mare out, gain a little bit of favor, and, over a bit of time, pick up some new equipment, a new skill or two- and it all spirals from there until, oh look, I can actually take on Cadence in a real fight. Then, after a bit longer, Twilight. Then... well, you get the idea. To quote one of your wise people, "It's the journey, not the destination." It'll take a while, to be sure."


"But... in the meantime, I could also beat you up, and send your ass crying back to Equestria on another one of those 'journey of discovery' kicks. See, being here has benefits."

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Background music))


"Ehhhh?" Raze exclaimed, looking at Agririon with a mocking grin. "Them's fightin' words, Cannonback... what, you think I take those trips just so I can admire the fresh air and frolick in the fields like a happy-go-lucky dunderhead? You're gonna have one hell of a rude awakening if that's how you see it. When I'm done beating YOU I'll be sure to send your skull to the Princesses in a nicely wrapped pink bow. I'm sure they'd like that."

Edited by The Sad Manikin Mask
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  (I think this is where we left off o3o)


"If you really are a child..." Feather Weave began as he drew his wooden sword, the tip still broken. "Don't make me hurt you."


"And what do you mean by that?" Patch tried to ask, but he never got an answer before Tricis shouted for the fight to begin.


Patch leapt forward as soon as he was told to begin, forcing Feather on the defensive. Every time Feather made a swing with his sword, Patch would block with his front legs, showing no sign of pain, before countering with a kick from his hind legs, striking feather several times in the lower chest.


Feather backed off and created some distance where he readied his sword for another attack. The blade began to glow the same color as his aura, showing their synergy. Now familiar with Patch's fighting style, he was able to counter and dodge properly, swinging his wooden blade so fast that those observing the fight could only see brown and blue streaks where the blade was swinging.


"It's rare to see someone as young as him able to infuse his essence with his blade like that." Tricis said in an offhoof comment as she lit another cigarette. "Must not get out much." She added as she extinguished her match.


"Reveal yourself!" Feather screamed as he took advantage of an opening in the colt's defenses, striking him in the back of the head with the blunt end of his blade and sending the colt crashing to the floor.


Jade watched on, silently and intently. This was definitely going to be a good match, especially since Patch was proving himself to be a talented fighter at his age.


It reminded her of training with Master Xiang at that age... and she began wondering just where that salty old kirin had gotten to these days.


Though, what was Feather talking about. 'Reveal yourself'? Did he suspect that Patch was...?

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Patch slowly stood back up as Feather readied his blade in a defensive stance.


"The boy's tough. That should have broken his neck." Tricis added. Her cigarette was now leaving a thin stack of smoke in front of her snout, completely ignored by her weathered eyes still watching the battle.


"This blade has been blessed, carved from the oldest tree in the Everfree and anointed in a sacred stream. The perfect weapon for striking down evil!" Feather proclaimed with zeal as Patch recovered to a fighting stance.


"I don't know what you are talking about!" Patch insisted, visible frustration in his eyes.


Feather was prepared to proclaim his evidence of how he knew Patch had to be the demon he was looking for, mainly the way that Patch had killed his first opponent, the assassin, without Feather sensing anything; but when he opened his mouth to talk, Tricis threw her cigarette at him with it bouncing off of his mane.


"Fight!" She ordered grumpily as she reached into her robe to pull out another cigarette.


Patch got back on Feather quickly with another assault, but the warrior had long sense memorized the colt's predictable attack pattern. He dodged the earth pony's kicks gracefully before delivering a quick strike to the colt's chest, sending him flying back. Feather spread his wings and flew up to the colt as he was careening through the air, his sword poised for another attack.


"I've had enough of this charade!" Feather screamed before he unleashed a flurry of attacks upon the colt while he was defenseless in the air, the sword swinging so fast that it created sparks and a faint scent of smoke. The blade struck the colt all over his body, hitting every bone and joint at least once before the final strike hit the colt across the skull, sending him careening into a dead tree where he smacked the hardened bark and dropped to the ground. Feather landed across from him with his sword readied again, waiting for Patch to get back up.


A few seconds passed with Feather tensing up before Tricis broke the silence with her weathered voice. "The winner, by knock out, is Feather Weave!" She proclaimed, hinting that she somehow knew Patch had survived the attack.

"That's impossible!" Feather exclaimed. "He's not a normal colt! He hasn't been defeated yet!"


"Maybe, if you win this tournament, I can teach you the difference between a demon and a child!" Tricis snapped back.


"He killed the assassin without me even sensing what was happening in that fight!"


