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open Fallout Equestria: Aftermath (Rp)


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OOC: https://mlpforums.com/topic/147478-fallout-equestria-aftermath/ Please don't lock my thread mods


Welcome wary wanderers. Take a seat for a moment, and let me tell you a story. It is the story of a mare, one called Littlepip. She once tried to “save the wasteland”. And if you believe the stories they tell, she came very close. Stopping both the Enclave from destroying everything, Red eye from enslaving the world and those mutant Alicorn’s from feeding off of our life. Though people nowadays see her as a liar. She promised to clear the clouds, to bring back the sun. A lot of good that did her. Neither of those things came true in the end. And where is she now? Dead is the most likely answer. We have a few odd balls who still think they can finish her work. Bunch of radical nut jobs if you ask me. Enough of that though, I got a job for you. Interested?





"Um...." Quiet Storm hesitated, Knowing full well how shady these ponies are, He wasn't convinced he could trust them. But considering the reason the earth pony was here, Quiet didn't have many options.


"Ok......What's the job?"


@@Child Of Darkness

Edited by The Real 1990
  • Brohoof 2

OCS: flamestreak and blue-diamond
I had a bible verse here before? Geez, things have changed so much. Uhh, Trans Rights

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"Looks like I caught someone's attention. You don't strike me as the merc type, but looks can be very deceiving. Feel no regret if you decline what I am about to ask of you. For I will say this clearly. Only those who are stupid or confident will take this job." The mysterious stallion fixed his suit and hat, keeping his face hidden well. "As you may know, the wasteland is ruled by people who are not scared to flaunt power and are capable of control. Most of these ponies are good individuals and run towns and settlements. But my people have a problem with a certain group of ponies that have become a terror to the Wasteland. If left unchecked, they could one day bring us all down to our knees. I'm talking about a group of Raiders that have settled in the mountains in the west. Not far away from the coastline. They call themselves; White Sting. Not the most original name, but it gets the message across. The Job is to eliminate these ponies. Wipe out most of the gangs members, but make sure that their Leader die. So they do not re-establish in another part of the wasteland. Unfortunately, this is all the Intel we have on them as they are very protective of their home, no one has got a good look at it and lived. If you take this job, it will be the most dangerous task you will ever do. Of course, you will be compensated. My people offer the price of 50,000 Caps and unlimited use of resources and protection for the Pony/ Ponies who do succeed in this suicide mission. Well, have I put you off yet?"

  • Brohoof 1

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@ @@Child Of Darkness


A rough looking, pale-blue coated unicorn stood leaning on the wall, listening in total silence to the conversation.

He wore an outfit of leather armour, covering up everything but his head and lower legs. His messy, curly black mane sat on his head like a dirty mop, his tail in a similar condition. His eyes, sporting purple irises, were bloodshot and circled with dark rings, suggesting serious problems with sleeping.

His muzzle was covered by a black bandanna, with the image of a pony's skull and the number thirteen embroidered in it. A combat shotgun was strewn across his back, while a lead pipe sat in a loop on the side of his armour.


At the mention of the Raider group's name, he stepped forward, his eyes bearing onto the well-dressed stallion.


"White Sting," he spoke up, "I've heard of them. A club of foals with toy guns and plastic swords compared to what I've seen."


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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@ @@Child Of Darkness


"White Sting," he spoke up, "I've heard of them. A club of foals with toy guns and plastic swords compared to what I've seen."

"Then I'm afraid you're clearly mistaking them for another. When a bounty this large gets placed on what is a single group of Raiders, one must think that they're quite the dangerous bunch. We don't know much about them, what we do know is they are dangerous. And must he delt with. But I'm not going to turn someone away because of that. You sound confident enough that you could get rid of them in your sleep. Care to prove that?"

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f you take this job, it will be the most dangerous task you will ever do. Of course, you will be compensated. My people offer the price of 50,000 Caps and unlimited use of resources and protection for the Pony/ Ponies who do succeed in this suicide mission. Well, have I put you off yet?"


