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The Down Trotten

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By now, Ice Blizzard had completely lost track of what was going on. A new guy here, more questions there. It was all very...discombobulating to say the least. Luckily, however, he kept his wits about him.


Something was nagging at his head telling him to stay. However, he wasn't exactly sure how well he was received by the group of older ponies and accused of being "young and stupid." It was a bit aggravating to say the least considering there were many other young ponies out there who were smarter than even he was. One he knew personally even...


Regardless, seeing as there wasn't much left there for him to contribute to, Ice stayed behind for some reason. Was it to understand and get a feel for who was around, or just because of his worries? Who knows. All he did was take a seat a bit away from the meeting table at a lone chair at an empty table. There, he simply started reading from his book, keeping his ears open.


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

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@@PonyOfWar, @@Contrast,

@@DwhitetheGamer@@The Down Trotten, (entrence take two)


As cresent flew towards the town occasional glancing at the summons letter he got from Luna he still had so many questions. What magic needed fixing and why him of all ponys to ask for magical assistance?


He was a batpony for luna's sake, the only magic he had was his blood magic being a vamp himself. even then not to many ponys outside his personal circle knew that...but this did have Luna's seal on it. spotting an armored pony talking to two others the batpony carefully landed a bit of ways from the three ponys. The one in armor must have answers, if anything the two could have a conversations about the ponys armor and cresents gauntlet.... 

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The circus? War was more confused then offended, he wondered what type of circus would need a pony dressed in this much armor, a dangerous one he guessed. War chuckled "No, no circus here." He continued to listen to the pony becoming much more interested as he went along. "Perhaps these sounds are related to our mission. It is good that is all they have experienced, seems we can learn and hopefully stop whatever is going on before it has the chance to injure some pony."


War needed to find the other listened members of his unit but didn't want to waste time waiting for others to show up. If none did that was no excuse for leaving the mission incomplete or delaying it until something did happen to some pony. He and Copper would have to be enough. "Would you care to show us were ponies are hearing theses sounds or at the very least point the area out?"


He stopped when a shadow of another flying pony passed by, looking up he noted a Pegasus with a light grey coat and a multi color red and white mane as he came to a hover and landed nearby. Or he thought it was a Pegasus at first until he got a better look at his wings which looked more like a dragons...ah it was a bat pony.


War pulled out the princesses scroll and looked over his unit members again, it indicated the other two were indeed bat ponies. The stallion was called Crescent and he wondered if this was the mentioned bat pony. War had never met a bat pony before and wondered what they were like, he took some guesses that they were probably just like Pegasi with different wings. Probably more nocturnal and he doubted they controlled weather but probably had something similar.


What looked really odd was that the approaching pony didn't seem to have a cutie mark, he hadn't been aware bats didn't get them...or something...he also noted he was wearing a gauntlet and that seemed to be his only armor. Oh these guard ponies.


War turned is attention to the new pony. "Greetings, you wouldn't happen to be Crescent would you?"


@@Contrast, @@DwhitetheGamer, @@The Down Trotten, @@cwhip9

Edited by PonyOfWar
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@@PonyOfWar,@@cwhip9, @@The Down Trotten, @@DwhitetheGamer,


Before she had the chance to leave, Witty spotted the silhouette of another pony flying above the small group that had now gathered. From the brief glance she had, several things stood out on the pony's character, notably the gauntlets around his hooves and his bat shaped wings. Assuming that the gauntlets were a normal piece of armor, and given the other member of the royal guards she had met, Witty could assume that this pony was a member of the night guard. 'In other words,' she thought, 'More of them...'


Clearly, someone in Canterlot was convinced that something magical was going on in Doppleslaunder; at least convinced enough to send three guards, and judging by the list war was checking over, with more on the way.


With her curiosity piqued, Witty reconsidered heading directly home. While War approached the new pony, Crescent apparently, Witty spoke to the old pony and Copper. "Actually, I could show you all the swamp. If I'm heading home, I don't see why I can't make short stop along the way." She waved her hoof in nonchalant manner, "Besides, if the sounds coming from the swamp was just one or two of my lost Para-Sights, I'd feel awful for worrying the town over nothing."


(Para-Sight: That red parasprite that's been following Witty around.)

