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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf

private Superhero RP Reboot


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@@Derplight Sperkle,



Jennifer was finally out of work. Working at Hooters was so much fun. She had been working there for a while now ever since she was 16 years old but now she was 20 and she needed a man. A man to help her out in life with her little problem. As she was thinking this she tripped and fell, landing on the sidewalk, her head and chest making an indent in the concrete sidewalk. Yeah...that problem. Its not like she was a bad person, she was just so incredibly clumsy and no man seemed to want anything to do with her, at least after the first couple of dates that is. 


Suddenly that's when she saw him, the man of her dreams. Picking herself off the concrete, after leaving a perfect indent of herself, she quickly hid behind a corner of an alleyway. There he was blathering sweet nothings while waving around a poster and his massive guns. She was in love. Vixen was in love. 


((lol notice me senpai))



signature by Pucksterv

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Hooligan turned to the approaching man, "Well mister monocle man. I think you'll find I'm not causing property damage. I am making art." said Hooligan exuberantly.

"It is still property damage though." said the voice in his head. 

Hooligan shrugged, "Well you gotta break a few eggs to make a bowl of broken egg shells."

Hooligan reached into his bag and pulled out a jar of pickles. He lifted up the bottom part of his mask, revealing a gruesomely disfigured chin and unnaturally wide grin, to allow access to his mouth. Hooligan picked out pickle from the jar and ate it. "You want one," he said offering the jar of pickles to the monocle wearing man.


John raised an eyebrow "Art? That sure is an interesting definition of art" Said John. He looked at the pickles and shook his head "No thanks, but are you interested in getting a... Beatdown?" With that last word said John threw his razer sharp hat after the villain

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Boss Gregory Pucciato was on his way to his private airfield, where his personal Cessna waited. The key word in that sentence being was. His stretch limousine had to pull over with the bangs of tires being blown.  Two of his hired suits went out to change the tires. Pucciato was usually a patient man... to an extent. When they guys were taking too long, he sent another one of his hired guns, to go out and see what was happening. He didn't like the response "They're dead!" Nope. Not one bit. 5 of the suits got out of the car to search for the wanna be punk, whilst the driver and two more stayed with their employer.  


The brief sounds of gunfire echoed outside, accompanied by dead silence. A silence shattered, just like the passenger side window, as "shotgun" was pulled out of his seat and halfway through his window. His screams were silenced quickly, with the sound of flesh being struck, and bone being cracked.  Boss Puciato screamed for his driver to go, but it was doubtful he was heard over the sight before him. Another shattering of glass. This time, it was the sun roof. The tempered sheet of glass fell into the cabin, along with a figure in white. Gunfire rang out from the frightened security detail. Bullets made their way to the pale assailant. They found different targets, in the form of their fellow comrades. The bullets shouldn't have hit the hired guns at all, let alone in their heads. But they did. 


The only sound other than the rapid breathing of the boss, was the whimpering of the driver. He would be the only one to stay alive. As for Puciato, the figure in white got real close to his face, and said "Hello. Friend." Before wrapping a noose around his neck faster than his eyes could see, then promptly leaping out of the car through the sunroof, with Puciato in tow, partway over a razor wire fence. The boss had got caught on the wire, but that didn't stop his assailant from pulling on the noose, cranking his head back over the fences edge. Sicking gurgles and gasps came from the once feared mob head. Noises that would steady begin to fade, like his futile struggles. It was when the last death rattle was shuddered, that the tension was released, and the late boss Puciato, was allowed to hang from the razor wire fence. 


"Hmm, a bit messier than the last one. Best to do my part as an upstanding citizen and tidy up." Noose said as she pullet out some more cables. In a matter of seconds, 11 bodies were hung along the fence. The driver was still huddled in his seat. Until a paper triangle hit him in his face. With shaky hands, he picked up the folded parchment. It had one word typed on it: "open." He unsteadily unfolded the paper. It read "Tell everyone what you saw this day. Or you're next." Not a second after reading that, the driver sped away from the scene, flat tires and all. Noose watched it all unfold, as she lengthened another strip of tape from its roll. 


