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gaming NX May Be Dead on Arrival - Sorry Nintendo


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I really love Nintendo, but they are making it harder and harder to love them when they deliver the Wii, the best dust collector that ever sold, the Wii U that relied on gimmicks instead of focusing on a conventional gaming experience and every time they talk about the NX, I get the feeling we are looking at the Wii U 2.0 based upon what is being said. It's getting harder and harder to remain optimistic about Nintendo's next console venture when they keep saying the stuff they are saying.


It first started with rumors such as how the system wasn't going to be more powerful than the current Xbox One, but now we are getting evidence to suggest those rumors may possibly be true... Zelda: Breath of the Wild will be in 720p30FPS supposedly on the NX according to Nintendo who stated the game will be the exact same on their new platform. This is already a bad sign, when Xbox is pushing HDR and 4k next year, Sony probably doing the same shortly after, Nintendo not even being able to hit 1080p on one of their own in house games (which should be the easiest to optimize since they MADE THE SYSTEM) it's troubling. By next year all the consoles are going to be able to hit 1080p60FPS with every single game no doubt, and some even higher than that.


Now we get this interview with Reggie talking about the NX and he states "it's not about the specs, it's about the content." He goes on to say that "whatever Microsoft and Sony are doing in terms of talking about new systems, that's for them to fight out."


This is more or less direct confirmation at the very least that the NX is not intended to compete with the PS4 and the Xbox One. It's indirect potential confirmation that it won't be as powerful as either of them.


I mean I get what Reggie is saying, but the truth is: without the specs, you're not going to get the content, I thought they may have figured that out with the Wii U.


If this keeps up there is a probability that the NX may be Nintendo's final console because the Wii U has lost them so much revenue and the 3DS is not bringing back that lost rev. The 3DS this entire time has more or less been a bandaid to try and soak up the damage from lost sales on the Wii U. Nintendo is almost down to a fraction in revenue of what they were even 10 years ago. Their reserves are starting to approach the danger zone in terms of consoles. Game console cost a lot to make and when you reach a certain point they are no longer viable investments because they become too risky.


To give you an idea of how they are fairing here is a chart that shows how well Nintendo did with previous systems:




The info is a bit outdated by like 6 months or so, but you get the picture.


If the NX is not a home run, I can't see them staying in the hardware business...

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I agree with you, man. When I got the Wii I was soooooo flippin ecstatic. I was like the Nintendo 64 kid when I opened it up the Christmas is came out. For about 6 months I played on it then gave it up, then picked it up and so on. To me, the Wii had lacklustre games and technology that should have been refined. After a while, my Wii just collected dust, so I gave it to my Grandma so she could use the balance board for yoga(at 91 years old, can you imagine that?)


Then the Wii U came out and I passed on it just because it could barely do 30fps for some games. Glad I passed up on it because the only games worth getting for it are and Mario game with co-op, and Zombie U. Other than that, there was no point to getting it. I watched as I built my own PC and saw sales for Wii U drop and then I hear from gaming YouTube channels that Nintendo lost a boat load of money on the Wii U.


I have no hopes for whatever console they are gonna come

Out with next. I hate to say it, but Nintendo needs to hang up its console making apron, and sell there IP to others. Imagine a Super Smash Bros. type game with every notable character through out gaming, regardless of who owns the IP. I would drop a 100 bucks for that game.

  • Brohoof 2

R.I.P. Lord Bababa and Harmonic Revelations

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I agree with you, man. When I got the Wii I was soooooo flippin ecstatic.


I think we all were, gimmicks were still fresh to us, but we quickly learned that the gimmick... Was just a gimmick.


Like I want the big N to do well, but they just seem to be resisting following trends that have proven successful under the delusion that they can somehow make a new trend.