Edited by Contrast
  • Brohoof 1

"This mead is five silver, but I only have four... Lets roll initiative!"

My OC: Witty Thought

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@@PonyOfWar, @@Contrast, The bat pony nodded seeing War pulling up a list with the royal seal on it as well. "looks like I'm at the right tea party although nightmother didn't say anything about uniforms" he said pulling out his own sealed letter with Luna's mark.  


"but then again  only tried out for the guard couldn't pass but I wouldn't worry about that...." he paused recognizing the armor "sir" he said.


Seeing Wars armor Cresent blinked back his time in the tryouts, he shook his head getting back to the present. "you have me at a disadvantage Mr..." he held up a hoff for a shake. He wasn't sure how many guards he'd run into with this calling he just hopped the vampire thing wouldn't pop up with this one.   

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@@The Down Trotten


Soon enough, Carnelian appeared in the door, smug grin on her face.  "Thank you so much for the invitation," she replied, closing the door behind her before having a seat.


"So, what is it you want to know about me?  How many manors I own?  Net worth?  Favorite color?  Kinks?"

Roleplaying for Eight Years and Counting!


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@@Hazard Time


Rhetoric gave a good natured chortle at the mares comment "No, no that won't be nessicary, however Baroness Clout, I won't lie, as it stands now, you have the opportunity to be our greatest asset. Politically speaking.., among other things of course. Unlike the others however, I have to ask, what exactly do you expect in return." 


And unlike the others he had to play a much more careful game with this particular mare, true she wouldn't rat him out, but she could very easily ruin him."From what I can tell you have aspirations to the Crystal Empire throne, and while I do agree Princess Cadance has no business being there, this is a much more dangerous set of cards you'd be dealing us... more common folk. So in short how can we help each other out."

  • Brohoof 1


EQE Approved: Bow Diddle: & Ben Keys:  Traveling Musicans and part time thieves 

Rhetoric Rash  .. The disgruntled Earth Pony 

Bowie, the knife throwing Diamond Dog https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/bowie-r9066

Ask the rebellious Rhetoric anything here

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@@Contrast, @@The Down Trotten, @@DwhitetheGamer, @@cwhip9,


He listened to the ponies words and looked at the seal on his own letter, while War's letter was sealed with the mark of both princesses this bat pony only had one from Luna. He must be a part of the lunar guard then, a group War had heard about but never seen in action. However War thought a uniform was self explanatory and far more about the protection it offered then authority. The thought process of these ponies continued to boggle him. Well this one did have a gauntlet and that was something.


When crescent continued speaking War's eyes widened in alarm...he didn't pass? So he wasn't even a guard!? War kept his out word composure but on the inside was screaming. Sure War wasn't in the guard but he could see his own qualifications he reminded himself. Crescent said not to worry and if he had been selected then he must have some unseen skill that places him here.


War grunted and when the grey pony extended his hoof gave it a skeptical look for a moment before shaking it. It wasn't that he didn't wish to shake with the pony but that again he felt in was unprofessional, a salute would have been preferable but then again this pony wasn't a solider. "War, I'm the commander of this operation. The blue earth pony behind me is Copper Strikes, a private also assigned to this mission."


He turned from the pony to gesture to the locals with a hoof, "These kind ponies where just telling us information that may aid in the mission." He hadn't heard Gears offer to the other ponies and took noticed she was staying despite the fact she had been leaving a moment ago.

Edited by PonyOfWar
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@@The Down Trotten


Carnelian observed the young revolutionary with interest.  Surely, somepony such as he would be more intelligent than he projected.  For now, she would grant him the respect of a leader.


"I think the answer is simple," the baroness answered.  "I provide you with anonymous funding, logistics, and perhaps even some muscle, and in return, I expect certain favors down the road.  Exactly what those favors might be is anypony's guess, but I am certain that I will most definitely have need of a popular Equestrian figure.  Does that answer your question, or perhaps you would like to elaborate, Mr. Rhetoric?"

Roleplaying for Eight Years and Counting!


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Seeing the expressions on wars face along with hearing his blood react to what he said, cresent had to admit, this was comical. He knew the lunar guard and Celstial gurad have two completely different world but they both fall on the same principles. The armor War had on still gave cresent flash backs to the training and tryouts.


