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I like Discord, but I hate the way they handled him at so many points. Season 9 was the worst offender by far.

  • Brohoof 4

At first I rejected the zero, but that was because I simply didn't understand it. Now I do.

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On 2021-09-01 at 1:34 PM, Paleopony said:

Same here. Feeling Pinkie Keen wasn't bad at all, the moral at the end was just worded in the wrong way.


I think Feeling Pinkie Keen is one of the funniest episodes of Friendship is Magic. 

  • Brohoof 1



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I used to think Season 4 was better than Season 3 because it help fleshed out stories and characters more. But now, thinking back on it, Season 4 wasn't all that great.

Not to say it was bad, it was slightly better than Season 3, but it was nowhere near as good compared to Season 2, in hindsight, Plus, I find Season 4 more forgettable than anything else.

Though, I will say, Season 5 holds up much better, for the most part.

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  • 4 months later...

Seasons 8 and 9 suffered from taking too few risks, not for taking too many. Although they were willing to introduce the School of Friendship, it seemed like the show was scared of deviating too much from the norm, so the student six only had a few episodes in Season 8 and were a complete non presence in Season 9. Since I found the established characters flat and uninteresting by this point and I did not like most of the episodes featuring them, I think these seasons would have been far better if the Student 6 and Friendship school was developed far more.  Even if it was done poorly, it would have at least given these seasons a new style and dynamic over the previous ones to give a sense of uniqueness and purpose. As it is these seasons were halfway stuck between trying to be unique and trying to be more of the same, and they fail in both of these departments imo. I find it interesting how my issues with this era are the complete opposite of the issues others have with it. Others dislike it for taking too many risks while I think it should have completely ran with its risks. :mlp_ooh:

I have a similar reason for why I strongly prefer The Office Season 8 over Season 9. Season 8 of The Office, for all of its flaws, heavily featured on Robert California (who I found hilarious) and Andy's dynamic with him. It wasn't just trying to feel like previous Office seasons, it was its own thing with its own story and dynamics. Because of the enjoyment I got from Robert California and the new dynamics, it gave me something to enjoy that I didn't get in the previous seasons of the show, so it gave me a reason to watch it. Despite it not being nearly as good as the previous seasons, I don't think about the quality decline when watching it because it is so different and good in its own way. Season 9 on the other hand dropped Robert California and its focused dynamic, and felt more like a lesser version of the previous seasons than its own thing. Like the Friendship School Era of MLP, it had some shake ups to the dynamic but did not truly run with the changes. Office Season 9 may be better than 8 in certain aspects, but since it failed to be its own thing it is nothing more than an inferior version of the show to me so I have no desire to watch it outside of the work bus episode and the finale. Watching both these seasons of MLP and Season 9 of The Office just made me want to watch earlier seasons of the shows instead. 

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6 hours ago, AppleButt said:

I liked that episode, too.  

Don't worry, Joshscorcher did too. I personally disliked the episode, as I thought they portrayed the conflict and moral poorly and found the humor to be cringeworthy. However, I do find it to be overhated and people like Josh have valid reasons to like it. 

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9 minutes ago, Orchid_Fiore said:

It was not necessary to introduce non-pony related races. In addition, a world formed by hybrids creatures like Kirins or hippogriffs would be cool.

I agree to some extent. It certainly shifted focus to the non-pony races as time went on.

  • Brohoof 1

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not unpopular but i just wanted to say them

 note: i stopped watching the show in 2017 and started becoming uninterested in 2016 so i have loads of catching up to do

1: rarity and aj deserves more love 

2: idc what anyone says the last problem isnt canon and will never be its a wholesome episode but i dont see it as canon i see it as filler

3: tall twilight sucks and they should've kept the hair the same but still flowy and should've used cadence's or luna's model instead of celestia's

4: they did discord hella dirty in season 9 and he shouldnt have been forgiven for almost destroying equestria or plotting to destroy it to "encourage" twilight, since he was given one too many chances to change

5: they really had no reason to introduce cozy glow and she didnt do anything to the story but make her a twist villian for whatever reason.