Returning to the square, utility crews made no further advancements on the banner. Police were now funneling into the area through the crowds and the media. A crescendoed gasp followed throughout the area, as the fourth name down was suddenly struck through. Three of the cities most infamous head honchos. Crossed of The Hangwoman's list in only an hour. 


But as Noose stood atop the building opposite to double check her work, she noticed something else about the crowd. An area had the citizens parting away, with one figure standing in the middle of the vacancy. 


"Now what's going on down there?"

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Pat finally came out of an alleyway, now with his suit on. He talked to River through his comm.


"River, has he..."


He was interrupted when his head was nearly sliced by a flying hat! He ducked just in time to avoid it, then looked in the direction from which it came from.


"Pat?! Are you okay?"


River asked urgently.


"Don't worry, I'm fine."


He replied, then called out to the person who threw the hat,


"I'd put down that rocket launcher, whoever you are!"


,((I do believe he still has the rocket launcher that Hooligan gave him, right?))


(Avatar drawn by Inky) My OCs: Pat.Rio.T. & River Serene

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Pat finally came out of an alleyway, now with his suit on. He talked to River through his comm.


"River, has he..."


He was interrupted when his head was nearly sliced by a flying hat! He ducked just in time to avoid it, then looked in the direction from which it came from.


"Pat?! Are you okay?"


River asked urgently.


"Don't worry, I'm fine."


He replied, then called out to the person who threw the hat,


"I'd put down that rocket launcher, whoever you are!"


,((I do believe he still has the rocket launcher that Hooligan gave him, right?))




John looked confused when the villain just disappeared out of plain sight, which means that his hat could potentially hit someone else. He was about to catch the hat but saw that he had a rocket launcher in his hands. This confused John greatly. Before he could throw it away he got interrupted by someone. John dropped the launcher and held up his hands "This is not what it looks like sir" Said John

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"Uh-huh... then what is it?"


He sure looked and sounded suspicious, but Pat was having trouble perceiving if he was telling the truth or not.


"Cause to me it looks like you're wielding a weapon of mass destruction, in the midst of mass destruction, and... throwing hats? Oh, never mind."


'I'm actually looking forward to him trying to explain this'


He thought.


(Avatar drawn by Inky) My OCs: Pat.Rio.T. & River Serene

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John thought about the situation for a bit. This sure looked like a bad situation for him, but he would for once try to use honesty. Who knows? It might work. John cleared his throat. "Well, i was sitting at the local caffe drinking my morning tea. Then an explosion suddenly erupted. I rushed to the scene and found a man with a rocket launcher causing property damage. So i went up and asked him what he was doing, and he answered believe it or not, art! He offered me pickles, and i declined. I threw my hat at him, only for him to disappear, while he 'disappeared' he dropped the rocket launcher in my hands." Said John completely calm. He cleaned his monocle, and awaited the mans response.

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Amongst the confusion the gentleman was feeling, and the excitment of the situation in general, a spot of green flame appears in the air. Then, after a few moments of hovering in place, it expands, ripping open a Rift in reality. On the other side, is a creature, peering through, chaos behind him. It looks like a grey horse, with a horn upon it's head. It wears purple clothes and glasses. Then, it crosses through, becoming human. His flash is pale, freckled. His plain, brown hair is combed over. His facial hair, stubble. His eyes are an azure, and have a darkness within them, that only war veterans who enjoyed their job, and serial killers possess. He's in a royal purple business suit, with a tattered purple cloak. The vest and pants are pinstriped. Shadow seems to billow around him, and he's covered in burns. He collapses, near unconscious, absorbing what fear and hatred are around him, feeding him, providing him nourishment. Restoring his magic.

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Police Officers soon approached Shade and demanded him to stop in his tracks. "But officers, I have a badge, see?" Shade reached into his pocket and held a small wallet which dropped open. What was contained inside was a crude drawing of a police badge labelled, SUPER SECRET AGENT OF AWESOMENESS, and a tiny signature at the bottom, colored in crayon.

"That isn't an official badge sir. We need you to vacate the premises."

"Oh no it very much is, it's an official police chief badge, so let me through!"

The officer took even a closer look and gave a surprised look. The signature at the bottom was the chief of police. Dumbfounded, he moved aside to let Shade in. "That's what I thought, I will go fix your banner problem. Probably should have a fire hose on standby." He winked at the officer and headed underneath the banner.

