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@@Hazard Time @@BloodDrops


Bronze had a large gash carved from her vest and part of her chest. and she looked like she was in pain. Before Lance could ask if she was alright, or if she knew how to cure a zombie virus, Bronze stomped off in the direction of New Haven. "Wait! Don't you think we should at least try to stop the bleeding?" Lance called after her. He then looked at Blood and said, "If you're infectious, then... uh... looks like we may or may not have another zombie on the team." Lance smiled sheepishly and began to catch up with Bronze. Why am I not mad? I should be angry, I never wanted to be a zombie. Lance realised he was blushing. Was I blushing the whole time I talked to Blood? Gee, I hope not. Thoughts whizzed around Lance's head as he caught up to Bronze. He walked in silence for a minute or two, then said, "I'm surprised. I doubt I would just be able to jump up and waltz off with that much of a cut." Lance motioned towards Bronze's new injury. "Also, does New Haven happen to have a hospital? I, uh... don't get out much." Lance shrugged. "Also, your leg doesn't look that good." Bronze's leg was swelling slightly already. Lance glanced down at his own leg. Hey, the infected part of my leg isn't any worse. I guess those zombie comic books I read weren't accurate on how fast the virus spreads. Lucky me. 

Edited by genessee

You have laid your eyes upon my post. Be afraid. Please. With a cherry on top? I'm dying here...


Oh and here's my OC, I guess: Lance

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Blood nodded at the stick thrower, he was indeed infected. She let out a happy snort, she would have another zombie friend soonish. She trotted after him rubbing her coat against his, she indeed liked this male. She gave his ear a lick then sniffed his injured leg, it had stopped bleeding which was good. She glanced at the city they were going too, hopefully they wouldn't go inside she didn't like being around other ponies, she was a solitary mare after all. She glanced at the other mare and frowned at her, she would have to sort her out as well, since you can't have two lead mares after all


She then growled at Bronze, baring her teeth. A simple warning that she was the leader after all. She then turned her attention back to the lead alpha, she would have to educate him how to be a proper lead alpha after all, the main important part is leading, and communication. She gave him a quick sniff which meant hello.

  • Brohoof 1






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@@BloodDrops @@Hazard Time


When Blood appeared from behind Lance and licked his ear, Lance's cheeks's coloration went from their normal light gray to a scarlet red. Lance smiled to himself and kept limping onwards. Well, Blood seems to tolerate me, which is good. I mean, on the off chance I find an antidote, at least I probably won't get infected again. Lance then realised he had never told his comrades his name. "Uh, I'm Lance. I know this is a bit late, but with the stuff that's been going on I haven't really had a chance to say it." His leg still hurt, but not as badly. He tried walking on it, and his pain receptors didn't react. Is that like a bonus of being a zombie? Not feeling pain? Wait, would I not have feelings? Well, Blood seems to have feelings, so I guess so... New Haven came into view and Lance grinned. From being a wanderer to a zombie in less than a day. I would say that's cool, but I wish I could say 'From being a wanderer to a hero' instead of zombie.

Edited by genessee

You have laid your eyes upon my post. Be afraid. Please. With a cherry on top? I'm dying here...


Oh and here's my OC, I guess: Lance

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I gotta say, I honestly never expected this kind of assistance; I'd always assumed I'd just sucker a couple of folks into keeping the lab forces busy while I made my way to Skinner... but these two didn't just have gumption - they had brains, too.  Between the griffon and the mare, they might actually have a chance at escaping this place in more-or-less one piece.


Dammit, I almost felt bad for bringing 'em to this place.  But that wasn't here OR now - there were bigger fish to fry.


I got my shoulder against the side of the panel and shoved slowly and carefully; didn't need a guard to come by and check out the sound of a secret break-in.  I took slow steps forward, and the hunk of steel slid to the side.  In its' place was a hole in the wall, big enough for an adult pony to climb through but too small for, say, a runner to drive through.  I remembered making the hole originally, but it was a hazy memory - like something I'd done forever ago.


The feeling of deja-vu I was experiencing was a bit... disconcerting.


Still, no time for reminiscing; I heard hoofsteps.  I quickly slid to the side and my silent partner covered me with shadows - it wasn't a perfect cover, but it would make me a little more forgettable.  As I watched, the owner of the hooves came around the corner and into view.