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Exactly and I don't know if it's the President of the company or what that's dragging Nintendo down. I have no idea what the exact specs are for the NX, but I put in a 150 dollar graphics card and it'll blow an Xbox One out of the water. Also, the NX will not compete against Xbox's version of Schroedingers cat. They say it'll have beefed up hardware and that boot up times will be a second. Xbox could do this, but I think they would lose more money that way, or they could just drop Project Scorpion(or is it Scorpio?), and make a whole new console. Point is, Nintendo can't keep up in the console markets. I think they should stick to hand held a for a while. Or even weirder of they just started making PCs that could blow any competition out of water.

R.I.P. Lord Bababa and Harmonic Revelations

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Nintendo has been on my bad side since the Wii. While the Wii did have some fantastic games, its sheer lack of future endorsing technology, the extremely gimmicky motion controls which was nothing but waggle technology and the terrible treatment of third parties has made me resent Nintendo to a degree and let me tell you, I HATE the fact that I have to resent them at all. The Wii U continued the same trend, it was rather gimmicky, not as much as the Wii. It has horrendous third party support, WORSE than the Wii and now the NX is soon upon us, with arguably the biggest Wii U game being delayed so it can go onto that system too. So us Wii U owners are going to get an inferior version of a game that many of us bought the friggin' system for in the first place, on top of having to wait longer to get it. There is just so much wrong in this picture and I wish Nintendo would surprise me with something wonderful, but nowadays I am only doubtful.


I love my 3DS, but the in terms of the console market, Nintendo is really slipping down a hill. After E3 so many were super excited for Zelda, and I am glad people can have that enthusiasm, but I just can't at this point.



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Nintendo has been on my bad side since the Wii. While the Wii did have some fantastic games, its sheer lack of future endorsing technology, the extremely gimmicky motion controls which was nothing but waggle technology and the terrible treatment of third parties has made me resent Nintendo to a degree and let me tell you, I HATE the fact that I have to resent them at all. The Wii U continued the same trend, it was rather gimmicky, not as much as the Wii. It has horrendous third party support, WORSE than the Wii and now the NX is soon upon us, with arguably the biggest Wii U game being delayed so it can go onto that system too. So us Wii U owners are going to get an inferior version of a game that many of us bought the friggin' system for in the first place, on top of having to wait longer to get it. There is just so much wrong in this picture and I wish Nintendo would surprise me with something wonderful, but nowadays I am only doubtful.


I love my 3DS, but the in terms of the console market, Nintendo is really slipping down a hill. After E3 so many were super excited for Zelda, and I am glad people can have that enthusiasm, but I just can't at this point.


I am a little surprised at how many mixed opinions there are. Usually Nintendo fanboys are so blind to anything Nintendo is doing wrong, but this time around many of them were skeptical about this game. Even my brother in law who eats, breaths and sleeps Zelda didn't seem that into it. Perhaps Nintendo fans are finally hitting that fatigue where they have seen this all before so many times that they just don't care as much anymore.


The 3DS is still solid and great games hit the system, but this could also be because the PS Vita just flat out sucks. Nintendo is more or less unrivaled in the handheld market.

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The first console I ever played was an NES which I shared with my dad and brother and the first I ever owned was an SNES I got for Christmas many years ago. As a longtime Nintendo fan I have to ask Nintendo, what the hell are you guys thinking? Being 1 console generation behind in technology for the last 2 console generations (3 once the NX actually comes out) is really really bad both from a gameplay and business standpoint, Reggie is correct that the content is most important but when you have a console that is so insanely under powered compared to its competitors that third party developers games are too powerful for the system to handle combined with not properly handling first party properties and you have a serious problem.


Most of the early Wii games were complete and utter crap, the amount of shovelware is enough to rival the infamous ET video game dumpster graveyard. There were some good games of course, but the only game I can think of where the experience may have actually been improved with the motion controls was Skyward Sword, I am going to admit that I find being able to swing the wii remote like a sword is cool but even on the Wii games that are actually good this is unnecessary and in some cases even annoying. To be perfectly honest I mostly got the Wii for the Virtual Console. The Wii was a huge commercial success for Nintendo, but it made them cocky and blind to the flaws of that system and a tad tone deaf to their fans. The Wii U had some potential despite not being as powerful as its competitors, but that simply wasn't utilized. There isn't as much shovelware, but there also isn't as much that is worth playing either. 