6: if discord, starlight, and sunset was redeemed along with the changelings and other characters i might not know of, chrystalis shouldve also gotten redeemed or tried to change as soon as the "friendship sharing love" speech was given 

7: the show's heavily flawed but i do enjoy seeing pastel ponies save the world


(fandom related): alicorn ocs are ok most people who make them are like 6 you guys shouldnt be clowning on kids trynna have fun since their ocs will NEVER be canon in the show or any mlp reboot in that matter

i cannot think of any more

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I like a lot the points raised by sadboy0701and I have some comments regarding to the most important ones (in my opinion):  

18 hours ago, sadboy0701 said:

2: idc what anyone says the last problem isnt canon and will never be its a wholesome episode but i dont see it as canon i see it as filler

3: tall twilight apesta y deberían haber mantenido el cabello igual pero todavía fluido y deberían haber usado el modelo de cadence o luna en lugar de celestia

RT to this 1000 times. I hated the finale. I disliked the fact about Twilight becoming the Equestria ruler. And also, I hated her Celestia-like look, it's very unoriginal.

18 hours ago, sadboy0701 said:

4: they did discord hella dirty in season 9 and he shouldnt have been forgiven for almost destroying equestria or plotting to destroy it to "encourage" twilight, since he was given one too many chances to change

Pretty obvious that the writers were not the same as the past seasons/episodes? The S9 Discord is terrible.

18 hours ago, sadboy0701 said:

5: they really had no reason to introduce cozy glow and she didnt do anything to the story but make her a twist villian for whatever reason.

A lot of fans have certain resentment about this. I'm neutral but agree to some extent.

Edited by Orchid_Fiore
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alot of people here likes to say " I hate twilight with wings, or I hate twilight ruler, starlight shouldn't exist, or reformed changeling sucks.... cozy glow this trixie that AJ here and RD it...


those people.... aren't they the same as racists and sexists that they hate? 🤔 so Ironic?

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  • 6 months later...
On 2021-09-02 at 4:35 PM, -Solstice- said:

Mane 6 ships are extremely over-rated. Fluttershy is an over-rated character as well, 

I do agree with you on Mane six ships. I feel like having two (or more)of them fall in love with each other undermines the meaning of the show itself. MLP is about  six friends, not three couples or whatever. I do realize that people like shipping these characters, that’s fine with me, but I really can’t see these characters falling in love with each other in the context of the actual show. 

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On 2021-09-04 at 9:01 PM, Cash_In said:

I like Discord, but I hate the way they handled him at so many points. Season 9 was the worst offender by far.

Yes, I love Discord, but him pretending to be Grogar really made me disappointed in the writers.

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Luna kinda sucks, she made some illusions, and got blasted in two seconds by the elements, this was pre alicorn Twilight, pre pretty much any character development by the Mane 6, she's boring, unhelpful and I thought she was cuter by literal design before they tried to make her like Celestia, Nightmare Moon 2nd WORST villain, some ppl are blinded by their Faust goggles bc those episodes, speed bump! Literally how you start MLP.. (literally the Cozy Glow plot is better)

Starlight Glimmer was a GOD SEND and I've got MULTIPLE posts around these forums stating all my reasons, she was what the show needed and especially what Twilight needed to progress as head mare to eventually become Princess of Equestria...

I know I have "Unicorn" listed as favorite anthro race but I honestly think it's the Changelings, all potential considered they are probably the most powerful species seeing as they can mimic other creatures, but also other creatures gimmicks..


I don't hate Flash Sentry, like the rest of the bronies that thought they had something special with Twilight lol, I friendzone him, I friendzone him HARD, it's why he's great to keep around, it's cool for the stereotypical popular guy to have a crush on the nerdy girl, I'm all for it, I'm just liking the ending where he doesn't get the girl but someone else does, keep boosting that confidence lol...

Seasons 5-7 had great episodes and way better plot material than, "aah my jealous sister is back, here's some stuff that isn't real! Whaddya guys gonna do, blast me with a rainbow or something" "ok" "cripes can I be forgiven now teh moon sucks, and make my mane glow"... We had REAL stories of jealousy, betrayal, ego, redemption, trust, and this was utilizing the shows messages, showing character strengths and even weakness(I.E Twilight's blinded strides for Starswirls approval)


I really wish we could have got "some" screen adaptation of Scorpan just as much as I had wished Grogar was actually Grogar and not Discord trying to do something with his final braincell... 

I love love looooove me some Sunset Shimmer but SHE ALWAYS BELONGED in the human realm, ESPECIALLY after Rainbow Rocks, she has her own friends, friends she's literally seen herself become a literal element with, she's not gonna ditch her friends, her new life, new found experiences(although we don't know where or how she lives in the human realm as a single teen girl) that's not important, what's important is all but Twilight, the rest of the cast are LITERAL strangers to Sunset in Equestria, we aren't gonna waste a bunch of time trying to get her up to speed with everything in Equestria, and them in vice versa with all of her human experiences, it was just never meant to be... 