"So this Hangwoman is doing my job and making me go without paychecks, let me send her a message." Shade reached over to his HAMSPACE and materialized a bottle, tissue, and lighter. He lit the tissue and materialized a t-shirt cannon and loaded the molotov into it. "Got your molotovs here!"

The cannon launched the molotov straight into the air. It flew straight and true...until gravity caught up and it fell, a few stories short of its destination. It harmlessly hit the side of the building and flames descended. "Well that didn't work..."

Edited by Derplight Sperkle


Signature by me

Equestrian Empire Cast Characters:

Daring Do, Twilight Sparkle
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@Derplight Sperkle

"Ha ha, good luck ass clown! That banner is made from a fire blanket and lined with lead. No way your gonna be arsoning that thing off any time soon!" Noose thought to herself, bemused at the pyromaniacs attempts to clear his grievances with her work.  


"But, if he does try that again, I've got a plan that'll take him off my list before he's even on it." 

Edited by Denim&Venom

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"Looks like I need to do this the old fashioned way, up the stairs I go!" Shade ran into the building and began running up the stairs. After a few floors, he began slowing down. "Man I hate stairs..."


As he got closer to the roof where the banner was hung from, he saw the building had an elevator. "Seriously! Why didn't I notice that before!" Fed up, he just walked up the rest.


Now at the roof, Shade walked over to the banner. "Now let's try the fire one more time." A pack of matches materialized in his hands. "I never thought of why I put those in there, thank you Hangwoman for giving me reason to use this!" Shade lit the match and dropped it down onto the banner, hoping it would light. The match fell down and hit the banner multiple times, each time it failed to light the banner.


"Damn it! Ugh if fire doesn't work, I guess it's time for some good ol' explosives! Enough C4 will always solve your problems!" With that said, Shade began setting explosives at where the banner was hung. "How about this Hangwoman! This will teach you to take my kills, you shall C4 yourself!"


Signature by me

Equestrian Empire Cast Characters:

Daring Do, Twilight Sparkle
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Hesh looked at him just appearing infront of him ''teleportation... eh? And no thank you, I'm not in the mood for eating. Name's Hesh though.'' He looked at the burning hunk of metal ''So you were the one to blow this place up? Must say i'm impressed by your choice of force when destroying things'' he then scratched the back of his head ''Wonder if there is someone who wants to spend some time fighting these days... Ah, kind of miss the old factory now'' he spoke to himself as he remembered the days. He looked at the burning metal once again ''What kind of rocket did you use? Really interested in that'' he then looked away to activate his eyes causing them to change in colour, ofcourse he was just preparing himself for something he had been waiting for.


Hooligan thought for a moment, "hey voice in my head," Hooligan said, "what rocket did we use?"

The voice in Hooligan's head shrugged, then he remembered he was a disembodied voice and if he did shrug no one would see him, "FYI," he said, "I just shrugged."

Hooligan turned to Hesh and shrugged, "It was a boomy rocket."


@@Pat.Rio.T., @,


Hooligan turned to the building he had come from and saw the monocle wearing man standing next to a stranger. There was no doubt a lot of confusion. "Hey!" Hooligan shouted at them, "why don't you just hurry up and kiss?!"

Edited by Dapper Charmer
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@@Literally Snails,


Just before he left, Emile noticed that the robot was in another section of town, one that was utter chaos. He recognized several other faces at the scene, and felt it would be a bad idea to engage, but he decided he would interfere anyways. He put on the helmet and his sight and hearing seemed to increase tenfold. It caused him a headache at first, but after a few minutes he had adjusted to it. He opened a rift in front of him and one in an alley near the scene. When he arrived, he opened a rift several feet away from him and one underneath the robot. He had a few questions to ask...

  • Brohoof 1


The size limits on signatures is ridiculous...


Main OC: https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/guy-manueldj-br0n-3-r4076

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@@Jellal Fernandes,


Gatasubal fell through and landed in the alleyway on it's feet with a thud. A voice started playing over it's speakers, only loud enough for Gatasubal to hear.

"What happened? We just lost your signal for a moment."