"And who exactly told you that the assassin was killed? Because I can tell you right now that the assassin survived that fight." Tricis stated. The words sent shock into Feather Weave as he turned his attention to the only remaining suspect.


Cumulus stepped forward from beside Jade, he seemed to still be acting normal. "Does this mean I get to fight Jade now, Master Tricis?" he asked.

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Patch slowly stood back up as Feather readied his blade in a defensive stance.


"The boy's tough. That should have broken his neck." Tricis added. Her cigarette was now leaving a thin stack of smoke in front of her snout, completely ignored by her weathered eyes still watching the battle.


"This blade has been blessed, carved from the oldest tree in the Everfree and anointed in a sacred stream. The perfect weapon for striking down evil!" Feather proclaimed with zeal as Patch recovered to a fighting stance.


"I don't know what you are talking about!" Patch insisted, visible frustration in his eyes.


Feather was prepared to proclaim his evidence of how he knew Patch had to be the demon he was looking for, mainly the way that Patch had killed his first opponent, the assassin, without Feather sensing anything; but when he opened his mouth to talk, Tricis threw her cigarette at him with it bouncing off of his mane.


"Fight!" She ordered grumpily as she reached into her robe to pull out another cigarette.


Patch got back on Feather quickly with another assault, but the warrior had long sense memorized the colt's predictable attack pattern. He dodged the earth pony's kicks gracefully before delivering a quick strike to the colt's chest, sending him flying back. Feather spread his wings and flew up to the colt as he was careening through the air, his sword poised for another attack.


"I've had enough of this charade!" Feather screamed before he unleashed a flurry of attacks upon the colt while he was defenseless in the air, the sword swinging so fast that it created sparks and a faint scent of smoke. The blade struck the colt all over his body, hitting every bone and joint at least once before the final strike hit the colt across the skull, sending him careening into a dead tree where he smacked the hardened bark and dropped to the ground. Feather landed across from him with his sword readied again, waiting for Patch to get back up.


A few seconds passed with Feather tensing up before Tricis broke the silence with her weathered voice. "The winner, by knock out, is Feather Weave!" She proclaimed, hinting that she somehow knew Patch had survived the attack.


"That's impossible!" Feather exclaimed. "He's not a normal colt! He hasn't been defeated yet!"


"Maybe, if you win this tournament, I can teach you the difference between a demon and a child!" Tricis snapped back.


"He killed the assassin without me even sensing what was happening in that fight!"


"And who exactly told you that the assassin was killed? Because I can tell you right now that the assassin survived that fight." Tricis stated. The words sent shock into Feather Weave as he turned his attention to the only remaining suspect.


Cumulus stepped forward from beside Jade, he seemed to still be acting normal. "Does this mean I get to fight Jade now, Master Tricis?" he asked.


Jade winced as Patch slammed hard into the dead tree, and fell limp on the ground. Demon or not, that looked really painful. Part of her hoped the little colt was okay...


Though, she had to commend her friend on a victory well earned. "That was a good match, Feather!" She smiled.


The fact the assassin was alive seemed to clear Patch of suspicion that he might be the demon. Part of her was thankful - she'd feel awful to think if that poor colt had been possessed or something.


Cumulus's question, though, grabbed her attention. He seemed rather excited to fight her...

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@@Unicorncob, (my last post of the night.)


 Feather hoisted the unconscious colt over his shoulders very carefully before walking the two of them back to the sidelines. Never once did he take his eyes off of Cumulus.


The bodyguard stepped forward more, entering the area where Feather and Patch had just fought as if he was all to eager to fight. His visible aura surged around him brighter than before. He reached into the sleeve of his singular shoulder pad into a hidden pocket and pulled out what appeared to be an emerald green marble and eyed it in the sun while he waited. Jade's new senses told her something was horribly wrong with that marble. It felt like some kind of singularity that was sucking all of the vibrant energy from the world around it, a black hole that seemed to have no visible indication of it's evil nature.

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Feather hoisted the unconscious colt over his shoulders very carefully before walking the two of them back to the sidelines. Never once did he take his eyes off of Cumulus.


The bodyguard stepped forward more, entering the area where Feather and Patch had just fought as if he was all to eager to fight. His visible aura surged around him brighter than before. He reached into the sleeve of his singular shoulder pad into a hidden pocket and pulled out what appeared to be an emerald green marble and eyed it in the sun while he waited. Jade's new senses told her something was horribly wrong with that marble. It felt like some kind of singularity that was sucking all of the vibrant energy from the world around it, a black hole that seemed to have no visible indication of it's evil nature.