I "sometimes" wish that a different Pinkie would have won Twilight's challenge in "Too Many Pinkie Pies", sometimes man, she's usually the right amount of nope, but "sometimes" man I just wonder if we would have been better off sending her to the pool lol I usually love Pinkie, I'm kind of playing kind of not 

And the last thing is kind of an opinion, kind of a question, lol, I love Griffons, Griffon The Brush Off, is what ultimately sold me on MLP at the "very beginning" I'm just lost with all the context we have as to why Gilda is a junior speedster? I guess it shows pegasi have been way ahead of everypony else when talking about inclusion.. chancellor neighsay wasn't having any creature inclusion at the school, but at flight school they were on it in Cloudsdale since the beginning man.. lol



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  • 1 year later...
On 2022-08-10 at 7:16 PM, Megas said:

I wish we got another season of Pony Life

They’ve simply dropped off the bubble spewing or whatever thing, and it was left on a cliffhanger :dry:. I wish all loose ends were solved :scoots:. That last season was more enjoyable with all the comet, dimension hopping and time travel :scoots:


I’m not sure if this is as unpopular any due to it’s better quality, but I always liked G5 to be a sequel to FIM :oh_golly:

  • Brohoof 1


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I am ultimately rather indifferent toward Starlight Glimmer as a protagonist. I like her overall, but she always felt more banal and ill-defined after she reformed.

I tend not to mind the Student Six either; not in concept, at least. Except for Yona, but that is more because they characterized every Yak as an obnoxious barbarian.

Basically every single Friendship is Magic villain is hard-carried by their designs. In practice, most are fairly lame threats that fold to the power of friendship too easily.

I strongly dislike the latter-day season's characterization of the Royal Sisters. Seeing them constantly fighting over trivial things is just bewildering after what they went through together.

I adored every single one of the musical episodes, including Magical Mystery Cure. Crusaders of the Lost Mark is my favorite, but that part is likely not unpopular.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 2023-09-28 at 2:17 AM, The Recherche said:

I am ultimately rather indifferent toward Starlight Glimmer as a protagonist. I like her overall, but she always felt more banal and ill-defined after she reformed.

She feels very much like Diet Twilight Sparkle to me. All the things Twilight was, but toned down. 

On 2023-09-28 at 2:17 AM, The Recherche said:

I tend not to mind the Student Six either; not in concept, at least. Except for Yona, but that is more because they characterized every Yak as an obnoxious barbarian.

Again, they just feel like the Diet Mane Six to me.

On 2023-09-28 at 2:17 AM, The Recherche said:

Basically every single Friendship is Magic villain is hard-carried by their designs. In practice, most are fairly lame threats that fold to the power of friendship too easily.

100% agree. Their design is *on* *point*, but they're rather weak in intent and actual threat (except maaaaaybe Sombra who feels a bit more like a threat to me)

On 2023-09-28 at 2:17 AM, The Recherche said:

I strongly dislike the latter-day season's characterization of the Royal Sisters. Seeing them constantly fighting over trivial things is just bewildering after what they went through together.

Sure, but they're still sisters. It would make sens that they would still be fighting over stupid things. Maybe not to an extent that it threathen the balance of things, but still.

On 2023-09-28 at 2:17 AM, The Recherche said:

I adored every single one of the musical episodes, including Magical Mystery Cure. Crusaders of the Lost Mark is my favorite, but that part is likely not unpopular.

Same, just same. Those songs are burned into my brain and will never leave. They did a fantastic job with the songs, throughout the whole serie. Even relatively bad episodes are saved by awesome music.

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14 hours ago, Hadrien said:

She feels very much like Diet Twilight Sparkle to me. All the things Twilight was, but toned down.

I imagine the intent was for them to introduce a new unicorn Twilight after Twilicorn happened, which I do understand I suppose. Twilight had developed a lot in the first 4 seasons, and had thus become more "boring." I can understand the desire to have a more snarky nerd in the cast again, but even as the show was coming to a close, I never quite "got" Starlight Glimmer. She was fairly mishandled I would say; the only element of her character I truly enjoyed was her friendships with Spike and Trixie. She otherwise felt a bit too banal.

14 hours ago, Hadrien said:

Again, they just feel like the Diet Mane Six to me.

The idea of the Student Six was good on paper; with how many sentient species existed in Equestria after 7 seasons, the concept of a friend group developing among all of them after they had been segregated for so long is a sound one. The issue is, to your point: it is basically the Mane Six again with extra steps. All of the Mane Six came from wildly different backgrounds, but learned to forge friendships together in spite of their differences. The Student Six do the exact same thing in a flashier way, but we never got to know them well enough for it to resonate as well, I would say.