Quiet smirked


Yeah, if a Large stallion, barely revealing his face to you, wearing an all black suit and hat wasn't enough to unnerve you. Then having that stallion give you a job that will likely result in your death should do the trick.


"WelI, I don't have much of a choice sir, bartering in New Appleloosa has been slow, as of late, And if I don't make any trades soon, I'll likely starve. So no, I'm perfectly fine with this job."




"White Sting," he spoke up, "I've heard of them. A club of foals with toy guns and plastic swords compared to what I've seen."


Storm watched on skittishly as the grubby unicorn abruptly injected himself into the conversation. Just looking at the stallion sent a cold chill down Quiet's spine, this guy looked familiar.


"I feel like......I feel like I know you ." Quiet blurted anxiously

Edited by The Real 1990

OCS: flamestreak and blue-diamond
I had a bible verse here before? Geez, things have changed so much. Uhh, Trans Rights

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"Then I'm afraid you're clearly mistaking them for another. When a bounty this large gets placed on what is a single group of Raiders, one must think that they're quite the dangerous bunch. We don't know much about them, what we do know is they are dangerous. And must he delt with. But I'm not going to turn someone away because of that. You sound confident enough that you could get rid of them in your sleep. Care to prove that?"


The stallion gave an indignant snort at the contractor's comment. He obviously didn't know who he was.




"Consider them dead."



Storm watched on skittishly as the grubby unicorn abruptly injected himself into the conversation. Just looking at the stallion sent a cold chill down Quiet's spine, this guy looked familiar.


"I feel like......I feel like I know you ." Quiet blurted anxiously


He turned and looked at the smaller stallion, raising an eyebrow. He had no idea how, but his face rang a bell somewhere in his head.


"Let's hope that's just a gut feeling," he muttered.


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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The stallion gave an indignant snort at the contractor's comment. He obviously didn't know who he was.   Good.   "Consider them dead."  


This guy confident.....or just really stupid, either way looks like I'm gonna get some much needed help on this mission.




He turned and looked at the smaller stallion, raising an eyebrow. He had no idea how, but his face rang a bell somewhere in his head.   "Let's hope that's just a gut feeling," he muttered.


Quiet eyed him intently, trying to see anything that he could remember the stallion by, to no avail it only gave him a headache and more shivers.


"Yeah, lets hope. What's your name?"

Edited by The Real 1990

OCS: flamestreak and blue-diamond
I had a bible verse here before? Geez, things have changed so much. Uhh, Trans Rights

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The Stallion chuckled at the difference in personality between the people he was hiring. "One of you is over confident and the other looks like he doesn't have enough faith in himself. Well, now that you have accepted the Job, here's some more details. Their territory consists of most of the mountain range between Fetlock, Fillydelphia and Manehatten. The exact location of the home is unknown and neither is the strength. We can just guess that the more guards you encounter the closer to their home you are. They also have a very unique weapon at their disposal. They control Animals. Mainly scorpions. So watch the ground, lest one pops up and kills you before you even know what's happening. And finally. Their Leader is a mare. If you know anything about your power players, you'll know this name. Blooddrop, Queen Of The Raiders, and the single most dangerous person alive." The stallion stood and extended his hoof to the two. "Shake on it and we have a deal. Walk away and no one will blame you."

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Quiet eyed him intently, trying to see anything that he could remember the stallion by, to no avail it only give him a headache and more shivers.


"Yeah, lets hope. What's your name?"


The stallion eyed his apparent workmate for a few silent moments before finally answering.