It was a stallion... once upon a time.  Now it looked more like a walking cannon.  There was a pony body, but that's about where it ended - the entire figure was covered, from one end to the other, in a mix of cobbled-together tech and pustule-filled boils.  Where his head had once been was now a glass tank containing a brain, sitting atop what appeared to be a cannibalized Tediore rocket launcher.  The 'muzzle' swiveled slightly side to side as he walked, and when he passed close enough, I could hear a tiny beeping sound; the built-in scope's lock-on feature was tracking for targets.


I watched as he ambled right past me.  I'm fairly certain he didn't see me - even though he had no eyes I could find - and he continued down the hall.  I slunk back out of the darkness and made my way over to the other two.


I had to admit, that stallion barely looked equine... far better shape than I'd thought.  Skinner was either slacking or running out of parts, because the things I recalled didn't look like horses.  Chances are, we'd probably come across the REALLY nasty stuff further in.  For now, they'd at least gotten a taste of things to come.


Turning to the other two, I gave a slight chuckle.  


"Guess that one likes to shoot his mouth off; now you've got an idea of what we're up against."


I waited to see what they had to say... as well as which of 'em wanted to handle this.

  • Brohoof 1

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I gave a nod of approval after Rose gave her two cents, I expected the stallion to give off a response but he was instead by the wall and carefully removing the panel that blocked our entry way. I gave a gesture to Rose for her to follow as I drew my knife and pistol, hugging the wall parallel to the stallion's current position. Before he could make any movements or further gestures the echo of hoofsteps rung nearby, noticeably heavy hoofsteps. The stallion had wrapped himself in his shadowy tendrils, peering off carefully around the corner. Whitetip hadn't the luxury of such an ability, he instead hugged the wall tighter. Curiosity bested him, taking a cautious peek at whomever was patrolling the metallic halls. Normally the rustling of Whitetip's armor would have been more noticeable, luckily the guard was making more noise walking than Whitetip could ever have by simply moving. 


What the mercenary saw didn't surprise him as much as he thought it would have, it didn't make the sight any less horrifying. A pony body covered head to hoof in cybernetic enhancements, what flesh left was a scarred and disgusting mess. Its head now replaced with a think tank occupied by a brain, the tank resting casually on a missile launcher of the tediore variety. Whitetip's stomach had churned even for the briefest moment, not at the cyborg but at the thought there was something worse yet to be seen. The griffon however quickly regained control of his thoughts and began brainstorming of ways to handle this new threat in the most beneficial manner. Unfortunately, Whitetip didn't know much about this new threats anatomy or combat capability/durability. The griffon stopped peaking and began scratching at his helmet as he tried analyzing his new opponent, overhearing the stallion's sentence in the process.


Whitetip had tried thinking of any times in the past he had to face things of a similar caliber to the abomination in front of him. He remembered fighting cyborgs in the past, however they were more flesh than metallic parts. The closest thing the griffon could compare it too was plain old robots or the freaky projects made during the clap-tr4p revolution a while back. It had the body of a pony yet it was mostly metallic, more often than not such a being would be more durable than a standard person. Ignoring the fact such a creation was a hell of a downgrade compared to a well made combat loader it had sluggish movements and Whitetip had no doubt that he had the ability to demolish such a thing into scrap, however he didn't think he could do so quietly. Especially when he put into consideration that the missile launcher head thing was of a tediore variety, well known to explode after running out of ammunition. Whitetip still didn't have the knowledge of its patrol routes nor did he think he had the ability to acquire said information currently, with a sigh he turned to Rose and whispered. "I can take it out easily enough but I don't think I can do so quietly, you got a trick up your sleeve?"

  • Brohoof 1
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Dusk Rose was seized by the old temptation to immediately cast her invisibility spell, then she remembered that she was still in a tight spot behind the largest of their trio, so using it right then and there would've been a waste.  She followed after Whitetip, her horn glowing dimly in the darkness as she prepared to quickly draw out her revolver and knife.  Which she gritted her teeth to prevent from flaring up when she heard approaching hoof steps.  She almost wanted to kick Whitetip in the head and knock him out, his armor was making so much noise!  But thankfully for her, the sound of heavy hoof-steps drowned it out.