14 hours ago, Hadrien said:

100% agree. Their design is *on* *point*, but they're rather weak in intent and actual threat (except maaaaaybe Sombra who feels a bit more like a threat to me)

I actually did like Sombra quite a lot in the Season 3 premiere; he was never going to be allowed to do anything particularly heinous, so keeping him in the shadows and making him a sort of looming, ticking time-bomb of a threat was a good way to build tension. I don't like his Season 9 reappearance however; even looking past the silly voice acting, his achievements of destroying the Elements of Harmony and conquering the Crystal Empire and Canterlot just don't resonate because of how unimportant they were. Especially once you know that Discord was ultimately responsible for all of it.

14 hours ago, Hadrien said:

Sure, but they're still sisters. It would make sens that they would still be fighting over stupid things. Maybe not to an extent that it threathen the balance of things, but still.

It is ultimately a matter of preference; I think most people enjoyed the more eccentric Royal Sisters of latter day MLP, but I honestly just did not. I primarily enjoyed how much mystique and tragedy surrounded them in the earlier seasons; Celestia especially came across as a very regal, but illusive and melancholy figure. Her story is basically one of an ancient being losing all of her closest friends over time, often with her at fault in some way. A lot of folks say that early season Celestia lacked any character depth; perhaps true, but the unstated aspects of her character made her fascinating for me. Luna's side of the story goes without saying as well.

To phrase it another, less obtuse way, think of Celestia specifically as I did. An ancient, incredibly powerful being that is nonetheless haunted by her past, losing three of her closets friends: Sunset Shimmer, Starswirl, and most importantly, Luna. Despite this, she remains a warm and compassionate figure for her students, and keeps a regal demeanor. Luna was driven to become Nightmare Moon by her resentment, and was banished and separated from her sister for millennia because of it. The Nightmare Moon incident was both of their defining character moments, in a way.

But then these two have spats over things like security protocol, with Royal Problem specifically saying that Nightmare Moon and Daybreaker could be unleashed if they kept fighting. My interpretation of the Royal Sisters was evidently different from what the creative team had, which isn't a problem really. Nonetheless, I do not like how these two were handled the further the show went on.

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4 hours ago, The Recherche said:

I can understand the desire to have a more snarky nerd in the cast again, but even as the show was coming to a close, I never quite "got" Starlight Glimmer. She was fairly mishandled I would say; the only element of her character I truly enjoyed was her friendships with Spike and Trixie.

That's the thing. After her reformation, she never was really as snarky as she was before. Like yeah she stood up to Twilight sometimes and make snarky remarks about the weirdness of it all, but she always felt subservient to Twilight most of the time. Her realtion with Spike was enjoyable, kind of like the "new hire" vs the "old man" at the job of being under Twilight.

4 hours ago, The Recherche said:

I don't like his Season 9 reappearance however; even looking past the silly voice acting, his achievements of destroying the Elements of Harmony and conquering the Crystal Empire and Canterlot just don't resonate because of how unimportant they were.

I think they felt unimportant just because we knew it wasn't the thing that really mattered, and the fact Discord was there. Discord's the closest one that achieved a true "victory" against the Mane Six by turning their elements against themselves and everyone knows Sombra didn't stood a chance against him for real. But when you think about what Sombra wanted to achieve, he actually did a lot in the S9 Premier. He took advantage of the fact the sisters were gone to stage his return, and "almost" had it. For a villain, that's as close as we can get.

5 hours ago, The Recherche said:

But then these two have spats over things like security protocol, with Royal Problem specifically saying that Nightmare Moon and Daybreaker could be unleashed if they kept fighting. My interpretation of the Royal Sisters was evidently different from what the creative team had, which isn't a problem really. Nonetheless, I do not like how these two were handled the further the show went on.

I wasn't a fan of the security protocol fact, I'll give you that. It really was inconsequential. But the Royal Problem did show a part of their dynamic I enjoyed : The fact that even after all they went through with Nightmare Night, when the routine sets in, you go back to your old habits. Celestia never really understood what Luna did and vice-versa. All they did was assume things about the other, and fought with those resentement, which in turn would lead to Nightmare Moon and Daybreaker all over again. But after that episode, they should've learned their lessons for good, since they *now* know what the other *really* does. Beside that, I agree with you that the more regal and measured aspect of them both was better suited for the show, I'm not a fan of the eccentricities (maaaaaaybe juuuuust a little). Which is why I don't like the plot point of them retireing in the last season, there really was no point to that beside putting Twilight on the throne for *reasons*. 

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