The Stallion chuckled at the difference in personality between the people he was hiring. "One of you is over confident and the other looks like he doesn't have enough faith in himself. Well, now that you have accepted the Job, here's some more details. Their territory consists of most of the mountain range between Fetlock, Fillydelphia and Manehatten. The exact location of the home is unknown and neither is the strength. We can just guess that the more guards you encounter the closer to their home you are. They also have a very unique weapon at their disposal. They control Animals. Mainly scorpions. So watch the ground, lest one pops up and kills you before you even know what's happening. And finally. Their Leader is a mare. If you know anything about your power players, you'll know this name. Blooddrop, Queen Of The Raiders, and the single most dangerous person alive." The stallion stood and extended his hoof to the two. "Shake on it and we have a deal. Walk away and no one will blame you."


The unicorn gave brief nods at the details, taking them all in.

"Blooddrop, I've heard of her," He said, "the only one who'd be any real challenge."


He began picturing the mountainous landscapes as he raised his hoof, and he pressed it against the mystery stallion's to shake.


"I'm going to need a sniper rifle."


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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@@Unicorncob,@@Child Of Darkness, @,  


Ratchet stopped outside of bar to untie her facial bandanna which bore the emblem of the Dashite faction upon it, carefully she folded it up and placed it into the small saddle bag strapped to the left hand side of her body. Next she readjusted the pistol holster on her back left leg, making sure that the safety was off... past experiences had made her weary of unknown places and she knew that a second meant the difference between life and death.


Confident that her knife, .44 pistol and saddle bags were in order she walked silently into the bar, her eyes narrowing as she quickly mapped the building out, looking for any obvious threats as well as mapping out any possible exits. Content with her quick checks Ratchet made her way over to the bar, dragged out a dilapidated old stool and sat on it ungracefully, leaning over the bar with one hoof she motioned the inn keep to pour her a glass of Rum & Nuka, hard on the stomach, but good for forgetting a long days travel


Ratchet laid her head down on the greasy counter, giving a slight exhale of breath, the days travels had left her worn out and she was looking for a decent place to crash for the night. Noticing a cockroach scuttling across the bar she whipped out her knife at lightning speed and stabbed down, impaling the bug onto the counter, a slight smile flickered across her face as with a flick of the wrist the knife was securely back in it's holster. Putting her head down again she carried on drinking, one eye watching a gathering of ponies on the other side of the room. 


Ratchet kept picking up words like Contract, Kill, Bandits, Bounty causing her ears to perk up and point slightly in their direction, trying to hear more of the conversation. 

Edited by Jestwinged

-Amateur Artist-








Signature by ~Kyoshi~


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The stallion stood and extended his hoof to the two. "Shake on it and we have a deal. Walk away and no one will blame you."

"Some may think I have low self-esteem, but nobody can say I'm a coward." Quiet explained firmly but still meek sounding. Storm shook the mysterious pony's hoof with caution.





Their Leader is a mare. If you know anything about your power players, you'll know this name. Blooddrop, Queen Of The Raiders, and the single most dangerous person alive." 

"Also I do recognize the name, only through stories however."


​Man is she really the most dangerous pony alive? *sigh* We might  need an army to bring her down if so




The unicorn gave brief nods at the details, taking them all in. "Blooddrop, I've heard of her," He said, "the only one who'd be any real challenge."   He began picturing the mountainous landscapes as he raised his hoof, and he pressed it against the mystery stallion's to shake.   "I'm going to need a sniper rifle."


"I hope you're as talented as you are boastful. Also, while we're making requests, I need a bow and arrow. Nothing more."

Edited by The Real 1990

OCS: flamestreak and blue-diamond
I had a bible verse here before? Geez, things have changed so much. Uhh, Trans Rights

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@,@@Unicorncob,  "Well we're not a charity in terms of weapons by any means. I can't directly provide you with anything. But I can help you get started." The stallion went into a saddlebag he had hidden at the side of the table and withdrew two pouches of Caps. "I have about 2,000 caps that I can give each of you right now. This will not be deducted from final payment. Someone in the town will have the weapons you need. I can't do anything else though. I'm needed back with my people, maybe we will meet again one day. I have my doubts that we will though. Good luck." The stallion walked towards the door of the bar, stopping and turning to the two mercs one last time. "It may sound corny, but you really do need it." With that, he left the bar and vanished into the town.