Out of the three, she had the worst view of the source of that noise.  Her eyes merely widened for a few seconds at what little she was able to see.  She craned her neck some, but it did no good, seeing as they were still in a tight space AND she didn't want to give their position away.  To her, it was more agonizing than seeing it in its entirety.


But she would know shortly.  For the time being, she just tried to remember what she saw and go from there.  Difficult enough to do since she didn't see much and she couldn't get out and see for herself under the cover of her spell without either the other two getting of the tunnel or spontaneously teleporting.  The latter of course being ridiculous to even consider as she possessed no such ability.




Somehow, she had a feeling Whitetip was in the same department as herself when he turned to her for "a trick up her sleeve".  She whispered,"I could give you a more well-informed answer if I could get a closer look while I'm invisible.  But if we can't just make a break for the door or wherever is relatively hidden, I would suggest shooting the head off if that's bulletproof glass.  I don't think sneaking up and slitting his throat will do the trick."  Then she remembered something her partner had given her much earlier and levitated out the pistol with the corrosive rounds.  "At the very least, I COULD do something about that thing coming out of his mouth.  What even is that?"

  • Brohoof 1


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"If I had to guess... I'd say it was a misguided attempt at trying to make a living sentry weapon.  Or a bad pun."


Skinner LOVED puns - the worse taste, the better.  The other scientists had been behind him 110% when I was still a normal pony - doubtless they'd followed his lead as time passed...


Dammit, why can't I remember how long ago that was!?


At any rate, the sentry reached the end of the hall, turned left, and vanished around a corner.  If he WAS a sentry, he'd be back - but we might have some time to slip around the corner to the abandoned locker room, if we were quick.


We... heh.  Hadn't used THAT word to refer to anything other than myself and my quiet companion in a long while.  It felt... weird... but, not bad.


I decided to try slipping over to the left, making my way down the hallway.  As I looked back to where the other two were, I saw what looked to be a scrawled set of numbers over the very hole I'd come through.  The numbers were written:


500 - 700


There was nothing else written there; it was written in grease pen, and stood out stark black against the faded grey walls.  There was absolutely NO indication of what they might have been for, and otherwise there wasn't the first sign that anything was there at all - that's what worried me.  Last I recall, the hatch had been completely hidden once I'd put the panel up... so what was this?


Tartarus, did it matter?


I shook my head a bit, then turned and looked around the corner.  Luckily, there was nothing there that might have spotted me or sounded any alarm, and I could see the door to the old locker room... except, it wasn't a locker room anymore.  It had a completely different door on it now, and it had a sign in place that said [NATURAL INGREDIENTS].


What the buck..?


Eh, as long as it opened, I didn't care - it'd do nicely for a good hiding place for a bit, as I saw no lights on.  I crept across the hall and tried the door.  Lucky day for me - it was open.  I sighed quietly, thanking my lucky stars, and took a peek inside.


I saw what looked like rows of shelves, and the lights left it looking and feeling like a cannery of some sort.  Well, I spotted no cameras, and there was a pleasant lack of living guards as well.  To top it off, the lights were out, too - the only illumination came from under the door, which suited me just fine.  So far, so good.


I tiphoofed back to the corner and waved the other two in my direction; they could follow if they wanted to - and I was starting to hope they WANTED to follow - but if they struck out for a different part of the complex, I wasn't gonna force my hoof.  After all, as long as we keep heading down, we'll come across what I'm looking for soon enough.


After I motioned 'em towards me, I began to make my way back towards the room I'd found.  Seeing it like I did, it was strange; I could see the old locker room, superimposed over my sight - how long had it been since they'd replaced it?  I didn't see any fresh edges or shiny surfaces... did they age the stuff artificially?


If they were, then the Doc had slipped further off his cracker than even I thought possible.


I slid into the room, holding the door slightly cracked for them... and then I heard the hoofsteps; the guard was coming back.

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Blood blinked "Lance" she repeated. She snorted she liked stick thrower better. "Lance the Stick Thrower" she remarked. She smirked that was his new name. She nudged him "where we going now?" she questioned, she didn't want to go somewhere hostile. "Can We get food there?" she also added.


She then stared again at the other mare, "Can I eat that mare?" she whispered to Lance. 