Nintendo is doing great in the handheld market though part of that is due to Sony making many of the same mistakes Sega did years back with the Gamegear with their Vita. With mobile games becoming more and more popular though that may cut into that, though Nintendo to their credit does recognize that and is trying to break into that market though it too soon to tell whether they will be successful in that. Nintendo's biggest problems though are that it relies way too heavily on its image as the Disney of video game companies by trying to be the family friendly company, relies too heavily on gimmicks and is becoming increasingly tone deaf to its fans. We will see how the NX does, but if Nintendo continues to make the same mistakes than it may need to consider getting out of the console business altogether and becoming a third party publisher.

Edited by Shanks
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but the only game I can think of where the experience may have actually been improved with the motion controls was Skyward Sword,


I feel just the opposite... Swing the controller in this specific way that doesn't register half the time.

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I agree with you, man. When I got the Wii I was soooooo flippin ecstatic. I was like the Nintendo 64 kid when I opened it up the Christmas is came out. For about 6 months I played on it then gave it up, then picked it up and so on. To me, the Wii had lacklustre games and technology that should have been refined. After a while, my Wii just collected dust, so I gave it to my Grandma so she could use the balance board for yoga(at 91 years old, can you imagine that?)



Can relate bro, I remember being excited for the WII, but as the time passed, I realized that the selling point, namely the wiimote, hardly did what it advertised, to start. Second, the GCN was lackluster in sales compared to it's competition, but it had many games that I remember fondly and became cult classics at this age, and I was expecting the same for the WII, but sadly, it didn't delivered. Good games were lacking both in quantity and in quality, the WII was full of shitty games that are hardly better than your average free to play mobile game, and the games that promised to be the next hit for the console, were few and far between, and weren't of the quality we were used from Nintendo. 

And there I was, waiting for the supposed next hit, and with a last bit of hope, expecting the E3 2008.... you can imagine how that went :dash:



Now we get this interview with Reggie talking about the NX and he states "it's not about the specs, it's about the content." He goes on to say that "whatever Microsoft and Sony are doing in terms of talking about new systems, that's for them to fight out."


I mean I get what Reggie is saying, but the truth is: without the specs, you're not going to get the content, I thought they may have figured that out with the Wii U.


I also agree with what Reggie said, problem is, that quote was empty, as lately the home consoles didn't back it up. WII was a dissapointment, and as far as I'm seeing, WIIU is going the same way. By now, no one can't take seriously the NX, as we are now expecting more hot air and empty promises that few are willing to spend money into.


Sure, it's good to standout, but MAKE SURE YOU DELIVER GOOD SHIT FROM IT. I'm all for a new and innovatibe hardware and new forms to play, BUT MAKE SURE YOU HAVE GOOD GAMES TO PLAY WITH. I mean, are you gonna use one of those innovations if it's full of.... basically glorified mobile games? I'm sure as hell not :dash:


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I think Nintendo should work on better online for the NX, and a better launch than the Wii U. 


They also seem to have learned from the GamePad. Aonuma said Zelda: Breath of the Wild won't use the dual screen feature of the GamePad,because he felt it would "disrupt gameplay".

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Hearing about Nintendo's struggle in console sales since the Gamecube (except the Wii), I thought that they should go third-party like Sega did. Would be nice to play a Zelda game on a more successful platform such as a PlayStation or PC, for instance. But then again, more competition is better for us consumers, so it would be better for us and Nintendo if they actually compete with Sony and Microsoft in the console space with the NX and work better with third parties, rather than release consoles with inferior specs and gimmicky features.

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Wow, I didn't realize how bad Nintendo's sales had gotten, and I don't understand why they don't want to bring up their specs and compete with Sony and Microsoft. Now with Microsoft's Scorpio and PS4.5 coming, it doesn't look good for Nintendo.

I'm just nobody at all...

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I wholeheartedly agree. It sucks, and I hate to see them crash and burn, but unless they make some huge changes, they're going to fail.