Edited by Child Of Darkness

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"Raiders, you say?" He asked the old pony. The bag next to him was rapidly filling up with supplies as his quick hooves went to work, making sure he not only packed the necessities like ammo and water, but also the generous amounts of food the villagers were gladly forking over. "It can't be that bad, I've dealt with plenty of the scum in my time. They're nothing but cockroaches." Despite his re-assurance, half of the villagers still looked dead inside, shaking uncontrollably. He let out a brief sigh, fluffing up his mane and grabbing the saddlebag with his wing to place it carefully on his back. It was heavy, but he didn't know exactly what he was up against, so it would be important. 


He gave the entire village a second glance. It wasn't in bad shape by any means, but it had clearly felt some raider presence. It wasn't big either, just a few makeshift shelters and stalls, but it seemed like it was the same group of raiders that he'd already come across multiple times before. This was no small group. Or at least not the usual dumb one. He brought out his map, scanning over the different areas he'd marked out. Well with any luck, they'll be around there...somewhere. He circled his hoof around the mountains nearby, praying to Celestia he was correct otherwise it was yet another week of hiking around with little to no results. But still determined, he placed his map back in his bags and began the steady journey onwards, his eyes firmly set on the horizon and the mountains that decorated it.



---< Fanfic Writer, Music Maker, Film Director and Voice Actor  >---

        Don't expect anything incredible though! :D

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Quiet stared at his surplus of bits and then to his new "companion" multiple times before growing the nerve to open his muzzle and talk.


"Well.......we better get going, I doubt......whoever that was.......is coming back."  Quiet walked to the exit doors in the bar, he turned back around to Crackshot.


"My name is Quiet Storm, not that it's terribly important."

OCS: flamestreak and blue-diamond
I had a bible verse here before? Geez, things have changed so much. Uhh, Trans Rights

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"Thanks," Crackshot muttered, and took the sack of caps, feeling its weight in his hoof. He nodded once and put it into his saddlebag.


"Should be enough."



Quiet stared at his surplus of bits and then to his new "companion" multiple times before growing the nerve to open his muzzle and talk.


"Well.......we better get going, I doubt......whoever that was.......is coming back."  Quiet walked to the exit doors in the bar, he turned back around to Crackshot.


"My name is Quiet Storm, not that it's terribly important."


He grunted a bit in response, acknowledging the other stallion's name.


He got up and made for the exit of the bar, eyeing the pegasus with the Dashite branding as he passed her by.


She'll need to watch herself, showing off her allegiances so openly.


He walked out into the town of Junction R-7, and began walking to the train car that served as a weapons trader.

"I need some gear," he said to Quiet as he entered.


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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Ratchet groaned and got quickly out of her stool, spilling some of her drink down her front in her haste, clearly her subtle attempts to be noticed by the would-be bounty hunters had gone amiss, typical, most stallions around these parts were brutes, unable to pick up subtle messages. She stood in-between him and the door, standing up on her hind hooves and leaning on the door lazily, she smirked slightly and said in her slightly raspy voice '' If it's a fight your heading towards lad, maybe you could use some backup, a mare who's spent her days fighting, hunting and occasionally drinking ''  Laughing to herself, she spun her knife around in her right hoof lazily, her face partly obscured in shade  '' Then count me in ''    :sneer:

Edited by Jestwinged

-Amateur Artist-








Signature by ~Kyoshi~


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With a fizzle of electricity, the town of Junction R-7's radio transmitters and loudspeakers activated just as they always do. Just in time to listen in to one of DJ-PON3's famous news announcements.