From the body language and well over all reaction he saw from the armored pony also had to have train in order to achieve that armor, any pony caught ith armor and not a vaild story on why they were that weather a merc, hunter, guard or the like. If it wasn't said by the weares actions or words they would not be welcome in most places. The bat pony decided to ask at a better time and nodded towards war then too gears.


"and that's the local then I take it, could be helpful" the batpony said once the shaking was done.

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@@Hazard Time,


Rhetoric sighed  "This of course would more or less give you all the power of this little group." he rubbed his eyes "Which I can't allow, so I will have to refuse most of your offers, until we are on a more equal playing ground. However, I don't want to lose you, yourself. You have way more experience in this area then any of us, and your moral... ambiguity, while I hate to admit it, could be very useful" 


He leaned forward on the table "So in short how can we compromise? Frankly I don't want myself, or this group at your unknown beck and call, but I most certainly want you apart of this... The only thing I can offer that you probably don't already have Baroness, is a voice of the common pony, something someone of your status can never have" 


EQE Approved: Bow Diddle: & Ben Keys:  Traveling Musicans and part time thieves 

Rhetoric Rash  .. The disgruntled Earth Pony 

Bowie, the knife throwing Diamond Dog https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/bowie-r9066

Ask the rebellious Rhetoric anything here

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@@The Down Trotten


The baroness shrugged, examining her hoof.  "I'm sure you'll figure something out.  If leadership is something you wish to have, then by all means, let your plans unfurl.  Keep one thing in mind, however: You need me more than I need you.  I have the bits to fund any venture you wish, but I demand results.  If you'd like to talk more in depth about all of this, I'm sure I could arrange a dinner at one of my manors.  I do not trust the walls here."


Carnelian stood up and approached the door.  "Is there anything else you wish to ask?"

Roleplaying for Eight Years and Counting!


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@@Hazard Time,


"Yes I have one more question." he hoped to catch her before she got out the door "Would you like to come to the next meeting, the less public and more secure one, I'm not inviting anyone to that one, but I'm willing to take the risk to trust you, kind of need to take risj actually but you know that" he chuckled rather confidently for someone with no edge


"If you do want to go to that meeting I have to give you directions"  


EQE Approved: Bow Diddle: & Ben Keys:  Traveling Musicans and part time thieves 

Rhetoric Rash  .. The disgruntled Earth Pony 

Bowie, the knife throwing Diamond Dog https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/bowie-r9066

Ask the rebellious Rhetoric anything here

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@@The Down Trotten


She stops for a moment and considers that, thinking deeply.  "I have a hard time trusting anyone in our current group at the moment.  I have no problem taking actions that some would consider questionable in order to accomplish my goals, can the others, let alone yourself, say the same?  If not, then I'm wasting my time.


"Having said all that, my answer is yes.  It's a date."

Roleplaying for Eight Years and Counting!


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@@Hazard Time,


 "Well in that case Baroness, you'll need the adress of the next meeting. I must admit its rather humble but for someone such as myself its the most private place I can secure. Its the farm at Nightshade Achers, not a half a days trot from the town, it'll look abonded but I'll be there. The plan is to meet around noon. If you got all that your free to go" he was heaved a sigh 


"Oh wait!... I would actually quite like to discuss things with you more personally, so if I may I'l take you up on your offer to meet with you privately at one of your residences" 


EQE Approved: Bow Diddle: & Ben Keys:  Traveling Musicans and part time thieves 

Rhetoric Rash  .. The disgruntled Earth Pony 

Bowie, the knife throwing Diamond Dog https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/bowie-r9066

Ask the rebellious Rhetoric anything here

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@@The Down Trotten


At the acceptance of her invitation, the baroness cracked a smile.


"You will find me at my Rollicking Hills estate, to the northwest of Canterlot, between it and Cloudsdale, nestled in the foothills of the Unicorn Range.  The local peasants should be able to point you in the right direction.  I will be expecting you in two days' time around seven o'clock in the evening."  Carnelian batted her eyelashes.  "And do try and wear something nice.  It's noble custom to dress your best at social occasions, and I have no intention to shirk this particular tradition."


@@J.R. @@BabylonSister @@Unicorncob @


With one final wink, she returned downstairs, having a seat with the others.  "I hope you all had fun, dears."

Roleplaying for Eight Years and Counting!


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