  • Brohoof 2






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Down the first with a swift and simple swipe to the forehead. The second came in with more aggression, flailing his knife about as he closed the distance. What idiots. The two morons were easily dispatched with placed shots to the face.

"Buncha skag brains!" The brigand grumbled loudly and raised his shotgun admist his magic. 


ECAT Fully charged. It gave radiant warm orange glow. Aww, he was hoping for an acidic touch. 


With the numb skull wasting his entire magazine into the covered canine, Fallskir took the opportunity. Raising his arm and in a swatting gesture summoning his fiery wall of complete incineration- sounds like a good book.   

With the bandit staggering a bit with his entire vision engulfed in flame Fallskir approached with haste along with follow up shots to keep the flames roaring. Jumping atop a concrete barrier he thrust himself forward in a leap bringing his shock baton straight upon his head. But it wasn't a killing blow yet. The unicorn staggered letting out a angry holler.

"Skag lick!" He spoke, rearing his shotgun and hefting it foward horizontally. Fallskir easily ducked, reading his moves like a pamphlet-  because their short... like this bandit's sensibility. And reaction times.


Raising back up he brought about his baton with another blow to the head, properly knocking the equine onto his back.

"Ah.. Ahh no.. Just... bury me with... my things... " He let out a soft cry.


Fallksir smirked. Job well done. Onto the next one.


Energy cell depleted a loaded another. He had plenty of SDU space and ammo. He'll do fine surely. He's got backups. 

Do stick around Darling, I could use the company~

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@@BloodDrops @@Hazard Time


Lance the stick thrower? Really? Well, best not to anger the zombie. Lance looked over at Bronze. He whispered back to Blood, "No, you can't eat teammates. We're going to New Haven, and before you ask, you can't eat anyone there. And I don't know what your diet is, so I don't know if you'd find any food there. And really, I don't know what Bronze is doing, if any thugs see us and think they can take us on, and they have a couple buddies, then we're toast. And if any of Dead Hoof's goons see us, they'll shoot at us on sight, probably." Lance took a breath. "Which wouldn't be good, if you didn't notice."

You have laid your eyes upon my post. Be afraid. Please. With a cherry on top? I'm dying here...


Oh and here's my OC, I guess: Lance

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@@genessee @@BloodDrops


Bronze didn't bother to pay attention to any of the banter going on behind her.  Her head was still ringing, and she had a headache.  Concussions had a tendency to make her wish she had broken a leg instead.


"I never got your names," she said.  "I'w te'w you mine if you te'w me yours."

  • Brohoof 1

Roleplaying for Eight Years and Counting!


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@@Hazard Time,


Blood glared at the mare, she didn't like her talking to the alpha like that. "Your name is Food. Until I decide I like you" she growled, that name suited this mare for her. She glanced at the Alpha though he did say she couldn't be eaten, he didn't say she couldn't be killed somehow. "You can be called. Steel Meal" she snorted glancing at the metal in the mares chest. She snorted she liked that name.




"I eat who i want, when I want. I normally eat whatever I can find, though if you found something that i perhaps liked more then other ponies. Then I might be willing to eat that when its available." she remarked.


Bronze or Steal Meal would be the first pony that died if she brought any trouble. "Why did you start trouble with dead hoof, Bronze? Nopony is stupid enough to mess with dead hoof, he tosses any pony that is silly enough to mess with him outside, minus a hoof." she growled at the mare. She had also lost a popular feeding zone, and zombies hated getting hungry.

  • Brohoof 1






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@@Hazard Time


"My name's Lance. Hey, why are we going to New Haven? Any thug that sees us is going to try to kill us if we're this beat up. And any Dead Hoof followers will murder us on sight." Lance's entire back leg was numb now.




Lance stared at Blood. "I mean, you can try, but if you want to eat a teammate... well, that wouldn't be good." Lance paused and looked towards New Haven. "Also, Dead Hoof is dead, thanks to her." He nodded towards Bronze. "So the only ponies that have a grudge with us are the ones who were allied with Dead Hoof, which is..." Lance's eyes widened as he counted how many thugs could be connected to Dead Hoof. "I don't know, hundreds? Still, if we could take down a small army of a few hundred, each armed, then I think if we get better gear, we'll be set." Lance smiled to himself at his statements. It's very rare for me to say something like that, so that's good. Me saying it, not it being rare for me to say it. 