"Good afternoon my beloved Wasteland. It is I, the one and only DJ-PON3. Coming to you once again on the air. Its time for our regularly scheduled news program, informing you on all the important Wasteland information that anyone who is smart would pay attention to. No major changes have happened in the Wasteland over the last few months, most of the Wasteland is the same as it always is. A mess. But I still need to keep you informed on one particular shithole out east. Those slimy Raiders who have a home somewhere in those damned mountains have been causing more and more problems for people ranging from Fillydelphia to Junction R-7, all the way out to Manehatten and back. They strut around thinking they own the place, they don't but they ain't far from the truth either. If you see a pony while out east, Riding on the back of a Scorpion or they have a White Scorpion Tattoo on their body, turn around and run the other direction. They are very dangerous, highly trained for a pack of Raiders. Although if my sources haven't been lying to me. Its seems a large bounty has been placed on the destruction of this Raider gang. Now I ain't saying we need another Littlepip to come on out of them old Stables and save our asses. But we need some people to step up and fight the good fight. 10 years since we had someone try and make a change, and I'd say this world is long overdue for its make over. This has been DJ-PON3 bringing you the real news of the Wasteland, Thanks for listening Children."


(^^ That was a fun bit of writing.)

Edited by Child Of Darkness
  • Brohoof 3

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Crackshot's ear flicked as the radio loudspeakers crackled to life, and the voice of the wasteland delivered the news about Raiders patrolling around the area between there and Fillydelphia.


He snorted. "Now I know who to shoot."



Now I ain't saying we need another Littlepip to come on out of them old Stables and save our asses. But we need some people to step up and fight the good fight. 10 years since we had someone try and make a change, and I'd say this world is long overdue for its make over.


The unicorn blinked once as he recalled the news that day. The day when 'The Stable Dweller' fell at Fillydelphia. Back then, he couldn't give a molerat's ass about what happened to a prissy little stable pony who thought she was all that, but nowadays, he understood the darkness that came with the news break.


He shook his head and went on toward the weapons trader.

This ain't a place for heroes.




Ratchet groaned and got quickly out of her stool, spilling some of her drink down her front in her haste, clearly her subtle attempts to be noticed by the would-be bounty hunters had gone amiss, typical, most stallions around these parts were brutes, unable to pick up subtle messages. She stood in-between him and the door, standing up on her hind hooves and leaning on the door lazily, she smirked slightly and said in her slightly raspy voice '' If it's a fight your heading towards lad, maybe you could use some backup, a mare who's spent her days fighting, hunting and occasionally drinking ''  Laughing to herself, she spun her knife around in her right hoof lazily, her face partly obscured in shade  '' Then count me in ''    :sneer:


He raised an eyebrow as the Dashite from before casually leaned against the door and tried to sell the two stallions her services.


"What can you do?" He simply asked.


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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Now I ain't saying we need another Littlepip to come on out of them old Stables and save our asses. But we need some people to step up and fight the good fight. 10 years since we had someone try and make a change, and I'd say this world is long overdue for its make over.


I remember that, me and few other slaves had been routing on littlepip for weeks. She was one the beckon of hope I could hang my hat on everyday, Littlepip kept most of us from going insane. That day she died......Well there were a lot of group suicides that day. I was.........thinking of joining one of them but.......*sigh* nostalgia's not always a good thing.




"Um....Do you remember Littlepip...Crackshot?"




'' If it's a fight your heading towards lad, maybe you could use some backup, a mare who's spent her days fighting, hunting and occasionally drinking ''  Laughing to herself, she spun her knife around in her right hoof lazily, her face partly obscured in shade  '' Then count me in '' 


Quiet stayed silent as the mare appeared infront of them. Only giving her a slight glance in response.