"Gathering data." Gatasubal replied. It had no way to answer that question. The machine started scanning the area around it.


Previously known as: Supahsnail, Snails, SnailZOID, Snails (The Beautiful), The Beautiful Snailzuki, Pretty Koenma, SecretAgentSnails, Topaz, SnailZOID Reynolds, SnailZOID Cage, and Snails The Klayman

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7ks7cTevfRojdvkwD5yROg

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@@Literally Snails,


"You can stop with the 'gathering,'" Emile said. "I brought you here to have a little... chat, let's say..." he continued. "Confused about what just happened? I was too, when I first did it. It's called a rift, a hole in time and space. I use it to get around, and to... manipulate the environment... Anyways, I know of every person of interest in this city, so tell me," he paused. "Why don't I know you?"

Edited by Jellal Fernandes
  • Brohoof 1


The size limits on signatures is ridiculous...


Main OC: https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/guy-manueldj-br0n-3-r4076

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@@Literally Snails,


"You can stop with the 'gathering,'" Emile said. "I brought you here to have a little... chat, let's say..." he continued. "Confused about what just happened? I was too, when I first did it. It's called a rift, a hole in time and space. I use it to get around, and to... manipulate the environment... Anyways, I know of every person of interest in this city, so tell me," he paused. "Why don't I know you?"


"This unit will issue a warning that theft or vandalism of police property is a felony offence." Gatasubal warned, although that did more or less answer one of Emile's questions. "You have interfered with an ongoing investigation. You are the one who must explain himself."


Previously known as: Supahsnail, Snails, SnailZOID, Snails (The Beautiful), The Beautiful Snailzuki, Pretty Koenma, SecretAgentSnails, Topaz, SnailZOID Reynolds, SnailZOID Cage, and Snails The Klayman

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7ks7cTevfRojdvkwD5yROg

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, @Dapper Charmer,  


Pat was pondering the crazy story that he was told. It was so crazy and far out, in fact, that he almost believed it. But suddenly, someone yelled out something to them. He wasn't paying attention to what the person said, but he turned to look at him, and then asked,


"Do you know him?"


(Avatar drawn by Inky) My OCs: Pat.Rio.T. & River Serene

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@@Literally Snails,


"You're still in the same neighborhood as you were. The chaos is just outside of this alleyway. I have in no way tampered with you. I go by Rift, I'm trying to solve this Maelstrom case, I assume it was you who decommissioned my camera. Nice job on that, I've never had that happen to me before. However, I must ask you again to answer my question, or else I will have to put you out of commission," Emile replied.

Edited by Jellal Fernandes


The size limits on signatures is ridiculous...


Main OC: https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/guy-manueldj-br0n-3-r4076

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@@Derplight Sperkle,


Noose watched the theatrics occurring around her banner from her scope on the roof opposite. This "Shade" character, as she saw on his "badge" from afar, was still trying, and failing, to set her work ablaze. "I'm not stupid. A revolutionary has to know these things." She then saw him switch tactics, and start placing charges on the rooftops edge. "Well if that isn't overkill." She couldn't hear him from that distance, but she could read his lips. "Your kills? A life worth taking is free game my friend. But don't worry. You and your kind won't be around long enough to worry about it. Your demise, I'll C4 myself." 


All The Hangwoman had to do was wait until he left the rooftop. 

Edited by Denim&Venom

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@@Derplight Sperkle,


Jennifer watched as the love of her life was talked to by the police. She tried to get in for a closer listen and look but that was when naturally she walked into the light pole. Luckily it did not hurt but she had a red mark on her nose. She looked around for the mystery man but could not find him anywhere. "aww don't tell me the mystery man got taken by the police man." She chewed her bottom lip unhappy in general all around. Maybe if she flew around the rooftops she could find him more easily, but then she also remembered the last time she flew she had killed that poor bird in flight. She looked at all the pigeons gathered around her. "Oh noes poor birdies." But she must be stronger than that. Going into a random alleyway she hid behind a dumpster to change into her outfit. The homeless man who lived nearby was very happy that day.