You have laid your eyes upon my post. Be afraid. Please. With a cherry on top? I'm dying here...


Oh and here's my OC, I guess: Lance

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@@genessee @@BloodDrops


The mare put a hoof to her temple and rubbed.  "I fee'w like I should ki'w you for that, but since arrivin' on Pandora, I've strangely become accustomed to dealing wif psychopavs.  Plus, gunshots right now would just make me 'eadache worse."


"Anyway, I'm Bronze Bulwark.  I've been in this backwa'er for a few weeks now after I got in troub'w on me 'omeworld, Persephone.  Used to be a Bo'w and Stopper there, ti'w I found a lead that incrimina'ed some nob'ws in corruption.  Needless to say, a few ponies wanted to see me Lump mounted in the parlour, so I 'ad to find a way outta there.  Beggars can't be choosers, that 'ole song and dance, and I ended up indebted to Dead 'oof and 'is gang for smugglin' me offworld.


"As for what's left of them, I don't fink we're in any danger.  Their leader's dead, so they're prob'ly fightin' eachover to be the next one.  Don't mean there aren't over bandits out 'ere, so stay vigilant all the same."

Edited by Hazard Time
  • Brohoof 1

Roleplaying for Eight Years and Counting!


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@@Hazard Time @@BloodDrops


"That's the team spirit," Lance muttered as he walked towards New Haven. I have a feeling that this 'team' won't last very long. Oh, my infection. This is a good time to bring that up. "Hey, Bronze? Do you happen to know anything about a zombie infection? Like, how to cure it and stuff?" Fat chance, but whatever. It's worth a shot.

You have laid your eyes upon my post. Be afraid. Please. With a cherry on top? I'm dying here...


Oh and here's my OC, I guess: Lance

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"It's a missile launcher Rose, a very antiquated missile launcher attached to the neck of a robo-pony. If you can take that thing out I'd appreciate it, however if you don't do it quietly we might be facing a lot more than one of these things. Hint, firing your gun even with a silencer is a pretty bad idea right now." The griffon had quickly managed to mouth off to the mare next to him. The robo-pony had eventually walked out of sight, it's hoofsteps were still quite audible however. The stallion had taken the opportunity to make his way further left down the hallway and out of sight. In but a brief moment the stallion peered back into our vision and gave off a signal urging the two to follow him. Whitetip prepared to move but the metallic hoofsteps were now audibly louder then they once were. The griffon hugged his cover and quickly peered out, the cyborg was making his way back near their position. Damn, at least we know the thing has a patrol pattern.


Whitetip stuck his head out and shook his head, hoping the stallion understood what he was trying to signify. Whitetip had sighed and gripped his pistol and knife, turning his head to Rose. "Like I said earlier, if you've got anything to put this thing down quietly I want you to be ready to use it. We can wait for it to pass by again but we don't know if this thing is gonna take a different course of action in the next couple of seconds or so." Whitetip said to Rose as he peeked out once more to get a better position of the cyborg. Whitetip honestly hoped Rose had something up her metaphorical and possibly literal sleeve. The griffon had no problem blasting his way through this facility but he'd would like not having to blow away the main mission plan in just a few seconds due to something silly, especially when they could have done something about it in general. The griffon chuckled a bit, seeing himself make such a fuss over one sentry was amusing in its own way. 

  • Brohoof 1
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By Celestia, it seems like stories about macabre circuses weren't going to faze her after this.


Muttering,"I figured" in response to Whitetip's advice not to use her gun, it was quite clear to her that the only way to get through this quietly was to sneak on by.  When the hoof steps came back, she tried to squeeze a little past her partner, biting her tongue to silence her habitual apologies.  It wasn't a much better view of the cyborg than her earlier position, but it still gave her a little more to go off of.  From what she could tell and the fact that the missile launcher was old, these scientists cobbling together whatever they had very likely meant that their materials weren't high quality.  Not to mention that there was a little less machine to the cyborg than she thought.


If that were case, maybe that glass wasn't bulletproof after all.  But either way, she herself put no confidence in her marksmanship and it became clear to her that any sort of confrontation with the monster was going to mean stealth was out of the overall question on all but her part.