The biggest way for Nintendo to stay in the console business, I think, is to get back the support of third party developers. And even if Reggie may not think so, they need to compete, at least somewhat, with the other two console makers. So, capable specs, good online, and great third-party support. I want Nintendo to succeed, too, and unless they change their methods, they're going to go the way of Sega. They need to lose the outdated mindset, and start thinking like Sony and Microsoft, because those companies know what they're doing, especially Xbox, with Phil Spencer making the Xbox brand successful again, after what Don Mattrick did.

Nintendo is still stuck in the past, and it's hurting them.

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I'm not sure, but this may be a small glimmer of hope that Nintendo may get back on the right track.


I only hope that what they say comes to fruition, and if they get back the much-needed third-party support, they could have a chance long-term to be a real competitor, despite what Reggie says.

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It would appear that Nintendo is past it's prime. They don't have any clear vision or mission that drives them--- Not any more, which is disappointing to me cause like many of you I had fond memories of Nintendo. If Nintendo doesn't snap out of their funk and quick they will be joining the console hall of fame, all song with Sega and Atari 

  • Brohoof 2
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So, the NX may possibly be somewhat cartridge-based with flash storage.


Now, you may think that it's a bad idea, but apparently they would allow for massive storage sizes, and fast read and write speeds.

It may use 3DS style cartridges.

What do you think of this? Personally, I think this is a good idea, as it would allow for bigger games, and maybe it's also a sign of the NX's power.

CDs are cheaper to make, but these allow for supposedly up to 1TB of storage, and speeds of over 200MB/s 

Blu-ray discs only have up to 50GB at the moment.

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Now, you may think that it's a bad idea, but apparently they would allow for massive storage sizes, and fast read and write speeds.

It may use 3DS style cartridges.

What do you think of this? Personally, I think this is a good idea, as it would allow for bigger games, and maybe it's also a sign of the NX's power.

CDs are cheaper to make, but these allow for supposedly up to 1TB of storage, and speeds of over 200MB/s 

Blu-ray discs only have up to 50GB at the moment.

There's definitely some pros to using carts again, shorter loading times being a big one as well as having better storage capacity now compared to the last time they were used for home consoles(N64, which ended up screwing that console). 


There are some issues such as potentially being more expensive, but I think they can avoid that issue if they make the NX cheap and easy to port/develop for

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@,Exactly. SSDs are a good example of flash storage today, which are great for massive storage sizes, and overall speed. And they're getting cheaper. 

If Nintendo is smart, they would make it appeal more to third-party devs.

  • Brohoof 1
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There's definitely some pros to using carts again, shorter loading times being a big one as well as having better storage capacity now compared to the last time they were used for home consoles(N64, which ended up screwing that console). 


There are some issues such as potentially being more expensive, but I think they can avoid that issue if they make the NX cheap and easy to port/develop for


Problem is when has Nintendo had a history of making their actual software cheap? Virtually never. Nintendo is well known for keeping their first party titles at top price for years after they are no longer even current. Twilight Princess was $60 up until Skyward Sword came out for the most part.

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You know, it's unwise to count the chickens before they hatch.


When companies delay the release of things like this, it's usually a good thing because it makes them better. If you don't believe me, take a look at Sonic 2006 and the Sonic Boom games of 2014. Those could've been good had they been delayed, but they keep rushing them, hence why Sonic has lost my admiration.

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You know, it's unwise to count the chickens before they hatch.

When companies delay the release of things like this, it's usually a good thing because it makes them better. If you don't believe me, take a look at Sonic 2006 and the Sonic Boom games of 2014. Those could've been good had they been delayed, but they keep rushing them, hence why Sonic has lost my admiration.

Problem is that delayed doesn't always mean eventually good, look at Mighty No. 9, or Duke Nukem forever. Generally while surprises can happen, following trends that are known to be unsuccessful doesn't usually best different results.

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You know, it's unwise to count the chickens before they hatch.