"I'm going to find you mystery man" She flew straight upward only afterwards realizing she forgot her panties again. But she just didn't have time for them anymore. She was on a mission. Once she was up in the sky she scanned the horizon until she heard the sound of laughter coming from the nearby rooftop. She flew straight towards the sound tripping over the edge of the roof and crashing into the man of dreams face first. "I found you mystery man!" She gave him the biggest hug ever.


((also keep in mind this girl did some damage to the roof))



signature by Pucksterv

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Shade was putting the finishing touches on his explosive present when all of the sudden he was flying across the rooftop. After he landed, he felt a rib fracture, but his healing factor soon repaired it with no problems. What surprised him however was the woman wrapped around him that was probably the cause of his situation.


"Whoa whoa whoa. Who are you and why did you just tackle me?" Shade said while he tried to pull his pistol out of its holster. It was no use, since this woman had what seemed like to be a vise grip. "You better not be this Hangwoman I'm currently trying to send a message to..."


Signature by me

Equestrian Empire Cast Characters:

Daring Do, Twilight Sparkle
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@@Literally Snails,


"You're still in the same neighborhood as you were. The chaos is just outside of this alleyway. I have in no way tampered with you. I go by Rift, I'm trying to solve this Maelstrom case, I assume it was you who decommissioned my camera. Nice job on that, I've never had that happen to me before. However, I must ask you again to answer my question, or else I will have to put you out of commission," Emile replied.


"You are threatening me." Gatasubal stated. "That is inadvisable." The way he stated that bland sentence made it seem cold and intimidating. The machine wouldn't be responding to threats. "I can answer some of your questions, yes, but understand that there are blocks in my data core that prevent me from answering some queries, even if I wanted to."


Previously known as: Supahsnail, Snails, SnailZOID, Snails (The Beautiful), The Beautiful Snailzuki, Pretty Koenma, SecretAgentSnails, Topaz, SnailZOID Reynolds, SnailZOID Cage, and Snails The Klayman

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7ks7cTevfRojdvkwD5yROg

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@@Derplight Sperkle,


"Hangwoman?...but, but my name is Vixen." Vixen was sad, why was the mystery man being so mean to her. "All I wanted to do was meet you but your just being a big meanie face." Vixen stopped hugging her mystery man. Maybe he wasn't her mystery man after all. She continued to sit on him but pouted.  

Edited by Halloweeny Britty



signature by Pucksterv

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@@Derplight Sperkle,@,  


"C'mom, c'mon, hurry up and leave! It's C4! How complicated can it be?" Noose muttered to herself while watching through her rifle scope. "Bomb techs aren't even this slow." She adjusted the focus, when all of a sudden, Shade was gone. "Okay what." She looked out of her scope, closing her eyes for a moment so that she could put her tinted goggles back on and scan the the roof opposite. She spotted one, no, two figures on the roof. She adjusted her rifles position to accommodate, taking off her googles back off to peer though the scope.


She spotted Shade on the ground, and a rather voluptuous woman on top of him. "Hello. What have we got here?" She said to herself as she watched lil miss biggins start to cuddle her quarry. "Maybe she'll crush him to death. Oh that'd be just too fantastic." She read the lips of both cuddler and cuddly. Apparently her name was Vixen. "Another super. Go figure. She reminds of this one cross eyed horse I keep seeing on this revamp of an eighties- whoaoh!" She acclaimed at the sight beholden to her by her scope. Without hesitation she quickly fished her camera out of one of her pockets, attaching the lens component on the way up, and placing it right on her scope. 




She checked the screen. It turned out perfectly. "Hot... damn." She tucked the camera back in and went back to looking through her scope. "Oh thanks to you, my barrel is now primed and loaded-" she cocked a round into the rifle, "And ready to fire off a few of my rounds into you." she said in a low voice.


"Oh, and both the worlds loudest & slowest demolitionist underneath you, will die too."


Though she wondered, and hoped, that with the way things were currently looking through her scope, she would be getting a show, before she made one of her own."

Edited by Denim&Venom

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@@Literally Snails,


"Oh, I understand that very much, but that's never stopped me before. Tell me, what are you? What is your purpose?" Emile asked the robot.




A tall, stalwart man strode through the suburbs in what looked to be very heavy plate armor. He carried with him four swords.


The size limits on signatures is ridiculous...


Main OC: https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/guy-manueldj-br0n-3-r4076

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