"Look," she whispered, drawing back to where she was previously.  "The quietest thing I think I can do to that thing is a shot to its brain stem assuming I don't miss and that glass isn't bulletproof.  Otherwise, I believe it best that you get moving once it's gone."  She then glanced back and forth at the three weapons she was considering for the potential job of saving the walking arsenal:  the corrosive pistol, the revolver, and the knife.  "Brain or launcher," she asked herself in a very low and soft mutter.

Edited by Light of Night
  • Brohoof 3


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Briefly holding up his ECHO map of the location seemed like a small collection of buildings ahead, perhaps little mining shacks. He noted this with the appearance of tracks along the tunnel before him to the next cavern ahead of him. With his Vladof rifle materializing into his paws he crouched down approaching to the small acove exit peering into the next chamber.


The ceiling spanned a bit larger with a oval shape of this accommodated chamber , perhaps 30+ feet? And just ahead of noted the grouping of bandits, weapons held, paws- hooves (or well a HOOF) or some magical ability. Four of them. One tall DD (Diamond Dog) Bruise with accompanying unicorns. A hatchet buzzaxe wielding stallion standing by as he eyed carefully at the crystalline cluster in a small corner of the molten cave. 


"I could rush in there. But perhaps they'll have a larger populace." He thought to himself. 


Raising his weapon he aimed directly for the axe wielder, who's mask glowed in the sockets with a similar color of the shock crystals. With each thunderous discharge the pony would holler loudly at it as though to command it or such. 


A bit of a thought. Using the noise of the crystals to mask his shot- perhaps.


He waited... counting the seconds. 3, 4, 5- 12, 13- 32. And again the discharge occured. 32 Seconds. 


With his aim ready he wrapped his magazine into the crest between his arm and forearm holding it for further stability. He held his breathe and waited crouched awkwardly by the steel column cover some short yards away though still undetected. 


29, 30, 31, Pop! And with the clapping noise of both discharge of the two the Bandit suddenly collapsed to the ground with a rather unsavory bullet hole.


The others didn't even seem to notice. He slunk forward in his careful crab walk closing the distance to perhaps get another pop shot. Bruiser Boy was his next prey. 

Do stick around Darling, I could use the company~

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What did he mean, NO?  Didn't he realize that he wouldn't exactly be a model of perfect stealth?  Didn't he see that by staying where he was, he'd-...




Of course; he wouldn't be able to budge without Cannon-Head catching the noise - with all that armor the griffon wore, it make enough noise for even the headless sentry to hear.  So, it was a safety measure, was it?  Clever bird.


Still, though... that left the entire ball of wax up to the mare.  She looked capable, yeah - you didn't come to Pandora unless you WERE capable - but she seemed to be hesitating, for some reason.  I kinda took it as her being spooked by the patrol guard, seeing as she seemed to be straining to see it everytime it passed... 


I really hoped she wasn't a paper tiger; I couldn't afford to miss the opportunity to end Skinner's life, and I damn sure didn't have time to babysit AND get vengeance.  Then again, maybe she was plotting - plotting was a good thing - and I'd see the results shortly.


I could feel the thing inside me, writhing and rolling under my skin, BEGGING to be let out to play.  I had to stymie that sensation; if my partner went full-bore, not only would the entire place know we were here, but they'd likely know WHOM was here, as well.  I couldn't let that happen... but I didn't want to let this guard continue to hold us up.


I made a decision: if the griffon did nothing, and if the mare continued to just stand there, I was gonna let my little friend take out the guard... and hopefully NOT scare off my help in the process.


I waited calmly and quietly, already trying to map out the best route to decent cover...

  • Brohoof 1

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Blood Drops blinked at him, it was easy to cure the zombie virus, she licked him again telling him how to cure it. After all she wasn't a full zombie otherwise she would be currently trying to tear chunks out of her 'team'. She snorted at him "you need to lick it silly" she remarked. She blinked again, why didn't ponies clean themselves properly, she didn't understand that.


@@Hazard Time,


"I'm not a phycopath, your a phycopath" she remarked at the strange mare. "I wasn't the one that worked for Dead Hoof, I just ate what he didn't want" she remarked at her. "You ruined that certain arrangement I had anyway, also I think you would have been a nice addition to my stomach. You just better hope you don't come across anymore of his thugs, otherwise you might wish you had given up your hoof" she snorted.