When companies delay the release of things like this, it's usually a good thing because it makes them better. If you don't believe me, take a look at Sonic 2006 and the Sonic Boom games of 2014. Those could've been good had they been delayed, but they keep rushing them, hence why Sonic has lost my admiration.



Problem is that delayed doesn't always mean eventually good, look at Mighty No. 9, or Duke Nukem forever. Generally while surprises can happen, following trends that are known to be unsuccessful doesn't usually best different results.

"A bad game is forever bad. A delayed game is eventually good", a quote by Miyamoto that is often cited whenever people get upset over a game getting delayed, but there are always times when this hasn't held true, even for Miyamoto himself. Starfox Zero was delayed numerous times, ever since it was in development for the Wii, and all those couldn't save the game from being a bit of a dud.


Delays usually do help, but it doesn't guarantee that it'll be good, there are too many examples of that being proven wrong(then again, growing up I remembered the quote much differently. Replace "eventually good" with "only temporary")

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You know, it's unwise to count the chickens before they hatch.


When companies delay the release of things like this, it's usually a good thing because it makes them better. If you don't believe me, take a look at Sonic 2006 and the Sonic Boom games of 2014. Those could've been good had they been delayed, but they keep rushing them, hence why Sonic has lost my admiration.

That's not always a fact. Duke Nukem Forever says hi. Besides, they've been making the same mistakes for so long that it's hard to have faith in what they're doing. They either come to the 21th century, or it'l be a matter of time before they're third party


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That's not always a fact. Duke Nukem Forever says hi. Besides, they've been making the same mistakes for so long that it's hard to have faith in what they're doing. They either come to the 21th century, or it'l be a matter of time before they're third party

In my mind, I have less faith in both Sony and Microsoft considering that they're releasing both the Playstation Neo and the X-Box Scorpio, which are just slightly better versions of the PS4 and X-Box just to take advantage of better graphics and VR.  Not to mention, they'll be as expensive as the PS3 when it came out in 2006.


Personally, Nintendo may end up being the only thing between me and going PC Exclusive.  And even then, I'll go with PC only(With a hint of Mobile) because I've been burned out by the actions of Sony and Microsoft on the console scene that I don't need new consoles just to enjoy gaming.


Edit: In fact, rumor has it that there will be 2 Playstation Neo models coming out.  One that's even more powerful than the original model, but will price at $599.  http://www.gamepur.com/feature/23392-sources-ps4-neo-offers-55tf-performance-ridiculously-expensive-possible.html

Edited by SaburoDaimando
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So, the NX may possibly be somewhat cartridge-based with flash storage.



Now, you may think that it's a bad idea, but apparently they would allow for massive storage sizes, and fast read and write speeds.

It may use 3DS style cartridges.

What do you think of this? Personally, I think this is a good idea, as it would allow for bigger games, and maybe it's also a sign of the NX's power.

CDs are cheaper to make, but these allow for supposedly up to 1TB of storage, and speeds of over 200MB/s 

Blu-ray discs only have up to 50GB at the moment.


The article seems quite speculative to me. The reference used is a trademark application for Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild.

"video game cartridges" was listed under the Goods and Services section of the application.


After a little searching (I'm not a lawyer, none of this is legal advice. Take this with a grain of salt.) I found out that the Goods and Services part of the form is where they write what type of good or service they are claiming a trademark on. (For example, Apple Inc. holds their trademark on things like computer products. They couldn't get away with suing someone for using the name Apple and selling something completely different, maybe a particular type of fruit.) :icwudt:


Nintendo's lawyers are probably putting that down in case Nintendo decides to make it cartridge-based, so they can claim a trademark in that aspect. It doesn't mean that Nintendo is seriously considering it. The evidence looks pretty weak to me.




I doubt the article was the main goal of your post, but it's fun for me to analyze things sometimes. :mustache:


Anyway, flash memory is still much more expensive than optical media and would reduce Nintendo's profit margins. And at this point, I'm not sure what would be the point of filling up anything more than 50-100 GB, even for extremely immersive games.

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