Jade kept her eyes on Cumulus as she entered the combat area. Something about that marble of his... just did not sit right with her. It was like that small rock was sucking the life force out of anything that came near it... like a black hole of evil.


She shook her head - she couldn't get distracted. She raised herself onto her hind hooves and spread her wings out, her forelegs flexed into a martial stance as she stared Cumulus down.

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Jade kept her eyes on Cumulus as she entered the combat area. Something about that marble of his... just did not sit right with her. It was like that small rock was sucking the life force out of anything that came near it... like a black hole of evil.


She shook her head - she couldn't get distracted. She raised herself onto her hind hooves and spread her wings out, her forelegs flexed into a martial stance as she stared Cumulus down.

Cumulus put the marble-like sphere back in its compartment as if he had taken it out just to confirm that it was there.


"You can sense it too." Feather whispered as he passed Jade. "He'll be weaker in his pony form, but he'll only reveal himself if he can't beat you in his current state. Defeat the pony and he'll show what he really is."


Cumulus unsheathed a pointed dagger and spoke through gritted teeth as he held it in his mouth. "I hope this is more interesting than my last fight."


"Match seven: Cumulus versus dimwit. Begin!" Tricis announced impatiently.

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"Oh, I don't doubt that, but I'm certain that I can make more friends with your skull than you will with mine," Agririon retorted with a grin. "But who is to say... you haven't been frolicking? Even if in your frolicking you manage to beat aside a few pansies. Why, I bet there isn't even one person here who has given you a genuine challenge." He stood up and bowed. "Care to give me a... demonstration of superior judgement?"

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"Uh..." Raze said. "As much as I'd like to, aren't you kind of already in a fight? With that shotgun chick you were talking about, right? Do that first, then we'll talk... if she doesn't kick your ass first, that is." He laughed, then looked at the T.V. screen, showing the fight between Ivory and the pony she was talking about.

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"...Well." Ivory Star looked around, noticing that Libby had gone off for refreshments, and that Raze was going to prepare for her match. Not focusing on that right now, though, she instead closed her eyes, concentrating. Searching for something. "There's only one place to be right now... got it." Focusing on what she had come to learn only she could hear, she set off in a particular direction, heading towards the musical hall.


@crispy fries

"...Okay." The stallion had been fiddling with papers for the last two minutes, and only now turned to fire the mare an accomplished smile, as he placed the note in what appeared to be a magical shredder. In a flash and a puff of green smoke, it dissipated, only the barest hints of it still visible, rising off in a particular direction. "You're all set. Arrigorn should get the message very soon. In the meantime, you're free to either head to the inner section of the arena, or simply do as you please until your match is called.




As the letter drifted through the air, similar to the most popular method of magical transport, dragon flame, it would actually split in two, moving in different directions. The first was the desk of the princesses quarters, the natural resting stop of all documentation within the city. The second would be a strange location: a bar, standing noncospicuously out on the limits of Bangcolt. It would coalesce into form in front of the stallion for which it was intended, resting casually on the bar in front of him. Carrying the message of exactly that which it was supposed to be; a declaration of challenge, from a mare named Redwood. A small map had been superimposed on the back, showing a detailed path to the arena, with additional instructions to show up, whenever he was ready.



"Well, after one of us gets out of the hospital, anyways. I can't imagine that you're a pushover, being the champion and all." She gave a casual grin. "And i'm not exactly a slouch either, myself, and now that i'm here, I sorta want the champion title..." She paused, her brows dipping slightly in thought. "No... what it represents, I suppose." She turned back up to Ice Blizzard, suddenly all smiles again. "Either way, i'm giving as much as I have to."




@Orion Caelum

Anette shook her head slightly, before she flashed Wilhelm an apologetic smile. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to ruin the mood. It's just I was concerned. Or maybe scared. When you left earlier, in order to go work on your project, I suppose... I just didn't know what had happened to you." She gave a sigh, and cracked into a slightly goofy grin, as the dolls took to silently watching the scene. Even Nightmare was unusually silent. "...Though I suppose all that matters is you're back now, and you're safe." She rolled into a genuine expression, shooting him the softest of looks over the table. "And i'm glad."

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Redwood headed down to the arena to wait for Agririon, cracking her neck as she walked. It had been a couple months since she had last been in a real fight, but her skills were still sharp, and she had no intention of losing. Redwood knew it would be a challenge, but it was a challenge she was confident she could beat.

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