Blood had meanwhile got hungry, she rummaged in her bag and began nibbling on one of the raiders legs, it was a chaired leg. Though it was still edible. just.

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With another shot off the Bruiser staggered, letting out a painful holler. Time to get going. With his Umbrage equipped he rushed ahead. He was slighly downhill of their position with ramped pathwat leading upward to what was the loading point?

No time to speculate with incoming fire. 


He slid into cover just near a stacked couple of crates as the bullets ripped into its hardened plastic sides. Taking a peek he let off his remaining rounds as one of the unicorn brigands charged ahead to close the distance, failing to get into cover. His body engulfed in scorching heat as he dived forward only to crash headfirst into a head sized rock just a couple feet ahead from Fallskir. 

  • Brohoof 1

Do stick around Darling, I could use the company~

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@@BloodDrops @@Hazard Time


Lance grunted as his leg regained circulation. Man, I was kinda looking forward to being a zombie. Though she does pose a point about the eating team thing... "How was I supposed to know that I needed to just LICK it?" Lance exclaimed as the trio reached the entrance of New Haven. "Also, does anyone hear that?" Faint explosions and gunshots were just barely audible over the quiet rustle of the group's hooves kicking the dirt. Jeez, it's rare for one to hear explosions on Pandora. Usually it's just an occasional gunshot. Lance looked over at Blood to see she had produced a leg from her bag. The limb was badly burned and the smell of roast pony entered Lance's nose. "Okay, I'm never going to get over you eating legs. And how did you find time to grab a charred leg, put it in your bag, and then throw me on your back and finally run to the Buzzard without being hit?" 

You have laid your eyes upon my post. Be afraid. Please. With a cherry on top? I'm dying here...


Oh and here's my OC, I guess: Lance

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She glanced at Lance, "I didn't" she remarked blinking, she showed him the gunshot wound on her flank. "I'm eating the pony that was dumb enough to shoot me, next time I won't get shot" she remarked. She nibbled on the leg.  she finished it and put the bone on the floor, she then pulled another leg from her bag. "I got another two legs, you want this one?" she asked. She shoved it in his face. "GO ON TAKE A BITE" she growled, her glare gave no room for any argument.


"Otherwise I might have another pony to eat" she added. 

  • Brohoof 1






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@@BloodDrops @@genessee


Bronze opened her mouth to speak, only for the cannibal to explain.  That was all?  Well, she'd keep that knowledge in mind for later, in case this mare went full-on rabid.


Still, in spite of her other, more rational companion's worries, the flightless pegasus did not seem at all interested in the gunfire or explosions.  In the few weeks that she'd been here, she'd already gone native.


"Almost there," she mumbled.  "Then I can get me 'ead checked out, buy meself a shield, pound some whiskey, and 'opefully get buggered.  I've dealt wif enough today."

Roleplaying for Eight Years and Counting!


List of All My Active OCs



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@@BloodDrops @@Hazard Time


Lance's eyes widened as Blood shoved the leg into his face. She obviously wasn't going to take no for an answer. Okay, that is not only nasty but disturbing on many, many levels. Might as well eat it instead of thinking about what you're eating. Lance tore off a piece on the leg and chewed. The meat tasted as if Lance had vomited, poured gasoline on the puke, lit the gasoline mixture, and then poured fried worms on the mixture and drank it. Lance gagged and forced the meat down his throat. He tried to force his face into a smile, but instead just looked disgusted. Okay, only 98% of leg left to eat. Yum? Lance tried to take another bite, but his body simply refused to swallow. Lance thought desperately for a believable excuse, but finally said, "I, uh, had a big breakfa-- Oolp!" Lance quickly spun around and puked on the dirt outside of New Haven. Lance had some trouble breathing for a few seconds, and when air finally did get into his body, his throat burned with the taste of the leg. Lance tried again to smile, and succeeded this time. "Delicious..." Sweat dribbled down Lance's forehead. That, right there, has to be the grossest thing I have ever done. 

  • Brohoof 1

You have laid your eyes upon my post. Be afraid. Please. With a cherry on top? I'm dying here...


Oh and here's my OC, I guess: Lance

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