OCS: flamestreak and blue-diamond
I had a bible verse here before? Geez, things have changed so much. Uhh, Trans Rights

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 Ratchet grinned, continuing to twirl the knife around in her hands and replied '' What can I do? '' Without warning she launched the knife, skimming past the stallions head, it thudded into the bullseye on the darts sheet hanging up on the other side of the room, she cantered silently towards it, vaulting over the bar with next to no effort, rolling across the floor and scooping up the knife back into her holster with one movement before heading back and casually leaning on the door again, looking pleased with herself. '' I'm pretty good with throwing weapons in Medium range combat, close range hoof to hoof fighting, Sneakin' up on enemies unaware'' With that last statement she ran her hoof across her neck in a slicing motion and pulled an over exaggerated death face   :scoots: 


Ratchet swished her tail side to side slowly  :bedeyes:  and smiled a little ''Besides, two stallions like yourself, going up against a whole troope of bandits? You need somepony with a little bit of finesse in your group, someone to clean up the mess you two make'' she said in a joking tone. Noticing them both looking wearily at her Dashite branding she shrugged and said simply '' Don't worry about that old thing, my loyalties are to myself, fellow dashites and good people of the wastelands, as you should know our days at the enclave are long over ''. She raised a hoof to them, '' So are we gonna do this or what? '' ;) 

Edited by Jestwinged

-Amateur Artist-








Signature by ~Kyoshi~


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Ratchet grinned, continuing to twirl the knife around in her hands and replied '' What can I do? '' Without warning she launched the knife, skimming past the stallions head, it thudded into the bullseye on the darts sheet hanging up on the other side of the room, she cantered silently towards it, vaulting over the bar with next to no effort, rolling across the floor and scooping up the knife back into her holster with one movement before heading back and casually leaning on the door again, looking pleased with herself. '' I'm pretty good with throwing weapons in Medium range combat, close range hoof to hoof fighting, Sneakin' up on enemies unaware'' With that last statement she ran her hoof across her neck in a slicing motion and pulled an over exaggerated death face   :scoots: 


Ratchet swished her tail side to side slowly  :bedeyes:  and smiled a little ''Besides, two stallions like yourself, going up against a whole troope of bandits? You need somepony with a little bit of finesse in your group, someone to clean up the mess you two make'' she said in a joking tone. Noticing them both looking wearily at her Dashite branding she shrugged and said simply '' Don't worry about that old thing, my loyalties are to myself, fellow dashites and good people of the wastelands, as you should know our days at the enclave are long over ''. She raised a hoof to them, '' So are we gonna do this or what? '' ;) 


Crackshot watched nonchalantly as the pegasus mare showed off what she could do. Watching her slick movements, he could tell she was definitely trained by a professional. History in the Enclave, no doubt.


But, considering her branding, he had no reason to doubt her loyalties. Dashites were considered dead to those elitist cloud walkers.


If she was as good as she said, no doubt she'd be useful for the job.


He took a step forward. "Are you gonna hog the door all day, or are we gonna get prepped for this job?"


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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Ratchets grin wavered a little bit, she wasn't used to dealing with people who were apparently so cold, but she had worked with several of this type before. Ponies who take on a job, have no fun while their at it, they just see it as work, work until they die all for a few caps, where's the fun in that? She stepped aside and walked out of the doors, shielding her face with a hoof as the bright light of the sun shone in her eyes, reaching inside of her saddle bag she pulled out a pair of combat goggles (http://www.hiairsoft.com/images/combat-gear/combat_gear3871.jpg) and slapped them onto her head, immediately the level of light was bearable again. 


Yawning and stretching she then turned around to the pair of stallions and said lazily ''Lead the way lads, Been a while since I have travelled these parts''

-Amateur Artist-








Signature by ~Kyoshi~


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@,  @@Unicorncob,



Quiet slowly moved toward the door, not showing any apparent interest in the mare's performance. He could have done better with a Bow and Arrow.....with his eyes closed.


"So, where is the weapons shop at? The stallion who gave us the mission didn't give us any directions."

OCS: flamestreak and blue-diamond
I had a bible verse here before? Geez, things have changed so much. Uhh, Trans Rights

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Ratchets grin wavered a little bit, she wasn't used to dealing with people who were apparently so cold, but she had worked with several of this type before. Ponies who take on a job, have no fun while their at it, they just see it as work, work until they die all for a few caps, where's the fun in that? She stepped aside and walked out of the doors, shielding her face with a hoof as the bright light of the sun shone in her eyes, reaching inside of her saddle bag she pulled out a pair of combat goggles (http://www.hiairsoft.com/images/combat-gear/combat_gear3871.jpg) and slapped them onto her head, immediately the level of light was bearable again. 


Yawning and stretching she then turned around to the pair of stallions and said lazily ''Lead the way lads, Been a while since I have travelled these parts''


Crackshot walked out into the sunlight, squinting from being used to the dark bar.

"You're good," he muttered, his compliment directed to the Dashite, "but if we're not prepared, it won't mean anything."



Quiet slowly moved toward the door, not showing any apparent interest in the mare's performance. He could have done better with a Bow and Arrow.....with his eyes closed.


"So, where is the weapons shop at? The stallion who gave us the mission didn't give us any directions."


"I know somepony," he said, and walked toward one of the train cars. A makeshift sign saying 'Weapons' was hung by the open door, and he stepped in, "Should get us what we need."


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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Hidden away in the mountain range, in the eastern edges of the Wasteland. Their existed a small and isolated community of ponies much different from what you would normally think of when talking about a settlement. For they are not normal, they are Raiders, and the strongest gang in the wasteland today. But two ponies stood out among them as special, the two who led this band of misfits and outcasts in this future they had made for themselves.


Blooddrop: "Another day on this decrepit world we call home. Another day trying to survive. Who am I kidding, survival in this world is all too easy. Right White?"


White Tail: "Well I'm sure when you control the one of most highly defended place in the Wasteland next to the Brotherhood Of Steel, Apple Jack's Rangers and maybe a Stable, you'd think living in that place would make life easy living."


Blooddrop: "Yeah yeah I get your point. No need to be so cynical about it. But you do make a point. Life is easy for us, for those outside of our Boarders things ain't so easy."


White: "Maybe that's because you make it hard on them?"


Blood: "You aren't going soft are you? Well you're mostly made of Metal of I don't think that's a possibility."


White: "Low blow. No I'm not going soft. We have our motivations and reasons for going outside our home and making trouble. Besides, we'd all get bored if we stayed at home every day. Farming, cultivating, building. We'd be a target for anyone to attack us. We're strong, why not show it? Keep those in our home who are not strong safe, let them sleep at night without keeping one eye open. New topic, I got some news over the Radio today. This pip-buck is still good for something. We finally have a bounty set on us. So we know some stupid mercs are going to try and attack us. I'd say they'd be coming from the south west. Junction R-7 and Fetlock way. I'll send out a message to the patrol teams to increase activity around that side of the mountains and same with the Snipers. The rockets will be on high alert for any Sky chariots and Vertibirds. Just in case we get attack by someone with high funding. I told you investing resources into making heat seeking Rocket launchers was not a waste."


Blood: "Fair enough. Either way, we fight on home territory. We know every rock, crack, cave and crevice of these mountains. They have no chance, plus I have me secret weapon. You."


White: "I have managed to keep my existence hidden. Plus I make for a rather convincing mare when I mess around with my vocal settings. I have an Idea. I'll head down to Junction R-7. I can make it in 6 hours if I hurry. It's 1pm now according to my HUD. Just turning night time. I'll try and find out more about this bounty, who set it and how many people are coming for us. If I meet them on the way I could try and ask them about the bounty."


Blood: "Seems like a fair enough plan. Just make sure you don't die. I need someone to do my dirty work for me."


White: "Aww and here I was thinking that you was about to say that you love me. I feel rejected."


Blood: "Yeah yeah, love you to. Now get ready and go before you miss your estimations."


A few minutes later, White tail now wore a full set of clothing, covering up all his Cybernetics, his face and the rest of his body. It mainly consisted of some a regular set of Cage armour, a full head hat and a Gas mask. He also changed the way his voice sounds to that of a mare in her late 30's. With all this done White begin her trip to Junction R-7.

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